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US PGA Championship 2024 | Golf Betting Tips | The Sweet Spot

Welcome to the Sweet Spot, sponsored by AK Bets. Get the latest golf betting tips for the upcoming PGA Championship, as Jack Reeve and Steve Palmer take a look at this week’s major.

The team also take a look back at the Wells Fargo Championship, Myrtle Beach Classic and Regions Tradition from last week, analysing who stood out, as well as who underperformed. Steve gives us his best predictions for The PGA Championship, including other selections who could be worth backing in the markets.

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00:00 – Intro
03:47 – Wells Fargo Championship Review
07:37 – The Tradition Review
09:04 – Myrtle Beach Classic Review
12:54 – PGA Championship Information
15:13 – PGA Championship Market and Selections
39:50 – Outro

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hello and a war Welcome to The Sweet Spot your goto golf tipping show brought to you by the Racing Post it’s major week we’ve got the uspga to look forward to plenty to get stuck into we have a fully fit and fully in form Steve Palmer how are you yeah yeah I am fully fit yeah I’m buzzing and I’m buzzing like Rory maroy was last week you know maroy may got off to the best possible start I love seeing Rory in in full flow that’s what we got last week uh and I’m trying to be happy I’m trying to be happy jaet because I should be happy uh because of the Rory mro Victory and what a show he put on for us but um it’s just that thousand to one treble I can’t get out my head how you know I just felt that was going to happen the mortgage spitter was on and um the weekend was disappointing we can’t be we can’t be calling it a disappointing weekend Steve I mean if I’d have said to you at the start of the week that Rory would have won and and the other two would have gone very very close I think you would have taken that wouldn’t you it’s the sin of greed isn’t it I I’m extremely sinful Jack I’m I’m I’m greedy I’m gluttonous uh I’m envious I’m lustful I’m lustful know I go through the seven deadly sins sometimes and I just thought the thousand one treble was on you must have thought that going into the weekend um you with Steve Stricker and Eric Van ruin backing up Rory maroy uh yeah we finished first third and fourth we needed first first and first to to send me home send me to bed happy on Sunday night absolutely I mean we were meant to be joined alongside AKA himself today um he is he’s ill at the moment I suspect stress may have got the best over the weekend he tweeted ahead of Sunday said potentially the biggest losing day AK bets history if the treble clicks I think he’s hoping um you tip up a fivepoint win nap on Jimmy Walker um this week Steve to to try and get him out of trouble I think he’s regretting the sponsorship of this week but you’ve been in good form the last few weeks a reminder actually well a couple of things if you sign up to AK bets um and your player misses the cut you get 50% of your stake back as a free BET up to 50 pounds that code is Sweet Spot 50 AK bets big price big limits will’ll be quoting their prices today and also we’ve got a watch Along on Sunday Steve now I’m still trying to get over the Master’s watch along um that was a truly epic um evening and I’m hoping for more of the same this week and that’s going to be my last ever show here on The Sweet Spot the last haras so hope y we can go out on a winner I’m looking forward to that one Steve yeah yeah the watch long will be will be great hopefully AK will be back for that I don’t know he’s got a a perforated eardrum I believe you he’s got a touch on the Victor Deon remember Victor Deon had that um in 2018 I believe um and that sort of ruined Victor deon’s career so I I do hope that yeah because you’re not being very sympathetic ruin his career I don’t I don’t know no it’s very very painful and and but Victor Deon had he wasn’t as mentally resilient as as AK Victor Deon used to pull out of events no matter what condition his ears were in um so um yeah I’m I’m sure he boun back for for Sunday but maybe the pressure of that that treble contributed as well you know the buildup of pressure in the head it wasn’t just the Thousand to one treble that I was excited about last week I had a 4,000 to1 quadruple on the go um I had Luke Humphries to win the Premier League darts in leads because he’s a leads fan had all the crowd on his side um so Luke Humphrey’s won the Premier League darts and leads with the Amoy Stricker van ruin combo that was 4,000 to one each way each way quadruple um so yeah my hopes going into the weekend we extremely high uh and we’ll go through each tournament now and explain how it happened absolutely brilliant link Steve we shall start with the with the Welles Fargo was of course won by Rory Moy I think Steve when we when we well you in particular you know golf pting is incredibly complex so many runners in the field so much can go wrong and and I think we often through the trauma of the past events sometimes try and look away from the obvious angle because it’s never that easy and actually with Rory I mean you you’re um you know you spoke about it in last week’s show loves the course playing well no Scotty it was all teed up for Rory he got it done I love watching this man play golf when he’s in full flow it’s brilliant yeah I agree yeah and when 15 to2 was a was a joyous price wasn’t it his driving is a thing of Beauty you know the athleticism the swing speed he’s getting up to like 200 miles an hour almost the flow he out drived everyone in the field by a mile you know his driving was outrageous his approach play was excellent he putted solidly for three rounds and then on Sunday hold virtually everything he looked at he was eight under par for eight holes from the eighth hole through the 15th hole that that burst of scoring um he’s just got Gears isn’t he yeah Rory’s got Gears you he’s he’s prone to these always had that the ability to produce ridiculous burst of scoring and yeah that that spell on Sunday