Golf Players

2024 National Youth Championships – Bouldering Final

Livestream of the 2024 National Youth Championships

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About Sport Climbing Australia :
Sport Climbing Australia is the National Organisation for the sport of climbing in Australia. Sport Climbing Australia is the event organiser.
On the Sport Climbing Australia channel you can follow the three Sport Climbing disciplines of Speed, Lead, and Bouldering. Follow livestreams, Sport Climbing videos and event highlights.

[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w m [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh hello folks and welcome to the youth National 2024 bouldering championships here in the go Coast my name’s Jason Whitten folks and today we’ve had over 400 competitors Across the Nation all over Australia and New Zealand competing for the final spots only the top six have gone through to the finals folks it’s absolutely going to be jam-packed with action tonight so let’s get on with it welcome to the youth national bowering championships 2024 [Music] well hello folks and welcome along the youth National Boulder championships here on the goal Coast at the amazing core bouldering Center Jason Whitten here with you folks and I’m joined by the amazing awesome absolutely fantastic Ian Gil Martin again in the commentary box Ian great to be back 2024 we’ve got a big lineup and it’s not disappointing 400 competitors this weekend yeah um thank you Jay it’s a joy to be back with you my friend and um what a brilliant introduction I’m uh I’m Blown Away my friend yeah thanks yeah know it’s been a heck of a a day and a half so far and um it’s just about a go get even crazy isn’t it here’s the finals well we’ve had uh 300 plus competitors this morning in the Boulder and um folks you can hear the the uh the root Setters in the background making some final adjustments to the finals but uh have a look at this folks the root Setters have been absolutely legendary this weekend what a mammoth effort but have a look at this amazing 3D render of what’s to come this afternoon root a big shout out to the root sets Jordan Amanda Alistair tanara and Stanley and a big shout out to our main man Mike who did these renders absolutely cool taking twinkling it is as twinkling like uh like like the stars but anyway folks that’s a bit of the lineup in I’m really excited actually this is our first one back in 24 and uh what a showdown there it is folks live in action and you can see there the actual renders that he took of these climbs um yeah spectacular and you said um this weekend and that’s the thing j we’ve had so much action yet it’s still only Friday it’s Friday well I’m getting ahead of myself I’m that excited we do have the lead on Sunday but today I it’s all about the boulder but that’s what I’m saying what a huge week we had I woke up this morning yeah was checking the soccer scores and two days early it’s we’re so excited this is this these two days have been a blur and the kids the level every year Up Up Up Next Level it’s great to see the level of skill and passion coming through in the competition but what uh what happened later or earlier today the D’s and C’s uh they did their Boulder Jam final uh and you can track down the winners of that online folks if um if you’re interested in Keem Sports climbing Australia have got a live scoreboard you can jump on to their website and find that um but this afternoon in we have the B’s the A’s and the Juniors male and female you yeah it’s going to it’s going to be incredible it was so close getting through and there was a couple of appeals and you know there’s a people counting zones and looking going oh I might make it I might make it as the score started to filter in so the standard it wasn’t just one standout it was you know 60 standouts everybody delivered and um yeah what a day yesterday was high stakes bouldering at the competitions which is awesome so hey why don’t we Chuck to a quick highlight and have a look at what uh what happened earlier today let’s see it absolutely [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah I think that might have been yesterday but we’ve had plenty of plenty of competitors on the wall and uh plenty of climbing done folks but uh why don’t we take a look at uh who’s in the lineup for the competition this afternoon the finals only six Ian have gone through to the finals now the format let’s just quickly talk about the format uh the format is uh onsite format five on five off so what happens folks um is the competitors come out in uh reverse order uh so if you have a little look at the junior female Bower finals here folks um Emily cleia uh ma Katie Abby and inis now they come out in reverse order so number six is the highest finisher and number one is the number six finisher in the qualif actually be coming out first Abby will come out second then Katie then M Emily yeah so this so we’re showing you the actual positions as they are but yes the coming the order they come out in will be flipped all right and then so uh we got the male Boulder finalist here you know Max Boston uh William Finlay Brody and uh Kon yeah and to be honest like um although we you know the standard is closed and we’ve seen some new names on face pop up a lot of familiar faces in this older bracket these kids are obviously we talking 18 years of age now we’ve seen them on the scene for the last few years and we you know we’ve had the joy of spectating and um yeah so a couple of names you might all be familiar with back at home and um if you if you’ve tuned in previously y yep so uh big lineup this afternoon and then we get into We Roll straight into the youth a female uh a couple of familiar names there coming on through some powerhouses you know Grace Taco Tiana you know christell summer and McKenzie um all uh strong strong boulderers miles Daniel Brandon Archie Jimmy and Zen are lined up for the utha male and um the youth be female uh not far behind and what separates them entertain the age groups really at the end of the day um at this point in time so you know sometimes folks you can get uh you know a really strong bould R in the youth b or the youth a uh and they throw they could throw down pretty nicely even in the in the Juniors or even upper rank but um you know Jasper Mason Lan uh Renee James and Fletcher all throwing down for the champion of champions in that one and as you always said Jess it’s nice to a bit of a blend between the different states you know some Vic athletes in New South Wales we’re based in Queensland this year we were the joy of being in New South Wales in Sydney last year and you know you see the different athletes from each state which is really good everywhere’s got a bit of representation yeah some kiwi well yeah exactly it’s from all over Australia um and uh the kiwis have a good representation we were down in we were down in Melbourne for the Oceana championships and you know the Kiwi showed up pretty strong there as well strong in the in the speed actually weren’t they gave us the moment of the weekend with the hacker didn’t they well there you go folks you going to have a look at all the competitors out there in the uh isolation room now they’ve been out there for about an hour this is the competition format so so they come out in um I think it’s uh youth ba a junior or is it Junior a we we were just trying to get the heads up on that yeah we’ve been led to believe it’ll be the B A then the junior but um you know it’s it’s exciting whichever way it comes to be honest because like we mentioned before can stick them all on any of these clams toally y well in in come the Keen crowd and hopefully they don’t get in the way of our camera shots um but uh they everyone’s Keen to take a look at what goes on this afternoon the Sun’s shining which is brilliant we were wored we were worried about the weather there for a bit because you know 400 young uh competitors plus a parent um that means 800 people here for the weekend and you know or maybe even more uh volunteers and others and you know while we’re at it in big shout out to you guys here at core for hosting you know big shout out to sports climbing Australia for putting the event on uh and all the volunteers we couldn’t this would not happen without the volunteers I just I say like volunteers small states but the Queensland community and not you know we obviously we might be a tiny bit biased to the community because they we see them deliver consistently but once again they’ve stepped up here and the you know the head judges and and all the volunteers um from around the coast have just come we we put a call out for gazebo six turned up before send send on the message you know it’s just really really incredible from all this climbing Community as a whole um so yeah if you’re at home and you’ve been here before or you’re watching it back thank you so so much yeah know that’s great isn’t it yeah not just on behalf of car on behalf of the whole climbing scene we need people like you so thank you so much and if you’re wondering about volunteering you know jump up there’s one in per later in the year that will be hopefully out as well the adult Nationals and um there’ll be plenty of events in your area plenty to volunteer well listen big shout out to all of you on the live stream we can see quite a lot on the live stream and there’s a few shout outs already so we’d love to see you get in behind whoever you’re supporting you know even if you’re supporting the sport a state an individual competitor get in the chat and be friendly and have some fun we’ve got some shout outs from Anthony already let’s go um you know he in the goat the the greatest of all time he’s talking about you isn’t he I think so it has to be I heard got a good clim recently as well so congratulations on a big sent Ricky rocks is there Ricky Ricky rocks is always in the in the chat supporting us which is awesome Jonathan shouting out um and so’s CP chill um and uh we’re uh we’ve got a few extra chats in there so folks if you’re at home let us know where you’re coming in from last time we had people coming from South Africa watching their grandchildren uh New Zealand the most obscure Brits we had some fellow English but yeah so please pop it on your Facebook or your Instagram share it there might be someone sitting at home wondering what to do today and thinking I wish I could have been there totally they don’t even know about the live stream so please share share share and look at these what a variety Jess as well what an absolute variety of style oh that that looks amazing anyway the the audio sounds a little bit strange out there echoing a lot we might need to see if we can get that turned down but um um let’s let’s do this all right well listen I might get that aded little bit of a privilege of being want this [Applause] there we go they’re all being uh they’re all being introduced folks so here’s our competitors coming out now um you might be able to hear the MC introducing so I think the microphone just making sure you can hear without the live stream but he’s very eager but that’s the game here they all come looking okay and then what we’ve got here is they’re all coming out I think from youth ba and Junior so yes that’s the that’s the sequence there fam few familiar faces so you can see good representation from across all of the states right we’ve got Western Australia Queensland uh Victoria act uh New Zealand and um you know way we go so uh it’s looking Fantastic look at those young keen beans out there great to see so many awesome kids uh out and about in the competition and um you know it’s going to be actionpack this afternoon in I’m pretty pumped actually it’s going to be fun and uh I always come in here and watch The Climb let have a look at the sets and think ah can’t wait to give that a crack next week as well say the the beauty of this is sometimes at the comps we have to dash to set up for the next one but we have the joy this time we been able to hang around and have another go um but uh yeah epic setting and again once again we tip our hats to the root from around the country you know tanaro Amanda’s now just moved up to the goal Coast here we’ve got Jordan from Tasmania Stanley as well so really thank you so much an alista from Brisbane um epic epic route setting and um well why don’t we throw the root Setters video in just quickly uh we did a little bit of something earlier to earlier well our root setting maybe a highlight for the root Setters bit of a shout out to them let’s have a [Music] look oh there you go it was uh short and sweet but it’s great great to have them on while we’re waiting we might see if we can pull up one of our amazing flythroughs done by Mike Boulder problem one let’s have a look at this uh for the junior a male the junior um or the youth a male and the junior a male uh it’s in that back corner there so bit of an open book Corner in any uh any thoughts here now yeah well a bit of inside and knowledge we both have on this cuz we’ve climbed many things I will say it’s deceivingly overhung that right side that right hand side so you get up in there and you look back and uh you can see right there folks as it sort of uh tilts back you know you’re climbing sort of from bottom left to right you do have a foot on a you know a vertical wall there but uh looks like up there in the middle L will’ll be a there’ll be a Zone somewhere yeah I think the left hand side panel is about 8 8 degre over it’s very very vertical but the right hand side that’s over one probably about 20 odd degrees so um it actually looks quite stretched out as well it looks like um you know it’s going to be some Dynamic attempts and uh I mean we we love seeing the different varieties of ba and the beauty is they haven’t seen the CLI before they come out so it’s an on form they get minutes so there’s no discussion so we might see six different bet attempts from each group you know which is really well I think we will with the with these young Dynamic climbers you can see them solving problems in in really interesting ways so I’m pretty excited to see how we go with this this afternoon uh if we get a chance we will uh rotate through uh each of the flythroughs which is awesome um trying to take the uh the live stream to the next level um but uh you know let’s just quickly talk about if anyone is at home in and they’re looking for the first time what a boulder competition is let’s just have a quick chat about what you know how it works you got to climb from the bottom to the top yes you’ve got to start at the bottom uh in a stable position what they call stable position both hands both feet on the right spots yeah and you make your way up the wall folks and you get scored along the way you get a a Zone and you get a top a zone is a half a point a top is a full point it’s kind of self-explanatory from there but anything else you got to hold the top holder you got to touch the top hold with two hands in control yes so there’s been a variety of changes and tweaks over the years and there’s a a number of different scoring methods but what they’ve gone for here is this blind approach of 5 minutes you turn around that’s your time to assess it and you’ll see a stripe of yellow tape to represent each limb so hand hand foot so that’s what we’re going to see now and who we got out here first in what attemp what we got uh we’ve got our B our B climbers our first B and and uh first I I fale I think they DED the other way I think it’s Junior to be honest cuz I think that’s um number yeah number 20 there so I think that’s miles Harner yeah is yeah so youth a have come out first ah there we go always keeping us on our toes here in the uh commentary box so youth a is out first and um yeah and then you should have Grace Hansen as well who is the New Zealand athlete as well so this is MIL see how overhung it is he’s really sat into that and I I did say you’ll see some people maybe stretch out for it I did I think you see some people he was using now those uh those gray uh shapes on the wall folks they’re called volumes if you didn’t already know uh they’re commonly used by the root Setters to change the dimensions of the wall and and they do some amazing things uh to keep the uh to keep the the spiciness going on uh we might get the the camera just to zoom out a little bit and you know um get a little bit more of an overview of uh of where we’re going here but um yep well he’s moving from right to left left and it doesn’t look like it’s an easy start but that’s what bow Ring’s all about little bit um ah well it it he’s trying to static that maybe it’s one of those ones where you got to go a little bit faster at the start here so I really like seeing the RO saying this one that you see Grace trying here as well so um it’s come around the corner once so again it’s almost um you know it’s a little bit of Faith but one of those holds those volumes to a speed Punch If you see the ones with the white stripe on them white is textureless yeah so you’ll see a lot of in this competition and again for the for the experienced CLS of yourselves you go we know we know but you know in the basis that there is somebody who’s not too familiar we do lose a a lot of duel texture nowadays which is there’s a shiny area which is like you know just gripping your kitchen work toop and then that beautiful texture side oh there’s a tricky start here um bit of a uh well bit of invention there yeah so it doesn’t really tell you so again because there’s the for tror tip people do have that option where they can try and set it for uh try and you know send in any way they could put feet they stand handstand as long as there’s one limb for each piece of tape so we’ve got Grace here and um she’s going to make her way around around this arette and uh put that weight over yeah yeah yeah transfer around the corner and then sort of blast up a little bit um just in the background she goes really trusting that static static approach as well as miles the back he’s really looks like he’s making progress though yes just get it come on nice Grace has got the zone so now she secured The Zone and made a forward progression through it that’s um going to give her the zone now let’s see if she can um really just that turn yeah really goes oh nice Brant really nice little bit of a bandor there but she stopped it and a top our first top of the competition well done it’s a nice top hold as well not we won’t see a lot of them today but that’s one of the holds that’s very very generous nice jug as we call it it is very nice to have a decent top hold top out hold as well so here’s a little quick replay yeah so she got that right on her fingertips but sometimes that’s what you got to do folks it’s you know call that a dead Point um as your boring out there well now let’s see if there’s some some other ways to do it but um let’s go back into the corner here yeah was nice and only a few attempts as well so good good start for G coming out in six position yeah well miles has got still a minute minute 20 to go folks so you know um 5 minutes it well it seems like a long time but it’s not really not really if someone said 5 minutes for you could a coffee at the shop you’d be furious but in the S of competition yeah it’s tick tock and it’s over so I wonder if he’s going to try something different here I really think you should just try and pop maybe a little bit more Dynamic little smidy sort of uh a hop you think or something like that can step past it back foot on the gray and try and hit the wall but we’ll see again like I say he knows the 60 seconds there’s the beep so got to move that a little bit quicker but the zones will be important as well like we’re not expecting to see everyone go out and and six STS six tops um so four top so we really need to you need to make you know number one value of each attempt yeah number two start making those zones early and then start you know secure it then go g risky well that’s how the scoring happens it does sort of reverse engineer down if you’re common with if you understand golf I suppose