Golf Babe

Can I Beat A Tour Pro??

In this video, GabbyGolfGirl is going to play one v one match with a professional tour player. Karen Chung has played on the LPGA tour and on the Epson tour. She went to the University of Southern California. This will be Gabby‘s first match versus a professional golfer. Also watch till the end because there’s a major announcement coming in this video!

all right guys a huge matchup coming for you guys today I’ve never played a Pro Tour player on V one on YouTube before and today is the day we change that today I’m playing a women’s Pro Tour player onev one match play straight up all my matches are straight up so you guys can see how I play against these people and I can see how I play against them this is probably going to be my hardest match yet we’re going to play from the same teams just like all the other matches and this actually leads perfectly into a big announ ment I’m going to have coming soon so stay tuned for that we’re going to pick her brain see how she got on the tour how she got status where she went to college all that background stuff this is going to be a great match let’s see how we do great ball good shot thank you I did not realize you played on the LPG oh that’s the right line ooh very nice it’s just you know it’s bigger purses and it’s more business nice cold beer after a round is driver’s dial go go go go go go ooh very nice Su Moon nanjip yes you know gosh so good I mean That’s a classic if you don’t know that place you’re not from there good jot thank you all right guys I’m here with Karen Chung probably my biggest matchup yet why can you tell us a little bit about yourself give the audience some background so I’m from Livingston New Jersey originally I played on the Epson tour so you played at USC right University of Southern California that’s a huge achievement great school and how long have you been on the Epson tour uh Epson tour I’ve been bouncing back and forth for seven years now but I was on the LPGA for four so oh wow wow I did not realize you played on the LPGA when did you play on the LPGA cuz my rookie year 2017 right out of school oh wow then 1819 and then last year 2023 wow that congrats that’s amazing people don’t realize how hard this is I mean everybody talks about the corn fairy tour you know before the PGA Tour this is harder I’m going to say that this is probably harder all right so we’re going to play 1V one nine hle straight up we’re going to question her about how she got on the EPS tour what her challenges have been like what her you know achievements have been like great drive thank you all righty yes great ball all right thanks good there W this thing is nice all right yeah I love col on it yeah yeah yeah it’s sick isn’t it the shot scope rangefinders are like just cool I love them yeah I love the way it looks I don’t know anything about how status works and how qualifying Works she said that she literally made it on the lpj tour right out of school so explain to me how that works cuz I thought you had to go to Epson first and all that stuff so that’s what I first thought too when I was starting out I think when I first came out it was called the Metro tour that’s right yes yes yes yeah but um I played final stage of Q School which is how I got my tour card the first time and then I was actually still in school studied my last semester graduated and then juggled tournament play that’s impressive that is impressive so you didn’t even have to do the Epson tour you’re just qualifying through Q school and made it on to LPG tour this not first year I came back the second year and played the EPS we got 88 yards you want to put this one close especially on the second shot like you just want to get it’s a pretty wide open green got a little bit of a pull eye here I’m going to start like 4T 3T 5T right ooh looks nice sit down yes a little bit couldn’t really see it definitely hit a little bit right I probably tried to counteract that slope a little bit too much all right Karen you’re up oh there we go yeah definitely got to always getting always getting the sand I’ve got 75 yards in I’m just going to hit a small 54 uh and yeah let the rest play out good shot thank you you know what I love you’re literally like so confident and quick and just get up in the ball and hit it I love I like I hate taking my time yeah I’m I understand that I love fast golf sometimes I’m like maybe I should just cut my routine and just like hit the ball I probably should just get up and hit it like I may just take your mentality and just go all right so do you want it out yes all right so tell me what was your best finish on the LPGA best finish on the LPGA yeah you know I think it was actually last year it was the partner tournament in Dow or Dow for Michigan yeah uh my partner was Jennifer Chang and I think we finished 22nd was pretty good yeah it was pretty good that’s a great finish yes that is solid what what’s the score for that cuz I’m just trying to get an understanding probably like 18 under you guys were maybe like 13 or 14 14 total W yes wow that’s amazing but yeah that’s amazing is that tournament like a beste ball it’s best ball and then Al alternate shot and then best ball again yes I love the alternate shot forat it’s so hard but I love it so hard but it just makes you actually play like a team you know with beste ball it’s like you’re competing against your teammate to like have the best score with alternate shot it’s like you could be so angry that someone just hit a terrible shot out of the bunker and then now you have to make the putt that is Yep th% this is my first putt here so we got a little uphill I think it’s going to be a little right to left all right let’s see you sink it no pressure no I’m just kidding all right good try I can confirm there quick they’re no they’re so quick I literally well I just played tournament yesterday and it was like the greens are pretty slow and I was making a lot of putts and I’m like man I got out to the practice scen I’m like wow these are quick little right to left we got the grain going this way probably like this so it’s pretty counteracting I would say it’s righted Edge if anything but it’s it’s kind of