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Winged Nation – Brent Marks and Dusty Zomer

Presented by Sage Fruit…

Steve Post and Erin Evernham talk with Saturday nights High Limit Racing winner Brent Marks and Knoxville Raceway 410 winner Dusty Zomer.

[Music] ladies and gentlemen we want you to stand and we want you to make ladies and Gentlemen let’s go racing here at Knoxville oh the best go three of it is Showtime at Williams Grove Speedway ladies and gentlemen boys and girls here at Aldora Speedway it’s showtime you got him for a rep often imitated never duplicated the greatest show on dirt the world of L it’s time to sit back relax and enjoy because ladies and gentlemen it’s sh set to do battle 4 30 laps the green flag is waiting hello again it is Wing Nation presented by Sage Fruit Talk and Sprint car racing our favorite time of the week and we are so glad that you have joined us Steve post and my co-host Aaron everham hello Aaron how are you I’m doing well how are you I am fantastic I am fantastic you know there’s there’s there’s this there periods of life in our NASCAR lives or in all of our Lives you know where this is a good stretch of races this is this is a good stretch of races on the NASCAR side Darlington was great Kansas was great home for a few weeks with North wboro and Charlotte and really really cool so everything is well in my world uh how about your world it’s it’s really well you know as you know and spent time with Ray he was the uh Grand Marshall of Darlington Race so that was fun for our family and Kate and I were at a horse show and I competed for my first time how you do I I finished second overall um out of two um top two leave the out of two off well I was going to but you know I like I like to a little self- depreciation um but it was really fun it was it was neat to try something different and um to be able to share it with Kate and my mom flew down for the weekend so yeah it was it was a great Mother’s Day weekend Mother’s Day weekend good times that’s for sure uh three generations yep having a good time at type of horsepower yeah a little type of horsepower little bit slower funny just a quick Story the first part of one of the competitions you have to start cantering and the pony didn’t really want to go and I didn’t really have her prepared right so I ended up losing my Stirrup and I just stopped I was and I just laughed and put my foot back in so then I was kind of frustrated and I asked to caner the other way and I got her to go right away and we were like Galloping and um Kate’s trainer who is obviously my trainer as well is like this is not a race Aaron this is not a race I’m like but it’s fun to caner fast she’s like oh gosh want a where’s the cushion where’s the cushion you know boring yeah that’s awesome she’s like yeah but it doesn’t look that pretty I’m like I don’t care it’s fun yeah exactly what was my lap times what my lap times yeah yeah can I cut someone off yeah great stuff oh gosh that’s really cool that really is I was Darlington throwback weekend and um we had some Throwbacks that related to sprint car racing uh I love this one I even love the way they presented it uh Chase brisco’s car chase actually had his dad and he showed them the diecast car the on the hood of this car all of the drivers that have driven for him and Aaron it is like a who’s who Steve kinzer Doug Wolf Gang Jack hu Rich voger Christopher Bell David Dale blay I mean this is unreal yeah that is a list of Hall of Famers right yeah and then and then you Richard was the longtime team owner that’s Chase’s Granddad yeah Kevin raced risky brisky that’s what they had in the passenger door window and then all of the drivers um fascinating that this and he mentioned this on his postrace interview on MRN uh their family car number was five and he finished in the fit spot look at that so really like that one that was very open um embracing driver family Sprint car royalty sort of thing the one that I liked as much as that was Sammy Smith and of course Sammy is sponsored by TMC Harold anette’s first entry was Mike Brooks Mike was they raced together in the 1970s and 80s the mick house Sprinter and uh Mike Brooks had a pretty good career as well yeah was Knoxville champion ship he had eight Knoxville wins and he won the eight the 1980 Knoxville Nationals yeah the prelim night he he didn’t win the Nationals he was perfect on the preim perfect on the preim but I love this is what I love I love we talked about Mike Brooks yeah at a NASCAR race um we we talked about you know we we talked about Jan Ley the modified great Patrick Emerling had a throwback to Jan ladyy uh we talked about um a late model stock racer here in the area Dee mcll Todd gilland had a throwback to his first win where he beat Dee mccal um I love cross pollinating yes the Kyle Larson Kelloggs car was the winner that that was the winner hands down Terry lebani in a fire suit that was the winner but to me the winner is getting to talk about Mike Brooks and Jan ladyy and deck mcal and and it goes on and on that is just such a fun part about throwback weekend so really really good stuff there was Sprint car racing as well although none in central Pennsylvania that was depressing that really was I was like okay Friday all right we got Saturday night and I was like H Saturday’s canceled because you know I don’t know it just wasn’t okay High limits kab high limit racing uh they did get a chance to race Friday night Burlington Iowa okay it was Brad sweet what a finish this one was it really was the margin was 01 12 12 I don’t even know how to say that 12 th000 right 12000 yes I think it is yes yes yeah that would be right I mean I I do have an engineering degree but why would I know how to say that anymore but it was an amazing finish and that was a Non-Stop 30 laap feature too yeah so for the big cat it was his third straight win fifth career high limit win uh it was Brad James mcfaden and Brent marks um on the podium uh so Brad’s riding a three- race win streak when they rolled on to Tri City Speedway in Pontoon Beach Illinois Missouri ill Illinois I said Missouri it’s Illinois it’s Illinois yes it’s Illinois I Missouri in my notes Brent marks scored the win this was a wild one I happened to catch the end of it uh when I