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Busy 49ers AM Update: Why SF signed OL Chris Hubbard; 49ers vs Jets — Aaron Rodgers vs Brock Purdy

Busy 49ers AM Update: Why SF signed OL Chris Hubbard; 49ers vs Jets — Aaron Rodgers vs Brock Purdy


all right busy 49ers morning they’ve add it yet another player according to Jeremy Fowler Chris hubard the veteran swing tackle is signing with the 49ers they have needed a swing tackle that was definitely a position of concern and hubber has actually done that and he’s done that for a long time in the NFL again 33 years old was last with the Tennessee Titans the pass blocking actually wasn’t bad for Chris hubard last season the concern has been injuries for him over the past three years he hadn’t finished him healthy tore his biceps muscle that cut his 2023 campaign short but again you wouldn’t expect a player to be available right now without some sort of limiting factor and the 49ers are not signing Chris hubber to be a starter they need insulation along that offensive line and this is a player who’s actually played all five offensive line positions over the course of his NFL career including two snaps at Center a few years ago I don’t expect Chris hubard to be at center for the 49ers but he’s played mostly right tackle has played enough left tackle to be considered swing option has played Right Guard and left guard and those two snaps at Center so two moves for the 49ers over the course of the last 12 hours or so maybe a little bit more than 12 hours they also signed the big defensive lineman shael Brown after a tryy out that tryy out happened during the rookie mini camp so we can slot both of these guys into the 49ers 90 man roster I already talked about Shaquelle Brown last night so you can go ahead and look up that video whenever you have a chance but for now swing tackle Chris hubard needs to be added onto the roster and with the addition of Chris hubard who I think is a favorite to make this team I I do think the 49ers would like him more than Jaylen Moore assuming that he can stay healthy the addition of Chris hubber gives the 49ers a full house along that offensive line I’ll slot him right now into the right tackle spot but I’m probably gonna move one of these players out either Jaylen Moore I think Spencer berford he’s entering his third year now probably still makes the team I would think they still have some belief in Spencer berford although the metrics weren’t good for him last year Nick zakel could be somebody that doesn’t make the team for the 49ers there’s GNA be some real competition over the course of training camp to see who’s on the inside of the 53 man picture and who’s on the outside of it but Chris hubard highlighted in teal has joined San Francisco as a swing tackle and obviously you can see behind Colton mckivitz behind Trent Williams a definite position of need they no longer have Matt prior on the roster prior was with the team for one year the problem is that Jaylen Moore I think is much better at left tackle with the footwork than at right tackle and it almost necessitated the 49ers to have two swing tackles last year with Matt PRI working on the right side and Jaylen Moore working on the left side and that meant that you took up an extra roster spot somebody like Chris Hubbert has played both and has played decently well on both sides so the 49ers might think that okay we can get away with just having one swing tackle on the roster this year because he can actually swing he could actually play both of those positions so that’s what the hubard signing is all about for the 49ers I mentioned that it was a busy busy morning well the 49ers are going to be playing the Jets in the season opener Monday Night Football September 9th that is the news of the morning it dropped at about I would say 5:30 a.m. Pacific time for those of you who are still asleep there is some you know compelling backstory to this matchup obviously you’ve got Aaron roders against Brock pie remember Aaron Rogers didn’t really get a chance to play last year because he tore his Achilles on the first drive of the season for the Jets I believe that was also Monday Night Football I was watching that flying home from Pittsburgh after the 49ers had beaten the Steelers in week one so Rogers will presumably return Brock bir is going to be on the other side and that is the number one 49ers offense that Brock birdie is helming up against the number three Jets defense coordinated by the coach Robert Salah and the DC jeffb who are both former 49ers oldb a linebacker for the 49ers and there were rumors that San Francisco was trying to primy him away from the Jets to be their next defensive coordinator but he was under contract with New York so the Jets did not allow that to happen so Salah on one side against Kyle Shanahan on the other Salah obviously the former defensive coordinator for the 49ers and Aaron Rogers on one side Brock pie on the other I think this is going to be a test for both offensive lines when you look at the fact the Jets have a good defense and I think the 49ers are hoping to make a surge back up to defensive rankings after sliding a it but they were still a good defense last year they just weren’t great they just weren’t a top three unit like the Jets are so it’s going to be a load for the 49ers offensive line to handle and the Jets who added Tyron Smith the left tackle this off season former Cowboys tackle they their offensive line was atrocious last year you’re part of the reason why Aaron Rogers got hurt so early in the season they’re trying to get better there to improve the offense which was ranked number 32 in the League last year after Rogers went down so we we’ll see if they can turn it around against the 49ers but I think the Marquee matchup here is Kyle shanahans offense against the Robert Salah jeffri defense to open the season Monday Night Football the last time that the 49ers and the Jets opened the season against one another was 1998 Candlestick Park then known as 3om Park went to overtime tied at 30 49ers were backed up against their own four yard line and they called a run to Garrison Hurst Hurst took it 96 yards the longest run in 49ers franchise history for a touchdown a walk-off touchdown the 49ers beat the Jets 3630 on the play Terell ens had an amazing hustle play and block you sprinted downfield passed Garrison Hurst on the way and was his escort into the end zone but we cannot forget what Dave Fior the 49ers right tackle on the play did he also was sprinting out in front of the play and was also a road grader for Garrison Hurst Fior wore number 74 and his big time movement on that one was evocative of Joe Staley who was out in front of a lot of plays with his speed but Joe Staley obviously famously LED Alex Smith in that January 2012 divisional playoff game against the Saints on the quarterback sweep into the end zone that was about 13 years after this 1998 season opener against the Jets Fior and Staley both wore number 74 so there was a little parallel there connecting 49ers it’s all in the past now but connecting the 49ers past and the future at the time if you want to connect the past with the present well Terell Owens who had that block his son now is on the 49ers we’ll see if his son is still on