In this video I will be talking about the key to producing more speed in your golf swing and it has to do with how you are moving your lead arm throughout the swing!

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welcome back to another video and in this week’s topic you’re going to learn how to create more power with this one simple key and it has to do with how you’re moving your lead arm throughout the back swing and the down swing so this is something that hasn’t been really talked about before and I don’t think it’s talked about enough but I’m going to start with explaining what this concept or this what this key is and then explain how you can get a feel for it and how you can progressively apply it into your full swing and if you guys are interested in sending your swings to me you can visit my profile on the skillist app where you can look at all of my online programs if you send in your swings to me then I can take a closer look at what you’re doing and prescribe the more specific drills and feels for you and also if you enjoyed the video please hit that like button and subscribe to my channel to see more golf content in the future let’s get into it if you’ve ever swung a golf club and you’ve always felt like your lead arm or the left arm in my case kind of presses against your chest that’s what loading of the lead arm is and that’s the topic I want to talk about today and it’s really important to create a lot of speed and power and not enough people do this what I mean specifically with the loading of the left arm I like to show show people kind of when I’m holding or standing over it if you look at the angle between you know my left arm and my shoulder line here when I take it back that angle is actually going to be is going to become shorter or sharper okay and that just means that I’m I’m basically pressing my lead arm against my chest okay I’m not maintaining that angle the entire time throughout the entire back swing if you were to look at some tour Pros actually I’ll pull them on the screen you’ll see both from the front and the side view when they take it back eventually that left arm is going to going to almost press against that that chest and especially kind of in the downswing you’ll see it looking like it really presses against their chest as they’re turning in the downswing and this is very common among all the great the the longest hitters and the best iron players in other words when other players don’t do it correctly when they take it back you they feel like a really kind of wide arms there there’s quite a lot of space like underneath their elbows stuff like that so you can kind of see the difference when I do it in correctly here when I take it back without loading my arm see there’s a lot of that angle between my left arm and my shoulder Remains the Same from a dress throughout the back swing whereas when I load it correctly I kind of turn and I’m allowing that lead arm to kind of press against my chest okay that’s in the back swing now for the down swing when they take it back and when they load that left arm against the chest you can see as they turn their body in the opposite direction and remember the sequence if you watch previous videos it goes lower bodies turning follow follow by the chest okay and at that point you can see that my lead arm is really pressed against my chest at that point my chest is turning into my lead arm that’s really important for me to be able to release it at the right time and to generate a bit more speed or that whip kind of effect or feel if I were to just demonstrate with my left arm when I go back you can see my left arm is pressing against my chest and as I turn the opposite direction it’s kind of pressing more against my chest before I let it go so instead of looking kind of solid and stiff kind this my left arm doesn’t load against my chest at all whereas I’m loading it against my chest so you can kind of see that difference between this and this so I’m going to show you some more examples to give you a better visual from the front view I’m going to hit a few balls all right so after seeing those two examples um if you can see the difference great if not when I don’t load my left arm like across my chest eventually in the back swing I felt like very stiff felt like I was putting a lot of effort into it and not really getting a lot of gain whereas when I was kind of loading it or allowing it to load I felt I was able to create more of this kind of whip effect so if you’re someone that was struggling with even releasing the club or kind of feeling like they’re they’re generating the speed more at impact it’s probably because you don’t know how to load that left arm correctly or the sequence is off in some way when I just do this slowly if I don’t load my left arm you can see my I’m just kind of taking it back like with my shoulder and the lead arm in the same angle the entire time I also have to feel like I’m rotating a lot more than I have to having that lead arm load helps me to get the club a little bit further back instead of me having to keep everything solid here and having to use my rotation and extension to make up the difference of of the movement to get my hands up all the way up at the top of the back swing whereas if I load I can still turn but I can still feel like my hands get back behind me because my left arm is like moving across my chest a little bit so again if I didn’t do it correct it’ll look very stiff kind of looking like like this if I did load it correct you can kind of see a difference in terms of me generating this this kind of whip here you can kind of see how you can see it right here how that left arm is like staying pressed against my chest as I’m turning and the club head follows immediately after that so that’s the the biggest difference so you’re going to feel like you’re really keeping everything together like this and you’re having to rely a little bit more on your body pivot in order to generate the speed whereas if you were to load you can kind of get that left arm to whip away from your chest so that you can get the club head to whip through the ball and generate that speed more at impact the exercise that I I want you guys to try um I get some of my students to do this who who don’t understand how this works but you you don’t need a club or anything you can just put your left hand or your lead hand out in front of you in your posture and what you want to do is at the beginning you know in your takeaway everything for the most part is together okay so you don’t have to like move your left arm across at the very start okay so at the very beginning I want you to kind of move everything together kind of until when your lead arm reaches close to parallel with the ground but on the way down I want you to feel like you’re turning your chest into your lead arm without moving your lead arm from that position okay so you kind of see it I’ll do it in in real time but I’ll go together and then I’ll turn it into my left arm I’ll turn I’ll turn my chest into my left arm okay and then eventually I’ll let it go if you don’t do it correct you’ll kind of look stiff like this see it doesn’t really change I’m not turning my chest into my lead arm at all but if I’m doing it correct I go together turn my chest into my lead arm go together turn my chest into my lead arm and then I can let it go so it’ll look like this all in one you can see just as I’m starting down that left arm is pressing more into my chest just before my lead arm moves away from my chest so again watch that a couple more times so I’m going together turning into my chest you can kind of stop here to feel your chest moving into your lead arm like this my lead arm stays pretty much in the same position and this is incorrect okay so then once you have that feel once I get someone to kind of feel that then I just get them to grab their club with their lead hand just do the exact same drill so you’re going to go back together and you can see I’m trying to turn into my left arm and then this comes through now with the club in your hand as you’re turning this way you can kind of see that the club I I kind of hinge it with my wrist so the club still goes up while I’m turning in the opposite direction so you kind of see okay you don’t want to look like this you want to look you can kind of almost see that there’s like more of a delay and my my arm and wrist kind of feels quite relaxed if it’s hard to do with your one hand holding the club I mean you can grab the opposite end so it’s a bit lighter so easier for you to control maybe so you back together turn into your left arm and the club is kind of hinged up okay kind of like this okay so I do that you kind of see after you get a handle of this then you can grab it with two hands and then make some practice swings right you can kind of see together see it’s pressing into my chest turn my chest and my lead arm and I’m throwing okay instead of you can see the difference how stiff it looks versus when I do it correct versus wrong way hopefully that gives you a better Visual and a good feel for what you kind of have to practice but once you try that try it with a few like small swings not necessarily just full out full swings yet do it with maybe half swings to start and then apply it to a full swing thank you guys so so much for watching now if you have any questions about anything that I’ve talked about you can leave a comment down below this was a very general kind of explanation of how this works but hopefully now that you’re aware if you don’t feel like you were a player that loaded your left arm or if you felt very stiff then this is something you can think about and perhaps it was holding you back see you guys on the next video