got back to the hotel room or got back to home and caught the end of it uh Brent bounced It Off the Wall pretty hard Bounce Off the Wall we’re going to talk to Brent about that and the Damage that he had in the car um we’re going to talk about it was Brent’s first career high limit win yeah I didn’t realize that but and he’s had so many podiums that I was kind of surprised it was his first win yeah so we’re going to talk to him Brent marks Brad sweet Justin pek your front three last night down at the Coca I love that song okay it was the high limits it’s their midweek series and um there was a little sunshine there was a little sunshine little sunshine you know that I love cooko it always provides great racing but unfortunately it did start to rubber up halfway through the feature but still was a great race great race great evening of racing it was Tyler courney Sunshine getting the win over Spencer B really good run good to see Spencer B up there and then buddy kofoid uh one of the World of Outlaw drivers using one of his four uh one of his four gimmies and uh so doing that so great great stuff all Knoxville Raceway love this story we’re going to talk to this guy a little bit Dusty Zer um Aaron first and foremost and we’re watching those of you on YouTube you’re watching this those of you on Spotify and iTunes you’re not seeing it but the track prep is is unreal there yeah we talked about it last week but it looks like Knoxville Nationals form I mean having the track that wide and that racy this early in the season it’s going to be really interesting come August Yep Dusty Zer his 11th win at Knoxville but the first time since 2015 came out of retirement a few years ago so we’re going to talk to dusty over Brian Brown Aaron ritell all right this one here um I I may have made a mistake on my guest selection when we talk about it but I I’m I’m pleading youthful ignorance okay Butler Motor Speedway Van Gurley Jr all right um the name does not ring a bell with me well it did not okay um this is a character this is a guy that’s been Racing for years and years and years a veteran racer broke us back at Port Royal in an All-Star Race years ago oh wow and so van Gurley Jr picked up the win and uh there was people posted about van Gurley junor night in America and everything else uh so kudos to Van Gurley Jr picking up the win there Fremont on on the other side of the spectrum Trey Jacobs became the fourth different Jacobs to win at Fremont yep Dean has won his father his Uncle Kenny of course and his cousin Lee that’s that’s neat little list that really truly is Craig mints picked up a 17th win at Attica kobby thornberg was the gadget winner Nar King of the West Justin Sanders out they’re just wheeling and dealing on the west coast um really really cool um what’s going on out there again we love our West Coast Racing and uh Justin Sanders was was was able to pick up the win in the King of the West series they are really having one when they get to race yeah they’re having some really good races so um let’s see other race winners AJ flick Jade Hastings and how about TK TK Victory Lane yeah so um it’s all great to celebrate and it’s really great fun uh but here in the Carolinas um it’s sadness as well Aaron did you ever run across sha vardell I I have um not not like didn’t know him well but yes no of him have been around him and it’s just such a a tragic story yeah Shawn is the co-owner of the or was the owner of the race saer 304 uh 305 series here in the Carolinas um and just a character and a great guy um unfortunately Saturday he uh lost life in a motorcycle accident up in the Hickory area and the Carolina Sprint tour such a great bunch of racers sea has worked so hard to build this and you know I’ve talked about this I’ve been a homer for the Carolina Sprint tour I love what they’re doing and a lot of that was Sea’s passion his energy for it series is going to continue they have a race on Friday night at Carolina on Saturday night his number was 86 they’re Racing for $1,086 at Harris Speedway on Saturday night Sean was 38 years old and survived by his young daughter V and our hearts uh prayers thoughts and prayers go out to everybody uh V specifically but then everybody in the Carolina Sprint tour Community it just hatte it sea was so full of life um I think if I’m not mistaken they’re working on a memorial service or funeral service at milb I did see that uh they’re actually trying to erect a huge tent on Sunday what they’re looking at Sea is just everybody you you met them you spend any time with them you like the first time I met him was at the Casey Kane um flea market and we got talking over beers and it was just like man I don’t know who this guy is but he is really cool and we became acquainted I wouldn’t say friends we became acquainted a lot of respect for him and everything so s set time in the uh in the Carolinas in the Sprint uh Sprint car Community On The Hotline today we’re going to join by Brett marks and Dusty Zer and we will do that next here on Wing Nation Tony do you even remember how to drive one of these it’s not something you forget you should know that the drive to succeed the need to win the desire to be a champion and we surround oursel with partners that believe the same like Tony Stewart racing Sage strives to be the best in all they do they work hard on the farm in the packing facilities and with their Retail Partners to provide high quality apples and pairs all year long you can compare apples to apples but nothing compares to a sage fruit apple winning quality in every bite welcome back it is Wing Nation presented by Sage fruit let’s go to the sage fruit Highline driver that picked up his this shocks all of us career first high limit win on Saturday night uh out at Tri City Speedway down in Illinois Brent marks joins us hello Brent how are you I’m doing great thanks for having me on we uh we appreciate your time that’s for sure before we even get to the Tri City win Brent you I talked to Heath down at Texas or somewhere along the way uh Lakeside or somewhere you guys are on a road trip and my understanding is you’re almost back to the home state of Pennsylvania it’s been quite the journey for you guys hasn’t it yeah it sure has it’s um uh it’s been a little over two months since