the 49ers at the time of this season opener which is coming on September 9th at Levi Stadium they don’t like to have afternoon games in September at Levis because it gets a little too hot right so this is a night game this shouldn’t be as much of an issue uh it will be light outside probably for the entire first half this is still early in the season but it will end in the Darkness at Levis on September 9th 520 kickoff maybe 515 whenever these Monday night games start Joe Buck Troy Aman in the booth ESPN game 49ers in the Jets plenty of compelling storylines including this one I guess there was a little bit of a beef at least online between charvarius Ward and S Gardner the two cornerbacks s Gardner after the Chiefs beat the 49ers in the Super Bowl said I told you all 49ers might look better on paper but the Chiefs always find a way and then charvarius Ward not happy with that your ass ain’t never sniffed the playoffs you watching from the couch worry about the sorry ass Jets everybody got something to say about the team in the Super Bowl your opinion doesn’t need to be heard kid that’s what charvarius award said on Twitter in response to saag garders there you go the Jets have some good DBS that’s going to be an interesting test for Brock birdie and then Aaron Rogers is going to be working against charvarius Warden company I think the 49ers DB room is deeper than it has been at any point during the Kyle Shanahan John Lynch tenure wow interesting heard Jeff Duncan the 49ers and the Saints to hold joint practices in Irvine ahead of their preseason game so the 49ers and the Chargers are going to be playing in the preseason as well I would think that the 49ers and the Chargers are going to be holding joint practices but the 49ers and the Saints are also going to be holding joint practices and I guess the news there is the 49ers and the Saints are going to be playing in the preseason I I didn’t know that that would be the case the first 49ers Saints preseason game since 2011 Jim Harbaugh’s first year when the saints ran a bunch of blitzes against the 49ers in the preseason in San Francisco that was a lockout year so that they didn’t have an offseason program they weren’t ready to pick up the blitzes and Jim Harbaugh wasn’t very happy about that the 49 of course exacted their Vengeance in the postseason that was the game where Joe Staley ran out in front of Alex Smith on the quarterback’s sweep and I just compared that to Dave Fior so why does everything always tie together and connect that’s really cool this is that’s from Matt barrows or via Matt barrows from Jeff Duncan per Jeff Duncan the 49ers is the Saints to hold joint practices in Irvine ahead of their preseason game 4 that that I guess UC Irvine that’s where the Rams have training camp had training camp I don’t know if the Rams will continue to have training camp in Irvine if it’s at UC Irvine obviously the Chargers formerly were at Costa Mesa I don’t know if they’re still going to be in Costa Mesa which is right there by Irvine that’s where the 49ers held the joint practices with the Chargers in 2021 but I know do know that I think that the 49ers will have a road preseason game against Jim Harbaugh the Chargers and I do wonder if they’re going to have joint practices as well but we do know now that the 49ers and the Jets are going to be the season opener on September 9th we also know that the 49ers have signed Shaquelle Brown the defensive lineman after his try out with the 49ers this past Friday if you want a quick look at shael Brown here you go this is some video that I got from the 49ers rookie mini camp shael Brown formerly with the Tennessee Titans actually Shaquelle Brown formerly with the Titans so it’s Chris hubard Chris hubber was with the Titans last year so an offensive lineman and a defensive lineman both added by the 49ers here over the course of the last 15 hours or so both of them have their former team as the Tennessee Titans and as I said everything connects I’m actually doing this show from Nashville Tennessee before I fly out to San Francisco on Thursday morning for the Dwight Clark Legacy series event so for some reason everything is is connecting here we couldn’t have scripted it any better so 49ers Jets Chris hubard Shaquelle Brown Salah Shanahan Rogers pie storylines Galore we don’t forget Garrison hurst’s 96 yard touchdown run against the Jets in 1998 I had an article that came out this morning on the athletic you know Speaking of Chris hubard and the 49ers offensive line why don’t we talk about some of the rookies and you know I call it the athletic we’re it’s now officially merged with the New York Times so whenever I do release an article as you can see here it’s in the New York Times font you can go check it out Dominic Poney Jared Kingston and the 49ers offensive lines focus on the short shuttle so I’m going to copy and paste this I’m going to toss it into the comments section you guys can go ahead and click on the link it’s probably a good time to sign up for the athletic because you got Insight like this I’m going to send it to Mike as well if you can put this in the description yeah yes this is also a thing very quickly two players are going to be getting cut to make room for Chris hubard and for Shaquelle Brown we don’t know who’s going to be cut yet though anyway back to the article up on the screen the 49ers added four offensive linemen this rookie acquisition period they added Dominic puny they added Jared Kingston then they went into undrafted free agency they added Drake nent out of Michigan and Bryson Mays out of Southern Mississippi all four of these linemen ran exceptionally quick short shuttle times the short shuttle is a back and forth Sprint that measures explosion and change of Direction before the 2018 draft only 28 offensive linemen at the comine had run short shuttle times of 4.47 seconds or faster since 201 10 this was according to Josh Norris who does a great job tracking the Draft tracking the combine of those 28 I think 24 or 25 became NFL starters and oh no 24 or 25 were drafted and of of those 24- 25 84% of total snaps were were played so basically what Josh Norris found was that running a 447 or faster at the NFL combine as an offensive lineman seemed to be the most Surefire statistical ticket the most closest correlation to success as an offensive lineman in the league so you looked at Dominic puny he ran a 440 short shuttle extremely quick moving side to side even at 313 pounds that was the 49ers third round pick this year Jared Kingston ran a 447 short shuttle so right at that cut off uh Bryson ma didn’t go to the combine but ran a 446 short shuttle and Drake nent ran a 450 short shuttle just a little bit slower than the cutoff but the point is that all four linemen that the 49ers added during this acquisition period ran extremely quick short shuttles which seems to be a very analytically oriented development from the 49ers on the other hand three starter from the 2023 season up front for the forers ran particularly slow short shuttles below average short shuttles that included Aaron Banks the starter at left guard Spencer berford the starter at Right Guard and Colton mckivitz the starter at right tackle so maybe the 49ers have said okay wait we’re not getting the