Golf Players

I NEVER want to Fish in Florida after THIS!! (Painful)


My Sunglasses ► Use “MF15” to SAVE

Hair Jig ► Use “MF10” to SAVE
Konda Swim Jig ► Use “MF10” to SAVE
Judge Worm ► Use “MF10” to SAVE

what is up mfers you can see back behind me we got palm trees we got humidity we got lizards everywhere we are in Florida and that means stop number three of the Elite series season started off with a bang the first two went extremely well top 10 in both and now we are down in a place that the Elite Series has not gone at this time of year maybe ever I don’t know if I’m just going to say ever because the Elite Series has been around since what5 2006 never have we come here in the post spawn April time usually it’s been January February pre-spawn spawn typed tournaments this one’s going to be totally different and I cannot wait to get started especially because not only do we have a bunch of stuff rigged up ready to go we got a whole package of new stuff that you’ve probably never seen before from six cents prototype stuff even that I just got the okayish from father Zach to show you guys but um some stuff that’s absolutely going to play down here in Florida I’m going to get rigged up get ready to go and tell you guys what I’m going to be looking for and throwing at the Harris chain in this tournament all right we got the man with the crazy hair and the plan Osborne here we’re going to show you some Aussie look at this look at this box of baits we got from 6 cents stuff that’s maybe just been released by the time the video gets out and some stuff I know that has not been released by the time the video gets out and we’re going to just talk about what’s going to happen in this tournament or at least what my mindset is going into the Harris chain so if you you guys remember we were just here this was the last open at the Harris chain in October in that event tough fishery fall fishing caught almost all my fish out of one little area a brush pile and then a little Clean Water Area I don’t know if any of that’s going to play at all but I’m thinking posts spawn fish maybe some spawn fish I’m going to be looking for bed fish a little bit in this event but most likely it’s going to be how I love to fish everybody saw me do the live scope you know looking at them you know finding staging suspended fish the first two tournaments and I think people assume that that’s the only way I know how to fish and uh the only way I like to fish couldn’t be further from the truth my favorite way to fish is the post spawn summer and I mean you can really do it in the winter too in Texas and offshore fishing and that is fishing hard bottom areas grass edges offshore Ledges points current stuff which I don’t think we’re going to have a whole lot of current in this event that’s how I want to catch them man hair jig Carolina rig Dragon a jig throwing a flutter spoon cranking deep cranking grinding stuff into the bottom and throwing a big swimbait hopefully we can make any of those things happen but if you remember from last time we were here Cole how many lakes is this like seven or eight yeah you got seven or eight but you got little tiny ones kind of connected to but the main players are where we launch that’s Harris little Harris which is connected from there you go through about a 10-minute idle get to Lake Eustace and then from Eustace you can either go over to Griffin you have to go through a lock or you can go to the right which takes you to Dora another 10 to 15 minute idle between those two from Dora you can go over to boclair from boclair you can either go south to a small lake called Carlton or once again you can take a canal and a lock a sketchy lock they’re both kind of sketchy both really sketchy actually uh and go down to the largest lake of the chain of popka now that seems like a lot of idling and a lot of running because it is and locking can take a long time because it’s you remember three boats at a time through the apopa lock I think five boats through the Griffin lock both of which we’ve been told have been not working very well so it’s a risk a huge risk um going to either of those Lakes but at the same time it’s pretty much known that Griffin is the most consistent Lake on this chain right now the last couple years and Apopka has the largest ceiling the highest ceiling the chance of that 20 plus PB bag which you have everywhere but really there most the tournament launch it a Harris and therefore it’s a long trk to get down there and I think they’re just it’s bigger it’s more vast and there’s the chance for bigger fish down there but some of these baits that came in this package are exciting because their baits were going to use in practice right and in the tournament Aussie don’t act like you’re scared look at this Oz we got this guy right here I’ve been actually had a big part in designing this right here the flock hair jig and even though it’s not a jig head minnow some some have been known to use this bait very effectively using Liv scope one of my favorite baits to to use for offshore summer post spawn all the way through the fall bass fishing and obviously hair has always been really good um in in the winter too in cold water months but this thing is freaking perfect there’s so many hair jigs on the market it’s really an old school bait the old school preacher style bait that kind of come back around but it’s important to have Bucktail in it it’s important to have some of those Hackle feathers because those little feathers go a little bit further back and they do a little swiming motion when you crank that thing really quick and it’s important to not have too heavy of a hook because this is the most effective bait using lighter line 10 12 14 lb test at the very most um and you don’t want a big bulky hook you want as much flow as much swim out of this hair out of this out of this hair as possible and to add a little bit of extra to flare to this guy of course 6 cense has a very detailed heads and we threw some little bit of skirt material in there too that’s a morning dawn color right there some of these colors are absolutely incredible look at this one it’s got a little bit of gray fur in there it’s called Pro blue got some blue on the top some some shimmery blue this is probably my favorite color in the whole thing a gray Shad color so many of these old school hair jigs that work so good are just like a