Golf Players

(REUPLOAD) PUL 2024: New York Gridlock @ Indianapolis Red – 5/4/24

About the PUL
The Premier Ultimate League (PUL), founded in 2019, is the professional ultimate league for women and gender-expansive athletes that operates as a 501c6 nonprofit.

Indianapolis Red takes on the New York Gridlock in Indianapolis for an exciting week five face off.

Since the PUL’s founding, the league and its teams actively strive to create an inclusive and competitive league showcasing athleticism and the game’s spirit. The PUL has 11 member teams: Atlanta Soul, Austin Torch, DC Shadow, Indianapolis Red, Milwaukee Monarchs, Minnesota Strike, Nashville NightShade, New York Gridlock, Philadelphia Surge, Portland Rising, and Raleigh Radiance. These 11 teams compete in regular season play from April to June, with the championship taking place in June. In addition to all 11 teams highlighting athleticism and ultimate at its highest peak of competition, the PUL strives for gender, racial, and economic diversity. LPUL can be followed on social media at @ on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube, and @PremierUltimate on Twitter.

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[Music] he [Music] hey [Applause] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] he hey he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] te we are here week five premier ultimate league action New York gridlock visiting your hometown Indianapolis red I’m Charlie low and with me as always is Kristen kovic AKA KK hello thanks for having absolutely it wouldn’t be an indie red broadcast without you KK it is beautiful outside pushing the low 8s light Breeze swirling around here at Ben Davis Stadium home of the Giants and we are super excited to bring you this North Division action between New York and Indie how we feeling today feeling really good excited looking forward to a really good matchup it’s going to be a fun one absolutely got some excitement on the red sideline today making her season debut Katrina Maguire also known as cat number 77 for Indianapolis red on the other sideline though might as well you know address the elevant on the field no cardinus twins today for the New York gridlock Valeria and Manu not with New York here today red half to be feeling pretty excited about that what do you think yeah I mean Manu and Valia are are uh the type of athletes that can change a game so you know I mean yes probably excited about not having them on the field and also you can’t knock any other player on the team that just means that there’s a might be a little bit of a void that needs to be filled and it’s whether you see those players step up to the plate which we will probably see that so it just depends on who absolutely you know and for those people who like to say hey if you beat a team without their best players you know W’s talk that’s all that matters for those of you that are fans of the men’s NBA I don’t think the Pacers are any less disappointed about their Series win over the Bucks just because Giannis wasn’t playing and Dame wasn’t there think the red will be excited to go out and you know look to get a win today against what is still a tremendously talented New York Squad if not just a little bit short-handed that’s right now about this New York gridlock Squad still some Allstars out there and it starts and ends with number0 Jenny De Jesus Jenny kind of burst onto the scene a couple years ago had a really big coming out party at the continent tour stop in Washington DC in early 2022 and from there it’s been nothing but watching her Star Rise playing for New York exist during the summer playing with the gridlock the last few seasons a I don’t think it’s anything it’d be undering to say anything other than dominant downfield cutter yeah Jenny’s are really fun player to watch in all forms of ultimate we’re going to see Jenny playing in all roles today so looking forward to that another player to look out for Jolie Krebs uh on the gridlock going to be wearing number 24 Jolie will be playing with Sunni Binghamton making their fourth straight Nationals appearance Go Big Bear Jolie is the kind of player where you look at the stat sheet you see five six s assist you see 1 2 3 four goals and somehow that still undersells the impact she has on the field the red are going to be looking to try to slow those players down seeing what they can do to disrupt their flow we got a chance to talk with um film coach and scouting coach Jon Jones and his one take on those two players was whatever we can do to make them uncomfortable whatever we can do to disrupt their timing any other thoughts you know KK for those of you who don’t know is kind of our inside track reporter as well uh being a practice player talk to us a little bit about defensive Philosophy for the red today it’s all about quick adjustments learning on the Fly um so I think you know you’re probably going to see a little bit of junk you’re going to see person and Zone the zone is something that the coach Blake vanderbush loves dearly and so we you know it’s not very windy today I wouldn’t be surprised if we threw it anyway just because it’s they believe in it so deeply it’s near and dear to their heart so we’ll see how they throw the Zone if it works and how they might adjust with that uh coach Sam pukish told us and I quote that the Zone dogs are hungry so they’re going to go out there and look to run this Zone that they love near and dear when it’s time to get a switched up look from the person or the junk sets offensively you know we love it when the coaches are unified when there’s kind of a one track mind I ask the coach say hey what are we looking to accomplish on o today and the simple answer was to score and to score more love the strategy yeah the red in their last game uh played against the Philadelphia Surge and what you know did not go our way and kind of definitively didn’t go that way unfortunately a nine-point loss so focusing on hey can we just get some goals up totally understandable but that starts with you know clean up of some of those small errors where are the opportunities that we have to go out to make small adjustments to be a little bit crisper in our Handler resets to put just a little bit more touch on some of those out and Away throws you know really giving ourselves opportunities to go out and let our athletes shine let our teamwork shine we will be right back ahead of our first quarter action this gridlock game against the Indianapolis red see you soon are you enjoying this live stream of the Indianapolis red want to find out how else you you can support them go ahead and scan that QR code and give with your wallets and not just your time the Indie red appreciate and enjoy every single opportunity that they can to play Frisbee and appreciate your support even more none of this is possible without you this live broadcast of the Premier ultimate league is brought to you by breakmark ultimate apparel go to breakmark tocom to place your next custom team order or check out the p app athlete collab shops Indianapolis red is sponsored by City Yoga School of yoga and health City Yoga is a locally owned and operated yoga studio downtown Indianapolis their programs and services enhance Health uplift Hearts deepen connection and Foster positive change book a class with them today at City yoga. Biz or on the mindbody app the Indianapolis red would like to say thank you to one of their local sponsors mdmi mdmi specializes in the design and implementation of tailored data Management Solutions to unlock the power of data mdmi experts work closely with customers to determine how best to capture activate and leverage their data to solve complex problems in Drive productivity Innovation and risk management visit mdmi Indianapolis red is sponsored by Cox Roofing as a family-owned company Cox Roofing knows that it can be difficult to entrust your home or business in someone else’s hands this is why we have cultivated an expert team to help with any Roofing guttering or siding needs we’re here for you from free first inspection to final walkthrough call Cox Roofing to scheduled today Indianapolis rer sponsored by everyone’s Joy photography the U sports team photographer and Indie Red’s official photography company doesn’t matter what you need we got you covered at any event find us on Facebook Instagram or online at everyone’s jooy Indianapolis red would like to thank Fountain Law Firm for this year’s 2024 sponsorship thank you and we are back red throwing out the opening pole in this week five contest against the New York gridlock New York coming out in the lights moving from right to left centering to Gina caranas and Gina gets it going immediately nice rip over to the sideline that’s number two Jolene Jung back to yina in the middle of the field there’s Jolie Krebs disc in her hand on the far sideline looking to attack takes a little up upfield pass there they’re moving it there’s Jenny De Jesus 10 yards outside of the End Zone pestered by mat by Timmons on the mark and we’re starting to see lots of Handler movement here as they go into a dominator looking for open opportunities De Jesus avoids a travel gives it right back breaks up field cardana doesn’t like the look though there’s Krebs again huge layout from De Jesus doesn’t come up with the disc and an opportunity here for the red early and rare mistake from the gridlock so it’s clear that New York wants to move it quick small and fast yeah happy to chunk yards out where they can but that Dominator is something they are very comfortable in red getting the Counterattack started Timmons getting chased down nothing in the middle of the field there’s mamore swinging the disc back and forth with UMO they find hob up the field to woff back to Hob red starting to find some flow as they attack through the middle of the field happy to chunk these 5y throws off keeping it in the Handler space and that’s Lily hob in the center there plays for Notre Dame we love a HomeTown hero KK and she’s really really earned the respect of the red coaches in this defensive line that throw out of bounds though from Riso UMO you think that got touched looked like it kind of maybe got nicked out of bounds Maybe not let’s see if defense can ring it in we have Gina picking it up carda swings over to the middle of the field secured by the gridlock disc is up De Jesus Is In The End Zone skying grab gets it over ruo gives her the high five walks off and though not clean there’s an opening from the New York gridlock up 1 so we had some small ball working up the field for New York and then both both times when they got near The End Zone it was Jenny going deep so we’re going to see that all day Canen Indie red adjust and make sure that they can stop that deep cut yeah Jenny de Jesu is kind of putting up that Asia Wilson hand like listen just get me the Rock I’m going to make good things happen and she is rewarded nice big overo Jenny kind of a like prototypical downfield build tall lanky powerful someone who really chews up yards with her build jumps so high absolutely jumps so high but the kind of person where hey I feel really good you know doesn’t matter who it is you got to feel good if you’re going to throw it downfield to Jenny to hesus just look for that double zero so the gridlock secure their hold up one Z on the Indianapolis red as we see Hana Glick practicing some quick pulling form we’re going to get our first look at the Indie o line today as the pull goes up from Glick nah actually Nina Finley 96 who’s on that last line um on that last line actually is a Handler so Nina’s doubling up right now and on Rachel Mast who wants to run constantly let’s see if they can and some early Handler movement from hybrid teammates