Check out the Eleven driver for yourself and use code JR10 for 10% off

it’s a time where golf clubs have never cost as much what if I told you there’s a secret driver that only I have that is going to be coming to the market and is going to cost you just £250 hi everyone my name is James Robinson welcome back to this YouTube channel and I’m of course talking about the new 11 nh1 driver now I’m really excited about this I’ve been working closely with the guys at 11 for a number of months now and I got to review their 11 hybrids the full hybrid set which obviously my dad absolutely loved before unfortunately he’s no longer here anymore I don’t know why I’ve said that but I had to do so 11 driver what is this about how good is it the nh01 and you can see what this is generally all about for me this looks like it’s going to be all about forgiveness we have a single weight in the back of this driver which is designed to help you with that Moi to push CG back and help you hit more Fairways we have adjustment between 3° you can go two up you can go one down you can of course adjust a L angle as well and shaft wise look at what this comes as stock with we have the KBS TD shaft and this for me is probably worth the 250 that you would be spending on this drive we’re going to test it today out here in the golf course and for numbers and see just how it can stack up I’ve got in 10 and a half you can get it 10 and a half 9 and a half or even 12 I didn’t think I had a ball them but I have so let’s go we’ve got a special guest on the channel as well today so stay tuned for that but first impressions with this driver it looks phenomenal and I saw somebody actually hit the Prototype of this 350 yards it was actually the guy that designed it Nick so Nick hats off to you cuz that’s incredible can we hit it that far today probably not but the head design this is the first time I’ve looked down it cuz it’s being all wrapped up and I wanted to share the unveiling with you guys but that looks absolutely gorgeous it actually looks very similar to the old Bridgestone drivers and I thought their head shapes were as good if not better than any of them I really hope this feels and sounds as good as it looks CU for £ 250 the guys at 11 claim this is as good as anything else on the market so without any further Ado oh wow that felt so easy and that is a re that’s that’s gone miles right I said we had a special guest and this wouldn’t be a dri review without this man well not him Bobby Bobby Bobby straight look at Bobby with a hood up as I know Chris what your thoughts on this cuz that looks delightful yeah again a little bit looks a little bit smaller down there nice small profile certainly looks nice behind it and again like you say with the shaft it’s a bit of a a premium shaft to say and a super stroke grip as well one of the things that a lot of these companies are doing the companies are bringing you really affordable good quality golf products is put good components is put good quality premium components in there such as shaft such as grip and then if you can manufacture your head to do a job you’re going to be doing quite well also a lovely thick leather head cover as well some people might care about that some people might not Chris I’m Keen to hear your opinions on this after hitting it that’s ridiculous again like you say launch is nice and easy feels solid off the face and again a great launch I like the sound of it actually sometimes when you think cheaper you think it’s going to sound very tinny you do and for £ 250 I asked myself what can you get brand new on the market today I think we might going to test this against something that’s brand new on the market today maybe the pxg with the similar shaft in there because obviously that would be an upcharge shaft but we’ll also do another video maybe testing it again something that would be secondhand for that price and see what would come out on top cuz for 250 quid well done Jabs so two pretty good drives there mine’s nice in the Fairway just short of the bunker Chris has gone in the bunker whenever you go in this bunker that’s quite a big hit I mean you probably would have thought you’d have reached it would you no again it strike was pretty good A little bit Towing it’s still gone a long way not much run either I think I’ve got quite lucky not to go in the bunker realistically let’s go on the next te and see just how long and forgiving this driver potentially is so when spending this amount of money on a driver what would you expect what would you anticipate to get regards to ball speed and forgiveness and all that important stuff so let’s h a couple more and then let’s jump in the studio and see exactly what we do get because personally I don’t think I would want to sacrifice anything spending £250 but are you sacrificing anything cuz you’ve got the good looks you’ve got the Shelf appeal you’ve got the visible Tech in there with that back weight and you’ve also got the premium shaft so there’s nothing really that shouldn’t work here I’m going to put this out there this is actually because it’s so simple and so traditional looking it’s probably one of the best looking drivers I’ve I’ve come across this year certainly in that kind of top demographic wow can we just have a word for that cuz that’s on string I was good that’s like literally straight down the middle of that Fairway and I was going to like stand here and hit you loads of drives and just say oh this one’s moving that way this one’s moving this way to be honest I’m tempted to leave it at that cuz I don’t think I can hit a better one than that but can we hit a worse one and can we get a test of the Forgiveness because it’s almost like Chris mentioned ear off camera about the size of the toe and I don’t mind that cuz I think it’s not really an offset it’s just more of a a design style and shape so I’m really really happy with that and I mentioned the Bridgestone earlier it’s also like a almost titless TS3 esque that kind of shape so with the fact that it’s available in so many different Lofts and shapes and sizes I’ve really gone after that one as well and they’re both bang smack down the middle of this par five that one was actually bottomy as well if I’m being brutally honest I wanted to test it for forgiveness and that one was just out of that kind of bottom