was breathtaking um yeah Rory Glory Hallelujah actually you know you look at the final leaderboard and he won it convincingly in the end but it you know there would well he was behind going into the into the final day I mean if you know if you if he hadn’t have watched that final round you would have expected it gone so easily but he had he still had work to do there well he was 11 to 10 going into to Sunday’s final round he was two shots behind going up the eighth hole uh and then he then he just um you know went into turbo didn’t he and you know we talk about gears I think it’s important to talk about because Xander cha just doesn’t have those same gears does he you he’s I feel he’s like a reliable Volvo I was thinking about this he’s like a you really solid car no significant weaknesses but doesn’t have that acceleration and Breakneck speed of your your Ferraris and your Lamborghini so I mean yeah mararo is a Ferrari a bit less reliable but he’s got amazing levels of of Gears isn’t he um but yeah yeah chaf he’s world class he’s a great allrounder he’ll win the open in July he’ll do enough to win the open in July and keep our major zacha well finish our major zacha um but he’s not a Ferrari he hasn’t won for two years that is a concern I mean how when when Rory won what what were you up to were you celebrating were you kind of concerned about what had happened over the weekend I mean what was the emotion in the Palmer household well it was very very late finish in the end for me I had to had some issues to deal with and I had the pause button on for a long while um and then um I actually like doing all that because you did you notice how slowly chafia was playing on Sunday as well yeah really slow he never used to be as slow as he is now I know he’s working through swing changes but I found him really annoyingly slow with his decision making and when he was over the ball um so the fact that I had it paused for a long time and then could blast it all out you weren’t watching it real time I mean how are we avid I just had I just I just had to have an hour break I had to have an hour break to sort out some family issues and then um and then I so then I got it all on buom boom boom boom boom from there and so that 8 under par burst um through eight holes I had really no wonder it felt quickfire for you you fast forward into the whole thing it was it was beautiful getting all those shots so quickly but uh yeah yeah Sunday night was great Saturday night was the big disappointment because of what Steve Stricker produced in the Region’s tradition which should we should we should we go through that now then yeah sure do my job for me Steve I might just mute my mic and let that’s why you’re leaving me you’re not you’re not required anymore do it myself uh yeah the region tradition It Was Won by by Doug bar and we were on um Steve Stricker who well for until that Saturday round looked like he was the the man to beat and it was a was a birdie free which isn’t usually saying bogey free when it comes to stri but b373 that rhymes um in the end wasn’t it and that was the that was the killer blow in the end absolutely yeah what price is Steve Stricker on one of his favorite golf courses to go birdie free in in a in a round it was staggering what happened on Saturday night and I I really did feel we were on for the for the Thousand to one treble um and yeah he made 17 PA and a bogey um and and still had a winning chance from there uh and then finished third in the tournament Doug Baron any price you like 54 year old journeyman never won on the PJ tour in 238 starts last year had surgery on both both elbows I mean I have no idea what price Doug Baron is if anyone’s back Doug Baron let us know because I don’t really know if anyone in the world back Doug Baron I don’t even think his his mom I don’t know where his mom’s alive I’ll stop talking there um I don’t I don’t think anyone’s B back Doug Baron so that yeah that was both elbows that sounds really painful yeah yeah imagine having surgery on both elbows and then the following year U it’s the biggest win of his his career um and um yeah yeah we got we got the each way got the each way trouble but um yeah yeah we come to the to the Myrtle Beach Classic now if I just do your job for you again we talk about that and and and this felt even more of a sting Steve obviously we were on Eric Van Roy and then he finished was it tied third in the end tied four TI tied fourth yeah tied fourth with five other players yeah but it was it was Chris gter up that that got it done and I just had in my mind I mean what was what was a tournament on when you were so sweet on Chris go we just had him for one didn’t we yeah yeah was it Puerto Rico I mean he we just had him as number one our only selection in the go yeah he’s he’s been a sweet spot regular yeah I was obviously pretty heartbroken he was 50 to one last week we just couldn’t find room for him in our staking plan um but yeah he’s full of power impressive ball Striker putting is his weakness he three putted the first two holes on Sunday to raise hopes of the mortgage spitter you know I yeah I thought I always got her up the wrong side of bed and I was in the kitchen always got her up on the wrong side of b um because he had a four shot League going the final round and we needed him to get get her up on the wrong side of bed but then he so he went bogey bogey out the gates and I’m thinking oh thank the Lord um but then he played his next three holes in four under par so completely blasted away eventually one by six shots so yeah he’s a 24 year old with a bright future it was a Triumph for mustache lovers Jack I think you should grow a mustache because that’s the first time he’s had a mustache in in a competition as far as I know I’ve never seen him with a mustache before and he’s rocking this classic classic mustache and he obviously f a million dollars and your beard off then and just left the the mustache because at least you’ve actually got one grown at the moment I could do that I do look frankly ridiculous when I do that yeah I’m not good