T and Chuck Wilson T puts up a leader Skittles Mill in the area disc is floating layout grab oh but can’t secure it through the bounce off the ground Finley picking up for the gridlock looking to Marshall the Counterattack Rachel Mass getting down on the Mark D pulls it straight away from Emily Wong and getting our first look at cat Maguire chewing up in the Handler’s face pestered by Cassie Brown in the middle of the field but gets it back towards that sideline advancing the disc calling back for it her first oh my goodness I spoke too soon a drop from cat Maguire you’re not going to see that every day we might not see that ever again ever again but I do know that cat’s one of those players who’s going to dust it off and immediately try to get it back let’s see if K can get in the action Hina Finley looks for the upfield able to get it Advanced Huck goes up to nobody no lights on nobody home Chuck Wilson going to go pick up five yards outside of the end zone for the red and get this Counterattack restarted red still looking for this opportunity for a hold see Rachel Mass streaking across the upfield space gets it from Skittles Milton cat’s going and just too low lands about three yards in front of her and the gridlock are going to get another look at the break opportunity as Finley trying to Marshall the offense back into a some semblance of their stack you can feel some kind of I guess growing pains for both teams here both are dealing with different Personnel than the last couple games that they’ve played with yeah when you’re trying to build chemistry on the Fly cuz you’ve got new players or players are put onto Line L they don’t normally sit on due to you know Personnel missing it takes a little bit of time and the only way you can kind of figure out hey what’s this going to look like is in game we have a stoppage on the field Swinson makes up the ground gets the action restarted and a hand oh foul called you can tell by the crossed fist foul call no contest violation no contest and it heavily marked Cassie Brown Nikki hair digs that one out and the throw goes up immediately Rachel mast in the area gets the block on number 97 Hana Glick and that is why the red went out and got Rachel masked a incredible Superstar athlete and has a brain to go with it she’s got big big brain ultimate and knows where to find the disc in space knows when to put her head down and and Sprint knows when to keep her head up and kind of hang out in the open poachy space all around fantastic player goes for that block with the outside hands to making sure that there’s no contact with the Defender as we see Chuck Wilson getting the offense started clearing some space Rachel Mast down on the low side line advances to Milton Skittle showing lots of patience cat huge grab going up with two hands pulling it down with confidence red swinging and Rachel mask what a layout saves it with the outside hand and right back up and into the offensive [Music] flow there’s the Huck attempt going up to Skittles she’s got the space and another athlete incredible in the air and incredible with her physical presence Skittles brings in the Reds opening goal we are tied at one this is a difference with having cat Maguire on the field with Skittles because normally Skittles is the one making the in Cut looking deep into the end zone and now we can see that Skittles is more free to make more deep cuts into the end zone so adding these different personnels just changes the structure of an offense could not agree more we know that this team has been really excited for the addition that Maguire brings because though there’s no shortage of powerful throwers and no shortage of excellent Cutters the skill set that she brings of I am going to chew up I’m going to eat make these initiation Cuts I’m going to make these fill cuts and you know I have the full arsenal the full the full tool kit for downfield looks for around breaks for confidence in the Handler space is Irreplaceable on this red Squad anous I don’t know about you but I’m feeling 22 so we have New York’s o line out another one here and that’s 96 Nina Finley on the line again three points in a row you see someone coming out on the field giving them some water so [Music] yeah and to up picking up and that’s pressur with the disc in the middle of the field takes the swing opportunity to Jolene Jung who drops it and the red are going to have a break opport here hob picking up the [Music] disc finds burkart and just out of the hand of bomgardner who sets the mark back up and we see a little bit of a junk for a hot second but Krebs finds the disc on the far sideline little dishy throw up field and pressberg is all alone tees it up and is Into The End Zone like the turn never happened gridlock score go up 21 looked like a misc from the red defense I don’t know if they were playing kind of in uh sit over the top or sit under deep and then someone went underneath and picked up the inside left the deep cut wide open and we’re going to take a quick break we’ll be right back Indie red currently down 2-1 to the New York gridlock the Discraft Ultra star is the official disc of the Premier ultimate league Discraft the world leader in dis Sports Indianapolis rer sponsored by everyone’s Joy photography the U Indie sports team photographer and Indie Red’s official photography company doesn’t matter what you need we got you covered at any event find us on Facebook Instagram or online at everyone’s jooy this live broadcast of the Premier ultimate league is brought to you by break mark ultimate apparel go to breakmark dcom to place your next custom team order or check out the P athlete collab shops and we’re back in the middle of first quarter action week five of the Premier ultimate league New York gridlock up 21 pulling to the hometown Indianapolis red as we see that go up from the gridlock and stay out of bounds red going to enjoy some nice field position off that one see number 34 Lauren kitten picking up the disc powerful Lefty thrower for the Indie red one of two on this offensive line she and til giving us a full Squadron of lefties cat Maguire goes up with the right hand pulls it down there’s the throw from schlager sails out to the bottom sideline and the gridlock are going to get another break opportunity disc with Eli presber on that low sideline Rachel Mast pestering see her seal off that around throw goes up to Cassie Brown looking deep and there’s a rip kit not able to bring it down into the hands of Jenny De Jesus fakes the right hand up field dishes it back to prur Rachel Mast going back and forth with presber on this Mark forces a huge step out Cassie able to reel that one in continues moving up field to De Jesus nonchalantly makes that grab this is right about the time where Jenny wants to to work so let’s see if Jenny does some short plants and comes back for the disc and literally did exactly what you said KK that’s the kind of analysis that we’re looking for Eli presber very confident nice inside fake moves it up to Cassie Brown goes up strong Cassie Looking In The End Zone there it is up call a little too late recognition from T that’s a goal in a break gridlock go up 31 one thing I do know about Cassie is that she likes to look into the end zone yeah this red team very familiar with Cassie Brown despite her playing in the New Jersey uh Cassie been playing with the monarchs as we see that throw go up from her goal secured by number five Emily w from C we love you yeah Cassie Brown been playing with the Milwaukee monarchs the last couple Seasons I don’t know if she’s moved or just picking up with a new team but it’s a little bit throwing to see her in a gridlock Jersey it’s kind of interesting I love to kind of see different players trying out new teams how do they fit into their systems does it work for them does it not work for them so well so from what I’ve seen so far it’s working for Cassie we’re going to have to start keeping ital cuz Nina Finley is out there yet again four points in a row now for the Iron woman of the New York gridlock you see Jenny De Jesus getting them coached up again roster a little bit thin for the gridlock today so will not be the last time that we bring this up as carda gets the action started pulling downfield to the red hob picks up centers to mamore no immediate followup from m more nicely settled in defense by the gridlock attacks to the middle there’s Timmons last couple weeks we’ve seen Timmons as a block goes up Nikki High release break but uh Nikki hair really perceptive about what Mary is trying to do New York’s on the Move Nikki hair spends her Summers playing with New York exist one of the top mixed teams in USA ultimate not able to finish last season the way that she wanted to due to an injury she’s come out and bring brought tons of energy to this gridlock Squad all right call going back and we have a pick call the disc is going to reset Emily woff on The Mark nicely seals that around forces a huge arcing throw RIS UMO chasing Finley around I’ll say this if I’ve played four or five points in a row reu Mano is maybe the last person I want to guard me [Music] disc advances up field Hana Glick with the hand with the disc in her hands gives it back to yina carda little bit of a flat mark from hob Lily’s going to really have to work here R meno bidding on the Mark Finley wisley [Music] holsters disc coming in on zero after a little bit of conversation between UMO and Finley hob giving Chase to carda FES the break and I love the patience from the gridlock Squad right here Cassie Brown just outside of the end zone they’re knocking on the door who’s it going to be clock really great pressure from Indie red ah all right it just doesn’t get us the result we want endless patience from the gridlock as they are able to get another break going up 41 you know it’s a tough spot to be on the end zone because the force was was forcing to the middle of the field so in your mind as an ultimate player you think okay I should be matched up on the left side of my defense 2016 launch downfield by carda the red start the offense Lorden kitten down to Chuck Wilson and the Handler space the high hand from hair stops the throw to Maguire you see New York wanting to poach in the Handler spaces kind of peeling off the handlers trying to get into the lanes we talked with the gridlock coach and one of the things that they said they’re hoping to accomplish is to win some of these games with their athletes win some of these points with their bra as well as their brain one of the ways that we’re seeing that manifest is they’re stopping as these they chase these in Cuts in from the red they’re stopping lurking in the lane for a little bit and then churning with their legs to make up the downfield space schaner advancing the disc up to mass but nobody there sers breaks free dis floats up she brings it in with two hands that’s a goal Indy red W chasing down Shirley gaining some yards but just couldn’t get there quite yet Saunders went up with such sh handed and sure footedness that there was no way for Wong to get in there and make a play without having to go through and shout out to Emily I played with Emily actually on Steamboat 200 is either 18 or 19 I can’t remember exactly what’s up [Music] em we will be right back at the end of the first quarter Indianapolis Red 2 New York gridlock 4 we’ll be right back are you enjoying this live stream of the Indianapolis red want to find out how else you can support them go ahead and scan that QR code and give with your wallets and not just your time the Indie red appreciate and enjoy every single opportunity that they can to play Frisbee and appreciate your support even more none of this is possible Without You Indianapolis red is sponsored by City Yoga