Vice Pro (2024) Golf Ball Review

It’s time. Vice Week 2.0 is here. How do the new Vice Golf Balls perform? Which is better, the Vice Pro or the Vice Pro Air? I do a deep dive analysis to find out.


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00:00 Intro
1:40 Design
4:20 Chipping and Putting
7:56 50 Yard Pitch
10:54 9 Iron
12:24 7 Iron
13:35 5 Hybrid
14:15 Driver
15:27 Durability
16:17 Conclusion

hey guys welcome back to the channel I appreciate your patience We are continuing our vice line and we are now of course at the one that a lot of people have been asking for this is the Vice Pro brand new for the 2024 season let’s Dive Right In All right so we are on a great path so far with Vice the vice Drive made small improvements the vice tour was out of this world the Vice Pro air was out of this world and we are of course now continuing with the fourth model in that lineup out of five total uh which of course is the Vice Pro now a lot of you have been asking me over the last few days I’ve seen in the comments uh about which one’s going to be better the Vice Pro air or the Vice Pro which one’s going to be for each type of game so at the conclusion of this review I will dive a little deeper into that I’ll give a really good analysis about U you know which golf ball will be for which person and and things like that uh but for now let’s go ahead and just focus on the Vice Pro which of course is one of the best golf balls on the market for a variety of reasons one it performs really well to it has an amazing price point it has ease of access it has incredible designs as you can see right here let me see if I can get that boom look at that the nice drip model of course that’s one of the signatures from Vice looks really cool looks clean I mean it’s just unique you don’t see a lot of golf balls having this type of style even as I’m doing this one right now they just came out with a brand new uh I think it’s the Pro Plus but it’s the new Valla Edition for the PGA Tour that’s going on looks really cool it’s just unique that’s what Vice does so let’s dive into the pro here let’s go ahead and start with uh the design of the golf ball it has the drip it looks good the pro comes in a bunch of different designs which is awesome I love what Vice does there um I originally had kind of harped on the alignment tool on the side in the past but I have now been made aware by one of my followers thank you so much that you can actually customize these options so I do wish it came standard I wish they had a standard option but the fact that you can go in and customize and do different alignment tools that’s really cool it’s another thing that makes viice great you can really personalize it how you want you can choose exactly what you are looking for which is really something that that in 2024 I would think that’s what golf ball buying should be you know being able to customize personalize what type of alignment tool do you want everyone’s different everyone’s got different quirks some people are really weird about it some people are you know maybe a little over the top about it but having those options is a really good thing so I have to give device really good credit across the board with I mean the tour the drive the pro the Pro Plus all of them have really neat designs and offer a variety depending on what type of golfer you are so love to see that now one thing I do notice about the Vice Pro that is different from the other models is is how sticky it feels so the other models they’re all you know the pro air the pro and the Pro Plus are all going to come with a urethane coating uh but this one feels a little stickier than the Pro Plus as well as the the pro air does I don’t know why but it just feels like it has some stickiness to it like if I was going to throw a fast ball or a two seamer I could really get some some grip on that bad boy but really more importantly and more relevantly it feels like if it hits the green it is going to stick it a little bit better just because of that stickiness so love to see that we’ll test that for sure um overall great design love what Vice does loves Vice logo uh they just continue to knock it out of the park with this now of course continuing on with the price point one of the things that make Vice golf balls the best out there is their price point um I touched on it with the air it’s the same thing here if you didn’t see that review uh Vice when they were $35 a dozen that was an incredible price point you could then buy them in bulk and get them for like 28 29 a dozen that was just like out of this world but I understand inflation happens I understand the costs go up um I understand they have to do you know I get it so I the cost has gone up a little bit it’s now $39.99 for one dozen uh which is an okay price it’s good it’s not great but it’s good it’s better than average for sure but it’s not eye popping like it used to be but really where that value comes in is buying in bulk as you can see there $33 a dozen if you buy five boxes so if you play this golf ball and become a fan of this golf ball which is really easy to do trust me and you decide to be a vice loyalist you can order those for the season and get them for 33 a dozen and that’s really