straight white color this is the first time we’ve had a natural color swim jig or hair jig to go along with that let’s talk about swim jigs right Oz we got a whole bunch of swim jigs too these guys right right here the cond swim jig so 6 sense has already got wow that’s a couple things I probably not even supposed to show 6 cents has already got a couple different types of swim jigs um we have the regular swim jig the Divine and the braided swim jig version with a little bit heavier hook this one is smaller it has if you look at it up close we had one rigged up here o it doesn’t have the skirt tab on the bottom layer like your traditional skirts have they’ve all been trimmed out so it’s going to give it the nice finesse sparse jig skirt like if you guys you know do a little bit of searching through my videos I do with about every jig skirt I don’t like a big bulky skirt on anything especially a swimming bait like a swim jig and it has a little bit lighter wire hook so the whole thing is going to have a more finesse presentation finesse approach actually the way that the angle of the hook eye is and where the weight is on the head of this jig is going to cause this bait to run super super level through the water column it’s still flat enough on the bottom that it’s going to skip it’s GNA come to a point a little bit there so it’s going to get through a lot of that grass like we’re going to love here at the the Harris chain dude we’re going to show that next a frog what’s it called a frog a frog but yeah the condo swim jig it’s up there on the site now awesome colors with all our swim jigs that’s a bluegill color I’m going to tie this guy on get him thrown around in practice let’s show him that Aussie I think we’re supposed to I think it’s okay if we show this but we’ve had the Vega frog for a while and now we’re coming out with a regular pointed nose Style version of a frog this has actually been one of the works for a long time still has that nice perfectly shaped weight that fits through the bottom of the hook Gap when it collapses so it does not have any issues collapsing these big hooks the body is was you want it body was made around that hook for better hookup ratio and when we were designing a frog we didn’t just want you you’re good sorry I didn’t mean to knock you over we didn’t just want another frog um because there’s everyone’s got frogs in the market so pretty much everyone in Tournament Fishing um that knows the deal with frogs has gravitated I’m trying to find some more frogs I think we got there’s another one right there has gravitated towards I hey I got one I heck yeah you do bro they’ve gravitated towards this uh a more finesse style frog because of all the pressure on our Lakes right now and so when we designed this we wanted a frog that could walk could chug could skip but was in a smaller package and so one thing that could be going on right now at the Harris chain is a Shad spawn what a great Shad color that is some frogs come with like crazy stupid color leg you got bright yellow and brown and stuff legs like I don’t know why they do that I’m always switching legs out these come with you know clear nice natural legs um this one has a really subtle subdued baby bluegill is the name of this one you know bluegill have that nice little brighter tips to them you can trim some of those out if you want to leave them full but yeah same awesome colors as the Vega frog but in a nice finesse pointed nose package I cannot wait to get that tied up and sling it around some of these big old floor strands you want to feel it check it out bro dude you got every single bait out in the entire thing you’re getting after it this is got orange and green yeah it’s got orange on its chin bluegill have that right yeah some people actually add orange to their chin of their frog yeah one of my good friends Rick Riley who actually lives down here in Florida now but he taught me a ton fishing frogs growing up he always would put orange on his throat of his frog like that he swore it made him get more on his back yeah it’s a cool bluea color isn’t it I love that all right what else do we got you got a couple things out that’s a hair J we already looked at those look at these guys UND spin treble head so you could add an UND spin to swimbait to whatever you want to and I was just telling Cole I don’t know if this is going to play a lot here but we’re about to go to St John’s river that might be a lot more of a uh ledge offshore fish on a little bait style bite dragging one of these guys around could be absolutely key so that’s I mean that’s awesome they sent me these I didn’t even know these were coming out but since we’re coming out with like 56 60 new products in 2024 um there’s going to be some stuff that I don’t even know about that’s coming out bigger size the party menow so um those guys that love the party menow a lot of people were wanting a realistic swimbait with eyes that had a really nice subtle natural tail kick this one’s going to be the absolute deal what are you doing there trying to dig a guy out yeah look at that hair jig killer gold in there silver on the top man that’s cool and they come in a lot of sizes too this is a bigger one 3/4 ounce I think is the biggest size um then all the way down to I think qu ounce is the smallest size hook you got hooks on it yeah are you done with it no you want to look at it got look at it think aassa eat that yeah I do too what else we got in here what other things are we supposed to not show look at this guy wow that guy looks like he could move some water with his big old tail it’s like think wanted eat that wow what a good design too you can put the harness on the top or on the bottom that’s pretty cool I’m putting these in the boat I’m freaking tying these tomorrow I bet something would dong that know what you think no I don’t think so all right never mind I’m not going to tie on anyways um that stuff’s all awesome this is another bait that um I’ll absolutely be throwing this new bait from 6 cents called the judge if if you’re familiar with swimming worms in Florida that’s what this guy is except um it’s not one something that I I got on last year uh at this Harris chain open but my buddy Jack York actually he went out he had one pack of these he went to to Griffin I think and crushed him on it he was in the top 10 and he’s like dude do you got any more of those