School of yoga and health City Yoga is a locally owned and operated yoga studio downtown Indianapolis their programs and services enhance Health uplift Hearts deepen connection and Foster positive change book a class with them today at City yoga. Biz or on the mindbody app Indianapolis red is sponsored by Cox Roofing as a family-owned company Cox Roofing knows that it can be difficult to entrust your home or business in someone else’s hands this is why we have cultivated an expert team to help with any Roofing guttering or exciting needs we’re here for you from free first inspection to final walkthr call Cox Roofing to schedule today 30 minutes over a cup of coffee Queen to H5 at the park thumbs up emojis clappy emojis confetti emojis loaded nachos at halftime a spin dash for the win best two out of three and the time it takes to enjoy a slice or two you can make a difference because yeah mentorship sounds huge but the truth is it takes little to be [Music] big we are back second quarter about to kick off New York gridlock up 42 on the home team Indie red couple break opportunities early for the gridlock they were able to push lead as high as 4-1 before the red offense was able to settle back down and get it to 42 what have you liked from the gridlock so far well they’re really pushing the pace and they are understanding what players want what so that’s I mean that’s a mark of chemistry whether that be between a few players or all of the players on their team so they’re pushing the pace all the way up the field looking for Jenny in the end zone maybe a couple more people to strike up from the hler space getting a look at this I say in quotes dline from the gridlock we see Krebs we see De Jesus we see pressberg we see brown all out there oine Main Stays for the gridlock so far through this game but Nikki hair is out there too already made her Mark early on the defensive side pull lands around Midfield but a friendly roll and the wind takes over so we see Chuck Wilson looking at it a little incredulously before pressur finally puts it down Tracy low picking up the disc for the red vertical stack action nothing for Milton we see Mass takeoff deep and there it goes wind picks it up is she going to have an opportunity sails through the goal post that was a massive gust of win you saw in the red that was a drawn up play call um sometimes called a zipper which you have one person going to the force side one person going to The Brak side one person going deep and then you have three options they hler has three options to pick and tilo picked deep as as they often do yeah t picks deep three points for T but no points for the red on that possession Mass not able to get her hand on that one stops the big fake from Montana Roberts there’s Cassie Brown on the low sideline gives it right back to Krebs what an incredible dominated the two of those players can run Krabs getting pestered by Tracy low who goes up and we’re going to have some conversation because plays like that do not ever happen without conversation disc stays with Krebs advances it immediately Lauren kitten runs through gets conversation there Charlie you know they kind of just tapped it in and then the play was was going on sometimes you you know there are some players who actually can play with with more contact than normal there are some players who don’t like to play with much contact so it’s really a personal preference and if you don’t like much contact then you call the foul and that’s when you can start having those conversations speaking of contact disc going back foul no contest on that step through looks like Krebs was saying that tilo came into her space a little bit more than she was comfortable with til slightly flat Mark broken by Krebs advance to De Jesus looks for the big around up field some excellent footwork from Roberts gives it up to Krebs who’s all alone looks for hair doesn’t have her in the end zone back to presber floating throw out to the Jesus and that is 52 to the gridlock up on Indie red another break secured for New York want to see some teeth want to see him show some teeth want to see him get out there and run yes yeah I I appreciate you know the Chill Vibes of of offense but I guess maybe that’s the defense in my blood that’s wanting a little bit more umph but we’ll see if it pays off the patience it could not every Point’s a fast break but there are opportunities certainly being left at the door if you’re not willing to push the pace I agree with you the red kind of taking their time but you know down three to a team that so far haven’t been able to break is not necessarily the time to you know keep your jets cool pull goes up lands around Midfield C Brown with a purposeful roller pull out of bounds you don’t see that a whole lot in the PO we’re going to get no mark on T right now gridlock and maybe it was just a miscommunication as cardana runs over to tilo advancing the disc up to C Maguire fakes off the deep look finds too in the middle of the field nice Airbound swing over there back to cat at Midfield gridlock right now pushing the red back but the hybrid teammates making themselves F known LG back to cap Maguire and right now the nonchalant you were talking about KK probably serving the red well lots of patience here Finley going to ground guarding Rachel Mass back to LG in the middle doesn’t take the swing to Maguire initially puts it up to Skittles you can see Cassie Brown just hanging off LG trying to get into the lanes but red seems to be working it in the handlers pretty easily excellent step off Mark there from the gridlock stopped any deep look opportunities from schlager who had TLO streaking red now nice and calm resetting into their offense what a break from cat Maguire and there’s tilo gets it to Skittles red back on the board down 53 to the grd lock that was a really important point for morale absolutely was that a I think that was a clean hold yeah so we get a second look here the thing I want to point out is the willingness to use the entire width of the field C Maguire starts not two yards off of that far sideline attacks with that sharp inside flick to til who’s able to inride catch that and put it up to Skittles who already started breaking for the low sideline that kind of swinging that kind of willingness to attack all areas of the field is going to be incredibly key for the red as they look to start this comeback and more importantly we get to put a dline out some of these o line Main St get an actual chance to rest these legs are going to become so important can we go out with d lines can we force long points can we force New York to really CH through these generate opportunities now that’ll turn into points later on in the game it looks like we have a few completely fresh legs out there for red yeah Maple at similar faces for New York Maple Atkins streets out there aiel dog Choy out there be the last time that you hear her called anything but dog and Eli Burkhart runs down stopping at the disc ready to set up the defense cardana picks up big swing around to pressburg short dish off to De Jesus gives it right back shadowed by Atkins streets Jolie all alone no mark one of the worst things you can have an ultimate but bur is able to make up the [Music] space and Roberts big bid and calls the injury Stand Down that was a truly incredible athletic play from Roberts there I looking fully like she was going to secure that disc with two hands she’s going to get help off the field substituting in number 19 Estelle ding for the New York gridlock red making a substitution as well Emily woff going in in for number 14 Brianna buris red choosing to take advantage of the opportunity to match a substituted player off an injury we get going again Burkhart to mamore in the middle of the field underneath the foot of ding Atkins threats back to Burkhart doesn’t take the Deep look these Mark angles from the gridlock are so effective at stopping these first and second throw looks from the red often not able to take the first look that they want but there’s huge space and none of it mattered number two Jolene Jang flies in and secures the block that was an incredible incredible layout block get it on Sports Center get it on everything ever sharp inside throw there’s KBs in the middle of the field and that’s a goal gridlock secure the hold going up 63 on the red so right now it looks like New York’s hler poach defense is being quite effective wow that was just chest High layout D love to see the the athletic composure from Jolene one of the best pieces of this Sport and what an incredible display of athleticism from the gridlock there followed immediately by some sh handedness short footedness and easy goals red still looking for some answers offensively can we go and get two holds in a row defensively can we find ways to just slow down this gridlock Counterattack [Music] I think this is a good time for us to return to something we learned from the gridlock coaches again we talked to them about the fact that they don’t have Manuela and Valeria Cardis today you know talking to the coaching staff something they said they were going to look for people to do was hey go out play your role play it to the best of your ability we don’t need anybody to be a super hero and try to fill a space they don’t normally do as the Huck goes up from the red cat Maguire all by herself brings that disc in and fast point and Spirits are up for the red down 64 to the grid loock we had a similar play earlier with cat coming under for the disc putting it deep and now we have it in reverse with Skittles catching it and looking deep I bet they love playing with each other I have to imagine so Skittles so calmly faking that Lefty flick up field does just enough to get her Mark to go all the way off having to stop that throw and that has all the space in the world to launch that backhand hook out to Maguire and these are the kind of points that the red are going to need more of hey can we go out can our offense score efficiently can our offense score confidently can we get our defense back out on the field this is going to be our biggest opportunity days is hey we can go run them into the ground with our legs and we can throw a myriad of looks out there and in fact we see coach pukish and Coach vanderbush out there would not be surprised if we saw a little bit of a junk or a little bit of a Zone set we do have some wall Personnel Mary Tim on the D line Kelly Kirker Bri W be surprised either asked Mary Timmons if she likes playing the tip of the spear once and she told me confidently no lots of hard work not much uh reward or Spotlight Raa flies down stops the first look they have to take a second look up to carda pestered by burkhard on the mark shifts what incredible Mark manipulation from carda there just a little flip of the shoulders and all of a sudden their five throws up field Krebs streaking throw stopped by woff there’s Jolene Jung in the middle of the field the quick double team team on De Jesus to stop that from going up New York is a little clumped into the end zone some picks called but it does look like they want to set a vertical stack in their end zone a classic End Zone set some would say and Jenny of course looking to run the show yeah and we’re seeing a little bit more of a poach Kelly Kirker staying out in that lane instead of staying back but there’s the throw to Krebs wins the flit RAC against burus to that close sideline little tiny kick spike in the gridlock still up three 7 to four over the Indie red cahan’s wide backhand round throw it’s just so hard to stop because you have to make such a wide net to cast in order to stop that back hand throw so if you’re not in the right position cart is going to punish you for that gridlock