Golf Players

End of the week with OTFTF talking Falcons football. EP.201 (5/12/24)

Rookies are at camp and we are back on the podcast talking Atlanta Falcons football. Falcons fans pull up to the podcast and tell us what you think about the 2024 upcoming season. A podcast from Falcons fans for Falcons fans!

#AtlantaFalcons #NFLDRAFT #MichaelPenixJr #RaheemMorris #KirkCousins #GradyJarrett #KylePitts #ZionLogue #CaseyWashington #JaceMcClellan #JDBertrand #CaptainAmericaLookingAssMF #BrandonDorlus #RukeOrhorhoro #BralenTrice

[Music] [Music] it’s time Falcon fans Falcon fans Falcon fans Falcon fans you already know what it is you already know what to do T Wills here one time for the fan episode 201 in the building happy Mother’s Day to all the uh beautiful amazing mothers of the world that’s right happy Mother’s Day happy Mother’s Day Mom happy Mother’s Day to my wife happy Mother’s Day to everybody because hey we need mothers every day so yep jack happy to be here man let’s get to it this is great I can’t even get my message out I show has started chat is lit chat is live we got a lot to talk about tonight got my rise up tour fan club shirt on um we just had an amazing damn near two hour podcast pre-recorded that will be dropping shortly with Thomas Scott from the rise up tour and before we get into that um let’s let’s let’s go somewhere else because we did talk about something the other day uh giving out shout outs and everything and major shout out goes to everybody over there at the rise up tour fan club yes for what they do um because we’ve given flowers to journalists and players and coaches but the flowers do go out to everybody over there um at the rise up tour uh fan club so faka fans in the chat hit that like hit that share hit that subscribe button hope everybody is doing well Terry how you doing sir I’m doing well man have no complaints he uh thank God that I’m here thank God that he woke woke me up thank God that he woke my mama up hey thank God for my family my job this podcast our fans all the mothers in uh our chat all the mothers who are falcon fans and all the Falcon fans in general man just happy to be here and hey man looking forward to getting started so Jack I’m gonna defer to you Apple podcast Spotify podcast Amazon podcast and so much more you can catch one time for the fan uh once again this is episode 201 um changing setups around you probably saw me in a different location last time now I’m in a little I’m in the open area now and that they kick me from the corner to another corner now they just put me in the middle of the room so I guess I’ll just be here uh for uh the coming podcast uh that we have here on one time for the fan but here’s the cool thing I get a perfect view before I had the side angle I was watching the TV from like like this way but now I get a perfect view of my 80 inch tv uh of Braves Mets that’s on right now and I know a lot of Braves fans are upset because you know they’ve taken uh what what was it uh Comcast Xfinity I guess they pulled the channel from from from Rays fans or whatever the the networks uh they have a situation going on with balet sports or something but uh ESPN is showing the bres game right now yep it’s h yeah going for the sweep Terry y yep yep yep no no no you’re right I’m I’m agreeing with you uh Comcast did they couldn’t agree with uh balet Sports in regards to um you know it’s contract negotiation and uh prices typically go up and I guess they couldn’t come to an agreement and so Comcast said you know what we’re not gonna carry the games anymore but there’s a bit of finality because I believe the group that owns balet Sports file for bankruptcy so they they may not be back they may not be back and and baseball will address that but yes the Braves are on ESPN right now and I guess because I have another Network can we say what networks we have on this podcast you say whatever you want we’re not signing nobody I’m with I’m with Spectrum oh you’re somebody Jack uh we’re we’re I’m with uh spectrum and so we we still have them to this point but you know like you said that could change uh but yeah for now the breads are on there and I think it’s tied one to one so you know hopefully we can pull out the suite but uh yeah man let let’s let’s get into some Falcons Jack let’s let’s uh let’s do it you well let’s try to catch up with the chat because the chat is Live Chat is lit tag your Falcons friends tell your Falcons family go ahead and get him in the chat we want to talk Falcons football with everybody you know how we keep it real here on the podcast we don’t bash no players we’re not bashing the team we just want to talk Falcons we want to talk Falcons with the fans want to talk Falcons with the Falcons Community with your auntie with your cousin with your sister if your dog can talk if your dog can talk Falcons bring your dog to the podcast that’s how gets here one time for the fan Terry you also have the monitor set up behind you you’re also checking out the security cameras too as well guest stops by you’ll be able to let us know if any special guest has entered the parking lot we’ll do man we’ll do we’ll we’ll check up on it hey man looks like DeShawn Dro one in there and he might have me on this one he might have me on this feels like something that would be by Public Enemy um it it feels like a song that would be released by Public Enemy which means it’s probably not I have no idea who uh he Sunday I’m going to go with uh EP Eric Surman and what was it EPMD was that the group I’m gonna go with The Far Side The Far Side I’ll go what you got desan give us the answer in the chat you know we’re not over here Googling stuff if we’re giving you wrong answers on a live podcast gota be authentic talking Falcons football with everybody here in the chat Terry it’s going to be a long night of talking Falcons football I’m going let you know right now and a long week of Falcon football podcast going on here at one time for the fan because uh damn that’s a clean ass braid jacket Snicker got it is isn’t it Lord blue I’m sorry Falcon fans but I’m watching the uh Braves game right now and they’re talking to Brian Snicker that is one of the cleanest Braves jacket I’ve ever seen that is clean yes sir it’s not even it’s not even cold out right now and I don’t know why he’s he’s decked is that a hoodie that’s a hoodie that’s you kidding me how cold is it in New York right now that he’s wearing that right now I don’t know uh hey Siri what’s the temp in New York what’s the temperature out there 53 degrees right now 53 degrees I see why they’re so they’re so 53 degrees right now yeah smooth seeson in the chat uh one time for the one time one time for the one time hey Miss Pam she’s in the chat chat is Live Chat is lit tell your Falcons friends tell your falc family we know we’re almost at a th000 subscribers and it started with two subscribers uh me and uh my cat and then then I added my dog then I added my neighbor then I added my other neighbor no I’m just playing uh but it started with just you know a couple Falcon fans that we just chatting up here and now we’re over 800 and something subscribers big shout out to B big shout out to chase dirty F United 2 as well uh car’s in the chat Falcons fam closer one Sunday closer to Falcons football that’s right kry the rookies are at Camp we’re going to talk about that shortly uh I know a lot of Falcon fans saw Michael pennick uh at Camp 2 as well they’re excited about the future and you got to be excited about right now right so we’ll talk about some kurk cousins tonight because you know he is medically cleared to get out there and play some Falcons football right but dpri is gone to La we’ll talk about that too as well but the chat is live the chat is lit um and for those that’s in here from from the rise up tour big shout to everybody from the rise up tour also if you’re planning on going on the road this year uh we have a little special special little little little announcement for you all uh that’s going to be uh great I think for all the fans that’s traveling on the road DS GB Hall’s in the chat he’s dropping emojis around falar Falcon’s in the chat what’s up with the falar Falcon B shout out falar what’s up dsgb Jeff W said at least they are consistent he’s talking about the time frame I know Jeff wolf what’s up Jeff je Jeff L Hawks uh with the first pick in the upcoming draft saw that a I I you know what we gotta get this right man we got to get this right this almost never happens we have to get this pick right we have to we have to it’s it there’s no if ANS or buts about it like got to do it right gota L Hawks with the first pick in the draft uh winning the lottery which I know a lot of hawks fans are here in the chat they want to see the the Hawks select I’m getting ready to say Falcons we talk Falcons so much they want to see the Hawks select a star right I mean they had Trey young who’s here they have Murray who’s here but there’s some other pieces that you got to put around Trey young and Murray to get back to the playoffs right to get back not no not no playing game to get back to that Eastern Conference Finals right to get back to where you were uh at one point in time where you was actually decent enough to know that you’d make it out the first round now people see the Hawks like oh they’re GNA get first rounded right so we want to make sure that um the Hawks do select somebody who’s gonna be able to help the team in a major major way um Terry your thoughts about the Hawks man I know they got the number one pick I mean there’s a guy from France they’re saying is 71 this is the kid that they might be going with I think his name is Theo star or something but 71 this kid is you know there’s a lot of um there’s a lot of big guys coming out into the into the NBA from college this year they got some kid the kid from Connecticut they kid from Purdue right another kid there’s a kid from Gonzaga another one from Northwestern so there’s a couple seven-footers that’s going to be coming out um and this young man from France apparently might be the number one pick uh but Terry good news for not only the Falcons with you know the rookies back at camp and everything and the news of Kurt Cousins but the Hawks get good news about them getting the number one pick it’s good news if they make the right pick you know it’s it’s I look I I hope we really need man this almost we really need to nail this pick and I you know there there’s still some folks who think we should have taken Luca over Trey you know I’m not saying I’m one of them but we desperately need to get this pick right so this seven-footer can he score can he drop threes I would imagine in France you you know they they they typically focus on shooting when you talk about the European league so hey if he can drop threes if if if he can hand handle the rock I’m okay with it um we need somebody who can defend and somebody who can score we definitely need a big but you know he doesn’t need to be in the the the mold of tree Rollins like he needs to be able to shoot and drain some threes that’s just my personal opinion take it look hey I I I do not know basketball so take that for what it’s worth okay but uh yeah man I just want to see my Hawks win some games in the playoffs like Jack said I’m tired of this you know play in one and done and uh I’d like to see man I’d like to see us get to the finals you know what I mean Haw gotta get back to you know those Al Horford years the Joe Johnson time yeah like there was actually you know at least consistent enough to make it to the playoffs where we can hopefully see a little bit of a run have some type of Hope but it’s a about the Hawks tonight yeah I’m still pissed at Vinnie duv aova or whatever his name is I hate that guy because he he injured both Kyle corver and somebody else that was instrumental oh delova yeah yeah I can’t stand him because he he did it intentionally you could you could see that right and we haven’t been the same since so also the Trey young injury I think the referee when he was playing Milwaukee where they had a chance to win the game and go to the EAS I mean go to the finals so uh we could have beat Milwaukee that series too but I do want to see the Hawks get back on track but for the Falcon fans here in the chat um a lot to talk about here so hit that like hit that share hit that subscribe button uh big shout out to all the admins that allow one time for the fan to uh you know podcast in your groups on social media so big shout out to you all anybody wants to be a special guest on the podcast re shout out to you so we can go ahead and set that up um but we just had a two-hour podcast with thas Scott from the rise up tour got my rise up tour shirt on Rise Up tour fan club is in the building so big shout out to all the fan club members um but we’re going to post a video afterwards uh so fans can see uh what we got going on this year with the rise up tour and of course have a lot of questions with the rise of tour fan club and what we do on the road and uh just how we’ve taken off uh on a whole new level so Terry I’m glad you was able to join us for that um it was supposed to be about 30 minutes turned into about two hours but that’s how it is when we talk not only Falcons but we talk with the Falcon fans um or we talk to the Falcon fans about what we have going on uh with the rise up tour fan club Terry what did you think of that because I know fans haven’t seen the interview yet with me and Thomas um but what you think of that as you you know asking the questions and hearing the information that was provided from me and Thomas um I I was really I mean I was Thomas said something and I don’t want to spoiler alert I don’t want to ruin it but he said something that just really connected with me and I’m I’m excited man I’m I’m excited um for the obviously our audience to see it but I’m excited for the rise up tour I’m EXC excited for the growth uh the fact that you guys just happened to meet on this chance encounter and from that was born a movement um it’s just it’s it’s outstanding man so I really enjoyed uh asking you guys questions I I think it I think we had a little bit of fun I think it was fun too some fun sprinkled in there but I definitely enjoyed it it’s a worthwhile cause uh Hey man essentially it’s Falcon fans getting together at away games and enjoying each other and hey man you’re going from fans to family right that’s that’s the whole Crux of it um I think it’s great that as Falcons fans we now have a lane a venue to you know go to a city and we can be together you know what I mean it’s it’s a very lonely experience on the road when you go to a sporting events so to be able to share a meal with your Falcons Brethren and sister to be able to go to the game together to be able to get together at halftime to be able to visit some sites I think it adds a new element to that of travel and I’m going to shut up right now because I’m giving away half the show but I enjoyed it it was great uh it was fun I learned a lot and uh my respect for you and Thomas has grown grown I’m sorry exponentially th those are my thoughts on it what were your thoughts on it Jack um you know me and time talk every day so we always talk about the tour uh the fan club is is something that’s um it’s been on our mind since 2017 2018 man so we’ve been doing this for a while and we’re going to continue to do it and fans are always hitting us up about what to do on the road and XYZ so uh just be prepared for it the end of the podcast today we have a special announcement I know there’s some people that want to sign up um well I talked to Thomas of course and uh we got a little flash sale coming up so I know people want to go ahead and sign up well there’s a flash sale where you can get the membership at a very much discounted price um which I know fans going to be like oh [ __ ] what’s going on now yeah so it’s going down in the major way