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Which new uniforms DRIP and which should be DROPPED | NFL Uniform Rankings

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New Jersey Power Rankings which sounds a lot like we’re ranking things from the state of New Jersey no interest in doing that not having to pump gas Tony Soprano number one yeah yeah Tony Soprano definitely number one uh Pudo uh there seem to be lots of new jerseys coming down the pike New Jersey pun almost almost watch a fight during a traic jam as a kid on the New Jersey Turn Pike you’re going up to Cooper town to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame and we were stopped in the stel traffic and some guy flicked off some guy had two cars ahead of us or one car had was like flicked off this trucker and the trucker got was so mad he started like taking his truck and like coming over to like take him out where my dad’s feel like that’s a Wednesday in New Jersey yeah yeah I think it was a Wednesday like at 10 o’clock in the morning or something like that anyway um since we’re fasting forward we’re going to rank the new uniforms let’s get into the Aesthetics of the Athletics G Flex in the writing muscles I just read we have four options and we start with the Jets I like these uniforms uh how do you want to do that how do you want to rank these do you want to just rank these one through four do you want to grade them individually what do you want to do here uh I graded the I rank them so I don’t know I don’t know what everybody else did but I can also throw out a grade if if we want to do that all no let’s just rank them um all right we have the Jets we also have the Texans which is like Houston Falcons I think it’s like the mix of like the Falcons and the Titans what’s going on here the H is cool like I love the looks a little too Tennessee Titans e but whatever uh we have the Denver Broncos good boy these did not go over well by Bron I’m laughing because you’re gonna get so much hate mail saying that the Houston Texas jerseys look Tennessee Titans E when the Titans stole their colors from the Houston Oilers I’m aware of course it looks Titans Z because it’s their colors I know I like it I mean I’m just all I’m saying is that the modern okay yeah I know what you’re saying I agree with you um and the Detroit Lions I kind of like that alternate black with the blue helmet even though it’s kind of Carolina blue um all right so you said you got you got your rankings in front of you y what you uh what we all what’s all give our number four number four to me is the Denver Broncos the Blue Mountain State Broncos it looks it looks awful I I I don’t listen I I like I like a white helmet I think that that actually is kind of a cool aesthetic but I don’t like the it just feels a little too video gamey like white helmet white helmet blue jersey orange pants look is terrible yeah that looks so so awful what is going on there I mean it it looks like a bad college team on like a like it looks looks like Blue Mountain State like that’s exactly what it looks like if you ever seen that show it’s just it’s just not a good look uh yeah four is Broncos for me too what about you breach uh four is man we our fashion sense if we’re ever on the fashion police we’re gonna have one of us is getting arrested probably me wear a shirt for like 2007 I’m wearing a hoodie for like the 10 straight day so don’t worry about it the same hoodie so and I both have gray hoodies uh my four is the jet and the thing is I almost wish I almost wish we would have gone with grades because I like the Jets uniforms but out of these four I they’re just the most mad I mean when you’re clear number one when your uniform design is so uninspired that all you did was take your uniforms from 1985 and update them a little bit that doesn’t mean much to me like so congratulations to to the sack exchange era that had great uniforms and I’m glad they updated them and they look smooth but I just just not inspired not inspir I think that that’s the problem right like I think that these Jersey like when they try to do a brand new design like we’re we’re looking at with the Broncos earlier they just try too hard and it doesn’t really land I like the Nostalgia update updated Nostalgia I like if we can go back to just a like a block number Jersey instead of these you know digital telephones and these weird italicized numbers or whatever the hell they are I think it’s way better to go classic and just kind of give it a little new flare I think that 10 times out of 10 works out better but to that point I if we were grading these I would give it a b like I don’t hate any of these uniform uh updates I I like them all so my lowest grade would have been a b okay I mean all right uh that’s interesting there’s no way H the I’m just surprised by that I think I see I’m sure with Sully too I don’t like as much I don’t like change as much um get off my lawn I mean I’m I’m 42y old dad I want my rope hat I like my rope hats this is this golf shirt is from shout out to my cousin Aaron who got this for me at the Byron Nelson which is going on right now uh back in when she was working there in like 