Golf Players

Can I Break 50 With A Long Drive Champion?

I attempted to break 50 from the red tees with a long drive champion…
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Martin Borgmeier
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all right guys this is another break 50 episode with a special guest a long driver world champion Martin borm so let’s go oh my gosh there’s not very many times I have to say this but I don’t need a [Music] hit he’s calling me a long driver but I’m actually the wedger of the group you’re about to see that you’re about to see some spectacular short game it’s going to be a short game Fiasco over here we’re going to be ble to do it today I think if we can putt well we’ve got the length we’ve got the straightness we just need to make some putts let’s do it let’s do it let’s let’s make some putts and bang some drivers I mean some at least we have to make five eagles and birdie every hole Yeah we can make a all in one too it’s like imagine let’s see let’s get it started off hot though this is a par 4 235 let go break 50 guys put it on the green so we don’t need to finesse stuff is it yeah W all right okay great nice still seven iron so good no you want to you did you actually hit seven iron yes look just because you know I have six iron in hand oh no no no go get eight iron wow wow what a shot nice Bryson this is decent that’s a really good start here we can make Eagle already we can I’m I’m I’m just going to H seven iron too probably my Lofts are the same as a got to remember my irons are Juiced oh yeah they are all right we’re using my ball wait for it wait for it wait for it yeah we’re good there’s probably a creek down there I guess that’s wet you just wanted to see that I did you had such a great shot and you just wanted to see that me putting it in the creek I have a very strong feeling Bryson I’m I’m I’m going to show you a lot of lines today I I want to see a lot of lines out of you I think you’re going to make a lot of putts by the way yeah sneaky knock puts in look I’m not even in the creek I’m right next to the green and you are right about the length though yeah dude imagine I would have hit a six iron that would have been like way over the green early Eagle I’ve never had that happen uhoh Chase um for the viewers out there I’ve tried playing with numerous individuals and we’ve never got off to a great start it’s always been just decent so hopefully we can sneak in here and start off hot how’s the putting stroke been Martin oh the putting stroke’s been great look at you with the putter yeah I mean I stole this out of your um Sim that’s right this morning oh perfect so Bryson can you please just tell me what to do and then I’ll try to do that and then you put it in the hole it’s right here oh really wow that’s breaking quite a bit Yeah it goes left okay it’s going to be right here and downhill okay let’s do some magic here just start start it right here okay hit it pretty much the full way go oh wow yeah they’re slow they’re really slow no it’s I think in in the beginning it’s going uphill too there’s a little into the grain no pressure man but we don’t need that do we a little into the grain now turn turn a bit more come on Bryson that’s a good putt come on it’s not a bad start I’ll take it come on let make let’s make a burd not bad actually didn’t break as much as I thought at the end yeah kind of weird beautiful hey we’re one under are we does that mean we’re on track how many shots into this video you think we’re going to get before we use one more oh oh oh my God don’t do this to me we three in already the over under I would say the over under is six I I I’d go with under I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt on that I think six is a good place to I mean I expected a lot right but not this torture from you chase 265 265 yep I’m playing a four or a five iron what because I have three iron in hand and I that’s fine uh no i’ go four iron you go four it’s a little left to right and a little helping um it’s a 265 yard shot hit up over the trees I’m feel pretty good right here uh par for dog L right but I’m just going right to the flag now it’s right at it be good dude that might go in the hole that might go in the hole go on the it’s on the green please go in please go in please go in oh that’s just right of the hole 10 just chalk it up as four Chase well that’s four I absolutely love it dude like he’s got to get his own roast Channel or something okay we’re hitting golf balls practicing yeah Tak got to work on technique a little bit here next one’s a par five that’s actually solid yeah might go in the green cut a little more yeah which one do you want to use the one next to the hole or the one next to the green Nice Shot pry thanks wow would you say the Difference