we’ve we’ve been back so it’s um it’s been a long journey so far this year and did you know a lot of travel in different uh regions and you know a lot of new racetracks for me this year uh so far so um it’s been pretty cool it’s been cool seeing some new places and and spending some time out in the road but but uh you know definitely you know having a race team based out of PA is not not the easiest when you’re traveling with a series so you know we spend a lot of time away from home but um whenever we’re able to get home we we we enjoy that time and make the best of it Brent we’ll talk about your big win at Tri City but I wanted to to First just talk about you you’re talking about this long two months on the road but you guys man You’ you’ve had speed you’ve been super consistent I think you have the most top fives of of anybody talk about you know even though it might be grueling and you’re on the road Road New racetracks it has to be fun to to know every night you when you go out there you’re one to to possibly get the win yeah we’ve been um I’ve been really proud of this this whole team this year and uh you know our consistency is is um is really good and we know we’ve uh and we’ve been struggling a little bit with you know handling in the car and but you know that’s the thing you know we’ve been kind of off and still you know anywhere we’re you know Podium uh four fth six you know Seventh Place car so um you know we’ve been we’ve been in the hunt and in contention for a lot of uh wins this year and you know and um been able to capitalize on three of them um obviously we want that number to be up a little higher but uh we’re getting there we’re making progress on our on our car and the the field that I’m looking for um and it you know we’ve uh you know with uh we’re still kind of learning the the new tire that came out last year and trying to get the feel that I I want a car back back to what it was you know um in 2022 and you know and uh you know they changed the Wicker B rule this year so you know that’s uh played a little bit of a a challenge to us uh come future time so we’ve just been working on our car and um you we’ve we’ve been really good this year so we’re just looking to be just a thck better to um to to grab to grab more wins but um All In All We’ve you know we’ve been good and been really proud of this whole team Brent you mentioned the Wicker Bill okay and I the next time I drive a Sprint car will be the first time okay so well when you win the Sprint car Hall of Fame when I win the Sprint car Hall of Fame Sprint car we’re going racing okay so so the next time I do and to me can you describe um what is how different it is and is part of the challenge just how tough the competition is that even a small change could be a big change what what have you learned about this with the different wicker Bild on it now yeah I mean um you know it it makes a big difference in your in the handling of your race car you know not so much you know whenever we have you know tracks uh that have a lot of moisture in it or you know very tacky but whenever you know a track slick fickenscher you’re looking roughly about 600 lb of extra downforce uh whenever you remove that extra inch um from the worker bill I mean you’re losing a ton of downforce um on your race car and it’s just you know roughly around 600 pounds I mean that’s that’s a lot so um that changes the whole dynamic of your of your race car whenever the track gets slick and you know you just have to do different things to accommodate for that and um and it’s difficult you know it’s you know it’s you don’t realize how much of a change that really makes until you know until you have to to do it so um you know we’ve learned a lot this year so far with with that and you know what we have to do differently to our race car to to accommodate for that change and and um we’re getting there with it we’re just not quite 100% there um like some of these other guys you know I I honestly thought you know the Wicker Bill change would play in our hands a little bit more than other guys but honestly it hasn’t and um I feel like you know it’s played into more of hands so uh you know like Tyler Courtney and Brad sweet and you know gravel you know they’re all really good right now and um you I feel like it really played into their hand more more than anybody else so uh yeah it’s just you know it’s crazy to think that one inch on a you know piece of aluminum is gonna make that big of a difference but it does Bren I’m assuming it makes more of a difference on the the bigger highspeed places like valua or some of the the bigger tracks you’ve gone to this year but does it make a big difference on the smaller tracks then you talk like you know hobot or even cooko can you notice a difference without that one inch yeah I think it do all around yeah you know the little quarter mile B rings I don’t think it’s really made making that big of a difference you know we just don’t have enough Wing speed um on those little tracks but you know definitely your 38 miles uh your half miles it’s it’s making a it’s making a difference and you know it’s you know it’s making the cars more uncontrollable and you know harder to drive and and which was obviously the goal um but you know when you go to make passes on other cars you know it’s it makes that even more difficult you know you have to you know what I’ve learned is you got to be pretty much right on their their rear bumper to complete a a pass uh cleanly you know if you’re you know few car links back and you peel off to go slide across the racetrack you just you honestly just lose all control of your car and you’re just hanging on until you slide up and hit the cushion and and sometimes you’re you’re hurting feelings when you do that so um it’s definitely added a little bit more drama into into racing but um you know uh the races seem to be good you know i’ I feel like we’ve seen a lot of good races this year and you know is you know I I I like the bigger wicker Bill better but um you know but other than that I think the Racing’s been good so um it’s been a challenge but um we’re having fun at it and you know we’re working hard to to keep our consistency you know rolling and uh keep contending for wins so you know we we had a bad