area there Chris let’s send another one down the more I hit this the more I’m impressed with it almost looks berneski could on the bottom it does yeah and again good ball fights there 10 and a half degrees hasn’t just uh shot up has it no I have actually I put that down to 9 and a half with the adjustability but still sometimes it does look towed in when you do that and it’s still looks nice and flat doesn’t it yeah it just looks neutral oh that’s massive you’ve taken the corner on there as well kind of great ball just sounds good and again that was bottoming but the flight there it hasn’t spun up so you can see where that was struck so right in the middle but very low on the face but didn’t spin up I can’t wait to test this inside for numbers I haven’t actually done it yet often when I do these tests I already know the numbers but I’m really excited to get inside and see just how it performs then we’ll see where they finished and finish with a nice long drive competition with this 11 nh01 okay so let’s talk numbers for this 11 nh01 driver now I can’t quite come to grasp with how good this looks and how good it feels for £250 the guys at 11 have said if you want to go and get one that will do a discount code for this video so it’s jr10 in the link in the description below if you want to go and get it for me I think the all the stuff that goes in it all the components that go in it really do speak volumes as to what the guys at 11 are trying to achieve and the fact they’re doing it at 250 quid really does bode well to the future of golf and that felt really good little bit High tiny bit left what’s it going to be 260 158 ball speed realistically so that’s not too bad at all can we get that spin rate down that’s going to be the key here oh that felt really good that felt really good look at this 272 running up to 300 291 but spinning at 1,800 ball speed 161 and I’m not really that loose yet I’ll admit it I’m not really that Loose as a Goose so it can perform that was towy as well and this is one thing I really enjoy testing on these clubs like I’ve hit that quite badly and it’s still up there at 274 spin was a little bit high ball speed dropped down to 158 158 ball speed on toe strike I’m going take that all day okay guys so when I finally stopped talking and started testing this driver pH numbers and concentrating on the swing I actually found some really interesting things it really really did start to feel quite solid it felt more forgiving than potentially what I was giving it credit for and actually I was getting some pretty decent numbers the longest I was getting was around kind of 276 shortest was down into the 260s you can see I’ve compared it against the tsr3 cuz I was testing that that day ball speeds a couple of mph off it was a little bit of a higher spin rate so potentially if I could get that spin rate down you’ll see that I would manage to get it a little bit further but all in all for the price I really don’t think that’s a bad option if you wanted a brand new driver in 2024 okay so as we get down here you won’t believe how close my 2 are that is literally you could throw a blanket over those and that’s exactly what I’m looking for when T in a driver yes it’s nice that it goes a long way you will have seen the numbers I don’t know them yet maybe it performs good maybe it doesn’t but consistency factor I mean look where he is hello I’m over here that’s massive yours was a little bit lower wasn’t it maybe a better spin rate on that one but we’re going to finish this with a long drive competition on the next hole there’s water left you can’t afford to hit a bad one with the 1101 okay so before I beat Chris with a long drive competition with this 11 driver you know it’s going to happen downwind today it is downwind that bunker might be in reach anyway let’s talk about the price because the price is one of the big reasons why maybe you guys are still watching and one of the big reasons why I were really excited to test this club £250 yep so I mean the hybrids were a good price I mean value for money obviously and then this really if you get in this and the full set of the hybrids it’s going to be probably half price of if you went full any brand I name any brand yeah but I mean so you think about so that CL Club the pxg drive that I’m using at the moment with that shating like would be £700 near enough 250 quid with the bu charge shaft and I think it’s a really good way of getting people into the game because golf has started to get a little bit too expensive and some people might say it’s always been too expensive unfortunately that’s the way the world and the way things are going the fact these companies keep producing I think it’s exceptional I’d certainly think about maybe that in the bag and the two or three hybrid even for me so the full set maybe yeah someone someone of a high handing c book certainly the driver in the hybrid in the bag it’s one of those as well like you say obviously if it was a pH she 700 is it 700 worth is do you have that just because of the the bag appeal of having a phg head cover is it actually helping you get better or could this do just the same job feels like it comes off very hot yeah like the sound I just it does feel solid again there pretty centered not as low off the face as the last one so the right side let’s see if cuz it’s not turning over on you either your your bad one’s a bit of that turning over one isn’t it so yeah head head shape I’m very very intrigued and impressed with it I just don’t think there’s too much as well very uh subtle yeah social they’re bang next to each other let’s get down there and let’s see I’m not sure cuz that feels like it’s so hot as well just there let’s go and see who’s taking the spoils I can’t believe it but these I mean to be fair you knocked it P me further on the last all that’s a victory for you Christopher you closed the Gap I have closed the Gap guys if you’re interested I will put a link below 411’s Instagram page and website I think what they’re doing is very very special bringing us good quality golf products at affordable prices so check them out if you like I believe this is the first in the country so if you want to try and get a hold of one dm the guys over on Instagram thank you so much for watching I’ll see you all at the same time tomorrow goodbye