I’ll pay the differences don’t worry about it and don’t tell Thomas uh falc fans hit that like hit that share hit that subscribe button RL is in the chat Auntie Pam is in the chat uh Eric Parker Falcon fan die is in criman Huntsman is in the chat April Thomas is in the chat uh there he is Thomas Scott’s in the chat I think he heard about it Thomas Thomas in the chat so since he heard about that’s what we going to do uh but for Falcon fans here that want to travel to away games uh we got a lot that’s going on this season and we definitely want you to be a part of it deshan said it’s Cypress Hill he got me with that one man we was in the era though we said EPMD we said Public Enemy so we was in that range though we didn’t go far back to like you know the 70s and so on but Cypress Sugar Hill game yeah no he he I look I I he got me hey Deshawn this round goes to you brother this round goes to you well done well done Jeff wolf is in the chat K’s in in the chat deswell is in the chat oh our special guest from last week Lisa Shepard Lisa Sheard hey Miss Lisa the chat too as well yeah I think I saw Miss Pam as well hey Miss Pam hey Lisa Miss Pam said what happened to Raley what happened with Austin Riley he just get injured some news just bro about Aus that exited the game vers the Mets with a precaution with left side tightness um I’m back and forth watching the podcast iname see usually that usually means an oblique which is good because if you know anything about obliques they it’s at least a month if not six weeks when they say left side they didn’t say his leg they said left side that’s typically on a swing and that and that oblique and that’s yeah that that’s gonna take a minute well let’s just make sure he’s good to go for uh of course you know the playoff run which I’m sure the bra will be going on this year too as well and a lot of brav fans are expecting him to win the World Series this year again because I mean the the team is stacked the roster is stacked I think Chris SES pitching his ass off right now um and of course we got another uh couple pictures that’s uh doing a very good job too as well but the BR is still looking like the best team in baseball die hardl Landa Falcon fan Lorenzo Leon is in the chat big shout out to Lorenzo Lorenzo what’s up what’s up Lorenzo what’s up Carrie Falcon fans are lit they are in the chat it is going down uh Eric Parker said Hawks about to draft a quarterback get those Lakers fans out the cat that is the most Eric Parker Laker fans out of here Bo you know what that’s my brother man go to a Celtics chat go pick on somebody your own size uh April Thomas is here in the chat uh he could do it all he could do it all Atlanta Falcons pandemic what’s good one time what’s up Atlanta Falcons pandemic oh my God took it back with true Rollins sheesh I did take I did you’re right I did I did I went way back I Danny Roundfield you’re right it is live it is lit hit the like hit the share hit the Subscribe button uh tell your Falcons friend tag your Falcons family uh Joseph Avery on the chat hey fellas how are y’all my wife and I uh my wife and I think the Falcons did very well in fre agency and the draft we give us an A on both sides of the ball I think we’re going to be really good this season go Falcons Terry quick hot take on what uh uh Joseph Avery speaking on yeah I mean you know I I think they hey man we needed a quarterback we went out and got two we we had some we needed to address the defensive line we addressed that in Spades no pun intended she um which by the way you dropped a Spades reference Jack um I’m not ignoring the crowd my laptop is getting ready to die so I need to find the plug here it is you dropped a Spades reference and in the previous uh podcast oh big hit oh oh did he did he score oh did we get one yep yeah did yeah he did yeah he did um you dropped the spad reference so I got a question for you this is Georgia as you know and so we tend to remix rules so my question is when you play spades do well do you play spades well your name is Jack you of course you play SP yeah play do you do you play with Deuces Wild do you play ace high or do you just play with both Jokers no Deuces Wild which which what’s what’s what’s going on at uh at at at the Jack Spade house like when you play spades what’s we play Joker Joker dece Deuce okay play Joker Joker big Joker little Joker uh what was that Ace Diamond uh two diamonds two space yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay that’s and that’s how we normally play and I play spades I want to go back and say this so Falcon fans know I played Spades when I have a good Spades partner I just don’t play spades I have a good Spades partner I just don’t sit down at the table and waste that 30 45 minutes of time when I have somebody over there on the other side that doesn’t know what he’s doing when it comes to book counting doesn’t know when it comes to uh sandbagging doesn’t know when it comes to trapping players of course in certain holes you gotta know how to play spad you gota know how to trap players and it’s it’s it’s it’s crazy because I love Spades man you know Domino’s too as well but when you have a good Spades partner yes but Joker joer de D here I hear that I hear that no in regards to this I think the Falcons did well you know they addressed I would say with the exception of the secondary they addressed all of their major needs they addressed the defensive line in a major way we drafted a receiver we drafted a running back we drafted another linebacker uh we definitely drafted a quarterback for the future so when I think about it yeah I I would agree with that I I would think they would get an A on both sides what say you jack what are your thoughts regarding that Falcons did a good job this offseason just like they did last year bringing in Jesse Bates and so on Kaden Ellis and of course you know they try to do the best with the coaching staff of you know uh reshaping the coaching staff which I think you know some of the coaches that stick man come on Braes what are you doing I keep watch I’m looking at the podcast maybe I have to go back to the other way my uh my format was set up because I’m looking at the bra G I’m looking at this and it’s kind of it’s kind of distracting but then again it’s the brace um but they did a good job of bringing in the players that they need need to uh fill the right gaps this year um from from outside media and of course fans who like the hate on the team saying uh you need to go get this guy go get this guy make sure you get a wide receiver make sure you get an egg rusher make sure you get a quarterback well we did right and I think Joseph Avery and for his wife and for other fans here in the chat you have to feel good about the Falcons off season so far I think the big shocker of it all is Michael penck which we’ll talk about here in a couple minutes but otherwise than that um I think they had a good offseason I have nothing wrong with what the Braves did then again once again we don’t work for the team uh this podcast is not in partnership with the Falcons so we’re it’s us it’s one time for the fan it’s from the fan for the fan so we’re just telling you how we feel from the fan perspective uh they did a good job they did a good job this offseason and they still have some money to play with too as well I’m sure they’re going to do some restructures right and they’re not going to go into next year broke right right they’re not gonna go into the year after broke I mean even the Kurt Cousins situation may scare a couple F fans but they’re not broke right now right they got Kurt at market value for what it was and he probably put on a bag of chips on top of it but that’s how most quarterbacks are I mean you got to pay for you know Elite processor but big shout out to all the fans here in the chat too as well Pam Johnson said did I miss an information meeting no nothing with the rise up tour uh we just put out a podcast so that way fans can just know more about the tour um the fan club is really growing right now um and we got a lot of people knocking on the door right now trying to get in the fan club so of course with the memberships and everything we just want to uh put some things out why you gonna swing at that why would you swing at that we got some uh I’m a fan y’all I’m sorry so it’s like you don’t want to see me at the game sometimes because it’s like okay Jack Jack we’re trying to we’re have we’re talking Falcons here man watch Look Away Jack Look Away look I’m going to next podcast I’m turning the the turning the table back the other way I don’t know if I can do this with the Braves on um but of course Falcon fans uh once again the rise up tour fan club is taking off in a whole new Direction uh Lorenzo said Riley going to be all right same thing happened to our keter Shawn Murphy go Braves Anthony Se Murphy Shawn Murphy’s still out Jack so oblique is you know like you say I I think he’ll definitely be back at some time this uh season but they can be very lengthy so we’re in what this is today’s May the 12th mhm ceson started March the 29th or whatever and Shawn Murphy’s still out and and again there are to the gentleman who said that there are varying degrees of um those side injuries and oblique injuries so if it’s a light oblique injury you know he might be back within three weeks but if if it’s if he really did it theom Lorenzo is a Die Hard Falcon fan and he’s a Die Hard Braves fan as well so when you Terry with your Falcon and Braves podcast Lorenzo you should go check out T will FAL and Braves podcast we’d love to have you over there man when I when I get started I’m I’m definitely gonna uh look forward to uh Interac fans in the chat hit that like share and subscribe button Anthony White said just like an Atlanta team Hawks get the number one pick in a year when there is no generational talent in the draft well the Hawks got to make somebody good man yeah somebody coming out in this draft right here is gonna win the NBA championship yeah somebody win gotta do it gotta do it I just I just hope we get the right pick man I hope we get the right pick a Thomas in the is nice that’s the star or SAR I believe his name is um it’s gonna be crazy man the Hawks land the right pick I can’t even imagine I mean you have the Bulldogs that’s going to be on amount of success going forward uh Kirby Smart’s going to be here for a while then you have uh of course the Braves probably damn near the best team in baseball there’s nobody at the Mets game to well um that’s how you know team is that’s how you know your team is M but the Braves you know probably getting ready to win Another World Series here if not this year in the next couple years because they have the best roster in baseball uh the Hawks getting the number one pick now the Falcons with this with Kurt Cousins and Michael penck and you know Raheem Morris and every the city’s just gearing up even they might even get hockey soon right and if they get hockey that’s gonna be crazy hell they might even have a pickle ball tournament coming up here in the matter of weeks you never even know Atlanta’s getting ready to go crazy might even have pickle ball team out here you ever play pickle ball I have not nor have I watched it but I’ve heard I’ve watched it I’ve watched it I’ve never I’ve never played it but it’s you know it’s interesting Loren was in ch I live do the trip to Brazil place I’ve always wanted to visit man let some Lorenzo it’s a beautiful place um definitely if you get a chance to go visit go visit um and of course anytime you get a chance to travel travel right it don’t even have to be South America right if you want to travel to Europe if you want to travel to Africa if you want to travel to Australia if you want to travel to Canada well I don’t know Drake’s out there I wouldn’t care um that’s a shot from Kendrick okay but even if you traveling in the cities and the States you taking your family or you’re going to meet up with your friends man just travel right enjoy it I know Falcon fans in the chat or they’re looking for that schedule release this Wednesday because they want to travel to go see what the Falcons play the Raiders in Vegas everybody’s talking about Vegas Vegas Vegas people are prepared to travel right so even for the Saints they they’re talking about going to Vegas more than they’re talking about going to New Orleans which you know we hate the ANS right but them but then again Falcon fans love going to New Orleans like it’s a good experience um but Falcon fans are in the chat they’re live and they’re lit let’s go straight to some Falcons football because the chat is so live we ain’t gonna catch up to everybody but we’re g to try to Terry yes sir my boy Raheem standing on business man yes he is falc fans in the chat hit that like share and subscribe button don’t you ask him about certain players because he’s not gonna tell you darn it so of course you know rookie mini camp is underway but before rookie mini camp started Terry was not Terry Raheem was speaking to the media um and of course Raheem doing what he does best um he’s a people’s coach he’s a media’s coach right um and he lights up the room every time he speaks right and of course for most journalists they’re going to ask questions that they want to know I don’t know if it’s you know sometimes to try to get some inside information from Raheem and Terry right or if it’s just them just doing their job but a journalist ask I don’t know which one it is and big shout out to the journalist but the journalist asked uh Raheem about uh some information on some of the rookies before they went out there to rookie mini camp and Raheem had answered that he wasn’t going to give that answer because he didn’t want to give away any information to another team standing on before he sees the rookie absolutely which which makes sense which I heard on some other teams media day um or rookie mini camp media day they were giving away a bunch of information on [Music] players if Raheem wants to see these guys perform at their best out there on the field during practice he doesn’t need to go to the media and speak about oh come on that’s a bad hit come on come on don’t let him get the second now gota close it in there but he don’t have to see you don’t have to talk about you know what this player can do to the media you guys don’t need to know that just know that he’s here at flowy Branch for a reason and the Falcons see any value in the kid the Falcon see any any you know accountability and leadership in this guy going forward that can fit the franchise they’re going to keep him a falcon they’re going to make him a falcon but they don’t want to release any information about any player to any other team because I’m sure there’s a lot of other teams watching the Falcons right now Terry and of course we did sign two other players too we’ll talk about that we did I’m sure other teams are watching the Falcons they’re saying man we can’t wait for somebody to get released or cut over there we gonna sign them CH your thoughts on Raheem standing on benis he’s been doing it all season talking about outrun the South and the energy and communication and other things I hear what he’s saying to the media that he ain’t even talk about No rookie to nobody none of the Ops he ain’t going to talk about that to the Ops what you think about that I think ra rahee is very wise I think Raheem is uh you know coached back in 2011 which was GE 15 years ago or I think he started in 2009 okay anyway uh but I think he learned from his time there I think he’s learned as an uh defensive coordinator as a passing game coordinator I think under certain organizations he’s learned he’s learned the dos and don’ts you know he’s seen people steal information what’s interesting is that the Falcons interviewed belich first and supposedly rumor has it that belich was going to cut off access to a certain amount of Falcon