night at cooko last night you know and just you know was my first time ever there and and um I figured you know that we’d be a little bit better than what we were but we just you know we just weren’t able to to work our way up through there in the future so um all in all besides last night you know we’ve had a really good year so I’m just uh looking forward to to Future races here and you know more opportunities to to contend for win yes indeed let’s talk a little bit about that win on Saturday night you talk about how tough these cars are to drive well you massage that wall in turn number four before that final run to the Finish how bad was the race car how much damage and and uh just just prior to that how did the how did the race kind to go and and and and surviving there to the end well I will tell you that concrete still doesn’t move yeah so um but now we uh yeah I just I got really tight on on a cushion there getting in the track had some holes in it so a little rough around the top and I just got really tight and I couldn’t get the car turned enough and I was staying in a throttle to try to keep the wheel spinning to get the car to turn and and yeah I just I cered that wall and uh you know but we broke the broke the the top straps on the ladder and bent the wheel hub and jeez knock the rear end all out of square and all that good stuff so that is enough damage for for that but that extra you know that extra $2500 or whatever it was for the the uh uh the dice Ru oh yeah yeah I spent that already so spent that when you hit the wall we uh we were just fortunate to hang on for that there and you know breaking the straps on the Jacob’s Ladder like that and bouncing around in the ruts I mean it was it was hard to hang on to but uh she held together for me and um pulled off that first high limit win so I’ve been I’ve been really wanting to get you know obviously I want to win as much as possible but you know getting a high limit win just meant a lot to me it’s just feels like we’ve been in contention so many times since the series started um with the midweek series and then you know even uh you know for the first time nationally this year been in contention so many times and something just reached out hne me to keep keep us out of Victory Lane and um you know I just was really happy to get that win and you know it seemed like we can win and everything else Under the Sun except the high limit right there for a while but we finally got us one so you got that the finally got the high limit win and now you’re heading back to New York State this weekend but then to your your old stomping grounds in in Pennsylvania how nice is that to now have that little bit of momentum and in tracks that you’re familiar with after you’ve been going to some new ones yeah it is nice you know get back to some you know familiar RAC tracks and uh you know place that we feel comfortable at more comfortable at I guess I should say and uh um you know I’m I’m excited you know get to race in front of our um Hometown crowds again and uh you know just get the racing back in Pennsylvania so it’s always fun racing in in Pennsylvania and even when we do get to travel up to New York I’ve always have fun racing up in New York and you know very challenging racetracks up there which you know that’s you know that’s what I think is fun and um so I’m excited you know and like I said you know earlier I seen a lot of new racetracks this year so that’s you know know so it’s been um it’s been a challenge you know the first couple months here to to Really um get comfortable at places you never been at before and you know you’re trying to build consistency in making on a race car from track to track and uh when you’re at places that you’re not familiar with you know it it gets difficult you know and you’re trying to make the best educated decision to uh to try and go out there and win yourself a race and you know when you never seen a place before and don’t know how the track reacts or um you know uh how it changes throughout a night uh you’re kind of blind you know you don’t really know what’s going to happen and you’re just like I said trying to make the best educated decisions and and there’s been times this year where we just we didn’t do that so um you know we’re getting back to tracks that we’re familiar with and and even you know from here on out the rest of the schedule I’ve I’ve been at I think almost every racetrack so uh we kind of have that knowledge there and you know we can you know be better because of that and uh make a make better decisions and build a build consistency and um even though we’ve been consistent you know we need to build consistency in our decision making and what we do our race car and um you know get me more comfortable behind the wheel so that way I’m more confident and go out there and win us some races Brent when you talk about the familiarity of of race tracks I always think is it’s neat as you know I haven’t driven in 20 years or not quite that much but it’s kind of NE neat I think um to explain to listeners and viewers that some tracks there’s like nuances that you don’t know about the first time you go to and they can be small like where you enter or this corner has a bump I just want I think it’s neat to dive into have people understand how important it is to have experience and have a notebook at a racetrack and know how it is going to go throughout the night you know as a driver it is more challenging than maybe it seems from from a viewer’s point of view yeah definitely you know every track you know dynamic is different you know you got you know you have one you got different uh dirt at each racetrack they’re not all the same um you know the banking is different at every racetrack the shape of the corners the length of the straightaways the obviously the size of the track you know this track might have a section that is always you know has a bunch of holes in it all r that has big dips in it not necessarily rough but you know you get in there and you get into that dip and you know you you bounce your frame R off the RAC trck and your car starts hopping across the track and you got to change your driving style around a lot going from track to track and you know how to um you know how to um accommodate those