  1. Hi James, tks for your review on the new eleven driver. I've had mine a couple of weeks now and can not stop a high slice with it. I have the kbs td 40g shaft and I think this is the problem. Ive been using a Taylor Made R9 10.5 with a stiff fuijikura shaft [standard]. I very seldom miss fairways with it and have had to go back to it. Im 70yrs old and the r9 goes 195-200m. Ive tried all settings on the tds to no avail. Any thoughts on a different shaft I should use. PS eleven must be very busy as Im not getting replies. Tks Bruce

  2. So sorry for your loss, James. I enjoyed you talking about your Dad and seeing you play together on the channel. It's never easy, but I do hope it's just a "Goodbye for now" with a reunion in the beyond. Blessings and prayers of comfort for you and your family.

  3. So sorry to hear about your dad, I enjoyed the video with him and the Eleven clubs. He was a real hoot! Always enjoy you and Chris.

  4. James, so sorry to hear about your dad. I always loved seeing him in your videos. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  5. Condolences and prayers to you and yours re the passing of your dad. Hopefully you have good memories to carry you thru it all.

  6. Now he watch you play all the time and watch over your family at the same time. My condolences to you Laura and your Mom.

  7. Idea for a review: premium golf bags. Vessel, Ghost, Stitch, GFore, Sunday, Jones, boutique shops, etc. been wanting one but having a hard time deciding. All the rage these days.

  8. Mr. Robinson seemed like an absolutely wonderful guy. Sad sad news.

    Golf club wise, Gabe of Lets Play Thru absolutely loved the $250 Tour Edge E 524 driver. He was hitting it just like J and C were hitting this one.

  9. My Condolences James….My father passed in 2011, and my mom passed last November.
    That driver looks fantastic, and long off the tee!

  10. Sorry for your loss James.
    I wanted to ask, how would this driver compare to something like a Sim 2 Max? Currently on sale at a well-known retailer for a very similar price point (£279). Thanks

  11. My father passed over 20 years ago… I know the feeling…condolences…my father got me into golf over 50 years ago him being an avid golfer himself…2 years ago I put his 30 year old Ping Anser putter into my bag…best move I ever made in my golf I don’t ever play golf without Dad being there and I feel his presence every time I play now…I know he appreciates being on the course…I know it sounds nutty but it is good for the soul…food for thought..🙏✌️

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