Personnel to certain rooms in the building right now I thought this was interesting because I’m like why is he doing that well obviously he’s doing that because he knows that information is probably stolen or borrowed and shared with other organizations that is a very real thing in that industry so Raheem was 100% right not to talk about I’m not gonna do you organizations a favor oh this rookie that we have no place for on our team is great he’s awesome I wish we had a place for him please come take him off our practice squad no I think Rahim is absolutely right so I think it was wise I agree with him I just I hate the reporter brought it up you know because if she said the rookies name then it’s kind of out there you know what I mean so yeah but no I have no issue with what he did falc F hit that like hit that share hit that subscribe button I’m sure you guys have questions about the rookies I’m sure you guys have questions about the draft I’m sure you guys have questions about the upcoming season so I had to reach out to a good friend of mine Terry and my good friend hit me back and said oh Wednesday no problem I got enough time in the world uh miles Garrett from Fox 5 is gonna be joining us on Wednesday love it love it love it you know our boy miles miles gets the job done man he’s miles the goat he does Jack I think he’s now one up on uh Scott kissk so we’re gonna have to get Scott carisk back to the podcast too as well but miles Garrett um probably has been on the podcast as a special guest more than anybody uh probably more than probably more than than than bod um hey B that wasn’t me that was in his allseason he’s chilling he’s probably watching was me hey when you replay this that was Jack that was not me okay ah miles Garett from Fox Five will be joining you so all the questions that you have about the draft about Michael penics about everything miles will be here to talk uh Falcon’s with us right so everybody it’s hey Jack man please tell me about this wide receiver core tell me about this secondary tell me about something miles G will be here to talk about it on Wednesday and he was there at Camp right there he is look he’s doing his job that’s miles right big shout out to Miles too as well man miles miles the goat um but yeah for Falcon fans in the chat show up Wednesday uh don’t know the time is yet miles is going to hit me back because he has a busy schedule schedule release is happening right so he has a busy schedule on Wednesday um but he’s going to be here I think it’s going to be a little bit after like four or five maybe or maybe we might even do a a lunch special last time we had miles on here was like three o’clock in the afternoon right so popup show on Wednesday and then we have another Wednesday podcast uh at our schedule time 8 o’clock uh with the rise up tour fan club because fans are going to be talking about booking trips and going on the road I’m going to Vegas I’m going here I’m going there well guess what you want to be a part of a fan club you want to be part of a group that represent present Terry as you know in a major way and the things that we do is something special so falc fans hit that like share and subscribe button Mattel’s in the chat big shout to Matel you said offense top five defense top 10 okay okay that’s what we got here Pamela Johnson said I could never play again my husband and his cousin they would always run the table hey Spades ain’t no joke now especially when that alcohol get flowing now telling you telling you Jeff wolf said I can’t wait uh cannot wait to see penic throw down one at Camp She me too me too Jeff me too agreed agreed falca fans gonna be showing up the training camp too it’s gonna be it’s gonna be lit uh Mato said schedule release May 15th that is right Matel this Wednesday the schedule release and there’s going to be some leaks coming out before the schedule release so I advise everybody here in the chat please look at your confirmations of these leak right don’t believe a guy who just started his page two days ago right and then you’re like oh look this guy he’s on Twitter he has a blue check mark he started his page on Saturday bro like he’s just trying to get a [ __ ] ton of likes views he’s probably gonna sell you something about Tyrus in a matter of weeks like don’t believe that type of stuff Adam shefner Ian raport all the big names who cover Jeremy F all the big names who cover the NFL schedule release they’ll post it Amazon will post it I think it went as far as last year or the year before uh Amazon Prime was posting the games that they had for their Prime Time the morning of the schedule release right so fans will go into Amazon like oh [ __ ] well it shows the Jets versus the Jags right here on Amazon Prime so there’s ways that you can confirm uh where each team is playing but I would rather you look for the uh verified journalist or report from ESPN or NFL about the confirmation I’d hate for you all to go spend a bunch of money trying to book your flights to Vegas week one when Vegas is really week seven I would be so pissed that would be it sucks it sucks I would be upset about that F fans hit that like hit that share and hit that subscribe button Smitty is in the chat Smitty Sports Machin Smitty what’s up man how goes it sir big shout out to Smitty in the chat he said SAR or but Trey young rumors about to start heating up shees I hear that I hear that shees hey man Smitty saying it is almost like Bert odam saying it I mean you know they’re on the same show so you know maybe that’s they do speak the truth I’m must SEC uh big shout out to all the Falcon fans in the chat Pamela Johnson said can’t wait to go to Germany when the Falcons go uh my bucket list is Greece so um big shout out to uh all the f FC fans here in the chat once again that’s going to be traveling this season or in the future because the Falcons do play in Germany somewhat in the future you can clearly see that’s going to happen because we have the international uh marketing rights for Germany right and they did it for London back in like what 2011 or 12 and then we went I think the year or two after we went to go play the Lions right so now Germany probably going to be on the schedule who knows if it’s next year the year after the year after that but it’s probably going to happen right so uh just be prepared for that and you know we’re going to be out there having a good time too as well Ben Wade Markham says so cool if all te teams win let’s go Braves Hawks Falcons United can’t forget about United I mean they had a disappointing loss yesterday but um United gota Get It On Track uh Pam Johnson said don’t be late to his press conference he will call you out joking sheesh Raheem is serious now he stands on business he stands on business for real chat is Live Chat is lit Mato said people mad at us for drafting mpj yet forget the eagle season was saved by fos having the most NFL rated quarterback doesn’t sound bad when uh 66 quarterbacks played last season that is a very very very very very valid point as a matter of fact I hear that man uh a matter of fact he not only saved their season he won the Super Bowl that year a little bit more than like he he won the Super Bowl so I would agree with that and that’s a very good point you know let’s say something does happen to cousins at least we have a solid backup um to the extent that something does happen so I I think that’s a very Salient Point um you know it’s hey it’s the most important position on the field and ladies and gentlemen we have two of them we have two very good quarterbacks so be proud you know don’t don’t don’t be ashamed be happy about it and again kill the narrative kill the narrative tune out the outside noise this is a good thing I would agree I would agree falc fans hear the Falcons made a move didn’t they sign uh two players here the Falcons uh did make a move uh this week let me go ahead and pull that up on my boy Bradley Anan oh how you pronounce his name Anan an an I believe it’s I believe it’s Ane It’s Bradley an okay well we was gonna call him sirb we’ll call him sir B his name all day um f f hit that like share subscribe button I want to pull this up of uh before we get to the the two players I try to pull up of Michael penck I know fans here in the chat they want to see some video yo Jack show that Michael penic Ball man you see that spiral you see that spiral on that boy hey I’mma pull it up for you here here it goes big shout out to the chat too as well man love to see the chat live and lit because you know we’re getting close to the Falcon season there it is penic z that look like my pass when I threw that 80 oh yeah I was on the run though same same type spiral yeah I was on the Run we pull y can see in 25 degree weather while it was snowing Barefoot fans in the chat hit that like hit that subscribe what you think about Michael Panic throw one you like it two you don’t like it what Terry what you think hey man it’s a tight spiral I mean I look that that dude has talent that that arm has velocity and accuracy and uh it’s rare that you get such a combination you know usually you you’re ve you have a lot of velocity but you don’t know where it’s going or you know where it’s going but you know you kind of lack a little in the velocity capacity but uh looks like Mr pennix has the best of both worlds so a rare unicorn in that he has an arm he can throw make every throw he can sling it um and he’s accurate so you know for fans in the chat that haven’t been to training camp uh this where you’ll be at you’ll be right here um right behind this tent right over here so put Infamous Hill is that the infam that’s the infamous Hill but it’s uh it’s worse than that it’s actually going down on this side um hold on I can get a better picture H hold on excuse me hold on a second here hold on why did I pulling up I’ll get in just a second okay technical difficulties ladies and gentlemen technical diffic yes the infamous Hill I will pull up in just a second um let me see here it’s not allowing me to back out this video oh wait here we go yes all right I got it up I got it up now um here it is Terry you see it not as of yet sir I do not see it is it not up on the channel come on F it is not up on the channel sir I regret to okay is it something’s coming there we go uh I don’t know I here we go so you’ll see the hill on the video right here so for Falcon fans that haven’t been in training camp uh the hill is bad uh so I definitely wouldn’t want to be on the bottom of that Hill if you’re running up uh to go get food or go get drinks after you know it rains the night before um some fans are wearing flipflops some fans are wearing shoes I seen some fans wearing cleats out there Terry um I’m thinking about doing that Jack I’m I’m thinking about doing that uh wearing cleats out there I really am not not necessarily the screw in type but uh just you know just for extra footing because if I if I first off if I decide to take that hill and I fall my brother will never let me hear the end of it my brother would probably come on this podcast just to talk about me falling up or down that Hill like it would happen and it would never go away it would never go away and I just don’t want to give him that kind of ammo so for that and a Litany of other reasons yeah I think I’m going to just wear the the cleats when we we do go out there just to make sure my footing is sound you know but again I’m rocking the 265 I’m not like you see what he said you see that you see that yeah yeah he would do it he knows he would do it he would absolutely do it there’d be a meme on my Facebook the minute after I fell he probably would video it and then send it you know love you bro [ __ ] but uh yeah no I’m I’m I’m wearing cleats man I’m all about that cleat life when we go out there definitely other Falcons news and updates for you all bud dpri sign with the Char all wanted him I know a lot of you all wanted him back with the Falcons this year um he will not be back with the Falcons but Dupri is going to be signing with the Los Angeles Chargers well guess what the Los Angeles Chargers also play the Atlanta Falcons this year a’t that something the Revenge Bowl just keeps on going round and round it’s the gift that keeps on giving a small Revenge bow I mean I know he’s from Georgia you know but he’s going to the Chargers I mean I guess you can add Jim Harbaugh fans wanted him to be the head coach too as well uh when the Falcons had that interview so I wouldn’t small Revenge Bowl for the Falcons Chargers game do I see that a Prime Time game probably not uh but yes Bud Dupri would be heading uh to the Chargers which the Falcons then did sign uh Bradley and n and I had to go P this information where is it I literally just had it Terry thoughts on the Falcons uh hold on a second I don’t know what’s going on like stream is giving me technical difficulties it’s telling me that the stream is not connecting right now at the top of the screen it keep saying that it’s interfering that there’s interference in the connection some [ __ ] I don’t know well um kru shank seems like a special teams player I don’t want to do that here we go I’m sorry the Falcons did assigned two players this week uh defensive lineman Bradley and I and uh danne krushik um after the trials they had this week um of course with bud dpri not coming back and the Falcons you know giving the number up to to Trice um I kind of figured well bud DPR is not going to come back and and and get his number changed after a one-year deal so he’s gonna go over to to the to the Chargers uh for that two-year dud that they gave him uh plus the money did seem like it was out of what the Falcons were probably going to pay him as well uh but they did sign Bradley and they signed danne those that know Bradley know that he does have uh some experience here in the NFL well both players have experience in the NFL but people remember Bradley I think a little bit more than DNE um and some would say that Bradley may make the roster too as well as they have another pass rusher which the pass rusher that defensive line is looking crazy right now so somebody ain’t making it no that yeah that’s a fact sir that is as the Young Folks say facts that’s somebody’s not gonna make it it I mean it’s almost looking like Survivor up around there man like they got so much talent I don’t know I can tell you right now um looking at the roster matter of fact my boy Scott kisic man he does a good job when it comes to updating the roster with the unofficial depth chart so of course he’s already updated uh that move already where your boy at where your boy at come on Scott dig you updated Scott Scott you didn’t update it dig you nope he did not update it yet I’m g go ahead and text him right now and be like what are you doing you’re behind the ball supposed to be updating it um but yes the Falcons updating that roster with uh Bradley and I and Dane chrisnik um now you have LEL London who else you have um close to street kavus street taquon Graham ruk Aurora Zack Harrison David amata grd Jared Brandon dorles James Smith Williams Zion low um DeMont Harris which I don’t know make the roster as well Eddie Goldman is in there too as well um they’re stacked on that D line right now you’re talking about not enough pass rushers not enough defensive lineman well the Falcons have that Terry Cuts will be made you can see yeah that uh oh without a doubt that’s a legit offensive line defensive line man that is a legit defensive line you have a you have a combination of some beef and some speed and some in between you know like you you gotta you gotta you hey you in recent memory Eric uh it looks like this is one of our best defensive lines ever what is he laughing at anyway he’s laughing Eric is laughing at the hill he’s laughing at the Hillis she’s over here anyway I’m trying to look up uh a nice do not wear flip flops no you ain’t gotta worry about that don’t