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2002 Week 10 – Patriots vs Bears

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2002 Chicago Bears Week 10
New England Patriots at Chicago Bears
November 10th, 2002

and the offense takes the field this line of light Compton Woody andrewsian Robinson Randall will guard Quarterback Tom Brady as much as you want to say it’s important to dwell on last week Antoine Smith great game Edwards Troy Brown David Patton Christian Fourier the NFL right now is the Church of What’s Happening Now and what’s happening for New England is they have to free up Troy brown one touchdown this year so I’m a 39-yard line First and Ten and Brady right to work with the Rush from Brown and Paris is caught by Daniel Graham they’re much talked about rookie tight end who picks up three and he has brought down on the play by Roosevelt Colvin Graham makes his eighth reception of the season at the road 41. so after the opening kickoff second down and seven for the champion Patriots outside the 41. Antoine Smith with the blackton foyer then wrapped up and brought down in the backfield By Reggie Austin after a gain of five he’s up to the 47-yard line and third down and a couple to go the Chicago defense coming in two today number 27 in the National Football League 25 against the Run number 21 against the pass and for the Chicago Bears Kevin their defense is the key today going against this offense for New England they cannot be cute Brian Urlacher and his defense has to be physical it’s got to be a week of rest and ice for the New England offense if your Chicago Bears Defender 47-yard line third down and two Kevin Falk gets the snap and runs outside employer smells it out and brings him down at the 44. it’s a loss in the play of two on the direct snap to Kevin Falk and so the New England Patriots have got to punt the ball on the line Daniels Christian Peter trailer and brown linebackers Howard Urlacher and Colvin great four moments ago by erlacker in the secondary mcquarters in Azuma Brown in the safety from soda punt Ken Walter who is dead last in the NFL in that category gets off a rocket Leon Johnson will let it bounce at about the seven and it ricochets into the end zone across the plane Touchback 55-yard punt by a guy who averages about 38 yards for fun Chris Chandler takes the field he is 37 years of age this will be his third start of the Year Colombo Gandy krutz Valerio and Williams they’re the key the offensive line is the key to the Chicago hopes today I think this team has to be physically got a train’s got to get going gotta get the ball outside to White and Booker Johnny Davis hit first down 15 back at the 15 for Chris Chandler and uh Anthony Thomas squeaks through for Otis Smith brings him down along with Anthony Pleasant sliding up to the 26 and picking up about 12 yards on the carry the New England defense centers today number nine in the NFL McGinnis Hamilton Seymour and pleasant linebackers in the middle brewski flanked by Vrabel and Pfeiffer and in the secondary law and Smith at the corners Malloy and Jones are at the safety but then it’s starting lineups in New England are very much a soda for the families at home this team has more Specialists that do more different things well than any other team in the league and on second down and along three from the 27 The Pitch Out goes to his second year of Michigan Wolverine running back Anthony Thomas who is brought down close to a first down on the far side over there making the stop with Steve Martin as you take a look at dick Geron now in his uh fourth year as the coach this year’s Coach of the Year in the NFL and last year they won the close games this year they’re not last year they didn’t get the key injuries this year they are now they’re hearing all the stories both in Chicago and I think around the country is you know was 2001 just a fluke keys for the offense today for the Chicago Bears run the ball run the ball keep Tom Brady off the field get Anthony Thomas going and protect number 12 Chris Chandler you give Chandler protection he can hurt a defense First and Ten from the 30 wrapped and taken down sat down the play streaming through Teddy brewski with his third sack of the season and back to the 24 and a loss in the play of about five six yards let’s go to New York and Jim Nance all right thank you Kevin and Randy a lot of folks were watching this game St Louis and San Diego closing seconds Breeze to the end zone intercepted by Dexter McLean to preserve the win of fourth straight for the Rams 28-24 let’s go back to you all right thank you Jim that is the 12th blown fourth quarter lead since 2000 for San Diego second down 16 back at the 24. first possession this afternoon for Chicago and the second time they’re blown for a penalty All-Star 75 offense five yards second there that’s the rookie out of Boston College Mark Colombo Bill Belichick in his third year as the coach of the New England Patriots and Bill Belichick and Romeo Cornell his defensive coordinator wanted defense on the field that is never in the spots that an offense expects especially when they first break the Huddle you see the defense Milling around in various spots and Romeo Cornell there tells his linebackers tells his defensive lineman get into your stance late only when you really have to and the longer an offense stands around and watches the more the better Chancellor is somebody’s going to jump off sides second down 21. back at the 19. fake to Thomas who offers the block and outside it goes for Stanley Pritchett who gets away from Smith and is Velvet on the side by to Bucky Jones along with Ted Johnson and on the play a game of about five yards up to the 24. you saw that Blitz by Teddy brewski a couple plays ago Kevin I think we have to go back and talk about that that’s exactly what I was talking about when I said if you protect Chris Candler you’re going to have a heck of a chance of moving the ball and if you get the inside Bliss from a brewski or Ted Johnson or goodness I mean select a linebacker because he’ll Blitz anybody from anywhere and you get up the face pressure like they blitzed on Bledsoe last week you will not have success throwing the ball and Chris Chandler have a day to day like he had last year when he was with the Falcons against the Patriots and he can throw the long ball as well as anyone in the NFL third down 16. on the 24 free down Patriots offsides downfield he goes incomplete as he was aiming for Marty Booker Green Bay looks like they’re going to go to 8-1 36 [Applause] until he’s brought down by Larry wiggin a hard earned game to five out to the 41-yard line and as the Buffalo Bills found out last week Kevin if you’re going to come up and hit Antoine Smith you better get a full pack you better get his whole package when you hit him he’s going to spin out he’s going to keep grinding forward is he flashy no is he quick to the line of scrimmage no if his offensive line can hold their blocks though he gets momentum and he is tough to bring down that was his first 100-yard game last week at Buffalo now second and five at the 41. Here Comes trailer there goes Brady he throws ahead that is a pass and it is caught by Antoine Smith back at the line of scrimmage so instead of getting a loss with Erlanger and companies streaming in Brady somehow has the presence of mind to flip it ahead you know turnabout is fair play when you think about it because if you want to do you want to come right up into the face right up into the face here of Tom Brady and however you can do it that’s how you do it do