at mustaches I don’t look I don’t yeah I remember horrifying the wife once when I did that I I I went did a shave and then I deliberately shaved all of it all the bottom off and kept the mustache and she just she almost in tears when I came out the uh came out the bathroom so yeah mustaches don’t go down well here but gup looks really good he’s got darker black he’s got a black mustache yeah he was impressive but Davis Thompson nearly Davis Thompson got within two shots Jack on Sunday night um and then he messed up the par five 15th so Davis Thompson close enough to win that another one of our selections tied second tied second he made a bow get the par five 15 tied second so fully each way money off Thompson and then arican run tied fourth one over par of the front nine on Sunday so basically the two nines that killed our our dreams with a front with with a front nine from Steve strier on in round three and the front from Eric V ruin in round four um but yeah know we’re getting close a cutle of nines away from from freedom I mean it was it was a a really enjoyable weekend I mean I was about to say stressful I was trying to find Clarity in my weekend because I obviously had had this going on not not for as much as as used to but still would have been a lovely amount of money had a Norwich lead semifinal playoffs to contend with my mind was absolutely scrambled and I was starting to think it’s sport really for me I might take up like ing or something you know and just just give it all up um but it it was it was excellent I mean what was how how did you you know Saturday morning what what was what was the emotions kind of running like because for for for so many of our followers as well you know the the mortgage spitter as you like to call it was was on I felt great Saturday morning yeah and the Saturday night Saturday night was the the moment I was a little bit um cheesed off with life and then Sunday you know got my head around the fact that you know we’re in the business of you know if you have a winning week every week you’re going to be happy slowly build up your pot rather than get it all in one go so yeah Sunday was extremely lucrative and I should be happy and I’m I’m I’m telling myself I should be happy I just you know I yearn for the for the mortgage spitter I yearn for the face spitter and I’m still convinced one day it’ll happen absolutely keep on plugging away Steve well hopefully the pots are fruitful this week please do remember to gamble responsibly as we go into the PGA Championship really looking forward to hearing Steve’s thoughts on this it’s at Valhalla talk us through the track yes Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville Kentucky USA 7,609 yards par 71 three par fivs a long track with bent grass greens designed by Jack Nicholas opened in 1986 it staged three uspga 1996 won by Mark Brooks 2000 won by Tiger Woods in a thrilling Jewel with Bob may you will probably remember and then in 2014 won by Rory maroy the course also staged the 2008 Ridder cup I actually went to that tournament on the team Europe plane um yeah BR Bruce and I flew with Nick falo Mig angle him in there um all the how did you actually I know the story that you went how did you get on the plane like how we got how did you we got tickets from two people that were were on the plane you know you big cheeses two big cheeses that were were booked to go on the plane couldn’t go they had some late dramas had to pull out so me and Bruce got these these these amazing tickets to to be actually on the plane with the with the European team and it was it was so much fun you know Nick fer was prancing up and down the plane carrying the rider cup and um getting really into it and um yeah I remember Billy Foster was going on the tanoi making all sorts of pranks over the tanoi um it was an incredible experience did you play it cool or did you know did you sort of try and blend in and act like you were part of Team Europe I think I was more cool in those days I did play it quite cool what they didn’t know what they didn’t know is that I had a big bet on Team USA so I was actually going there as a USA fan with a big chunk on the Americans and um f and his his team were absolute spanking but I didn’t do anything to to you handicap the European team um but I the point is I know this course I know this course I’ve spent a week at Valhalla it’s a big boys course Jack it’s a big boys course lots of elevated greens you know really tough approach shots to elevated greens trouble all around them you it’s a difficult but Fair test you got to drive your ball really well and you got to be accurate on approach so we got a field of6 going to post some rain in the build up we MH mentioned going to be quite soft to start out Sunny warm and calm for the vast majority of the competition days okay really looking forward to it let’s let’s get the market Leaders with AK bets usually top price in the market your favorite for the US PJ Scotty Sheffer 9-2 Rory Moy 15-2 Brooks kka 16s alongside jander CHL lud AO returning from injury 18 to1 John Ram 20s Bryon Des shampo 28s bigger prices the rest Scotty Sheffer the kid is here Steve a baby boy wasn’t it in the end yes Bennett Sheffer Bennett Sheffer we’ll come on to Scotty and benett later okay Scotty sheet is in the field so is Rory maroy how many picks for the uspga we got five there’s only one Golf Tournament this week we got good eway terms I’m going for five okay who’s the main headline pick Rory maroy I’m not surprising you there am I 15-2 again with AK bets we got the same prize we had last week the stars have aligned Jack he said that himself after winning at quo Hollow on Sunday the stars have aligned he’s found his aame at the perfect time for the US PJ championship history is about to repeat itself a decade after his last Valhalla Victory going into that 2014 usj marro had won his previous two tournaments the open champion I ship three weeks prior the Bridgestone Invitational the week prior going into this Valhalla return he’s one his previous two tournaments the Zurich Classic three weeks