wear flip flops on the hill not with me but Eric Parker definitely shows up wearing flipflops I’m wearing I’m wearing bro you see now it’s showing like streamyard like turn connection streamyard what are you do we may not have the greatest connection tonight is Scream y doing something to the connection but guess what we still GNA continue because Falcon fans talk Falcons football let’s get to it josephy we are in good hands at the quarterback position for the foreseeable future yes yeah I would say so uh we some good pair of tennis shoes I will be sitting next to Larry and Shonda the Dixon way well big shout out to the Dixon way I know they’re GNA be out there broadcasting that training camp see we got here Lanta Falcons fandemic golf shoes would be better T will you know what you may be on to something you may be on to something there I just don’t want to slip man I just don’t want to slip in front of I don’t know 5,000 of my closest friends and uh you know It’s a Long Hill to SL on YouTube be on YouTube for the wrong reason world star big it’s gonna be a bad fall and a and a long slide I can tell you that because that heill is no joke but Terry I think you’re back now the connection seemed to be messing up a couple seconds ago where when I was talking you were kind of getting interfered with with the static or the interference and then now when you were talking it was messing me up but I think you’re back now are we good good to be back we’re good so streamyard tried to mess us up screamy trying to the op is trying to mess us up the Ops man you know what it was you know what it was we started talking about him with Raheem and they decided to show us who was boss but we got something for them because we’re going to keep on going Ops you’re not going to stop us like the Falcons in 2024 you’re not gonna stop us definitely will not stop us here on one time for the fan as we were here talking Falcons football um sorry for the interference for those that were watching a couple minutes ago if anything was uh messing up on anybody’s end on my end it kept showing that it was buffering and streamyard was having some connection interference which they they’ve had some problems with Facebook recently when you scream to Facebook but uh we won’t be on streamyard I don’t think much longer here we gotta start picking up the Steam and start finding something different um but for those in the chat yes the Falcons did sign two players uh Bradley and I is one of them um no Duke rally comparison don’t be don’t be worried Falcon fans ah don’t be worried fans saw him was like is that Duke did Duke change his name oh man he’s been the league for a while too as well Falcon fan so you have a guy who’s coming over here now um which I wouldn’t say he’s just familiar with the scheme and so forth but he’s going to try to do his best uh to make this roster Wicks Falcon fans see him as a camp body uh they don’t see him as somebody who can possibly make the roster but after triy outs with some of the roster space that we have left before Camp starts uh he’s here Terry do you think this guy can make the roster yes or no Terry it’s going to be a tough road to Ho man um like you said we already have a stacked uh a stacked defensive line and I don’t see the last PFF stats that anai had was in 2021 I believe and he was a 45.2 rating so I mean I like you said could be Camp body could be assurances could be but I I’m I think that’s going to be a tough ask for him to make uh a roster that’s already staffed and saturated with Talent you know we got Grady we got David animada uh we got Eddie Goldman if he decides to stay uh shout out to Eddie wherever you are buddy um you know we got kavus Street we got Rook we got the new draft picks we got um I I I don’t know man I I just I you know maybe maybe maybe practice squad but I I don’t I don’t really foresee him as much more than that unless something happens or he has just drastically been misjudged I I don’t see it I don’t see it what say you what do you think I don’t see you not being disrespectful when I say Camp body none at all but then again he’s been in the league for a couple years he like you said his PFF rating is not the greatest but it’s what Raheem and the team see with him that can possibly shape out what could happen here good point right let’s just say he does make the 53 right then fans are like well how the hell did that happen who’s getting cut for this guy um but we have to see these players try out I mean the the camp is coming up we’re g to get a lot more information from Raheem a lot more information from the coaching staff from Jay Rogers from uh uh from Jerry Gray from from Zack Robinson from from from Jimmy Lake we’re GNA find out you know why these players are in the building right why they’re going to do the best they can to cut down that 90 to 53 and why there’s going to be some players that some fans are going to hate to see go right but at the end of the day we want to win right for this young man to get a chance to come over here and and make a roster here in the NFL the Falcons see something in him right now right so when it gets ready to have that full training camp coming through the summer uh then get a chance to see more of what Bradley can do but for me I’m going to call it a camp body right now right no disrespect to him but I don’t have him on my 53 at the moment right now I’m not giving up my 53 yet either but then again the Falcons is going to make some moves probably in the next coming weeks where they could bring in another guy right they still have a little bit of cash left right they can sign somebody else too as well that fans would be like oh snap maybe he could be a starter may he maybe he could be a potential week one player um so we’ll get a chance to see that but right now before the full Camp has started uh bringing in Bradley uh shows that they are definitely trying to attack that defensive line um the right without a doubt we didn’t have the right guys apparently in the building last year on depthwise when players went down well guess what Rahim said no we F to stack it up this year so it’s good to see that there’s competition battles going on uh outside of your starters that’s the cool thing Grady and David they’re cool they’re chilling the rookies they’re cool they’re chilling Eddie Goldman right that competition battle with Himel London right James Smith Williams too as well like some of these guys is going to be out there uh you know going at it to for that for that depth chart roster spot it’s gonna be amazing who’s gon what’s that kid we drafted in the fifth round big big fell uh from Georgia oh Zion L yeah yeah that I think that’s a three-way competition I think it’s Goldman lobe and somebody else you just said that was big as well I can’t think of his name Lord forgive me but um L London I think for that nose tackle position you said who LEL London yeah I think for that nose tackle position that’s that’s gonna be some competition man I really do I think it’s gonna be is making this type of move um it’s not a big splash or anything so I don’t know if fans are going to be like oh yeah this these two moves are G to take it to the Super Bowl I’m not saying that um but they’re definitely looking at their dep chart they’re looking at their roster and they’re saying hey we need to go ahead and fill in a couple pieces before the big Camp starts um so we can see what we got and of course the Falcons did go out and they did sign somebody else too as well um Dane what’s his name Christian Nick I don’t want to butcher this kid’s name Dan C what’s up Dan C I hear that his name is is Krank is it CRI cric shank Krank CRI shank Crick shank you know what let’s see how it’s Dane crew uh who also has some experience uh playing here in the NFL too as well Falcons looked at that safety position and we talked about it the other night Terry where one of the roster holes that a journalist had mentioned about the Falcons and the journalist was looking at the team and he was saying oh wow cool draft nice off season but that safety spot is something to look at outside of Jesse Bates he talked about Richie Grant’s uh you know lack of ability to cover uh tight ends at times and of course one-on-one matchups that’s kind of you know upsetting for Falcon fans to see when Richie’s in one-on-one is at time and then of course they said DeMarco Helms would be a nice fit next to Jesse but he’s all he also doesn’t have that much speed too as well so you got to watch out for a seconde guy uh getting into that spot next to Jesse um but here you’re looking at Dan kusnick or I don’t want to bsh I’m sorry Dane pronounced krook krook shank krook shank Dane krook Shank big shout out to Dane um who has some experience here in the NFL uh does it does he help the safety room I’m not saying he’s going to be the starter or anything but he’s just another uh guy to look at for training camp um and there’s been some players here in the Falcons you know franchise that has you know made a 53 you know from having a good training camp having a good off season right so we’re not going to rule these two guys out but right now fans would say that they’re Camp bodies right and they don’t see them come on don’t tell me that’s hit oh come on Braves can’t blow this game um but right now they’re seeing it as a as a camp body right and been in the league since 2018 you can see the stats from over here too as well um he’s he’s not like a like a like a day one guy that’s why I think fans would kind of see that he’s a a camp body right 2018 uh 12 games played uh 10 solo tackles uh no inter oh see interceptions no he had no interceptions um 2019 16 games played six solo tackles no interceptions 2020 2020 Co year one interception 2021 14 games played uh he did have 30 tackles that year but I some fans would see this guy is like n it’s not gonna happen it’s not gonna happen it’s gonna be either Jesse Bates and Grant or Jesse Bates and and DeMarco Helms that’s what fans can see you know it’s it’s interesting um we don’t know what uh we don’t know what raheem’s Motif looks like right not the motif we we don’t we don’t know what uh what the van go uh that uh Terry fona was looking at right it it it’s I qued to you’ve got this thousand piece puzzle and there’s this one piece in the left corner and maybe it’s not the most attractive piece but it causes everything else to fit in or another way of saying it those basketball fans who go back some years um oh [ __ ] Chris uh what’s Chris last name was part of the Fab Five Chris Chris Chris what’s his last Chris Weber Chris Weber was talking about his time with the Kings and how they were at a pivotal I guess point in their history and they wanted to trade to make the team better and they traded Doug Christie and what they didn’t realize about Doug Christie was Doug Christie’s impact on the locker room and how he kept the fellas together how he kept it light how he was a a mentor and a father figure to some of the guys and he kept it going and when they traded him the result was not what they wanted they played worse than after than before they traded him so sometimes you can look at a piece like that like you don’t know to your point Jack you don’t know what values or what attributes that this person has I didn’t want to put that up while you was talking I knew Eric make you laugh whatever whatever whatever Eric I’m gonna fall I’m gonna fall and slide down and cause you to fall with me how about that how about that anyway um you may forget what I say anyway but no I mean we don’t we don’t know what they see right so they could have this intrinsic value that we’re not aware of that these guys can see right it’s like a pair of shoes that you buy that you know to the outside where like oh why’ you buy them but then you put them with the outfit that you bought and you’re like oh I see it I see what you were thinking now okay looks good maybe it’s like that I don’t know I agree with you um I I think the probability of making them of of them making the roster is not very high I just think specifically on the defensive line safety maybe you got a shot you know maybe you have a dynamic camp and we can put you on special teams and you add some value but defensive line that that’s a that’s a tough one yeah just didn’t move the needle for me this week then again it’s the Falcons organization and yeah you know big shout out to these players getting a chance to have an opportunity to to make the team if they do hey you know in the beginning we were wrong but this was what fans are seeing right now um and this what we just got to talk about here on one time for the fan Uncle Steve was in the chat too as well during the whole interference thing but I’m here Uncle Steve said man that interference is probably those solar storms was messing with my today as well great stream fellas great to see Uncle Steve Lounge in the chat is hilarious if you never seen he’s hilarious who uncle Steve oh Uncle Steve got some content over there now so you got a lot of content creators that’s here in the chat too as well big shout out to all the content creators please support each other get out here and represent the Falcons fan base the right way right we want to go out there and win and when we win what are we gonna do we’re gonna celebrate and party together graner in the chat said yeah hope Vegas is early in the season as a Die Hard Falcon fan who travels to a lot of games uh they normally put the West Coast games together so I’ve seen it where you know it was of course the Seattle LA game was what week two week three so it’s like that September time um then of course I think in the past when we played Denver a long time ago it was around that October time oh come on check swing why’ you check swing uh it was around October time to where we had the two backto back West Coast games but be prepared for those West Coast games to be U back to back too as well but if you want to travel you want to party you want to have a good time man some great events I’m telling y’all wait to see Wednesday show with the rise up tour podcast it’s gonna be great uh Mr CDX for Life said what up one time for the fan check it in from PA somewhere CDX what’s going on hey Jack why so question for you why would it be more advantageous to go to Vegas earlier in the season than later reason for I think for the NFL schedule they just like putting the teams like early in the season on the west coast that’s what I’ve just been noticing the NFL do um and Falcons I can’t remember them having any December games going into January we had to travel far like I just I just don’t see that and then of course you know outside of Denver and Vegas every other every other game is like pretty much right there on the line I mean Minnesota’s up there got Washington you got Philly you got Carolina you got the Saints you got the the bucks the only two games Away really is you know Minnesota is not that far really by playe you know what I’m saying and if you’re driving out there I mean that’s a good little drive but Denver and Vegas is the is the top the top two I think next year we go back to Arizona though we go back to Arizona and San FR next year yeah I wonder I wonder if the thinking is you know in case there’s you know an act of God some sort of inclement weather and the game has to be made up it’s easier to do that if you try it in the earlier part of the Year rather than if you do it week 16 and now you got to play another team the week after that and it’s kind of hard to make up it’s it’s I mean it’s it’s possible the NFL could look at that I mean I haven’t spoke to the scheduling committee I mean it would be great if uh we knew somebody from the scheduling committee who can tell us about it or you know we can find out why but uh I do see the Falcons kind of like the the the winner game the Falcons is a dome team yeah right we play inside the Benz I see us like