you bring erlocker yeah but one thing you don’t want to do how do you turn Keith trailer see a big Keith there 94. how do you turn him loose right into quarterback’s face that’s 350 pounds of love coming at your number one guy that’s a lot of third and alongside Kevin Faulks got the first down breaking a tackle by Brown a block ahead by Gibbons and there he goes a flag is down at the 42-yard line a 34-yard gain as it stands right now I think this is a good go against New England Henry went down by wiggle Wiggum a flag on the play trap block oh there’s no foul illegal crack back number 83 offense 15-yard penalty third down so back it goes and this has been a heavily penalized Patriot team this year and it couldn’t come at a worse time because it perfectly executed and planned play there by Charlie Weiss the coordinator for New England and Dion Branch the rookie one thing Charlie he didn’t really draw up when he drew that up was having to remind the rookie I guess that you can’t come back in motion and then hit another Defender down below the waist hit him down low and he’s already engaged Funk remains in the game third down in 20 at the 25. verlacker goes back in pass coverage outside it goes for Troy Brown dancing his way blockers ahead including Brady a block by fault a block by Brady and they’ll still be shy of the first down he picks up about nine on the play and all that running but uses that and New England for the second consecutive possessions got to punch we all know they don’t throw a whole lot of balls down the field they’re short passing teams 33-yard line First and Ten for Chicago Anthony they get Leon Johnson in the game and he runs for a gain of two and then brought down by a host of Defenders including the guy right there Bobby Hamilton what would you do if you’re a Chicago well number one what I do is I try to spread this defense out I would buy formation bringing some wide receivers get this defense thinking horizontal on a football field and not just everybody jamming in between the hash marks and letting Romeo Cornell’s defense just stuff you up inside between the guards because that’s where they’re attacking inside second down and hate from the 35. friendship in the backfield Johnson split as a receiver at the top of your screen Colombo’s got a block and there’s a pass to Dez white belted by Ted Johnson close to a first down up to the 43. and Des white at the end of that run just see what he did yeah he didn’t get tricky he didn’t get cute he just went right straight up the field when you catch a Crossing pattern like this and your young receiver out there catch it get your bearings and get up the field and get all the yards you can if you’re lucky you’re gonna get a first down guess white came up short but that’s what this team needs they need positive yards after the catch Leon Johnson remains in the game third down short yard from the 43. [Applause] he was hit hard on the play by Malloy but not after he gains four yards and a Chicago first down to the 46. well you got to really like with Chicago’s offense does watch the crease they open up right here but with Owen Crews the center and lawyer Malloy comes up and tries to make the hit but they block it so well so crisp and so clean lawyer Malloy can only get there in about time to hit Anthony Thomas and hold him to only a four or five yard run first down and ten from the 46. and they’re outside looking comfortable with that pass to Marty Booker that has tripped up on the play by Roman Pfeiffer after a gain of three say he looks comfortable a lot of people think that Chandler hasn’t looked all that comfortable in this offense yeah rightfully so you know Chris Chandler they made a big deal a few weeks ago saying you know this is the NFL record Chris has started for his eighth NFL team well you know one of the big problems that Chris has in this system isn’t so much learned in a new system it’s purging the last seven out of his head how do you just forget offense as much less how do you learn a new one but remember keep spreading them out don’t bring the defense into the middle of the field 49-yard line shutting down and seventh Leon Johnson not much there sorry for University with the gain of two pushing him past Midfield to the 49th that’s exactly what I’m talking about if you get in there and start doing that you’re going to have a serious problem because you’re going to get the strength of this defense is right here and right behind Richard Seymour you want something to emphasize you get that young 93 working against Owen Crews got any motion there think there’s anywhere to go spread out the defense [Applause] with third down and five from the Patriot 49 Leon Johnson former New York Jet is in the backfield looking one right now at home now he’s got a run past the 45 has the first down and slides to the Patriot 35 a 14-yard scramble easily the longest run for this season for Chandler and a first down for the Chicago Bears and as you can notice here none of Michael Vick’s speed rubbed off on Chris Chandler last year in Atlanta but what you don’t have when you’re a young guy like Michael Vick is you don’t have the kind of Savvy to look down the field see that style of defense that they’re Manning your guys down the field and you have 20 yards open in front of you that’s nice weed that’s the definition of an experienced vet taken exactly what the defensive let him take first and 10 on the seventh play of the drive from the New England Patriot 35. LeAnn Johnson the top of your screen Pritchett in the backfield with the block a little duck pass across the middle dropped by Marty Brooker with his second down and ten yeah we’ve already seen Kevin some jumped off sides and some mistakes by Chicago and if you wanted a contrast how do you win football games you took a tape a 2001 for this football team you could make a highlight film of the things you have to do to win a game by the same token dick Duran could make you a highlight film this year 2002 of the things you do to lose football games there’s the key to Dick Duran needs right there he has got to stop making the mistakes as a football team that lose games second down and ten from the 35. fake to Johnson blocked by Bridget Lopez blocked by the tight end John Davis stumble under the 25 picks up nine [Applause] Graham Davis throws him close to a first down like that I like the offensive game plan so far they’re they’re not spreading about it obviously as much as I’d like to see but what they’re doing is they’re bringing them in different directions or giving them different look they’re giving them counters and they’re freeing up different receivers they’re not getting zeroed in on Booker or white or Anthony Thomas I don’t think New England came into this game worrying much about Davis number 82 but they might want to start they keep spreading them into these situations two tight ends third down and one outside the 25 in the labor Leon Johnson brought down by Jarvis Green Let’s talk about rookie out of LSU on this drive the Bears have converted third and five third and one and now third and one again and they’ve done it with the A train Anthony Thomas on the bench and Leon Johnson in there and a drive like this has got to do wonders of the confidence of an offense that rightfully wouldn’t have much confidence coming into this game didn’t do much against Philly last week started quite a few opportunities especially in the second half but the key right now you finish it with a touchdown not with a field goal against a favorite team like New England about a six minute drive