prior the Wells Fargo Championship the week prior the stars of aligned Rory maro’s major winning drought is coming to an end on Sunday folks I’m convinced an overdue fifth major title is on the cards M sorry go I’m just I’m just getting really Giddy and excited so you’ll have to stop me interrupt but in terms of prep runs I mean you couldn’t have wanted much more from last week could you because on Roar and but we probably got one eye on the uspga and then he delivers that and you’re going excited on that type of golf course very very similar Golf Course very similar assignment he’s facing this week um so yeah I’m I’m so excited way about the way this season is panned out for maroy started it in Star if you remember won the Dubai Desert Classic really early on in the year then he’s had that quiet spell third place in the Texas open the week before the Masters was encouraging he got his iron play sorted in Texas then his driving was excellent in the Zurich Classic he was generally superb in that Victory he was the leading light in his alliance with with Shane Larry in the peirs event there and then last week just sensationally good you know a driving Master Class the putter started purring on Sunday it was looking like a seven shot Victory wasn’t it Jack until he got a flyer on the on the 72nd hole you know he went for the aggressive showbo finish there and ended up in the water in the back you he could he could have easily made a a straightforward par if you wanted to so you could call that seven shot Victory last week maroy destroyed the field in a designated elevated signor event 17 under par a course which has hosted a major it’s hosted it hosted the 2017 uspga qu Hollow that’s a big boys par 71 Championship Golf Course does the return of Scotty sheff and Ludo be this week stopped Rory winning again on a on a long pass 72 track with Ben grass greens I don’t think so I I think he’s the most likely winner long live the major long live the 2024 major Zer I mean we’re excited you even if I didn’t have this 2024 major hacker on the guard i’ be really excited about back in Roy M this week but the fact we’ve got him as leg two of our our glorious hacker is even more exciting so much maybe that could be the famous face bitter I mean what a way to do it if it’s the major zacha that does it that definitely will be I couldn’t put myself through any anymore if I nailed the 2024 major zacha well I think we might do we maybe need to provide context because we’ve mentioned spitting a lot on this podcast for those that maybe haven’t read your book what what are you what we referring to we’re just so uncouth aren’t we yeah I’m referring to um a ter that was coined many moons ago um the face spitter which yeah as a 45y old man I shouldn’t really be talking in these terms but it’s about it’s about when you can you have the opportunity to if you so wish to spit in the face of your boss uh because you no longer need your your job anymore so um I’ve always been chasing this face bitter uh Bruce Millington was my previous boss and um you know I I I was looking forward to the day I could spit in his face and tell him I don’t I don’t need your job anymore Bruce I’m I’m a free man um so yeah it’s basically for for what you know for disgruntled W slaves um to get a winning bet so large that they can spit in the face of their boss and win their freedom but um it hasn’t happened yet but uh yeah I’m sure it will soon and mroy can help us to that love that story Rory main pick for the usj who’s next before before you move on Jay I’m so sorry you interject to me whenever you want I’ll interject to you we’ve got that relation we can inter interject whenever we F I just want to get this Stout off my chest because it’s so incredibly amazing say something else then W you I didn’t know I was gonna say I never do but I’ve over build this one now but I just want you to know that Rory Ma’s played in 60 Majors how many 60 he’s played in 60 ma that’s not the end of the St right I was going to say that’s not incredibly amazing is it but how many times has he had a top 10 finish in in those 60 majes um um top 10 yeah 42 oh blimy it’s definitely not incredibly amazing then because I he’s had a top 10 finish in in half of them exactly half of them 30 which I think it shows a remarkable level of consistency um I think 30 30 top 10 in 60 major appearances is incredible he’s won two uspga he’s finished in the top 10 in eight of his last 15 uspga um so I just think all that consistency is finally going to get his reward it’s incredible that he’s gone almost 10 years without a major win you know when he was 25 years old winning that that last one of valhall you just thought he’s going to win so so many and he he may still go on a real burst you know once he ends this drought it could be another long burst coming you know us open last year jaet you know fine margins is it he played really well on the final round of that US Open um you know he’s just he’s just unlucky to to run into Windam Clark in on a day when he was inspired but um yeah I think the Little Prince is going to get back to winning ways on Sunday and Brendan juk could be here on the watchong to help us enjoy it he won’t he won’t want to talk about countdown on Sunday he want to talk about he want to talk about the prince let’s do that startat once more I feel like I I did a disservice they asked me how many times R finished in the top 10 of a major and I’ll give you a better answer okay yeah yeah yeah an incredibly amazing awesome statistic Rory mroy has played in 60 Majors how many times has he finished in the top 10 do you think I think anything over 15 would be mightily impressive well I’m going to amaze you now he finished in the top 10 in 30 of those 60 point has he really which is 50% exactly half I’m amazed Rory maroy the main pick for the US PGA Championship four moreall to go who’s second Maxwell Homer 33 to1 with a K bets we got the same onew we had last week for Wells Fargo maroy the main tip Homer the next best Homer finished in a tie for eighth place with one other last week extremely