  1. I watch your videos and realize that life consists of moments, and it is important to be able to appreciate each of them. Thank you for your wisdom! 😊⏳

  2. Great video. In your opinion should the down swing speed be generated by the left arm whipping motion like throw a frisbe or right arm throwing/skipping a rock? I know different coaches have a different style of what they think it’s the most “ideal” swing

  3. Looking forward to trying this again. Only one pro told me to do this several years ago and it really helped. I’m not sure why I went away from it (probably too many YouTube videos talking about the perfect triangle with hands in front and center at all times), but hope it will also help with shot consistency.

  4. I used that move on my irons and yes it made it effortless and I compressing the ball so much better. Distances are much longer and apex is higher. Thank you. Would you use this movement on your driver?

  5. Interesting- I always thought you should avoid this and that “folding your arms across your chest” would get you stuck and over the top. Have I been thinking about this entirely wrong or misunderstanding? Would love your thoughts on the above. (Love your videos btw)

  6. Thank you, in watching your correct swing, I think I also see your left shoulder lifting up a little, at the moment when your left arm presses into your chest. Definitely look like a more relaxed and natural move. Prob. for me, a point to pay attention to.

  7. I hypothesize that what I stuggle with is rarely talking about on any videos… tightness. My shoulders and trunk do not move nearly as fluid as yours do. I feel like I get to a certain point in backswing and feelt stiff/stretch and unload all out of sequence and out of plane.

  8. Appreciate the videos!
    This seems to deviate from the idea of a very “connected” swing. Guys like Porzak Golf comes to mind as one who preaches this.

    If we suppose that a more connected swing (stiff and lacking of speed as it may be), is more accurate because it syncs up the lower and upper body better, what “feel” or method do you propose to make sure your upper body and lower body syncs up correctly?

    In my head, i would think you’d then have to almost wait on the arms (by driving them downwards) before rotating or use more force to speed them up, but that goes against the “lower body first” or principle of using the ground.

    Hope it makes sense, and again, very much appreciating the videos 😊

  9. I think it's important to understand that you should be engaging the core and leg muscles during this movement as well. This is your only time to engage everything to deliver the hit. It's too late afterwards, and doing so before is pointless.

  10. My swing is different than yours (I think), but this tip can be used in mine. I will use it at a lightly differnt part of the swing, but I believe it will be effective. I will try it today!

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