Maker in challenges is the putting if you guys drain a few long Eagle putts I mean that’s that’s usually the difference that’s it you know with par 3s and draining a few putts uh is important banging drivers is fun but making putts is the more important piece how come I hit my iron farther than you I thought you were a long driver yeah that’s what I thought too but I feel like I transition into a putting master or something because I’m about to make an eag that 14 ft I’ll tell you exactly 14t Okay so 14t that is yeah you’re you’re system4 M yeah you guys don’t have like a feet thing at all do you cers and meters right we don’t have a feet thing no we have a system that actually makes sense yeah it’s going left right here yes quite a bit it’s going downhill too but we’re going to hammer it it’s a little downhill but it’s still it’s it’s the grain’s going into into you so slope wise how would you call this how many like the percentage oh it’s like a 2 and a half two 2% and yeah but it’s slow so it’s not going to break crazy amount it’s pretty neutral in speed go go go all right that sucked that’s okay oh my gosh that’s terrible ah all right not our best not my best my shot Chase well uh we have part five coming up so oh that’s great yeah can we a driver oh yeah oh finally a driver let’s go we can actually drive this dream so it’s 397 to the pin from here and it’s a little downwind so with a play driver I think we can get there this is where you got to make your mark on this video this is where I come play driver holes and bom in a few puts yeah and we haven’t had any wedges yet because he’s hitting all these greens I’m the wedge guy of the group let me uh go and hit it uh yeah you want to lay up funny guy over here but he’s that’s true yeah I mean can’t get any better is that in the green side probably GRE just short just short of the green side bunker it’s greens side for sure it’s perfect that is was a nice drive I’ll take it really good show just yeah right the green the angle wherever you see the green just hit it there oh just like that just like that that’s how it works yep that’s how Golf Works okay aim and shoot all right come on Martin see high bomb let’s go my only goal is to hit it further than you it was P though it might be right next to the green but I think yours is better we’ll see I don’t know there’s plenty of par fives but also hey plenty of par fivs yeah we can still drive the green on the next one but we can still make Eagle let’s roll Bryson dude like you had the distance I probably did but there’s trees on the right I didn’t know if it open up or not it’s okay oh there’s water there’s water on the right I didn’t want to let you know you knew trying to no yeah I’m just trying to keep it free for you okay I don’t want I don’t want you to tighten up or anything I just want you to go for it I mean yeah that was a good strike though it was it was a good strike oh wait there’s a ball up there wait a second dude what is that hopefully dude if if if that hit like off the freaking if that hit off the freaking cart path or something reusing my ball again no offense I mean this time you let me chip first right yes 100% let you go here’s my contribution it’s 34 yards Martin throw it halfway on 34 yards halfway yeah so I land it like 25 right yeah it goes to the right yeah look check out this placement of the golf ball I mean like a foot longer that’s in the bunker that’s Bryson right there for you he’s on fire hey Bryson just saying yeah pretty much what you told me yeah yeah I was wrong all right caddy I was wrong you’re on the wrong side of the B on the right side of the bag actually that was EXA my I wanted to play it exactly that was a good shot thank you also you can play off of that yeah for once thank you that is perfect come on roll a bit more go just clipped it a little too thin I’ll take that okay putting for three I like threes you’re saying just outside the hole I mean we drove the green we better get the make Eagle here I would say right here 3 4 in yeah left of the hole there’s a butterfly did did you see that guy that was so fun did you see that guy nice he was already celebrating the eagle let’s go let’s go contribution right there four under let’s go contribution contribution good job let’s go we are 4 under through three on track that’s right let’s go 48 watch screw 49 let’s go cuz it’s going to play like 290 and it’s going to run a lot let me go first okay let’s see what you got what what are you hitting I don’t know you don’t know I think I’m just going a soft 3-wood soft 3-wood yeah it’s like 290 so just like a chip Three Wood Martin let’s see what you got buddy oh yeah come on blow a little more blow harder blow blow blow blow we need this wind to pick up yep Martin the green is like 40 yards right of that