encouraging performance from an increasingly dangerous member of the golfing Elite third place in the masses last month has instilled great confidence in Homer he proved to himself more than anyone else that he could contend for major titles you it was a long time until he became a major Contender last month of austa you know self-belief skyrocketed and he’d already proved himself for Team USA you remember he won four points from four matches on his president cup debut in 2022 three and a half points from five matches in the Ridder Cup on his debut last year in a team that got thrashed he’s he’s got the temperament for the most prestigious events Jack and he showed that Augusta he didn’t do a lot wrong at austa he was beaten by Scotty Sheffer and Ludo no one else beat him um and last week on another long big boys Championship courses we’ve discussed Homer show that his magnificent iron play makes him a threat anywhere he’s not one of the longest drivers but he’s not sure either he’s won at Quail Hollow before his last PJ tour win was at Tory Pine South one of the longest courses on the circuit he won the nedbank challenge at the end of last year another massive ballpark so if you if you’re looking for negatives for Homer you might see massive C this week not one of the longest drivers but it’s not a negative he’s proven he his iron player so good his long iron player so good uh um he can be a factor on on Long courses like this one so yeah Mao and hom the Best Bets for the second week running if Cha’s a Volvo what’s H this is a good question yeah yeah yeah yeah what is he I suppose he a bit like an Alpha Romeo isn’t he okay yeah he’s always full of surprises um I’m willing to go to war with a Ferrari and an Alfa Romeo this week best car I ever drove the Al I used to have an Alfa Romeo when I was a single lad impressing the ladies um yeah that was a really unreliable car but you when it was gring its way along the the motorway you did feel like a like king of the world brilant Rory and Max Homer he’s third Sam Burns 70 to1 with AK bets who became a father three weeks ago his baby arrived in in good time with regards to the uspga will come on to shefer later he’s had a baby too but Sam Burns has had enough time to adjust a fatherhood and get his game in order for the US p PGA Sheffer may not have Burns started this year impressively he was sixth in the American Express 10th at Pebble Beach third in the Phoenix Open 10th in the Genesis Invitational then he had a quiet spell his first baby was looming large lots of off course distractions the baby was born just after the RBC Heritage bear Burns bear Burns has arrived on Earth Earth bear Burns bear Burns such a good name it such a good name I really love it uh so daddy bear has had some time to be with baby bear and uh then he was able to get back to business last week in the Well’s Fargo so he tied for 13th Place last week in the world’s Fargo in his first appearance as a father and yeah that was an excellent performance so I feel like a pressure is lifted from the shoulders of burns it’s a worrying time when you become a father for the first time and I think Burns has got the perfect combination of inspiration and energy to be a title threat this week Sheffer may not have the right the right level you know Burns is a big time golfer five-time PJ tour Champion he’s won a WGC he’s played in the Ridder cup now it’s time to contend for for a major title I think valhall is a great fit he’s a really strong driver I think Sam Burns is is is a good example a good example of showing just how stacked golf is at the moment because you’d probably have him outside of that top bracket wouldn’t you he’s a five-time winner and some big ones in there I mean as you say he’s he’s a big Contender and a big price absolutely I mean one of the best 12 Americans in in you know last year into going into the Ridder cup um so um yeah Sam Burns he’s he’s he was a massive price this week I I’m excited I obviously I’m supporting a shorty in Rory maroy mid-range Homer but my other ones are a long way down the B when you name your son bear Burns I mean he has to turn out like sort of World’s Strongest Man or something doesn’t he I mean there there’s no other option for this lab well I suppose you get sort of cuddly little teddy bears as well don’t you you could go one way or the other but yeah maybe he wants him to be a big grizzly bear more like bad grills where he’s s tracking the Sahar and drinking his own urine and oh yeah is Bear Grills really cool Bear Grills is he is he that’s real name is is that his real name so yeah it’s probably like it’s probably like rer rer yeah um anyway s burs is the third selection for Steve Palmer who’s next bayong Hunan also 70 to1 with AK bets another superb ball Striker on my team is Tito green class saw him become the youngest ever winner of the US Amer championship in 2009 he was only 17 when he won that it was at Southern Hills which is a regular us PJ venue he won on the challenge tour in 2014 he won the BMW PJ Championship it went with in 2015 by a six shot margin he looks set to become one of the best players in the world he didn’t achieve what we expected he won on the corn fre tour in 2022 contended a few times on the PJ tour putting became a major bug bear for benan over the last 10 months though we’ve seen a real Resurgence from from from Benny as I like to call him he finished third in the Scottish open second in the Windam Championship fourth in the century second in the Sony Open eighth at Bay Hill 16th in the Masters and in the last fortnite Jack he’s finished fourth in the CJ cup Byron Nelson third in the world’s Fargo Championship last week Benny an is looking top class again and Whisper it quietly whisper it quietly he’s putting amazingly well incredibly amazingly awesomely well and the what’s his make percentage and I’ll throw you a low number and you can amaze me well this will amazia this is probably even more incredibly awesomely amazing than the you’re going to tell me former world number one amateur uh yeah I think he probably was I