it’s it’s it’s a bit similar the lower the score the better yes um you know a hole in one was would be getting the uh Boulder problem first go uh which is called an onsite um and um uh flash go but um you know as you have attempts they go against you and it scores in Reverse you know the least amount of attempts to a top the least amount attempts to a Zone uh and a combination of those scores over four Boulder problems besides our winner folks as we go so um you know check that out absolutely packed in the crowd there and um you know great to see so much support and fantastic to have the support online as well folks so appreciate you being here there’s lot of shout outs in the chat you know we’ve got big shout outs for Queensland wa we got Jonathan Simon Nate there uh Emma fantastic so keep keep the uh the fun chat going uh someone from Switzerland swizerland come on nice so we’re going to see um back step on the volume and bring you through yeah it’s almost like he heard me but I guarantee he didn’t well well I suppose um you know what what we can say with this stuff is that um um you know maybe a little bit of experience in competitions you know if uh if one way is not working maybe change it up a little he’s he’s he’s made the Zone I’d be really curious to see you know what he gets into this position here SW and then try thinking he he he might need to go back the other way um the left foot on the little symbol volume yeah that’s what I’m thinking uh and I if he leans in on his shoulder I think he’s got this there we go all right don’t don’t do the Kos oh no I did I Ked him every bloody time every time yeah so again another local and and you know each state it’s good that you don’t see one state dominate especially even a home state but yeah ATT tackle from down the road here just uh we saw didn’t catch it get around the corner but making light work of it a very pragmatic climber hyper flexible now let’s see if she does the dynamic move cuz she does like to yeah she’s very static and strong isn’t she and she’s lining up though for the dead Point very nice that was it it was much more controlled coming from the bottom she instead of standing up before she did the dead Point uh she she spotted it from low down and I think using that momentum was a lot nicer so yeah no that was was very experienced competition climber yes well she’s been like four five years at least and yeah that was that little pounce that we saw before well he knows he knows the the the start part um yeah I mean he was there he touched the final hole it’s just simply yeah understanding how he made that progression from Zone to final but in more more stable setup he looks like he’s done that a thousand times now so you know it’s almost like the right jib um is on the hold on the right hand side I should say on that panel the white one is a red herring I thought it would be a high foot for the Finish if it come out that way well that’s what I was thinking a high high foot for a finish maybe just for that last foothold but we’ll see yeah I think you might be right could be red hering let’s see um there’ll be a method that uses it that’s for sure but um yeah not for surprised he fell off at that point um it looked like he was quite comfortable there so maybe it’s not as easy in that in that position as as he made it look the first go well yeah I mean as I say is it a little bit overhung that panel not dramatic you know 5 10 5 10 Dees about that 8° sort of level but that hold is you know it’s it’s a non-positive dish so I guess if you leaning on it you can’t get too much purchase well that’s really giving you know it’s really making uh you be stable in your shoulders that move that that last move and he he was putting all of his weight just in his arms straight away so I yeah keep keep right on the well both these boys have been quite big units which again sometimes it could lead you into go I can reach it and you know I’m a shter climber surprise surprise if you know me but um basically I would always say that um you know say oh the toall pole the Reach For It Etc but it can be a downfall on some things where you you just assume that you can reach everything so you have to reach everything that’s why I thought it was good that he went straight for that Dynamic start but in this second half maybe try and box up a little you know just try and get into a better position than just a massive big backand like you did we’ll see well this is where a bit of you know understanding of how to pace yourself in a competition and you know uh watching uh a lot of the uh ifsc competitions you know you you’re usually see those competitors they they know the move they one move from the top he’s held the move already and um you know uh uh he he knows what to do so you know right now he’s probably going to give this a red hot shot and then he’ll have he’ll have one more good good shot shot in him if he gets a bit of a rest come on dude I think he needs to put his right foot a bit higher but um is that a that that that might be a dual text that one so it might be a littley it is Je texture yeah exactly and again like if you’re sing at home you don’t realize how insanely hard these climbs are the uh you might like oh you know they’re huge holes again angles the they’re not very in cut it’s a very very difficult difficult climb and about seven to eight they were looking at that one I think W okay well that’s that’s pretty hardcore um spot on so what he does now he had five minutes he sits down he gets 5 minutes rest for the next Bower problem uh and it’s smart um uh it’s smart smart competition um yeah so now now we’re going to see Tiana um coming out again actually go Coast local and we see grandon pton as well come out um we’ll start to see quite uh you know quite a lot of um action here on the mats real soon yeah so exactly so this is where we get to see the second climb of the next two so this will be a really great angle to see um the three climbers established um this is a bit more of a a slabby climb this this white one you’re seeing here by um by I should say miles who’s going to start the right here and um I did not like this green one unfortunately you see grace I was watching them you can see that uh you know looks like up there in the roof a little or just over the and it’s blocked you know the uh the root set is doing some uh some things that they like to do which is uh make you know that this one about accuracy this one about footwork this one about you know shoulder strength whatever it might be so uh you know yeah exactly yeah well this this one’s definitely um like say that big over shoulder move uh and then it’s this Precision hit of a of a small crimp with a blocker and then it’s another cut loose so there’s a lot of power and body control required for that one and then as we see miles on the uh on the slab style this is all about yeah perfect foot placement well Tiana I think um might see if we can get that camera adjusted for the light but it’s a bit darker than the others but uh you know that uh she’s having a bit of trouble making that transition around the corner uh the green and blue right there in the center quite a steep uh degree back in there it doesn’t look uh you can’t really tell I but what’s that degree in the back there that’s easily 45 that starting position right now in the center of the yes so where we’re seeing Grace yes yeah yeah yeah that’s this is Super overhung S yeah we do a lot they have a lot of sit starts in that area as well and again this is where sometimes people say oh you know your home gym Etc can be a benefit for someone like Tio again you know when you’re used to these walls and you come in there’s a different rout setting team a different style of climbing cu the sets are from all over the country it really can add a bit of pressure cuz you assume you should perform better yeah um but yeah it’s uh a little bit of trouble with this first climb here where um did see gr Ando come through we just need need to take a little bit of time looks like she’s taking that patience now she’s now made that corner transition weigh that heel down like a brick and come through nice yeah that’s it it it doesn’t look difficult but it looks balancy and uh anyway it’s easy to say from the couch in um she’s missed that second step up she should walk her feet up just take a second that’s again that’s these nerves oh not a straight wow that’s all right let’s see that’s just been above G now now that’s strong and you know that that’s um quite good uh probably a little bit of nerves there for Tiana just you know she’ll sit down and see that other volume and realize she just missed a whole steper yeah well sometimes uh you know strength uh can uh strength and fitness can compensate for something like that which uh T has in Dres but Dylan here working it out he’s making progress though on on this Boulder problem miles sorry got miles so this this is where you think Oh look The the meals cooked the the job’s done but really yeah it’s just way it gets going I know I I don’t know those two h as well and they’re uh they’re not as good as they look they’re big looking again that accuracy for that dead point but uh Tiana making uh making it work once you got and we implore you to um try these climbs they’ll be left up I think in the facility so come down and uh video yourself tag yourself in if you think you can think that’s a great idea if you can get them all because I say every time you know these gyms we they tried to leave them up but know we’ll be leaving these up for a week maybe not uned well if you’ve ever if you’ve ever thought G you know that doesn’t look that hard I I’ll give that a whirl I’ll come down get yourself a stopwatch oh you’re nice strong brilliant strong get yourself a stopwatch and time yourself 5 minutes on 5 minutes off and see if you can climb four Boulder problems in a row like that that back foot drop round come on come on yes nice and his next play isn’t that good making great progress now you just got to just sit in here get a legs sorted a there would have been a little tow hwk in that with that uh that volume well not a little one a big one yeah a Hu huge one cup yeah but not exactly but again it’s one of those things if you don’t see it it doesn’t seem as obvious where remember what this angle you’ve got from the camera is a much better angle than when you’re right up in it well it’s so much easier to commentate uh and talk about how to do the climb sitting here in the commentary box rather than on the floor uh but you know um there you go o out the back there yeah this is um like we say it gets going when you start getting these five on F and start getting a few more athletes on the wall it’ll be interesting to see young attack on this one as well because she’s that much smaller she does box herself up like we say she’s quite a precise quite a calculated climber um great technique lot of twists and turns um she might suit this over hung one a bit better where a slightly longer frame longer arms um of Grace um she really made easy work for the first but this one’s probably more of a weakness for her great brushes as well all right we got the change over now it’s starting to folks we will be having uh let’s add it up I think Ian probably 12 boulderers on the wall at one time it’s going to be Mayhem um so we do you know uh we the team will do their best to get as many shots of uh each Boulder at the same time but uh unfortunately yeah so we’ got Chris making her start and Archie as well on the back you’ll also see attacko and Dan Daniel spelles um so again attacko taking the time reading the bait because and this is something for at home if you are thinking of competing on these five on five off it’s attempts not time I’ve got a good friend Sam futcher who uh when he competes he’s uh he sit there and him and his panahan literally will spend half their time researching it discussing it and then they’ll just try and give it one heck of a goal maybe two big shots well with the F minute format I mean that’s probably not a bad Taco strong she was one arming that a shot this is both just absolutely wow all right let’s see where she goes that’s that heel flexibility talk I think that might be too boxed up now the now the West Australian competitor right now he’s oh like he just that was his flash go too um that was that was fantastic who was that um oh sorry that’s Daniel spelles Daniel Daniel strong Daniel SP now going a bit lower here that’s not a bad idea actually but I think she needs the the heel stability around the corner but nearly CAU nearly got it nearly got it that’s what you were saying before you know the creativity of of you know uh all the different climbers it’s going to be interesting to see different ways of doing things often the often the he needs to go a bit higher he’s going across instead of up yeah we’ve only actually seen um Daniel top top that well not even top but do that first move um did that step through come on T Rushing look at that strong that strength in her fingers there let’s see if she can get maybe the tow Hawk I wonder if um she sees the the tow Hawk here or no no okay yeah now maybe even that tow hook might not work but uh maybe even a undercling around behind that gray volume but I think he’s going quite aggressive at that final hle isn’t he well he’s trying to sort of dead point the balance point High you know uh low percentage move yeah I think he’s going too low on the left hand side of that white volume it needs to be more straight but we’ll see we’ll see what happens there um but this is a great shot you can see a bit of action from everywhere folks um as you go and uh you can see the uh the different the different scoring out there Tiana got a a top AO uh got a top as well so um you know that’s looking fantastic for those competitors right now and it can switch and change so if you’re at home rooting for your athletes that you know we obviously cheer everybody on we want everyone to do well these are young athletes that are forging a future in the sport but um yeah you can see it all Chang so don’t we one bad baller does not determine at this level yeah can you see how he’s reaching a little bit lower on that if he got that high he’d be straight under it but he’s got the height as well so that’s going to say that’s another thing where his height could benefit with get pressed right into that roof but uh again just really likes that low chst wouldn’t she yes I think better and looks like she might make a work now let’s see if she can stand up from it oh wow it’s incredibly impressive wow strong strong little foot slip T just staying it work yeah yeah now that’s some real some accuracy there on that one it’s it’s a quite a small hole not a probably a little you know pad pad width and um they’re dual Tech crims that by cheetah those little ones and yeah they’re yeah really really really Unforgiven attack using so they got just over a minute so again plenty of time to get to top for them all um and as we mentioned before the priority is you hit that zone so Crystal still just needs to make that zone rle rle [Music] rle so she puts that heel over there she’s still going to be a little bit low yes I walk the voles so now you look at it Daniel trying looks like he’s trying to get himself over a bit more um trying to get himself over a bit more but I think that’s going to be it for him I don’t think he’s going to have long enough to get back now 30 30 seconds I mean that t might have long enough but she needs to set the engine she needs to climb a little faster po going to jump past the but she definitely shouldn’t yeah I think that’s it for you little in it steep in the back oh here we go yeah oh that’s saying lean back there but I don’t think that’s going to be good oh my gosh wow [Applause] okay yeah I think you might be right with the red hearring on that that that that one out there unless there like a hit twist I mean I’d love to hear from the root sets well we might try and track them down a little bit later here we go he was quite aggressive his foot was quite low so you know I would have he didn’t have any weight in the back hand to press up off the Palm but uh let’s see what uh what happens with the next round of competitors uh see if we can get the focus on that camera sorted on the competitors not the back of the heads of the Keen [Applause] crowd all right Tiana out now yes sum sum of Fraser making her first CL as well um ever impressive young climber and Jimmy smi’s going to start on the back there as well Jimmy’s a Victorian athlete as well in the new South rolling through pretty quickly here so this is where oh Tiana Tiana hits that ledge quick it’s going to go for the O see again cuz it is basically the angles to do is is basically hitting a roof and um to come up and you can see the big green thing you don’t want to punch it it’s a lot to think about giving you a few other angles here now this is um the one that I uh I like to see here um which is miles on this crimpy little number here just total accuracy all just locked quins come on oh yeah little little skip Dynamic thing here well what’s where are the holds on the wall area there’s a lot of small holds there which is uh which is good in uh in another in another like whole world really isn’t it when you look at the uh the climbing sty we used to so many volumes and everything everywhere when you set a climb with no volumes it looks like something’s just missing yeah oh nice nice well that’s strong very strong really [Applause] and they’re all great kids you chat to them all they’re all just absolutely awesome people and uh yeah um really putting on a bit of a show was already running you know four well seen four climbs in and yeah absolutely awesome showing so far so if you’re at home we’re glad you we hope you enjoying this and we’ got plenty to do we’ got plenty to climb there’s plenty of uh competitors happening uh great to see you supporting everyone online folks that’s awesome make sure you get the uh get the shout outs and encouragement going yeah Dylan there with I of youri yeah I always read as oddly every time I see it Dylan but yeah I was odly oh Dylan par yeah so yeah I love you AR Go celle from Emma come on a taco from junko T why don’t we get on a bit of the action here with the cameras we’ll zoom out a little bit and see what’s going on all right there we go Tri I that’s so I think Tiana’s going to hit this this time believing in her left let’s go let’s go Little Match love a match come on come on Tiana hit the green yes and then this going to really just rise up beautiful work T so much Variety in these climbers and like say with their Styles approaches and that was just another completely different way of trying that CL so say it’s a little difficult to show everyone this angle here I’ll give you a bit of a better view again so we see miles just on this Crim I would go it feels like he needs to go right hand but the left’s so bad that if you take that right hand off you’re basically just going to peel straight Off the Wall now that one’s uh that one’s old school setting that one really it’s uh crimpers and off vertical wall reminds me of sandstone in Sydney there you go Jess that’s what we did it for bring it back to your your you J bringing back old school bringing back all cool it definitely is cool to to see like when they were discussing and the way they set for this competition they had Styles and Inspirations written next to each climb so it wasn’t just like you know um tanara set V6 it was set roughly this grade this style use this Inspiration Go n and you know they use their own creativity within um you know some quite interesting parameters so um yeah root setting is evolving and uh this is proof right here well you know the the quality of the root setting you know dictates often the quality of the the competition and the entertainment because oh yeah he look like he celebrating come on he he had a surprised look on his face like what happened you know so there you go it can it can be like that can’t it you know you one minute you think yeah I got