I didn’t hear anything break but 49 it’s actually open over I think I think it’s yeah you’re 40 yards left that’s right next to the green that’s how I see it here we go nice little chip 3-wood here yeah be good dude be good come on get in the hole just just go in the hole Yeah it’s right next to the hole it kicked a little right hey you filming with him a lot right is he always like that like that was one of the better shots I’ve seen hey look at Chase saying that soft little three-wood baby you can pick that ball up I got it oh brycey Bryce that was nuts actually what a shot oh sick goodness this is a big breaker though we need to make this to be very well on Pace all right Martin where is it like it ran up I almost feel like it pitched even oh no this is the pitch mark all right these are your moments you make these I I know man like this is this is the one this is where I’m here this is oh my God Bryson this is a really sever side slope oh yeah it’s like right here don’t you think it’s more if you hit it hard no no cuz you got to hit it so hard oh because it’s uphill yeah okay so and straight out at the end [Music] okay break break break yes yes let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go that’s sick what is it 600 oh six let’s go Bryson let’s go this is a record the best start I love being a part of this team let’s go this is the best start so far you you are him I am him I don’t know what that means that’s a gen Z thing all right I think so I am him then I’m Translating that to German it doesn’t make sense what would it translate to German S A you hitting driver 3-wood it’s into the wind it’s like playing 320 I’m going to have to h a good one here all right 320 little crosswind into the wind see if I can replicate what I did on the last toll get left the wind the wind’s pushing it that pushed it hard I think it’s just in the bunker there bunker possibly that’s all right all right Martin I mean all I can do all I can do is try to hit like aood I I don’t have that distance in my bag man because I really need it okay where do I need when do I need that right now yeah yeah let me just put it on the green like look look how I’m doing this like this is like the the special shot like it’s a special shot stay left they might be right next to you stick that’s short true ah all right well look that’s how you do it you got to just like a choke down on it and then you hit a little high in the face and it’s going what is this it’s a trick he this is my moment I feel like this is my moment because I know I know I ke yeah but look it’s only whole five right we got plenty of time and also look I put it in the first cut let’s just call it the first cut and Bryson’s in the bunker so he’s going to probably going to be like yeah Martin you’re in the in the grass so let’s take your ball instead of mine Bryson what do you think like look we got one there one here like which one do you want to play okay I can see this going in can you come on Bryson let’s go oh my God what was that what the heck hold the phone that was that was weird all right Martin you’ve been talking up your wedge game this whole time yeah now I finally got my chance to prove it oh my gosh that was a great shot I went for it look proved it all right Martin we get to use your shot there oh yeah this is just left Edge Linka Linka okay left edge here 6 feet yeah maybe just fraction outside just a fraction what’s the grain doing uh it’s Dow grain but at the hole it’s going right so it’s just left Edge okay oh wow didn’t break good try left Edge there it is easy peasy I little birdie welcome thank you we you used a shot on your hole yeah wow he surprised saying today he’s still surprised I know but he has no IDE we used a shot on this hole of yours yeah we was one of your shots today and I dude I introduced myself as the weder the group from the very beginning that’s true and I’m delivering that’s what I’m doing okay it’s going to play like 65 yards it’s downwind a little bit so just a nice little brush of the feather okay like that the brush of the feather yep paint brush stroke yeah I know every single of [Music] those that’s a little left and long oh it’s a little long that was bad wasn’t your best but hey we hit a green come on Bryson inside of that oh that’s perfect get in the hole please get in just get in the hole oh my God goodness no way I thought that are you kidding me I thought I made that dang it let’s go look the way I’m setting you up is it’s just I mean perfect almost that would have been so sick an inch away from perfect let’s go what wow wow you know what the best part about this is I can finally again showcase my putting let’s go wow what did you actually hit like 63 yards 64 yards no what club oh 60° 60° mhm I got you bro I got you this is my moment can