one of the best values in the industry a three-piece urethane golf ball that’s topof the line that you know as far as I’m concerned from a company that’s the best at direct to Consumer you just can’t beat it incredible incredible amount of spin I put so much on that golf ball wow beautiful beautiful oh my goodness beautiful it’s what I like to see it’s what I like to feel a little different wow just dead stop dead stop okay not bad really good amount of spin there though let’s do uh more here try to get it Goldilocks nope just going to stop on me wow wow again we’re going to use the putting motion I couldn’t really get it there with the putting motion wow just I mean it’s just stopping on a dime guys okay I’m starting to get the feel here got to put a little more on it all right very nice first put Impressions feel wow wow wow wow wow wow wow okay one more here put a little too much on that one okay Mallet or blade putter now okay a little heavy little heavy but not bad though though really good roll let’s see there we go a little bit better hit I need any more ride apparently wow okay so the Vice Pro wow really hard not to be impressed here so the first thing I noticed is I love the feel of it with the wedges around the green you know again medium little bit of firm press little bit of Click for feedback feels really good feels like a tour golf ball feels like just any of these other Tour golf balls you’re going to see on the high AAA Market love that but where I was just really blown away as I mentioned it earlier but when I felt it initially just kind of getting ready to put the balls down it felt kind of sticky it felt a little stickier than the air and definitely more than the the uh drive and the tour it just feels like it’s going to stick a green and you could tell by those chips I mean this has an insane amount of spin way more than the older Vice lines had uh way better feel than the old Vice lines had this is really exciting to hit this golf ball and again you can kind of tell when I was hitting a second ago I was having issues it was stopping so soon and then I have to put more on it and I’d hit one and think oh god that’s way too much and then it would stop right next to the hole that’s an insane amount of spin love to see that switching over to the putter buttery and smooth with the Mallet really good feels like a tour golf ball love that and then even when I switched over to the blade the blade I don’t think felt quite as good but it’s still a eight or a nine out of 10 again you felt that firm press you felt that feedback you felt you heard the click when it was hit right in the center which is really good great roll great forgiveness on the rolls true roll it’s hard not to be impressed this golf ball does everything around the green I mean I’ve been impressed with all the vice lines so far but the pro I’m like hey this is the real deal like if you’re someone who’s playing highend tour balls and you have you know that that swing speed that’s not super high but in that medium high boy saving a lot of money with Vice would be a good option right about now hopefully the numbers translate to that as well so let’s go test those numbers and let’s see how they did all right so excellent to see there around the Green Love that uh let’s dive in real quick to the feel of the golf ball off of the clubs you know as far as your your wedges your irons your Woods all that good stuff um it feels firmer than the pro air for sure the pro air is designed to feel very squishy very soft not a lot of feedback although there was enough feedback for sure this one does feel like more of a a golf tour level feel it does offer that feedback it does offer The Click but it is slight it’s it’s not like the pro plus it’s not super firm um it’s a really great feeling golf ball it it does kind of remind me of the old Pro they didn’t really change a lot as far as the feel uh but they did a little tuning here and there and it feels phenomenal I really love it a lot uh now a lot of you have been asking me about forgiveness rating it on a scale of 1 to five uh things like that I I will talk about the forgiveness for sure um the Forgiveness on this golf ball is not going to be as good as the air for sure and that’s because of that compression with the air being softer it is it was forgiving me so much more on Miss hits you know a Miss hit with the air might be you know a 5 yard loss this one I was seeing 10 to 15 yards sometimes but that’s how it goes with Tour golf balls the firmer you get yes you have the potential for more ball speed you have the potential for more you know Spin and more you know workability all that good stuff but that extra room you have for the for the highs is also extra room for the lows so I didn’t experience very good I’d say like a two and a half three out of five for forgiveness with this golf ball it’s just not but it’s a pro it’s meant for the more advanced players but again I’ll touch on that more in the moment when I give you these numbers let’s start with the 50 yard pitch we’re just doing Back Spin in here 8,467 and that is really really good to see because that is the best I’ve tested so far that’s the good news the bad news is is that uh again touching on