this and the next minute you’re on the mats going all right such a joy to have that Jug on the first top for the Fe can you see in that replay he was off to that side and that’s if someone goes straight up oh it feels like from this angle they’re close together but they’re not folks so root sets have sorted all that out for the competition but you know big shout out to the root set is that you know yes the quality of the entertainment factor of the boulder problems is always fantastic as well so um let’s see if we can get dueling tops here maybe good little hand slide to that thumb catch there 4 Seconds come on gra yeah nice nice oh come on such a sh CRA as well this is an epic showing from a New Zealander back up and again remember the athletes haven’t seen these climbs at all so you’ve got the joy of the render and we can look at it here but um yeah the attack and most of these climbers haven’t even climbed at this facility before you know maybe once or twice yeah so they’re not used to the angles the hold selection is different at every gym well well you were saying you’ve got a new bunch of holds in as well Ian so the route saids we using some brand new holes that no one would have climbed on whether they climb at this location or not so that’s fantastic yeah let look at this old school small this is great accuracy oh he’s looking strong looking strong straight out the shed of yeah beautiful he’s a he’s a campus grimper you know yeah we love seeing those on the six mil campusing yeah nice Daniel good work mate that’s cool and like I said this is uh tackle here oh it’s a big move for her yeah and often with the taco you know she has to uh you know change different styles because she is a little bit shorter but let’s let’s have a look at this let’s see just needs to get his oh yeah here we go here we go oh and there’s a top just yeah and we might have another top here now oh no I did it again we’re going to have to put you on mute when they get to the final hold CH no one wants that we want to hear you oh no that was insane sorry my man all right well there we go I’ll keep my mouth zipped next time he gets closer to the top see how he does the first it’s that same step through as the other guys do as well yeah um look see it’s just it’s just and just his his his right hand pops and he’s he’s at full full stretch there to the good part of the hold he have to remove his hand from the Palm down and that’s where the issues are occurring I do wonder if that other white hold out there has something to do with it but you know it’s a bit bit hard to to look at have a reason yeah but like I say sometimes it’s better just do it all right let’s go at Taco sometimes she struggles a little bit with the dynamic moves um her lead climbing I think is her favorite climbing absolutely we saw that the Olympic qualifiers as well that she did very well in the boulder but lead is lead his speciality all right let’s see what uh let’s see what Daniel does here he’s got this time he knows he knows the feel of these hes now that foot slipped on him last time he’s just being a little bit more accurate here I think that orang is almost a notex blocker as well oh that that white the Ander that white hole with the orange is not a hog honestly you might as well put a bit of cell tape on the wall out to it and it’s um let’s see what come on Tac T is really trying to do here yes now I wonder how um Arch is get on the back there as well um can think around the corner yes yes we get to see and she did that in style and by the look of it that was a bit of a walk in the park and then Z Zen here actually just going to try the slab again then we got Zen should be trying wonder if he top the one in the back now as well most of the competitors have done the sort of the Barn Door dead point on that on that Mo now I think minute 45 still plenty of time time to go buto probably needs to put a another 10% on it to to get across to that next section and also when um when we do look at it like this because the slight difference with normally in here in the facility like the competition wall because they’ve had to set them here there’s 15 climbs that completely don’t back to front yeah so if you were local to the and you think oh well they normally don’t set around the back of there in the competition is exactly right there’s so many CLS that the root sets have made that don’t that’s why you’ve got this one here in the secret back corner well that’s that’s another way of going up you know off off to that side now be really wow oh my yeah that would be but good invention this one saying when they try different Bears I like to see that oh look at the span what my Envy my Envy muscles I think that that’ be a plus six span right there anyway let’s see what he can make of the top now my tip is up up up up straight they all see is that hit out jump yeah because that’s the bigger part of the hold maybe you know the balance point that’s oh trying to puddle on gave it a little bit more curry then as she as she was uh taking off think he needs keep his left foot low and hit like yeah there you go yes that’s a terrible it’s a side pull as well it’s almost a negative side pull yeah and he’s quite tall well it you know he must be over 6 foot so sometimes that’s a benefit sometimes it gets in the way T needs to hit this now 10 seconds to hit the Zone it’s C [Music] tack couple of shout outs to Zen there as well yeah big big go Zen from Caitlyn Katie says you got this Zen come on Zen you got this by Luke yeah nice lot of support for him which is great to see all right we’re rolling straight into um we’re rolling straight into someone try one as well so we should see um I believe is it right the next age group will will pretty much come out in 5 minutes as well so um yeah we’ll see summer try her second so that first climb is done for both age groups now so that’s why we can see down the back there nowain his slab one he could be the first one to get this o Tiana Tiana giving it plenty of uh plenty of power on the pedal there yeah so we’re going to see brand in here as well so let’s see been impressive we still got a couple of Boulder problems down the back on the hammer but uh for the moment that’ll be a bit later so this is our first look at this youb um female 3 so this is about again about 10° over hung this wall so it doesn’t it does look quite vertical it’s not completely it goes more slabby where you’re seeing um Jimmy here as well sum’s uh really doing insane on the AR is this oh my God absolutely Ely cruising this now is this their first first or second shot wow all right um look just no she’s done she’s done well there I don’t know if we can get the uh scoreboards up um again but uh um we we might check in on the live scoreboards online see if the how the progress is going there but um not just yet not just yet yeah but if you do want to check out the live as it goes folks uh go go over to sports climbing Australia they’ve got some live scoreboard feed over there I believe but Tiana’s really got to hit this um just you just got to really commit to this this this I’d say volume I know it’s a fiberglass the big black hole but they’ve got to you got to walk this feature you really got to just try and step on it trust it it’s better than it is psychologically you think oh that looks slippery but it’s not oh Tiana this one miles is on is kind of interesting as well because it’s very tangled up it’s it’s yeah as you see there’s the base hold to start on there and then it’s basically ref threee Reds to wrestle over yeah this one’s all about accur accuracy and feet huh he’s not going to hang off that show he almost did oh my Lord fingers of Steel wow all right they’re doing it this is just some great Precision looking great High foot solid step check with the judge and again this this is the experien that’s really important to get always check the judge make sure they see show that’s fantastic you know the state and the national you know bowler competition scene or or both competition scenes gives the the young competitors you know some some sorely needed uh you know experience in this uh in this competition format how’s it going to go up left or right hand many social comps have different things it’s some more L back style but you know I if you’re looking at your goals or IC or pics Etc then you have to be prepared for those those real break neck rules and it’s it’s it’s you know it’s black and white yeah sorry you didn’t hold the top and show control you out you didn’t move progress the zone you know it’s not counted and that’s the way it needs to be so they learn it young um and learn the format and climb to the format which is great and you know uh bit of a shout out to oana she she was in the semis just recently in W I think it was yeah yeah absolutely when you when you tie anything with Yan be pretty I don’t care if it’s the qualified or that was yeah how good is y she is absolutely probably the best competition climber on the planet um but uh there you go yeah I think when you just talk about athletes what 28 Golds now or something in lead absolutely CR I saw St the other day and it said like and Counting you know she’s mid 20s like come on what a what an absolute now Tiana keeps missing the red uh ball on the end there the left she she keeps missing it um she might be hyper fixed on hitting this this plate this she misses the red with her left foot yeah yeah if she just kicked high with her left foot to the red the hand slot into and this is the thing again where another one it’s blocked if it’s an open thing you can hit past and pull back in here you can’t come on Tiana there you go yeah uh it’s about her foot at at the moment and uh you know that’s where you can get sort of a bit um you know uh focused on one move you think cuz you got you’re so close to it and that’s I think in what happens in with the experience in the competition exactly well there you go see so close keep going all change will change his strategy but now she’s got 21 seconds she’ll really have to motor here ex she’s got the power she doesn’t have to rush it she does have time she needs a tow Hawk yeah come on Tiana come on no no no breathe Tiana breathe brilliant work oh the relief on her face that was spectac we told you going to be some twist in turns some TV excitement and that’s go that was good five second just a buzzer be yeah and I think uh she she almost looked like she was surprised that she got the top yeah how good was that how good was that she almost thought of was foot Swatch in well that probably that probably would have been easier maybe but I don’t know no I think I think she did I think you were right yeah you start messing with foot swap weight distribution you’re going to be a whole night look say you not got it and like no it’s done yeah yeah yeah exactly we now that was great let’s see a tackle on this red mystery here so this again will be quite stretched out for in the middle but you know this is where we we love seeing the bear so when the tags off the volume by the way the yellow stripes it means you can use any hold that’s connected to that volume so that’s why she’s got a foot on the right oh wow no little uh no little skip that was more like a pogo that one so again you know things being done a little differently Theo making pretty good yeah just progressed the Zone there to make sure she’s giving on the flash clever climbing looks reasonably awkward to move in and around that uh that piece with a bit of a shoulder move that shoulder flexibility is it’s a bit in Vogue at the moment testing that in the root Setters it’s uh you do see Trends in Old Sports and um yeah you know it’s oh yeah one I saw the other week in the ifsc was the handstand Boulder actually it wasn’t it was in the um it was in the it it was in Britain um I can’t remember what it is maybe someone if you know what uh what competition it was in the UK folks with the handstand Boulder problem put it in the chat for us is that what Toby W yeah I think so yeah yeah yeah that was quite cool yeah um and the team here at coret one the other week uh on the back of it so there you go there we go he’s making I was in Europe when that happened actually yeah it awesome oh that looks awkward looks awkward how do we get how do we do here yeah Daniel and again because they big actually they’re all big boys in this youth a all big Lads they are quite tall aren’t they yeah yeah [Applause] Taco a little bit more dynamically going to that one it is interesting we’ve seen many different styles I actually thought the crimp style that again they are younger climbers this is more of an old school traditional style of of climb old but I did I did think we’d see a couple one or two of them Breeze up here at least yeah well uh you know but uh climbing with a bunch of the young climbers here uh at core as I do regularly their weakness is Crim be yeah their weakness is crimp an old it’s a joy for me cuz an old Geer like me gets the show off every now and then here’s how you do it boys and girls uh but uh they certainly smoke me on anything else that’s not a crimp but anyway there you go but uh it’s great that’s beautiful that was that was athletic and and uh btic fantastic now you got to flip that hand on the way around that one does look a bit weird to unlock huh maybe there’s a big undering or something here we go hit that thumb yeah that’s good so from here again like we we we don’t want to say it’s a Kate what but it should be straightforward you’ve done that big hectic low percentage move now just yeah exactly it’s one of those things where you sort of get up high here and it’s a it’s a balance point she’s trying to swap I didn’t like the Swap and I think come back yes there we go no no no no no oh what power come on fight come on for w stand up for the toe there we go there we go that she move yeah think and and oh I think she’s like bit of a mix body there we go okay oh oh I got sweaty hands watching that one watch that back yourself give yourself a p because that is Battle someone just giving the look of like what happened good comad between these athletes there we go Crusher right now up high come on aie come on yeah it’s that that Crim none of them want to go to the rayan Crim oh what a what a lamb well it’s all about it’s all about accuracy that one by the look of it um I mentioned to get out there and give it a whir maybe I’ll show the shoes on later you should warm your fingers up first J We’re spring chicken probably uh you know pop a pop a tendon but there you go want that McKenzie uh not making as as quick a progress on Boulder number two as he did on Boulder number one yeah and Zen’s just um I think Aon struggle with that one he quite interesting to [Music] um that one is very physical that that that red well that’s was saying when I saw when I saw them said it had the low foot and it’s a real like mantle rock over on that foot but again it’s an awkward angle of the corner of the wall and yeah it’s all happening isn’t it um there we go let’s see it’s very very all body right now rock over with the with the feet and the hips and um see if he can’t get a little bit of Leverage around there there we go if he can trans if he oh that’s awkward you know the the overhead backand and then transfer the hip flexibility that one uh that one certainly I’d be very interested to see who can put that one yeah and the score to see here so Summer’s two for two on two flashes at the moment so realistically for anyone else to have a shot she needs to not not flash this at least or maybe not this but we want to see it we want to see Perfection from these kids you know so come on she’s another one of uh not the shortest not the tallest of athletes so um let’s see go come on summer and Tiana’s straight into it here as well give you that mixed view here come on now Tiana’s a little taller you see somewhere on the split screen there oh come on Tiana she going to focus on T cuz she needs to put this bench Mar down that one sort of yeah hip hip and shoulder flexibility in that section so really trying to get that done he’s going to rock over as well oh that foot is nothing uh on that small hole this thing here is how’ you go for the Zone there well depends on which way you go yeah here we go come on hold a knee there watch the foot slip yeah the right foot Tiana back up on okay come on Tiana oh she got the Zone first goal which was important again but like the tackle come on some a big swing big we actually had a dino worship day A Friend Of Us satosi Japanese climber he’s he’s actually just gone to the grampions and to watch uh specialist Dino climber the warm up was the most impressive just a 45 minute intense warm-up but then you know I thought he just woke up out a bed and sprung up the wall like nothing my my monthly warm-up combined wouldn’t get me to we his Los as he was I was like jeez that’s the thing you know so if you’re a young athlete at home he’s only 21 um 22 now so just remember your warm up is still important at all ages do make a difference if you bake it into your routine when you’re a bit younger then you won’t end up a bit creaky and injured like you and me when we’re a bit older you know so listen up young we sound on you need to warm up in my a different world back in my day but I’m telling you the truth yeah like I said you know the best ERS have great come on come on now it’s it’s about it’s about getting the hips around now kick that knee in there it is there it is there it is oh oh yeah that’s a real wrestler C That’s So Physical isn’t it and you know with bouldering you know when you’re looking at it from a distance and you’re like what that doesn’t look that hard and then you try something and it’s it’s all body intense for so to get to the position he was in I couldn’t do that in a lifetime yeah right so someone needs to do this here now get going Jimmy Jimmy the same we need to really hit well summer again little bit shorter with this one and and she has to give it a little bit more curry at the start you know a little bit more warm did we see McKenzie how many gos McKenzie took for the second one I didn’t I didn’t I wasn’t counting but um we can have a look in here think it’s going so yeah Tiana three top three zones but 20 attempts to top currently two for two for two so obviously she tops this third one she’ll jump two first christell two tops in free zone so just on the tail of Tiana here um and the rest have being updated McKenzie got one top three zones a tackle one top here’s another way of doing this watch this oh oh jump for the Crim that’s a they got another another one of those uh strong Young campus crimpers absolutely absolutely Ste fingers of Steel I mean just bravery to jump for anything to jump for a crimp no thank you so 1 minute 15 this is pretty much got to be thinking about your last attempt now there we can see here so um the McKenzie one top one off the two I thought had that then but um yeah Dani looking a little looking a little tired now need to just chill and and see if she can make it work and remember for all these athletes they had a massive um so you do three climbs have a break and do another three climbs SE six climbs yesterday at um you know very advanced level but again at the same thing it’s not that they V6 to V8 climbs they did yesterday is the fact that they do it it’s the competition mindsets the pressure really his toe on your body oh Tiana almost almost it’s almost working for her Summer she really has to land it now oh that’s it that’s it that’s it you can just tell the spring looks a bit Mo yeah let’s see how fast she goes there cuz she don’t go too fast she’s not even going for the thumb down she’s moving like she’s in Fast Forward take your time bud take your time bud oh oh what [Laughter] oh ah that is that was that was Unreal well done ah it’s almost like she was just giving us a bit of a rodo I like hang on hang on someone’s pressed the fast see how she came over her KN a big hip swing she was a meter F that before Sensational Sensational that’s uh that’s uh high stakes right on the buzzer folks fantastic to see