we get like some dramatic music going when I’m walking onto the green and I’m about to make this bird for us as a team let’s go seven under eight eight we had this yeah eight eight under through six let’s go we’re on track I’ve never seen a display I didn’t quite like that did you see also the green reading no doubt all right this is another driveable part five that’s awesome we are careering it 8 under through six yeah roughly 8 through six let’s not stop the momentum there’s no stop on this gas pedal I got to smoke this one smoke it all right I don’t think I can get there but I’m going to give it my best you can let’s [Music] go yo that’s absolutely perfect let’s go go right the flag again oh get up there D get up that’s right up there that’s like there like 10 short of green oh my gosh I’m unbelievable today I’m playing great dude I love this so much it’s just beautiful so we’re good just knock it in the hole hey get a condor anybody know what a condor is it’s an ostrich isn’t it no not the Condor isn’t it is a condor a one yeah I know it’s a bird but like an ostrich is an is like a one a one I thought a one on part five is an ostrich no we call it a condor in the states maybe in Germany you call it an ostrich you weirdos can we please Google that can we please Google that I mean hello oh no that’s so close it’s so far beyond the green I can’t see oh my gosh dude I I honestly think it’s in the bunker that was smoked it was it was just a little too far left something like that bro look at your ball that’s not bad little short but it’s okay so perfect it’s pretty solid I mean the Fairway is like 5 yd wide in that spot and you hit it I will take that that is so definitely also Bryson like such shots do you laser yeah he’s lasering them what a question no 42 yards 36 I’m trying to play at 38 yards you play 38 yeah yeah you go first come on go yeah well get in the hole yep oh my my goodness gosh it’s two in a row what is life so great it’s just so good cannot believe it how good this is oh do it knock it in fly in oh good try all right let’s go it’s all you can do go aggressive on it yeah it’s all you can do chip it in that was a good Eagle I’ll take that eagle any day we’re making threes mean that’s how you do it all the time this is the first break 50 video where your wedges have been dialed this is the toughest test right here so Par 3 133 yards wind off the left into wind is a little off the left and into US 133 I’m going play like 140 mhm um this is not going to be easy folks is where it gets serious if we make birdie here we’re well on our way to doing something special today oh wow that’s very true are you ready to be a part of Something Special M yeah and also I got a wedging hand so that’s perfect I go 50° on this you want to go first absolutely what are you hitting I’m playing like a 145 shot pitching wedge should be actually playing like a 10:00 pitching wedge but sit I don’t know I don’t I don’t think so oh it’s good I mean it’s okay that’s fine that’s a but that’s a birdie putt yeah pretty just put it inside me and we’re good let’s go oh no that’s moving it oh the wind’s taking it wow that thought it was coming off the left dude and it’s short well should have been a 10:00 pitching wedge whoops you know what oh well I got you bro we’re on the green it’s all good good right you got the wedger of the group taken care of you it’s all good oh boy oh boy that’s why we have Partners someone that can do the wedge game and then someone that can uh hit the long drives oh yeah uphill I see it yeah I see it we just got to hey Chase we just we just got to hammer it in that’s what it is just right in the heart it’s about a foot to the left foot left of the hole one foot left okay 33 ft really think it’s breaking that much okay oh yeah because it’s uphill too yeah well that’s not the reason but it’s breaking a foot 33t a little up the hill okay so let’s ram it in there come on MH good try MH SL how far out did you say did you think you played that yeah I not not as much as you said like play it maybe out here you played it there mhm is this like a foot is that where you play do you feel like you played it there or no mhm yeah that’s where it started oh wow that’s okay hey not great it’s a first par it’s a three yeah let’s call it a three okay it is a three you can’t think in like par stuff here it’s a three son of a gun hey we have three eagles already we can make more we need to make every single Eagle we can yeah we can make more let’s make more it’s okay man we got we we’re going to have these holes it’s going to happen it’s going to happen it was a it was a tough hole it was actually an easy hole for a normal yeah play for normal play exactly but for this type of play that was rough it was come on let’s go 300 into the win we’re making