Golf Players


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all right welcome back to side action another episode shout out to Mr luk Juan thanks for having us uh thanks for having us well thanks for having me on your thank us for having you we’re mobile for this back nine for everyone coming from Quan’s Channel thanks for being here we appreciate you guys like And subscribe as always we had an even match through nine we did somebody clutched up to play The Back Nine I’m not going to say who been me thanks let’s go baby on the board on the board let’s go to tie up the match so we are at what 4 under to four under tie game that’s right all right we should talk about a fantastic giveaway we have going on little collab with Mr Quan we’re doing a $500 Asher gift card shout out Asher clothes are great we’re repping them this week um and we’re doing a Scotty Cameron putter putter of your choice mhm so all you have to do you have to be following On’s YouTube channel Instagram as well as side action YouTube and Instagram subscribe and follow and then go ahead and tag your three boys at home or ladies that you play golf with and you’ll get a chance to win both so right yeah let’s get it on this back [Music] Nina get ready to rumble we have honors for the first time in let’s go since the Vietnam War double birdies double birdies let’s go go yep he’s back wow hello that actually sounded Center to the face change for once thank you for once yep he is back birdie birdie hey actually remind me I remember last year we were playing this corn FR event in Sarasota and uh I come I go to the the truck to have a beer after the round on Friday and you come in and uh I just missed the cut I said Chi how’d you play knowing the day before you shot even and Florida’s always a 7even undercut I was in t132 bro you’re like dude I started on 10 birdie 10 11 12 13 14 15 made the turn bunch of Pars in the middle and then birdied 5 6 7 8 n so on your scorecard it looked like you birdied 11 in a row and you shot 6 what2 62 that was the last time you were in Ford the last time I was in Ford welcome back do Florida Welcome Back florid you mind channeling those vibes for this night I’m doing my best perfect doing my best copy paste what my partner just did Shay who do you think’s going to win you okay yeah I like saying copy past the wrong thing though one yard one yard one one yard from out of bounds one yard that looks fine it might be okay is if that is not water you’re fine all right perfect does it not look like water though I don’t think he sure does I don’t think I get there oh you don’t get there no when you tow bang it it goes about 260 oh my God John is a stripe city today are you even surprised driver ain’t the problem I driver ain’t the problem I’m not surprised but it’s good to see it in person I will say everybody the driver’s been slotted driver has been good it’s been like a five yard draw and hit those are hit hard they are hit hard yeah we going you know we’re smacking this a regular already getting tripped that’s a about stripe we love it who was doing that oh you were doing that that was me sorry pal too tempting not to you should have kept doing it how good is this this is a party if I’ve ever seen one shout out Seagate party it’s a party it’s a party dri on a little turn here oh oh my bad sorry what do you mean sorry you’re continuing to go likee why youor through the building domic tetto uh we’re we’re we’re we’re adjusting here we’re we’re configuring our our automobile front edge is probably like 180ish so thinking kind of like a seven I got to think this comes out hot just trying to land this somewhere on the front edge and keep it on the green I think go fly and go fly and go all right I think that’s good I don’t know nobody liked it but I liked it I liked it it looks good from here I think it’s good am I him great shot thank you are him I could be him think I’m just going to hit a chippy eight because I feel like I’m hitting it nowhere today and that’s just the vibe so here we go chippy eight iron look nice oh we’re chilling wait this cook is so good job thank you boy thank you all right we’re live side action crew is Mobile today We’re Going Mobile just have to find my remote to get this puppy going here 4 5 mph send it all the way to the pin baby nice um wind a little off the right I’m just hting a full pitch and watch this is you C that on the human strip show say bye byebye where are you going that’s all right byebye didn’t play the practice round it all slops right to left all right I got 142 did you play that as hurting or no um I played it as a draw pretty like fine it’s working hurt I’ll go pitching wedge that’s what I all right we got a look only like did anything but at least I could see where the pin was see something like there could be three Paces behind that there could be 13 Paces behind that yeah didn’t you run the course this morning though oh that