are doing an excellent job of opening up wide spaces for themselves they almost hunt the width of the field like it’s Central to their offense and then it’s just simple throws and catches out to space carda one of the best throwers in the business doesn’t even need to put up anything super complicated on that look to Krebs just step out put this over to the corner and let your receiver win a foot race luckily she’s got one of the best flit racers in the business we got a couple shout outs in the YouTube chat go Kylie says Rachel Kenny says let’s go [Applause] [Music] red big sideline energy from New York right now maybe eight players over there total and making up all of the sideline sound that we’re hearing Rachel Mast disc near the close sideline gets LG moving Lauren kitten little jab step secures the disc from LG nice little floter up to Maguire dishes back off to garer Wilson in the middle of the field red really utilizing you see that wide wide Mark out just to stop upfield throws from Cassie Brown lots of trading back and forth from her and Nikki hair on these handlers base on these handlers in the red there’s schaner close sideline kitten little hesitation red choosing to swing back to the Midfield throw behind schaner but able to bring that one in and whether by Design or by pure just points played you’re starting to see some of these marks from the grid loock be a little bit wider which leads to Opportunities like that tons of space for C Maguire to put it in and a rocket of a kick glor kitten sends it into orbit red down 75 and that’s three holds in a row for the Indianapolis red yeah I think New York is still trying to do that poach Handler defense and red is starting to get the hang of [Music] it you saw the gridlock Defender there make up a ton of ground on that flare out trying to stop that swing from Maguire does the same thing that we’ve been talking about with cardana just a point to go takes a nice big step out and puts up a routine throw out to kitten wind picks it a little bit she has to elevate but kitten goes up with confidence brings that back down and that’s a goal red oine starting to click we’ll just need to see if the defense can go out and find some of that juice for themselves do you think this is a situation where we see again some of the person you know some of the Zone Personnel out there is this an opportunity for the red to go out and just try to gum up the works do they with their person I think at this point they’re seeing positive results with what they’ve been doing which hasn’t been the zone so I would be surprised if they throw something when they feel like they might have a little bit of groove right here but it’s hard to tell bomgardner rolls it out of bounds looks like we do have a little bit of a zoney look Bri Mary and Kelly in the wall and no that disc should stay on the sideline it landed inbounds and rolled out some quick conversation with the official that’s kobby Parker down there and there’s card who doesn’t even acknowledge the existence of a different defense in Cross fields to Jolie Krabs there’s not much win during this zone so someone like Cenna who has the throws can kind of knife the disc through above and New York is adjusting by pulling one of the Cutters back so they have four handlers back De Jesus moves UMO with a nice big around an opportunity there and they Advance it up to De Jesus from carda the Reds succeed in slowing the gridlock offense down but not for long that’s another hold for New York five with 3 minutes left in the second quarter reca Oma with you know a really great layout attempt the zone is one of those things though where it’s all about containing so if you’re going to make a risk you got to be sure you got to be you know 105 150% sure that you’re going to get the block but I think when you’re that close in the end zone you’re trying to make a play you want to be the hero uh but sometimes I can just leave a wide open cutter Wing deep throw but that’s okay that was the first time we saw the Zone today so I think you know it’s good to test the waters see how New York is going to react what are they going to do it’s clear they’re going to pull one cutter back then have four handlers back and then Carana is going to want to hit that big swing around so let’s see if the Zone makes any changes both teams enjoying the benefits of a time out red taking an opportunity to have their o line come in on each other talk about their strategy for this next Point gridlock just taking a bre they talking as a team they’ve got to feel good about the lead they’ve built for themselves and seeing what kind of opportunity they can generate to go up more Indie the offense honestly nothing to change right now the oine going out and doing their job three points in a row looking to make it four going out securing the hold with confidence with a variety of looks it’s the defense where the red is still struggling for answers about what to do to slow New York down we saw the zone have some efficacy we saw you know a kind of multitude of different looks there you know to reference something you said earlier Rea feels 100% about every layout opportunity that she goes for but still looking for some of the break chances that they generated earlier in the game New York not doing anything except tightening up [Music] what do you think player coach De Jesus is trying to communicate to the gridlock defensive line right now yeah I think at this point um they’re want to they probably want to continue to do that hler poach um although red is adjusting I think that it’s working so far it’s it’s kind of hard to tell because right now we aren’t really putting it deep so they might have the strategy of um you know Force the red Cutters into the end zone and see if any of the handlers is try and boost it pull goes up from Finley secured by til advances up to kitten and the red are getting it started Nikki hair almost closing in on that throw but there’s Rachel Mast pestered by Finley moves it up to Shirley Saunders we’re going to have some conversation no contest Glick yields the disc to Saunders that’s why you go up with two hands folks Len kitten High release inside backhand one of the beautiful things about being a lefty there’s the throw and Abby swensson gets there secures it through [Applause] contact four h in a row for the red really good attack from Abby even though there was strong pressure on the disc from number 19 AAL [Music] ding yeah you see ding’s hand there just a second too late you know unfortunately with the angles players have a little bit of contact there ding goes to ground but likely more out of frustration than anything you know it’s hard to be that close and Miss by that little and you know go off the point and be like ah man just want that one [Music] back Abby is 61 so it’s hard to go up on someone who has the height and can also jump and has the wherewithal to read the disc in the air fun fact about Abby Swinson she played youth ultimate in Cincinnati for several years when she went to college she stopped playing ultimate altogether so she could pursue playing golf at the Collegiate level played four years of golf moved back to Indiana and said okay it’s time to get back into frisbee again only been playing for a couple of years but I think Abby has bright future in frisbee this stays in bounds fielded by Finley to carda in the middle of the field down to prur there they’ve got Krebs in the middle of the field who throws with power to De Jesus in the middle of the field shadowed by dog and takes off every time Jenny De Jesus takes off downfield she’s immediately five yards open if it were anybody other than Jolie Krebs I’d get super hype about it but honestly she makes these plays look routine lays out perfectly smooth form Jolie Krebs brings the hold in New York goes up 96 so we know New York wants to get the disc moving quickly off the pole pick it up hit someone that’s open hit another person that’s open swing it between the handlers a few times and then we’re going to put it deep the thing that they’re doing that New York is doing that is so incredibly important to their offensive success is that whether or not it’s time you know they have the unified kind of sense of like hey now it’s time for us to take this leading pass or take this deep look they cycle these throws out of the middle of the field it’s De Jesus coming in catching the disc looking cycling it to a Handler coming up to meet her and then rocketing down field and then curling back to the low side or curling up to the far side but it’s clearing all kinds of space for the likes of Krebs and for prur and for brown to continue going to work in that middle of the field space and it’s possible Indie red is trying really hard to stop those first few throws that they maybe overp pursue and are leaving the kind of downfield a little just a couple inches open Skittles goes up high with the right hand brings it in under pressure from prur Rachel Mass picks up Rockets a flick downfield to cat Maguire brings it in all by herself she’s got schaner pursuing but picked up by two Defenders drops it to Wilson looks back for cat not able to find her swing to Mast in the middle of the field and the throw comes up from Mast and knocked To The Ground by PR still had a wide open cut to the for side from LG missed opportunity the red o line going to be looking for that one back pressburg up to De Jesus see Emily Wong chewing up huge yards downfield come comes under moves the disc up to Krebs doesn’t like the Deep look to ding some conversation pick called immediate break from Krebs puts the throw up who else but De Jesus under pressure from theer doesn’t matter brings that in that’s another goal for the gridlock another break secured and they go up 106 on the Indie red pushing this lead even further red o line broken for the first time in four opportunities excuse me five opportunities red take a timeout Center in the middle of the field this o line Point incredibly important they’ll have a chance to play out the entire thing and we’re going to take a quick break New York gridlock up 10 Indianapolis red six we’ll be right back e New York gridlock 10 Indie red 6 22 seconds remaining in the first half red coming out on offense gridlock coming out on defense and the red o line broken for the first time in Five Points looking to reset and go into the half with some confidence KK what are you telling the red o line right now in terms of the scale in terms of importance for this hold opportunity 22 seconds to play you want to play possession ball so keep the disc in your hands for the next 10 9 seconds I guess the clock keeps going so they can just take as much time as they want here because when the clock runs out that’s it they either score or it’s a turn and halftime New York won’t get another chance yeah clock not stopping once the pull goes up honestly and it’s thrown away immediately and that should be the end of the half unless we had a miscue with the clock which is possible we’ll search for some resolution on that but regardless New York getting things going Nina Finley trying to find presber masted tied on their hip Lorden kitten trying to stop that inside flick from Krebs Krebs gets around for the backhand instead [Music] finle keeping her balance trying to move Tio around launches a flick to The Far Side to De [Music] Jesus T trying to work that flare out stops any continuation from Finley flick up field to De Jesus the doesn’t like the look to pressberg takes the look to Finley disrupted a little bit on the [Music] mark KBS breaks free there’s a goal that was really unfortunate from Indie red with just a wide open person in the back field assisted by little miscue I think T might have made a little