and uh I I was like yeah sure here’s a couple packs I’m not using them I’m fishing brush piles and doing other stuff but he crushed them on this he swears by it he said it works way better than all the other you know the swim worms that the guys use around here and you can see it’s just it’s a different profile um it’s more of like a swimbait style profile it’s like a cross kind of between like the very traditional um Big Easy Style swimbait mixed with a swimming worm so let’s kind of get the best of both worlds that will absolutely be getting tied on for practice obviously not going to go anywhere without these two baits we just talked about post spawn fishing I just hooked myself C10 freaking line through I’m not going to go out and fish post spawn without these baits tied up so they will be on the deck to start practice tomorrow I think I’m going to just kind of get a feel for everything to start tomorrow morning um get an idea of how the lakes are fishing how they’re setting up because I got some you know some sweet spots this is one of the few few places on the schedule I’ve been and spent a lot of time scanning around so I got some areas where I know it goes down Florida fishing is kind of obvious which is why people end up fishing on top of each other a lot of times in Florida um so I I’m going to hit the spots where I know that they should be and I know that they they get and see how those look and kind of go from there I don’t expect this to be a super easy tournament some of the weights have been really low Toyota series tournament took 13 pounds a day I think to get a top 10 Co what aie oh you about hooked yourself what do you think it’s going to take how many pounds do you think I need to catch to get a top 10 12 12 a day yep I’m good with that how about I try to catch a 12 pounder no eight an eight pounder I’m going to catch an eight pounder each day aie says but um yeah I will catch you guys first s in the morning bright and early and we’re going to get this Harris chain broken down I can’t wait try not to have too many of these in the process good morning mfers welcome out day number one practice day number one that is out at Old Harold’s chain here in Florida just a solo for practice colaw stayed home to get some editing done and get caught up on some of our tournament videos cuz it’s been like one after another he’s been killing the edits as you guys have seen thank you for all the compliments he isn’t able to tell you that because he’s behind the screen behind the camera but just got down here to Florida um beautiful weather out here this morning and last time we were here it was a very special time because that’s when we qualified for the Elite Series in that open last October seems like we were just here seems like it was 10 years ago at the same time but uh lot different this time we’re here in April that was October and it sounds like it’s still fishing really tough um launched at door this morning and I wanted to fish a popka the whole day today but I want to see if there’s a Shad spawn so we’re going to have some early mornings getting on the water as early as possible this entire week and I was thinking about it I was like it takes like 2 hours to get to a pop at least with the lock and everything and so I’m going to be you know past the Shad spawn at that point anyway look at this there’s a lot of activity on the water back behind me maybe you can’t see that I’m a nerd but anyways um Shad spawn usually happens first thing in the morning so I was like why am I trying to get that going in a popka when I’m not going to get down there till 9:30 10:00 anyways and I like these lakes and want to check them out regardless so we are going to do that get the live chck thrown on and uh get on out here see what we can fine today um but yeah I want to start with a Buzz bait ChatterBait swim jig stuff like that up Shallow see if we can get things going um and Dora and boclair and then we’re going to trailer over to Apopka instead of taking the time to go through the lock and stuff practice obviously going to be a fun practice time and uh I’m looking forward to it just tough to catch fish out here here these days anyway so let’s get [Music] [Music] in that’s why you come to Florida right there the pigs oh god look what he just blew out they just came up schooling a second ago there’s a whole bunch of them Unfortunately they were all that size not this size this is a Shad but they’re the size of that guy small well I’m doing a lot of scanning and I wasn’t really expecting to do this but it just kind of feels right and that’s kind of just how I like to do practice whatever feels right whatever looks right and I’m starting to just think that there could be a lot of big post spawners somewhere here in boclair so I just wanted to show you guys a little bit what I’m looking at on Side Imaging here and what I’m scanning so it makes some sense besides just like me catching random 12 Ines and sporadically hopefully catching some big ones but I was scanning This Grass line you can kind of see some sporadic grass over here and this is most likely hydrilla and Eel Grass and you can see this edge here that right there kind of looks like a little brush pile so I’ll definitely going to mark that just something that we can you know throw at when we come back but I marked this whole grass Edge going up here and I found some things that are really interesting right here so first off look at these Shadows up here so those are definitely bigger fish more spread out um these right here definitely look like gar look at that return they look really long there’s kind of two out there in the open middle nowhere very likely to be gar or you know something that’s not a bass but these here look like a really a good group of really big bass see has good Shadows right there on that grass line especially cuz it kind of Curves in that’s a spot where bass could set up and then you kind of come up here and you start to see you see some little dots up there that could be you know bluegill that could be Shad a lot of those little dots mixed in here that don’t just look like the tops the grass in these areas so I marked if you if I kind of if I tap on that you can see I marked the grass line there I marked the grass line there and then if you come over here this right here is either bluegill beds or it’s a shell bed a lot of times they