downhill and then uphill so I got to give it some Pace but pretty pretty soft tick tock tick tock come on hit it harder kind of goes uphill at that last nice pot all right that’s good thank you all righty all righty got a little bit of a tester I think this is also right to left we got the speed down now so good pot that’s clut great pot all right nervous no no you know the speed I mean come on you at least gave it a chance the thing is like you got to give it a chance especially on a birdie putt like that it’s like I know got to get it past the hole um especially for like scrambles oh oh yeah oh yeah if you’re playing a scramble I like to be the last person to putt I’m just like cuz I only make the putt when I’m last person I like you I know you have to see everybody else’s line but it just I love that it’s just I wish we had that for tournament play whole two all even all square match play We’re Going Down the right center of the Fairway great drive thank you I’m not sure if I AIT driver or not yeah that’s fine all right it works out I’m a little bit low and left with the driver it’s been my Mist recently only on my driver it’s just so frustrating like it’s like all every other club totally fine driver hey but that was straight though it’s dead it’s it turns out straight it just that I’m starting left all right I got 100 yards um I’m just going to try to hit it over the bunker it should be like right around 90 so yep I love that grip that grip is so cool oh this one thank you sick I love it too but you all just my iron they don’t make it anymore though that is so cool so sad oh it’s good shot thank you really good shot thank you good one thank you 9585 to the front I’m going to hit my 50° which will get up there another I’ve had so many pull lies in the past couple days like where the balls above my feet in the past two uh tournament I played every there was not one shot that was a push line wow complete I found myself like on that side of the Fairway all day long go go go go go go go go go not enough Club all right guys we’re going to try and make this chip all right see what we can do here keep going keep going wasn’t enough up the hill I knew it um I currently have no idea what my PT’s going to do so we’re just going to find out together here I think it’s going to go a little towards the water over here to the right little uphill oh that’s the right line that’s the right line good ites go right really great putt thank you yes great pot thanks all right let’s just try and get on the green we’ll make our life a little bit easier I think I’m just going to go to the right side of the building over there you see that up really low is that just my eyesight or is it honestly I don’t know what I oh it’s not that bad no I I was looking yeah I’m just I was just looking at the top I’m like and then I couldn’t see the white and I was like wow she’s sitting low great drive thank you that was amazing thank you thank you there we go yes that was pretty finally hit a good straight drive great ball yeah I just need to be smoother with my swing thank you I this head cover thanks um yeah new driver is sick I love it I mean I also just love the color too I really want that Qi 10o I just am stuck on my M4 it’s from the dinosaur era yeah yeah that was a great driver though it works out my that flight yeah what what degree drive would you have I have a 95 okay so I have nine it’s not that much of a difference but what we got here I think this is a 224 pin yep 2011 over that bunker all you’re obviously are you going to go for it I think I am but I don’t know if we’re going to hit the GRE I mean I don’t I think if let’s check on here I think the bunker is actually further from the green than it seems it is no I mean it’s kind of yeah it’s like 200 to car um well we’re just going to send it three wood in hand yeah this putter cover is sick look at this cash is King I love it look at the money sign on the top of that so Cole okay 220 um just going to go straight at it and see what happens there oh I couldn’t see it I think we’re in the bunker all it’s not a bad place to be actually I’m going to lay up because going for greens for me it’s not my specialty let’s just say that I think that’s a great play though I’m like for me I’m just going to hit seven iron up there and the reason I do this is because actually my Woods are the best part of my game that’s that’s no question but for me I feel like I never get there I I’m always like a couple yard short and I hate 30 yard chips so I rather h a 60° wedge all day long full swing S Plus I feel like it gives me like um a like a practice swing for my Approach shot oh I just slipped in my swing holy cow all right well it works out but did you see that I just slipped backwards and I pulled it yes it’s wet now and I have no spikes on mine so I’ll be slipping and sliding I literally just slipped in the middle of my swing I haven’t done that a lot I’m going to go like the right edge of that rich Carlton or JW Maria um building there we go get left get left get left get left that is a really good Swing Shot just a little bit too right but not as aggressive play but it’s a good shot can’t forget sand that was a really big divot lot of compression there guys I absolutely need to drain this putt because Karen’s hitting for um three out of the green side bunker and I just got to make it in match play you got assume they’re going to make birdie your Eagle this is facts except my bunker game has been all over the place lately so take a trip with me oh that’s a great swing thank you good shot that’s a great shot from there thank you thank you one time I actually turned out I was an inch from the hole from 40 yards and it was a bunker like that but the bunker was more elevated so I had 33 yards and there was it was kind of like these they were a little drained from the rain yeah and I was like I have to putt this put it through the lip and put it to like that close almost made it it was insane you just motivated me oh yeah you can do it trust me the two times I’ve done it it’s worked out for me all right I’m going 2 and 1/2 ft out it’s a big break you got to give it a chance if you go low side here your never going