certainly W the US that’s not it it is he was top of the putting statistics last week in the world’s Fargo Championship a designated elevator signature event yeah this is huge for beran to have topped the putting statistics against a world class field you know it was the big problem for him was the putting but this broom handle putter he was sweeping balls in from All Parts last week at Quail Hollow you know if his putting problems are over and the evidence has been compelling in that regard in the last few months we’ve got a contender for everything on our hands yeah benan is a proper golfer he was world number 131 going into that Scottish open I mentioned 10 months ago he’s world number 23 now um you have to respect bong n and respect him I do Steve pal those amazing incredible stats um that’s four we’ve got one more to go lucky last got one more we got one more to go 100 1 35 to one with AK bets I don’t think I’ve ever tipped someone at 135 to one you know AK bets doesn’t play by the rules uh he likes to wear a hoodie at the at the racetrack um and he likes to price things up at 135 to one uh but aay batia has got a great chance it was between Steven Jagger and AE batia for my my final bet victory for stevenh Jagger on Sunday would destroy me but we won’t go into that they’re both available at massive prices but I think B has more scope for causing this upset for starters he’s he’s much younger than Jagger and he has double the PGA Tour titles B here is only 22 years old he’s already won twice on the PJ tour both of those wins have come in playoffs he’s shown great courage to win these playoffs in in his brief career he won the Texas open a month ago his approach play in that event was absolutely Sensational he finished 20 under par uh yeah that Golf Course is no picnic him and Denny McCarthy were miles ahead of the rest of the field then won a playoff with a birdie at the first extra hole so baa hugely hugely impressive in Texas finished 35th the following week on his master’s Deo not a bad effort he had a little shoulder niggle if you remember rightly um I think I thought I was impressed he finished 35th in the Masters then he was 18th in the Heritage signature event the following week um one of the best young players on the PJ torjack and last week we’ve got a forgive you know last week was disappointing he didn’t drive well last week he finished 42nd of 68 at Quail Hollow but I’m going to take a chance on him anyway because of his positive associations with Valhalla uh he won the 2018 boy Junior PJ championship at Valhalla when he was 16 years old he I’ve seen the footage he he chipped in for Eagle at 72 hole brilliant chip on the 72 hole to win by shot massively positive memories of this course um and before that tournament I’ve read up on it before that tournament he talked about how he was studying the pin positions from the 2014 uspg and that gave him a leg up on his Rivals he he knew what the challenge ahead was you know he’s revising for the tournament studying uspga pin positions I love that so he’s he’s going to he’s going to know what to expect this week um triumphed on the track at 16 years of age can he do it again at 22 he’s played in two majors made the cut in both of them so yeah we just need baa to tighten up his driving on the practice ground over the next few days she’s entirely feasible and we have a really Lively outsider on our hands there 13 fighter one M price okay so they’re the they’re the five picks Steve I’m sure everyone’s screaming at the screen as they always do Steve what about Scotty Sheffer yeah this is the man we were talking about if if if he turns up we simply have to backing him he’s so much better than everyone else he’s nine to2 um with AK bets I think we had him at fives didn’t we for the Masters so slightly shorter than that what’s putting you off Mr Sheffer I just think the baby baby Bennett has come too close to the tournament you know it’s it’s a chaotic time when you’re when you’re in new parent he’s a really good man uh isn’t he’s a really good man so the point I’m making is he’s not just going to go oh the baby’s out y peck on the cheek for Meredith peck on the cheek for Bennett and then he’s off the The Practice ground to to work on his on his poter um yeah the point I’m making is he would have thrown himself fully into that yeah there would have been no practice you know he would have down TOS completely after the Heritage get married if nicely relaxed for the birth and then after that spend all this time with the with the kid um so yeah I I think with with I think this is has the potential to massively unsettle Scotty Sheffer um so I can’t entertain the short odds I mean with Burns we’re playing at 70 to1 there he’s had longer to adjust all is clearly well he’s had a tournament back you know he competed last week and played well yeah I I think um Sheffer is just later in the piece and um could be unsettled by baby Bennett the argument from the the Scotty Fanboys out there Steve would be well he’s so good he can he can deal with a week or two off would you listen to that argument yeah he’s so good but there’s there’s no change in the prices is there you know if if you view baby Bennett as a negative you long-term baby Bennett won’t be a negative it’ll be a joyous experience but if you view baby Bennett as a a short-term negative uh it’s not reflected in the prices is it um you know everyone’s yeah the bookmakers are expecting Sheffer just to continue as he has been um I’m not so sure I think this long break might have just you I don’t like to use the word momentum because Bruce will send me an abusive text but you know he might have lost some of his momentum um through through baby Bennett who I wonder if he’s named him after Warren Bennett you’re probably too young to remember him he was one of my favorite players on European tour back in the day classic swing massive underachiever um so yeah I suspect Scotty Sheffer has named his baby after Warren Bennett um but we shall see the other name that that sprang out and just screamed Steve Palmer selection at me