forgiveness uh it was pretty bad so I had to delete a lot of M hits here because usually the way I do it is I’ll hit 10 shots any Mish hits I’ll try to eliminate if they’re really bad Mis hits just because you know if they’re a slight Mish hit I keep them on there for forgiveness and so it evens out but if they’re just an egregious mishit I I will delete him but what I was Finding was is that if you hit the ball solidly in the center with the wedge it’s like 8,500 it’s really really good it’s going to not only stop it’s going to come back at you 100% it’s going to come back a couple feet which is awesome the bad part of that is that if you m hit the golf ball and you get a little blady with it it’s like 5,000 RPM it’s 4,000 5,000 RPM which is really really low so your shot that you’re lining up to do a 50- yard pitch yeah you might hit it and it might land next to the hole and come back at you but if you m hit it a little bit it might hit to the hole and roll to the back I mean it’s it’s there’s not a lot of in between there there’s not a lot of oh what about a 7,000 or 6,500 nope it was either four or 5,000 or it was 8,500 and that’s that’s the in between so really good if you can compress the golf ball really good if you’re a great iron Striker but if you’re someone who occasionally blades a chip which most of you have don’t lie it could be a little rough sometimes getting into the nine iron 7,34 44 which again really good spin numbers that’s the most spin so far with the new launch monitor I’ve gotten from any golf ball love to see that uh the ball speed 99 mph which was uh just I mean barely above the vice tour but slightly below the vice air it continues to be in that line which is really phenomenal compressing it with the short irons is awesome the distance is great uh not as great as the tour not as great as the air um and then it launched at 25.5 which uh actually you know it’s pretty mid I I know that’s a slightly higher than my average but um I I’ve had to switch the grip up lately because uh I was told by a professional I had too strong of a grip so I kind of had to loosen it a little so I expect my ball flight to slightly kind of go up a little bit so kind of like a mid- launch really good uh the numbers are still phenomenal but I’ll tell you what actually hurt these numbers and made them maybe maybe it’s what cost them being higher than the vice air is again that forgiveness forgiveness was really egregious 125 uh carry distance with a a solid strike 110 without it it’s like a 15 yard difference that’s huge that’s the difference between being right next to the hole and tapping in for birdie and pitching into the green 15 yards back it’s it’s really tough so really bad forgiveness there uh but again it’s still averaged out to be really really good so I’m glad uh getting into the seven iron we have 657 which uh is not the highest amount of spin I’ve recorded so far but it is second so again really good spin there 11 12.7 uh which is slightly lower than I got with both the tour as well as the air um but it’s still pretty good and again what came with that was the forgiveness was not that great so I’ll touch on more than that in just a second 155.5 1547 great numbers again launched mid which is awesome love to see that uh mid to high somewhere in there um now touching on the Forgiveness again I don’t want to sound like a broken record but that’s really what hurt the ball speed because there were some hits that were 116 117 ball speed mph but boy you Mish hit it and it’s 105 106 and me personally I don’t like having that big of a spectrum I don’t like my my solid hits to be 115 116 and my Miss hits to be 105 because then again you just you don’t have that forgiveness Advanced players who are striking the ball extremely well will not notice that you know cuz a mish hit to them is oh I hit it slightly one inch off of the whatever to me it’s off the toe and off the toe will absolutely kill this golf ball so really good numbers despite the Forgiveness being so bad but again it’s going to be for an advanced player getting into the five hybrid um spin number really really really good the highest I’ve tested so far with the new launch monitor 5,698 that’s going to be able to spin on the green and stick it really well 124 which is excellent ball speed 178.6 point8 17.5 it launched slightly high with the hybrid but I don’t hate that I like my hybrid getting up and with that spin too it’s nice to actually be able to stick a green for once I don’t get that a lot of the time with the hybrid a lot of the time it’ll either want to launch low or it’ll launch you know with no spin not the case here actually I really like those hybrid numbers a lot that’s that’s good to see getting in last but not least we have of course the driver sometimes this can make or break 2,442 on your spin which is around just slightly higher than my average right now 232.103 which uh is slightly basically at average again that that’s because of the Forgiveness once again 225. 