no that was a different course that I ran oh okay yeah well a couple actually that’s true yeah yeah we I kind of ran a series of morning golf courses just try to put in 12 to 14 miles a day that is true if I know Sean David Goggins is just trying to strive to be him stay hard yeah yeah yeah not a bad shot there guys not bad what you guys think of that one copy and I don’t know about all that we can cut that out all right come on go for it make a couple of these we were the long drives and uh we are the furthest away all right should be breaking a little right to left I think go in go in oh one yard what a read one yard on a putt it was about all right I just saw Sean so should be breaking a little right to left I I actually I I’ve been trying to walk in some putts I think this one’s going to be walked in oh on walking in more part to be fair we haven’t walked one in yet no you did you did don’t you dare that was such a goodt that good that was such a good putt I would have read it this is that what happens you had a good Putt and you miss every time Skyler doesn’t believe that all good putts go in he believes all good putts go in Das should go in oh he went from all to most most most I I’ve I’ve changed my theory it’s now most Skyler how about we hit a good putt here yeah I love that all right perfect where do you have this I’ve got it like two balls have a cup are they giving us yeah what did you just say hit it two cups yeah I I blocked it wow [Music] uh we have any idea how far these bunkers are yeah nope okay I think the left one’s coverable I think so too the right one looks very in range yeah that is one bounce one bounce right bounce right one bounce bounce right bounce right seriously gu that good or bad it’s fine the perfect oh it’s bad perfect what I think it’s in the Rock I actually I’m not even I don’t know I mean we we got it all covered yeah we have good perfect bad awful out of bounds plugged in the bunker I’m pleased with that all right time to hit a decent one yeah this is literally your this is your golf course it is could be no it is it is it is your golf course nice God for the toe thank God for the toe don’t you love the toe love to flies 240 runs out I’m going I’m going to be honest with you if you if you played in the 60s with like Hickory you wouldn’t break 100 I I would miss the ball dude that shot not a PJ tour China course like why is getting so much to side action I somehow like these guys too I don’t get that robot yeah he’s on one it’s actually crazy he’s on one the second it left the face hit it no before D set up l d I believe is the name what kind of ball speed uh like 148 no no being honestly I haven’t been on there lately but today is significantly better cuz I’m actually hit in Center her face loves it we let these guys yeah I don’t think there’s anybody behind you covered you covered it no I didn’t no I didn’t did it really yeah good shot I think you guys are pulling my your golf swing is like the modern golf swing it’s like it’s like a little like a little close at the top shallows and just rotates wow the fact that you just said shallow you I actually kind of have a heart on right now I’m talk pretty shallow actually I’ve been watching all day oh my God been pretty shallow day is that your thing you get over the top like steeve on it that’s my tendency yeah yeah it’s your fight today it’s looks pretty shallow Oh I love you this is death when you walk up here you want to just curl up in that bunker and die and if this gets on the green this is 100 to one golf shot we’re going to do our best four iron from 170 here we go what are we doing he’s conceding all right that came out so good why’ that come out so good go in the bunker ohud a bun skip the bunker kick left we’re alive that’s not a bunker that’s a car path oh it is a car I thought it was a bun bunker too why does that not look like a bunker I think it’s a sand how good did that come out came out really nice unbelievable Skyler what’s up FS Skyler they’re calling in the ringer again your electric cart get I know I 168 real was I’ve got eight I’ve got a little back stop I don’t want to hit nine cuz I don’t think it’s enough right I love eight I love eight all right like because if you fly this seven long yeah it’s still perfect still helps eight it is I love the sound of it it sounded so good Sky yes yes come back come back I thought that landed short we’ll sake it we’ll take than we’re back 143 pins in the front down wi I’m going go like one I’m going to go like 133 133 a little draw oh my God it might go in that’s exactly what I was trying to do that’s exactly what I was trying to do that’s so C we’re going to come on their Channel we’re going to beat him what’s that all right um I’m going to try to hit a 50 about 118 little down one are we that good I don’t know I don’t really know if we are get more right please it should kick left I feel like nope that’s straight that’s