Eagle we’re making Eagle got to make it it’s like 290 into wind though yeah I got to pump it should be on the left side of this tree bark pretty much right in that area are you going three-wood or like mini driver this is mini driver three wood driver I did just like a soft cut driver for you okay Par Four into the win this is where the tough stretch begins we got to make some damage here that’s pretty solid right on the line got to see where that goes but that was right on line dude that so that line is perfect yeah yes exactly okay it’s interesting because the wind is going like it’s it’s picking up and it’s stopping it’s picking up so might as well go choke down driver yeah have to that’s all I have cut cut cut that was actually trekking the card yeah see that that’s my game you know that’s my game I put it right next to the green and then the wedge comes going to be fun back you want the bunker yep we can get up we can use your wedge game all right your wedge game will be perfect for it all right Martin I’m going show you what it’s all about here that’s an interesting shot wow that is sick sit that’s fine yeah man yeah we’re making that uh it comes out a little right just a little bit not too much run it does okay that’s not bad that’s pretty solid uhak I told you I’m the WeDo of the groove you just list right there if you ever want to get like a proper short game lesson hit up my DMs right now on IG yeah book in now all right Martin you want to make it or you want me to make it I want you to make it all right solo birdie it I’m going to glove it on perfect easy peasy lemon squeezy hey that was a solid birdie solid birdie we needed it to maintain course we’re doing just fine that’s through nine holes what are we I think we’re 11 under yeah we made one par and three eagles all right we got to go 12 under the back n then yeah and let’s so let’s go so let’s go so let’s go what’s the big deal that’s uh 2300 under through n with a long driver it’s pretty good 105 so play this like 100 i’ no i’ yeah play like 97 yards Martin all I like it I like I like such a shot it’s y about 97 97 yards come on Martin let’s see something special with your wedge game you’re missing wday over the green no it’s not okay look how it’s spinning back towards the hole that that was the plan the whole time I mean bro look I went out here last night I studied the greens and everything right just get out of here just get out of here that was lucky it was good though that’s absolutely perfect come on get in the hole this time just bro I mean sorry man G sorry how Saucy can it get like what the freak is going on dude my putting statistics today are like through the roof like so good I’ll take that any day of the week wow that was you almost dunked it oh yeah I know that would have been sick I almost dunked it twice today three times and he’s just look this is the amount of trust he’s got in me like he’s just chilling up there doesn’t even bring a putter he’s not even coming it’s perfect hey don’t fall asleep okay I got talk to you about ate sleep here in a second is that the thing you use to trck your sleeve yes yes pretty sick actually uh literally the new pod 4 is coming out so it gets you better sleep get me one of those 99% accurate data did you just say they released a new pod 4 yeah they released a new pod 4 the new features on it oh so good right in the hole right in the hole twice as uh good at cooling there’s also uh a place on the Pod 4 to touch so you don’t have to use your phone you can touch if you want it cooler or hotter which is kind of cool that’s cool yeah it’s pretty sick so what you set it to oh I set it to minus 1° so just like to keep it barely cool enough for me to just get to sleep cuz health studies say that you only need probably one degree of body temperature change for you to fall into that deep sleep and so you can measure your sleep throughout the whole entire night and it allows me to see if I’m getting good rest it can track when I’m going to get sick too so just keeping it consistent uh knowing what you’re doing every single night and and I’m not saying just year or whatever throughout the course of you using it over the course of time you’re just going to see how your health is going to improve over the course of of your life because you know the information you know what you need to do you know if you need to get more rest by first up want a hot dog up here get some Waters hot dog did you drink this you drink that I drink that I did not drink this because this is I thought this is warm and you want that I’ll take this yeah you like the warm stuff right or like the up yeah perfect hotty doy hotty doggy all right little gzy stop after doing that I learned that from Paige what eating glizzies we were through three par threes and