performance we want to from this offensive line especially in pass protection where they ranked in the 20s and they’ve said we need to find a way to do a better job drafting offensive lineman maybe we need to be a little bit more analytically oriented about this since these players that they drafted Banks berford and mckivitz were not good in the short shuttle and since the analytics people have found that the short shuttle seems to be very correlated to draft to to NFL success for offensive lineman via the draft maybe the 49ers gave a little bit more say a little bit more input to their R&D their research and development department this offseason at least on the surface that’s what it appears to be to me because right after they drafted Dominic Poney Kyle Shanahan was talking about his short shuttle he said that it matched the tape this guy moves extremely quickly I told you guys about Dominic Poney last week after I first met him interview it seemed to me that he carried the 313 pounds really well Mom’s a volleyball player dad was a football player one of his brothers was was a wide receiver other one of his brothers got a cup of coffee with the Cowboys as an offensive tackle it seems you know to me that Dominic puny genetically has everything that he needs to be a good athletic NFL offensive lineman and a very fast short shuttle of 440 reflects that by the way Jake brindle also has a really quick short shuttle 427 it’s one of the the quickest ones that we’ve seen and we talked about Jake brindle being an excellent excellent athlete I think that’s how he punched his ticket from being an undrafted free agent to uh the starting center of the 49ers a long journey from Brendle since 2016 but they’ve got quickness at Center I think they want to establish more quickness with some of these additions not limited to Dominic puny but Jerick Kingston who’s up on the screen as well and I wrote about him in this analysis and then obviously Drake nent very athletic center from Michigan and Bryson Mays an interior lineman from Southern Miss so be sure to check out the article the link is in the description so you you can go ahead and check it out we’ll see how many of these 49ers offensive linemen make the 53 man roster we’ll also see if anybody starts week one or starts over the course of this 2024 season I would obviously think that Dominic Poney has the best chance as the 49ers did add him earliest in the draft which means they think he’s the best player the most talented player out of the lineman that they add it but anything does seem to be possible that article is available on the athletic obviously part of the New York Times now so go ahead and check it out speaking of that offensive line again the 49ers have signed Chris hubard swing tackle we are now waiting to see what the corresponding moves for the 49ers will be because they add jaquel Brown the defensive lineman after the try out yesterday and Chris hubard today you have to stay under the 90 man limit so let’s move this to a 49ers Q&A nice little morning show these are always fun here you go B Anders Q&A remember yesterday Jared gof signed the big deal 53 million a year I think you know I talked about Brock birdie has long been on track to be a $50 million QB that’s 50 million plus could be that by the time he is in line to sign next year the market rate is above 60 million in fact it it it looks like it’s trending in that direction there’s a chance and it’s not a small one that Brock p is the first $60 million quarterback in in NFL history looks like I was correct about that as well Brock pry being a $50 million guy I said that a a couple months ago I like oh no he’ll be in the 40s it’s like are you kidding Jared G’s gonna be in the 50s Brock bir’s goingon to be above 50 million I would even say that 60 million is a very realistic possibility now because we’re still a good 10 months away from BR these discussions even really opening between Brock bir’s camp and the 49ers now that being said he’s got to play well this year nothing is a given in the NFL but the trajectory that Brock pie is currently on uh is a really really good one all right I’m ready to take some of your questions I’m going to go into the comments section let’s go for it 240 of you here that’s a good number for early in the morning and I’m sure that you have some questions about a couple 49ers signings about the schedule they’re playing the Jets week one Brock birie in line for a new deal after this new season Jared gof now numbered two in AP on the quarterback market so much going on we’re also about to pass 72,000 Subs so smash the sub button smash the like button do all that good stuff do I think Malik Mustafa is a free safety or strong safety well first of all I think that the 49ers try to run interchangeable safeties I you know that’s they try to run as much adaptability between the safeties and the linebackers as they can with how much their linebackers cover so I there is no defined role for the 49er safeties you’ll see because you start to show Too Many Tendencies if somebody like talena huanga is only near the line of scrimmage and he doesn’t drop back to cover center field or vice versa if somebody’s just doing center field and not coming toward the line of scrimmage so you’ve got to be interchangeable you have to be able to cover you have to be able to drop back into that back third of the defense and you have to be able to play near the line of scrimmage one of the reasons they love Malik Mustafa is because he’s built like a ball of muscle like a mini linebacker so he can be a threat near that line of scrimmage but it’s not really worth much if he can’t drop back and cover people because then defenses will just test him in that way and they’ll expose him in that way so I see Malik Mustafa doing both I think that’s the only right answer to this question will the Jets game be Brock Bird’s toughest challenge all season or will be the cheaps well you know maybe specifically facing the Jets defense is going to be really tough I mean they’re a top three unit defensively they might even be a little bit better this year jeffrick Robert Salah both highly regarded defensive Minds I don’t know how much the Jets are going to pose a threat offensively on the other side Aaron Rogers should be back so obviously it’s better than Zack Wilson the offensive line theoretically should be better with somebody like Tyron Smith they’ve also replaced lak and Tomlinson who really struggled at that left guard position so you look at the Jets and you have to factor in how threatening is their offense going to be because that I think sets some parameters for the challenge that Brock p is going to face if the Jets are scoring 25 plus points a game if they’re able to put up over 25 points against the 49ers that makes it all the much harder for Brock pie and the 49ers offense so I don’t know what the biggest challenge is going to be but I think anytime that you’re facing Patrick Mahomes on the other side as a quarterback job’s inherently going to be a little bit harder because momes is a threat to score more points than somebody like Zach Wilson who’s the quarterback of the Jets last year but this year it’s going to be Aaron Rogers for New York what are the long-term plans with