4 16.5 it actually wanted to launch High I had trouble getting the ball not to launch High which again I don’t hate I that’s one of my big issues is lately I’ve been driving the ball way too low I’m just not getting it up in the air enough and it’s not getting enough I mean it’s getting plenty of roll but it’s just not getting that carry distance I need so I’m glad the ball does launch a little higher yeah so really what I get from all these numbers these numbers aren’t as good as the vice tour these numbers aren’t as good as the vice air now they’re still phenomenal but they’re just not that perfect 10 out of 10 that those other Vice golf balls were and really all of that stems not to beat a dead horse but from the Forgiveness the Forgiveness on this golf ball was a lot worse than the other ones just because it is a pro model it’s meant for advanced players and that showed here so even though the numbers were slightly lower if the Forgiveness had been better it probably would be better than them to be honest with you but unfortunately that’s something I have to calculate in so real quick before I give you my closing thoughts we will touch on the durability which again surprisingly Vice has been pretty much a N9 out of 10 or a 10 of 10 across the board on these golf balls there’s not much here you can see a couple of little tiny scuffs if you look hard enough but it doesn’t feel bad it’s still going to roll really good this is after about 70 to 80 shots uh love to see that it’s definitely going to last you a round round and a half maybe maybe even two if you don’t hit any trees or sidewalks or anything like that uh but also what I really love is the drip helps hide imperfection so with a pure white golf ball a lot of the time you’ll see you know there’s a dirt spot or a m or a cut but with this golf ball it actually kind of hides them a little bit so really it just comes on feel so really phenomenal there you know n out of 10 maybe even a 10 out of 10 but I’ve been a little harsh on my my uh I’ve been a little strict on my my durability testing lately but um yeah no really excellent love to see that doesn’t surpris me that’s what all the other Vice golf balls have done as well all right so final thoughts um you know again it’s it’s I’m not as excited as I was before because at this point it’s just becoming common it’s becoming common that the new Vice line is the real deal um the Vice tour top top three at the time top four at the time the Vice Pro uh Pro air top five you know I mean now this golf ball is going to come in at number six um it’s it’s there’s no other place these golf balls can be you know Vice continues to do everything right amazing designs amazing price points variety of options for different golfers ease of access go to your local wmart go to your local Target order them online order them in bulk get a discount however it’s most convenient for you the buyer Vice seems to understand they understand how to control the direct to Consumer Market they get it um they come out with the new line they waited 5 years to do so they say hey guess what you’re going to unlock new ball speeds and I said yeah sure buddy okay yeah like I haven’t been told that by every single you guys can’t see this but all these golf balls over here hundreds of thousands of them all of them on the back say oh increased ball speed and you’re go your friends are going to out drive your friends and you can make jokes about your manhood size to them because you’re out driving them and yada yada yada it’s all Bs it’s Bumpus but Vice did not lie Vice said you’re going to unlock new ball speeds and I have I’ve broke records every one of these golf balls breaks records with ball speeds it feels for they they took what was great about their golf balls they made these little adjustments here and there there there there and made them darn near perfect now I do want to talk about the questions I’ve been getting from everybody what do I need to play the vice air or the Vice Pro well first of all they’re both phenomenal golf balls they’re both phenomenal uh they both do exactly what they’re intended to do they both go really far they both have a ton of spin it’s all great really what it comes down to is I think the pro is going to be specifically for advanced players I think you have to be someone who strikes the iron extremely well and extremely consistently and this is where you have to kind of be honest with yourself as a golfer if you’re someone who’s like well I I do that pretty good most of the time I’d say you know six out of 10 are pure that’s not enough I I mean I need eight or nine out of 10 to be pure because here’s what happens time and time again I see this at work I see this at the golf courses guys will play a pro model thinking they’re good enough and it will cost them a few Strokes because Guy a is playing the Vice Pro air guy B is playing the Vice Pro the air gets mishit it’s still on the green and the guy two putts to a par the Vice Pro is short of the green he duffs the Chip he duffs the chip it goes across the green it cost him two or three Strokes so really that’s where it goes down to if you’re a pro play the pro but if you’re still just a weeken war and you’re still trying to improve your game like 99% of us are the air is going to be the way to go it’s so much more forgiving guys as always keep watching and keep saving and keep learning the Pro Plus is next

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