we’re two under and we’re still on track still on track meaning we’re 12 under par through 10 holes one underpar on the back n we’ve got 11 more birdies to go to shoot 49 got some opportunity here man the best opportunity we’ve ever had R let’s roll let’s go let’s freaking roll 300 oh yeah 300 down off the left you going three-wood uhhuh soft three-wood okay you got to smoke this one dude yeah come on hit hit goes three iron hit jumbo Max Callaway Odyssey lenburg paining her shoes he loves it all go all right that’s pretty solid that’s right there dude that’s tracking it’s right at it sit con have be the right distance be the right distance oh it’s long come back come back come back come back oh that was so good too long is always like a it shows dominance that’s great asserting dominance yeah exactly his wedge game is impeccable exactly right oh that’s a beautiful word impeccable Condor ostrich ostrich a bird bird right there it’s called a swallow swallow yeah look at the tail SCH in German SCH viable MH yeah you’re closer closer but I don’t know what do you think here Bryson honestly I mean I’m in The Fringe but I think that one is easier for birdie this one is more likely for an Eagle true course management so he hit it closer to the hole but I’m in a better spot look this shot is so much easier that other one was just going to be a little too tough just stop cool I didn’t know we started playing safe around here but it’s okay we’re trying to break 50 15 I’m going to hit this thing right in that dark spot and let it run out come on that thing is perfect go in the oh that was so close dude shot thanks that was perfect okay play it safe play it safe so what about this grain can I just disregard it tow in and close the face trust me you’ve got to close the face and make it go like that so do it again there you go like that yes wow but but swing to the right like that yeah yes it’s going to dig it a little bit no it shouldn’t you just Glide it Glide it just graze it TR like a cow in the fields okay let me try that there you go and now come down there come on down there I’ve seen better but that’s that’s the start when that left the face I thought it was way better that’s okay though that was a good shot what did you just chip it in yeah I mean I was prepared for some heavy work but okay we made so we’re on track still on track we need I mean my meth is right we need two more Eagles yeah or three no we need three we need three eagles still on track no mistakes no errors good a roll let’s go right off the right but five so we have to Eagle this to have a chance break 50 Bryson you’re the you’re the guy of the group that puts it in play okay so if you don’t mind would you just do that anything for you Martin and I appreciate that yep and now wind blow come on wind dude that was a sick shot the oh the bounce is good yeah it’s all good oh it’s like 440 it’s pretty far with this wind I don’t think I can reach pump it I probably do but I really have to pump it and also we’re and play so might as well just pump it what is this guy doing smoke it give it all you [Music] got oh shoot it’s going right at the green that’s perfect that’s got to be perfect dude that’s that that’s got to be just short of the Green Let’s Go Eagle time maybe Albatross Albatross time let’s go you just chip it in you you came so close so many times that was really good 83 yards shot there we go 83 beautiful it’s not a fairway hit but that’s not what I’m looking for look for long balls in play that’s the deal let’s go 83 yards I’m going to play this just a little uh under that and uh 83 yards I’m going land at three yards short 80 yards wow that came out like High it’s absolutely cool ah you don’t like that n well it it’s it’s G to come out High because of the rough I just didn’t think it would be that short compared got pot for Eagle yeah I mean compared to what you did on the last couple holes I agree with you but that was not a bad shot at all that’s the rough 83 yards okay like 85 go I don’t know if is it you I don’t know barely it’s so close I mean Bryson I know it’s your channel but I feel like we should use mine this is about a foot and a half out foot out want to see a good one here come on uphill it’s slow I’m I’m Going Hammer it about a foot out it’s [Music] perfect go go hit it hit it and it’s in the hole all right I got to make this yes thank you I agree with you that’s not good dude you got it oh son of a gun that was all because of the wed shot we got to make three eagles dang it we have to and we will let’s go come on man well come on that’s uh we’re 13 under no no no 14 under we can still do it though oh yeah we need nine more so we make we need to make a couple more three more Eagles three it’s just three more Eagles and buring every single other hole exactly