a strength this has the potential to be a great shot or one of the worst shots of all time what are you going to do all right should be breaking a little left I think got to break this tie got to break this tie well I guess I wasn’t going to leave short you weren’t all right this is for the par of my life fre seriously free up my partner this would be unbelievable like a little 70 footer so Ball’s outside left I’m seeing it move right early you need cads we do cat cat fsy shot clock yep yep yep shot clock is they right moving a little right early no no uh this putt is dude if I’m hitting this putt I’m hitting it like left Edge okay like total all right yeah right cuz it’s like straight no no I think so and then it kind of runs away yes yep it’s like left Edge I like left Edge I like left Edge send it okay there two balls outside right wow what what do you want from us yeah what I read it like you shank hooked it do you putt interlock yeah I do that’s Patrick this week just this week yeah next week he’ll be claw reverse claw he only does it on Wednesday dude shout out shout out Joe heith reverse claw playing so good he’s playing so good has to go that I’m cursed that was another good putt I’m cursed I thought that was so uh I’ll clean this up since I’m not hearing anything from uh my opponents all all right all right that was pure match up end overend [Music] two-footer I know never met a c girl he didn’t like yeah I know exactly all righty guys back to golf 180 thank you thank you 180 wind is like this slightly hurting a little off the left um thinking kind of like a flighty draw six like an 85 maybe even 90 right Alex I think so got yeah all right it’s a front pin don’t be afraid to hit along okay okay I’m sorry but you guys agreed on into and it’s literally dead cross and I wanted to say something but I thought it was like kind ofly though it looked like it was supposed to be drawing and it kind of didn’t it’s literally dead cross have a seven iron uh perfect seven for me I’m going to draw it it’s going to take a couple yards off and land right next to the hole hopefully we do for good one won make you wait any longer then oh well oh boy first hole of one I mean not quite but pretty good very nice low low d c soft loow d c okay figure out my Spanish number all right I’m going to go uh draw seven iron kind of keep it a little low a little what am I saying Sean I’m going to get a little aggressive I love it okay you love it love it [Music] oh no that’s G side action a damn good re I’m going to get it I’ll put it straight right oh I think he a lot closer to me all right what do you think number wise um about the number about the number all right well I got 7 IR then be the number taking it on wind what the byebye catch Mike Mike wave to it wave to it Mike right in the water still not hitting the a exact great and maybe she’s not playable didn’t even think there could be no ball Left Behind baby right exactly too broke I’m too broke for that all right that seems about right nice uh we can just chip it in here for uh free of my parts e first par hello all right I got bogey taken care of here we are shaylor another 80 footer yep here we are back again uh definitely was a seven iron wind was not hurting it was honestly kind of help Crossing uh this one’s swooping a little bit more uh left to right probably got to play like 10 ft out honestly kind of ride the spine and L it up there and give my partner a yeah little cushion we little firm what is the uh never mind okay um all right left to right here just got a glimpse of Skyler’s putt although his put was if the hole was 8 ft past the hole maybe not put too much weight on that but here we go left or right I’m hitting it how many edges do you burn a lot of edges how many edges you burn every time I put the golf Gods just cover this thing there’s just nothing there I don’t want to mess you up nice say me I’m in fory oh shoot you’re right in there real quick that was like the chillest boy I was not thinking that I’ve ever seen we’re nice guys man all right good three cor I’m I’m going to show up here at some point Bud remember your him we got a team read here just remember your him we think it’s straighter than you think Putter’s felt nice today keep it up go back right it did you’re cursed it did are you are you passing the curse on it’s contagious is that what it is part Asians that’s what it is yes exactly unbelievable I thought we had the leg up in all right so [Music] Square looks dope still TI four four that is one of the bigger Fairway bunkers I’ve ever seen I guess so 74 to carry that bunker Sky left of it too far all right you don’t think I can cover it too we’ll find out uh wind’s a little off the left Hammer cut dialed Hammer cut Hammer cut yeah time though nice guys good that’s going to be dead no chance covered got it you hit it 275 SI we know the exact number all right right at the pin Sky you like yeah all right