hanga I think that this year is going to determine so much of that the forers want to see how he comes back from the ACL te they can get a very very firm gauge of how important he is for the defense it’s a contract year for talanoa and then you look at the other safeties on this team and how they’re performing so somebody like Jer Brown who they’re very high on obviously entering his second year somebody like Malik Mustafa you see how these individual pieces might fit into the longer term plan and if you believe a whole lot heck of a lot in Jer Brown and a whole heck of a lot in Malik Mustafa and you see that belief materialize into good play on the field and taleno huanga isn’t quite the same coming off the ACL well he may not be in the 49ers long-term plans but if tanoa plays a lights out season and is a huge part of a Resurgence to number one defensively for the 49ers well all of a sudden you have something to think about right at that point you might have to think about an extension and of course extensions are it’s it’s not going to be easy to give out a lot of extensions if you’re the 49ers you all have to think about diam Lenor you have to think about charvarius Ward this is all on top of Brandon auk who’s coming this off season and obviously Brock pie next off season so there are a lot of mouths to feed some numbers obviously do come off the books the salary cap has been consistently increasing the 49ers have managed the salary cap well with with the zero interest strategy of pushing money back into future years when the cap is greater so all of that is great all of that could potentially continue working for the 49ers but at some point some Financial restraint has to be shown they have shown Financial restraint through the years and the way they delineated things is if a guy’s an a-lister they pay him if he’s not they let him walk when it comes to free agency I think T hufanga was an all pro before the Tor ACL how is he going to show up coming off the Tor ACL All Pro equals aist so if he if he shows up again and is an all proo coming back in 2024 it’s probably guy that you want to pay if he doesn’t if he’s somewhere in that b list B+ list well then the 49ers probably do move on because he could probably make more money elsewhere than what the 49ers will be willing to pay I do think the Dio Lenor is a priority resign for the 49ers I mean he is emerging into an A-list type of player we’ll see again with Lenor this year big- time Proving Grounds charvarius Ward yes that’s an A-list player but it’s not a homegrown A-list player that was a free agent signing they use him to plug into a big- time position of need they needed a cornerback after that 2021 season charvarius might be in the same category as lerus sne and the Chiefs you know just didn’t deem it financially resp responsible or efficient to be able to hold on to lerus need so we saw the the tag and the trade there for uh lerus need we’ll see what the plan is though with charvarius Ward Mr Cory says I know for professional reasons you’re not a fan of the 49ers but would you be happy the Super Bowl drought ended this year I would just cover it the way I cover everything I’d cover it objectively fairly and I wouldn’t be happy I wouldn’t be sad uh you know I wasn’t sad after they lost the Super Bowl I covered I covered it I dealt with a lot of you guys who are very sad I deal with a lot of you guys who are really happy out of these games I just you know kind of ride the waves of emotion that are part of professional sports and I document them I document and I analyze everything and that’s the only way that you can do this in an unbiased way I mean there’s so many unreliable sources that either just make stuff up don’t know the game or just get too emotionally attached to the highs and the lows or all of the above I think a lot of the sources are all of the above uh I’m just trying striving to be different I’m just striving to be the one that’s actually a steady pillar that can lead the way in 49ers coverage and I think that we’ve done that very successfully here over the course of the past couple years you know I’m about to enter year8 eight either year seven or year eight I’ve lost count of how many years I’ve covered the 49ers started in 2017 so you could do the math from there did Antoine Winfield’s recent signing completely screw up the cornerback Market no I mean the the Antoine Winfield he’s a safety right but he’s a really versatile safety he’s a really good player signed for what 20 something million per year topof the market deal it edged out the top quarterback deal right before it really good players get paid market rate which is just a little bit more than the previous high so the high water mark usually increases because the salary cap is increasing inflation all that stuff so if you’re top of the market player you’re gonna make a little bit more than the previous top of the market player I don’t think it screwed anything up I think same thing with Jared gof this is not a top-of-the market situation he but he fell in number two I think that was acknowledgement of the fact that he’s definitely not the best quarterback in the league but quarterback is a premium position Jared gof has has put up good numbers I know that he’s limited it’s really funny because the limitations that a lot of people allege that Brock birdie has incorrectly allege that Brock birdie has that they say that he can’t deliver outside of structure consistently those are limitations that Jared gof actually has and that’s why Jared gof wasn’t paid the very top dollar that’s why he wasn’t paid more than Joe burrow and that’s why Brock Pie has a chance to be a $60 million do guy next year because it’s ironic at pick number 262 he’s got the outof structure capabilities while Jared gof at pick number one doesn’t really have the out of structure capabilities so Brock ber is’s better than Jared gof uh you’ll see Brock py pushed that market or have the capability to push that market as the new top paid guy or number two to somebody like Patrick Mahomes depending on if Patrick Mahomes signs a new deal I know he’s on a 10-year deal but that is gonna have to get redone at some point because Mahomes now ranks number eight in apy and we know that he’s better than the eighth ranked quarterback in the game somebody’s concerned that huanga and Lenor will be priced out when their contracts are up it’s it’s possible and the 4 a lot of it’s a kind of a play it by field guessing game the 49ers need to make sure that and you can never fully make sure but again if you play it safely enough you don’t want to overflow the sync as far as money flowing in one year goes because that’s when you have to start cutting people that’s when you hit salary cap hell so you never know how big the cap is going to be in future years it’s going to be really hard to predict who gets hurt who underperforms to an exact degree so you don’t know how much extra spending you’re going to have to do in any given year even with the best planning you can still hit a point where your expenditures exceed what you expect it and exceed what you expected to be the salary cap and you hit a spot of Capel and we’ve seen teams like the Saints and the and the Rams hit Capel recently the Chargers to