Scottie Scheffler and Rory McIlroy’s Wedge Workshop | TaylorMade Golf

World No. 1 and World No. 2 Scottie Scheffler and Rory McIlroy get together with @trottiegolf around the green to go through a wedge workshop with TaylorMade’s MG4 Wedge. They go through everything including tight lies, deep rough and bunker shots. They talk about how they like to feel like they’re swinging shallow and feeling draw for more consistent contact, where they like their weight positioned, and Rory even tries to recreate his iconic Ryder Cup two-hop and stop shot from off the green.

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I’m Chris tro with Team tailor made joined by no other than Scotty Sheffer and Rory mroy these guys have got their mg4 here and this is tool box lovely that that one didn’t spin very much but it was nice and hot [Music] Rory I think it’s only right we start with you we’re going to go to that flag does this look a little familiar to you sort of sort of giving you some feels yeah yeah talk us through what feels might be so I think what you’re referring to uh try is the Chip Shot that I played um at the Ridder Cup in Rome that little European Chip Shot we still lost the whole but the whole of Europe though the reaction was all we needed the whole of Europe just I mean what did you do you must have seen that and thought geez what’s happening here you know I tried not to watch many highlights that week so I don’t know what you referring to Scotty’s like what highlights you talking about like what ter I don’t I never heard that point so it’s a little different so this is uh Tang on talk us through that one and what you had there and then we can do this one a little firmer than the turf that we have here and it was a perfect lie it was on a tiny bit of a d slope so you know and and it was on a runoff and it was raised up and it was like I actually thought so my partner was Matt Fitzpatrick and I thought that he was in better shape than he was so I was like oh it’s you know it’s one of those shots that you might pull off once or twice out of 10 but I I was sort of practicing it on the chip and green like during the week I said I’ll I’ll try it so what I try to do with that shot is you know I get all my get all my way on my left side side and then I almost feel like if the ball’s here I almost feel like the club’s coming in like there and then it’s just sliding so like really just trying to use the bounces use all of the bounces all of the cber yeah all of the cber as best as I can so it’s a hard one to get right because you feel like you have to almost fat it and then just let the you know the club slide into the ball and you know it was on a down slope so it made it a touch easier to do it and yeah it just came off perfectly perfect so and then talk us through this one and how you might play this a bit of Breeze here right a bit of Breeze balls a touch above our feet on a little bit of an UPS slope um it’s In fairness it’s pretty simple uh you you’ve got the wind helping you as well but you’re really just trying to land this I don’t know six or eight feet on the green with just a little bit of check you don’t need to open it up that much you can play it pretty much with a square face and just make sure that you hit your landing spot and it should be okay show us one see what you got that’s pretty straightforward bit bit far but how much does your weight distribution change from like if you’re on a tiny down slope versus more of a normal pit shot because down slope you’re saying just going with the slope yeah where this is more I’d say I’m pretty level here and I’m I’m still I’m not I’m not back on it but I’m still trying to sort of go with the slope and just I feel like I try to chip quite shallow so I just try to try to let the the club sort of go with the slope a little bit why’ you try and Chip quite shallow I think it just guarantees a strike better I think when you get steep on it you can get it you you know that Leading Edge can dig into the grind pretty easily or you can get a little thin or so being shallow to me I feel like I can control my low point so much better yeah when I’m when I’m so Scotty step in there mate back white flag and feel free boys to talk about questions and how you’d see this but different flights play us like a low one a mid one and a high one and what you would change what I would change so like on this shot I I see low pretty simply just cuz there’s a down slope and then there’s an up slope any of these so what club are you holding on to what left I got 60 right now okay and you’re still seeing low cuz there’s different slopes carry on yeah cuz it gives me a ton of room for error that’s kind of what I look for in chip shots like the shot Rory was hitting like you noticed how he kind of tried to land it in the middle of the down slope whereas if he lands a little short it’s still down slope and he carries a little further it lands in the flat and then he can get it to stop yeah and so like on this shot I’ll only see low just because I feel like I can drive it in there um so to