for the Bears Leon Johnson on the pitch that’s about it coming up with the stop is Roman Pfeiffer it’ll be second down and nine what’d you see in the win last week for New England what was different about that team last week is compared to the previous four games well I guess it’s something I love to talk a lot about this time of the year and something that Bill Belichick’s team last week really had they had focus and they had an attention to detail his defensive players are exactly where they’re supposed to be the offensive players were exactly where they were supposed to be and they were focused that’ll be a springboard second down nine inside the 25 outside they go to Pritchett getting brought down by McGinnis stand the tackle made it about the 21. game of about two and a half on the play Let’s make our second trip to New York and check in with Jim Nance all right Kevin and Randy and here’s the final on Carolina New Orleans Rodney Pete they’re down three and it’s ruled the fumble Charles Grant will run it in for the folks who like the Saints today by a lot well they’re happy 34-24 they’re now 7-2 with their Victory today winners by 10. let’s go back to Kevin and Randy John Fox has got to be just shaking his head off to such a good start in Carolina but he’s got he doesn’t have something Bill Belichick has belgius got a quarterbacks are on the Move faced with third down and six inside the New England 22 Patriots have had a twice and two possessions of three and out they punted both times Chicago played the first time they had it looks like New England is going to call timeout little confusion there on what exactly just watched New England take their first time out after the big so this is the first play of the second quarter third down and six 12th play of the drive for the Bears inside the New England 22. chance in the backfield and to the end zone and it is trucks in complete looking for Marty Booker now New England has it first and ten from their own 30-yard line fake handoff to Smith and on Saturday go to Mark Edwards with his 14th reception of the season the tackle made by mcquarters it’s a game in the play of a couple yards we’ll call it three up to the 32. I would assume this week New England very preoccupied and how to negate the great middle linebacker for the Bears Brian urlach you know more than anything else at this point he’s the first one to admit after only three years at middle linebacker he’s a great tackler and a great pursuer but I don’t think he’s he’s a great linebacker yet Ray Lewis is a great linebacker Brian Urlacher is more of a tackler slash overall Defender than he is really a linebacker 3D empties the backfield and second down and eight and that ball is dropped on a quick Cross in the middle it was Roosevelt Colvin winding up and teeing up Troy Brown incomplete third down and Roosevelt Colvin is a guy that Bill Belichick and all the Patriots spend a lot of time talking about when they talked to us you know for all the talk about urlock or colvin’s one with seven sacks her locker has three colvin’s a guy when you got Holmen on the other side who’s on injured reserve and erlocker you’ve got the best young linebackers in the NFL and Roosevelt Coleman is one of the true best kept secrets in this league a guy that can really play the game Smith in the backfield on this third and eight from the 32 for Brady snapped from Compton good time in the pocket good block by light that’s going to be short although the catch is made by Troy Brown he picks up seven tumbling to the 39 had to get beyond the 40. and so now New England has got a punt for a third consecutive time a third consecutive three and out and this is just what bed Belichick was talking about to us last night this is a field position game and when you get in field position games it usually comes down each half to a big mistake to a big play or a big turnover going for it it’s a fake and on the quarterback sniff they get it and that qualifies as a big mistake you’re willing on your own 40 39 and a half yard line to go for it that’s Bill Belichick saying you know I think I’ve outplanned you I think I can out guess you and I know I’ve got some guys on my side that can outplay then heward is the one who is in back as you see number 19 and they sent Walter the punt around on the wing and they put Givens in the backfield [Applause] that is a first down up to the 43-yard line and you’ve got guys looking around like what in the heck was that 50. Smith in the backfield and Brady right to work and fires a bass outside it’s caught by Troy brown brown and his previous two receptions had been short on third down plays that’s a gain of four and he’s up to the 47-yard line and coming up in the next Hill halftime report you can join Jim Dion Dan and Boomer for all the scores and highlights that’s coming up on the next tell halftime report from New York that we mentioned earlier about how this is kind of the the NFL’s the Church of What’s Happening Now and so far this first half is a good indication of how important your last game is now in the NFL because it’s not doing either team much good 37-yard line Smith In Motion out of the backfield second down and six for Brady great down the middle and it’s caught by Troy Brown to the 37-yard line picks up 16 yards on the play as he was working on Mike Brown no relation a first down for New England there’s Troy brown right there getting ready to go erlocker’s gonna come up and right here there’s our locker there’s Troy Brown great Planning by Charlie wise and getting a mismatch inside confusing safeties and linebackers it’s the third catch by Brown on third down today inside the Chicago 38. first down for Brady with Edwards on the move and Smith following the block and Linda Caldwell who makes the tackle for Chicago at the bear 32-yard line and a gain of five the New England Patriots Randy been putting more emphasis on their opening strip we saw last week in Buffalo and they pre-planned early this week on a Wednesday distribution and one thing you did when you planned early is you plan to run it right at this defense you plan on double teaming Keith trailer you plan on exposing the inside of this Bears defense that’s where you run against Chicago not sideline to sideline you get it inside with play the drive 32-yard line back he goes Smith with a loss on the play of three and former drafted New England Patriot Christian Peter is there with the stop on the Bears defensive line hey you see why the Chicago Bears defense is the strength of this team I mean they’re a physical team but I still think when you attack this defense despite as good a play as that was by Christian Peter you get after him inside and you don’t let her locker run sideline to sideline you go right at him Smith in the backfield third down and eight Patriots at the Chicago 35. you see their third Downs today snapped by company looked by Colvin brought down Alex Brown the rookie from Florida and Roosevelt Colvin and Randy was talking about seconds ago with that set which effectively pushes New England out of field goal range Roosevelt Coleman coming from the bottom of the screen right here watch him come around the right side of the defense just a quick job on Robinson Randall the offensive tackle that’s a pure speed rush that’s great execution by the people you can’t leave those things laying around that’s right wear your head keep your head on Thomas in the backfield and he gets the call the Douglas he Dives ahead to the 38 picking up six yards the quick way [Applause] just a little attention to detail just