so well done summer well hot on the heels actually taking the lead now with that for Tiana um yes she if she beat if she tops his next time she’ll she’ll Hold the top yeah yeah so let’s see so now we got again like I said McKenzie came out in first uh first spot and so did Zen so let’s see if one of these two can can get a flasher an early send this oh McKenzie got a bit more height to it so should see something here Zen’s in a really good spot he where he’s going to go right hand like I liked yeah I like to go to that right hand I think but um we’s see and now the older group are coming out so max Thomas mid that first move and we will get our first Junior male out let’s see if he goes right foot for that there you go J yeah well that’s interesting isn’t it well do you yeah there you go there we go and then left foot in there a little bit more Bush uh I thought it would be the foot for the Finish but that’s um the crowd love him as well yeah yeah and then we see as well awesome M I tell you what that’s another top for us that might move her into first spot for now as well well it’s uh it’s it’s hotly contested right there in uh in that category yeah this is neck and neck all the way and a lot of these athletes are doing both disciplines keep that in mind as well if you’re at home well Max uh well Max just recently or last year moved down to Sydney to uh increase his uh training rate and uh it’s obviously paying off so here we go yes this is the first time SE look at the flexibility that is that is uh andess is just a big move wild hips and that’s probably a good warm up as well gives that flexibity trust that toe healing use the heal like Charles Barefoot trust and go come on need to get that little jib on there nice really nice nice great to see this is a more vertical panel but um yeah like I said there’s not much positive to say about effort yeah great to see our first competitor I think this might be our first tazzy competitor we’ve seen today so far it is it is that aah I think it is oh we got we got in on the wall there so [Music] yeah that one is been stopping let’s see if this uh bow of four I think it is okay come on can get done yeah come on actually this is your turn let’s go and that’s the thing we all have different St oh yes switched that to a to right oh go he did well that was some insane shoulder strength right there he didn’t have his his hip or his knee around on the inside of that gray volume so I think if he if he switches that next time I think you’d be right he he just did all on shoulders just just try to Pure power all power that was insane that was great if you’re at home and there’s uh you climb with somebody who’s uh this power mon oh did you see the Houdini swap right there a little pounce maybe’s he’s just going to jump from the low that’s a big move that is a big move now come on McKenzie let’s see you get this I believe in you McKenzie didn’t get number two so she if she wants to you know be up there in the the top three then she needs to uh top both of these next two clients needs a great hair hair ties all them blue reflection things well that’s great in the state colors as well so you know well done there’s a lot of great outfits from the people of the states and their uniforms and noad where we at last year oh it’s great to see you know camaraderie and the teams you know the state teams now he knows what he’s got to do it’s it’s not like it’s um I wonder why they’re all going to grip like it’s a pinch yes oh they’re all going at that Crim like it’s a pinch they’re all hitting the sides of it and you’ve got to just you know it’s two fingers in the middle and just just ride it out really straight arm well it’s one of those accuracy dead points again and and again it’s probably about three qus of a pad on your on your fingers you’re wondering how much is that’s a really unique swinging method isn’t it we go he’s got he’s got the toe in again he’s again his he’s just trying to to move that right hand off there with that body position is almost near impossible well I think what he’s got to do is get his his left foot up Higher One More go kind of just leaving a back leg dragging and then like to Hob it’s really unique style it’s kind of that like a bit of a cross between a pogo and something else it’s yeah look it’s kind of it seems to be working just probably needed six minutes for to get that but you can still hit the Zone oh not going to be for McKenzie no this is again when you start to get to that 5 10 seconds you got to start thinking don’t waste the energy save it still got another send to go another time to go y it’s all to been played for oh well that one is all about that move and the accuracy needed it’s we see cuz I do believe um that Junior M no no that one’s that that one’s just them so that’s they will go without a top that one all right well let’s see but I’ve been PR wrong before J let’s see let’s see our Victorian athl he look he looks very strong and comfortable here in comparison very nice moved over on his hi there just giving himself a little bit of room to turn his shoulder come on Jimmy come on get turn it now this is that’s where he needs it nice and high and swap beautiful that was beautiful and when someone sends you it when someone sends you like this like rush it oh no didn’t we tell you that was no text oh summer looks but he did he took a breath as well but he knows what to do now um hopefully he can oh yeah Summer’s summer on number four now so let’s see you can see the shin he had to hit lower and deeper lower on the side ah here we go so let’s see this should be is it back up on there again we got Boston denner as well should be one of the back back there you go well it’s about transferring that uh that small that small section transferring for one side to another um in that uh in that moment well let’s see again here well there you go you we’ve got the scoreboards up at this moment in time and it’s looking pretty interesting here we go just about now this is where he gets his hip high he stayed over to the right which is brilliant foot up now let’s see what he’s got in Summer’s in there as well she’s making it work but this is a hard move for some on I mean he’s got it he’s got to take a minute now rest just relax he just needs to chill is is that whole is that whole but is that hold hold is that ho hold seashells by the seash get out you say a word I’ll say a word the ho hold the whole hold yeah um so the hold itself has some texture inside that inut mouth piece but it is shiny but again it’s just a strip you can see Alice there one of who says they’re just saying up for the next group that come along there’s a little bit of an adjustment to it ah yeah so just probably going to take that hold hole off oh beautiful linguistic skills Jess I’m I’ve been practicing there you go or moving it a bit there you go so here’s Boston again Boston just trying that s of hop across here excellent all right what have we got here we might need one of the camera crew to go and adjust that because it’s out of focus down the back there so but I’m sure they’ll knock that into shape as soon as they can really she really just hung off that left hand she’s got a very unique where she just you think it’s going to work one way and I think pure bravado and confidence she can just make anything else work I mean she’s one of the top climbers in the country year on year he last time we took both feet off he need to move his left hand up get his foot there go left pal he really TR his left pal here there you go great left pal all right well let’s see let’s see if he he’s been up there twice now and touch this this this hole he’s got to hit lower oh no does to hold it isn’t he know he is yeah he he’s D it was a full off all of his body was off the wall there and and he can’t do that like so he needs to uh Stand Tall watch everything’s off yeah yeah it’s I think it’s a stand tall thing I think a Tippy Toe it’s a Tippy Toe stand Jimmy um it’s the tippy to but again so much easier to talk about it from here nice Abby oh top top right there we missed that yeah we got a little issue with the cam the back back we apologize but it does look like um yeah that’s Abby CH there Boston still grinding away will keep she oh one minute this is where she fires up though that beep now she’s it’s game time butd yeah she was just uh she was just playing with us last time just kidding around and and now to drop the hammer let’s go Summer she could probably rest another 10 seconds but probably doesn’t want to leave itself Too Short oh very very high foot with with the hip flexibility there that helps a lot that hand back might make it harder I think oh oh that that Bor is hard so she 30 seconds you can you can do it again which is climbing a little faster here um maybe she goes from there oh can needs it cuz chelle’s top oh no cuz that’s still three tops in the zone and qualif here we go here we go slow down aall Tippy Toe a tall oh no right up a and The Crowd Goes Wild the crowd goes well we love a good buzzer how good was that anyway he just either go real high or stay low get all the way up on that hold there you go he’s got me potatoes that right hand wow brilliant well done good stuffff great to see a awesome top all right well the big hits keep on [Applause] [Music] rolling why don’t we uh see if we can get all of the cameras up at once uh in the lineup just now we’re pretty busy and we might get all the cameras at the top and see if we can uh see all the shots at once but uh come on K we’ve got some stuff in the back oh would like to see if ktie can get this one on the pillar we just started on before here we go as you can see there she’s got that right heel over so ktie she had a little trip around Europe earlier this year so we seen a lot of athletes like cleia who’ve done this where they taken not a season I would say but a number of months to go away obviously o famously did it and she’s doing pretty good after that as well you know a bit of Towing it is good even if you’re in Australia to try other gyms try other cags get outdoor try you know if you’re a big old try some sport climbing out all these different styles really really help benefit your climbing and uh you know if you’re at home now you’re saying gosh I want to get to this level I’m 13 and I’m mean then um yeah just climb climb climb obviously you know speak to your local gym your team but just ours on the wall you know all these kids you see Max all these you speak to them they are just constantly constantly climbing come on come on McKenzie so Mackenzie Ed the extra height on this one great great yes finish with a well deserve top great effort yesterday and Brilliant top popular climing well done well done but yeah just make sure you keep climbing and yeah if you if you can have the opportunity to get outdoor get Outdoors well because there uh there’s no bright colors there you got to read your pay it helps you read the skills just going to watch this now let’s see come on [Applause] come on Z now we uh come on Z we do know the top is uh we do know the top is the one that is oh well this top would actually give him the win pretty much then um so if he if he tops this yeah Max here so Christel I think jumps above summer on attempts he went all the way and went to the other side with his right hand let’s see what happens here all right okay so let’s see will here will FR a foster again another very different approach to this CL there we hold it hold it hold it hold it big good counter swing let’s see if he sees the the high right foot Vader yeah the max it doesn’t make a lot of sense like uh but we we shall see he’s spotted it I think he’s looking that way theet maybe maybe he goes the other way he’s going back the other way either way you got to get a high foot high right foot you hand foot match lean [Applause] back you got Max trying to slab one again here on the front as well as you see will just try little something come on yeah time on the wall just ticking away there so max is going to make this step across here come on in these uh seashell holds you seeing here the Virgin SE shells are not in cut that much all they do vary quite a some of them fully closed off they’re interesting out the slow Brie type and Je well it seems that we’ve got all of the youth a done uh and through uh so far in the youth B and uh or halfway through anyway but youth the junior sorry yeah up will be lasted way done it for some reason Junior’s just underway Max Thomas Boston so we just got Zen here on his last attempt or last 40 seconds I should [Music] say McKenzie did Toppers if you just tuning in it’s very close to the females and I think sum is actually second for attempts after celle cuz she took more on the Dino and could flash that Nic come [Applause] on let’s see what we’ve got here see Zen and Max both working over that come on come on in there put the super sace back not not happening me come on ah I’m lucky guys I’m lucky well [Applause] all right well the uh the clock doesn’t stop ticking for these competitors here in uh I think we’re about halfway through the comp maybe a smid more you a females are done and dusted and top three all free chops one zone but all different ways around but again folks uh don’t take that score as verbatim there is appeals and so on so there’ll be 30 minutes at the end of the competition for appeals and uh adjustments of scoring if required that’s the uh the competition format so so far so good yeah and now you got Finley’s going to start his first one M M’s going to come out as well you see on the back of the hammer in that top left one M’s making straight into that climb uh fin a little read Boston here in your main screen see if he can be uh we seen any Tops on this well here we go here we go oh come on Boston he’s working his way up to the top and that was a little bit slower nice there we go B nice well he he did the pinch he did he did a pinch which was good A bit slower as well going to try the dino yes fin almost okay and then we obviously come around here we got Abby just going to work on his second one here she’s going to try and yeah going say step those now you can see all of those that’s a quite a foot handhold opposition Boulder problem that one you’re not stable at any point in time the whole time it’s just trying to spin you out it’s it’s it’s uh we’re down the back in the cave area and Finley about to try the dino again you can see top left screen nearly getting it um yeah so there’s a few like obviously it’s about to get crazy again as the six athletes hit the hit the borders and the walls together so the reason it’s starting this way by the way is so that they can uh work left to right so as the climbs progress you’ll see more climbs finishing on the right and on these orange VES and these green hes at the end um so it’s going to be very interesting see the jam I like a good Jam here we go here we go they really appeased you today J and all you seen your climbers watching at home and it’s disrespect it’s a nod to the uh the old school which I like it even I look at a bit of a foot jam going on there there is a bit of discussion isn’t there you see some of the athletes who’ve been uh skipping a couple of World Cup events and such and freshening up they said you know we do miss a bit of the old school more traditional especially with the lead climbing and the and in sense with the B you know the less parkour style so um it’s quite nice to see these wrestles like little hand Jam little foot jam yeah I suppose it’s difficult to entertain the crowd who doesn’t know what’s going on so you know it’s a it’s a oh here we go up high oh nicely and it’s one of my scariest plac the top in this gym for me okay let’s see what goes on nice well done that was that was great that was great uh root reading on on the on the climb itself at at the time um yeah that was that was good I love it now you can see yeah you can see you’re trying the opposition is with your feet and your hands and it’s it’s trying to just spit you out around the corner like every single second of the of the boulder problem these are very mildly textured these seashells in and again because it’s dual text you put your foot too high on it you’re going to St it need to walk onto the two volumes I think yeah that that little triangle right there halfway up the wall the right foot needs to be up on that before she goes for that next problem um next problem next next hole on the problem yeah we knew what you meant CH sir following along follow and um yeah yeah it’s um it’s still like all this is still any ones to go for though obviously like Max got wanding at the other then vice versa with Boston so you know one top and uh Max does have the extra Zone which is benef him here will got the The Zone in the first one as well Z come on step your foot out first there’s one so you think needs to go again now quickly right step through there we go yeah I think I think that makes it hard though yeah she needs the right foot first I think so I think so and maybe even some left toe around the corner there cuz there’s no piece of black tape but you know you never know a little bit dark in the back corner here but the wall yeah yeah got that it’s another method of doing it as we mentioned that’s the third style we’ve seen work come on come on let’s see let’s see what uh what he’s got I wonder if he spotted that high foot no he’s looking the other way tall enough for it to be honest looking the other way very flexible there he could bump his way might make that work here we go Sur no well it does that that that’s the thing if you go up with your left you’re your left a bit strung out um there you go okay that’s our last uh last 13 seconds he doesn’t have enough time to uh make a top on there I don’t think he’s brushing it for the next next climber well done that’s good quality sport sportsmanship that’s fantastic all right we’re partway through uh now I think uh I think we’re all done and dusted with uh the uh the A’s and B’s if I uh uh there’s the youth the youth a score the Youth female score play playing up on us a little here but uh there’s the junor a bit of mystery the junior as well so you can see folks uh as we’re going along come what is happening a bit of a battle here for him so we see clear’s going to try her it looks a lot of fun this one with uh with these volumes all in different angles and and yeah he’s looking very strong though right now just saying Max is one of those people is he that can make something look insanely easy now that that hold at the top is not a gimme he’s got to get his body in the right position here we go nice well done nice oh well there you go well Max living in New South Wales representing Queensland which is uh which is great let’s see if uh this she can unlock this one come on K let’s go now she did get to that other that other hold before so she’s moved the right foot to the second of the volume was for you and now she brought it back though so again that it must be must just be a sensation that they’re all getting that they can’t do that oh what’s going on here I don’t know how he got into this position I wish I was watching the top screen well this is something crazy mad but okay well again I think I’m all for it broy I’m all for it Mr wa that that was a that was a red herring version of that wasn’t out that way but you know he looked strong he he got up nice and high so you never know he might even crack that he might even break that beta yeah I mean got my eyes at that top Corner screen watching it now come on Finley uh sorry William going crazy asess is going to Chas din but it’s slightly different now she’s got a second catch oh well that that seemed a little bit easier she dropped into that first hold even um you know not McKing around too much so all right let’s see what what she can work out at the top here so you will see there’s an extra blade removed from the top ah I think no no it was still free still free it was just that other one just the angles changed a little bit to she looking setting up to do something Dynamic here but Co stepping on that she