like I’ve seen us for years they’re going to give us a winter game they’re going to give us a game outside outdoors in some cold frigid weather because we’re a dome team in the South right you know and we don’t like the play Outdoors so we’ve had that Buffalo game late in the year why didn’t you give us Buffalo week one why didn’t you give us buffalo in January for all times you know and then they gave us Chicago for New Year’s last year that was a cold game as well the Jets couple weeks before that that game was a rainy game in December it wasn’t warm you know and then this year we have Philly out doors right we have Washington outdoors and even Carolina Outdoors they’ve they’ve put Carolina kind of late in the schedule sometimes November December uh playing Outdoors over there which for fans that’s been out there in Carolina it does get a little cold out there at that time tooo as well um not saying it’s like you know like Chicago or Green Bay around that time but um I can see that the NFL scheduling committee probably does that to us if they send us to Vegas and Denver around December that’s just I don’t know that’s weird I don’t I don’t that’s random if they send give us West Coast games um out there in December but then again I’mma Be There it doesn’t matter um shout out to William Amy in the chat Mr CDX in the chat Chase is in the chat Uncle Steve’s in the chat Matteo Carrie Eric Parker Atlanta Falcons fandemic Lisa Shepard is in the chat Joseph Avery Auntie Pam is in the chat April Thomas is in the chat uh Del loes in the chat big shout out to Del in the chat what’s going on D big shout out to delious in the chat uh Ben Wade Markham is in the chat too as well um Josh uh Josh is in the chat what’s up Josh G good to see you in the chat too as well Smitty is here in the chat big shout out to all the content creators that’s down here in the chat talking Falcons football uh we love to see you all Michael’s also in the chat too as well Michael of course dfu on one time for the fans on Chase cravy is in the Chas what’s up man what’s up Chase how you doing big shout out to chase uh in the chat Michael said n is coming for somebody’s job now this is good when you talking fans in the chat because everybody’s opinions matter right Michael said he’s coming for somebody’s job is he gonna be a guy to possibly change this roster make the 53 take somebody’s job which in the NFL I mean that’s the business of the NFL like if you’re not doing your job somebody else will come take it but Mich is a bold statement you got some Falcons players that’s looking at Bradley walk in and saying he coming to take my job that means you gotta fight harder so I’d love to see the fight what’s going to happen between all these players this Camp because there’s a couple guys oh he took off he went for it is that to the house are we out oh come on it’s a double man it’s a double that could have been a two run oh no Michael Michael said bet it all on B black like Wesley Snipes and passive bet it all on black know I hey that that’s that’s a bold statement man that’s a you you don’t you don’t have I I don’t think you have any also Rands on that defensive line so to come in there and displace somebody you gotta be balling your ass off right now yeah yeah yeah but big sham say can you go back to Pam said uh Richie is in contract year oh good hit we bringing one in we’re bringing one in R him in R him in oh he’s safe three to2 Braves top of the eighth uh for those of you Baseball fans out there let’s go I got like one more topic too we might be able to finish this podcast as the Braves Round Up This win are you good for that Terry good for it man Kirk uh Kirk Cousins cleared got medically cleared so yeah we’re going to talk about that in just a second here I know everybody’s excited because not only oh yeah yeah get him out of there yeah get him out of there love to see when the other manager walks out there to the m with his head these goddamn Braves boy there something else Jack when you go to baseball games are you are you singing like he can’t hit it he’s no good is that you I mean I don’t I’m not it’s it’s a so I’m a I’m a different fan at Braves games right I’m more relaxed I’m calm of course you know big home run Grand Slam base hit we stand up we share we clap you know we turn up but it’s not like I’m at Falcons games when I go like to the Falcons Saints or I go like to Falcons you know at the Benz like I just turn up you know what I’m saying that I probably drink a little bit more at the Falcons games too as well bra I’m just cool now the Hawks I’m relaxed like I’m just chilled because it’s basketball right so I’m sitting in that I’m sitting in the concert club or I’m sitting you know I don’t know where I’m [ __ ] sitting but I’m always having I have a little drink with me and I’m just relaxing I’m chilling but I’m not jumping up going as a wild fan like I am for the Falcons like when the Falcons play and I think the Georgia Bulldogs is a different story too as well I go crazy when the dogs play like especially when the dogs go dogs now when the dogs are out there it’s a different story man touchdown interception pick sack turnover on Downs anytime that that that CBS just comes back from commercial it’s like oh time for them dogs time for them dogs again um and of course our back toback years I was having a great time because nobody can say [ __ ] to you for two that’s right hey hey you’re the best in the world let me tell you something let me tell you something man the most fun person to sit with uh is my little brother Eric Parker that that dude let me tell you something he if it doesn’t work out he really could be a standup comedian like we so just just just to give you an example we were at the Tampa Bay game last year was it the last year may it may no it was the year before last so 2022 season Falcons play Tampa Bay in the BS we’re at the game and he’s going back and forth with this fed and he looks at this guy I guess they put the backup in at this point and he was like Hey man if y’all take out great value Tom Brady y’all might be all right but the way he said it like the my brother has his loud voice the way he said it that entire section was just they were they they were in tears man like I can’t I can’t look I’m not a comedian I can’t imitate my brother but my brother at a football game is probably one of the most fun people to be around now he’s very engaging okay and you know you know hey you get what you get but he again at a ball game he is hilarious and if you mess around if you’re from the other team and you say something he’s going to get on you now he’s not mean he’s not going to Cur or whatever but his his his his uh his comeback game is if he were a Madden player it’d be like 99 man like he’s knows how to joke on fans in a way where you can get upset right right or if you’re not upset then you’re just gonna last your you’re just gonna laugh your ass off right that’s the cool thing about hanging with Eric because um he would give fans The Best of Both Worlds like fans would say is he serious he might have to turn around be like no he’s cool I sat over there one time with Eric in that section I think he’s in 102 101 but that section has some Die Hard Atlanta Falcon fan oh yeah Mario in that section yeah yeah so shout out shout out to Eric Parker’s section I think Eric which was section there a 102 101 man that section right there yeah there’s some die hards over there so you best believe if you’re an away fan and you’re watching this podcast don’t go over there one-onone talking [ __ ] you’re gonna run into run into a de Mario Scott you run to uh uh um man uh who else is over there April Showers I believe is over there too as well that in that area fan of the year um and of course they have some more die hards too as well that’s in that section uh Chase is in the chat with much love Brothers what up Chase what’s going on hey man my when my brother said that man like I jack I probably damn near lost the beer I had like cuz I wasn’t expecting that it came out of the blue and like all my lunch just like it’s miraculous I didn’t spill it but you know that my brother’s fun my brother is a good time at any event but especially a football game uh subscribe button Diane day Markham is in the chat rise up tour fan club is in the chat not only are the membership kits going out shortly for rise up tour uh members but Diane also has a gift that’s going to be heading her way shortly too as well remember she won the one time for the fan giveaway did man it is going down in a major way when uh your boy from Nike finally returns back to work um but yeah it’s going down so Dian day Markham has a gift on the way to her shortly so big shout what happened okay do we oh we got another one’s on another one’s on okay good um but yes Diane day Markham Die Hard Atlanta Falcon fan rise up tour fan club member too as well and of course you saw her husband Ben who was in the chat earlier too as well um and Ben he he’s he’s amazing man when it comes to being a fan um you meet fans on the road Terry you meet fans at home games and of course you know all over the city uh but when you travel with these fans right and you get to see them from City to city um it’s an amazing experience man because these are the fans that you’ve been rocking out with for a long time right you go to these away games you may win and you go out and you party after you may lose and you go out and you party after but at the end of the day we got to get on a flight back home to Atlanta because we got stuff to do the following day right we got to get back to reality um but when it comes to traveling you can count on Diane and Ben and uh Auntie Pam too as well and of course uh jab Harper a lot of these fans they pack and they go man they pack their bags and they hit the road so big shout out to all these fans that’s here in the chat Eric Parker says section 101 is in the chat he also said he would be wearing slides Eric I swear to God if you laugh if if you fall Eric I swear to God if you fall brother I love you I’m going to clown the [ __ ] out of you if you I’m just letting you I’m saying it right now and I’m gonna do that because you clown me all the time especially that drive-through [ __ ] so if you fall on that Hill Eric I love you I’m going to clown the [ __ ] out of you and I know I know you meme game I know I know but I’m gonna do it I’m just letting you know Eric I’m gonna do it it’s my duty it’s your big brother to clown you when at all possible and if you put your six foot behind out there on that hill and you slip and fall brother you get what you deserve because I’m going to clown you still love you still love you but I’m gonna clown you okay Miss Pam says she in 314 represent I see fans in the chat season ticket holders in the chat drop your sections in the chat right I know payments uh what May 1st that was a couple days ago so I know they took your May payment so you got a couple you got we got June coming up you got July coming up so for fans in the chat um be prepared because you got a couple more payments of them season ticket holder payments coming up but drop your section in the chat all my season ticket holders if you’re watching uh hit that hit that like share and subscribe button but drop the section in the chat uh that you’re repping at the mercedesbenz stadium he’s here Pam Johnson said 314 um is the uh best section uh she said representing for the Die Hard fan base best seat in the house come on Braves can’t have two on and get out man come on now yeah you took the lead though so you can end this game like this you did you did you did we got the bottom of the eth coming up you did yeah it’s all right we’ll get it back Falcon fans are in the chat Lisa sheeper said 134 is in the chat section 134 is live is that dirty bird n section Lisa Shepard 134 I think 134 is the nest section that shat that that section is live is that where um what’s his name is all the time the rapper what’s his name um P Troy yeah is is that where he is I believe he’s over there I believe that’s 134 and then big ticker’s over there too as well in that area big shout out to the uh to the uh Diane de Markham said 106 uh is in the chat section 106 is in the chat here comes the 100 uh uh here comes the 100 level members now Falcon fans Pam Johnson 300 levels in the chat uh F farar Falcon said I’m in section sofa 01 House Gang repping [ __ ] I love it I love it I love it man you you see my brother said he said I always wear slides he always wear slides Eric Parker is uh he’s he’s he’s a DieHard Falcon fan so when it comes to how he shows up to Camp I’ve had fans come up and say yo is that is he wearing slides like he’s wearing slides that’s right he’s a Die Hard fer fan he can do what he wants to do he’s wearing yes he can yes he can but if he joh know that 34 is the dirty bird nest okay big shout out to everybody in the dirty bird nest Lisa sheer say yes sir that’s the nest big tiger and P Troy rock with us every game big shout out to Lisa Shepard over there uh in the nest you know Lisa Shepard was on the podcast the other day talking Falcons football with us and dirty block and dirty too as well you know we’ had Scott cisic from block and dirty big shout to everybody over there at block and dirty because we’ve had uh you know two of their contributors on already and we want to make sure we get some more on two as well he said Lisa shepher said Big Tigger not Big Tigger LOL sheesh big tiger that boy Eric Parker said that’s my H that’s my until you fall yeah until you fall it’s your H buddy so we’ve had some extreme interference tonight they tried the op tried to get us right first we started out talking about the Ops with Raheem not letting the Ops know about any of the rookie information right he wants to see the rookies first and then he’ll let people know how they how they are which I’m sure Raheem has his notes right there next to him about every player but he’s not going to share it and then the Ops heard about what we were talking about and they tried to attack the stream right they tried to attack the stream there was some interference going on so we apologize about that but you know one time for the fan we don’t like that interference stuff so of course we got right back to it continued the show we’re still here talking Falcons football Braves are going into the bottom of the eth here uh and we’re not like the Dixon way big shout out to the Dixon way here comes your first out now here comes your first out big popup um we’re not like the Dixon way right we don’t do the Braves podcast where you know we’re watching it and we’re talking about it but because we started to show late we have two more topics to talk about we’re going to continue the show up until the Braves smack the Mets because this is a sweep right but for fans that want Braves and Falcons content Hawks content too as well well head over to the Dixon way Dixon talks Braves all damn day right so I’m sure he’s probably streaming it right now there’s probably gonna be a Dixon way raid joining the chat in a matter of minutes because they’re over there watching uh uh Larry’s Channel over there with the Dixon way Larry and uh and Shonda too as well so big shout out to the Dixon way um and if you’re watching both streams tell Larry we said what’s up look sayy what’s up Larry what’s up bro um I know they’re doing great things over there with that channel but for Falcon fans in the chat there was some other big news he also talks Marvel he talks everything he knows he also talks Marvel yeah I’m sure he’s a I’m sure he’s a gamer I mean he probably talks Spades you know he probably he probably’s a food Enthusiast too as well probably you talk anything Larry has a channel is full of everything right master master ay he’s a pun intended he’s a jack of all trades he sure is uh falc fans hit that like share and subscribe button let’s continue the