Juke and just Mis communication first but costly costly miscommunication yeah and on that replay we see both Defenders just take their eyes off Krebs and she uses that opportunity to say hey I’m wide open nobody’s on me goes and collects the goal gridlock up five 11 to6 on the Indie red as we go into half time we’ll be right back for second half action of the week five premier ultimate league [Music] wo on break [Music] [Applause] are you enjoying this live stream of the Indianapolis red want to find out how else you can support them go ahead and scan that QR code and give with your wallets and not just your time the Indie red appreciate and enjoy every single opportunity that they can to play Frisbee and appreciate your support even more none of this is possible Without You Indianapolis red is sponsored by City yoga School of yoga and health City Yoga is a locally owned and operated yoga studio downtown Indianapolis their programs and services enhance Health uplift Hearts deepen connection and Foster positive change book a class with them today at City yoga. Biz or on the mindbody app 30 minutes over a cup of coffee Queen to H5 at the park thumbs up emojis clappy emojis confetti emojis loaded nachos at halftime a spin dash for the win best two out of three and the time it takes to enjoy a slice or two you can make a difference because yeah mentorship sounds huge but the truth is it takes little to be big [Music] at the ACLU of Indiana we’re hooers just like you hooers who believe in the power of action who stand up who speak up who show up who lift up the voices of others fighting for what’s right for all of us hooers who fight Injustice in the courts in the state house and in our communities no matter who you are the ACLU is defending your rights a better Indiana doesn’t just happen on its own that’s why we need [Music] you in the middle of our halftime break here in Indianapolis New York gridlock 11 leading the hometown Indie Red by five in red just mustering up six goals in the first half KK what have you seen from the red that you’ve liked and what are we looking to you know see from them in the second half I would like to see red push the pace a little bit more have a little bit more urgency um and defense needs to get their claws out and turn into a junkyard dog situation because defense is the only chance red has right now without defensive plays without getting blocks without putting on the pressure then you know that’s how we’re going to that’s how Red’s going to get back into this game is defense 100% the red need to they were getting break opportunities early you could call it nerves from the gridlock you could call it adjustments to you know available Personnel but you know after about the third or fourth point of the game it stopped mattering the red stopped earning break opportunities and the gridlock started punching everything in not only that but on these on you know any hold opportunities or rather break opportunities for the gridlock their offense is marching down the field and scoring just as efficiently as their o line has meanwhile the red finally looks like they found some sure footedness let off a you know R off four holds in a row we starting to see some momentum you know getting the defense out there they weren’t able to go out and challenge the gridlock weren’t able to go out and make them work with their legs we’re going to see that we’re going to need to see the red continue to show consistency on offense and we’re going to need them like you said show some teeth on defense whatever you need to do in terms of mixing up some of the looks whatever you need to do in terms of mixing up Personnel it’s going to be you know red coaches are going to need to find a way to go out and generate some of these you know break opportunities again yeah I think some Personnel changes also for red maybe switching up some people on the o line putting them on the D line I would like to see cat maybe play some defense I mean you can see if if and when there’s ever a turn on red cat is playing such incredible hard defense stopping any unders to their person trying to get a block and right there with her person so I would really like to see maybe cat thrown on the D line a few times and you know it’s hard I mean you saw Jenny’s speed it’s really truly hard to match anyone with Jenny speed so are you going to throw in some poachy plays are you going to try to force Jenny under or are you trying to match someone up to match Jenny’s speed it’s going to be a halim of adjustments and conversations for the red coaches if I’m the gridlock I’m doing exactly what we can see them doing underneath their shade tent I’m hanging out I’m keeping my legs relaxed I’m keeping my body language my head space relaxed and I’m coming out knowing hey we’ve got a five goal lead absolutely that could evaporate at any time but we don’t need to make any major adjustments we can just come out and continue playing the game we’ve played for 24 minutes for another 24 minutes you know and we maybe to just take this one home with with some [Music] ease who are you looking to have a big impact in the second half from this Indie red Squad I think it’s time for Abby Swenson to turn on the Jets um you know I I know offens is looking to run through their looks first second third look but let’s look to the 61 person in the end zone there’s not many people on New York who can match aby’s height and aggressiveness in the end zone so let’s look to Abby no deep looks going off from the red in the first half time to Unleash the Beast in the second half we’ll be right back with second half action here in Indianapolis gridlock leading by 516 over the hometown red we’ll be right back are you enjoying this live stream of the Indianapolis red want to find out how else you can support them go ahead and scan that QR code and give with your wallets and not just your time the Indie red appreciate and enjoy every single opportunity that they can to play Frisbee and appreciate your support even more none of this is possible Without You Indianapolis red is sponsored by City Yoga School of yoga and health City Yoga is a locally owned and operated yoga studio downtown Indianapolis their programs and services enhance Health uplift Hearts deepen connection and Foster positive change book a class with them today at City yoga. Biz or on the Mind Body app 30 minutes over a cup of coffee Queen to H5 at the park thumbs up emojis clappy emojis confetti emojis loaded nachos at halftime a spin dash for the win best two out of three and the time it takes to enjoy a slice or two you can make a difference because yeah mentorship sounds huge but the truth is it takes little to be [Music] big at the ACLU of Indiana we’re hooers just like you hooers who believe in the power of action who stand up who speak up who show up who lift up the voices of others fighting for what’s right for all of us hooers who fight Injustice in the courts in the state house and in our communities no matter who you are the ACLU is defending your rights a better Indiana doesn’t just happen on its own that’s why we need you [Music] halim here in Indianapolis New York gridlock leading 116 over the Indie red in your Premier ultimate league week five action we got to talk about something KK let’s talk about the end of quarter rules at the end of the first half Indie red receiving a pull that went up with 22 seconds left that’s sailed out of bounds we know with the premier ultimate league rules that the soon as the poll is released the clock starts it does not start from the time of reception of the poll by the time that any and all conversation had happened disc was you know fielded taken to the middle of the field for the point to start the clock had ticks down the first second and third quarters of the Premier ultimate league work in such a way that the team in possession of the disc when time expires gets to play out their possession and if there is any turnovers the the other team does not get a chance to respond that’s just the end of the quarter we had a first throw throw away from the Anapolis red on a Miss Q in the Handler space the gridlock picked up and immediately Marshal the offense took advantage of the opportunity and scored going up 116 from my understanding of the rules this should not have happened what are your thoughts on kind of what’s gone on yeah I I’m in the same boat as you unless um maybe there there was a misread of the rules maybe if there’s something where the disc goes out of bounds we’ll have to maybe take another look and clarify that it’s possible that the clock was wrong you know so there’s a couple possibilities that might have happened there that we don’t have control over um but everything you just said makes this a little controversial there’s some drama which I don’t mind some drama but all right I do like a clean game with playing with the rules I would I would rather have a team not have an astris next to any win um so we’ll see we’ll double check and we’ll if anyone has any information put it in the YouTube chat we’ll shout it out here yeah if you are in the chat and you know the rules better than KK and I cuz you play in the Premier ultimate league cuz you wrote the rule book for the premier ultimate league cuz you are an ultimate who just loves digging into the mintia let us know if we’ve got a misinterpretation of the rules up here in the booth or if they’re truly is some Total Drama Island going on here in Indianapolis thanks again guys regardless four or five points doesn’t matter Indie red has some work to do going to be looking for some answers here offensive consistency and confidence defense it look at how they can sink their teeth into this gridlock offense and find Opportunities to generate some sorely needed breaks 24 minutes separating us from the end of this [Music] competition as we start to see lines for each of these teams going [Music] out New York going to be starting on offense moving from left to right Indie red going to be launching the Pole right to left and we’ll see how the red have recalibrated coming out of halftime New York on cruise control right now nothing else to really look for except hey how can we maintain this lead how can we keep things going how can we take this cushion and expand it if I’m New York I’m pretty comfortable right now I’m comfortable in the offense I’m comfortable in the defensive looks that we we’ve been throwing at this point it’s keeping the energy up not falling down not you know the energy kind of escaping or deflating keeping energy high can be a battle in itself the red here have an opportunity to really start capitalizing on that bit from you know head Scout and film coach John Jones how can we disrupt the disc when it’s going to or coming from Jolie KBS and Jenny De Jesus right now two players on the gridlock getting every single thing that they want slowing down disrupting their timing getting the disc out of their hands is going to be key for the red as they look to stop this short-handed gridlock Counterattack Reno trying to get the crowd pumped up get the sideline pumped up and mam mamore launching the pole starting our second [Music] half disc in the hands of Finley up to carda in the middle of the field Leno flashing to stop that first look advances to Krebs in the middle New York started in a sort of Sid stack situation and then isolated Krebs for an open inside and yet another new matchup on Jenny De Jesus Kelly Kirker and that’s one that I really like Kelly Kirker one of the faster players on this red team absolutely the kind of person who can go out and find that match up Montana Roberts floats it up and out of bounds and all of a sudden we have a break opportunity for the red risueno picking up