hasn’t really oh no didn’t really go for the toe there but yeah and sometimes they do adjust them cuz they feel that the one climbs suits the you know the younger climbers might be stronger than the older clim was it that sort of move that sort of star adjust it and sometimes you actually see it with the the fale divisions that you know the standard of that 14 15 yard inste come on guys we got yeah everyone battling away here well I think um this one on the on the hammer the seashell climb that we see in the third screen on the top really baffling perplexing all the athletes it’s quite um we’re down low and a few of them aren’t you know it was that High step to go on top of that get up high on it rather than stay low for the cross Rover and I think that’s the I think that’s the thing clear quite a experienced competitor she’s been uh she’s been in many competitions yeah local champion in a few um but yeah another sticker for the rules always like checks everything ensures everything’s brushed you know doesn’t leave anything to chance and um yeah 40 left we give you a little quick remainer create the hype come on clear another very popular climate too yeah plenty of supporters here locally for Clear really I mean like this is obviously a little bit of a wrestler as well was really really strong clim really good been training very hard and couple of sponsors behind her now I think so she’s really dedicating and at this age it’s when you can sort of say hey school’s sort of done now I can twitch it and that’s the thing you got to keep in mind for a lot of these athletes if you’re watching at home and uh you just saw the you know the sport and SP an event a lot of these kids are you know in full-time education in their most important years of school when they’re doing their exams and so on and so forth oh my goodness oh I was going to say let’s see if clear does the the high move but not to be she’s still got she’s still got time though depends on how quick she can climb that bottom section you know you can do that in 30 seconds if she she’s got enough fuel in the tank big gas in the tank Katie here a little bit taller this might work out all right for Katie a little bit taller yeah she tried that foot Swap and then brought it back so I think she’s got to just really figure out to spot that turn way a bit yeah I was talking about that but it doesn’t look that comfortable yeah I mean there’s a sity slit there we might uh we might [Applause] uh good e [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got a little uh the hackers little little glitch in the main frame we think the hackers are in again you know they they don’t want us so yeah boo put a w in the chat we’ll win but uh D just giving Max a shout out there the team will get the clock back up there ever so soon but you can hear it in the background anyway we’ll keep you up to speed as we rolling along but um they want they want him to be wild bill again uh I did want to step away from the nicknames a little bit but yeah it was Wild Bill shout out to uh to Lyon yeah he can still be well built in my heart um but yeah come on Bill come on Boston here we go Max made this one look uh fairly straightforward before Boston come on Boston oh unlucky and that’s when the thing is when when you see one athlete do it you think oh they’ve made it too easy it’s it’s a mistake it’s it’s too soft and then you know you see others battle and battle and battle we actually saw in the qualifying and if you uh uh if you look back at how they all qualified there wasn’t like every single baller got a top but not by the same person it was it was really really well split and such a mix of skill sets by these athletes you know you see bed compositions are different and everything but it’s it’s such an interesting sport you know running traditionally you see all these tall strong long legged people and climbing is one where just such a a blend of body blend it is it is so you know very uh very diverse that’s for sure M’s going to have another G now I think uh we’ got about uh 2 minutes left on the on the clock I think well Emily and Quinn going the other way here so let’s see if he can make this work he has made it work oh oh my go why you qualified in first h there you go well done thean King Mr King absolutely that was uh that was very strong didn’t get to see Emily in the top we’re just fixing this little big want to see Emily get the top of the first one she did come on Boston three minutes yeah and you know Max Max made that hold look like it was a jug before and you can see how strong sort of Max Max is as well so you yeah exactly yeah so I think I wonder I think Emily might have got was he finle trying this white slab climb and may have trained the uh the [Music] seashells come on Abby come on Abby just hit this Dino nothing’s a given in this game and uh you got to fight for them also come on needs to give it a little bit more swing with the legs and the hip just not getting enough momentum you know out of that to get herself over there far enough and we saw one of the previous competitors stop on that first hole didn’t have to go all the way so he was angled at a andit on a step yeah yeah so maybe you know again you don’t have to be loose like spaghetti yeah you can be rigid like spaghetti There She Goes Again sometimes it’s worth just mixing up a few turns just to see what might uh what might work o little quick ninja foot swap me see if anyone can chop this seashells one as well leg just a little kick just just not enough with the kick her leg isn’t generating the momentum her shoulders are and that’s what’s not giving her enough not catching them yeah you got to be in yeah know and that’s the thing is when you’re landing on a feature that you have to really commit and like you say he really Squig come on BST oh he’s going for the knee for the knee I like that that is that’s again use the knee there well here we go uh it just helped him just not get barau out on this but again all bear is good bear works but yeah exactly yeah again now he’s gassing yeah that hold at the top there is not anywhere near as good as you think it might look folks just because it’s a large it just because that looks big it’s not big at all and it’s uh angled down a little bit too it’s a little bit dishy a bit soapy soap dish that thing um probably one of my least favorite holds along with those damnn orange things I hate them anyway there you go yeah I could write a list yeah be a long old list come on M let’s see this let’s see what she’s got have this one great great to still have you with us online folks awesome to see you in the chat shouting out supporting all of the competitors here today what an amazing job they’ve done so far and still a bit to go um so let’s make that happened all right well you can see there Max has got two two tops come on AB you’ve got that now now you got 12 seconds try and progress to finish Abby come on come on Abby you know the time 10 seconds you got the Zone anyway so that’s a real boost oh come on let’s see that was almost well done buddy well five more seconds I reckon she would have had that she to R the Finish she has the te absolutely yeah there you go have a smile remember okay you know time is for now we’re going to give him his title we’re going to fire him up we’re going to let all right AO we need to get the the camera out a little bit not so close so we can see the full Dino yeah we’ll see Wild Bill in the back come on yeah there we go come on Wild Bill Wild Bill’s got his back you see now the name now we have to give them all yeah oh here we go temp come on yes a now now Max made that look like that was a warmup let’s let’s face it um so beautiful beautiful climing from Mr Thomas and bills heard us Bill he’s answered it he needed the crowd that’s what he is he is a he’s a performer and he’s got the heel so you know a knee before a heel no heel or a toe on the inside making that work completely different approach well let’s see come On’s go this yeah yeah squ [Applause] nice nice y thanks Linton there you go we you went to the back of the name and now just chps his St nice by Max there though beautiful getting getting a you know a quite a quite a large distance or a long distance in that that leap maybe that was meant to be a paddle but he just went all the way to the jug first go 30° over good BR the spider I like we’ve only seen one top on that one haven’t we that slab so that yeah that was Boston little this what I was going to say is I’m quite interested to see the females approach this one as well see how they do it a little bit different well you know it they do have a little bit more flexibility in the hip uh and technique so if you get what we did see is if your knee is on the other side of that triangle volume and your hips are on the other other side you you can balance on that half Stelling top sticking out so you don’t really need to engage your shoulder that much at that point so if they rock over to the right as far as they can that might help but um it doesn’t feel like you should do that right at the start so yeah we see Bry here battling on the slab come on broy come on come on you got the height you got the height broy a well we saw that lead back climbing style we saw that big pinch it was a big sort of open Palm friction pinch really it wasn’t much of a pinch but um it was enough to get the top no so we’re going to see ktie try this she’s good clim good strong traditional climber let’s see how she goes in this D we got clear on the seashells as well um get get the Super Source back so we can see all the CLS I think we might see bro here hit this finish hog um so yeah we’re trying to get him back to him all for you there we go um the back cave is done now as well so we’re looking at the seashells here clear in the third one along the top and kti just about hit this Dino as we see this oh close in this P but he oh everyone’s battling on this this blue one on the pillar that you SE clear just come off again on that same spot must that must be the Crux the hard move folks if you hear the word Crux spoken want to see how Emily goes Em’s one for one on the top you know so now I’ve got a question is is a full green a top or is a full what is a full green there’s three different versions in there attempt complete I would say and the yellow full yellow the top I would say so if you hit the yellow full yellow bar is a top uh yellow and green half and half is a Zone all green means you did it but you didn’t top all zone so you look at Maxi Thomas three tops one zone put a bit of a marker down I think okay got no thanks Ian I’m glad you’re here I was I was the first time I’ve been a you come on clear now let’s see what clear does here I wonder I wonder how fast she gets her foot up in this one yeah well I was thinking that but yes yes yes Ian I think that’s the game yeah it doesn’t look comfortable but I think once you get up and over it it’ll be uncomfortable and then it’ll be right I think on that climb and I could be wrong I apologize on that climb it could have said discomfort as one of the taglines they had it on one of them um like it said discomfort or out of comfort zone or something like down one of them cuz I remember Ching to myself thinking I’m looking at all these climbs thinking untable so the right knee oh wow no come on okay yeah that right knee needs to be around the other side of that triangle now there’s no reason to have that triangle there other than to get in the way your knee yeah or or do a a bit of a uh bit of a knee bar like a scum scum drag knee bar thing now that doesn’t sound great but um no you know what I mean here well hopefully you do someone might uh I’m trying if you’re wearing long pants it wouldn’t hurt if you’re wearing shorts it’ll it’ll hurt see look we’ve gone from Wild B now we got Bry The Spider and the himy name so he’s the spider and we love him for it all right that was the I thought he had that top as well unfortunate there that was that was the 10c countdown and uh here we go so we’re going to see Boston on his last climb same with Abby here Boston needs this to really maintain his Podium spot cuz Max has got three tops in the zone yes so uh Boston can’t catch him the only ones who can really is qu who’s just starting his second climb he’s going to try the slab climb uh Kun well and he looked super strong now who was that just now um that was Boston did he miss that dinno first go he did yeah okay well let’s let’s big big lead big lead well you know again it just shows how strong Max is in that style I think he he got a long way up there is doing well here ab’s doing really well yeah hip hip and feet she she’s so much more comfortable in that small box there um in that move now let’s see what she does here be really curious to see how she goes about that I mean you can pay $8 to know what the top hole feels like they all be paying it wouldn’t they because that is yeah once you find out you oh okay that’s what he it’s super committing at the top there and that’s one of those ones that’ll play with your head right you you’re at the top you’re like I don’t know how this is going to go do I really go for it because I’m going to fly off of it if I don’t um so you know part of that is that uh you know game game face or you know the mind game of this uh these Boulder problems as well so yeah there you go because Max did look make that look pretty pretty like oh yeah that was pretty easy a warm up but you know definitely Su stale dramatic does does yeah indeed and and Boston’s not not any slouch by any stretch in the imagination folks you know um just shows that Max is in good good uh good form really at the end of the day oh nearly St the D on the middle there we see from May but um yeah see if how we can get this again here as well got the fan on back but uh Finley’s just trying to work this white white problem out here that we just saw Wild Bill get um Boston got bit closer there getting a bit closer yeah and we see Emily there as well first position just on the seashells now really like to watch the way she CLS Emily so let’s see how she goes with this here she can get it done and we’ve got with spectacular is that CLE no CLE CLE on a break now yes quau is going to have another go at this slab climb with the call logo good backand bump up and she makes a top down the back there on the seashells mes too the mes too the sorry the dino yeah oh this is yeah this has been a real CR not really working that one out as easily as um he doesn’t realize he’s got the Zone but he needs to get the top to take this from Max come on and it’s got half their time nearly or just less this is the 2 minutes remaining so they got plenty of time no need to rush it that it’s the top she the bottom is dialed like no no no stress looks very comfortable in that uh in that position and that move lost one of our cameras I just finished that one yeah that one’s [Applause] finished come on Abby let’s [Music] go come on up now she knows what to do here come on he’s absolutely just got to give it everything here minute 20 your last clim of the week that’s all you have to think of my last my last ball of the time time to throw it down make it happen oh Emily’s really battling up on that first one nobody’s chopped this first one yet and uh if Emily gets it puts a real bench marker down currently one for one another 60 second one minute countdown there we go now look me with that tops now put into first oh making that look uh come on Finley Finley yeah gets a top that’s big for Finley can make the podium still well it’s great he he uh he needed that keep him in contention I think this start might be slightly better for the females but this top is for as much easier it is the Top’s much much harder cuz yeah much harder they have to really commit to that launch at the top there come oh Emily like I said remember how well Emily climbed last year at the Nationals too oh and at the adult ones too yeah come on unlucky think this one’s not going to get a top today so that’s okay he’s still gone come on Bon you can do it get say hold the Zone it still has it value yeah I he he wasn’t generating as much spring from his legs and and there is a bit of technique to that which is well out of my uh expertise that’s for sure like that one a bit bit brighter the sun uh sun going down a little now and as we approach uh the [Music] afternoon now the volunteer brushes fantastic shout out to them shout out to all volunteers they’re amazing yeah let’s see oh all right and KY come on let’s finish a win for KY here come on oh a big smile in the face lovely bloody athlete get and the spiders back up as well let’s uh it’s bit like a web this one let’s let’s just PR along this web bro and let’s let’s tib topple all the way to the height uh yeah this is the junior we had uh safan uh thanks for the question uh it’s the junior right now Junior M fale starting very shortly yeah you be all sort of come out in a little bit oh he’s trying to do the old paddle he’s looking at us at a paddle yep all right see if he can wrestle across here with knee bar bit of things yeah like a good knee bar getting closer getting closer he’s got a handsfree knee bar there that was quite good have a little rest on the bould the problem see he’s just trying to get Instagram pictures uh well he’s a bit taller so you know maybe a little bit more uncomfortable to maneuver that one uh in there so um maybe we can see if we can get that camera down the back there made make a bit brighter we’ve got the bees coming out into the back corner in the minute so yeah I mean it is still to play for even if so Wild Bill hits this zone for instance one top two zones a good second um obviously he tops it he pretty much guarantees himself a Podium um it’s interesting we’re having a look at you youth bow of five there but we might have to take a look at that in a minute when uh we do the change over you can I can just feel the the energy being Zapped out of them right now I can feel they they they’re looking a little tired but they’ve got it all to play for folks these are the last Boulder problems of their comp CLE climbing quite strong here your time she doesn’t have to rush she’s got three minutes she’s quite uh to the point type climbing though other way she hit well done CLE well done well done C that was convincing it was convincing yeah you well done well done top effort buddy yep gave that uh gave that plenty now use that energy KY you hear there’s nothing better than when you are an athlete yet you know it’s nerve-wracking sometimes when you hear the chairs and it’s nerve-wracking sometimes but at the same time there’s nothing really better then you hear a crowd cheer then you hit a move they cheer for you it just it begins there like a send train in the gym same sort of thing claim the climb broy I like that terminology claim this climb bro come [Music] on come on KY you can do it one last one last push ooh yeah big deep breath last ball the problem of the whole comp for her let’s see if she’s got what it [Applause] takes yeah they probably and again the athletes don’t see the scoreboard there are no projection of the scoreboards in the facilities if you’re wondering so they don’t know how close it is K doesn’t realize that this zone or this top potentially could project Ty up to you know potentially first or second spot yeah yeah well we might see if if if the team can bring up the scoreboard if we can um and see how we’re traveling along see so one top two zones would be third joint third with clear um so could could make a big difference and again folks uh that is the preliminary there are appeals they’ll happen for about half an hour before we have the podium so make sure you hang around and support uh the presentations as well there’ll be some announcements and presentations uh and on Sunday we’ve got the lead climbing as well so make sure you hang around for a full weekend of yeah it’s it yeah totally totally and there’ll be some of the same faces in both Sports there also be some different faces when some athletes are just lead some are just Boulder um