show here um and bring your questions and comments to the chat right so we can talk Falcons football with you all Terry uh something else happened this week that I think Falcon fans are excited about but then some fans are not too excited about and that information that we’re going to share here with you all is that Kurt Cousins has passed every medical test as the onfield work begins reported from in rap report and there are fans who are very upset with this because they have been telling fans that it’s Michael penx who’s gonna be starting week one and that’s the reason why the Falcons went to go get Michael pennick because Kurt Cousins will not be available week one that I want to be right that I want to be right I’m I’mma I’mma cut my nose off to spite my face it happens in every NFL fan base but here at one time for the fan uh you know we love talking about the Atlanta Falcons because that’s all we love to do was pretty much talk about the Atlanta FS um Raheem has said it Terry has said it Kirk is the quarterback now and Michael penck is the quarterback later come on get him out get him out and that’s another one all right two up two down um Terry Raheem said it Terry has said it Kirk is the quarterback now uh uh Michael penx is the quarterback for the future um of course if something happens to kurk panic will be ready to go we don’t want nothing to happen to kurk knock on we want kurk to live uh uh uh well here in Atlanta have a great career here in Atlanta he’ll bring us the Super Bowl get us back to the playoffs help us get back what we need right in Atlanta right that winning feeling and I think kurk can get that uh here in Atlanta because we we definitely have a team around Kirk that is set up for Success so Terry to the fans that want penic to start week one the ones that’s mad at us getting Kurt Cousins um what is your thoughts on that and plus you know Raheem and Terry saying that Kurt is the guy now and Michael’s the guy later well I guess my thoughts are winning cures everything so you know hey I’m I’m not going to tell um anyone how to feel you know you like your favorite player and that’s okay um for me it’s about the name on the front I think for now uh Kurt Cousins is the mo most uh experienced starter on the Falcon Squad he’s had the most success he throws for 4,500 yards uh on average and I think he should be the starter I think he gives you the best chance to win and I don’t think anybody would argue that um hey good to have a good backup right but uh I think good to have a good backup yeah I think once the season starts and we start to experience success and we start to win games all of that will you know die down you know let’s be honest it’s the off season and people get in their bag for whatever reason and they can feel how they want to feel the bottom line is once that uh first kickoff has occurred you know it’s going to be real and it’s going to matter and I think once that happens Kirk will be in there and I think Kirk is going to win a lot of games so I don’t think it’s a big issue you know because like I said winning CES everything the uh A’s of the 70s the Oakland Athletics our baseball team of the 70s hated each other hated each other and they won three CH three championships now they are an outlier most teams if you’re going to win together you at least need to like the guy next to you but it it’s you know it’s it’s not required so my point is look hey man like who you want to like you don’t like Kirk that’s fine but we’re trying to win and I think Kirk gives us the best chance to win right now and truno kilo relax wait your turn Michael be here two years and he’ll be fine and look what if Kirk gets us a Super Bowl and Michael gets us a Super Bowl as well I think that’d be the you know the the the Most Aaron Rogers moment wasn’t it there you go there you go I think that’s the most optimal situation so you know I’m fine with it Jack people have the right to feel how they feel I’m okay with it that doesn’t make them right um and we’ll see you know we’ll see either way I’m looking forward to it man I’m excited about it I think we have a great offense I think we have a great defensive line I think we have a great coach I think we’re going to have a great team I think we’re going to win a lot of games so you know we’ll see Auntie Pam is right um they just want to create some quarterback controversy within they because they know that this team who hasn’t won a Super Bowl this team that has a fan base that is g to get um you know they’re gonna get sneak diss by every other team in the NFL because of us selecting a quarterback right but they’re they’re forgetting to mention why they do their you know their report on us that other teams tried to trade up for Michael pennick right and that the Falcons needed to secure a quarterback for now and one for later and there are a lot of fans and of course a lot of uh staff in the NFL I mean the Falcons organization that is comfortable with that pick and that’s the move that they wanted to do and because it’s the move that they wanted to do the fans that want penck to start week one I don’t know if they’re waiting on Kirk’s downfall I don’t know if they’re waiting on an injury to happen with Kirk but I’m off what the Falcons are doing by having Kirk out there as the starter and panic out there as the backup we now have probably the best starter backup quarterback in the league we do um outside of you know people say no don’t foret about Pat Mahomes well I don’t care about Chiefs right looking at NFC South look at what we have here I mean if if Baker Mayfield goes down who’s the backup for Baker Mayfield right is the Saints really going to rely on Spencer Rattler down there with Derek Carr after Derek Carr right like look at Bryce young I mean Bryce young is damn near a backup himself like just playing starter or on on on his way to being one he keeps losing it’s pretty bad out there in Carolina I’d love for them to sell the team first before they mess up Bryce’s career uh but then again you know I’m not the Carolina Panther fan uh but for the Falcons right now if you’re looking at the team to have Kurt Cousins you know of course still with him some years left to go and then to have a a rookie like Michael penck behind you who most rated him as the number two quarterback in this draft yes that’s good to have that you’re focusing on your future i’ love to talk about the future here um because you know we had the rise up tour podcast earlier and we talked about the future of the fan club but the future of the Falcons is really did he hit him did he hit him I think he did he hit him he hit AA I think he did hit him I know he didn’t hit aun no he didn’t no he a selling oh come on he just knocked him down yeah sell better than that no he didn’t hit him no he went High though oh no he went close yeah look at the hand from the catcher now he was up there by the damn face and this guy throws about a 100 miles an hour so he’s doing I mean of course you know the Rivalry too as well yeah you know yeah gota watch out for that but we’re Die Hard fans Jack I I I gotta be honest man um you ever seen that movie it’s a Stephen King movie um where the Devil Comes to Town and start playing all the folks against each other what’s the is it Castle Rock it might be Castle Rock what’s up mtown dirty anyway you know it’s a Stephen King film but the Devil comes to town and he starts Whispering this person’s ear oh this person stole your pie this and he just instigates so much stuff and at the end of the movie everybody hates each other until they figure out it’s him and they they kick him out of town I look at a lot of these news pundits as as as doing that because they’re not they’re not doing it because they legitimately care about our franchise guys kill the narrative right kill the narrative look you can feel how you want to feel you can I’m not going to tell you how to feel but ultimately when it comes to support we need to be unified we need to be together guys we’re trying to experience a Super Bowl we’re trying to experience winning and that’s only going to happen right as a fan base if we are together the energy that we bring right to training camp the energy that we bring to the bins when they play the energy that we just put out there that we exude we got to be together one band One sound one band One sound so look I mean hey man feel how you want to feel you know what I mean I think panics is definitely going to be a superstar I mean I you know I mean hey I I can I can admit I didn’t want other than that Michigan game I didn’t watch that much of his career now looking back on it and seeing all the highlights and everything that he’s done the kid’s pretty Dynamic I mean he you know he he’s set to be a superstar but uh Steve Young had to sit under Joe Montana for a little while too it’s not going to hurt him if anything it’s going to be good for him you know he can heal up like you said he’s had two ACL injuries he’s had some shoulder injuries let him sit for two years let him learn the game let him learn what it’s about let him learn our offense let him learn you know how to lead and when it’s time for him to take over he will take over it’s a good problem to have I would rather have a really good quarterback and a really good backup quarterback then let me put it this way what we had the the previous two seasons I put it that I’m not going to use names but you know I’m saying right it’s a good problem to have it’s not negative guys my daddy used to tell me some guys or some let me not be misogynistic some people male or female can take a I don’t know let’s call it a Ford Escort and make it look like Alexis but some people can take Alexis and no disrespect to anybody driving it and make it look like a for esort in other words take care of what you have take care of your team don’t let descension come in the ranks don’t be look we’re already going to be beat up by the rest of America they’re going to continue to do this they don’t need it from us right you’re doing their work for them you’re being led around like sheep to a trough of poison you got this P Piper on these networks and all they’re being told is talk about it again it’s not it’s there’s nothing authentic about it they don’t care it sells tickets literally it sells advertising and you guys those of you who do you’re taking it and and digesting it and lapping them up and believing it and the facts point to the opposite of what they say and I know we continue to talk about it but the bottom line is $45 million I’m doing this for emphasis people $45 million is the going rate for a decent quarterback Dak is going to get 60 from somebody somewhere next year or whenever he has the reup year after that he’s going to get 60 Kirk got 45 right so to all you people are like oh we’re paying $100 million doll exactly that’s the going rate for a quarterback exactly you know what I mean this ain’t 1965 people it’s 2024 right you got Michael penx who is by most people’s standard the second best quarterback on on that draft board you got him at pick number eight that’s a win you’ve got him at pick number eight you’re not paying Kurt Cousins $80 million if we were paying Kurt Cousins $80 million I’d be right with you that’s CRA we’re not we’re paying him 15 million under what the next contract is going to be that’s number two and number three we address the defensive line people a Super Bowl team does not one pick make unless he’s Jesus this not not gonna make it so even if you didn’t get lotu even if you didn’t get Turner if you didn’t get verst you got four defensive linemen in the draft yes four three of them look to be really great the others are big old hos what are we complaining about the final Point Kurt Cousins is 36 I love him I love him I love him coming off Achilles injury but God forbid something happened you have a great backup I don’t see what the problem is no disrespect to Taylor H too as well but fans would have been upset if Hani would to get back in there at the Kur cous if this were done by five other franchises I can think of five other franchis right there would be nothing said about it nope perfect fit for this team right but because it’s the Falcons and it sells people and at a a certain point we have to stop doing damage to ourselves yes we lost 28 to3 it’s nothing we can do about it nothing we can do about it but guess what the Boston Red Sox win a hundred years without winning a championship you think they didn’t get ridicule you think they didn’t get second guest I bet you they still sell out tickets why because they were passionate about their team because it’s not about winning a championship it’s about winning a championship with your team it’s about the struggle it’s about the adversity that’s what makes it so good if I can go and get surgery and lose weight that’s great but if I got a sweat for it and fret for it and fight for it when I finally do lose those 60 pounds that I need I’m G to appreciate it so much more and all I’m saying people is stop drinking at the trough of the national media you are doing their bidding from for them you’re being used don’t do that spit facts love your Falcons enough love your Falcons enough to do your own research you don’t have to take my word for it look it up look it up it’s there this is a good team this is a good GM this is a good owner this is a good coach and we might just shock the world this year we may not I don’t think there’s a mic I think I mean there’s a couple shocks when you talking about shock the world like it’s not about just for some you have to go out there and just win the Super Bowl but having you know that winning record about out running the South that Terry that Raheem mentioned right being so far ahead in the division where the Saints can’t catch you the Bucks can’t catch you the Panthers can’t catch you when in the past couple years we just been down to the wire down to the wire that’s that’s a shocking feeling for most fans outside of the Falcons Community because they’re gonna say damn the Falcons just ran away with that division yeah we outran the South that’s what rahe’s been talking about right they talked about when the Rams went to the Super Bowl that year Raheem said they knew the feeling that they was going to win it right like I want that feeling for Atlanta yes I want that feeling knowing that Kurt is in a position where he knows yes like he said at the Masters when he was talking with uh uh the people from the PGA Tour yes he said at the Masters I I need this team this team needs to be as good as the 49ers yes because that might be the team you have to beat down the road to make it into the Super Bowl because they’ve been so consistent of making it to the N to the NFC Championship Game into the divisional playoff game so I think the are thinking like that too come on Braes what are you doing all right so they got one at the top of a second I think the Packers are thinking like that too I think the Texans are thinking like that too like they’re thinking like we can be a team that other teams have to fear and for Kurt Cousins who hasn’t even thrown a a ball in the regular season yet here in Atlanta is already trying to think about the team being as good as the 49ers yes which some would say Jack 49ers a’t win no Super Bowl recently yeah yeah but they’ve been to the playoffs damn near consecutively every year they’ve the NFC Championship on a regular basis they’ve been at least two Super Bowls they are they are a perennial playoff team notice Kurt didn’t say we need to be as good as the Carolina Panthers correct they suck right nobody’s thinking about we need to be as good as the Panthers correct we need to be as good as the team who is competing to go and win remember Larry the Dixon way was on here and he said what they gave us up to the Cowboys if we was to make it to the playoffs oh we’ll get to the Cowboys and get beat right