look uh they give that dimpled look like that um so they’re hard to kind of differentiate a lot of times but regardless it’s a hard bottom area right there off a grass line you got big bass next to it we’re going to stop and see what it looks [Applause] like for for w that’s got to be first crappie on a chatter bit wow the old brush pot I still got them spot right here where I did well in the open cut most of my fish actually and they’re still eating the old blood Apple 7in Divine guy fortunately the other two spots that I like down here had nothing on them so we need to find more if we’re going to take the time to lock through an air thing oh we’re in a Popkin now by the way you get water spots on you popka water spots blood Apple check G everywhere you go good morning amfer second day of practice here on the Harris chain yesterday sucked wasn’t happy with what I saw ended up probably driving around around and changing laks more than I should have instead of just you know sitting there dialing in a bite somewhere but that’s kind of what I like to do the first day of practice just get a feel for everything and when you’re on a chain of lakes that I think there’s seven or eight or nine lakes and they all fish a little bit different they have different nuances when I was here in October uh I caught fishing all of them in practice I figured them all broken down some of the best areas of them in practice I just wanted to go out and see if the fish were on the same stuff how they were relating to some of the stuff and it turned out it just it sucked everywhere um the only thing we really had going was the very first spot in the morning there was a bunch of fish on bait uh in a little Canal um a little cut through I guess it wasn’t even a canal so that’s what we got so far we totally switched plans today we are in Griffin today and we’re going to be fishing some offshore grass and then we’re going to be fishing some canal some Rivers just to see what the hell we can find and um water’s 71 up here in the river so it’s not like it’s uh a whole lot different water temperature wise I talked to some some other dudes that struggled their ass off yesterday too so you know a lot of these guys in this tournament are going to have a hard time too and we just got to figure out a way to get some decent 2 to three lb bites in the boat because it’s Florida and you can stumble upon a freaking giant one to go along with them and then you’re really cooking um I think JT told me the winning weight last week uh in a pretty good size local termin was like 17 lb and that’s what it’s been taking so it ain’t easy out here yesterday had an East Wind post frontal today is kind of similar but at least it’s the second day in the the the process of the weather pattern so hopefully they bite a little bit better I hope so all right let’s see what we can find yeah yeah um oh I got one on what do you know about that Trey McKinny whoa dude that’s a giant three pounder sorry I dropped my phone I just broke I just broke my PB I had to drop the phone there that was exciting um all right I’m spending the next two I’m not going to say it 3 days or four days of T I’m going to spend the two days of a tournament in here this spot right here it’s looking like a two-day there you go do it to it buddy okay that sounds oh dude I just got another one it’s a pick roll I got a pick roll you you CAU any of these things pick on a swim jig yeah dude I’m on fire mother little that’s just like barely even a bass God dang man freaking scan all this badass isolated freaking grass and shell beds and freaking grass edges bluegill beds and that’s what you get we’re on freaking Eustace now the river sucked balls well some of it did some of it was okay but couldn’t freaking put it together so about 2:30 I pulled the dang plug and got out of there and now we’re just trying to make something happen I don’t know just trying not to get discouraged cuz I know it’s tough for everyone so we just got to keep our head down keep our head together and try to figure it out but that’s so hard to to freaking do when you get rewarded with that like five times a day so just trying to keep my head in it really and you guys are all up again water spotted there you go hey you can see me all nice and clear now all these giant fish fishing right they’re loaded right there well my GoPro decided to die so something really confusing just happened just kind of a almost A pounder I don’t know looks like a good spot I suppose it’s the best spot we got I know that on the dang flick Shake clout cool let’s get her back in man got the new clout bolt pack this side of this would be a little bit better than bringing 27 packs of them fishing on a little flick shake head and can’t see apparently because I didn’t put in the middle fish out a little flick Shake rig little bit grainy this morning here we go day three final day of practice and then we have an off day and then we get this party I don’t know if it’s going to be a party but we’re getting it started actually yesterday didn’t really talk a whole lot about it cuz I got dialed in and finally got a clue uh to something that was going on and it’s something that I knew should be going on where basically oh look my boat’s trying to float away but basically the uh fish are relating to Bluegill beds and isolated grass patches next to them which I knew that they could be and should be but doesn’t ever seem like things go like they’re supposed to so I finally got a big bite on one and I had two other bites one of them I didn’t get um was my Carolina rig was swimming at me so that usually is not a tiny one when the uh thing has slack in it with a 3/4 ounce weight not that a 10 iner can’t swim or 3/4 ounce weight but usually that type of bite is a good one and the other one was a small fish so we are going to start on Dora and boclair in my boat it’s far enough away that it’s going to be an uncomfortable jump to get into it I better grab it before uh screwed in a second is just going to say that’s not small got a boat behind us of course four pounder sweet time to [Music] give for care okay well at least these guys are biting P you little bastard don’t HS at me BD should I keep him tell Aussie we got a new pet buddy let go n know I’m trying to help you all right you’re free oh giant giant back to back one Gator one bass living hand in hand [Applause] [Music]