that sounded good that actually oh boy what a lift done the bunker what a li you guys are freaking tying this match up onelegged we literally are it’s just we are not helping each other out at all speak one leg might open up actual okay oh bottom brick chry fim covered it my toe Banger then yeah you think that one got it okay you carried I carried I carried this is so this is bone you’re good rolling yeah we’re rolling welcome to another episode of Alex is in a lip of a bunker after a bad t- shot he is 137 8T lip into the wind I have eight iron from 137 that’s how far that’s how long this shot’s going to play back pin kind of over these shots so I’m just going to get in there and give it a whir yeah be good nothing you can do don’t plug plug I you you’re fine there’s the club throw we’re having fun this is fun for fun all right 124 partner needs me to step up again I think I can do it looks like we have like the whole green working left to right uh if I just throw it anywhere left kind of let it just trundle back there I’ve got a 50 yeah playing like a yeah I think they need a bigger fa bunker I think so too that’s what they need my partner’s still getting his way out of that bunker all right 50 solid just left of it here we go come on guy is that enough is that enough I love it that’s a great golf good shot still good shot that’s a great golf shot we’ll take that what a golfing shot team team how about that what is that how about that bu the sandwich you like that an Oreo cookie right there I don’t really like that black on the outside white on the inside you’re black close enough I’m in the sun enough yeah yeah honestly a lot of my sha isms have come from unfortunately spending way too much time with Skyler all right 120 I want to hit it closer than whoever the heck hit that ball that would be Skyler oh really go in feel like Scott’s going to say something like pretty good but not as good as me he still got to make that putt though I’m just happy to be I mean HD in the water in the previous hole I kind of three puted the hole before that I’m in this hole I’m in this hole all right I don’t know how I am in the Fairway I mean I could have hit this thing1 1800 yards left and be fine what was the number I just shot it 115 115 uh probably going to go with a 55° just trying to hit this thing like I just got a carry like 95 we should be good oh that’s a flyer that was an actual flyer well play well Sean halfway there going to need some gas not great my partner’s in there that was a half-ass effort why like not proud of that I mean dude mine almost flew into their no yeah you you almost flew it in the st’s forehead is that did you see it Stan I mean there’s no finding it oh really oh well then [Music] audio all right hey oh okay yeah my hole my hole I got got of a two horse race here I got this bro kind of a two horse race m still to go right all right I need a little need a little action in this side action channel that was desel I thought no I thought it was good thought it would just be a little faster I guess it’s into the grain God have not made any do you want a pro read and you do whatever you want okay Pro half in half out with speed then you adjust from there Mega speed is inside left you think if that loses speed it misses right no I don’t probably missing either way so I don’t know why we’re even talking about it doesn’t matter where you aim you’re going to miss right or left so just aim anywhere and pull it or push it that’s our all time QB that’s our all time QB we need we need a timeout yeah reset make this but all right inside left firm yes done complicated he already made it good birdies guy it really yeah did [Music] I that is a [Music] closeup come a 2v one here Val to become a 2v one all right those right bunkers let’s go you if you don’t hit over those right bunkers you hit in the water oh boy okay so sounds like I’m Hing over right bunkers it’s a perfect C give me a good okay [Laughter] okay can we hit a missile for once okay okay oh there it is it’s got to be good that’s got to be watered how was that water cannot be water got be good that can not be water best drive you it all day all year I mean fair is that water if that is water I’m walking in with my with my electric push cart I’m going to just straddle this and have have it drive me in oh boy that one water you think so I saw a bounce no there was one bounce yeah one bounce in the water what is my partner doing I don’t like any of that I don’t think it’s wait what is he doing uhoh no I think that’s fine yeah no I think that’s fine bounce left I can’t see anything my contact I don’t know about you’re fine you’re fine that’s a Chan Kim perfect call right there I guess surely that was a good s that was a good s that one’s perfect did you stay up I did barely this is like it’s just not a driver hole I’m in uh the flower bed the the hazard flower bed I’ve got 64 yards um I I did already check it