was was ludvig orber and I think his um I think his team has come out this week and said that he’s he’s fine and his knee is is is painfree which is is good for all the Swedish followers amongst us uh 18 to one this week was that did he get anywhere close to the short list they would say that though wouldn’t they I mean if it was bad enough to keep him out of a elevated designated signature event last week then I think the knee must be an issue this is Jose Marino mind games going on here I think there might be a bit of positivity I mean you know you used to get that from Tiger Woods all the best players don’t let their opponents know of weakness you know Tiger Woods didn’t tell anyone when he had a broken leg did he during Us open until it was sort of like creaking and making noises and he couldn’t he couldn’t disguise it any longer I mean I don’t know the state of Ludo Bear’s knee but I I don’t I don’t trust um bulletins like that entirely and it’s his left knee which is the worst one for a right-handed golfer load of pressure goes on it I just think it’s enough to to because again it’s not reflected in the prices what price would he be if he had no knee injury exactly the same I I would suggest I don’t like backing players who are under injury clouds Hideki matama has got a back injury pulled out on the eve of qua Hollow last week with a back problem immediately you the back might be better we don’t know for sure you can’t back a player who’s pulled out the previous week with an injury there’s just no point there’s plenty of other ones that have no injury Cloud that you can you can focus on so yeah I’m not back in L go you you mentioned um there were a couple that that nearly made the list who who stood out the most that you haven’t tipped up well Steven Jagger I mean I think he’s got he’s 150 to one with AK bets um I was very interested in him um I mean Brooks kka needs to be discussed um 16 to one with AK bets much more tempting for me than than Sheffer I mean Ker’s won three of the last six M sorry three of the last six USP JS um and he finished is a remarkable St yeah it is it is and especially when I throw that he finished second three years ago into it so it’s very nearly four of the last six you know he’s the king of modern majors and in particular this one I I massively respect him but I just feel like the live guys are underprepared for this major because the live schedule is different this year than it was last year last year we had Liv GF Tulsa the week before the uspga you had kker and Bryson Des shambal finished tied fifth in Liv Tulsa nice little confidence booster lovely warmup then they finished first and fourth in the US PJ the following week Cameron Smith was ninth in the US PJ last year so Tulsa was a nice Stateside warm-up spin for the livers this time the Liv players have not competed stat side since LIV Miami which was a week before the Masters so they haven’t played a state Side Event since the Masters um they’ve had live Adel live Adela live Singapore I mean this is not good preparation I don’t think the live guys have had good preparation kka is the most tempting of of all of them but I’m happy to leave them out the staking play okay great stuff now um there’s going to be specials from from yourself Steve throughout the week in play running on the racing post sport website ak’s not priced the specials up at the moment he’s sorting his eard drum out so he’s got sort more pressing matters but keep an eye out on the racing post sport website because that was also a very successful column of yours wasn’t it throughout the Masters so um just alerting people there if they want something running um action and some and some Market specials and that that’s where to go and I’m sure AK will go big prices on those as well can’t even shout at him to to hurry up with the prices because he won’t be able to hear you well but maybe maybe that’s why you need to shout it’s actually yeah it’s really painful we shouldn’t justest is I know how painful that that that can be um you know there’ll be blood oozing out of his ears um so yeah we wish him well but yeah yeah we will have special pieces um looking to um you know just you take money off him and make his life even worse um as soon as possible um any other not out for the uspga before we get an update on yourself or something at the end um well I mean Sandra shailer 16 to one I mean people lots of people yeah has he got a fan club he seems to have a fan club because he he always shortens prior to Majors before the Masters a sea of blue he was shortening again he’s being well backed I suppose it’s because he provides such a good each way investment doesn’t he he’s always there or thereabouts you know the Volvo is always parked on the leaderboard uh but it just can’t race past all these all these Ferraris so um yeah I mean he was two shots ahead on Sunday through seven holes um and then he was over par for the rest of the round so yeah for cha I think he’ll contend again I can’t trust him to finish the job at the moment you know but you give him another couple of months betting in this new swing and then he’ll win the open for us uh and uh complete the the major zacha well alongside the Premier League darts Steve there’s Premier League football at the final weekend of the season um to look forward to Mark langon the brilliant Mark langon will be joining us on Sunday but before that on Thursday the final episode of Mark langan’s bets Club will be live on the racing post YouTube channel as well so stick around for that and we’ll be getting all of the reaction from Mark on Sweet Spot live on Sunday so uh yeah looking forward to that excellent stuff well as I said earlier we’ve got the watch LW on Sunday so if you are uh well subscribed to the Racing Post YouTube channel if you haven’t already so we alerted when that goes live I think we’re going to be going live about half past 7 we’ve got loads of guests um we’ve got brenon Duke looking forward to that I think we’ve got Bruce popping back I don’t think we’ve got Paul done uh I think I think there was a break