Golf Babe

MASTER Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – Driving Legends 9-hole cup! *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

H1: 01:04
H2: 03:32
H3: 05:28
H4: 08:17
H5: 11:34
H6: 13:38
H7: 15:53
H8: 17:51
H9: 13:35

This is Hole 1-9 for Master Division and various winds – Driving Legends 9-hole cup!

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Hello everybody welcome to this playthrough for master the vision with various wind here in golf Clash the game before we have a closer look at all the content in this video make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications that helps the channel immensely for those of you that do want to take the next step in your game and improve it even more you can scan the QR code here on the screen or use the link that is in the description down below called We There have checkpoint challenge tour playay and tournament guides for everyone so make sure to check it out and sign up and improve your game today you can start as low as $3 per 30 days info box on the right hand side to get the club distance adjustment elevation adjustment also ball and Club type I suggest you to play with have in mind that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to but there’s always a plan behind it so let’s go to hold number one so on hole number eight we’re starting with any uh ball really we do want to find the top of plus zero which is Max P0 line with the second bounce just by the rough line now seven Top Spin one left spin is what I’m using and I’m using a P3 win five ball for those that have the possibility to to play with a P4 win five ball or a P5 win five ball that’s going to be much easier because then you don’t have to go with any overpower on the drive like never but now as I’m playing with a P3 ball I’m going to have to apply whatever overpower I adjust into so especially those of you that you play with an apocalypse level five and needs to add an additional ring to what you adjust into that could definitely become a good thing to use a P4 win five or a P5 win five obviously you can play with a wind four ball as well but if you do want to play with a wind four I would recommend to play with either um either a P4 ball or a P5 ball for that matter to not maximize the overpower completely because we do want it perfect single great left single great right has been fine so that’s no issues in that way and we do want to get to around 350 to 360 yards second shot now we are going to play with one right Spin and two Back Spin ball guideline to hold have in mind that you can play this one with a B52 level F7 or level eight or you go to Grizzly level 9 we will have numbers for Grizzly in the guide two obviously now from plus four we play Max plus 15 P3 numbers and then we’re adding or subtracting from there so plus five we’re adding an extra point one no double pull over bull size so we pull in this casee we’re going to pull 10.5 rings so pulling the Z 4.5 first without pulling over bullly and I’m pulling the extra 10 Center the ball and hit perfect then this in my opinion is probably going to be our best chance together with hole number two to consistently have a drop on our score card bounces on the farway and it rolls up lovely right up pin for a beautiful Eagle here in hole number eight get the guides on / go of clash Tommy ho number nine is a difficult part five due to its being so long here playing an n&t with a power five ball it’s a P5 win five ball this to help myself a lot on the second shot a just max plus 10 all the Top Spin all the right spin were pushing up 10 yards in this in when it comes to this particular play and using one and a half ball of right curl trying to hit perfect obviously with a Max op shaky needle this is going to be some graes involved but this farway is so wide and open that that’s not really going to matter it’s all ma all that matters is to get the correct distance to be able to play the second shot obviously if there is headwind here it’s going to be very difficult to have a solid chance for for the albatross um and that’s obviously something that will be very boring then you might even have to play for uh an eagle in the end now bull side by the edge of the rough line I like these type of plays because it removes the inconsistency with trying to find a specific ring reference by the rough line B guideline through the hole and the reason for that is that we do not want to fall short no elevation and from plus 17 plus 18 I’m using 100 slide 100% slider with no elevation P5 numbers and again the reason I’m aiming through the hole like I’m doing is to compensate for the fact that I’m dropping down into the water with my Target and therefore I do lose distance now it’s all about hitting perfect to give oursel a chance and if we do have uh made the correct tweak in terms of the wind angle we can get oursel a nice drop here for an albatross from distance on hold number nine wow what a tough win to start with and this is a Thor hammer 6 Plus play that is that is focused on P4 or P5 wind four ball 8.1 Top Spin we’re starting at the top top of a plus five yard Mark with Thor’s hammer level eight and when it comes to Thor s level seven level six we start at the top of plus eight yard mark I would say the red ring uh used that as a reference for Thor s level eight when it comes to Thor s level six and seven Follow the Ball guidelines uh position which is what we’re looking for adjustment is Max plus 10 P5 no overpower nor curl nothing Center the ball and we’re going to do a double bounce over the bunker even if you would clip the top of the bunker it will roll out onto the farway and then you just play it safely down towards the green as we’re using 8.1 Top Spin then Thor s level six only has 7.8 we recommend there to push up half a ring to compensate