out at least it’s not super wet very wet right there you’re going to keep out for the Gators yeah I’ll keep an eye out for you all right all right oh came out hot sit sit sit sit sit on the green they like rolled over that back slope okay came out way better than I thought I got a putt so all right you want the Nipper I want the Nipper you want the Nipper give me that um a answer I know right I think I have to I mean like I I got no other options I got 40 yards but everything I’m landing is on kind of it’s kind of on a down slope no camera’s up there to see it even if I pulled it off this would be sick 40 y not good bad spot bad spot hit a decent shot just too far all right I um my shot doesn’t really matter my ball wents in the water somehow I thought actually going to be pretty good but one drop two three let’s try to get up and down probably not necessary I can’t tell yeah perfect right all good I need to take this way upstairs with a lot of spin so we’re do our best wide stance front of the stance accelerate the hands through put some spinach on this thing holy shot aot great shot that first bounce brutal had a lot of Chad that down slope was tough to work with I’m actually quite pleased with that I’m not going to lie quite play quite play mate okay have about 97 ft now I got a two putut though I mean my parts is kind of a little out of the hole so I think should be pretty straight overall [ __ ] my matter why did I hit it so hard can I play I’m going to try to chip in for birdie my partner has a good look for birdie so y have you thought about this hit the head off the bank do it I have a literally a direct line to no it goes right to the hole the to my feet to your feet okay yes I follow Direction I don’t know what you want okay all right this putt matters this putt matters I didn’t I wish it didn’t matter but it matters little left to rer come on not at all don’t want to move at all I mean I love you though but that’s a little it’s a little never oh never a doubt that it wasn’t going in I honestly how did that not stay right I thought it was too I thought it was going in dang it we have made all everything today wow I’ve been not him damn I thought I actually had a decent Putt and I’ll put a th on his butt okay Skyler owes me a thousand dang it Skyler said I’ll take it I had him making [Music] [Music] it not update we suck uh we’ made all pars it is still 4 under 4 under no no it’s not they made bogey we made another bogey okay we suck maybe they sucker more they suck and there it is great thing about how we do these vide come here time to got this time to lock it in we got this guy all right we got water left we got bunker right we got Fairway middle about to step up for the squad let’s roll oh my good try try you hey Sky I picked up your phone on the like rough in like three holes ago wow fantastic I’m tired of carrying it thank you did you hear me asking about it no oh wow all right I’ve been looking for it off in the bushes what I don’t know why I feel like that’s an Alex thing hard great ball good swing what a b guy on the corn I mean yeah oh wow that’s why he gets paid the big bucks yeah I’m rich not poor not in debt thank you corn for your tour this is down the middle I would they don’t they don’t spin too ball down the middle high launch knuckle balls we try kind of mid launch mid launch I am highly impressed by this thing is this secret fresh T marks no TKS very fresh very fresh old driver the number no bounce get back here you little [Music] rascal are H what’s that Quadzilla yeah it might be true what what is this pit in the bunker what am I looking at yeah it looks like it is it actually in the bunker can I get some Intel from the squad here what do you up I need to get picked up I feel like I’m I’m you know there’s like a mosquito landed on a window sill and you just swatted it yep I feel like I’m just splattered against the window okay can you peel me off and pump some life into me CPR yeah I can do that shot clock yeah it’s straight down right now fre give you ajga red card please it’s so good it’s so good it’s so good I hit to the fat side of the green for once which I’m pleased that would be great weight cool you hit six right Alex I hit six yeah also going with six just a hair closer um yeah I just need to throw a dart need to hit it going right Edge hopefully there’s room little right of the green we shall see all right I got 182 me me and Sean have to step up this is we cannot be losing this there’s no chance and we’ve had two pogis as best balls we got to step up here 182 take a little off of seven iron wi’s off the left you got confidence in your partner I do I think he’s going to hit a good one here I’m in you know we’ve kind of just been slacking a little bit but that electric card still just makes me laugh come on come on ball go short okay barely I mean like it was a good swing it was like one Groove low all right I got one 71 here