what right if we make it to the playoffs man I’m going way past the Cowboys I ain’t worried about the goddamn Cowboys if I make it to we make it to the playoffs you make it to the playoffs anything can happen Jack some would say the Eagles Terry you know some would say the Eagles is the team to watch for so fans would say hey man we got to be as good defensively like the eagles we got to be as good offensively like the 49 these teams are scoring these teams are winning games so has that mindset Raheem has that mindset Terry has that mindset me as that fan I have that mindset too as well so I’m not even worried about you know uh uh of course you know this whole outrun the South thing I think we’re going to do that I think we’re gonna beat up on teams bad this year I think we’re gonna like Philip SM like Phillip uh sap said from dfu it’s goingon to be a couple 35 to 10 in the BS oh yeah you know that’s right Phillip 35 T in the Ben that’s right hey that it goes together couple 35 to 10 in the Ben don’t let the score be 35 to 10 either I’m telling you right oh Lord oh Lord I we have to shout out Philip directly that you have to bring dfu on the podcast for pop popup show that day Jack um you know I’m I wasn’t a star athlete by any sense of the the word but I I did play recreationally as a as a as a young adult and I’m proud to say that it’s uh in flag football and in you know softball and again I go guys I know this isn’t professional but I won five championships MH and the one thing in common that I can say on every team that I was a part of we were tight number one number two everybody knew their role number three it wasn’t about the outside it wasn’t about the outside it was about what was in that Dugout or what was on that sideline and nothing else mattered nothing else matters no guys I am telling you I’m telling you we are close we are closer than you realize and guys we just gotta win it one time we just got I I love it Thomas I love it we just gotta win it one time because guess what if we win it one time everything else prior before it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter guess what nobody brings up well with the exception of me nobody brings up the Super Bowls that Denver lost because they’ve won three since then right they’re totally different franchise guys that can be us the Red Sox oh my god oh did we just lose yes we did yeah we just lost oh well we took the series it happens um guys I think Boston has won four World Championships since that one that they won in in 2004 right again think about it they hadn’t a CH we hadn’t won one in 50 years they hadn’t won one in a 100 MH when you don’t win for a while there are certain viruses that infect the thought process oh we’re cursed you ever heard of that one we’re cursed we’re the fal still say right now with the Ben they say the Ben is cursed with the Falcons right we can’t win we the these are things that people give license to when they don’t have an explanation as to why you’re not winning and guys sometimes hey man sometimes stuff happens life be lifing yeah as as as my brother often says life be life and look sometimes things happen but the bottom line is you just gotta win one the Red Sox went to the uh World Series in 86 and they lost to the Mets on an error by the first baseman and of course everything was the curse the curse the curse the Red Sox would have won the championship had they they done that well the Falcons lost 28-3 right and that 2014 that won the World Championship they came together they came there’s not a group of people that could have been more different they came together right and what I’m telling you is as a fan base we need to come together look you like penck I like Kirk fine but for those 60 Minutes on that field we cheering for the same team whether it’s Kirk in there whether it’s penx in there we’re cheering for the same team and we’re not embracing negativity and we’re not thinking about we’re cheering now after the game you want to go have a beer talk trash about it do your thing but we gotta Come Together We gota Come Together Falcon fans uh when it comes to you know not only just being at the bins and creating that hostile environment yes right and it takes everybody Eric Parker talked about this when he was on the show I think it was last year or yes yeah I think it was last year Eric Parker said he was standing up yelling and cheering at a game and there was a falcon fan behind him telling him to sit down as he’s cheering for his team and it was third down and something wasn’t it and it was like third down or something but Eric Parker turns around like you’re supposed to be up with me right we’re supposed to do this together this is how it works right this is matter of fact you a’t even got to sit down you can stand up the whole game just like me because I’m a die hard fan I’ve been on the road as Falcon fan I’ve seen other stadiums where you would think you at a damn soccer game when you’re watching some of these fan bases that stand up all game and nobody from the security staff nobody from the uh uh uh you know police officer nobody comes by and says hey you guys have to sit down nobody says nothing they just let fans be fans I saw it in Minnesota I saw it in Cincinnati saw it in in in Seattle I saw it in even some some parts of that Rams game too as well when we played a couple years ago but then again I see it a lot in New Orleans like when you look up in like that 3 400 session like them fans are Rowdy but they up there lit you feel what I’m saying so for fans that uh are ready to travel for fans that are ready to um be a part of something special uh what you want to do is join the riseo tour f and we’re getting ready to end the podcast here shortly so for those that’s been with us for the past hour and 45 minutes we do thank you all because it’s great to talk Falcons football with everybody we ain’t gonna let the op stop us no we’re not no we’re not they tried to they tried to hack the streamyard tonight don’t know what they did with the interference but guess what it didn’t stop the streamyard but there are fans who are in this chat tonight and you’re going to hear our next podcast which is on Wednesday you want to write it down for me MJ you can write it down for me just write it down so there are fans who are in the chat tonight who are talking about man we can’t wait for Wednesday and why can’t you wait for Wednesday because you’re talking about you’re going on the road you’re going to the home games you’re going to this game you’re going all these places right and there are some fans in the chat that can’t wait to travel for those that know what the rise up tour fan club does we don’t play about uh uh putting on these events on the road for Falcon fans as you can see from this schedule Terry we have some good home games we have some uh uh some good away games too as well yes we do so revenge tour the revenge tour is out here really the Redemption tour but the revenge tour is here but the Saints the Panthers the Bucks the Chiefs the Giants the Cowboys the Chargers uh the the Steelers and the Seahawks are at home this year so you’re gonna have a lot of fan bases going to pack out the stadium right Giants have a big fan base back toback Champs is up is up there too as well the Steelers have a big fan base uh the Cowboys the Chargers I mean somewhat the Chargers but the Cowboys and of course you know we hate those Saints you go on the road New Orleans Carolina Tampa Philly that’s going to be a tough game Broncos Raiders Vikings and Washington too as well there are fans that can’t wait for these games and Wednesday we have a riseup tour fan club podcast where we’re g be talking the members who love to travel to away away games because of course for those that do not know uh we did start something a couple years ago that’s just amazing it’s called the rise of tour fan club um but a lot of these teams like when you see the Steelers the Cowboys the Chiefs the Giants even the Seahawks a lot of them are a part of fan clubs that you do not know you’re GNA see the Steeler fans walking there like God they deep as hell Chargers ke they gonna be like d they deep as how who sold them all these tickets obviously the Falcon fans did but we got to stop that this year Falcon fans do not sell your tickets we have a winning team we’re going to have a winning team it don’t sell your tickets to the Ops that’s right season ticket holders yeah what y’all trying to make a couple what 4050 bucks and they gonna tax you for the ticket too like come on ticket holders like don’t sell your tickets because you see the oh the Cowboys coming in here I can make some good money from them they’ll pay they’ll pay anything do you want to know why they’ll pay anything because their fans travel everywhere and because they’re committed to their team you should be committed to your team you should be Cowboy fan and they’ve been asked for years and you know they’re going to come up here in this Ben but there’s some Falcon fans that’s like yo I want to go over here I want to go over there I want to go hang out with some Falcon fans I listened to a podcast the other night there was some Falcon fans talking about uh uh they want to go travel with some other fans well guess what you want to travel with some other fans join the rise up tour fan club all we deal with is away games and you’re going to hear that on Wednesday night the chat is going to be live live and lit talking about oh I’m going be here week five I’m going be here week nine the chat is live the chat is lit on Wednesday night don’t forget we got miles Garrett Wednesday with a with a with a podcast during the day and then we have our one time for the fan podcast at 8 but as you can see over a thousand members are in this group that love to travel to a wag and there’s some die hards on I know y’ probably know ravage you see car’s in there too as well big shout out to Carrie oh look there goes Berto but of course we have a membership too as well and falc fans are like well what’s up with this membership thing that you got well with the membership we have some perks that we offer to Falcon fans and a lot of fans be like well what are some of these perks that you guys are offering to the fans well don’t want to speak too much about it on air but of course there are members from last year that remember what we do uh of course with you know traveling on the road with the with the hotels and and and you know some of the other things that we do uh to make sure fans Not only get some discounts on the but they can hang with other fans 247 you wake up you can eat breakfast with Falcon fans you go to sleep you going to party before with Falcon fans hell you might be walking back to to to the next location with Falcon fans all we do is just worry about Falcon fans we’re a Die Hard fan base but the cool thing about it is Terry fans know that there is a membership involved and tonight I can proudly say that I’m going to take care of some of the additional fees for some of the members who want to sign up to be a member of the rise up tour that’s awesome Jack that’s awesome because there is a membership involved but if you sign up today there is a flash membership sale going on with the rise up tour and it’s the rise up tour fan club. flash now oh I’m sorry for slf for slash Flash say that five times fast d that was too much yeah tongue twister rise up tour fan club flash membership sale is live right now and it’s going up until Wednesday now for9 until 11:59 on Wednesday once again the rise up tour flash sale is going up now let’s look at this sale quickly here for rise up tour people that wanted that’s that’s interested in join the club if you don’t sign up today and you want to sign up Thursday or Friday next week Saturday uh for new members as you can see here I’m present it for you all for new members it’s 125 for membership for returning members that we have from last year of course you guys know it’s 100 but it’s 125 for membership but I got a little check I got the bag the bag so I’m going to help out some members between now and Wednesday love it if you want to be a member of the rise up tour uh um uh fan club what you can do is you can type in uh right here at the bottom of the screen I’m going go ahead and put it up for you all and don’t forget we’ll go to Every away game every single away game we put on events at every single away game and we’ll do it at the Super Bowl if Falcon make the Super Bowl you already know he gonna call so let’s not even go there but for the Falcon fans that want to be a part of this tonight head over to the rise up uh wait a minute rise up tour I forgot to put the flash I want to make sure holy [ __ ] hold on hold on hold on hold on bam here it is got it up for you rise up tour fan club for slash flash you can see it right here the flash membership is up Terry it’s up the flash membership is up the flash membership is up $52 right now for the limited membership for the rise up tour fan club so if you want to be a part of the rise up tour fan club you can head on over to the uh website matter of fact Let Me Close all this out because this is pissing me off there we go you see Terry one thing pisses me off bunch of open websites that I don’t need on here but if you’re going to any way games this year right here you can see it the riseup tour rise up tour flash you can get your membership right now at a discounted price and I’ll take care of the rest of the fees so don’t worry about that um as you can see right here the limited membership 50 two that you can sign up because this is our special uh because we have the the schedule release on Wednesday Terry and we want fans to be ready for this season we want fans to to know that when we go to Vegas this year uh there’s going to be an event for Falon fans when we go to Denver this year there’s G to be an event for Falcon fans when we go to Philly when we go to Washington hell there’s an event damn near every minute for Falcon fans with what we do Terry you’re going to wake up in Washington and say wait a minute you guys are eating breakfast where wait a minute you guys are going where wait what’s happening at three wait what’s going on at 8 I would really appreciate it sir um you know if you could just see it in your heart to you know bring back some beignet I’m just gonna put it out there I’m just gonna put it out there you know it’s very much so possible I can bring back the be I would be most appreciative of that sir I would yeah I would be most appreciative my boy Terry said he wants da Hunter says I’m jumping on the membership Jack that’s what’s up all right da met da Hunter couple years and met him in matter of fact da Hunter was with us in Cleveland when we first started our rise up tour parties if I’m not mistaken and he was in Tennessee last year too as well da Hunter is good to have you back here in the chat and on the channel talking Falcons football but da Hunter travels to away games I’m sure he’s seen what we have done with the rise up tour fan club the party in New Orleans at rise you guys have seen it before you guys have saw what we did look look da he said yes sir day one all right you guys seen what we did in La you guys saw what we did in Seattle you saw what we did in Cincinnati Miami all of these games that we’ve been to look at Pamela Johnson you will not be disappointed love it love it now we’re taking it to the next level we are raising the bar um and of course uh with our amazing crew uh that’s working behind the scenes that people do not see and do not hear about a lot um they’re doing a great job of making sure everybody is taken care of our membership team our social media team our security team um everything that we got going on man it’s like in a in a in a in an amazing way and I want to give a big shout out too as well uh to Shannon Joiner um big shout out to Shannon if you guys know who