for the less Top Spin there this is not a shot that is tested with a wind four ball likely it would need a little bit more Top Spin but if you do not have the possibility to play with a win five ball then make sure to test with a win four ball in practice before you are going live on the second shot we are going to bounce over the bunker and we’re going to look for a fringe Che but The Fringe meets the green and now we do have plus 14 plus 14 is going to be our base and we’re going to talk about that in a bit two Back Spin to start with we’re looking for the top of the red ring by the sand trap line ball guideline to go through the hole now when we do set up this it’s very easy to still have a little Gap from the top of the red ring to the sand trap line and um you can see that now I still have a little little Gap and now what I do is that I compensate with one click of overpower if I have my red ring by the sand trap line I’m not using any overpower because that’s our default position so once we have switched um sorry once we have set up our position we’re switching to two Back Spin and 0.9 left spin adjustment from plus 14 as a base is a 30% slider a power uh five numbers no elevation and we’re dropping it dead center this even though I’m dropping it here and this was actually on my live attempt I would uh um I would say that I would strongly what can I say I would strongly see this one as a bonus drop very very important to have that in mind on hold number three we’re going to play if not the longest but one of the longer part FS we do have in the game so let let’s pray for some Tailwind otherwise it’s going to be a very difficult um Eagle to get because here we’re playing generally for an eagle sure the Albatros will be there if being very unlucky but or being very lucky but generally Eagle so I’m playing an nnt adjustment and then pushing up Max overpower trying to obviously use all the Top Spin that I can and want to go as far as possible in scenarios like this playing with a top scam boost ball won’t be bad either but here as I’m playing mainly to make sure that I do have some power on the second shot as well the power five ball will help a lot uh when it comes to the second shot now you can see here now that I can attack the PIN for an albatross but it’s very glitchy on certain spots there so if not getting to the perfect spot the glitch will or like the glitches May risk you rolling into the rough on the back of the green 10% elevation here on the second shot but let’s say like this as always when it comes to Elevation it’s a floating number and we are adapting elevation to uh work together with the rest of the adjustment making the adjustment aiming short of the hole as I do have Tailwind we don’t want to come in too H centered ball and hit perfect there we go and we can see this ball here now coming perfect and you can see that little roll there and that’s obviously not what we want but in the end it’s played in a way that we are counteracting the glitch making sure that we’re not going to roll into the rough on the back if we’re aiming at a hole initially and again it’s an eagle and run sure once again the albatross is there but it’s going to be made by very very few players take your game to the next level with our ultimate tournament T guide for the driving Legends N9 hole cup a mix of the Quil Holo and the Old Bridge Park we do have steady WIS which means that you will benefit from having the same wind in the qualifying round as you will have in the final round and even better chance then to try out our guides to really see if it works for you in qualifying and then also in the final round the scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to Tommy via the link in the description down below for expert we look to cater to free to play balls and paid balls when it comes to apocalypse level four plus as our base driver obviously the rock quarterback and drivers like that will occur as well depending on situation when it comes to master it’s free to play balls it’s paid balls as well uh where apocalypse level five and or the extra mile level 9 will be the lowest driver where we go so make sure to try out our guys tommmy Link in the description down below PO number two and we are going to start with the rock and a P3 ball and we’re moving 11 Rings right yeah that’s a very specific amount of rings but that’s because we do want to have the correct angle in terms of pushing the ball up left so once we have done that swapping to a and B52 bag five Top Spin and four left spin playing with a king Slayer ajust is going to be Max plus 10 P3 and we’re pushing the Rings due to the trees we don’t want to zoom out and be inaccurate with our ring pull that’s why we are pushing Max Curl to the left Max overpower with a completely slow needle we’re looking to be uh having our drive to approximately 385 yards when it comes to the second shot be prepared we with your B52 and what we’re going to do is that we’re going to use a back briak Shake sounds almost hilarious but we’re going to use the break that is behind the pin you can see here that we’re moving up being in line with pin using that as a check then we are moving to have the Yellow Rain to be by the rough line using one left Spin and one and a half bar of Back Spin ball guideline will go through the hole just slightly and from plus three we’re using 17% slider minus 5% elevation P5 numbers make the adjustment Center the ball and hit perfect and we’re going to see ourselves having a very good chance for a drop this is what I would say one of the easier ones of the qua Hollow H which also means that if you’re going to have anything to do with winning the tournament not get to the final round but winning the tournament then you kind of have to drop this one it’s qualifying round we are