it’s time to do something I mean this is when I’m hitting it really good I’m like licking my chops and I am right now too cuz I’m hitting driver good this is going to be a good iron shot here 8 iron 170 hold it come on SE hello that looks good that dang time right there sh go thanks I think you’re rooting for us uh I’m on the green not right of the green which is nice yeah I think so too got like a 35f footer for Eagle would love to make some magic happen Skyler Skyler that was a sick such a good po what was that quantro do that again that that was kind of cool though we dodged the bullet that was looking really good this goes slightly left to right let me get this pebble out of the way oh my I’m cursed lip out more putts Li out more it’s the Asian of me this is just like the queue all over again I mean for Guan just burned Edge after burned Edge all right come on let’s get some going here why am I hammering my P it’s time it is time time for a putt to go in stop aging hate it’s hard to make a P with you talking that much NOP pushed it dude my putting has been really solid oh God bless I want to say really bad words I want to say so many bad words I want to say all of the bad words actually can I come up with a list of all the bad words and I want to you should write them down on a piece of [Music] paper all right I’ll lead us off this is a very wide tea box we going at the same time everyone has to hit a draw no I can’t hitw everyone everyone hit the same striping draws the whole yeah what what do you mean I haven’t seen a fade yet wait I think we should do that everyone has hit draws okay draws only draws only all right this is not in my favor but I’m down so I’ll just hit it off the toe and it’ll draw oh perfect you are draw guy I’m draw guy your fault kneecaps yeah draw only draws only okay chill all right you passed the test go go go go 277 278 carry wow wow every single one 27 4 Carri 275 for me stay right that is unfortunately going to be okay yeah yeah shortcut speed slot you you just got to have the intent to hit a drop can we just see that that was moving right to left the top Tracer will show it moving left it’s also just starting left the problem but would that be a fade or a draw that’d be a draw pull draws still count we’re in yep you got this one in the bag I do all rightman oh oh carry though wow that’s kind of fall 277 oh 278 join me 278 Club draw it’s just the for yeah perfect should be good I think so don’t even think about it might need to think about I think you need to think about oh God how is that okay man down how is what did you do that’s how our golf game was today down goes representation how is that look at this angle seriously how is that stain there did you see this what is that angle everything SNA wild everything is snapped everything’s fine we’re fine everything everything is fine well what happen nobody nobody needs to worry about it I’m fine we’re fine it’s fine everything’s fine yeah I mean we had a bunch of room to spare here how did that not tumble in I don’t know I need to be careful with the pickup honestly surgical this needs to be surgical make sure there’s no Gators too I’m actually kind of nervous oh the range finder oh God first things [Music] first could you imagine st’s backpack too oh stuff in there huh yeah that was the most important thing all right he didn’t see it’s fine his iPad’s in there he he’s not going to know Sam might have killed you that could have been oh God this thing’s still going this thing’s still going my remote I I yeah this is this is a good Li this is a good spot fun golf is fun we love golf there well played there Pro when good things happen good things keep happening like Miss four putts and three putts what are you thinking here I have 108 hello okay I have 108 back pin winds like slightly in and off the left yeah um 55 is not getting there so I’m thinking like a flighted 50 yeah like a 11 12 in my mind the way I see the shot back pin back left corner there it is back left corner okay yep wind into off the left at like there 10:00 yeah I see it as like a a low Skippy 108 flag Landing 103 yep and one big bounce money I love it all right okay dial let’s go stay right stay right oh my God you flew too far you flew past the flag I’m laughing and I hit one out of all right my partner just uh hit it over the green we have 97 yard we’re going to hit a 1030 on the clock 55° right here that’s it nice finish we’re going to try to land this about three short of it one bounce hopefully stop and let’s make a little birdie here I was happy with that 1035 did not stop it was it was it landed perfectly after a shot like that I’ll push your push guard well too bad it’s electric all right I got 97 Ys try not to do what sky did but 97 probably landing at like 94 oh wow specifics man 94 probably like a 90 shot with a little draw one gr low again got to be better just like one Groove low again all right so everybody’s