a little something you’re not doing perfectly can stop the drive there’s enough to get to the 42 Third Down 14th okay Chandler the pocket crumbling fires bubble reared in by Marcus Robinson and he is close to a first down up near the 42-yard line on Third and 14. looks like he’s got 13 and is Jim Miller who started last week for the Chicago Bears against the Philadelphia Eagles first down and 10-43 Julian Johnson wants to throw in goes down field he’s got Brooklyn and he’s out of bounds in Patriot territory if they call it a catch they’re discussing it they have and the ball will be spotted at the 31-yard line a 26-yard connection there’s Leon Johnson check him out if you’re going to be crazy and do stuff out of the box you might as well get all the way out of the zip code of the box and this surprises everybody in the stadium including Bill Belichick and his staff to Bucky Jones gets there late Leon Johnson says what’s the big deal I had it in me all the time quarterback who can’t tell so go to your running back your receivers to throw the ball inside the 30 of New England First and Ten for Chicago Anthony Thomas trying to find a Chris Valerio block and you can see an avalanche your Patriots right there very little gain on the play second down and long and what we’re seeing too Kevin here today is a very crisply well played half by the Chicago Bears against a team coming off a huge win and you don’t need a better illustration than than this half really to tell you how important games are from week to week we tend to it really just sort of crown these teams that do so well and degradate these teams to do so poorly on a week-to-week basis I mean New England is nowhere near the team they were last week and Chicago is much better than they were last week inside the 32nd down and nine Miller across the middle caught by Pritchett knocked down on the play by McGinnis it’s a game of seven yards and it’s to the 22-yard line and I’m assuming that Jim Miller’s passes for the most part will be about that length most of the day can you say Airway Villages shorts very short be very short passing game the plane the blame that’s right the ball shirt you know and you know if if you’re gonna be crazy maybe that’s the theme that they need here in Chicago for the rest of the events ever and a 350 pound fullback you got a little bit of an edge going in from the 24 First and Ten for Brady across the middle to Troy Brown Chase fire erlacker left by mcquarters and he’s up to the 35 for a gain of 11 and a first down what about adjustments Randy have you seen any on either side well you’re not going to see much in the way adjustments yet you’re going to see Troy Brown coming out here working across the field and it’s what Troy Brown does well right now because they’re not getting Troy Brown open much down you know down the field in the long pass he’s only got one touchdown this year way down from last season where he was such a big hit Brown isn’t going to touchdown in seven weeks five catches today the first time in third down from the 35 first and tenant outside to go to Antoine Smith with his 13th reception of the season but quarters makes the tackle no gain on the play word from the sideline about Bears quarterback Chris Chandler and next spring and he is questionable with his return you mentioned earlier about adjustments and if you’re the staffs right now you’ve almost started your second half adjustments from what they’ve seen and Tom Brady and this offense are going to go in at halftime look at the snapshots and make some adjustments to what they’re really being offered because they’re being confused right now by Chicago’s deep second down and ten big hole for Antoine Smith the Mike Green quickly shuts the door they ain’t up two with a 42-yard line three this week log on to is Phil Sims offers his thoughts on the worst and most annoying cliche you hear during game during game telecast what’s this it’s a can’t miss reap forget this don’t even know or AOL keyword you’re taking one game at a time you got to come to play he’s a gamer Tom Brady third down and three watch Troy Brown in motion snapped by Compton they’re blocked by light in the pass across the middle is incomplete and out of the reach of the diving rookie tight end Daniel Graham and again New England has got a punt and Mike Caldwell on coverage there he was brought in here the Bears having to play every single game as a road game they need to finish that Stadium fast another slide down to Champaign which is about a 20-minute flight but nonetheless getting on a plane every weekend from the 13 First and Ten they’re dump it outside Anthony Thomas got down by Otis Smith have called his name a lot he’s a 13-year veteran out of the University of Missouri if you’re a New England Patriots defensive coach and you’re talking about adjustments and you’ve got guys that go to Smith and Teddy Johnson and Teddy brewski and there’s Romeo Cornell the defensive coordinator Chris Chandler’s gone so unless Marty Booker or Leon Johnson throw the ball down the field you don’t have to worry much about the Deep pass we’re worrying about mainly short Dink and dunk type passes you can pack up your defense more against the run and on a short pass just outside the 16 second down and six Jim Miller blocked by Big Cat Williams time for another fires a pass which is caught by tight end John Davis it’s a gain of eight brought down by Roman Pfeiffer and he is up to the 25-yard line for a Chicago first half got to give this Bears defense all the credit in this 42-yard line it’s a handoff and Kevin Funk should signs his way in a block from Compton and down he goes if they’re lacker making the grab it’s a gain of Nine the interesting thing was New England is trying to get better starts because they’ve been falling behind at halftime in many games this year well that’s because their game plan does not allow for that no one has a game plan to be down 10-nothing 14 nothing 20 to nothing second down one 41-yard line Erlanger rushing but there he dumps it off and it’s caught by Kevin Falk with the nice downfield blocked by and Jersey out of bounds he goes inside the Chicago 35. it’s a gain of 26. The Versatile Kevin Faulk out of LSU great smarts and guts by by Brady they’re holding that ball so erlocker was just there to open up that side of the field next tell halftime on Nick from New York Jim Dion Dan and Boomer set to give you scores and news of the day the next till halftime from New York is next at the 34 it’s First and Ten Funk remains in the backfield [Applause] Brady nice block by Robinson Randall this is off to Dion Branch who wriggles his way inside the 25 close to a first down and to get to the 24. they spotted shy by a yard nice adjustment because Mike Caldwell took that reception away and adjusting inside opened it up second down 125 across the middle and slashing is Troy Brown for a first down to the Chicago 16. the Patriots have a timeout and they burn their last one is to pull off some little things they’re going to want to try to do this long completion today has been eight yards second down 10 from the 31. the pitch on to Anthony Thomas a little bit of blocking but not much too much tie law to make this stuff you know speaking of John shoop the offensive coordinator for the Bears he’s been taking some heat and the the problem people say is he’s too conservative what do you think well I’ll consider I’ll I’ll offensive coordinators defensive coordinators take a lot of heat especially when things aren’t going well you know it’s you know everywhere whatever wants to