different changes so you know then you have some tracks that start out it’ll look super wet but has no grip and then the longer you race the more grippy it get so you spend you spend your whole entire night freeing up or loosening up your race car and then you go to other tracks where you got to do to total opposite you start out super grippy and then so it’s there’s a lot of different tracks you know uh um teristics you know across the country and that’s what makes dirt racing so unique is nothing’s ever the same so um and then you go to some racet tracks where you’re pulling 70 ter off the night then you go to other RAC tracks where you’re coughing up dust for three days so it’s you know there’s so many different characteristics and you know Dynamics RAC trcks across the the country and that’s what makes it so much fun and so challenging and you know when you see these guys out there you know racing in a series and you know running top five top 10 top three every night contending for championships I mean you just you have to have respect for what they do because it’s so challenging and so hard to to do that successfully and um you know it’s it’s cool I I really enjoy it I mean I love going to different RAC trcks it keeps it exciting and challenging you know there’s nights obviously I’m really frustrated and I never want to see this place again but then we’ll go back next time and we’ll win the race or finish top three and I’m like oh yeah I like this place but you know it’s just it’s just the the emotions of racing Yeah final question for you and it’s quasi off track we we all knew going into this year it was going to be an interesting Dynamic with the World of Outlaws and high limit you’re racing with the high limit racing um I I I was at Lakeside last week and walked up to Sunshine and he was watching Elora on dirt vision and I said is this weird and he said this is weird not being at Alora you’ve had a couple weeks in a row not being at Alora not Williams Grove got rained out how different is that been for you uh watching maybe following along maybe just seeing the highlights from Eldora obviously Williams Grove didn’t happen you missed Lincoln last week what’s that been like for you as a guy that’s been at those racetracks every time the World of Outlaws rolled into town yeah it’s different I mean you know Williams go got rain out this past weekend with the Outlaws but you know they raced at linkoln and I um I told my my wife last you know when they were at Lincoln I I was this is my my first time I’ve ever missed the world Outlaw race in Pennsylvania yeah you know so I’ve always been at him my whole entire spring c car career and um you know I’ve always went out to Alora and for um for for the outlaw shows and so it’s different you know but um I really enjoy you know what we’re doing I’m I’m I’m actually really happy with the high limit series and and um I’m having a lot of fun and I I like I like the series and you know I know it’s super young and brand new and there’s a lot of growing to to do um you know and that’s just that’s part of it and but I’m I’m happy to be a part of that and um I think they’re doing a fantastic job so far and you know I think Sprint car racing is is um healthy and is prospering um with both series and I think it’s great to have two national series to uh give you know to give drivers more of an opportunity to go out there and and race nationally without you know Breaking the Bank too bad and you know having to race all about 100 races a year so I think it’s um you know it’s nice to be able to go out there and race nationally and you know have times throughout the year where you can uh take some time off to spend with your family and it’s a long ruling um you know hard year whenever you’re out in the road week after week after week for from February to November you know and off seasons are so short it just doesn’t leave you a lot of time to really you know enjoy the important things in life so um I really like what high limit’s doing and you know and I’ve you know I’ve obviously Lov the word of Outlaw series and you know but um this just fits me better and fits my my team and my family better and it gives us an opportunity to go back out on on a national tour and you know go have some fun and race and content for championships and and the vision of high limit I really like it too so I’m excited to see how this whole Charter system works out and you know what that’s going to look like here in a couple years and um you know and and uh you know like I said I’m not going to keep growing or going to keep uh changing uh to to better the the series and you know whatever it may be you know you know different uh type of schedule uh just all that stuff you know I just know they’re all learning and and figuring out what’s going to work best and um you know obviously we uh you know it’s great to see the stand support that we’ve we’ve seen so far this year you know we’ve had some tracks that are just attacked and you know others that you know we’re just kind of we’re hoping for a little bit crowd bigger crowd but you know it’s going to take some time to build that you know you know the Outlaws uh didn’t become what they are overnight it’s taking them years so got the history behind them and you know everybody knows the World of Outlaw series you know but right now the high limit series is just brand new and it’s going to take some time for everybody know high limit Sprint car racing so um I’m just proud to be a part of it I think they’re doing a great job and and um uh you know they’re putting on great events and and the Racing’s been a lot of fun it’s been uh very uh very challenging and and um it’s cool so they got a good product and um I’m excited to see where it takes us in the future it it it really is I I just love that I sat around last night on a Monday night and watch Springs I thought that was awesome I really do Beyond hey we’re all selfish we’re all selfish but I I do enjoy it that’s for sure Brent um it is uh congratulations on the win on Saturday night uh get back home a little home cooking we’ll see what you have in New York and then at Port Royal next weekend but thanks for joining us here this time on Wing Nation yeah thank you there we go Brent Mark joining us