where they’ve had to actually Lop off players they’ve had to cut players and when that happens uh there are painful trade-offs to make the 49ers have not hit a spot of painful trade-offs they’re preemptively attacking inefficiencies Financial ones on their roster so the Eric Armstead situation is a great example they said hey this is an inefficient contract this is the kind of thing that could get us in trouble if we keep it this way but it’s not guaranteed so we can ask the player to take a pay cut they asked them to take a pay cut he declined they didn’t reach a suitable Mill ground for both parties and and they replaced Eric Armstead so forers have done stuff like that because they want to avoid Capell down the road I don’t know if they’re going to be priced out of theom Lenor range I don’t know if they’re going to be priced out of the taleno huanga range if they are that might be a good problem to have right because if they are priced out especially if taleno huanga is range that means that taleno hanga will have delivered a very good 2024 season if he delivers a very good season well then the 49ers have excellent safety play and it really is a do or die kind of situation it seems like for the 49ers with the Super Bowl you got to get it done you got to kick that door down sooner rather than later 2024 seems to be when they have the most Talent fitting Under the Umbrella of the salary cap with Brock pie still on the rookie deal so you’re going to want that epically good play around Brock pie to be concentrated into 2024 I mean there’s long-term considerations but right now short-term thinking for the 49ers is higher up on the list than it’s ever been we’ll put it there we’ll put it that way good morning Kyle huse Che took a pay cut too yeah that was another way of making the financial structure more efficient for the 49ers I mean I could open up the salary cap sheet so we can take a look at it some of you are wondering why Dre Greenlaw was not immediately visible on my salary cap update from Switzerland it’s because I have him as a pup projection he’s down here so I didn’t I didn’t scroll down when I superimposed that screen but Dre green Law’s $9.6 million cap hit is on the sheet but somebody like Kyle use Che he’s only accounting for 3.6 million this year that’s down a couple million that Sav the 49ers some 224 space somebody like Brock P’s only counting 1 million this year this is uh an inseon projection so this is a 53 man projection and this is already counting the 18 million that will free up on June 2nd with Eric armstead’s contract that hasn’t yet freed up will the 49ers do a diomer Lenor contract extension a year or two early before he hits the market I think it’d be smart with somebody like diam Lenor will it be possible will he want to wait will he want to I mean some players would rather hit the open market and they’ll wait it out because once they hit the open market they’ve got way more leverage in any potential deal because you’ve got other other teams able to to offer them right so that’s up to the player the player can really bet on himself and wait well the player can take the Financial Security but for Less overall money a little bit earlier and it takes takes both sides to sign a contract so the player has to be willing to do this as well I’m sure the Ford aners would love to get an early discount on diomal Lenor but we’re talk you know if if they approach him with that idea and he thinks their offer is way too low he could say no I’m gonna wait till I hit actual free agency is Chris hubber decent I think he I mean the metrics indicate that he is he’s had he’s had decent pass BL blocking metrics throughout his essentially his entire NFL career he’s a swing tackle he he’s had some injury issues over the past three years but he’s a 33y old swing tackle pass blocking efficiency he ranked number 51 of 86 qualifying tackles last year he ranked better than Colton mcit and Mike mcglinchy in pass blocking efficiency those two guys were down near the bottom mat saying he is going to start over colon mckivitz because run blocking and durability and all that is is is a big part of this but as far as a swing tackle goes if you can get a guy that’s close to middle of the pack pass block efficiency wise that’s probably the best you’re going to be able to do as any team again there’s there’s a shortage of offensive linemen quality offensive linemen especially tackles in this league they’re hard to come by this is why you need a premium draft pick usually to get somebody competent at that position competent enough to be a a Surefire starter or at least as close as as you would as you’d like to to be a Surefire starter the proliferation of athletic defensive lineman in NFL is a real thing they’ve outpaced offensive linemen interest interestingly I think that the pendulum might be swinging in the other direction it’s a question I asked John Lynch a couple months ago and he he said he thought that that might be the case that offensive linemen get paid so much that it’s you know it’s a market thing people start thinking about playing offensive line earlier in their football careers in high school instead of defensive line because they could see okay maybe there’s a chance to make some money the Rams signed a couple guards this year who aren’t great players right they signed Jonah Jackson formerly of the Detroit Lions they signed Kevin doson to free agent guards who are middle of the pack at best when it comes to pass protection metrics they signed them both for 16 million a year year so you don’t have to be a great guard and you can make a whole heck of a lot of money to the point where there’s such demand for decent offensive linemen now that more young kids are gonna want to play offensive line because it’s going to be you know it looks like it’s a pathway to to make some money in the pros it’s just how the football Market works so as this new crop of offensive linemen matures into NFL age I think we’ll start to see the athleticism on the offensive line catch up to the athleticism on the defensive line that has been overwhelming o lines for years that’s sort of how this the course of history Works in football right now teams are paying premium for offensive linemen who aren’t great for good but not great offensive lineman teams are paying an absolute premium for those guys that’s why the 49ers wanted to focus more on bargain binf free agency and the draft meanwhile the other side of the ball they focused on free agency they focused on the defense and the defensive line in particular in free agency because teams aren’t paying a premium for defensive linemen especially the rotational guys because the supply there is much greater so the market dictates that the the price there in free agency is cheaper so the 49ers spent in free agency on the defensive line and then they draft it and they signed rookies who have constrained deals by the rookie wage scale for the offensive line Len Tomlinson was not good for the Jets which is why they cut him suffered a fall off in performance after he left the 49ers Clinton thinks that the Rams will win the division this year if darnold if darnold why did I say darnold if Stafford stays healthy not darnold darnold’s in Minnesota when is my swim