say hey look when you’re down you got to be even more special you got to be even more imaginative well yeah that’s not how you prepare for a football game you don’t prepare to get down like that the main criticism I can say that that is warranted with this offense the line’s too soft and they don’t go downfield often enough Johnson and Thomas in the backfield third down 10-31 yard line rocking for Miller who fires against a wobbler pass intended for Marcus Robinson who is covered by both Victor Greene and Otis Smith and three and out for the Chicago Bears they got a punch all revolve around their offensive line better run blocking and better protection for Brady 23-yard line First and Ten The Pitch Out goes to Antoine Smith who tries to cut the corner then is brought down by Mike Green there has been some shuffling on that offensive line Randy for New England and Charlie Weiss is starting the same unit for the first time a second game in a row like he did last week against Buffalo Jones was starting two weeks ago and today he’s inactive because Greg Robinson Randall is in it right right tackle and you know Damien Woody the center probably the best player Compton the left guard becomes the center when they shotgun snap but as a unit it’s going right at this bear defense don’t go sideways you’re playing into this strength second down 10. the Patriots going into the win the block by Robinson Randall but then the pocket problems it’s a fumble and recovered by the Chicago Bears inside of the New England 15. ramp I Believe by Philip Daniels inside the ex-seattle Seahawk who Smothers the ball it’s the first turnover of the game you want to talk about the things that turn a game how do you turn the game you get up the field if you’re Alex Brown you get up the field if you’re Phillip Daniels you crush the pocket the offensive line they were going to get the Run blocking going and protect Brady better the defensive line made the better adjustment nullifying anything that Brady’s offensive line tried to do that’s a turnover story and their wins and losses this season and that was just good clean execution and that’s the kind of play games turn on Bears have it 14-yard line on the turnover first down and ten Anthony Thomas surrounded Valerio block and Diving for three near the 11th but Kevin remember what dick Duron said easily when they were going in at the half you know things are good it’s a defensive game but when we get these chances we gotta finish it off with a touchdown because you can look at these possessions against a team like New England at the end of the game and go man if we’d only had those extra four points we’d have won or we’d have tied or when you get these these circumstances these opportunities go for the throat finish it off second down and seven from the 11th Miller to the end zone caught for a touchdown Stanley Pritchett foreign watch the running backs watch the effect it has on the defense you’ll see the linebackers move and you’ll see Roosevelt I mean he comes right out of the backfield and easily gets open I mean that is just a gnome 22 first down and ten fake to Antoine Smith and Brady goes the other way to rookie tight end Daniel Grant who is smothered and brought down devoured by Mike Brown a loss in the play if they plan to match the motion of the Bears back to you Jim Miller makes his second consecutive start in New England territory from the 44 First and Ten end around looks like Booker wants to pass the former High School quarterback downfield and it’s caught by Robertson with a Chicago touchdown oh folks this is now officially a sandwich game and John Shoop and the offensive team for the Chicago Bears is so far out of the box they’re almost conventional Marty Booker to Marcus Robinson the box so far so good for the Bears the starter Chris Chandler was knocked out back in the first half and here comes Brady on First and Ten he sings it on the side and it’s caught by Patton close to a first down he’s out of bound shy of the 30. Monday and an all-new Late Show Dave Hawkins The One and Only Robin Williams plus from the CSI Miami show Emily Proctor and Tuesday don’t miss Dallas Cowboys star running back Emmett Smith it’s the Late Show with David Letterman right here on CBS America’s most watched Network Robin Williams wow that boy right the second one hand off for no gain to Antoine Smith for trying to carve something up the middle and now Brady is going to have a third and one with which to deal with and the defense of the Chicago Bears you know we got Boone inside you got erlocker at linebacker you got Keith trailer that gun’s head quit showing off Brian come on man it’s a family crowd third and one that’s the that’s the down that’s the territory the big wide bodies inside stuffing his guards in the center back into Tom Brady’s lap third down and one play action by Brady who goes outside knocked away beautifully by Brian Urlacher on a pass intended for Mark Edwards and the Patriots have to punt again if you’re surprised by things that Brian Urlacher does well I’m sorry you really shouldn’t be because what Brian urlocker does is goes this way as fast as any safety in this league former kick returner former running back former wide receiver former safety at New Mexico he breaks up this year and it’s been Chicago but as sure as heck hasn’t been today Anthony Thomas in the backfield from the 31st and 10 and Thomas you kind of have a feeling you’re going to get a heavy dose of Thomas a gain of two we stopped up in the middle it’ll be second down and eight you’ve got a two touchdown lead I think with your defense there’s a real argument to be made you know that hey I’m not going to get conservative I’m just not going to do anything stupid I think if you dicks you’re on and the Bears though working against this team what you need to do is you need to keep doing what you’ve been doing don’t get conservative don’t get predictable just keep guessing right 32-yard line and Miller faced with a second down and eight [Applause] is on the move the Miller to the end short pass and complete looking for critz and just caught one of his passes in the end zone there’s cash jam on a New England fumble on an 11-yard touchdown pass from Miller to Pritchett his first touchdown reception since 1999. and then a 44-yard touchdown pass by Booker the former High School QB to Marcus Robinson they did it last year they do it again this year and that puts up the Chicago Bears 14 on New England and a little different things like that we’ve had a half back pack those are the kind of things the Bears can’t get away from you’ve got him here be tough on defense they’ll change now third down and eight from the 32. almost intercepted incomplete as Frabill had it in his sights and in his hands you have to say that to yourself right now if you’re Tom Brady just relax a little bit I can make the plays back outside the 23 Second down 13 good block by Robinson Randall and it’s intercepted Brian Urlacher makes the Fest that’s his first interception of the season the sixth of his career and the New England Patriots have turned it over for a second time today watch Brian Urlacher right here the whole way he’ll never get out of your picture he watches Brady he watches Antoine Smith he sees the ball tell me this guy wasn’t a safety kick returner running back wide receiver that’s an athletic move when I said he wasn’t really quite a great linebacker yet and said he’s a good football player and a great tackler he’s a heck of a defensive football player right now he’ll develop into a great linebacker 36-yard line