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How Kirk Cousins found out Falcons were drafting Michael Penix Jr. | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Kirk Cousins explains drafting another QB is “more the norm than the exception,” which leads Mike Florio and Chris Simms to discuss why they aren’t convinced he saw that move coming. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #NFL
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How Kirk Cousins found out Falcons were drafting Michael Penix Jr. | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Kirk Cousins has mentioned at the top of the show spoke with reporters yesterday he had been on a podcast I think busing with the boys more recently but he needed and he was required at some point in the offseason program to stand there in front of a microphone and take questions the first we’d heard from him since the stunning news the biggest story of the draft the Falcons using the eighth overall pick not on someone who’s actually going to make the team better this year or next year or maybe the year after but probably not with Kirk Cousins playing quarterback it’s going to be somebody who’s sitting on the bench behind him here is Kirk Cousins from yesterday on how he learned that his team would be using that top 10 selection on a quarterback yeah no um I was at the the team event at the stadium was just driving back and and uh they called me and just said hey we’re going to we’re going to take a quarterback here at the pick and I said okay yeah I think it’s similar to the call that Mark anonio made to me in 200 that would have been 2007 when he said hey we’re going to offer another quarterback I know you’ve signed Nick FES you know you guys are going to have to compete and it’s like okay you know let’s let’s uh just take the next step and uh and then I was drafted right with Robert Griffin and it’s hey you know you’re going there with another quarterback in the same class okay um so this is more uh this is more the norm than the exception and I think the response is that this is the exception when really if you know my story you know this is more this is more the norm of the journey and it’s more of okay you know let’s let’s uh just start working and start building together you know we come up with certain things to cope with whatever hand we’ve been dealt one of the brilliant aspects of the office one of my favorite shows of all time would be when some bad news had happened and they do the testimonials or the confessionals or whatever is when they’re sitting in the conference room and they just talk to the camera they do a great job of just adjusting to whatever crap might have landed oh we’re going to lay off everybody and shut down the office great I’ll take my severant package and retire early oh we’re still going to open up okay fine I’ll show up for work every day I mean you know you deal with whatever you’re given because you got no choice and that’s kind of what he’s saying I don’t think he expected this one that’s the difference you know you go to a college program you expect they’re going to have other quarterbacks on the depth chart when a team uses the second overall pick in the draft on a quarterback yeah you don’t expect them to draft you but it’s not like you were the guy I think the guy who got picked is more likely to say what’s going on here I was the second overall pick in the draft what are they doing draft another quarterback round four the same year something’s weird about this right this is this is Kirk Cousins going to Atlanta to put the icing on the cake of his career and try to win a Super Bowl and we got the eighth pick in the draft to augment the roster with some badass Byron Murphy Dallas Turner somebody who’s going to pump up the defense and help us win games big games not September October games January February games oh and you’re you’re using that pick on my successor haven’t even taking a snap and you’re using that pick on the guy that’s going to replace me eventually you know it’s like when people get a dog as the dog they have is getting a little older because that dog’s going to die so we need another dog they’ve already got the second dog before they’ve even you know enjoyed the first one so that’s the difference here and he’s not going to say that that’s the thing he’s not going to say what he’s really thinking that’s counterproductive just like Michael penck Jr when he finally spoke to reporters in that you know offseason workout setting I I feel bad because you can’t bear your soul because it’s going to create a lot of problems I’d love to hear Kirk Cousins truly bear his soul and maybe it’ll happen you know after his career ends he’ll do some retrospective interview or write a book or something I don’t know but there’s no way he’s happy about there’s no I’m sorry there’s no way he’s happy about this no no there’s not I mean not but I I think he’s a so strong-minded right he’s got the the gift of compartmental I ization right that so many good quarterbacks have right i’ I’ve heard ex- teammates of Brady talking about that might be his greatest strength right I I think a lot of great quarterbacks have that right I I I I grew up with one I mean my dad you know he he could be like that you know I’ve told you before he’ll be sitting there eating a cookie and he’ll tell everybody in the house and go I haven’t eaten a cookie in three years and we’re going wait you’re eating one right now and oh well this is one of these this is one of these Health ones not a real cookie right he he can there right and that’s what a lot of great athletes can do to a degree there’s no doubt about it and I think KK cousins is a master in that department and that’s why he’s always been able to block out noise the haters the prime time wait you’re asking for too much money and all of that certainly but like yes you know is it died down in his soul a little bit as far as angering him and disappointing him like you were saying yeah I’m sure it has but it’s still there and like listen bringing in competition is the norm yeah that’s the norm no but not in this case you’re the exception in this case this is not then when you sign $180 million the norm is we don’t draft a quarterback in the top 10 you become an exception in a different category here that’s not supposed to happen you’re supposed to be at a part in your career where th this is I’ve I’ve you know made my way I got enough pelts on the horse I’m the man here and we shouldn’t make that type of move and that’s the commitment you made to me that’s what you kind of made me feel and now you’ve taken that away from me to a degree and yeah it’s got to bother him but I do think if there’s a guy that can overcome it and block it out I I think KK cousins is as good as it gets in that that department yeah and you just have to do it you have to do it and a lot of times it happens as a result of Life unfolding yeah for is the result of a deliberate decision that conflicts with it has to conflict with the vibe he got even if they didn’t overtly lie to him and say we’re using the eighth overall pick on somebody that’s going to come in and make the defense better that’s what we’re going to do or don’t worry we’re not going to draft another quarterback and we weren’t going to do something crazy with that pick like take another quarterback hahaa you know the vibe had to be we’re going to try to win it’s win it’s Winn all he talked about when he first got superow super bow against it that’s the reality it’s not just oh well they brought in another quarterback it’s they brought in a quarterback with that very valuable asset that could have been used to help me I mean it’s the the stuff that Aaron Rogers justifiably was upset about in Green Bay yeah you trade up in round one not to get me more help offensively but to get the guy who’s going to be behind me and pushing me out at some point this is the sign that you want me out at some point they hung that sign in Atlanta before cousins even put on a helmet that’s what’s amazing about no I it is amazing you know of course the like we’ve talked about all the details of it are are pretty amazing and again as we go through this you know all signs point towards they didn’t really realize they thought they were going to get Jaden Daniels before the year that was their guy they wanted Jaden Daniels Jaden Daniels Jen Daniels it got to the end of the year and they realized wait Jaden Daniels is going to go too high in the draft or we’re going to have to make a move to get him they didn’t do that they it seems like they realized that around the combine that okay Jaden Daniels everybody’s hot on them they moved to Kirk Cousins right by all du accounts right it looks like as we stand here now that they didn’t realize how good Michael penx Jr was till a few weeks after that and that’s when they recalibrated and then also within that where I think you if you you know talk about Football Life in the NFL the way things are going to go down the way you treat your employers right the way you get into all those conversations you know I I I I’m sure Kurt Cousins can’t be thrilled with the fact that you know something you’ve alluded to here already that nobody’s really talked to him about this until right when they were going to make the pick too right you know usually you get a little bit more of a warning like he even talked about with uh you know D Tony in in in Michigan State a little bit of a warning a heads up maybe leading up to the draft a few days before hey just want to put this on the radar we are thinking about this this could happen right and I think probably that would be where Kirk Cousins feels misled and lied to and you know uh a little you know hard feelings that way as well and that’s where they got to be delicate with him and and you know make sure they make him feel like he’s wanted loved and he’s their guy certainly he can’t feel good about that part of the relation ship right now hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk


  1. The only thing I can think of. Is the Falcons loved Penix and were afraid they couldn't pick another QB as good as him in future year's

  2. Oh shut yall job not on the line Cousins is old and coming off a serious injury and has never won a playoff game Atlanta was smart to do this

  3. I never got “The Office.” I’m guessing you have to be a liberal to like it. But its “humor” falls flat. I’ll take “Resident Alien” or “What We do in the Shadows” any day. (“House” was hilarious as was “Seinfeld.” Adult humor.)

  4. Why do you guys care so much? You don’t sign any checks. You’re not fans of Atlanta. Are you just intending to prove how smart you are and how stupid you think Atlanta is. Get over yourselves! Atlanta is dealing with it.

  5. Florio is missing the point. He's all wrapped up in Cousins being sold on Atlanta and then being backstabbed. He got 100 million guaranteed to come to Atlanta. Hes an aging 36 year old (in August '24) coming off an Achilles tear. Look what happened to Ryan in Atlanta. He hit 36 and was done. The Falcons remember that. Plus Cousins hasnt won a damn thing. He's a good QB but he cant single handedly lift a team. The Falcons were smart to draft the heir apparent . So what if Penix sits for 1 or 2 years and LEARNS. So what if Penix is 24 now. The Falcons have an insurance policy for 1-2 years if Cousins is bad or gets hurt. Cousins will be the starter at Atlanta i think for 2 years max and thats if he's healthy and good. Plus the Falcons probably going to get whacked for tampering and wont be able to procur a high level QB in the next couple years especially if they improve. Florio keeps harping about the money this 67 million. Ok the Falcons overpaid this year but werent going to get a decent starting caliber QB for less than 30 million. The cap hit is way less the next 2 years and Falcons can cut or trade him if need be.

  6. This is similar in some ways to when the Packers picked Jordan Love. In reality I think it worked out and it was a good call but Rodgers wanted out of Green Bay after that. But right now if I could have Love or Rodgers I’d take Love mostly due to age and salary. Rodgers is a great passer but ultimately he won’t help the Jets really. Rodgers is probably gone after this season. Meanwhile the Packers are looking like they’ll make some noise with Jordan.

  7. Boo freakin Hoo for KIrk Cousins…..guy has career earnings greater than Brady, has one playoff win in over a decade to show for it. Has $100 mill guaranteed from ATL…..Yet, he's the victim.

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