Saturday at 5: am you can go uh watch if you’re walking across the Golden Gate Bridge early in the morning you might be able to see me swim underneath it you to check the weather forecast for this weekend meanwhile Joe says the Rams are not winning the division 49ers are favorites at this point as they should be I think they’re Super Bowl favorites at this point do you think Kyle reduces the amount of times he’s his 21 Personnel to run three wide receiver sets this year or will the 49ers continue to be League leader in the amount of times they line up in 21 22 Personnel I think assuming receivers all stay healthy you’re going to see more three wide sets you know the number I keep coming back to is in the postseason the 49ers called 109 pass plays and only 77 run plays Brock Pie has turned this into a pass first team you play to the strengths of your football team and not only do they have a great quarterback in Brock pie but they also have a lot of receiving weapons and you don’t want to be keeping those guys off the field if Ricky peol can be the Press man beater that they think he can be and that that also means you know winning in the slot it doesn’t necessarily mean beating another team’s best quarterback because you still have Brandon auk and Debo Samuel on this team if if piol can be that if Jawan Jennings is still on this team you got to find snaps for these guys and Jennings is a good blocker we’ll see what peol can do I think that some of his tape in college shows this guy’s a dog I keep on talking about the strong lower body I think he plays stronger than his weight would indicate that he plays you’re gonna want this guy on the field now he’s also got to acquire the Playbook it takes Kyle Shanahan wide receivers usually some learning curve time right to get integrated into the offense so it’s probably not going to be an overnight thing for Ricky piol if it is that’s great for the 49ers but I think as the season progresses you can go back and look at last postseason as a hint and this is a pass forward offense now thanks to the quality of the 49ers quarterback here’s a more optimistic comment from Clinton who ALS also thinks the Rams are going to win the NFC West but he thinks that piol will find his way onto the field he a huge Gator fan piol you know one thing that probably stopped him from being on a lot of teams radar in the in the first round was the fact that he had terrible quarterback play at Florida I’m sure Clinton can attest to that went through three quarterbacks last year and none of them were good so that limited his production but imagine if he was playing with a really good quarterback in college and he goes for500 receiving yards instead of 900 all of a sudden he’s a Surefire firstr draft pick and that you know doesn’t change the quality of player that you have that’s the draft is a lot of irrational decision-making based on overt statistics like that and you can’t play that way because football is a team sport so you know based on what we’ve seen any objective football reporter analyst has been impressed with Ricky piol so far those of us who know the game those of us who watch the tape who’ve actually talked to people who know the nuances of receiving play who know what we’re looking for who aren’t just trying to Flame up you know outrage on on social media everybody all these people see the fit from Brian baldinger to Steve Smith to Greg coell I mean these are all respected names there are respected names covering the 49ers and the NFL in general and there are names that aren’t respected that are covering the 49ers in general and the delineation you know between the two reflects the delineation of opinions on Ricky peel so it’s you you’ve got to give the guy a chance to integrate to the NFL level it’s never a slam dunk that a particular player will but from what we’ve seen so far it’s very apparent why the 49ers like Ricky piol skill set it’s because they think he has the the little shoulder dip the Stutter Step the he just moves like a pro he’s got the movement capability of somebody that can truly separate at the NFL level that part of his game reminds them of Dante Pettis now don’t go running screaming afraid right now because I know Dante Pettis just mentioning that will trigger a lot of 49ers fans they also think that he brings toughness that Dante Pettis didn’t bring and if you watch the tape at Florida there’s a whole lot of toughness on it from Ricky peel I think a lot of it the the the strong base that allows him to absorb some contact but even more of it is just the way that he was raised his dad’s a firefighter for the Phoenix fire department was a good receiver himself at Northern Arizona taught him the intricacies of Route running growing up so the attention to detail has been there for Ricky piol and then you know just just a man running over the middle of the field able to soar up make some really nice catches you got to have courage to do that he just has that innate courage that innate bravy needed to be a receiver who isn’t afraid of contact at the NFL level so it he did it in college the 49ers think that he can add that toughness into his game and carry it over to the NFL level and they think in that way he’s a lot different than somebody like Dante Pettis remember that in 2018 they drafted Pettis because they were enamored with his ability to separate but then they quickly became disillusioned with Pettis because they didn’t think he was tough enough a knee-jerk knee-jerk is a negative word let’s you know I think it wasn’t a knee-jerk reaction ended up being a really good draft pick the the reaction though to the disappointment with Dante Pettis was to pick Deo Samuel in the very next draft Deo Samuel big strong tough player might not be the best separator but he gave the 49ers that grit at the receiver position that they wanted in an Ideal World Ricky peol will be a hybrid of both of those players so you’ll have Ricky peol as a separator a smooth route Runner like a Dante Pettis but he’ll also be a bulldog like a Debo Samuel is he going to be as good as Debo Samuel breaking through tackles no nobody’s saying that but he’ll bring toughness that Dante pet has lacked to that receiver position Pettis is still I mean Pettis cost the 49ers he might have cost the 49ers a Super Bowl in 2021 or 2022 season opener he scored on the broken play against the against the 49ers with the Bears that started the comeback for the Bears in week one 49ers lost that ended up costing San Francisco the one seed they would have gotten Philadelphia at home had won that game I know everything is very crystal clear and retrospect but funny stuff right back in that 2022 season probably not too funny for 49ers fans but poetic poetic for sure dude 200 pounds against an NFL okay first of off do you realize Kenny that there are NFL linebackers who are only about 210 lb now maybe 215 PBS the average weight of the NFL linebacker now I would say is probably 220 not much more than that 200 pounds is actually big for a wide receiver I I I think that you’re operating in in the wrong era here fir so first off if you’re a 200 pound receiver you’re not at a big weight disadvantage against a linebacker second off if we’re talking about Ricky piol or any receiver being