  1. Best bass fishing I have ever done in my like was at lake reedy in Frostproof actually I think it's like 40-50 miles south from apopka

  2. I certainly hope you don't use profanity around your son like you do. Have unsubscribed and give you a thumbs down for your filty need to think about all those kids who enjoy watching your videos, they don't need this, plenty of other good fisherman.

  3. Gotta move after it makes that noise it’s calling mama… go from gator nuggets to full size gator better keep the 🔫 😂🤣

  4. Good stuff Ben. I knew it was going to be rough for yall. Been fishing the Chain last few months it was tough to get size around that time when yall were there. That's not including how pressured its from all the other tourneys and the spraying.

  5. Good luck on Harris. I know you’ll put something together. It’s time to see you holding them trophies. Keep your head down. We got this time to pick up some Giants.

  6. What happened at lake Murray.?? Did you break your arm, get run over by another boat? I mean this should have been right up your alley. I just don’t get it?

  7. Amazing how getting the waypoint from locals to that brush pile got you to the elites but didn’t work in the elites! 🤦

  8. I think we need a fishing duel to happen for some big money….

    Coleslaw vs McCoy!!!!!!!!

    Loser has to fill the other ones fisherman for the next tourney

  9. I love alligators lol, it’s cool seeing them when I go see my family in Memphis. Man keep doing what you’re doing. You are the man

  10. 8:52 “some frogs come with some stupid color legs, bright yellow, brown “(the color of frog legs) but then the next thing you show is a frog with bright yellow legs saying it’s a good blue gill imitator…wtf you even saying dude. You’ve definitely lost your swag and your content has gone down the shitter since you joined BASSMASTER. I miss the old Ben who just did whatever he wanted and caught big fish and was funny. This sh*t is getting boring af. You have to realize by now professional tournament fishing just sucks. Amateur tournament fishing is where it’s at. You’re losing to much money gambling on yourself all the time.. maybe if there was some type of fantasy fishing leagues we could participate in like in football it might make todays professional fishing more exciting. But it just flat out blowsssssss

  11. Keitech mad wag rip off- the swimming worm deal ya got going on, a little different, same idea tho. Big swimbait profile, ribbed , curly/swimming worm tail..the mad wag is lights out I’m stoked absolutely no one talks of it fishes it..burn that sucker thru grass piles in the pre spawn and hop it thru grass lines in post spawn it gets gulped

  12. Ben….. I forgot or was never given a reason or explanation or I missed it but I'd like a flathead collaboration with Josh… …. ….. go d a catch and cook… AND you better have a stachestick….

  13. Must really suck when you catch dinks like that and have terrible days. Especially after you’ve spent about $30-$50k on all those fancy electronics. Not to mention the boat that costs dang near $100k. 😂.

  14. Come to starke when you come to the St. John’s some nice bass around here man I’d love to fish Hampton lake with someone who has a live scope there is some state record bass on Kingsley lake but it’s private I have access to

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