2007 or eight this is so funny though because it’s a golf shirt but it’s when golf shirts are making the transition into you know like golf shirts now are like super stretchy this is like stretchy mesh it’s very it’s a it’s a weird it’s like they didn’t know what they were doing like all right we just dudes want to wear down down to wear spandex on on their chest uh any who um I’m G just put the Texans at three what about you s yeah I think we’re gonna have the same list Brinson because I’m I’m T we have the T three because we know jet one and you know I I actually don’t like the H helmet I don’t I don’t really love that look that again feels like something that you create in Madden and it’s just kind of a weird team I I don’t like the I don’t like that the the the blue it’s with the blue gloves and the blue outline on the the letters you the numbers either I don’t I get they’re probably trying to go like a little Houston Oilers nod I get it but I just me personally I don’t like it what I do love are the red jerseys specifically the red helmet with the horn it’s given me you know Los Angeles Rams Vibes but I think it applies here I think that that is a nice touch okay uh what is your number three breach uh mine I actually agree with you guys here I have the tit or the Texans and one thing that’s interesting about this though and you guys mentioning that you love the or maybe they should have done more with that blue is that they wanted to but they weren’t allowed to uh the Texans owner Cal McNair and his wife Hannah McNair I think uh both said hey look we wanted to that but we kind of got shut down kind of insinuating that the Titans put the kabash on it which is just crazy it’s like they’re Houston these colors originated in Houston the Columbia Blue they should have been allowed to do more but I do agree with you I don’t like the H helmet it just the color doesn’t work like I don’t like what they did with the Columbia Blue they could have done something else with it I think would have worked I don’t think this is it but I absolutely love the red helmet with kind of the bullhorn the steer Horn uh that one works so and then you know I think the dark navy blue looks too similar to what they had before so I like some of it I don’t like some of it and that’s outlands at three I like some of it I don’t like some of it I would um I would just say that if we’re GNA do anything with the Texans here how about you take the Titans hey NFL how would you give the Oilers un back to back to Houston right give the give them the uniforms for the Houston Oilers because they’re still in Houston like I understand the Titans let like if you leave if you leave the city and you take the franchise and move the franchise you lo you should lose the the right to have those uniforms right very easy to to basically just give them that it’s not like we were running into like a Baltimore Colt situation you’re like okay does indie get it does Baltimore get it this it’s a it’s a completely different team name it’s a completely different you know it’s just uniform and all of that I think it would be very easy for the NFL to just let them use those uniforms even though again it’s technically not the franchise but still I I’m I’m with you if you could give the Houston Oilers their throwback Houston Texans the Houston Oilers Throwbacks I think that would be awesome and the whole thing there is Bud Adams the owner of the then Houston Oilers moved the team to Tennessee wanted to keep it they were the Tennessee Oilers for two seasons until uh they got their permanent Digs at Nissan Stadium because I think they played at vanderbel stadium for a year they played in Memphis for a year and those were the two years they were Tennessee Whalers and then came up with a new name the Tennessee Titans 1999 and at that point that’s when they should have said all right Houston you can have the name back because we are not the Oilers anymore we’re the Titans well we’ve seen this in professional sports before with the Charlotte Bobcats and then they became the Hornets because the New Orleans Pelicans turned into the Pelicans and they just gave them back the Hornets so like it’s not unprecedented right it’s just the the issue is there’s a lot of bad blood between those two franchises but but ABS I mean Amy Adam Shunk would probably like but Adams would roll over his grave if his daughter G but we also saw the NFL let the brown the city of Cleveland keep the Browns when Cleveland the original team moved to Baltimore so like there is precedent for it it’s just weird that how this whole situation played out it was just such a disaster yeah I I wonder I there has I’m sure there’s something that has to do with who owns the particular trademark and the intellectual property aspect of it and I I would guess that but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if but Adams had it in his will that you forfeit all of your money that given to you by me your father if anyone tries to give the the city of Houston back the Oilers and the Oilers uniforms because he remember but famously like got when they played when the Titans went back and played in Houston he got