to give this a chance turn turn turn all right but that’s good for our match I got a uphill right to left her I think pretty similar line as Gabby oh good putt thank you oh wow like a t tough tough tough tough tough pot from there good pot thank you great pot thank you all square through three all square all righty we got 125 here I’m just going to go a little right of the pin and then let it funnel down oh great shot thank you sit really good shot thank you all righty so 125 I’m going I’m in between 9 iron and 8 iron I’m going to go nine because I think it’s only 110 to the front so 9 iron here get left get left ooh very nice couldn’t see it I think it’s in there all right thanks couldn’t see I saw it in there it’s kind of gloomy today so it’s like hard to see okay uphill um I think I’m just going to go straight at it and see what happens good pop thank you you’re good thank you thank you you want it out yes than I got back um bunker coming off this right here it’s definitely going to be right to left of the start and it kind of it’s not that it goes back left to right it just like kind of flattens out so I don’t think this is any crazy break the grain is going this way way I want to play this inside right it’s actually left or right good pot that’s good so I heard you’re playing in the island championship in Michigan in June yep yep I’m playing in an Epson Tour event um in June and it is going to be huge I am so excited this is like crazy for me at 16 to do this but so I have to ask like what’s the cut line because I need to know like what I’m getting into girl you play like this over there you’ll be fine the cut line is usually like I would probably say it was like right around three under two under okay so Carl you got that I’m going I’m going to try I’m going to give everything I’ve got because it’s a it’s a big event it’s a big event it’s very big for me but yeah so average you’d say two under three under I would say so yeah right around there then we hit like the last couple stretches of the season and girls just lose their mind and decide to shoot like 108 under but wejust I think I shot like 17 under and I didn’t even get inside the top 10 oh my gosh at the end of the week wait what wait towards what side of the season are we is this this is very last tournament of the year yeah very last tournament of the year yeah and I think 22 under one that week but there so many people in between yeah but it’s it’s a wild briide how how hard is the course like I would say rank it to this course like what do you think it is you know I think it’s like right around here there’s also like obviously courses that are a bit easier than this but there’s courses that are harder yeah but um we got a new we got a lot of new ones this year so yeah but do you think it’s like is it sloped a lot probably as Michigan right oh Island yes yeah for sure but it’s really pretty and the Sun never goes down so if you feel like practicing and grinding it’s your spot yep all right have you had like any uh real friendships that you’ve made like really good relationships or is every kind of just Mutual like how does it work you know that’s the one thing I’ll give to the Epson Tour all the girls on that tour are amazing they’re so super nice um I obviously have my small group of friends out there but I do consider them lifelong friends and that’s awesome yes and I have a couple friends out on tour too so it’s just a tight-knit circle yeah that’s awesome is the LPGA Tour relationships like more competitive do you think the girls are way more competitive than the Epson tour or like how does it work uh no I mean they’re just as sweet out there too and like if you have like your group of friends it’s amazing yeah it’s just you know is it it’s a lot more money it’s bigger purses and it’s more business right yeah so this once you get on the golf course I’m sure it’s like we’re all in our own lane and then afterwards it’s fine yeah after that we’re all friends again yeah great drive your drives are amazing wow thank you [Music] yes great ball thank you I’m really working on smoothing out my swing because I’ve actually realized my whole life I’ve been trying to be like quick in between the feet you know try and get some speed um to get more distance I’m actually hitting it further the smoother and slower I swing it cuz it’s more like wrists and I feel like it’s yeah the technique is like I thought if you rip an angle down you’re going to get more speed cuz you’re flicking your wrist it’s not working like that for me Ken just said she’s like 242 I don’t have that carrot do I just want to aim over to the cart sign because I don’t want to walk like I that’s how I think on the golf these are where like in a tournament where’s the best place I can park my cart like where am I just not going to be able to have to walk that’s where no I feel that that is me imagine if I could hit the ball where like near the the with the Precision that I have just to hit it in the open area just to get closer to like less walking yeah no there’s just a motivation there that’s like nothing wrong with that I love that um we are going to go past the cart sign I’m going to hit 1 70 but I will go in that line great swing thank you so trying to figure out here that’s going to be a far walk great shot but not where I was looking to place the ball for the walk um 17 75 to the bunker I’m just going to hit five iron up there it’s a good shot I just push pushed oh I just pushed it a little bit that’s fine fine still going to be like 908 thank you all right guys I am wow I’m getting a lot of 90s 99 the pin is in the front and I got a carry 85 I think this is for me again 50° because I think on the first shot I I kind of hit it the first second hole where I kind of hit that a little short it wasn’t that great of a swing so wind’s kind of coming with me this time I’m going 50 get left turn left get left and go 50 is not going that distance it’s a good swing too it’s just plugged oh it’s really frustrating I think it’s pitching wedge I’ve got such a like close gap between my 50 and my pitching wedge I will take a hike I will see you up there all right got 71 I think it’s a little helping um I