taking it easy and we just going to lay up without having to use any overpower this shot can be played with or this play can be played with a luminary as well you don’t have to play with a power five wind four ball but I like to play with this type of ball we have got a lot of these and um it helps on the second shot now favorite 121 on the drive start at the top of plus 12 with the blue ring just by The Edge there of the kind of bridge side of whatever it’s called in English now 1.8 ball of curl to the right and no overpower no underpower whatsoever it’s only two right spin there’s no Top Spin no Back Spin and the goal here is to get the ball consistently up the farway which is again this drive was super duper consistent with and great left great right is just s very fine 325 to 335 yards is what we are looking for on the second shot we are playing with the guardian the reason we play with the guardian is that we can then uh H rely on the same type of adjustment every time uh because when playing with a cataclysm and people having cat five six seven and eight that’s going to be some different adjustment appli there so in this case we are going to um going to have plus 18 as a base that’s 80% slider minus 5% elevation P5 numbers two right Spin and we’re going to go with half a bar of Top Spin the important part is to have the ball guideline through the whole approximately one and a half green Square in this angle we’re not going to do anything we’re just going to play as this and we are going to add two clicks of overpower if we do have the angle that is a little bit more headwind because otherwise we risk coming short so getting this ball to drop for an Albatros is definitely a bonus but as I said in the beginning there’s definitely more farway to explore further ahead but as committed to this one it’s a simple safe one can be played with a free to-play ball and it’s a nice drop chance get the guide on Tommy hole number four this is another long Par Four and here I would say it would definitely benefit from having some tailwind and then we could get oursel much closer and we could give oursel an easier time nmt with a P1 ball uh is what we are going to do and that’s why you can see this as a replay glitch it shall not be in plus 16 so you can see there now that it kind of jumped back to plus five which looks very uh very suspicious in that sense but that’s because it’s a replay start with a P1 ball adj just switch to a P3 um s spin four win five ball in this instance we’re looking to get this ball to around 405 yards adjustment is Max plus 10 now for the second shot we are attempting a rough bump we’re playing this rough bump on that sloped rough that is by the green here you can obviously do different ways you can go for the rough bomp but you can also go for a bounce up by using the Fairway that is to the right to bounce the ball towards the pin all down to what you prefer doing and also what gives the best possible effect to get that drop four right spin three Top Spin is what’s being used here 1 to 1 minus one is the base that we are using which is from plus 4 so that’s why I’m not adding any elevation in the info box adjustment is done we are then going to apply tweaks based off wind angle and obviously strength as well when it comes to long distance sniper shots this to try to be as accurate as possible when it comes to these type of long distance shots perfect ball into the rough rolls up onto the green dropping that one right side of the cup for an eagle here in hole number four so now we are going to play with Max Top Spin and one left spin this is an upo seven and eight play this is our aggressive option that we will be having in the guide and the reason this is called aggressive is because we’re taking a risk on the drive here where a great left or at least a bad great left will clip the rough with the second bounce I’m certain with that even though I didn’t test that I was super lucky not clipping rough with a single great left but that is again with an AO eight and I would say like this any great left would not be good here we’re starting at the top of plus 27 with the second balance to be just before it gets clipped by the rough that’s my only focus Point adjust is Max Plus a 10 P5 and the goal here is to get the ball up to around 4 uh 4115 to 425 I’m playing with a win five P5 ball to make sure that I the only overpower I need to have is what I adjust into and on the drive which is not much with a win five with a win four that will increase it’s also problem on the second shot with a win four ball as well that you might go into overpower have to go overpower there so I would say if you cannot play with a win 5 P5 ball here I would recommend to go with the more safer option with a luminary and not really waste much time here I’m not going to sit here and say that even though this is an aggressive option and our uh our play for pushing for Albatross I’m not going to sit here and say that this is going to be money this is going to be a tough one to drop and you are dependent on playing with um high level cataclysm or to play with a horizon level six plus we’re looking for Max stop spin halfa right uh having the ball guideline to go approximately one and a half green square left of pin with a second bounce to be just to where it Clips the rough plus 15 by the rough line Shake because sometime we are not going to be in landing position yardage then plus 15 is going to be um 70% slider uh 10% elevation P5 numbers here I do drop down into the water and then I should be playing with two clicks of overpower which I don’t do here and the reason I do need to do that overpower is because obviously I’m falling down to a lower point it’s not going to be any risk but when for getting that you can see here that it comes in with a nice line but it curves