play action on First and Ten by Miller a good block by Thomas his running back and it’s incomplete downfield it was looking for Dez white second down and 10 erwacker coming into today was the number one tackler in the National Football League that 83 solo tackles tell you Kevin he had Dez white wide open right there that could have been such a great job of taking advantage of a mistake remember the last mistake New England made what they did with it they took advantage of it exactly the same situation here you want it a little further out control the ball put up the points second down and ten Thomas getting a nice clock from Pritchett and there he goes a foot race with Pfeiffer and he is out of Bounds at the one they’ll spot him at the two first and goal Chicago are you kidding me is there any sanity in this league one week you’re a bum the next week you’re a hero the Colts look terrible they go in and strum the Eagles today last week the Bears offense couldn’t play dead right now going against the defending worlds Champions they look like Walter Payton in the 85 Bears offense doing the unexpected and pounding the ball this is what you have to do when you get a mistake you take advantage and you smack the other guy in the mouth first and goal around the crystal area Block it’s an easy walk-in TouchDown for Anthony Thomas at least four more times in this football game but now’s the time to start taking advantage of your possessions to get points 25-yard line first and Tennis Brady looking for a second option out of the backfield Antoine Smith tripped up nicely on the play by Jerry Azuma regains five at the 30-yard line Second down in five yeah how often do we call Jerry azuma’s name today how about r.w mcquarters not much how about the wide receivers for the New England Patriots how big of a factor have they been not much these defensive backs have locked up and locked down the biggest weapons for the New England Patriots no huddle offense 30-yard line Second down and five great across the middle and he’s got his tight end shy of a first down that’s for the first time today Cameron Cleveland collects New Orleans Saints Cleveland with his 13th reception of the year he picks up on the play Four third and one he’s a good weapon on tight end my favorite weapon they have though is the rookie Daniel Graham he can get down New England is not converted the third down today orb seven now they do Troy Brown who they’ve gone two on previous third down plays breaks the catch crosses the threshold he’s up to the 41 gaining seven yards Jacksonville on top of the Redskins St Louis coming from behind to beat San Diego their second consecutive loss first down and 10. dirty again it’s Troy Brown a gain of four near the 45. hey I brought up the analogy last night to Tom Brady about a boxer getting up on your toes and jabbing and hitting and really getting into that Rhythm and for the first time tonight that’s sort of what this offense is starting to look like they’re going not in a hurry up but it’s sort of a no-huddle and they’re back on the balls of their feet again and they’re bouncing and they’re hitting and that’s what they need to do to get back in this game second down in six screen pass for Antoine Smith the block downfield by Woody slashing inside he takes it tumble into the 36-yard line 19-yard pickup and some good downfield blocking which we saw last week from the Patriots in their win at Buffalo and there has a Chicago Bear injured at about the free agent is just now coming back if you’re Charlie Weiss that’s a guy you want to get matched up see how the wheels doing Falk in the backfield First and Ten fake default the fake end around it’s off the phone a block by for you and downfield he goes after gaining about 14 yards another first down stopping the clutch no no they’re gonna leave it rolling 350. and they’re just gonna they’re not gonna Hurry Up This is not a hurry up offense this is just no huddle years ago Sam White had his team in Cincinnati do this and they just disrupted the entire league Dre rugimmer is now in at Right Guard First and Ten Kevin Falk arugma black and Falk Head Over Heels down to about the 15 on a gain of six and druzy is out now we saw him leave the locker room late out of halftime and we have not seen him much in the second half the key word for people was that Chicago had a patient offense well right now Tom Brady and the Patriots are being very patient and efficient second down four 15-yard line outside Kevin Faulk has an open track and takes it in court screwing for a touchdown a 15-yard touchdown reception stretch it in the backfield by himself to Dez white on the move and a pass by Miller is intercepted by Otis Wilson and odor Smith who takes it down the side and inside the 25-yard line that’s his second interception of the season a 23-yard return and Chicago’s first turnover Miller starts at his own 31 first down in 10 yards to go and Anthony Thomas follows a coops block and Anthony Wiggles his way for about three the 34-yard line there’s the bottom of the pile Ted Johnson he makes another start this week there’s no telling with this Patriots defense and that’s true right now you know heading into the end of the third quarter beginning of the fourth quarter you know what kind of combination are you going to see is Willie McGinnis going to be a linebacker or a defensive Ender Romeo Cornell going to have four linebackers or one linebacker and six defensive backs [Applause] second and seven shy of the 35. play action by Miller Falls outside which is dropped by Pritchett can you feel a little bit of a momentum change here well one of the things if you’re going to pass like this this team leads the NFL and drop to dump off passes they drop him to the right and they drop him to the left and and the biggest problem with that predict you’re on and his football team is that 21 point lead is now an 11 point lead and there’s only a minute and 40 seconds left in the third quarter but you’ve only taken about three seconds off the clock it seems like Miller has missed his last five but now you have to pass you got to get to the 41. they’re shy of the 35 it’s third down and seven here they come after him led by McGinnis in the pulse thrown incomplete looking for the tight end Davis first play fourth quarter Brady First and Ten out of the pocket he scrambles finds his fullback Edwards and he pulled hoses his way for a first down up to the 49 a gain of 13 yards and the reason I like it is that lack of kind of fire and emotion earlier in the Patriots maybe that’s the the jumper cables on the lips it might get this this group a little more excited about what they’re doing yeah first down and ten folk in the backfield Brady swings one outside incomplete looking for Dion branch second down and ten now the Bears made the interesting decision of taking the win in the third quarter thus giving New England the win here in the fourth well and it’s going to be a big deal especially remember you’re talking about an 11 point game you’re talking about one of the best kickers in the last decade or so in the NFL and Adam Vinatieri and a quarterback that can very well throw the ball down the field and Tom Brady have any advantage of the win in a field position game don’t ignore the elements second down in 10 funk in the backfield for breeding right with a good block that provides time for Brady but now here they come at him and he throws as he is whacked and it’s incomplete coming down on him hard Brian Robinson the recently highly signed and highly maligned Brian Robinson well the problem