right that’s it it BR like honestly this hole like 355 that that plays 400 with this wind yeah pretty close to that yeah that’s why I got you here yeah come on dude we need to make three more Eagles dude we got to do some magic here yeah I know let’s go let’s roll that thing is absolutely perfect just a little hook oh wind got it the wind’s pushing it that’s fine yeah that’s fine oh he did it that thing might actually come on I don’t know but that’s perfect it went right at the flag dude let’s freaking Roll come on now you got to chip it in that’s all you got to do let’s freaking roll that might have been the stest driver I’ve ever seen you hit oh my god really you were at the freaking world championship when I beat him Bryson can you coach me a little bit here um need help yeah I mean it’s how how it’s going it’s left Edge and what kind of shot low put it toe just let it run out low Runner yep little into the grain low Runner toe close the toe a little bit boom that’s how it is that’s how you do it sweep it oh boy go go go in the hole good try good coaching no just put it in yep got to hit this thing low and Scoot it scoot It and Boot It hit it this was the roughest hole it was it was made it easy too by the way which is nice yeah Co rules that counts right as soon as you hit the flag stick you’re good right do you remember that back in the days that’s right he BR what did you contribute to this hole huh Two Shots oh cuz you missed that last two missed it and then you missed it again then I hit mine in okay so we pick your chip yeah that’s right okay okay good that’s why I had switch too okay good where is where is this blowing it’s a little down and off the [Music] right ah little left don’t breathe like that when you’re around me don’t do that to me you said a little left yeah dude for me that’s a little it’s in play so it’s a little we can play it’s not OB yeah right there that’s that get right perfect go a short I suck see if you can pick this up watch this come on get it get it get it get it get it no oh my go he missed it he missed it are you kidding me thanks a what a dork okay Martin okay Bryson this is gigantic just like your drives for Eagle for Eagle we’ve got to we have to make three eagles coming in birdie every hole so this is all up to you partner is it pretty straight it’s pretty straight may go right at the first bout and then the last part of it it’s going to go straight just like a left dead shot landed a quar of the way on run it out give it a good chance oh go go go in in no it’s short that was a great try sorry that was a great shot Hulk how the heck did that check and how did it check to the left that’s my question like how is that possible want me to chip it in this time like oh boy oh boy well we’re making the birdies look easy but we need those Eagles we do but hey plenty of holes four more let’s just Eagle all of them everything not like the 49 crap let’s do the 48 one that’s right let’s go all right we’re 16 under folks super important we got to hole out here we got to make we got to make a few more Eagles dude how far is this thing 143 playing like 135 let’s just hold out okay I got 50° it’s going too far I go half swing just like Bryson taught me mhm half swing half swing it’s all right still going too far I told you still going too far it’s right at it just hold out just go in the hole oh go Oh short no ah also I feel like right now there’s not much wind I thought the wind was more kind of died kind of died that moment that was perfectly right at it too yep how about I putt first this time wow oh that’s not freaking breaking at all I couldn’t believe that didn’t break come on Martin knock it in this is got finally have it’s just outside the left Edge you got to smoke it right there come on come on break over we still have a chance do we can we shoot 50 at least if we still have a par five what most people forget is you can make a two On a par five do we still have a par five coming up yeah we doy if I go first yeah go ahead what do we got here yeah we got a 230 yard par 4 now the wind’s picking up again a little bit it’s right in our face right in our face so I had five might need to be five iron yeah I go five iron too let’s see if the distance is right it’s too far right oh should be pretty close to good really bad kick but I think the distance is good two 230 into the wind I’m might have to take a little bit off of this there is a foreign though crap Ah that’s my line stay there come on dang it are you going 60 oh yeah yeah absolutely let’s see what what you got here come on Martin all right out to the so it’s going to play like 4et out to the right yeah it’s going to drop to the left you want to just land it barely on land it on I think it’s that fast okay yeah it’ll come down pretty quick I mean I’m