matched up against a linebacker the receiver wins the receivers quicker so I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say here I think this is kind of a self-own uh 200 pounds against an NFL linebacker would be awesome for the 49ers the 49ers would love Ricky peol to be matched up with as many linebackers as possible we’ll see how many snaps that linebacker can handle before he gets benched if that ends up being the case or how many snaps the defensive coordinator who lines that linebacker up against Ricky Piera last before he gets fired yeah I mean Jerry Rice was probably around he might have been lighter than 200 looking back at Jerry Rice’s frame might have been he he probably was in the Y 90s he might have been listed as 200 but I mean you’re at a certain weight you are sacrificing movement capability dvo Samuels 215 to 220 he is not the best separator in the game he’s not the best route runner in the game now he’s a complete tank he’s a complete truck out there that’s his strength he’s one of the best Yak guys that we’ve ever seen so you don’t want all your receivers to be 220 some of them you know the the X position that’s going to have to do a little bit of both Brandon auk he’s going to be about 200 20 five that’s great but then you’re going to have some some guys that you do want to have a little bit more separation ability that won’t necessarily be the focal point of the offense but they’re gonna have to be able to wiggle their way free maybe on the inside that’s why slot guys can be a little bit smaller now the Ford aners run the big slot as well they do that with Jaan Jennings that’s mainly for blocking advantages they have every single body type now in that receiver room they’ve got the bulldozer and Debo Samuel they’ve got the versatile and Brandon auk they’ve got I think a very uniquely built slot guy in Ricky peol and that he’s uniquely built and he’s got unique athleticism 44 speed he’s obviously got the 663 cone so he he has the skill set to play in the slot but he’s got the speed to play on the outside and I think he has the strength to play both that’s why I keep on talking about the the the base so on paper Ricky piol is an interesting hybrid type of player they’ve got the small slot in Jacob cowing 58 they’ve got another small slot on Trent Taylor I don’t know if he makes the 53 man roster but he’s a veteran that has played that position they’ve got the big slot in Joan Jennings so I mean you go through this receiver room they’ve got every type of of body there and then you could add the fact that George KD at 64 is one of the best slant runners in the game coming from the tight end position add the fact that Christian mcaffrey runs the angle route better than probably anybody in the game coming from the running back position adding the fact Kyle yek is able to be a threat in the pass game as well that is a loaded loaded offense I think the 49ers have all their bases covered can they get a little bit better probably I would say tight end two that’s why they keep on looking for a tight end two and wanted to add Brock Wright restricted free agent didn’t work the lions were able to keep him so you get better there you can obviously get better along the offensive line but I think that getting better at receiver helps you be better along the offensive line because you could beat man C quicker so that’s how the 49ers offense is lining up you can watch the swim in person you can uh like I said we’re we’re going to be jumping at 500 a.m on Saturday at Point Bonita so if anybody’s in the marina with a view and you got a nice Zoom or you’re on the Golden Gate Bridge even Hawk Hill early in the morning you you probably you probably get some footage we’ll we’ll get some video footage of it though and then I’ll post it later I’m not going to live stream the swim or anything because I can’t run the live stream if I’m if I’m actually swimming Kyle eek’s got really good hands you know he could return punts too that they feel that he might be their most Dependable option just to catch the ball punt return wise they do have Trent Taylor on the team now he’s very dependable as far as just catching the ball just excluding the return aspect from it but but they trust Kyle yek with a lot of things also has been a holder for this football team right when Mitch wisnowski suffered a concussion in the 2021 season remember they’re playing the Rams must-win game week 18 Kyle yek came in and held for Robbie Gold and you’ve got to have good quick hands to to hold it’s going to be very cold Point Bonita to the city under the Golden Gate Bridge I will try to bring my little underwater camera that I’ve done lives with maybe I stop under the bridge and do a quick live from there right at Sunrise just one person swimming with me there’s two of us and we’ll have a boat it’s going to be my best friend Colton swimming with me so it should be good this it was it’s the same crew same same boat same fellow swimmer as our October Alcatraz swim is right here we’re hoping for better conditions we were dealing with really really choppy water back in we’re doing really choppy water this is October first this was before the 49ers played the Cardinals Don joanni says forget the swim what’s up with the new offensive line well here I have that for you too if you want to talk about the new offensive line then you should read my article from this morning if you don’t want to watch us swimming through cold choppy water under the Golden Gate Bridge that is available to you right here Dominic puny Jared Kingston and the 49ers o line focus on the short shuttle that’s I think I I encapsulated what the 49ers are focusing on what they don’t currently have starters I’m talking about the starters from this past year who are I mean Trent Williams and Jake Brendle obviously scored well in the short shuttle but between Aaron Banks Spencer berford and Colton mckivitz not good short shuttle scores I wonder if we have John Feliciano’s short shuttle score let me look at this I know Feliciano’s been the league for a while so a lot of times oh 2015 John Felicia John Feliciano had a slightly above average short shuttle 47 four so there you go Feliciano beat out berford last year down the stretch Williams is the best offensive lineman for the 49ers and Jake brindle found his way into a starting Center Spot in large part due to his exceptional athleticism but they don’t have great movement capability at left guard they don’t have great movement capability at Right Guard and they don’t have great movement capability at right tackle therefore they have focused on movement capability with their new offensive linemen the four new guys all have really fast short shuttle times so read all about in the athletic it’s been a fun 409ers update they have signed Chris hubard swing tackle formerly of the Titans 33y old they I think slots in really well with what the 49ers need behind that starting offensive line actually played some decent football with Tennessee last year has carved out a nice career for himself has been around for a decade in the NFL and we do know that the 49ers are going to be linking up with the jets in the season opener on September 9th all fun stuff everybody thanks for watching we’ll talk to you very soon