marked by Finley disc around to matore HDE go into the middle of the field two defenders in there foul called by Emily woff I think they answered my my question earlier is how they’re going to stop Jenny it looks like they’re going to try and match Jenny speed with speed and we get a resolution here Emily woff arguing on the foul that contact from the two Defenders interrupted her ability to make the play advances up to Timmons Timmons to burus doesn’t have anything to continue to finds matore pressur almost runs through that one gets it to madore in the middle of the field launches the flick deep to Timmons Jenny De Jesus closing in the space gets the block up over Timmons what closing speed from Jenny de Jesus calls the vertical stack ringing out as the gridlock look to get the offense set and ready to start operating 70 to go for the gridlock dumping it off to yina cardan for the first two low throw to pressberg secured in the middle of the field woff pestering them Jolie Krebs looking to start running and gunning gets the disc right back it’s floating though brings it down for mamore and Rockets a flick Timmons not able to get any contact on that disc Montana Roberts on the goal line knocking for the gridlock inside flick just a little bit too far for Krebs a breath of life for the red as they look to bring this break home Burrus chewing up yards in the middle timeout called right as the throw goes up from UMO disc likely to return to where it was and the red are going to sub in an o line although it can be a little deflating for a dline to get uh timeout and then subbed out you know to give Blake some credit they gave he gave them a chance uh to work it up the field and get a score so now that they have a second chance they’re going to put in their o line see if they can work it up nice and easy it’s going to be really interesting to see this is our first timeout taken for a line substitution in this game it’s going to be very interesting to see who goes off and who stays on for the gridlock here as we see Jenny De Jesus walking off little parasol in hand pressur going off carda going off Krebs Roberts looks like we’re getting a full sale shift with a possible exception of Vina Finley who [Music] else my captain that’s what happens when you have a void to fill and another one number two want to talk about second gears KK it’s one of the things that we talk about when we think of players who are not just athletic but incredibly dangerous you know in the cutter space those players who have that ability to go in and pull out that second gear of speed and as we see a little bit of a roller coaster from til and Chuck the gridlock have a second speed they have a second gear on offense and they have brought that out several times where they are moving slow and all of a sudden they’ve just gained 60 yards in the blink of an eye as the red get started G insert a Wilson in The Back Field nice Brown for nice mark from Cassie Brown til reaches all the way up into the heavens and brings that down we’ve got garens are up field Nikki hair on the mark throw up and off Estelle ding in the area C Maguire not able to get to that disc before it hits the ground and this is the flip side of that coin sometimes you get to put your offense in or your defense in out of a timeout but if they don’t secure the objective then all of a sudden you got your o line play in defense and vice versa New York setting up in a pretty standard vertical stack and the stall Rising disc swung all the way around Cassie Brown Keeps The Possession alive for the gridlock Chuck Wilson on the mark seals off any around Rachel Mast pursues not able to get her hand on the disc Finley advances that’s Mario balen R drapo moves it to the middle of the field now Kylie Sterling Battle of the visor there on the disc and we’re seeing exactly what you were talking about earlier KK cat Maguire step for step with a St ding throw out of the hands number 18 macking it to herself some say that’s illegal some would say that she just dropped it there’s Rachel Mast oh layout not successful Finley keeps her hand on it but there it is cat Maguire runs through gets the [Applause] block cat has the space and and what a throw from Chuck Wilson what a layout from cat Maguire and it is far too bad that that did not come up as a goal for the red looked like a little win just popped the disc up for just a [Music] second chucko cat a double 40 that was a second attempt from LG trying to put it to cat in the end zone second attempt to Cat In The End Zone disc get walked up by Finley Rachel Mast on the mark there’s Chuck shadowing Cassie Brown Nothing taken desperation swing up field who’s in the area Skittles Milton and puts it out and away and you can see the frustration from these red players looking to Marshall looking to get each other locked back into the game find these the defensive line needs to take the thing that we said we want less from the o line and find that nonchalance find that relaxation that ability to take that second and just breathe it in and go attack on offense in a calm cool collected manner because right now this offensive line defense blocked by R mask all presented by that really strong poachy inside defense from Red players not letting anyone come on the inside so they had no other choice but try and put it around the red o line looking for the break opportunity here looking to cut back into this lead there it is Tracy low through contact red little spicy on the field there from pilo just a little bit of John back and forth that’s good clean Family Fun KK [Music] obviously these players playing at the highest level taking their best at all opportunity at all times to play clean and to not bring inappropriate levels of physicality sometimes plays happen though and you know emotions rise with them well resolved by the teams T gets a little jaw and we are right back to it KK for the first time I think all game that’s a break for the Indianapolis red yeah it was a long point it was a bit of a grind but they got [Music] there like I said it’s you know can New York keep the energy up can they not let off the gas sometimes you get too excited or you know you let things get a little bit too easy when you’re up by a significant amount or by a certain margin worth pointing out [Music] just over six minutes of clock eaten up in that singular point that pull going up with 555 remaining carda disc in the middle of the field nice Flash from hob to stop that upfield look has to drop back to Finley Atkins three it’s giving Chase to Krebs who Rockets it to the end zone too far too low for Montana Roberts not able to leg that one out the red D line going to get yet another opportunity to bring a break in and cut more into this lead fatigue finally starting to show for the gridlock do you think KK yeah fatigue heat it is a hot day and the turf is even hotter big swing goes around to dog nice seal off from berts oo Zinger almost out of the hands of dog able to bring that one in high release to mamore bomgardner taking off deep De Jesus down there given Chase and things just a little bit clogged up in that space bomgardner elevates brings the throw in in the middle of the field doesn’t like the continue to mamore finds burus hob sure handed near that low sideline puts it up to to burus the red are starting to cook as they March their way towards the end zone hob gets it knocking on the [Music] door and what presence what calm what Poise number 23 Lily hop looks through five looks before finding Jaylen bomgardner all alone in the middle of the end zone two breaks in a row for the Indianapolis red down just 118 you saw that inside fake made uh her Defender just jump on the inside just a little too far so that she had a wide open backhand to bomb Gartner beautiful look the red literally getting out of their own way cleaning up some of these spacing issues that we saw not 90 seconds ago early in the point the young hob finds some Poise delivers to bomgardner in the back field sorry in the back of the end zone rather and we’ve got ourselves a game again all of a sudden two breaks in a row and New York finally in the position of being the ones reeling yeah it can be really deflating to you know go down a couple points especially when you feel like your offense has been so strong and stable and red defense is feeling fired up right now and I’m liking that c Maguire’s out on the D line [Music] line we’ve been trying to say this repeatedly for the last five or six points but cat Maguire’s ability to run with any and every player on this gridlock team is so incredibly important and we finally get our wish cat out on a dline we’ll see who she picks up do they do they stop the uh you know Allstar Sprinter into Jesus do they throw her on Krebs and stop the power [Music] thrower and neither she’s over on St ding looking to kind of find opportunities in the middle of the Fielding throw for card great pick up from Mary to stop that deep cut just advaned to Jesus Kelly Kirker giving Chase no big throws go up from the Jesus Kelly Kirker able to stop that one from going centering pass to the middle brought in by prur cardana doesn’t like the leading pass finds Krebs instead shaded by mamore Jenny De Jesus breaks away with that jab step to the outside doesn’t get the disc all alone in the middle of the field though Kelly really working here to stop Jenny’s Endzone prowess open side cut for the score yeah nice move by Eli presber took just an extra second to bounce in that Handler space before jabbing up field they get themselves tons of yardage and are able to even have the time to wait out a disc that floats just a little bit Emily wof not able to make up that distance but I like that defensive point from the red compared to some of the other dline points that we have seen they went out there and they stopped honest to goodness first second and third looks it felt like we know the gridlock tapped into that second gear that we know they have when the disc starts moving it doesn’t stop those continue Cuts just waterfall in for them but it doesn’t change the fact that hey they were frustrated out of looks and we saw Rising stall count something that we were missing early on I think Red’s going to tighten up their lines a little bit here maybe overlapping o and D line you see cat out there again for o [Music] line when you only have two divisions every single game matters cuz you can’t count on running it up against your smaller division counterparts the way that teams used to be able to this gridlock matchup huge for the red cuz it’s going to have impc later on in the season Lauren kitten picks it up advances to LG Cassie Brown taking her time getting down on the [Music] mark and there goes Skittles legs that one out but nobody there to help her Emily schaner gets down there there it is dump off pass C Maguire reels it in Indie red cut it back to three incredible patience there from Skittles Milton on the end zone waiting for just a little bit of small ball to catch up with her great read by Skittles Milton none other than tossing it to her buddy cat Maguire yeah and you saw Skittles even throw just a tiny a couple tiny f in there she needed to do what she could to keep Finley active and honest as Finley looked to Pi up Emily schl and then on the you know on cat’s Mark just throw just the tiniest little bit of fake get the Slowdown there from the defense so cat can accelerate into that little tiny dump pass and as Jack calls out in the YouTube chat backto back breaks let’s go red and we’re going to need him red still down three here as we creep towards the end of the third quarter New York leading 129 great opportunity here for the red to put up another couple breaks see if we can’t cut this back