is he’s been highly average yes that’s why Alex Brown has been starting for him but I tell you that that case right there he had a mobile quarterback no one over committed the defense stayed close but more importantly the linebackers and the defensive backs Tom Brady’s got nowhere to go you know and it just gets rid of it because options need to get rid of it or put a little mustard on it and eat it it doesn’t taste good three of Eleven on third Downs today third down and ten on the New England 49. with the empty backfield Brady swings it outside caught by Edwards who worked on mcquarters outside a gain of 12 on Third and ten to the 39 of Chicago a great job right there by Charlie Wilson formations that was Edwards Mark Edwards the pullback lined up as a slot as a receiver on the outside running a quick slant how many blocking fullbacks run quick Slants in the NFL penny no huddle again First and Ten inside the Chicago 40 for Brady dumps it across the middle Troy Brown trying to squirm his way away from Jerry Azuma eight of six and down to the 33. you’re feeling a little different Rhythm and a little different feel about this offense compared to box the boxing they’re back on their toes they had the touchdown Drive they were on their toes right now they’re back up on them second down four folk in the backfield and Brady again outside that can for Fourier the tight end and the catch is made and for a first down at the Chicago 28 a gain of five and the important thing to remember also Kevin is when you’re down by a lot like they were by 21. it’s one big play one first down one score at a time don’t over press where’s the rush I see no one in Brady’s face well they’re not getting the pressure they were getting they’ve decided they’d rather just cover it first and ten short pass again and incomplete no yellow on the field serious Zuma that ball Brady puts so much smoke on it I don’t think Azuma knew how close the ball he was by the time it went by him well this ball control offense uh the short passes we saw a lot of it last week against the Buffalo Bills and it’s been successful here lately for New England in this game you know that’s why you see receivers taking these big hits defenses are playing a soft cover too you have to throw short and then the safeties get a chance to come up and just splatter people Southington 28 and Kevin Faulk one gun on the play by Ernest Grant gain of three near the 25. third down and about seven coming up for the patriots who have two timeouts in Chicago with all three events Patriots what’d you think of Belichick last night this is about as about as calm and so there’s bubbly at the same time as I’ve seen him he’s a guy I think very much in control of his team and in control of his emotions and organization 37 from the 25. Brady moving up he’s got to get to the 18. has the first down sliding down to about the 14-yard line scrambling Brady picks up 11 on third down and seven and again New England moves the chains Tom Brady is one fired up Cowboy right now this kid is playing with the emotion and the Sparks he he’s complaining here says they can’t hit me from behind like that that should have been a penalty 13th play of the drive from the 13 First and Ten Kevin Faulk finds a gap and goes into the grasp of Ernest Grant he takes it inside the 10 near the eight gain of five second down well the time to play soft and coverage is over for the for the Chicago Bears they were a little bit too soft back there on that last play they dropped off so much Brady got that first down keep attacking this offense if you let them keep coming at you and you let Tom Brady sit back there you’re gonna blow this lead and you’re gonna lose this game defense looks tired second and five inside the eight great fake into the end zone incomplete for Troy Brown seductive move by Brady incomplete it’ll be third down and five and tonight on 60 Minutes it’s the most contaminated sight in America where is it Anniston Alabama who did it Monsanto that’s tonight on 60 Minutes with Randy cross and Beasley Reese Kevin Harlan from Champaign the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots trailed the bears 27-16 but Tom Brady is leading the team deep in Chicago territory don’t let Troy Brown catch us if you’re Chicago double team him at least five receivers to pull Comes The Blitz and Brady to the end zone and pick it up beautifully In The End Zone by Todd McMillan who has himself been maligned this season New England continues to chip away at that Chicago leading after his 25-yard group moments ago and suing kickoff has taken inside the five Ahmad Merritt there’s some blocking ahead by Boone and by Leon Johnson he takes it near Midfield and Chicago needed that in the worst way a 44th yard return the kickoff coverage for the New England Patriots has been poor at times this season and that’s just part one of a two-part prescription for the Chicago Bears that are getting just laid out time of possession Wise by the New England Patriots Part B finished this field position off with points [Music] [Applause] oh grabbed by mcginnisk and he wiggles to the 47. and Kevin I talked about the prescription there’s another part of the prescription the Chicago Bears are offensive line take control of the situation get your offensive coordinator John shoe calling the plays in here let the line take take control of your game you’ve tried Q you’ve tried changing and that hasn’t worked just get physical try to be a Chicago Bears offensive football team that most people remember Chris Chandler started sprained his neck in the first half Jim Miller has come on claimed with severe tendonitis in his right elbow second down and six again and drilled by Ted Johnson after a gain of two to the 46-yard line third down now in about three and Dick Geron knows what he’s facing on the other side when he comes to Bill Belichick and his defense they’re not worried about Jim Miller scrambling they’re worried about stopping the run and they’re worried about getting back defensively and trying to create another big play as New England showed you as many looks as you thought you’d see today defensively absolutely they’ve had two down lineman they’ve had one down lineman they’ve had no down lineman Bears 34 they missed their last seven third downs from the 46. killer Crossing pound he’s got Booker section his way to the 32-yard line he picks up 14 on third and four foreign [Applause] of New England’s offense well right now Jim Miller and the Bears are up on the balls of their feet and they’ve got a little rhythm going too they’ve got the jab working on New England finish off this drive with points a field goal in this situation is plenty don’t make a dumb mistake that cost you points Patriots have turned it over twice Chicago has turned it over once on a Miller interception [Applause] Chicago at the 32. Anthony Thomas more than five for slow him down after a game at seven in the second half Chicago got on the board after a fumble this 11-yard touchdown pass to Pritchett then Chicago with a 44-yard touchdown pass by receiver Marty Booker Demarcus Robinson 20-6 and then that two-yard touchdown run by Thomas that touchdown pass to Kevin Faulk and then subsequent field goals of 42 yards by Vinatieri and then moments ago at 25 yards which brings us to a 27-19 game approaching eight to play here in the fourth second down in three outside the 25. Thomas again Pritchett the lead block touch the corner hence the first down and still on his feet brought down by Victor Greene heels to the 17-yard line with the pounding gain of eight