Shannon is uh tell him that Jack spay from one time for the fan and rise up tour club uh fan club said uh big shout out to you Shannon um but also Terry we do thank you for that podcast earlier because we got a chance to talk with Thomas for about two hours about the vision of the rise up tour fan club and what’s going to be happening soon um with with with the crew and of course you know like this year is Big this year is big I can honestly say that from Kurt Cousins to Michael pennick to I mean just what fans are expecting with Kyle pittz and bejan Robinson and Grady jarett’s coming back and man we’re g to be winning on the field and off the field M there’s no doubt about it you’re going to be winning on the field and off the field right so for fans that want to sign up for the riseup tour uh fan club you can see it right there on the screen um you can head on over to the website uh the riseup tour SL flash but there are some restrictions too as well on this membership right there is a swag kit that we give out um that fans usually expect the swag kit every year and we do have the swag kit this here but if you’re signing up for the uh the flash sale you just get your lanyard because we have our lanyards and then you will get added to the email list and then added to our private group right so you won’t get the membership kit you only get the lanard the email list and you’ll get added to the private group which I think most fans want that email list because that’s where all the the that’s where all the goodies are at you know what I’m saying um because we send out everything on that level we don’t put anything out on a personal level no more uh to fans who are not in who’s not going to be in the in in in the membership group um but at the end of the day when we have our parties on Saturdays everybody’s invited uh but Terry this is great man spend a great time talking Falcons football with everybody um we will have another podcast Wednesday with Miles Garrett from Fox 5 yes who’s gonna be in here talking Falcons football with us bring all your questions bring all your comments do whatever you want to do when it comes to asking about the Falcons but be respectful to Miles yes miles also will not answer anything that uh can get him in trouble with his job amen right we don’t want to put miles in that situation of come on Miles you know what was going on in Miles ain’t gonna answer it right right and of course um the schedule releases that day so we might get some leaks the same time that miles is in there uh chatting with us that’s going to be during the day so look for the social media Pages uh because we will go ahead and put that out uh for the time we do know it’s Wednesday but miles is busy right now so you say he’s going to hit me back in a in a little bit matter of fact he just text me I’m going go ahead and and take care of that shortly um oh good he gave that’s that’s a decent time I’ll let you know Terry um but of course at night Wednesday we have the rise up tour fan club podcast which is going to be the schedule release because our fans in the group are excited about traveling right and if you’re excited about traveling this year if you want to go to Vegas you want to go to den Denver you want to go to Philly uh and you want to be you know hooked up in a way as a fan like you want fans to look out for you from a fan for a fan join the rise up tour fan club uh right now flash right you get your discount you don’t have to pay the full amount you can pay the discounted amount which you guys can see right there $52 right now will sign you up now what you want to do is you’ll fill out the first page first name last name data birth your address because we send some stuff to you in the mail some pretty cool swag uh and then of course the your city your state your ZIP code your phone number and then of course your nicknames that will add to your lanyard because we want to make your lanyard all cool um and then once you pay you hit that button you hit that button you hit submit it goes to the next page which will bring up the um the payment information which then you’ll be able to pay Terry this has been a great show talking with the Falcon fans yes sir we’re going to be back Wednesday doing it again that we shall and then we’re gonna be back Friday morning with another special guest that we have here to talk Falcons football with us I know fans are going to be excited about that because we love bringing riters and journalists and other podcasters and of course announcers here uh to the channel and we have a good friend of ours who was on the channel before and he’s coming back again um and he’s writing now for for a nice group called called the sporting news right but Savon uh Mixon is going to be here on Friday morning one time for the F breakfast I’m sorry breakfast with one time for the fan seon’s gonna be here with us talking Falcons football so it’s great that we have a show yeah we have a show Wednesday afternoon then we have a show Wednesday evening then we have a show Friday morning right maybe a popup show in between right saon is going to be here talking Falcons football with this Terry that’s still it this is great look he always got he’s got his post up about Zion how he fits with the Atlanta Falcons right he got his Casey Washington Post how Casey Washington fits with the Atlanta Falcons let’s see what what what’s what saon has to say about Casey Washington right his positives right post NFL draft Conference Final stated that Washington is the protot Prototype at wide receiver let me see come on what’s this oh he has oh look at oh look at the sporting news oh they got their videos up and everything you can’t beat that uh Washington is the Prototype at wide receiver uh at 6 foot 197 pounds Washington ran a 446 40 yard dash Brock jump 10 had a 39.5 vertical at his pro day with that mure of size and speed fno immediately dreamed of him as a gunner on kickoff and punt coverage he also uses that large frame to his advantage in the Run game as a blocker I mean you can’t beat that I mean Savon is even breaking down what is going on with the Casey Washington uh pick for Atlanta and how he fits for the Falcons and we can ask Casey we can ask Savon that question Friday right we don’t have to sit here and go over uh all these you know quick bites and notes and all that stuff savon’s gonna be here Friday so ask him the question about the uh the draft ask him a question about the schedule release ask him a question about the Prime Time games we’re going to have I’m sure Savon would be love I’m sure s would love to talk Falcons football uh hopefully for more than an hour because you know we can keep going here on the channel right Terry yes sir we can absolutely we definitely can Falcon fans hit that like share and subscribe button man this has been great talking Falcons football with you Terry uh any shout outs for tonight sir yes um guys um and a lot of you in the chat know my mom is uh fighting a a battle right now and to be quite candid with you she probably is not going to make it to next uh Year’s Mother’s Day so this is for her uh Mrs Georgia Wilson you have been my mother my entire life you have carried me you have nourished me you have inspired me you have encouraged me you have been there for me in my darkest days in the most desolate times and I will forever love you I know I was a problem child I know I was difficult and Mom even though you are transitioning and hey if you live to next Mother’s Day great but when you go I want you to know that I will continue to represent you as best I can uh I will be the best husband father brother son employee friend young man Christian I can be and I love you mom forever and even though you are leaving it’s just a transfer of energy you are always with me you are in my heart you are in my mind you are in my brain you are in my soul and no one can take that away and I just want to thank you and whenever you’re ready to go it’s okay I thank God that he chose me to be your son and I have nothing but good things to say about you and with that Jack I’m going to defer to you um I would just end the podcast right there honestly man that was that was a shout out with um all the praise and and everything brother like you’re going through a lot and we’ve talked on the phone a few times this week we also in the chat talking a lot about what’s going on and uh you know you you you’ve done a lot man and uh you know our prayers go up to you prayers go up to your family yes thank you and of course I know this is a uh it’s a tough Mother’s Day for you but then again it’s also a great Mother’s Day for you too as well yeah um and you know that uh you’ve you’ve you’ve done a lot Terry to to be the manx you are today yes right and I’m sure Mom Dukes um is definitely uh appreciative of that too as well for those in the chat happy Mother’s Day to all the Falcon moms once again happy Mother’s Day I know it’s two more hours left in Mother’s Day but that’s every single day right it’s a Happy Mother’s Day for all of you every single time you join the chat you join the podcast talk Falcons all day but when we end the podcast what else you want to talk about we don’t have to talk Falcons right it’s life that we have to deal with um and if your mom is still alive hug her if your mom is still with you hug her whatever issues are going on it ain’t that serious it is not that serious if your mom is still alive call her if you haven’t called her shame on you but call her and tell your mom you love her and tell her you appreciate her and hey man everything else can be worked out because let me tell you something people are not forever they are not forever and I thank God for my mama and to those of you whose mothers have gone on you you you have my heart with you today I’m just gonna be honest with you I’m real raw right now but I’m gonna be all right my mama told me and and again it’s a little spoiler alert but Thomas said something that it just went all through me and I’m gon let you watch it but guys hey man if you still have your mothers hug your mothers love your mothers appreciate your mothers um and just enjoy this day man and and that’s it Jack I’m GNA shut up not gonna say anything else sir you know we don’t want you know I mean it’s life I know there’s a lot of people in the chat that uh you know respect what we do here at one time for the fan but outside of one time for the fan we do have lives and my good friend Terry here is uh he’s been going through a lot but he still shows up to make the podcast talks for an hour two hours but when he ends the podcast he has to go back to taking care we has to take care of yep and you know I think he does appreciate all the support in the chat um and it’s a it’s a it’s a serious it’s a serious moment for here at one time for the fan like we put Falcons aside right so uh Terry you can see the amount of prayer and supp coming in from the CH from the channel from people who has never met you yet but they can understand who you are from listening to you on the channel here I think people can can can see that Terry has been a good addition to the channel and bod who does a great job and you know he’s in his offseason right now Chase has so much going on with him I think do yall know that chase has another child on the way like Chase is living the dream right now right a hardworking individual he takes care of his family and then Chase also has a lot going on on his side too as well so sometimes you might not see everybody right but for Terry to take the time out of his day knowing that uh uh you know these days are everything for him um it it means a lot not only for us here in the chat but for me at one time for the fan I mean I told Terry today anytime you have to take away there’s any problem he’s like no man I want to be there for the channel it’s like you know you don’t it’s not that you know you don’t have to do that you know what I’m saying rather you you know take some time for yourself he’s like I feel like chat Channel could be there help me out use it it’s like he loves the channel he loves the podcast he loves the fans loves talking with the fans we’re trying to get Terry to go on the road this year Terry’s like I’m got a road guy you’re on the road this year so you know it’s going to be something that we can look at uh as fans all together yeah and we all can you know go through those difficult moments together not football difficult moments together you know in life and then we can all pull through together so we’re all uh sitting here on the channel giving our thoughts and prayers to you Terry thank you and gu first off uh Jack thank you so much thank you for all of your support thank you for everything that you’ve done hell man thank you for having me on the channel CU you know what you didn’t have to thank you thank you for taking a chance on me Thomas thank you to everybody in the chat guys thank you um I don’t feel bad today I I Feel Love I Feel Love uh my mother told me she loved me this morning and and that’s all that matters but you know what she told me six months ago hey I want you to start your podcast I’ve been trying to start it for four years so I’m not just doing this for me I’m doing this you know when I say I take her with me I’m serious and y’all know how it is I’m from the south when your mama tell you to do something you do it so hey she told me to do this podcast I’m gonna do this podcast yeah I’m hurting I’m not gonna lie but I’m glad that number one I have y’all uh everybody in this chat has done nothing but extend love to me uh my brother Eric Parker called me the other day and he said hey man I know what you’re going through and I I just I love that dude man because he has a he has a way of being there for you but not being intrusive and hey man I thank all of y’all I thank God for all of y’all I appreciate it I appreciate the support and I’mma get through it just like everybody everybody else man I’m not the first person that this happened to I won’t be the last and we’ll get through it and hey you never know maybe we win a Super Bowl this year and hell if we do you know hey I I’ll celebrate that hopefully with my mom too but hey man all right I appreciate it guys and I can’t thank y’all enough man really can’t thank you thank you all this is what it’s all about one time for the fan one time for the Falcons family one time for uh you know everybody here in the channel everybody in the chat we are all in this together right let’s go win us a Super Bowl uh yes sir as a falcon fan but then at the end of the day let’s all be successful too as well we have to take care of off the field but for fans I see there’s people hitting me up about um you know the tour and everything uh they’re signing up I I thank you all you know we want to make sure everybody’s a part of this um by the end of the day like I said let’s just go win in life too as well right F fans hit that like hit that share hit that subscribe button we’re back on Wednesday talking with Miles Garrett first during the day and then we’ll be back for a special schedule release podcast at 800 PM Terry yes sir I thank you sir I thank you sir enjoyed it thanks to the fans thanks to everybody love my chat members and uh Thomas man good doing that show with you you guys please when you get done with this check out our show that we did earlier today I I think it was fun Jack would you say you had fun I think I had a great time I had a great time um it was it was about a two-hour podcast uh you had about 10 questions that you know you talked about you know what’s the vision of the tour and how we’re going to take care of things this year and you know how we started back in the day but uh at the end of the day schedule release Wednesday man let’s go have some fun man Terry talk to you later brother hey man have a good one thank you

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