to one or two Eli prur finds card they’re two men up the field right now little two-person game already up to almost the 50 yard line just by a little dinking and dunking with the handlers KBS takes off takes off deep nothing goes up from De Jesus well pestered in the backfield Jaylen bomgardner giving Chase red trying to slow to hus down by committee and someone’s going to need to go stop her deep throw goes up there it is for the Jenny the Jesus out there running wheel routes like a first string receiver gets the disc in the end zone Indie red still looking for ways to slow down to Jesus the premier ultimate league has a whole still looking for ways to slow down de haes just [Music] [Music] Indianapolis right going to get another offensive opportunity here look to start stringing some of these holds together New York gridlock going to be hunting for another break opportunity looking to push their lead [Applause] higher disc goes up far side of the field brought in by Lauren kitten we’re Advanced to LG in the middle of the field there’s Rachel Mast pressur giving Chase has cat Maguire all alone schaner taking off [Music] deep an incredible effort from Emily schaner but not able to reel in the throw died just in that last couple of seconds out of C Maguire’s hands schaner giving chase the entire way Cassie Brown going back to pick up for the gridlock going to be Laura garens on the mark schaner calling an injury after that bid and I 100% cannot blame her I have called that same injury looks like she’s okay just got the wind knocked out of her after a full field Sprint and then hitting the ground on your chest a frisbee mentor of mine taught me wisely at a young age that you know you’ve got to lay out for the disc but they always hurt more when you don’t achieve your goal New York setting up in a vertical stack two hler back Cassie Wong sorry Cassie Brown and Emily Wong trying to work it in the Handler space throw goes up secured in the middle of the field by Emily W little Juke from pressur frees himself freeze themselves from Mast for just a hot second staying in the back field Mast flares out stops any he continues around pressburg and Wong content to play the two-person game right now out of the hands of number 19 Estelle Ding and the red have an opportunity here looking to get the break or rather the hold there’s Rachel Mast continues to Saunders kitten all alone high for cat McGuire dug out by Rachel [Applause] Mas incredible field awareness yeah pressur from prur they saw that one coming the whole way Elevate and get the block downfield we see LG stopping anything deep from going up to Jenny De Jesus Krebs shadowed by Maguire I like that matchup a lot nobody deep right now gridlock looking for the Deep throw no big swing to the Back Field finding prur keeping possession alive for the [Music] gridlock Skittles Milton giving Chase to Cassie Brown in the back field not her favorite place to play defense clock is at zero New York will get a chance to play this possession out pick called [Music] nice little railroad cut there from Cassie Brown Rockets over to The Far Side another drop from the gridlock and that’s the end of the quarter only getting a through a few points in this one New York gridlock holding a four-point advantage over the Indie red red doing their best job to make sure New York didn’t expand that lead up to five but got to be kicking themselves for the missed opportunities here at the end of the third and we have Isaac in the chat Eli with some great goals and blocks coming from a completely unbiased source of course probably someone they know absolutely at the end of the third gridlock lead by four 139 over the hometown red we’ll be right back [Music] need that whole lote I think [Music] [Music] 30 minutes over a cup of coffee Queen to age five at the park thumbs up emojis clappy emojis confetti emojis loaded nachos at halftime a spin dash for the win best two out of three and the time it takes to enjoy a slice or two you can make a difference because yeah mentorship sounds huge but the truth is it takes little to be big [Music] we’re back going into the top of the fourth quarter here in Indianapolis your red currently down four to the New York gridlock New York pushed out to a three-goal lead early and has not done anything but expand on it leading by as much as five over the course of this contest Indie red pushing looking grinding Fighting For answers here whether it’s been offensive inconsistency shots that were just a little bit too far or defense that wasn’t quite able to get a handle on this gridlock offense the red are going to need to figure out as many answers as they can going into the rest of this game what are you hoping to see from the red and what do you think coach Jackie is telling him right now even though on offense the whole idea of offense is to be chill play with ease there’s not much time left so the the pressure unfortunately is on and you need to score a little bit faster than you might uh feel comfortable doing so the pace is going to have to pick up and we’ll see if we maybe even get a play call uh a string called right off the bat right off the pull here the red have shown a couple times through this game that when they need to they are able to score fast and efficiently now is a tie T in the middle of the field taking all the time in the world find schaner nice to see her back in advances up to Maguire deep cut stopped but Rachel Mast Rockets out deep and there is a block yina caha reaching out and stopping that throw attempt from cat Maguire Emily Wong in the middle of the field now finds Nikki hair been a while since we saw anything from her swings back Contin goes back into the cutter space yina carda playing a little catch with Cassie Brown in the backfield big sweeping fake from Cassie Brown before she dishes back off to cardana Hana Glick in the middle of the field cardana in the back field swings over to Cassie Brown Glick puts the hand up gets rewarded there it is another goal for the New York gridlock push that lead back to five 149 over the Indie red another break secured by New York Cassie Brown leading her cutter into the open space not giving any room for Mass to try and make a play on that on that offensive point the red dealing with just a few miscommunications and cut timing opportunities there for deep looks to Mast but not able to take advantage of those not coming not coming at a time that the the handler was set and ready to deliver a deep throw gridlock smell this out they immediately able to lock down and find ways to force difficult throws leading to a hand block on a swing pass from C Maguire there’s some chanting happening in the YouTube chat right now for New York rlac I like the energy from the fans Lauren kitten on the disc for Indie red figuring out where the disc went out of bounds taking it to the center of the field and getting play started immediate deep look for cat and the much taller Montana Roberts Waits that one out just didn’t have quite enough speed to pass Roberts before she could get up and get a hand on it and yet another break opportunity with a full 70 go to go for the New York gridlock Nina Finley taking her time creeping into the back field receiving a new disc and getting play started so you can tell right out of the gate red has been trying to push the pace and look into the end zone for unfortunately it hasn’t gone their way yet an excellent usage of leading passes there from prur freeze Finley up with their throw a powerful flick goes up from Krebs De Jesus wow keeps it alive grab from Jenny but that Cross Field flick look too laser to Jenny huge flick up from pressur Krebs running it down not able to get there [Music] New York gridlock showing the power that their throwers wield huge rips going up from Krebs and prur in this point and really all game disc into the middle of the field for Skittles Milton Abby Swinson discing her hand cat Maguire takes off back to Skittles cat’s still going there it is she’s got the space if she can run it out but she was not ready for the Deep look from Skittles Milton Skittles recognized what we did not have the last time which was hey there’s a chance here for us to get this disc and put it out past the much taller Roberts cat Maguire looking back inside and slowing down not having the opportunity to re accelerate and go take advantage of that deep look Finley secures the swing over to Roberts as de who up field elects not to take that pick [Music] called dis get ta back in excellent defense there from LG forcing Finley all the way into the back field oh JY Krebs rips downfield Jenny De Jesus catches it in stride foot not down though shown out of bounds by the officials all right quite a throw a throw there but it ends up and there it is another goal for the New York gridlock and yet another break opportunity secured pushing the lead to six [Music] and a timeout taken by the gridlock probably trying to refresh get some water take a break and we a timeout called on the field here in the middle of the fourth quarter New York gridlock lead the Indie red 159 we will be right back with the rest of the fourth quarter after a break this broadcast is part of the premier ultimate league a 501 C6 nonprofit organization this league has been Community funded since day one and we are so grateful for your support thank you to all of you [Music] this live broadcast of the Premier ultimate league is brought to you by breakmark ultimate apparel go to breakmark dcom to place your next custom team order or check out the P athlete collab shops Indianapolis red are sponsored by everyone’s Joy photography the UN sports team photographer and Indie Red’s official photography company doesn’t matter what you need we got you covered at any event find us on Facebook Instagram or online at everyone’s jooy we’re back 715 left in the fourth quarter here in Indianapolis New York gridlock Sixpoint advantage over the Indie red Indie red looking to do everything they can to cut into this lead with the remaining time pull goes up from Finley Iron woman herself through this game all righted and we’ve got a D line out there for the Indie red mamore hob woff bomgardner UMO red is not giving up just yet they’re going to put all of the energy and tools that they have in their toolbox to try and score as many points as they can with the time left yeah wof advancing the disc to mamore has Timmons Timmons does not take off downfield big swing over to UMO tons of space from her former teammate Cassie Brown madamore pushes to bomgardner nice in Cut there from Kelly Kirker for the continue hand blocked saved by Kirker madamore Dives to the ground Jaylen bomgardner saving possession wisely pick called though in the stack by the gridlock this one is going to go back to matadore CPP Mack as they call her conversation on the field and off the field with the red coaches oh looks like the clock is still winding down too so even though we have you know some self officiating going on some conversation happening the clock is counting down play restarting mamore over to UMO and there’s Mary timman little acrobatic of a catch reels it in red get another one back defensive oine wins the day down 15 10 to the gridlock you are absolutely right KK clock continuing to just tick tick tick away while that call gets resolved clock does not stop until the last 2 minutes of the fourth quarter on calls on uh out of bounds Etc so clock management starts to become an important piece here personnel management as well who’s going to go run it back for the red defensively on this point we see Lily hob staying out there for a second opportunity Jaylen bomgardner out there for a second opportunity but some other rotations Bri bur coming in Maple Atkins