hit it low it’s pretty simple I just keep the ball back and then I actually like to feel kind of what Rory was talking about where I’m shallower on my chips but then when it comes time to really hit I end up just kind of like just doing whatever but I like to practice the feeling of being shallow I feel I like shallow like the feeling of shallow with like a long right arm going back not like hinging it but just sort of feel like yeah yeah like sort of what you do there yeah like what one of the ways I like to practice at home is getting in some kind of grosser stuff and trying to not take a lot of the turf out just so you can practice being shallow and when you if you practicing I mean there’s no bad grass around here but if you practice on bad stuff when you go to the good stuff it becomes a lot a lot easier yeah but like a shot like this I’m just putting the ball back in my stance this one looks like I need to get a little bit of run so I’ll probably draw it a tiny bit that’s pretty much it sort of like that is that down Bank you talked about was good do you ever read into divits much like you’re talking about being shallow I know we’re at fairly new Turf but um so that’s like for me if I was practicing on a shot like this I’m going to need to take a divot just with a 60 degree if I had a 56 I could practice without taking a huge divot also the wedge that he’s using doesn’t have a ton of buns on it so it’s G to happen it’s gonna it’s going to dig in a little bit like and I like to play a lot of shots like that where I hit I’d say a lot more of my chips a lot lower with more spin than I would more lofted shots I tend to see low before I see really high could you want it on the turf running rather than I just feel like it’s more under my control like it’s easier to strike it when or I feel like when I’m hitting it lower and um so if you had to play a high one here what would you change and let’s say there was less green to work with like if if I was going to that front pin like the first one the face was still a little open and I kind of Drew it so I could get the run on this one it’s kind of the same the same feeling of a slight draw I just open the face put it a little further up I grip it and then I I I like to feel draw because of that shallow yeah the shallowness if I’m if I feel cut I start to dig a little bit yeah and the more I can feel the draw I actually tend to get more spin on it too that one didn’t spin very much but it was nice and high yeah that’s nice yeah I like to feel draw as well because I feel I get it more out of the middle of the Club face as well sometimes if I you know have the handle going left I’ll get these like to strikes so like feeling draw I feel like you just get it you get it out of the middle of the club F more often too so let’s get into that thicker stuff the collar there on the bunker same deal that you guys really feeling draw there when you’ve got to get a bit steeper on it because of the lies maybe not so great or Rory you show us in here sort of I’m a little bit more like this like shallow as well so um say it’s a pretty bad lie like I I I’ve always loved the way like Jason day Steve Stricker like their actions out of the rough it’s sort of it’s it’s long and sort of rigid but it’s it’s quite it’s quite shallow going through so you know to me it’s like again that like long right arm like J day is like really good at it and then it just sort of I feel like I use the the club just to like slide it under the ball is how I feel about it so again I don’t like to get too steep yeah same page yeah I think I think a lot of guys try to emulate Stricker I try and emulate him basically up till I get to about a seven iron I mean it just looks so good yeah so just nice and shallow long yeah that’s nice it’s nice there yeah I think really all you’re looking for and stuff like this this is just getting the most consistent strike you can on the ball and so I mean if it’s sitting way down you know almost looks like it’s below the level you’re going to have to get in there and chop it but if the LI sitting decent and you know getting shallow you’re going to get that club through there and get good contact I think that’s kind of just what we’re looking for so what about the traps then obviously in more recent years this draw and releasing the bounce underneath has comeing to play a bit more maybe show us a few of them y all right I also I think it’s funny when we try to describe what we do and then you hit it and it might look totally different but I do I still like that feeling of the hook because all I’m really trying to do is get that under the ball just get the bounce under the ball and just get the ball up in the air and the more effectively you use the bounce the easier it is to play out of the bunker it’s a pretty simple principle really so do you ever worry about the release or is it all just look get the bounce under once it’s gone it’s gone change Heights of I was about say I try to set up in the appropriate position so from there I’m just trying to get that club basically under the