on the sage fruit outline stay with us more Wing nation in just a moment Tony do you even remember how to drive one of these it’s not something you forget you should know that the drive to succeed the need to win the desire to be a champion and we surround oursel with partners that believe the same like Tony Stewart racing Sage strives to be the best in all they do they work hard on the farm in the packing facilities and with their Retail Partners to provide high quality apples and pears all year long you can compare apples to apples but nothing compares to a sage fruit apple winning quality in every bite welcome back it is Wing Nation presented by Sage fruit everham and Steve post here on a Tuesday let’s go to the sage fruit hotline uh guy that we never knew we might not ever visit with again because at one time he even retired uh but Racers can’t retire I mean how does that work he gets back at a car he goes and wins on Saturday night at Knoxville Raceway Dusty Zer drives uh joins us hello Dusty how are you I’m doing great I’ll tell you what how how rewarding was that win on Saturday night at Knox for you the way the last seven or eight years of your your career your life and everything else has gone how rewarding was Saturday night it was uh obviously uh you kind of reflect back on it and time flies by way too fast and you don’t really think about you know the last time that I won there was 2015 but uh it was definitely um you know when you do if you want to say walk away from the sport for a bit or you know for good you definitely miss every aspect of it you know and all the people you especially but um it was definitely when I decided a year ago or a year and a half ago to um got together with my friend Jeremiah jordal and we talked and he said you know if we’re going to do this I want to do it right I don’t want to do it you know half ass or nothing like that I want to do it right and uh I felt I was with taking a break it was kind of like a breather so to say and I felt that I was still capable of getting out there and um doing what I could do and doing what I did before and but I knew you weren’t just to go out there and show people how to get around a racetrack you know so I knew it was going to take a little time and a lot of effort and to get all the right pieces of the puzzle put together and uh it was just to to finally have everything come together and to be able to start on the front row I knew as our greatest opportunity uh to have the chance at winning there and the way the car has been working and everything’s been operating I I felt really comfortable and I just knew I had to be smart and play my cards right and it all worked out Dusty let’s break down the race a little bit the the track at Knoxville this year I know it’s only been two races that you’ve been able to get in but the track has been so wide it looks like um August Nationals uh RAC trck which is really neat to see so early in this season but man you you were nailing the bottom I know you gave uh your crew chief Daniel Loki some credit you’ve watched a lot of his video watched him and I know you have a ton of laps around Knoxville but break down the race a little bit man you you really were able to stick the bottom and it was really neat to watch yeah they um they obviously they put new dirt on it this year and uh I mean so far I’ve liked it um but I you know I would say I was always I was always a fan of how they prepped the track for the Nationals and I actually really the last couple weeks I I see that same if you want to say um characteristic of the track being like the Nationals and um it just from running many laps there and obviously watching a lot of video footage of the guys that run you know at the Nationals and all that stuff you you definitely take notes of where the moisture is coming in or where the moisture is at and running the bottom is is is challenging that Knoxville um this past week running the top was challenging as well because the curb was really big and so you had it was really a a um a type of track that you had to be smooth on both ends and we had that thing working really nice on the bottom where I was able to roll in on right on the bottom and hug it all the way around like that which is very difficult to do but obviously with having a a good coach like lasoski in my corner any bit of help that you know I got questions on or something like that he’s able to answer and I’m able to apply that to the racetrack um e either way on both ends of the track you’re pedaling the car a lot you know you’re uh you know you’re using both feet and obviously you’re trying to keep the car underneath you but uh it was kind of interesting um you know from the race aspect I knew the bottom was fast if I could stick it but the problem is with the bottom sometimes it gets so narrow you can’t keep your tires driving forward so you lose momentum and there was a couple times I saw Brown obviously pull along side of me so I knew he was obviously trying to you know rail the top and do the best he could to to get a run to get in front of me but before he could do that I you know I knew I had to change up something and so I changed my line in three and four cuz I thought I was getting round one and two a lot better than three and four on the bottom so I just I used I kept my momentum in the car and slid across the track and I think it I mean Knoxville is obviously a bigger track and you always talk about people getting in front of people to disrupt the air on their wings and I think it did just that to him and it kind of staggered him just a little bit where I was able to just continue to keep my momentum up and and able to stay out front man I tell you the the the way that all Races and the way that all works is always fascinating to me I I want to talk a little bit more about your owner okay um you and Jeremiah you beginning of last year you guys put this together was he a small team owner prior to this or is this rather new to him you know what all did he have when you two got started I get the if you’re going to do it you’re going to do it first class and that’s that’s where we all want to be what was he before this was he into it was he new where was he at before this so you know it goes uh back to when we I guess I