down in discussions with his agent so um I was there because I was discussing his because I was discussing his big musly thighs he doesn’t want to come anywhere near this this weirdo Steve anymore so no now we’ll find someone else let’s just lie T tiger there’s rumor that Tiger Woods might be coming on to promote his uh his his new apparel yeah absolutely maybe maybe he’ll send us some um some some some gifts ahead of the show um well there we go Steve I mean this is my last ever Tuesday show which is really sad um I’ve still got time to convince you you otherwise uh I’m not entirely sure where you’re going but um I am yeah I am going to convince you otherwise doubt doubtly something to do with Norwich FC you’re obsessed with that LW how did they even get on against leads the other day it was a thrilling nil nil thrilling nil nil and there’s another com I’m yeah up to Ellen Road on Thursday sure a nice warm welcome from from from the leads boys we see Luke Humphrey’s up there Luke Humphrey to be there he’ll be playing won’t he on Thursday I was on a Thursday I’ll blind I’ll blind you oh he miss it will he yeah he miss yeah yeah course yeah yeah yeah I might distract him from the finals night yeah yeah good point well made you go there there’s an unexpected betting angle for the Premier League D well yeah hopefully I can convince you otherwise but yes is it not looking good no it’s not looking good well put your people in in touch with mine but no it’s going to be Dave Clark leading the from here on so thank you to everyone actually for for um the brilliant Journey that I’ve been on with sweet but it’s been absolutely fantastic big thanks to Bruce milon who passed the Baton over I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here and uh we’ll miss it immensely I’ll be tuning in each and every week um well I’ll see you Sunday Steve um we’ve got a couple of tournaments next week that yourself and Dave will be previewing I think it’s the Charles Schwab and the sud open or something so thrilling start for Dave to get stuck into there and um yeah five selections this week how are you feeling what’s your prep going be like ahead of the start on Thursday yeah I’m feeling good I’m feeling good we have all sorts on racing all sorts in the Racing Post newspaper on Wednesday and Thursday um and um yeah I’m looking forward to the Premier League darts on on Thursday night as well the only problem with having one tournament Jack um you know I’m a big fan of doubles and trebles and quadruples as you well know and I’ve actually managed to conjure one this week by having Rory maroy with Luke liter to win the darts on Thursday night the Sheffield leg of the of the Premier League DS I think lit’s draw is lovely and um you I expect him to to to to win in Sheffield on on Thursday night so have the maoy ller double perhaps two to one and two to one and and seven to one and um yeah that’s that’s the way to S Your Lust For doubles if you have have the same lust as me I’m lustful talked about my sins again I’m lustful I’m envious so glad to I’m so glad to see you back to 100% Fitness Steve as well you you were nursing that horrible B tons litis for a few weeks don’t you but you feel you it seems you’re full of beans again I am you know I’m Ill when I don’t drink when I went a week and a half without touching a drop of alcohol and um you to to heal my throat I feel I feel 100% on on on on health again and um yeah I’m feeling glut this again sorry I can’t stop saying that word I love it it’s a great word well look Steve I’ll I’ll I’ll chat to you on Sunday alongside Tiger Woods and all of our other guests and I hope to see all of our viewers there as well for my last harrar and to watch Rory Ma right get over the line there we go um AK bets a reminder for the new account offer it’s 50% of your stake back as a free bet if your player misses the cut not that any of ours will this week um the code for that is sweet spot 50 head over to AK bets AK himself will be joining us on Sunday um please do remember to gamble responsibly and we’ll see you all very soon byebye [Music]


  1. Good Luck Jack I thought when Bruce left there would be a massive void but you have stepped in seamlessly . Pity Leeds will crush Norwich on Thu

  2. Love this show, but I am gutted to hear you're leaving Jack. Thought you did an amazing job and you and Steve bounced off each other brilliantly. All the best 🙂 (even from an Ipswich fan too!) haha

  3. Steve must be the best tipster in golf i was stupid and bet Wylam Clark didn't know nobody had retained the trophy brilliant show

  4. If I see you on my travels Jack will shout "Hi" as long as it not on a plane! Anyhoo good luck will have a small interest on Homa, Koepka and Rory. This for Sean Steves accy is Scheffler (Masters) Rory (PGA) D. Johnson (US Open) Schauffele (Open) good luck.

  5. Absolutely Love this show , I say it every time… this is by far the Best Golf tipping show on the planet and by a long long way , Please don't let it become stone faced and boring like the rest.
    All the best Jack , you will be missed

  6. First Bruce now Jack how come we lose all the good guys anyhoo good luck in your new venture. Zalatoris big price this week if his back holds out. Good luck. 😎

  7. Great show as always Gents. Shame you are leaving Jack you've filled Bruce's boot's nicely. Good luck with your next move. Max and Paddy this week. Good luck one and all. Cheers

  8. Might see you Thursday evening Jack. Come on the Nodge!!!!!! Thanks for everything with The Sweet Spot. Will watch you doing the other stuff. Let's have a winning weekend.

  9. Thanks guy, agree logic in opposing Scheffler in the circumstances also not comfortable backing Rory with his domestic issues but accept Steve's points, Max Homa tipped strongly elsewhere too main strong bet for me each way, also some win only interest in Rahm at a good price plus Sam Burns now well baby free and good each way value possibly …as with the Mark Langdon's Bets Club thank you Jack great presenting

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