here we go KY come on now really impress down on that man bir’s liking that knee b a little bit too much I think he’s about to set cam I think sometimes when you get into something that that you feel comfortable on it’s difficult to get out of it you know so uh it could be that Comfort trap that sometimes happens um but again you can just see how far it is to that that Dynamic um Jug on on Boulder number four there oh yeah Great lead build all right come on BR he’s just not getting that she’s going up the the a different way every everyone else has gone up with their right foot on that uh that Stelling tide or the the horn um but um just couldn’t get the height huh and um it makes even more impressive for what you saw Max Tomas do when you see these other high high level climbers really I wonder if the team could uh quickly snap Max Thomas’s uh replay on that just to put in perspective if they could grab Max’s replay and whack it up there that be super interesting I think yeah because now Emily’s pretty pretty decent at these um commitment moves as well so let’s see here act on the left these are your two first place qualifiers so there it is I could just P how’s that all right and I mean it’s just the hands up the Cavalier nature all right well we might get back to the Super Source we’ve got four or five Climbers on at once and we’ll see how we go but um one oh it’s all action stations well we see here like quow is it can chop off and take second uh he needs to needs to hit Top This though that’s something that he has has to do well may is again she she got to knee around the other side of that gray volume I was talking about that oh strong fining took down there too yeah good he’s going to get it for take your time take your time the top hold is not as good as whereing yesterday on that uh on that uh on that so now he didn’t get the slab did he no so max is Champion but um you know we got set appeel aside so now we’re going to get our Young Guns coming out again as well so you see jasine shimo there as well we might get we might get Callum at the back there one of the team just to adjust the angle of that fixed shot in the corner to take in the hammer uh that might work um [Music] so they’re not climbing on any of the other bow the problems that might work for us down in the fixed Corner camera shot and we’re just seeing now Finley chalk up taking his time Emily we qu getting that um as she see she’s getting a knee around that other side and and if she keeps going that way no I 100% agree with you Jay 100% that you were right yeah and look no one could ever say that you’re not the best be reader in the business it’s a fact uh nice maybe a little bit bit higher for the top out for that fixed camera folks and then we’re good to go action stations at the back there hopefully no one stands in the front of it um come on nice and look yes the tectonic PLS come on all the way and then it’s from there nicely done heit that left got the top out right now nice [Applause] brilliant all right okay come on man still two minutes we still got plenty of time just get that knee around behind there rock over on the hip and then hopefully oh oh that’s pretty close yeah that’s the root Setters or the brushers the volunteers helping out just making sure that the holds are clean for the next attempt here we got our uh our next competitors com out oh that was close close he’s fir up 1 minute 26 to go plenty of time though but making a bit of progress here fin almost latching that one at the end and he needs this top to stay in contention um or to come in to Second and um far up here we go may even Finlay Finlay oh very close one minute to go there’s enough time but that bowler problem is super physical folks super physical good to see some shout outs in the chat team thanks for joining us thanks for having a bit of fun make sure you hang around for the presentations a bit later on the B oh yes come on finle there we go yes the crowd loves that one the crowd loves that one uh there we go what uh what action we’ve got uh we had another top on the uh the dino which is awesome Finlay nailed it um so here we [Music] [Applause] [Music] go well uh we’ll see see if we can get Ian back in the commentary oh bit of knee [Applause] um massively there we go there we go yeah that was huge he nailed that and he uh he celebrated with his teammates at the top of this or in the top it was uh it was fantastic well done yeah well some of the spectators were getting so annoyed was like I just check What’s happen I thought we’re going to have a riot on our hands at first but I’m back and I can say that they all being they were all excited well there’s the Queens land Lads celebrating but it’s not over for Clear um or any of the other competitors here always gra always grab behind each other been cheering on and uh yeah bro come on I think got a couple of zones but hasn’t got a hasn’t been able to get a top there then him to see see get this yeah it’ll be good he’s tall so you know it could be one that be work for him yeah and actually clear this is a really good thing for Cleo too is super strong um and then we see uh the young uh you youth be we got the youth Beast starting back down in the corner there which is fantastic where the boys be I’m just trying to see now come on Bry come on clear side by side let’s see this little bit higher you really got to jump in and up and let the momentum bring you back down yeah and it’s that kind of there’s a hip there’s a hip flick into the wall before you pounce off your legs and you did I think Jasper you can’t see it but I think Jasper did get the first bow down first score ah did he yeah so he was in sick place with the boys and then um I think we saw young Audrey top it as well now this is Esther and Mason so Mason on the left from New South Wales and Esther from Queensland close close H’s clear doing on the scoreboard I’m sure she’s going to need this one oh definitely needs it yeah definitely needs it unfortunately couple of zones and one to all right we got two competitors down in the back leftand quarter um off two top two zones would put him in joint top until Emily goes obviously Emily top in that last one was key for her as well but um yeah Max guaranteed the first spot we love to see bro Che this we having a long rest and she she hasn’t done the knee around the other side of that that one yet oh yeah nice good oh and again that trying to unlock that cross between uh the right and left hand or the transfer of weight most people staying low but we know well we’ve seen it unlocked by the the high step um which which doesn’t seem particularly natural in in situ but once you stand up you think okay there you go a little lull between action and uh I can say the Austin just taking him there to watch’s going to have another go now hits that Dino nicely nearly first time stuck it yeah got that first time that it is a and that that that D is a little bit more about accuracy this one you don’t want to really overshoot it oh just dry F off the bottom [Music] oh fle trying to work this one out hasn’t really worked out you can rock over that hip a bit further so you know uh let’s see if she unlocks that action down in the back corner got the dino start again and uh come on yeah now let’s see if you can unlock this uh step up as we go come on come on yeah now let’s see what he does because oh B’s nearly hit that there and the paddle down just taking a time again there we go all right [Music] [Music] clear trying it another way but not really comfortable with the right foot up but just don’t think she’s got her heel and her hip far enough right to feel Comfort but uh just a PR magician very good at this start of a well at the end of a you know two days of hard bouldering and uh long competition oh got that dno right on the fingertips come on yeah there we go see got see wow okay let’s see let’s see if we can get uh we get some tops out of this 30 seconds bro down the back there come on bro one big [Applause] ass he’s trying something different here which is good does need to shift his foot up onto the gray volume but no he he might get oh I don’t think uh I don’t think it’ll be enough time oh both goodr round right get the Zone good effort not uh not to be today not entertainment not to be today we might um see if we can get the the quick scoreboards up and have a look after this Replay MAX Thomas the Tank okay there we go and the change over the the Bell keeps on going 10 seconds between change over on the climbs but uh I think that’s it there there’s not many to go now um I think that’s all done and dusted no no there’s there’s three more or four we still got we still got Quinn and um Emily to have their last climbs here which we’re seeing Oh nearly that was close we should call him frown Town not the hidden Samurai cuz he always just looks chill easygo come down [Applause] then she’s got to get a hand around the other way if possible but but in pretty good position yeah now he is doing the paddle and if you’re looking at the top as well by the way you’ll see Oriel and you’ll also see Lin on the [Applause] M apologize come Emily we might see if we can get those scoreboards up there just to see these last few Bower problems and follow the score live it be awesome and yeah this is the challenge for for these uh the females on that last move it looks like it’s snowing in the jimm in but it’s a little bit of jalk it’s all the visual art that’s a special visual effect yeah and we should have jaspine Asimo um she’s sat on the edge of the map there I think he’s trying the crimper climb um that’s a great effect that is yeah oh come on yeah there you go well listen um maybe Jasper top that um I missed it but well there’s the there’s the youth lineup um we might have a look at the the junior lineup right now just see how we’re tracking on that one ohel’s definitely using the chalk Y Must yeah must have a sponsorship or something with him M she’s burning but but yeah we see and also or just trying that one next to her as well oh the seashell that oh UNL come on that that was a spectacular oh now yeah Ste on through I would have loved to see that move or oh you might get to yeah but um yeah Oriel definitely a performer and uh good High Spirits all the time bless her yeah quite Dynamic and and um just Fearless Fearless Fearless is probably the best thing even if she leaps off the CL abely go for it sming 360 spin and away you know as way as way she goes all right nice flexibility here um happy happy days now this is the move it’s the top move it’s the top move we need to see y Emily you got this come on Emily oh such a big move that final move we know it can be done but if if you don’t know it’s ter he’s getting close he is he’s got it comeing two minutes he now Ariel as well in another good SP the there which is well it’s that funky back heel not sure not quite sure if she’s going to move out of that position an arodo would be having a great time look at that yeah y all right take a deep breath and uh you know the one one of the judges there think oh I better move back a bit further cuz she she flew out about big fo you can see a smile from the back of her head she’s always that awesome all right let’s see we haven’t seen this uh this move past the Zone stuck yet and she she stuck this move before right there okay nice all right contrer yeah maybe a foot Swap and then the right foot up I think you know here we go oh no well that that did look very nice moving into that that position again she she’s really got a double foot launch it like it’s got to you got to go and catch the top of it let’s see oh well she did have a go there we go I think o needs to get that left foot out left maybe some sort of that next one swap your feet to tow Ariel tow Hawk tow Hawk left around she’s seen the S and she likes it yeah got to come around have a look from the bottom and have a look at that next yes big do the frowner frown Town himself come on hits it and does it yeah here we go brilliant get to Second spot nicely done yes s time nicely done all right well done well done now Emily here that’ll put you straight into second spot as well so really really big big top let’s let’s see if Emily can really commit oh she was going for it too nice got that yeah sort of a delayed pulling the body in off the left arm good well you know sometimes times you got to slow those things down to you know just get the the right swing and momentum not go too fast and fling yourself off the hold stay under the hold while your while your body is changing direction yeah we see Min shimo just ring his shoulder in the middle is yeah well it’s a 10-second change over now we’ll have our last uh inis is out our last Junior female and now we’re well into the junior or the youth all Junior and Youth should be correct so we’ve got three or four in the now should be Rene on the left there yeah Rene um or Rene we might we might get the scoreboard up on of the youth and then track along with with these guys and girls so Rene and M should be on the road insertion Mason and eser all right straight out on the shells and Mason on the middle straight out of the straight out of the gates Jasper two tops that’s um absolutely cracking yeah he’s a good I think he was number one last year um in lead and Boulder he only snuck in in six spot this year as well um actually got one Z to repal it come back through oh I was going to say that that’s breaking the pay wonder if he’s going to give it a yeah it’s a little bit slippery there so the male second by the way J so is the arch climb that the the girls really struggled on and Jasper flashed it so again he’s much smaller than the rest of these athletes and I don’t want to use height as a any kind of cop out because well one is’s two for two strong here yeah Audrey looking very strong looking for the right foot now it’s a blind foot by the look of it we got Mel Mel here as well on uh train this one here too oh look look like he’s broke the beta in he he broke the beta but he did do the high step we respect that we respect that excellent we we par well done my friend he’s not from Paris yeah now he’s cool as a cucumber well done and um all right let’s go so this is going to be Mason again now in the I don’t think we saw any Tops on this screen uh for any of the other climbers so it’d be really awesome to see a top yeah we missed Jasper unfortunately when he topped it cuz he did four seconds we actually think he teleported but we’re not we’re not allowed to speculate there might be an appeal on the teleportation so you got to use the holes Jasper he’s got a he’s got a ponytail so he’s power tails 12 and there’s the competitors in between climbs they sit with their back to the wall the 5 minute clock counts down and uh yeah not allowed to face and watch other competit we’ve got uh we’ve got Audrey back on the wall getting close to the top let’s see if she can get this top oh yes makes a top well done oh no it’s not a top yet it’s m is it yeah 278 no m m 7979 oh the numbers very close together sorry sorry M well they’re both wa as well J so you can’t be blamed you know and if someone does want to blame you I’ll give them your address okay send them my phone number they’ll come around have a cup of tea and a chitchat and they’ll be immersed in climbing knowledge nice well here we go he lives at 122 East Lake Street caran bring your D pass money well that might be the climbing gym we’re at right now um so basically Audrey Audrey has come out um of the gates with a top in a Zone we’ve just seen Mela there hit one one top one go so um yeah and Rene with a top so this one’s going to be a little bit closer as well um we saw a lot of chops and changes this is you has do again yeah you can if you get up close to those holes you can see they’re facing terribly the wrong way they’re not fa fabulous facing the right way those holds let’s let’s be frank let’s be honest no they yeah they’re not not easy I try to find a positive I always look for a positive spin on everything but um well I’ve got to say I got to say the root setting uh from a visual and entertainment point of view has been absolutely spectacular yes we haven’t seen this wonderful orange down here CL jet so that must must be a bit later that’s good yeah VES yeah and um I will say um I do like all the uniforms of the team s just mentioned out the Victoria team uniform looks amazing I agree it’s really nice yeah Mel Canon the cannon for the top and his ball the ball yeah this person Christopher Moretti you you a nickname genius you know and I’ll let you have them I don’t want to steal you on so you know that’s why I tried to add a few frown town for frout toow but um yeah oh look at that little CH on the back of the arch yeah it it’s very physical it’s steep in that section on small holds and quite a lot of quite a lot of body tension so you know that um yeah it takes a lot out of you he’s having a little rest oh well he’s only got 18 seconds I think he’s called it called it smart move smart move volunteers there giving that a good brush for the next climber yeah for EST I think she’s realized like hey look now let’s see little Nishi here so Jasmine aima’s going to start I I believe they do the red um the red here yes it is there’s his ponytail of power the ponytail of power back in my day that was a rat tail well it is a rat tail yeah but I don’t want to be uh I didn’t want to be calling it that cuz he loves it bless him offered him it’s come back in fashion doesn’t it really the the Mallet came back in fashion the Beards back in fashion thank goodness for the beard um I think I pioneered that but um I’m just a little jealous I couldn’t grow under side myself but uh you know without that drawline there’s no need now um what we will say is this is um one from last Jamie Wong here you see another very well-known name on the scene and we got James mut as well another wa athlete and obviously Jame one’s in that Victoria shirt as well even the V coach shirts are nice actually you can’t see him here but they are nice there’s that now Jamie Jamie looking quite strong here if she if she just gets the the foot right it is a little weird maneuver this isn’t it well you see why we when we’re watching like you know Orel Ander and a few of people battling the ways it’s quite hard cuz you don’t know where that play is you know it’s somewhere can’t see that one she’s found it the blind foot oh it’s not over yet though bags of experience Jimmy yeah all right I’m not going to say it sing I’m not going to say it not going to we go there’s a top nice brilant excellent work nice top and in and in quick I don’t know if that was a flash though but um but it might have been I believe so um and again think you remember you looking at these tops and such it does come down to attemp come on Oriel now orel’s got that Thug power that she can do the way sometimes I see a b long climbs and I’m just so blown away she’s looking very strong this is the thing where I think she’ll just like she’s not intimidated come on look at the thug come on yeah that’s nice back step Orel a oh up there we go big smile that was classic all right awesome it’s just that extra bit of power in those shoulders and biceps and that’s the first jop on that climb all there yeah absolutely cracking well ni One all right looks like we might be getting uh another top down the back here oh Orel yeah we can watch this as many times you like that don’t get any less impressive so here’s Nishi top down the back as well tried the summer Fraser approach the left lap wow okay so Audrey’s going to try this um adjusted bear as well so yeah the judge was just spotting something there just making sure she gets her her start right yeah there is there’s the Young on they’re not afraid of the camera no I know yeah they uh we might try and track a few of them down a bit later in and have a tat to them it’ be nice to have a some of these people Absolut absolutely it’ be awesome hang around for that folks we’re well underway here well well well on our oh my gosh that yeah that was that was controls Falling Towards the right spot