long uh yeah I tried to be cute hit the low One Flew way too far uh need to get this up and down yeah par honestly might do something good so I literally just told her she was good so she bounce no way Skyler let’s go no way that’s come on do I get any action him way I I hate you I hate you you’re tacky and I hate you he tacky oh God you’re trigger happy I am I just can’t wait this hole be over with get this hole over casually made it too no what wait I was celebrating hey sick oh that it was a part he just made that what just happened he could have been more pissed to youer you would see it that’s very true all right Quan your turn all right everybody’s hooping all right three for three I mean I should be chipping this but you know this goodness no seen that before PL the plague the plague the plague you want me to yank it please Dam okay all right I have three reads at it you think I know where this goes oh man this goes in we’re cooked yeah we’re cooked love that oh my God give it a kick are we down three two two down two down two where what two to play God man oh I love golf golf is fun player B never makes a second putt don’t ever even putt it again if you miss it you’re going to make [Music] [Music] it8 little into the wind I got 50 playing like a 20 should be like a perfect solid one here he comes there goes my balles on this they should not have allowed us to take that back the St not going in every time he he puts it in the good St it’s the perfect Mist long left no it is it is for this but like you’re such a good wedge player that you could hit that like a foot you know true compliment that was a compliment compliment my [Applause] partner loves it loves it cross the Tracer he’s like don’t don’t show her that way all right Quan all right here we go we need two birdies here I mean we’re do oh my gosh Reagan our car girl is just our chauffeur out here oh my oh my goodness I didn’t even see never getting right away how did I hit that so far you’re strong stand on the Hop we got some running action so much action hate it hate every second of it needs to get way right sit spinach what was that us talking about how easy this one is yep 30t 30 30 ft 27 ft I actually think that’s the best way to do I think so once the mat once your original match is officially over you did you r i I thought it was going to move right at the end somewhat of a similar line from Sean but not really so I actually think mine’s going to just move right it’s just like straight and it moves right let’s see if I’m correct or if I’m an idiot well we need this like we need this a lot yeah we do like so much we really do just like cuts to you putting in the dark that’s so bad yeah a putt that breaks right and I started it right all right it almost came left be gentle be gentle boys my good that’s the new look there you go technically illegal I don’t really know I’m playing this straight cuz Sha’s kind of held left Quan’s moved a little right I think it moves a little left and a little right goes in that’s wrong get it out of here get it out of here it goes right at the end like I said who is this guy I’m back is he back I’m back what the that’s bag toag Birds this is not ideal we have run into a buz saw on the last five holes all right Alex the hole’s open no reason to pile on pile on G let him know what’s up hi sure unreal lag great lag you’re so stoked to tap that in a tournament great lag absolutely oh yeah especially if you have a four shot lead now bar got to step it up Lucas I mean sky has just become the antagonist of this video I that’s I feel that role I am that role I take the chirping all day long and then he shows up last couple holes [Music] [Music] a car just hits it just a bus out of nowhere that would be great he stopped at the stop sign you’re cooked oh c y CL D hey hey hey hey this guy low fade or high fade low fade okay low fade still covers the first bunker I would hope so it looks like it’s 190 yards from here seriously definition of ham and egg that was hit very good get out of bounds to get out bounds so I’m going to hit a nice low fade here cuz I’m a man all right I’m a man I’m 40 I’m a man 40 I’m a man I’m 40 some Wasing on one of hisers take it actually perfect dud you put it on me I’m 40 I can take it I can take it so good we’re going to need we’re going to need a Christmas miracle bigest going to need some that was very nice I mean how good are you hitting it how good is the driver John you’re driver’s unbelievable driver’s not the problem driver’s never been the problem go to Quan’s Channel driver’s not the problem hows man Froggers Froggers that a video game FR I think yeah I think you’re good bud good s uh 134 here right rough it’s a right pin so we have to make sure that we’re left of the pin um we were figuring out if it was a jumper or not I think it’s not and so we’re going to hit a little chip wedge flighted and we’re due to stick one so why don’t we do