ball so if I’m hitting just a normal bunker shot Ball’s up I always open it before I grip it yeah I never like to grip it normal and try and open it because your hands are typically going to return so I set it open grip it good solid base weight left and then I’m basically just trying to feel like I’m taking the club back and then throwing that bounce under the ball and trying to get it to go out but if I look from this angle like you’re quite Square to it but with the face open so is it a feeling of path it’s all path okay like path is what they because if you think about it you’re the club isn’t actually making contact with the ball the club is making contact with the sand and it’s the sand that’s bringing the ball out of the bunker so it’s all about the interaction of the club and the sand not really the club and the ball so you guys are so deep on path like you’re all talking both of you talking draws draws on everything yeah I like the feeli draw but then you look at my divot my divot still a little left of the pen yeah yeah yeah yeah feel versus real yeah and then for me with a like if you really want to work on path I like I like draw a little station in the bunker if I’m practicing so if I get this ball yeah um so say where my target is at this red one so I do this and then I just try to make the te there and then I try to set up with my left heel on that and basically I’m trying to get this club shaft on the same line as as as this line and then from there it’s just super easy to to go ahead and and return it back there and get the bouns under the ball and have it and swing on the on the target line lovely that you mentioned uh Jason day’s name you mentioned Stricker’s name you mentioned players do you guys at tour events over the years now obviously both of you fully established best players in the world have you had conversations and gone up to players and just asked them about technique things that you’ve like the look of stuff or like for example the shot you played at the Ridder cup have people said what what did you do and like the younger players ask you and things like that um but how how how much knowledge you shared yeah I mean a depends on the person I think yeah depends on like I I would never I would it I would never force that upon anyone and be like oh let me show you yeah but if someone were to ask me I would be more than happy to tell them but um but I’ve always liked to figure things out for myself yeah I’ll look at other people and I’ll see what they do but I still have to create my own version of what they do and not actually just try to copy them so I yeah I think we all look around at other people but you still have to make it your own some somehow yeah I would say my eyes are typically I learn a lot just by watching people that’s kind of how I grew up learning to play I grew up around a few Pros that let me hang around him from a young age and so I from a young age I always just learn just by watching yeah and so even when I see Rory practicing or I always kind of poke my head around and just to see what guys are doing and you can always pick up on something but I think very rarely what I ask just because when we’re at a tournament guys are pretty focused um but when we’re at home like if I’m playing a lot with Jordan or somebody like that I’ll I’ll ask a question when I see it but when we’re at tournaments it’s a lot of business and I’m not going to ask him what heos because that’s a sign of weakness and I want and I’m trying to beat him and he’s trying to beat me one of the cool things about this year’s photo shoot and these products this has been the easiest thing everyone has been in M Grime for so easy coming in here what do you think it is about this club that’s just made it so easy and to hit so many different players from the guys to the girls to everybody there tons of options I think I think there’s a wedge for everyone in there whether I mean if you look at the so that I use compared to the so that Scotty’s using they’re they’re they’re pretty different uh I’ve used this Soul before at the Open Championship when the turf is really firm yeah um but to me this is like a real versatile you know wedge but if I need to go with something with a little more BNS or less BNS I just think you know yeah there’s so many options I think that’s the the nice thing and and again and with M Grind as well you know from wedge to wedge you’re to get the exact same thing if you need a new wedge or you need you know exactly good stuff well mate it’s always good to listen to you guys obviously we’ll all be out there now trying to hit draw shots and probably struggling I know I will be but that is the the boys in here with their toolbox the mil Grime 4 Scotty Sheffer and Rory maroy if you want to know more about mil Grime 4 wedges or any of the team tailor made athletes please head to tailor made and check it out


  1. How recent are these videos? Love em but it seems like they film a ton all at once then slowly leak them out over a year or so.

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