am going to try to get this pretty close because can’t make a putt today great shot thank you really good e that’s a horrible ship that’s a slice P that is good oh it’s a horrible boogy got a little bit of a slider I think it’s going to turn really hard to the left here at the end he going to try to get it anywhere near the hole all righty you’re good all right so I lost that hole one down honestly just a terrible play for me on the last couple shots like they’re all not good shots but we can get it back make a birdie somewhere so what is like what would you say your thing is outside of golf what’s your favorite thing what do you love cuz you play a lot of golf probably golf is more like your life and your job at this point it is what do you think it is so when I’m traveling and I’m not on the golf course I so he my boyfriend also travels with me um we do a lot of Escape rooms oh my gosh I love I love escape rooms we’ve probably done all of them in Orlando so that’s kind of a thing but uh my unfiltered answer is I love to drink nice cold beer after a round isy you know what you you deserve it so what’s your drink I don’t know anything about really alcoholic drinks but I’m simple I just love my Bud Light oh okay just sit there and chill all right I am just going to hit another bomb down the Fairway hopefully oh her bomb drives are amazing thank you thank you perfect I mean every time thank you yes very nice thank you figuring the drives out as we play is a good thing driver dialed thank you thanks I could use that you know what one thing to be a snob over is hotels because the where you sleeping like it’s your home for the we I’ll go to any restaurant like I don’t care you know you want to be that’s fine but you have to be snobbish about the hotel cuz where you’re sleeping it’s your own personal it it grosses me out it it’s like that’ss the vibe for the week you know yeah that’s another thing especially with the tournament like so I got 134 um I think the wind is swirling so I’m just going to go for the middle and uh see what happens a it’s a great swing thank you go take it good shot thank you I need my Rangefinder to see where it goes get right o stay right there sit sit sit can’t see it I think this one’s going to swing a lot so keep it out to the right pretty good good pot thank you you’re good there thank you thank you this a big pot got to make this come on turn oh wow great roll it was actually a little bit too much break or maybe I just hit a little bit that is good also these greens have been a little tricky today they are they’re yeah I think it’s cuz they’re pretty solid right now but like there’s you think there’s a lot of break on some pets there is and others there’s not they just straighten out oh that one’s good oh like that great drive thank you yeah that’s pretty much the line yes it’s very nice thank you great ball thanks a lot of people ask um like what is the player’s stock yardage when I whenever I play I I know it’s probably like a basic question but like how far do you hit your driver how far driver I think with like the roll and everything it’s right around 250 go go go go go go ooh very nice that’s going to be really good thanks great shot thanks see that’s the swing I’m looking for on all my Approach shs I just need to do that every single time and then I’ll be fine I’ll be a great player then that’ll be perfect oh that looks like a great swing thank you we go good shop thank you so where are you from my parents are from Korea but they’re Al they’re in Jersey now oh wow so I’m originally from New York and we used to go to this uh Korean restaurant all the time it’s where my brother’s baptism was wait no way where yeah um Su Moon nanjip yes is that good you know oh my gosh so good yeah it’s so good it’s amazing it’s amazing it’s so good and I can’t believe I actually said it right you’re bilingual now what does that mean in Korean um it means well it’s like rumored house so it’s like oh really yep it’s like a well-known house oh that’s actually kind of a cool name is that is that like the most famous Korean restaurant in that palid par it’s a Hidden Gem I mean That’s a classic if you don’t know that place you’re not from there we’ve been looking for Korean barbecue I found one place that has like three stars there’s one really good near y’all I’ll find the name I’ll cuz I’ve been I’ve been craving it and I can’t find anything oh my gosh I got you I got straight up the hill I think this is going to stay out straight to be confirmed good P yeah you were good there sorry all right guys I am playing this a ball out to the right it’s not as much break as we think although the grain’s going this way I’m going to give it some pace so tick it’s a big pot Tick Tock oh come on it didn’t break at all this is just my pting is just like it’s not it’s solid it’s just that I’m like did not read that right at all oh it’s so frustrating okay we got 125 right yes 125 I’ve got eight iron get right get a little bit just a little bit I didn’t see it at all did it just get up too high in the wind yeah and I think it got really strong like up when it took off yeah I mean good 125 same Club as Gabby eight iron see what happens oh wow go good shot thank you good shot thank you 54 again one to one go go go wow got to make this pup come on it’s not the right break at all that’s so wrong by putting I’m just not reading him right and chipping was just not good all right I think that’s the match you won two down and you won congrats that was amazing it was so great playing with you I had such a great time honestly the best like honestly what a great personality and just such a nice person she’s not allowed to leave until she tells me exactly which Korean barbecue to go to down south but um I’m definitely going to get that but you’re going to have to give that to me thanks for watching comment down below if you guys want to see more matches like this thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. Maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed as though you were swinging at the ball on some of your short shots instead of through the ball — which is unusual for you. Terrific video, editing, interview, etc!