when I first started racing uh you know he was a local guy from Madison South Dakota you know I was from two Falls you know they’re 45 minutes apart from each other and and he was into some stock car racing and um you know obviously I was getting involved in the Sprint car racing and we had some Affiliated friends and we just became uh close buddies and started hanging out and he started helping me out on the race car and then he started dble dabbling into Sprint car stuff some non-wing stuff himself to drive um see he had a passion for it you know and um I seen that you know and that’s how we became good friends and I guess we we probably both kind of had the same scenario a little bit where he he Dibble dabbled in the local area and um he had a lot of fun doing it but he kind of too had a his mind focused on starting a business uh ACS Roofing and he he focused on that and got that really up and run and and kind of no different than myself you know you you kind of Step stepped away and focused on the business aspect of life um and so we both took a break from the whole racing scene just a little bit and uh his son jedan uh him and uh Jeremiah came to the racetrack uh about two years ago I think and he kind of his son wanted to kind of get back into he’s like you know Dad let’s let’s give this a try and then obviously you know me and him were good friends and he’s like well you know I kind of want to maybe put together a good operation or whatever and I’ll see if Dusty wants a Race So he met up with me and he talked it over and I said you know I’ve been out of it long enough I said but I still feel that I can do it and I’m interested in being a part of it as well so we said uh let’s you know we literally had nothing I mean I I think I might have had a Jack and a wheel wrench left that was it and he didn’t have nothing either you know we had both basically gotten rid of all our stuff so the biggest challenge it seemed like when we were getting into it was around that that whole I say that whole covid mess where you couldn’t get nothing yeah I mean there’s still lingering stuff that you have trouble getting still today but you couldn’t go out and you know just jump in and order five new chassis and get them a week later you couldn’t go out and you know order five New Motors and get them a week later so it was a heck of a process to actually find Quality Equipment that we wanted to get us on the track and start getting me back to the rhythm of being in the fastpac racing you know that’s out there obviously and then getting back to that aggressive style of racing um but we knew it would take some time but we finally over the course of last year we finally started getting some new equipment show up we started getting things clicking and I think it I think it showed I think it showed a lot with uh halfway through the year uh right before the Nationals we started running a lot better and and and obviously making the amain of the Nationals as a a first team back into it after so many years off um we were both we went into this deal not really knowing 100% what to expect and uh but we knew we were capable of putting together something that was going to be Rock Solid if we could get it all to come together um but as as far as an ownership side you know Jeremiah’s never really probably been on a um a stage like this so to say where you know with having a high caliber race team put together to go out and race at Knoxville so he’s excited just as much as I am uh that we’re able to get this all to come together and we’re still building it and uh that’s the fun part about it is it’s not something that we just wanted to come out and do it for one year and then just disappear again we wanted to make it a longevity long-term situation and build off of it because we both knew being around it that it was going to take probably a couple years to get everything to come together um so I guess that’s the kind of the the history behind it just a little bit and uh we both we you know obviously with myself racing at um Knoxville and Houston’s a lot back in the day I mean obviously I’m comfortable about those tracks so this year we really wanted to you know really pick those two tracks to really get us back to the groove especially after last year we raced quite a bit and I got back to being more aggressive and um and there’s still things that obviously we work on but uh it’s definitely exciting since it was our second race out and we were able to go around Knoxville like that definitely exciting moving forward well your your opening night was a Podium finish as well so you finished third there and I I was going to follow up with it and uh but you kind of answered that uh Knoxville and houet is the game plan for this year correct yeah on a regular basis that’s our game plan um and then when the Outlaws and high limits are within the area or whatever and we have time for it you know we would definitely want to hit up hit them up or whatever um we have basically what we have is a of guys that can be half the battle too sometimes is getting crew guys around to work on it all the time and it’s um because everyone everyone has the day jobs on the team and um it has been a a challenge sometimes but we we end up getting it all together and making it work and making all the schedules work and it’s it’s easier when the guys work Monday through Friday it’s easier to race on the weekends but uh we definitely want to hit up some midweek stuff as they get closer this year and uh just keep making laps and just keep bettering our program and you know getting our program to where everything is identical it’s the same from one car to another I mean I kind of was talking about it earlier you know there stuff it was tough to get stuff last year there was points where we were literally robbing stuff off of one car and putting on another car just so we had the right stuff on it just you know because we were waiting on more stuff to show up but uh and that kind of made it frustrating just a little bit so it’s made it a lot easier now that you’re able to obtain the stuff you need moving forward and you can have complete cars sitting there race ready that are identical I I can imagine I didn’t even think about the supply issues my gosh that’s crazy that