streets coming in madamore staying out [Music] there the New York gridlock Usual Suspects out there on online Finley De Jesus Krabs Jen Roberts prur and of course yina carda Gina carda disc is up pressur watches it fall out of bounds and cahana will grab it and return it to the middle of the field clock still ticking down if I am the red I am urging them to get this in find the gridlock I am taking all 20 seconds of time that I have available to me New York starting again in a vertical stack couple options in vertical stack you might see appeel off the front of the stack to go deep looks like there are two from the deep stack going break side and open side and then they’re on the Move disc Advanced up to carda doesn’t take the backhand High release flick to Roberts Roberts throws it up Krabs brings that in fast goal secured by the gridlock KB Krebs with a really strong Juke inside cut to get maple on her heels yeah Julie put him in the kreb cycle released downfield and able to bring that goal in Robert’s doing well to that disc up high without releasing a disc that was going to catch any wind and Float kind of came up and came back down in that blade pattern KBS only one who was going to be able to go and make a play on that disc two red defenders in the area nowhere near enough time to go out and seek a block an incredible usage of tools too Roberts so tall difficult to challenge that high relase flick if you are a shorter player [Music] just four minutes remaining in this game as the pull goes up from Cassie Brown Indianapolis red receiving more traditional o line out there Tracy low receiving the disc in the middle of the field doesn’t take takes a look to schaner pressure from the gridlock disc is Advanced layout block from Jolie Krebs decided the stats weren’t good enough yet in this game flies in for the block and the gridlock going have another break opportunity TR to Jesus plenty of time on the in cut Anna liberman looked off in the middle of the field Cassie Brown now moving it over to Eli presber good defense there from Chuck Wilson stops anything to W but Krebs releases a flick to The Far Side of the field and who else but Jenny De [Music] Jesus New York pushing their lead 17-10 over the Indie red cheers of New York gridlock ringing across Ben Davis Giants stadium beautiful inside look to Krabs Crossfield flick to Jenny had the yards and what else is there to say but to admire the absolute incredible play today from Jolie Krebs and from Jenny De Jesus as we get a shot of them walking off the field it’s hard to watch efforts like this from the gridlock team and think wow and this team still operates at a higher level than this they still get to go back home and say okay Manu Val we went out and did it without you let’s uh let’s go Crush some other [Music] teams gridlock pulling to the red seven-point Advantage red putting out another defensive o line HDE Fields up to mamore Red settle into their vertical stack cut from the front up to Brie burus and a drop from Kelly Kirker not quite able to get her hand all the way on it Nina Finley picks up almost hand blocked pulls it back gets it over to Cassie Brown in the middle Rockets a flick downfield Nikki hair is all by herself unfortunate blown coverage from Indie red trying to pick up their person but New York quickly moving in transition the score assisted by n Cassie Brown and how good has Cassie Brown come in and fit into this gridlock offense they lost some incredibly talented Ed Personnel from last year’s team Cara cber Emily Barrett to among the players that you know elected not to play with the premier ultimate to play with the gridlock this year in the p and then they get Imports like the cardinus twins they get Imports like Cassie Brown Jolie kreb steps up to play and it’s as though nothing changes for this gridlock team they continue operating in perfect snc they looks like they’re you know they develop chemistry as the game has gone on it’s hard to do anything but admire how well they have locked in on themselves over the course of this game and put on really a clinic of hey if it’s your time to you know step up and do it step up and do it you look for your role players to shine in the biggest of moments and they’ve gotten contributions up and down the board and it just shows you that they have depth carda releases the spinning pole lands just out of bounds red will have an opportunity to take the disc from the middle of the field kitten hustling over to grab the disc and bring it in just over 2 minutes remaining here in the fourth quarter and the red looking to see how they can establish some confidence and some centering on themselves with the remaining time Lauren kitten easy inside to Skittles Milton back to kitten in the middle of the field over to Rachel Mast just advances to Abby Swinson over to Shirley saers she’s going to have to leg it out and she does goal Indianapolis red Shirley Saunders legs that one all the way to Hell and Back Again lays out and brings that goal in Indie red I think Shirley was looking for a pretty simple undercut but instead Abby was like no I’m just going to lead you into the end zone instead okay couple more shout outs here [Music] heroic effort and needed effort a sign of life from the Indianapolis red offense still down seven here to the gridlock but feeling good about hey we can just go out and score when we need to how do we start chaining some of these back together daddy andcome home em happy early birthday to you we love you [Music] [Music] if I’m the Indie red here if I’m the coach I’m looking to end this game on our terms as much as possible I’m going out and I’m giv 110% for a break opportunity if we’ve got a defense that we haven’t pulled out yet any kind of junk set now is the time to go out and end this this game with a little bit of confidence and we are in the last 2 minutes as well so there’s a little bit of a you know different rules in the last two minutes clock stops every call and out of bounds turnover as well as a um it’s not a possession play at the end of the clock till have to shoot it before the clock Runs Out madore shadowing pressur in the center of the field Lily hob pestering Nina Finley as De Jesus comes over short-handed on the in Cut nice around to space finds Jolene Jen disc is up to Roberts all alone High release to De Jesus and 19 11 gridlock lead the Indie Red by Roberts Roberts two assists in this fourth [Music] quarter the gridlocks continued ability to hit these huge swings around in space they almost never look flustered there was some space there in the second and the third quarter where the red defense was going out and giving them trouble they went back to basics and said okay then we’re going to win with resets and if we have to throw huge resets the wind’s not so dangerous to us today that we can’t hit these windows so routinely we’ve seen a huge step outs on the marks from Brown from Krebs from De Jesus from you know pressur as they continue to attack the middle of the field finding outlets and that lets them continue on to know are their throwers up field who have not always had the chance to show themselves as dangerous Roberts and Finley and jeng who are getting these discs and able to continue attacking the space and those who were sitting in the back field cycling the rest of the way through into the upfield we saw Jenny de hazers be the one to launch that first swing there and she’s the one who finishes the [Music] goal Wilson centers the disc to TLO in the center of the field Rachel Mass on the far side advances to LG near the low side of the field standing down in that Press Box Shadow doesn’t take the swing pushes it up to Skittles Milton cat Maguire going there’s the flick from Milton is it too much speed just a little bit C Maguire another incredible bid disc going to ground and the gridlock will pick up just 30 seconds remaining as we said earlier we are in buzzer beater territory there is no playing out of The Possession once the clock expires in the fourth quarter Finley advances the disc to Nikki hair Rockets a flick downfield looked like a high stall put 19 comes down with that Estelle ding gets up over four red Defenders brings it down with strength and the throw rocketed to the end zone and looks like end of end of quarter play might have been a timeout game whistled over by The Observers before the throw goes off no padding of the stats for EST Ding and you’re final here in Indianapolis New York gridlock 19 Indie red 11 game teams New York went out and really grabbed this one KK yeah they came out really strong they got ahead early felt comfortable with the padding that they gave themselves had a little bit of a dip in the second half and then decided nope we’re we’re all gas all day we’re just going to bust it open what are you taking away from this game if you’re the red coaches and the red players I think you know as far as offensive strategy goes it’s important that you’re in practice really working in Game Time Strategy what happens when we have to push the pace what happens when we’re down x amount how do we keep the energy High um but at this point you know you go back to your film you go back to practice you grind a little bit harder it’s you get a little bit bigger of a chip on your shoulder you know when you get beat at home so they’re going to be want to they’re going to want to come out hot during your next game well the red going to go back to the drawing board looking for some answers New York comes to Indianapolis and takes this one by 81 1911 we’ll be back here in the booth in Indianapolis in June for another comp Premier League Premier ultimate league competition we’ll see you next time for Kristen kovic AKA KK I’m Charlie low see you next time this live broadcast of the Premier ultimate league is brought to you by breakmark ultimate apparel go to breakmark dcom to place your next custom team order or check out the P athlete collab shops Indianapolis red is sponsored by City Yoga School of yoga and health City Yoga is a locally owned and operated yoga studio downtown Indianapolis their programs and services enhance Health uplift Hearts deepen connection and Foster positive change book a class with them today at City yoga. Biz or on the mindbody app the Indianapolis red would like to say thank you to one of their local sponsors mdmi mdmi specializes in the design and implementation of tailored data Management Solutions to unlock the power of data mdmi experts work closely with customers to determine how best to capture activate and leverage their data to solve complex problems in Drive productivity Innovation and risk management visit mdmi docomond by Cox Roofing as a family-owned company Cox Roofing knows that it can be difficult to entrust your home or business in some else’s hands this is why we have cultivated an expert team to help with any Roofing guttering or siding needs we’re here for you from free first inspection to final walkthrough call Cox Roofing to schedule today Indianapolis red are sponsored by everyone’s Joy photography the U Indie sports team photographer and Indie Red’s official photography company doesn’t matter what you need we got you covered at any event find us on Facebook Instagram or online at everyone’s jooy Indianapolis red would like to thank Fountain Law Firm for this year’s 2024 sponsorship thank you are you enjoying this live stream of the Indianapolis red want to find out how else you can support them go ahead and scan that QR code and give with your wallets and not just your time the Indie red appreciate and enjoy every single opportunity that they can to play Frisbee and appreciate your support even more none of this is possible without you

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