  2. What a lovely person Karen is and great golfer… I noticed she addresses the ball towards the toe of the putter… 🙌⛳

  3. Thanks, Gabby, I dig the 1v1 videos and Karen seems like a fun person to play with. I think she’s a Jersey Girl so of course she’s cool! 🙏❤️

  4. I feel like gabby is a very, very good golfer, she is probaly is a better golfer than me then i will be in like 10 years.

  5. Wonderful matchup for you,this will make your game…keep challenging yourself…Can’t wait for the next one.

  6. This is excellent content Gabby. It's great you're always challenging yourself and bringing on talented guests for these fun matches.

  7. Great content always, definitely longer would be great especially with great guests. Keep it going 🙌🙌

  8. Next pro you should try facing Gabby is Lucy Li, youngest ever US Women’s Open qualifier at 10 (11 during 2014 tournament at Pinehurst No. 2) she even spent time with late LPGA legend Mickey Wright. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. What is Karen wearing on her head? Headphones? She has a great swing. On any given day, you could match up to her Gabby, but I think that her approach shots are better than yours. You're a great player and young, so you have a great shot at the LPGA. keep up the great work!

  10. Love the way your vlogs have such variety. You’re always pushing yourself to be a better player. 👍👍👌👌👌🙏

  11. Love the energy! Gabby, do a round with Ludvig Åberg at some point if possible. It would break the golf internet…

  12. Gabby this was a great match up. Karen Chung, such a lovely person. Dam! She never misses a shot that she played for. I guess that's the quality of a LPGA player. Her putting was of a high standard as well. What a great way to find out where your standard of golf is at. Your driving was sublime on this one. You were right up there with her play as well. Super impressive Gabby. Keep being the wonderful person you are. Way to go Gabby. ❤

  13. Hi Gabby. It's the guy that wanted you to call your videos "Glogs". While I'm deeply hurt that you didn't, I'll somehow carry on. But seriously….I thoroughly enjoyed this video. Two sweet personalities coming together on the golf course. Enjoyed the Q&A, and you're both very cordial!! I'm thinking if you both had your "game face" on then you probably would have played a little better. But under the circumstances – trying to not only play but also get to know one another – I think you bofh played really well. Stay humble, and love your channel.

  14. Hello Gabbygolfgirl how about you make a video for 1 vs 2 like me and my math teacher on 9 hole me and my math teacher have got 65 on 9 holes golf course

  15. Great video! These are really cool! She's really great, you can tell she really means it every time she says than you! You are doing so good even against these pro players! The outfit is lookin great with the matching shoes. The pink accents on shoes looks awesome! You look like a real pro! You are the future Queen of golf!!!

  16. Gaby you can have a beer in about 5 years unless you decide to visit Quebec or Alberta Canada drinking age is only 18. Gabby if you 50 is almost the same distance as you PW you might want to go to a 51/52 just to spread them out a bit, talk to the guys at Taylormade I'm sure they would be more than happy to help you.

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