Golf Players

Canadian Hadwin looking to carry momentum to Valhalla

Moose Jaw native Adam Hadwin joins TSN’s Bob Weeks to share his thoughts on how Valhalla Golf Club has been playing so far.

all right Adam hadwin uh all the prep work is done here for the PGA Championship first of all how do you like the golf course yeah it’s a good golf course um big property uh big Golf Course um but I think it’s in a in a good spot it’s uh um narrow but generous if that makes sense and um the rough seems uh very playable at this point um and a little softer I think than than anybody would want it but you can’t control Mother Nature so um I think it’s set up for a what I would generally think as a good PJ Championship how do you feel about your game going into it is are all the tools working I think so yeah um I had a good final round at Quil Hollow last week I thought I I brought some good momentum coming into this week um again we’ve talked about this at length a lot of it is just staying out of my own way and just trying to have some fun and play some golf so um yeah we’ll see it up tomorrow morning and see what happens what do you think it it takes for you to sort of get the big breakthrough that you’ve been looking for like you say staying out of your own way but is there something technical that you would love to improve upon um I mean I think there’s there’s something technical that i’ would always like to improve upon um but that doesn’t mean that uh in the meantime you can’t play some really good golf I mean I think when you come into these type of events you know that you’re going to have to drive it well um Iron play is going to be a big key into the greens um you know Green in regulations I think is going to be a very telling stat for me this week I can only save myself so much on the greens um with the Putter and so um I’m going to have to be sharp a little sharper than I have been this season with the irons and um but uh I’m looking forward to the challenge you got a busy stretch coming up you got this then you’ve got the Canadian open the RBC Canadian open you’ve got uh the US Open and then at that point of course we’ll have a decision about the Olympic team how busy is it and how busy is your mind off the golf course um yeah obviously very busy stretch uh lots of golf coming up a lot of big events coming up um this is you know an important five six weeks right here uh can determine a lot of things uh Olympics um goes a long way for president cup later on as well so um I think off the golf course I’m doing a good job of not stressing about it not worrying about it too too much um I’ve always been of the the mind that if I take care of the things on the golf course that’ll take care of the things off the golf course for me and so um focus on this week um getting off to a good start uh putting myself in a position to be in contention come the weekend and we’ll see what happens the next five all right good luck on Thursday thanks Bob

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