that oh I came out nice definitely did not jump good chot though can’t complain this kind of a hot lie or is this another one figs that’s kind of like the rides the face it’s almost like I just needed to come out far I know but I need but it jumps yeah I know I needed to come out far enough but it that’s why I think the jump it lands far enough and then chases to the hole correct okay correct that’s what I would say all right thank you for coming to our Ted Talk we’re going with 50 y go go go go go nice good shot it was that kind of little flyer action thank you thank you it was kind of exactly what we said like rode the face but then flew yep exactly all right 102 I want to at least save a little face that way try to show people on your Channel that I can’t actually do things that are not hitting driver um I’m going to try to play about 105 cuz it’s just a little uphill 105 55° wedge come come on kid right not our day not our day we will be back on this channel though back for Revenge because this was just not our best show um all right I got 104 thankfully I have a swing but we have got to hit one close I don’t know where Sean hit it but I don’t think it was great so we will try to be great be great oh my Lord how good is that it better be a tapin how good is that it better be a tapin e birdie putt last hole let’s end on a positive note let’s do this might as well make a Hooper Hooper to finish hard hard clean up very nice good work I know you were hearing me talking does he he does does he all right this just has to move right a little bit for bir in a Road close it up maybe technically yeah total buz saw also went left good layup though all right if we both make these we can double them up down it will feel good yeah exactly have a little pride Sean just sitting here moping I think it’s pretty straight it’s got to be straight it’s got to be straight has to be straight let feel good make the flight home feel a little bit better that’s terrible terrible wait how what a bad day what my I think I’m going to put two drivers in I’m just going to putt with a driver and hit driver with driver very nice and Sean broke ass why did I hit it so hard hit it harder why did I hit it so hard that was fun that was fun gentle s yeah that was awesome pleasure been a minute always always partner partner hey we tried we’re going to have to get some Revenge that was fun that was fun all time QB was helping them out too much Quan Sean those guys are awesome um appreciate them coming on the channel would definitely love a rematch maybe at some point we need a rematch they need a rematch I think they want a rematch I think they want a rematch remat next time you’re not playing okay you want Fe yeah we want Fe you want me chirping all right yeah I can are you sure cool with that we’re all cool everybody’s on board are you sure I’ve seen too much from this guy that’s fair uh we’ll run that back maybe in Dallas yeah could do all right yeah thanks for watching tune in sounds like we got rematch coming so stay tuned uh as always figs what do we do we press unless we’re not down we press unless we’re not down unless we just win matches out right [Music] and that’s a wrap to our video hope you guys enjoyed the match fun time getting the win against Quan and Shawn this time around uh sure we’ll be doing a rematch down the road at some point but in the meantime want to remind you guys about the giveaway we have going on for the $500 Asher gift card along with the Scotty Cameron putter of your choice so go ahead to side action on Instagram check out that post for the rules on everything for a chance to win that uh helps boost our Channel and gives you guys a chance to win some cool stuff so uh appreciate you guys watching until next time we press [Music]


  1. glad I found you on Luke Kwon channel.. @jaybarton27, @jlevine1969@chadhadanameandhisnamewaschad. Lets Go!!! Sitting in cold rain, watching warm sunny golf, is better than sitting in cold rain alone!

  2. Coming from Kwon’s channel. Awesome golf and good vibes will keep me coming back. Subbed!

  3. Remember that kid from Vine that would wear a hoodie with his ears sticking out? That’s what the side action guy who didn’t play reminds me of

  4. Hey Side-Action, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really informative and well-made.

    I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and repurpose your long videos into highly engaging shorts? I can also make high CTR thumbnails for your channel

  5. I think we should all take a moment to appreciate the editors, little things like putting the name of who's hitting in bold and first on the score/shot tracker. Amazing time consuming stuff. Much love from Australia

  6. Was not expecting this level of golf from these guys. These guys have so much fun and are such accurate ball strikers. Hate the guys who have it all

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