the wedge guy of the group still so I’m like here I am here I am that’s pretty good that’s really good come on go go look too late wow too hot came out wow wow okay it’s going to be a lot softer based on what I just saw that’s got to be perfect turn more wow come on oh my gosh I mean you’re chipping it oh yeah chippy chippy you know me I got a putter bro just in case okay here we go okay Co rules gosh well okay that’s not our best it’s a three it’s still a three okay we’ve got two more holes a par four par five coming up let’s go Eagle Albatros ostrich Eagle Condor eag Eagle Condor is the way to go well it’s 275 into the wind three W perfect for me beautiful so I’m excited for this one I want see what you got you want me to lay up first sure first I mean I can try to roll one up there just get to that front edge you know yeah bullet it a bullet three iron bullet come on go go go go go go I mean that’s a freaking bullet shot man that’s bunker okay that’s bunker you’re fine we’re fine dude that was a sick shot I like that that was ack not long enough but I like the shot Come on B oh I thin healed it but still it’s I think it’s on green come on go roll run run run run run that’s short so high up in the air the wind like crazy well that’s all right come on let me go first let the let the wedger of the group do this first come on Green Machine come on Hulk yeah I mean see what you got the people haven’t seen me yet because I’m so like C camoed besides your orange shoes exactly right yeah brys played 18 holes with shoes yep okay so a little little rightt right 3T right mhm go go go go oh oh my God okay it’s all right yeah you are right like halfway I thought like oh that was a good shot no it wasn’t nope nope oh my short still short wow oh my gosh that is just crazy to what you hit I 50° too yeah it was like low and roll at all GE I mean it’s into wind uphill yeah I get it wow this is snapping is it uh shouldn’t be that much really it looks like a freaking Mountain I know it’s 20 ft how hard we’re hitting it shouldn’t be that much oh my God it’s Wow Come on Martin come on let’s go hammer it are you kidding me wow where are we at right now not enough we’re 1700 1700 so that means right now is a 55 I mean that was that was like the definition of a weak finish like oh crap God and all these last holes are into wind too thank you they got hard quick come on Bryson mind if I go first no go please I want you to pump this thing I’mma pump this thing I’mma pump it up pump it pump it oh my gosh please please bro bro that’s so good bro get up there I mean dude I don’t I mean it was right at the right at the flag I don’t know where it is there’s not very many times I have to say this but I don’t need a hit but I’m going to hit you want to hit you don’t have to but you want to just get a little bit of practice in for next weekend okay that’s exactly right take nothing nothing less than perfect huh get up there that was a good drive come on let’s make a three let’s make a two two let’s make two not let’s make a two come on I think something special is brewing well I guess we did need to use my shot you don’t need a hit Bryson huh thanks for hitting didn’t even know this bunker was here oh crap right at the freaking pin I didn’t know either that was a great drive though Martin yeah thanks man far is it uh 108 100 I’m going to play this like 120 I need lower launch so I’m going to go with a 45 degree 45 yeah or 5 45 yeah watch it’s going to play like 1 120 and we go just under 10 o00 now spin back and that’s what it does yeah not far enough though wow thought that was going to come back more you don’t like that no that didn’t get hit by the wind as much as I well it went up in the air it went like three different directions because the wind pushed it aim a little right this time you been pulling your wedges that’s true like that that’s too far right you got to feel these divits man yeah I dug to China there oh my God dug it to the core hey hey you pulling your wedges I really try this time I really try to keep the a little right yards right okay Bryson tell me about it pretty uh left to right so I’d go just you know 4 in left the hole downhill too yeah little downhill dude that’s breaking a lot more yeah did a lot a lot more and I felt it Miss right in the exact same spot oh that’s the most disappointing finish in this break 50 [Music] Series we could do it we could do it 100% oh [Music]


  1. I usually don't watch all of a 50 minute video, but damn, watched every shot. Probably the best series for golf on here. Lots of fun all around. Would like to see some behind the scenes banter as well.

  2. I think i threw my back out just watching you guys swing. But great Wedges too. Good luck this weekend 👍

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