absolutely yeah anyway now we haven’t it’s been 50/50 from this point people talk you need that high thumb switch the hand up when the thumb on the grip is beautiful yeah it does make don’t overthink it don’t overthink it and you can see in the arch here it looks it looks like we’re going to see in the AR here might we might cut to the Green in the middle there he’s getting close to the top he’s going to get it he’s got it there we go oh this [Applause] is oh oh Tragedy and ni step down to tr C by Audrey well Audrey’s hanging out here and um treating it like a lead clim but you know what this top this Top’s going to be important as wellz O’s one zone one top in the other way she’s made the oh did did try the the swap watch this watch this yeah this is crazy this is kind of like all right I’ll stop falling I’ll grab that one but hang on I’ll keep going brilliant I loved it I loved it was controlled falling and then uh made the move work I love it is dancing come on n a minute left brother let’s go take out your competitors’s hands and just go top for top the Samson tail out Samson gives your strength isn’t it that wasn’t that that the uh yeah that the the hair don’t cut the hair the tail don’t cut the hair exactly okay well yeah Lin’s back on the wall or not able to replicate that yeah he’s back down in the cave there all right let’s go to that let’s go to the green one at the back and see if we can Will him will him up the wall knew I was thinking oh oh look at that he’s his guns are filing him it’s very overing if you ever a climb five goes on the arch in a row physical Jasper here trying to make this work he’s got the Zone though which is which will help a lot that’s not a bad idea yeah Anish is known for a unique Baer yeah um not today though Jasper save your energy next climb three and one will do it for you well he’s he’s off to off to a good start but you know the strong the strong finishes in the qualifiers are yet to come so it say you got jems doing that of Fletcher as well you do have to uh you know lay it down if you’re going to so we’re going to see Renee and Mela try the seashells and Rene on the arch [Music] here and then es so this way gets a bit hectic you’re now going to see four climbers it comes out we end up with about we at one point where have eight Climbers on on at once and it gets a little bit busier but so these are your two first place qualifies in the top left now at the moment if you can see them and just tried the one arm approach to the dino there by uh a little bit um maybe not enough Gusto with that it it is one of those dinos that is a little bit of a an accuracy Dino and um you you probably oh a here we go just don’t wor big is cruising up the first one on the left as well yeah let’s see if he does a high Step at the back here happens that that’s an interesting section can stick this all right see good angle here we can see Renee as well absolute Beast not even not even breaking a sweat on some of these holes I’ll tell you what love the match y yeah like extreme finger strengths here what that was well he’s tall and finger strength like there’s no tomorrow so yeah he’s yeah now this is a unique unique bit of beta Mason let’s see if he can make that work just his foot needs to be high to stop the stop the swing too much momentum to just finishing off to hook in the top well we’ve got sometimes you call it Hollywood in you know but when you like you’ve got it don’t mess about with making sure well done and we did see we did see a left a high left crossover instead of going up with your right on that one uh down on this so here we go this bait is good you mean you have to be a bit taller you couldn’t Dr it but if you’re looking at the females here we’ve got um first place you got Audrey at the moment with one top two zones then Oriel with a top in the zone and then Jamie and Mela both with one top and Esther with two zones so it really could swing around now tania’s got one top as well moves into fifth um well technically he’s into third yeah y there we go um at the end of it would be into third obviously besides attempts cuz she didn’t flash I think Jamie M flashed it but oh yeah come on but um he needs to uh get a few tips from the old schoolers a hand jam without a watch on would work you know but um I think we should chck up that survey again here and find out whether socks or no socks is the go I’ve seen a couple again today I’ve seen a couple uh I haven’t seen as many as I normally would in the the youth comp but in Queensland this time it’s not as cold yeah that’s true that’s true we were wrapped up in hoodies last year and um and per will be nice right in theat month we might be making our Deb now we have seen a few cross over to that with their left now where where does he go here the high step up yeah I was going to say I mean the volume the foot on the volume is makes it work yeah there you go nice it is a bravery move but it’s 100% payoff that’s Fletcher from New Zealand well done Fletcher keeping your spot uh needed that Jasper did Flash it but remember so if you’re looking at this screen here and you can see the top remember this doesn’t take into account attempts to Zone attempts to top where that can split them a little bit but we’ll uh we’ll worry about that the Min of them a bit later on yeah that that scoreboard comes directly from the live scoreboard with sports climbing Australia so it’s accurate to a point other than the appeals or something else might be happening so anyway again like we said it’s just temporary until the official announcement at the end so hang around for that folks that’ be awesome to have you on for the whole live stream where else would they want to be JZ got two what entertainment this is this is the best of the best uh young competitors now you know it’s pretty interesting here we we we had a chance down in Melbourne to um get a feel for the ifsc and the Olympics coming to Brisbane and the possibility of having climbing in our own state in Queensland it’s pretty exciting for all climbers um but there’s a little bit to do um in the community so I was chatting with um the ifsc president yeah and um he was saying that you know we need to host two World Cups in Queensland before um before the Olympics so that’s not too far away that’s six years yeah no I know he’s um he’s a really really nice dude actually wasn’t he and he was lovely oh here we go oh he’s made it work oh oh no yeah a couple more minutes Mason would have made that work yeah I was going to say in the gym session he ticking it well that’s the thing you got to think about is they said you know you have to H couple of World Cups the other thing to think about is it is quite I don’t want to say Advantage but it’s very different climbing Australia I was in Europe recently and even climbing in gyms in England and stuff how cold it is how the style of setting is completely different how the the climate climate affects your everything you know your body ATT your mindset your fatigue and oh here we see again on these brand new H in Turbo in come on yeah yeah yeah loving it I mean I didn’t see him do the start but as said here’s Jamie again and again Jamie is probably my ti to get this one um looking fairly comfortable so far that’s quite nice just really a look at this strong strong this is the little transition you got to just keep an eye on though I don’t think we’ve seen a top on this though hav we we yeah oh I was going say where didn’t he yeah a back step with the little little little drop KNE back step oh yes you see that as well that’s unbelievable yeah nice little Audrey with a catch this would be two tops two zones if Audrey can make this it’s a real Benchmark oh doing the knee now maybe just stay low stay low Audrey come on a it’s one of those ones where you end up with your whole arm just sand Pap it off your whole forearm oh yeah you pay you pay your price you pay the price for skin but let’s see just needs to make that heel stay and stay low trting that Ed keep rolling over keep rolling over nice J he’s going to rock I knew he was going to fire up so n incredbly popular young L and honestly the most quiet humble little kid you ever meet well that’s three tops he’s thrown down the gaet hasn’t he um with uhor with chucking it in chucking Down The Gauntlet for the for the lead here folks so Jasper as making it work but we still got plenty of climbing to go so uh it’s all the play for it’s all the play for don’t go away the youth B absolutely throwing down a great spectacle for the competitors and uh doing well all right well this is this transition from this corner which is a bizarre little corner oh again it’s a a transition from a slab to some you know I think about a 20° overhang or 30° overhang you know wrestling around it high 20s for sure yeah it’s a difficult angle and it’s an interesting like yeah contrast because you do have that balancy trust start and then it’s like body way over hit the overhang come on Jimmy it’s interesting to see Oriel in the middle there um you watch watch her throw herself at these these Dynamic moves as well at a minute she she’s very uh very Fearless like we said before yeah and yeah it’s nothing but a compliment just say because you know climbing free and yeah without fear is is a hard thing to do nice and delicate here well done sort of into that corner and now it starts to push it out and around the corner which changes angles on you um and you go from feeling reasonbly comfortable to oh so having to do something a bit come on o how’s it going massive leg step nice oh you had it she almost almost needs the um little move through the second grabb we saw earlier [Music] yeah all right let’s see Jamie she she got almost to the top on her first first uh attempt but maybe just running out a bit of a steam here you first go best go is always the same you know oh yeah stuck it no come on Orel she’s got it she’s she now stay low stay low stay way you got to hit that crier when you or hit it as well oh this is good oh come on one minute you got plenty of time no I think she needs plenty of time oh just needs to get herself over that oh no need on that Z all right let’s go to the Middle with Orel come on Oriel High foot high fo this what mean what nor just she literally bounces up it yeah and just a bouncy clim like how’s that well done you can’t you can see her you can see her having fun while she’s climbing I love it the uh be happy as well bless mom’s always got big smile where do I go where do I go bless you do what you want you do what you want yeah oh she’s throwing it down there well there you go there plenty of high Stak BR here at the youth bowler championships folks 2024 two tops in a zone for could have too that 30 should have just like seen that invisible well you know what we said it at the starty end but you know a record number of Youth competitors record every it’s been three years in a row now we we’ve broken record State event broke it every National’s capacity cuz obviously you know you qualify you’ve got to nominate you’ve also got to be able to put the travel and that’s how serious this sport has become big shout out to moms and dads uh you know for for this not only the volunteers putting on the comps but moms and dads if you’re listening in well done to you you know you uh you support your children and uh we uh big Kudos and shout out to come as well earlier yeah all right so we’re going to see uh right I think James is go as well it’s a it’s an aesthetic look CL is it’s very it’s attractive it’s an attractive CL well this is where like being totally think helps but to be honest like Jasper’s lightweight physique I mean he’s all muscle he’s a boxer as well now but um Jasper’s lightweight phys might help him smaller to get in the positions in those things yeah he really worked that heel well and you got to stay on that heel with these slopers and the moment you don’t have that third point of contact you’re you’re not staying in so Fletcher did top the first it doesn’t show in this at the moment but Fletcher top the first and is going the second it’s the only person who can get I’m not going to say it out loud a he he just wandered up that like it was a warm up yeah well Fletcher is the only one who can beat Jasper with Four Tops yeah he did top it but um or we did see him top I wonder if it was I wonder if it was awarded but um I could see why not but okay come on M yeah going a long that was a long reach off of that bottom as well come on T oh that’s staying low instead of doing that Dynamic movement well that’s pretty it’s a good finish here with you know top and two on very respectable finish as well it’s still all to play for yeah you’re just in that corner and then you sort of you got to go out and around and as soon as your hips or you your butt sticks out you’re off the wall yeah well just looking at the results here it’s going to be a little bit of the as well but obviously Jam depending on attempts but Jamie needs to top the next two see he needs to get all the way over on top of his heel he’s not rocking over yet now he’s rocking over no he needs to bring he needs to get his knee and his hip up over his heel to to make that move a bit more solid is that melow on the dino as well the red black Dino half there is that yeah um I think so yeah yeah M yeah so mela’s two for two as well so like quite achiever I would say um you know just just been ticking him down yes well now what’s uh I don’t know what I’m seeing oel do at the bottom of the screen Audrey’s done she’s kicked her shoes off by the way in the foreground she’s doing hop hop training there we go Mason come on Big Dog strong in the shoulders and flexible like that jeez okay now he’s made that move he got to get up and over it up and over it up and on top so these kids are only about 13 14 right I think so 14 years old well he’s an absolute Beast Monster look at him all right okay come on little bit more step for this one come on M and again sometimes the you know whether you do the Pogo or the little one two step or the little bouncy like that what what do you call that move is that the little chaa or I I like it being the chaa the cha we should call it the CH we always like the chat to get involved we don’t want to give everything to the to the ti you give us it what do you for I mean you can call it you know like the there’s the any kind of coordination Dino moves are interesting you know oh she niled it oh we missed that fit yeah all right well anyway see the chaa work we we we gave it a name O CH inside like St I mean I think we just need to follow well again obviously we’ve seen it 10 times now but if you’re not if you’re Mel you haven’t seen it at all now has the Zone though I hope H The Zone in the middle The Zone helps Audrey is Audrey facing out as well no facing in I thought Audrey just ched to face out there we go and we got to do all right come on T let’s go yeah back step there we go nice the oral back step there we go we have seen two yes and it’s it’s those ones it’s like you do that and it feels like it’s a cake walk but if you don’t oh great Precision doing well doing well and she’s still got plenty of time she got time to 30 well slabs do climb a little slower but let’s see plenty of time um there might be a mild error with it but I do believe Renee James and Fletcher all t top the first one maybe James just zoned but yeah um they are trying to update it by the way if you wondering but maybe a little glitch in the spreadsheet main frame but yeah y yeah the judge might have uh just had a moment but yeah it’s going to be com so we’re now going to see Oriel tackle her four and final CL now as well well let’s see if Oriel can lay uh lay down three tops in her performance yeah and we should see James I think as well so I don’t know how James is done on his third but he’s going to need to top this anyway Mason’s free zones Jamie Wong with step across [Applause] okay [Music] okay okay James nice yeah nice staying on that he it stay on the hill no don’t move the hill Oh look atel just absolutely bananas bananas crazy but uh feel and fantastic at the same time we go got this camera before yeah tring long that long sort of move as well I wonder if he can get his sort of feet in there and stop himself swing well that did work for McKenzie in the girls group earlier just has to get himself a little bit higher maybe yeah Ariel let’s see if she can make that work oh J is scking Bland Lin made it to this section last time yes that’s smart better Orel better well done ohd the focus on your climing and a top there from Lin well done excellent she’s got her mouth wide open she’s so happy what I love come on come on what an absolute get she’s got it she’s got itz got right hand on sit on it oh the crowd love it oh she’s ter oh no family there go bless her oh how good that oh well there you go yeah yeah there’s the family love and support fantastic is that a heck of a ride this year the last 12 months and uh she just come off the back of winning uh another another event actually and uh I think it was the first win for a bit of a time and they do come in bunches you know confidence so let’s hopefully she could even she put herself in a Podium position here she’s done everything she can three tops and uh tops didn’t leave anything out one didn’t leave anything out there y th all the way down Jimmy’s going to need this now to stay in contention needs to get a get a top still got two minutes you’ve got plenty of time we’ve seen a number of tops just in come come on she taking a time let’s see how she goes with this one oh so she’s trying it the way the previous group did it you know before the adjustment yeah well it needs a little kick that leg a little bit more and get a bit closer to the wall but um yeah let’s see how she goes uh there we go she did that extra extra skip and then the left foot kick into the into the uh the round one there for the next section which is good Mela did get the Zone in that by the way so it does put potential attempts um back to back with roel so we’re looking at Mela she is two attempts to top three attempts to Z It’s Not Dead just yet for yeah two top just still up D we’re just going to have to see all right one uh one bit of action on the wall right now but uh we’re about to kick in in a minute they’re just going to refresh all the SCS right now for us which is good come on Jamie just yes oh almost like completely skipped the whole hole just left for it there well it’s good she’s she’s changed it up a little bit here and there um with uh a few different versions of this first move that’s the one oh yeah she’s so skipping the whole coordination step through staying quite High which is good just all right well she needs to nail it now maybe keep an eye on that clock cuz this one does climb fast oh but 20 seconds I think this is Renee and Fletcher I think Rene got all of them so far so Renee needs this for the win I think or to potentially to put in fletch’s and let’s see if we can uh get a little update on what’s going on Crow C’s going sniffing there we go all right let’s just enjoy enjoy so basically going to see Mel here on our last climb needs the top to stay parallel with Oriel and Renee um WI not quite sure I think he topped the first we did top the first we saw it but unless is an issue so it needs this as well so both of them need this to go into attemps count backs then we’re going to see tan here again also is the only one who’s got it completely in the hands cuz they tan to this and the next one four for four four for four well let’s see let’s see if she can throw that down Oriel out in the lead no one else can catch her other than tan what MRE yeah now we’ve got our uh our New Zealand competitor Fletcher here [Applause] absolutely seeing if he can do uh do something here on that one but uh Renee we just got to see yeah Orel winning around again blesses it’s yeah so good to see the local kids just ping strong just campers it no problem easy peasy let’s do it and uh he’s looking very comfortable here staying low nice inside oh no and you can see flew out there like at least six or 10 