  1. Chris Hubbard will be a backup who at 33 maybe able to give one two to three starts. I think at his age he is prone to injury’s.

    PS Kittle through instagram on Monday gave away who the niners will play in the first regular season game.

  2. Isn’t Leonard Floyd the guy who brought down Rodgers last year? 😬 genius by the nfl to give us that matchup again


    -Grant, Jessie, coach and the mortgage dude.

  4. If the game was in NY, then 49ers should just forfeit and stay home rather than lose a handful of starters to turf injuries like last time (Bosa et al).

  5. Hubbard, we have a swing tackle at least on the left. Moore can play left its when he tries to play other spots he's not very good.

  6. It's Aaron vs the 49ers D, last I saw Purdy is a QB, Lombardi using the classic beat writer, sports talking head comment to angle some sort of narrative, it's boring and old, the 49ers D have the challenge,

  7. I’ve been a fan of your football insight and solid information.
    I’ve been a 49er fan since childhood and never took the time to investigate all that goes into fielding a championship team.
    Maybe we need a Leo Nomellini pro bowl, SF hall of fame player whom played offense, defense and was a professional wrestler. That was a football player!

  8. First week of the NFL regular season will have the New York Jets play the Niners in San Francisco…. Purdy v Rodgers. Hey, David who wins the battle?
    Go Niners!

  9. who are we bidding against for brock purdy. Do you think a team like the steelers would pay him 60 mil? I would use non exclusive franchise tag and match offers like they did with lamar and offer 40mil similar to daniel jones contract. 5

    The reason I don't want to pay him 60 is paying him 60 would lose you george kittle for 15 and kyle juschecyk for 5 in addition to losing either aiyuk or or deebo who we lose next year. because we have to pay brock at least 40.

    Totally agree with your assessment of our wide receiver group. It is honestly the most versatile receiver room in the league.

  10. All off season the Niners have holes in the OL. And don’t start a player till the 3rd round. OL Kyle’s blind spot lol

  11. Another bargain bin O-line signing that should at least raise the floor of the O-line depth. Hopefully he can be this season's John Feliciano but I wouldn't count on it. He has 30.75" arms which is insanely short to play O-line in the NFL and is ridiculously short to play OT in the NFL.

  12. Juice is way underpaid. When David showed the cap table I was amazed how many other players were higher paid.

  13. Purdy is a Christian. I think he will take a very team friendly deal. His life is about Christ, not about money.

  14. For crying out loud! We have been BEGGING for Kyle to build the OLine beyond Trent Williams for the entire time Coach has been here! Holy Moly just now they are getting it? “Kinda”
    Cheese and crackers!!! Why didn’t they just do this before! We would be eating steak and lobster after the superbowl games all these years!

  15. 40:04 I'm really curious to learn more about those run vs. pass numbers. How does that run%/pass% you cited for the Niners in the 2023 playoffs compare to the team's numbers in past years (either comparing playoffs to playoffs or full season to full season)? How much more pass-first have we actually become with Purdy compared to before him? Also, where do the Niners' run%/pass% numbers compare to the rest of the league (or playoff field) in each of those years? How run-focused or pass-focused were we compared to the rest of the league in 2023, and how has that changed from prior years? That would be some really great context to better see the overall trends in our play calling.

    Seems like this would be a really interesting topic for a video, and right up your alley. I feel the need…the need…for GRAPHS!😁📈📉

  16. No doubt, the Niners certainly had a type when it came to their offensive line rookie selections. That would be a heck of an analytical breakthrough, if the Niners found this one statistical key to correlate well with O-line success – almost akin to the first baseball teams who figured out in the early 2000s that on-base mattered way more than batting average. I would find it a little surprising that one team could make a breakthrough that large that everyone else missed nowadays, after almost two decades of analytics being king across sports. If they did, though, that would be awesome. Hopefully that quickness will matter more than whatever issues people must have seen with Kingston, Mays, and Nugent that led to them being drafted late (or not at all).

    All that said, certainly we can't expect that that one number is the end-all and be-all for O-line success. Out of curiosity, I crunched the numbers for the 20 O-linemen who made the Pro Bowl last year (17 actually – 3 of them didn't have recorded shuttle times). The average shuttle time for that group was 4.63 and the median was 4.62, with our own Trent Williams right at that average. Only 4 of the 17 linemen with times were at or below 4.50, 3 of which were centers (holy SHIT Jason Kelce, 4.14!?!), and the other was a guard.

  17. Hard to believe 49ers didn't see one tackle worth taking in rounds 1-3 in draft.
    Pearsall wasn't a position of need or the best player on the board.

  18. Terrell Owen's talking smack about 49ers on 95.7.
    Not keeping it warm and fuzzy for his kid in training camp

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