off to the right and we go short so I need those two clicks of overpower and then to give a chance I would say with a perfectly executed here we will be around the hole and we will have an outside chance for an Alba cross but once again we play an aggressive uh drive and we need to really think twice before playing if you feel confident with that is only qualifying rounds it’s nothing against playing a a safer play and just getting the eagle but this is the aggressive option for us here in whole number five get the guide on Tommy for the free to-play option and the less aggressive option I would have to say we’re going to play with seven Top Spin and two left spin have in mind also you playing with apocalypse level five has to play with an albatross ball or you’re going to have to increase the overpower and we’re going to talk about that in a bit blue Rin by the rough line at Max with a poke eight and we are adjusting Max plus 10 P5 pay close attention to how many rings you adjust into overpower you can see here I’m using I’m being approximately 2 and a half half ring into to overpower after my adjustment and what I’m going to do here now is that I’m going to use a half a ring more than what I adjust into so I’m going to play with three rings of overpower no curl I would say a great right is better than a great left but looking to where my first and the second bounds are we should be fine fine with a great left here too but again it’s not going to I’m not going to sit here and say that this is going to be a simple drive because it’s not if you do not execute properly there’s definitely a risk of clipping the r with either the first bounce or with the second bounce with this or with the aggressive option um if you play with an apocalypse level five you need to add one ring extra overpower to compensate uh which obviously will be uh will be tricky but unfortunately that’s what’s going to be needed to be done so for the second shot here it’s either going to be the big dog level eight plus or with the catac level six plus because we want to use seven Top Spin into right spin so the thing we need to have in mind here is that and the reason I’m actually using this video as well as a replay is because I’m making a very bad grade left and it’s still safe and that’s actually good to have in mind because we have a lot of farway to bounce on after the rough there so the intention here is to clip the rough with a second bounce that’s the intention I’m adjusting Max plus 10 from plus 10 using two right Spin and seven Top Spin and then I’m using whatever overpower I adjust into as the overpower amount you can see how bad that great left is and that bad great left will miss the rough and now I’m thinking okay I’m 100% going to roll into the rough in the back even with that glitch roll but you can still I’m still super safe because I do have a lot of room so even if you do hit a bad grade you will be very safe and again we are not playing for anything else than an eagle so regardless where we end up for a wedge or for a pot it’s still going to be an easy way for us to lock in the eagle and we have only wasted a luminary get the guide on ofcl Tommy all number seven is honestly looking very uh very straightforward very easy but it’s not this is a long Par Four first and foremost where you should be prepared of having to play with your sniper from distance if not having a very favorable tailwind and we can push the dry very hard here I’m playing from Max P2 line which is plus 11 and then the clearing by the rough line adjust Max no elevation all the Top Spin two left Spin and then playing Max Op with a slower needle here you can play with a P4 ball you can play with a P5 ball you can literally do whatever we are going to bounce and bounce and then hope for this little roll out here and that’s also one key to this type of play is that we do want to have a consistent roll out because if we’re getting one time 400 yards and one time 415 yards that’s going to change the second shot a lot now you can see the second shot with the luminary this is only here to display um uh one way of playing this shot if you can reach far enough you can go for a rough bump on top of the bunker on the left which definitely is an alternative but if not being able to reach there let’s say with this type of win then bouncing like we’re doing here with our sniper is the best possible way to attack the pin with no risk of losing out on the birdie but also giving us a shot for the eagle 10% elevation is what I’m using here in the video but have in mind that this this elevation as always is a floating number and we’re only using that to play together with the rest of the adjustment like such as spins and and the the club distance adjustment that we’re using and such so don’t be afraid of changing that number perfect ball you can see that the ball bounces on the farway and then the green is slly downhill so it’s very easy to come in too hot coming in a little bit too hot and just just right but in the end though it’s a safe birdie and we’re giving oursel a chance for an eagle Without Really spending any special ball here with this one but again there is difference way of playing on this one but it’s very easy to look at hole number seven as an easy straight for forward part four where of sure the drive is that but the second shot is not an easy one thank you so much everybody for watching this playthrough for master division with various wind make sure to scan the QR code here on the screen and go directly to Goomy that is uh via the link in the description down below this for our premium guides we offer premium guides for all the game modes in golf Clash thank you once again for watching I wish you the best of luck in your golf Clash game for

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