really is Dusty I am so glad you didn’t stay retired uh because it was fun watching you wheel that car on Saturday night and and even the end of last year getting into the Nationals and everything we appreciate the time and uh maybe we’ll talk to you down the road here but continued success but congratulations absolutely I appreciate talking to you guys and hopefully talk to you many more times there we go Dusty Zer joining us on the sage fruit hotline what a great story yeah for sure we need to step away more Wing nation in just a moment Tony do you even remember how to drive one of these it’s not something you forget you should know that the drive to succeed the need to win the desire to be a champion and we surround oursel with partners that believe the same like Tony Stewart racing Sage strives to be the best in all they do they work hard on the farm in the packing facilities and with their Retail Partners to provide high quality apples and pears all year long you can compare apples to apples but nothing compares to a sage fruit apple winning quality in every bite welcome back it is Wing Nation presented by Sage fruit you know I I love Dusty’s story Dusty Zer we just talked to him I love his story reminds me in some degree of uh Mark dbm and that in that and and that when they decide to do something it’s it’s calculated it’s risky because we’re going to jump in with both feet but we’re going to control things we’re going to put together a good operation I remember Mark told us that you know not only did he buy a house but I had to have room for a race shop all at the same time did all at once but listening to Dusty you know you you’ve been there you done that you’ve stepped away from it a little bit if you’re going to come back you you don’t want to come back you you want to come back good you want to have the right equipment and yeah right and to partner with Jeremiah and then Midway through last year this guy named Danny lasoski becomes available yeah and what a what a great what a great we of knowledge to have with you you know not just mechanically but driving driving wise and I love he said we’re trying to get all the cars equal that is Danny lasoski 101 yeah know I mean that is great stuff so uh fun stuff great to catch up with Dusty and of course great to catch up with Brent marks as we do on a somewhat Reg regular basis National Sprint car Hall of Fame and Museum birthday calendar later this week Bob schwier Pat Sullivan Paul Hedrick hooker head what have had a birthday Shirley Kier Bill vanderwater Russ garnet and Thursday would have been the birthday of 2005 IND dcte Ray Tilly and a original member of the Pennsylvania posi but started racing in South Carolina makes all the sense in the world yeah exactly 1956 he was the Myrtle Beach track Champion man Myrtle Beach track that makes me sad yeah it does it really does that was a great racetrack down there he also wanted a mile track at Rockingham and some other tracks down here he was in the military service during that time period sturing down here in the Carolinas went back home in 1962 and Aaron I am telling you in the late 60s batting down the hatches yeah 65 he had 47 wins in 66 he had 42 wins then 14 wins 25 27 that’s pretty stout yep 1971 he had an accident at the end of his career 10 championships 108 81 wins I think he passed in 2011 if I’m not mistaken I didn’t write that down there but I think I saw that in the notes and but forever in shrine at the national Sprint car Hall of Fame and Museum one Sprint carve place in Knoxville Iowa you can find out more information at www.s sprintcar that’s sprintcar you ain’t going to believe who I ran into this morning Aon who’d you run into this morning I’m a stopping I have I am addicted to unsweet tea at QT oh okay walk in there and a guy looks and does a double take and I look out I see the Double Take at the corner of my eye and he said I can’t believe I see somebody with a Kissler Racing shirt Dave blay oh very cool Dave blay ran into the Buckeye bullet I said what are you up to and he said World of Outlaws at Sharon on Saturday night oh nice so uh there could be World of Outlaws you might have been spared in the central part of the state you went over there to Lincoln you may or may not have been spared in the central part of the state your work in Pennsylvania is not done though cuz there’s a buckeye bullet waiting in the weeds up there at or at at Sharon Sharon uh World of Outlaws Friday night at at I say ATA I cannot wait for this ATA and Sharon um Kabota is up in your old stomping ground the Kabota high limit racing is up in Euro y Outlaw Speedway in dunde New York and New udar roome Speedway in Vernon New York that’s my first place I ever raced a smart car really yep cool stuff that’s for sure uh one I’m going to watch tying in with the Kabota high limit racing is Port Royal supposed to run Fonda Saturday night that got cancelled I have a hunch that Port Royal Speedway on Saturday night not too far from too far from udica Rome and next week after that is the $75,000 to win wer Memorial yeah I would guess that there is a tuneup session for a lot of the high limit Racers at Port Royal I would agree yes Ira Bumper to Bumper Sprints Plymouth Dirt Track in Shaban and angel Park historic Sun Prairie Wisconsin and take two it’s going to happen this time I’m literally bonsing home from Darlington like man maybe I can catch the a man at houet and uh then I had to stop take a take a pit stop and I see where Houston has rained out back the pace off there’s no sense in getting any speeding tickets Houston has been rained out so we’ll take two this Sunday night for Houston you can follow all of our social channels all of these programs are on YouTube follow along spread the gospel spread the word tell everyone that you watch Wing Nation on YouTube you can subscribe and share to uh share to all of your social media platforms we’re on Twitter we’re on Facebook uh doing a little bit of work on Instagram craiger’s putting some stuff on there that’s looking really good as well we do appreciate Brent marks and Dusty Zer for joining us more important than all of that though thank you for joining us this time on Wing Nation presented by Sage fruit

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