and this is how you take control of a football game you’ve lost control earlier you start pulling your lineman you start smashing the ball at Bill Belichick’s defense and you let time come off this clock and you got great great field possession great field position set up by your return team take advantage of this and put points on the scoreboard as you’ve talked about all game long teams attention uh detention to detail so important focusing on those small things that make the big things happen in the A train Anthony Thomas 87 yards he’s got to add to it though thurston’s in from the 18. let’s Thomas Valerio stood up his guy but the rest come caving in led by Ted Johnson and Victor Greene Lane second down to nine this is sort of commitment to what you’re doing too because Chicago is going to run this ball and he’s going to run the ball inside no matter what you’re looking at and what you’re looking at right here is two linebackers one and one a gap the other one in the other a gap one’s Ted Johnson he’s blocked but you can’t allow inside for the other one Victor green the safety gets you [Applause] Patriots have two timeouts Chicago with three approaching six and a half to play in the fourth second down and nine on the 17th Thomas there’s a block by the tight end Davis and they shoved the pile backwards a gain of three and he’s inside the 15-yard line grab made by Bobby Hamilton I like what they’re doing offensively obviously you can tell by the tone of my voice but I I also like what they’re doing with the ball they’re being very very smart with the ball this is not the time to lose control of it and they’re really being very prudent with what they’re doing with the football impatient which is something that drives opposing coaches crazy well John ship the offensive coordinator now Anthony Thomas has carried the ball six times on this drive and there hasn’t been anything cute about it it’s been Smash Mouth if they get first down great but they’ve set themselves up to both points on the board third down and six from the 11. make it the 14. Thomas outside to Bucky Jones can’t bring him down and finally he is wrapped up and devoured by Jarvis Greene flag is second down 10. 47-yard line fall down to the backfield from Brady erlapping he slips by him finally he is brought down by McMillan tackle just outside the 40-yard line a game for about three and a half and there’s not much sit and look in Chicago’s defense right now they are buzzing around the field and they are attacking Tom Brady in this offense what about Brady wearing these gloves throwing the ball like McMahon and Phil Sims used to do Doug Flutie and buffalo smaller hands tacky gloves make it easier to grip the ball but it doesn’t make it easier to attack this defense third and six the gain of three on the plane for Troy Brown he had to get up to the 47-yard line Patriots two timeouts Chicago has three it’s fourth down there’s no surprise here this is four down territory you’ve got to get a first you’ve got to get the touchdown to the 47 for the first fourth down and three today they’ve hit the only other foot down try Brady fires the pass and it’s caught by Troy Brown who is drilled by the other Brown Mike Brown no relation a 13-yard pickup to the Chicago 43. you want a good example of what happens when a defensive back’s waiting for a guy that’s what happens you’re playing a cover too the safety’s waiting and just gets the light Brown up troll will take a breather on the side inside the 43 First and Ten foreign moves up and outside it goes and it’s caught by the rookie out of Notre Dame David Gibbons on a gain of five McMillan with the tackle to the 37-yard line man nice job too Chicago’s Defenders are keeping Weiss’s offensive players inbounds they’d like to be able to catch the ball run out of bounds they can’t do it the defense is keeping him inbounds letting the clock run second down and five inside the 37th [Applause] incomplete at the 33-yard line dropped on the play by branch what exactly do you think is soft about a zone defense with Brian Urlacher coming in like this from the right side of your screen Givens tries to catch it and gets a body full of Brian Urlacher they’re not Blitzen doesn’t mean they’re not being aggressive because once the receiver catches the ball these bear Defenders are lighting the Patriots up third down five inside the 37. and they’re coming at it here comes her lacquer here goes the pass oh one-handed catch by Kevin Faulk and a blocked down field by Patton and a patriot touchdown 36-yard strike second touchdown pass today by Brady both times to Kevin Falk now trying for two shotgun snapped by Compton and it goes right default and a block by light and look at the Tackle by Brian Urlacher foreign Chicago with 246 to play a minute warning the seven yard line First and Ten for the Chicago Bears Thomas Reeves his way past the 35 brought down by lawyer Malloy and Ted Johnson [Applause] who gains nine if you want somebody who knows how to run with the ball in these situations get yourself a Michigan halfback the clock 78 at the 100 yards from Anthony Thomas today in the second half second down one Thomas again persky got him high Anthony Pleasant got him low and they stop him right there fun today Thomas in the backfield and he’s got the call and he did not get it Richard Seymour plugged the Gap along with Anthony president Ted Johnson and New England’s defense comes up with a huge defensive stand no timeouts for New England 480-32-48 two touchdowns one interception first in town great time fires a pass downfield and it was is caught it was grabbed David Patton makes the ground at the Chicago 37-yard Line 18-yard Game no reason to panic Troy Brown makes a wonderful catch David Patton makes a wonderful catches and say Don’t Panic move quickly first and 10 for Brady chased by Colvin dumps it off to cam Freeland his tight Ender drops it second down in 10. tonight on CBS begins with 60 minutes then Becker and then a CBS Television event Master’s fine the Robert Hanson story that’s all tonight on CBS America’s most watched Network minute and 21 seconds you have three Downs second down and ten inside the 38 of Chicago again wonderful time and feeds it off to running back Kevin Falk who is wrapped up by Brian Robinson after a gain of seven he’s to the 30 and the clock continues to roll the key here now is poise this is a test for Young quarterback like Brady you’re cutting your teeth on a legend can you finish it off third down in three blocked and intercepted and then dropped and fumbled after the pick it may have been Brian Robinson who has not made an interception in his career he then fumbled the ball and recovered the ball was intercepted by the Chicago player who fumbled the ball and recovered his own fumble first down Chicago in the backfield second down and tenth Rainey gets away from Colvin now here comes Colvin he throws the ball it’s a completed pass and it’s caught by faulkers brought down by erlacker at the 21 it’s a gain of the eighth play of the drive from the Chicago train ing gets away from Coleman and to the end zone caught by Patton very touchdown I have got to see that again to see if those feet were in Tom Brady yeah kudos for having the coolness I played with a guy named Montana in these situations was very similar in Justice Court Antoine Smith back in there Mark Edwards the fullback and Brady sends Brown in motion the fake to Smith and Brady for two and he’s got it and it’s 33-30 and so New England has bought a bit of insurance

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