out of the walked out in his owner’s box and gave the double bird it was fine like 50 Grand by the NFL for people like booing him like crazy he’s walks out he’s like f you like fires double birds out what a I think I blogged about uh my number two is the Detroit Lions oh and again like I like I like the helmet Stripes nice and clean this is not overly reimagined you know I’m not I I wish I wish Chapel Hill wasn’t light blue because it’ be a lot easier to love that color because it’s a very lovable color except for that aspect um these blacks are intriguing these these black uniforms are very intriguing to me with that with that um with that blue helmet I mean I I sort of feel like you could even go on black helmet with like the blue lion but I I like the way I like the way that those look and these are just really clean and to see I think maybe that’s the difference Bree is bre is more of a h you know flare guy like he likes to order the pink drinks with the little FS on top and Sly and I like a nice you know Whiskey on the Rocks so this is you know this is a very like straightforward crisp clean look for me so yeah I mean I will say as a fan of a Bahama Mama every now and again like I should like the blue helmet I can’t stand it I AB it’s my number two this is my number two Jersey I like again like the the reimagine classic so I like that I do not like this helmet I do not like the blue I’m I do s like you sound like um Sam I Am like Dr sus I do not like the blue I do not like it here or there I do not like it anywhere I think they would be better served if it was a black helmet and they just kind of did like a you know a blackout type of vibe but also the Detroit Lions have one of my favorite helmets in the NFL don’t mess with it it’s like messing with like when they when the Chicago Bears had the orange helmet I thought it was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen because you just look like the Cleveland Browns don’t mess with an iconic helmet and that is to me an iconic helmet I would keep the gray helmet and just go with a black Jersey I think that would still look sharp uh I had the lions at number one surprisingly look I talked about how I did like the Jets un forms they did look crisp but to me you’re just kind of reimagining something you already had before and you didn’t have enough flare yes that’s what the Lions did with two of their uniforms which are really sharp I love the White and the Honolulu blue ones but then the flare they added is with the blue helmet and they gave us something different and I love the black jerseys I love the blue helmet and that’s what throws me over the top with the Lions and differentiates them from what the Jets did because it is a similar design in the sense that they said let’s just update our class CL uniforms and that’s what they did but man that blue helmet there’s going to be one back here I already have some helmets I’ve never lived in Detroit you love the blue helmet I am gonna get the blue helmet back here behind me before the start of the season that’s how much I love it all right and number one for me and suly the Jets we’ve seen it a couple times again simple re simp Simplicity reimagined you’re just updating it you’re bringing back these old schools those blacks those black uniforms are hot like and I would I wouldn’t wear them down in Miami in September cu you’re literally hot I think they look really good like I like I like the way that that green pops on those and um these uniforms like they’ll be playing with them this year right oh yeah I mean this I I can kind of get behind the Jets all of a sudden yeah I mean to me I like the the green ones with the white numbers I just think it pops I I think it’s again it my favorite one too uh and I’ll just say your guys is I think who’ you have at number four the Broncos yeah that was that was that was my number two look I look I understand why people hate the Broncos uniforms but I love that they actually tried something uh you can’t really see it in the image if you’re watching on YouTube but they have the Rocky Mountains on the sleeves I love that I think the all Navy look is sharp I think the all white look is sharp the only one I don’t like is uh the blue over orange which does look like Blue Mountain State as Tyler mentioned and we’re going to talk about the Throwbacks in a second but that was also a big part of their unveiling I think they have one of the best Throwbacks in the NFL and I think that has to be included because that was part of their uh new uniform release this year and so when you throw all of that together I actually liked it so the the Broncos uniform is kind of growing on me I had it number two overall


  1. You guys need to go and buy yourselves a sense of taste. The Texans uniforms were decided by several hundred fans. The Adams family will not allow the Texans to use the old Houston uniforms.

  2. The NFL should not have listened to the titans. No teams should have ownership over colors. Logo is different but not the colors. No other franchise does this. Many teams use black,carolina blue, silver, and blue.

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