ft but um good good good M projection come on T yeah she’s she’s changed it up a little bit there the uh trying to stop on the first hold or maybe go a bit further it’s weirdo Dynamic move can feel almost unfathomable like it’s never get done and then you you do a few goals and then you take a day you do a few go then all a sudden something clicks you get a bit closer and you’re like oh wait a minute why could I never do this you get it every time and they have to figure that in five minutes but it is funny when you made that progression I think she just I think she just hel it oh when we get this replay I think she just H it y oh there we go all right well this is uh oh don’t know about that now work your hands work your hands come on I do like the bottom hand on it and the thumb out to the rail and then the thumb on that one inste of the whole four fingers yeah that’s going to work pop again pop again yeah need your feet up bud yeah this little transition oh oh he made through I don’t think we’ve seen that one topped by anybody no we jams did get it I think jams was the one who got it but we saw McKenzie get it for the girls and I think James got it for that’s just twist it around all right well let’s see what she’s got here and then this is where just bounc the doesn’t have to doesn’t have to rush it oh and M’s on the Mel’s on the corner you look at the top right as well M and Rene another version that’s another version of we like to see a different approach nice nice [Music] oh here we go might be getting two tops at once when you need this to go join the top oh he’s got it he’s got it nicely [Music] done well there you go moves him up into second uh join first I think yeah depending on probably a few more temps and Jasper just not yeah and attemps are going to be V so that for Mela there as well he still has time to do it but attempts count back to um Oriel or Corel as we call her car Orel is um is going to be yeah heard of Orel sort of uh sit and hug that one yeah really sit on it yeah so that uh might be the uh the the better move up there sometimes the best way to climb something is the most beautiful way KN drop the twist to turn other times it scum the knee up put your elbow down twist it but it honestly it doesn’t matter does it as long as two hands go to the top that’s right as long as you get a top that’s all that counts on the scoreboard so here we go nice let’s see if take a second come he’s got time plenty of time 50 seconds from this point onwards is not too bad just needs a transition two hands there that that’s the way to roll all right let’s see if she can get herself a little bit more comfortably into wrap a leg round as well like I don’t know look maybe just running out a little bit of finger power maybe yeah now he’s been to the top twice here and he’s a bit shorter right so he fits in that in that box just that little bit better oh one more feter well I don’t think you got time yeah well [Applause] fler if he get it as a buzzer be would be happy now look good well he got his Zone on it anyway yeah he still a chance of TI Renee Jasper James did top that one yeah so we we think James didn’t top the first but he’s got this last one left so if he did top the first he could be the under undercover Champion we don’t know yeah yeah we we think there might be a glitch in the main frame on the spreadsheet PR he didn’t get the first though that’s what I’m saying I’m pretty sure he didn’t get the first ah but we shall see I like a bit of mystery though with mystery and high stakes drama I think we’ll see jimie get this in free goes all L that’s your call [Applause] yeah we’re going to see James chop this in uh in one potentially oh hang on and he’s got a great stay slow you got to got to climb slow on this James don’t rush it oh nice big top that was an awesome top that was a flash ah that really threw it down there did he top so if he did top the first you’re looking at your new champ if he didn’t then it’s going to come to a attempts what you got on the first so yeah mystery he’s first second or third that’s for sure though or fourth or 5 or six but um well Fletcher can still tie up as well so at the moment he’s first second or third all right who we’ve got Jamie still got plenty of time 3 minutes half only second go for Jamie I give three goes or less so let’s see if I was right all right I what what do you what’s uh is there a power bar on it a cliff power is is the deal all right let’s go Jamie let’s see what you’ve [Music] [Applause] got now she’s a bit taller so maybe that’ll help in this later part of the climb and certainly helps with the reach here to get across to that section not to be on that attempt though Jamie let’s see what you got the interesting thing is if James so Jasper flashed the first two and then got the Zone on his first SC in the third one but didn’t top it and then second shot Flash The Zone then second shot at the top so it’s really going to come down to MIM now Jamie this is your turn to shine patient yes just need to get herself over and around the corner to see if she can make that last move or those last couple of moves nice oh strong great [Applause] coordination this is the third go Jamie’s good at this stuff come on well there a power bar riding on it Jamie and needs all right there we go oh no she’s going for that oh yeah that’s what I wanted then the meat hook ground yeah in position now up take a scage okay that’s better that’s better scage there we go just heal in and push there we go when I said meat I said Bitcoin didn’t i j she done it yet she just needs to find a little bit more friction on her legs there on on her heel look squeeze that heel as hard as you can bu come on 2,000 people watching oh you devil oh that was so close time she’s got time she can rest up and have another crack I would uh i’ just take a deep breath yeah she had it as well I think it was just Panic just nerves yeah it is an interesting thing isn’t it I mean you do look here it doesn’t look like a heaper heap you got maybe 150 in and around the building so you can’t see off camera and you know he live stream to the world and it’s your final climb tired well you know it’s kind of like you know I I wonder if there’s anything going through their minds like that you know I do find it when I climb that the world disappears no matter where I am and and I’m right there with just me and that next move and you know I wonder if that’s where they’re at right now you know so I’m usually singing about chicken nuggets to be honest it’s me so yeah I’m actually oblivious too but I know a lot of my friends and we have a lot of the young climbers you know as part of our cquad here they really not obsess but they do really think about a lot of oh come on oh the crowd’s right behind us 20 seconds to go come on come on buddy come on Beat the buzzer but she’s got to hit that left hand now 10 seconds you know what you’re going to do Bud hit it w w w come on W yes yes yes yes no I’m giving to it oh that was so good so good oh a we wanted a be we wanted a buzer for us so badly all right so well done Jamie Fletch you need a flash Fletch needs a flash to have any chance of winning from the way I work my stats out and so we believe we believe that um FL climbed the first one well he’s off to a good start if wins if him on the camera Fletch is flying up this there we go all right now hang on slow down flet he’s looking pretty he turned gravity off oh he’s back on no I saw T do about 412 as well so it doesn’t matter how many attempts tan takes cuz this will be four for four Young Harris could be facing a national championship wow she’s absolutely on fire here and wow there you go looking reasonably fresh fresh too like looking fantastic go just come out the C warmed up and ready to there we go I think all the way over get on get on top good heels in no no j m him quick team easy do you think that final hold the Australia flag on the logo look it could do it’s it’s the uh it’s the sports climbing Australia oh my gosh no she’s more shuffled in well that’s commitment you want the belt you get the belt I’m tell you oh wow this is a this is a oh here we go yes well oh in FX it’s a top as well dueling tops how good is that what a Finish Well second shot means that Jasper depending on the first time for Fletcher and J that any one of those three could be Champions any one of those three look at that look that that two amazing top say you are yeah all right hold my lemonade love it folks well there you go folks the climbing is done and dusted but the action is not but the action is not we will have probably 15 to 20 minutes for appeals and then the podiums folks hang around on the live stream thanks for being here with us hopefully you enjoyed the commentary and the coverage oh the twist and turns the dress and turns and the climbing most importantly that was why we were here today uh and folks there is more to come on Sunday we back it up again the lead is on Sunday at amazing V completely different pace yeah out of the gym as well um host them both but yeah it’s going to be uh whole different setting Team U different hold completely different style cuz concrete walls it’ be interesting to see we had the states there last year and uh yeah super excited but we we do like the lead it’s a very differen you know contrast to this yeah yeah yeah well so we might get Ian out on the floor and see if you can find a couple of these young competitors and maybe get a few words from them Ian yes sir so hang around folks do not go away we’ll have some live comment re action from the floor interviewing some people uh and also we will be uh doing the podiums and presentations as soon as the appeals section is over so well done big shout out to all the competitors thanks for joining us so far on the live stream hang around folks we might cut to a few highlights and a few videos and then we’ll see if we can find some of the chat too don’t go [Music] away break when you’re done I stand bring the bring the Thunder and the storm I don’t care I won’t break my St [Music] [Music] [Music] TR [Music] breaking don’t I break [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right folks well listen uh we do have the results or the temporary results we’ll go through in just a minute there you well um but for now we’ve got Ian out on the floor and he’s found a couple of uh competitors to talk to and see how they went today so let’s cut to Ian and then when you come back to me we’ll go through the scoreboards temporary before the appeals have happened um to see where we’re at so over to Ian and out on the floor hey welcome back it’s Ian here at call climbing for the 2024 youth National Boulder finals and we’ve just seen all the action it’s been insane I managed to Wrangle up one of the finalist and it was Jasper Nimo here from Queensland himself Jasper how are you feeling um feeling pretty good with my performance in the finals cuz I messed up in the qualities but I think I BR it home I think I did well in the finals and did my best yeah yeah well you snook in hooking a crook sixth position and then just came out the door flash flash tricky time on this red and then second shot on the other so uh yeah he must be really proud of your efforts on that one yeah I’m pretty proud I don’t know if I could have got that even with more time it’s pretty difficult but maybe work on some more like technique so in the future I’ll be able to do that maybe hey mate I was just going to say what are you going to take on from the event uh what you going to work on you’ve hit me with it you know hard work and it’s brought you to this level how long you been climbing yourself so far uh almost like four years right now yeah almost four I think I started like 2020 late 2020 so it’s been quite a long time but not too long maybe four years is not a long time when you’re as old as me but I would say may incredible effort we don’t quite know where you stand yet somewhere around the top three yeah around there I think maybe Podium positioning probably because I’m not all the result are out about yeah about Podium maybe and exactly man look if we could have offered you that the start of the week I mean you sna my hand off right but you must be so proud of yourself and you really did we could see you gave a 100% yeah I’m pretty proud of my performance I think I did quite well and maybe the still lead tomorrow so well that was my next thing I was going to I was going to say guess what’s next lead are you excited for lead cuz you’re a bit of a lead Maestro yeah pretty excited a little bit nervous but that’s part of excitement isn’t it yeah pretty excited then it is part of the excitement Jasper well look I’ll let you get back to celebrating again ready to find out exactly where you are thank you so much for your time uh good luck on the weekend brother and uh we back to you guys cheers Jay it’s great it’s great to hear from uh Jasper there young competitors we’ll see if I can find a couple more they’re all out and about right now so trying to rangle one or two of them but listen sit tight folks we’ll get the uh the preliminary scoreboard up in a minute so we can have a bit of a look but uh like I said before it’s not fully decided yet because uh the appeals are still on so hang around great to have you still on the live stream thank you very much for supporting us um and uh don’t go away folks we’ll be right back with a quick look at the scoreboards [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] anything too hard hey welcome back it’s Ian here at C bouldering on the gold course 2024 youth National Finals we’ve just had a wrap up of the Heats you were here watching it enjoying it and I managed to grab tan here how you feeling tired you did give everything you you had I mean what an experience is this your first youth Nationals or how many have you done second my second youth Nationals how did it differ to the first one I’ve been training really hard so I yeah I mean I will say we were blown away um obviously like you know seeing a lot of these young climbers we watch we say oh it’s incredible but watching your performance out there was really spectacular you should be so proud of yourself thank you what are your biggest takeaways what are your biggest takeaways from the event well just have fun like just chill and you’ll do good on the mats like and you did pretty well do you know where you finished I think I came first say it with your chest you came first you are the champion I came first boom that’s what we’re talking about you should be happy you should enjoy it really really impressive this is your second year and you’re already the national champion AG are you doing the lead as well yes yeah are you a boulder fan or a lead specialist what would you say your preference is I think it just depends on the day like and the climbs oh so a bit of confidence there as well guys how long have you climbed for it’s a question we ask cuz there is a big difference with the younger climbers only just two years just two years and two Nationals and how old are you now 15 see what I mean the the New South Wales has got a strong strong uh competive group of kids um so you’ve blown us away we know that you didn’t too much want to chat you know but I’m really appreciate your time Sensational efforts we’re so excited to keep an eye and see you perform in the lead is there any shout outs or anything you want to say to anyone back home um I just want to say thanks to my coaches it’s really helped and the community around me but yeah yeah that’s awesome and and look the climbing Community we couldn’t surprise it enough we see your big friend summer there was just cheering you on well done again tan remember the name a big climbing personality a big future please go back and enjoy your friends thank you back to you guys all right folks we’ll uh we’ll be uh getting the scoreboards up soon in the podium and presentations uh not too far away either so uh thanks for hanging out with us uh a little bit longer uh there’s a few uh few competitions to go through we’ve got to do the B the a the junior to make sure everything’s uh regie dig and uh all the male female so there’s about six just to ad judicate make sure we got right but um there you go at this moment in time that looks like your preliminary winners in the junior female Emily taking it out up the top and she she did that because uh she had less attempts to the zone less attempts to the tops folks uh you can see mve and Abby right there um as we go so let’s go to the junior Mile and have a look at what happened here Max threw it down fast and furiously three tops one zone uh cor not too far behind just missed out on a Zone and Finley uh fantastically on that last bow the problem getting a top as well the crowd loved that one to bring him into third at this moment in time the preliminary let’s have a look at the A’s or the B’s whatever up is next if we’ve got them floating around there’s the youth a and uh cristelle and summer and Tiana all with three tops however it came down to folks the attempts to Tops uh and really at the end of the day Christal did that a lot quicker than the others um but uh well done to all of them at this moment in time that’s what it looks like and the uh youth be female oh um Tiana Oriel Mela all in there as well now Tiana or t sorry not Tiana Tenya uh nailed that and James four from four and Tenya four from four so well done to uh all of the competitors that’s the standings at this moment in time pending appeals so there you have it folks hopefully uh you can hang around a little bit longer and we can help them celebrate on the podiums this afternoon so I’ll throw you back to the team a little bit of entertainment while we’re waiting around don’t go away folks [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] there you go folks we’ve got Phil the uh president I think of the sports climbing Australia down there if I can see I should put my glasses on and um where I’ll throw over to him uh for the presentations in the podiums folks uh thanks for hanging around and I’ll throw over to those guys right now um I want to give a huge round of applause and shout out to core climbing for in [Music] US Ian and the rest the entire core climbing uh team and staff have been incredible hosts for us um it’s really really important that facilities put their hands up to host events like this otherwise they can’t happen um has a huge impact on their business so I hope you’re sticking around and that you’ll come back when the gym is open to try the problems and um thank Ian and the entire core team big round of applause for core again please of course another thing that makes these events possible are all our volunteers many of you in the crowd today helping out at some point today big round of applause to yourselves and the volunteers all the volunteers um judging is a super important uh role for our Sport and training and um giving our judges experience in sometimes uh difficult to make difficult calls is super important um to give everybody the skills to progress our Sport and make sure that um we’ve got officials to to help run these events um I I want to especially give a shout out to Dean Hutchins wave your [Music] hand Dean is a integral part of the team coordinating all the volunteers making sure we’ve got enough volunteers for each session assigning tasks all that important important work um it’s really complicated it it can get very complicated and we’re Dean’s gotten very good at it too so uh he’s going to be doing it for a long time um another uh other two volunteers that I really want to shout out um Susan botting and Charmaine M Charmaine Mele um over there stepping up into National jury president and head judge rolls for the first time they’re absolutely killing it it was a super smooth competition thanks to their amazing efforts so big thanks to them halfway through I’m sure um I’m sure they’re excited to get a bit of rest for the start of the lead competition another big shout I want to uh give especially is to positive me media for the amazing live stream huge round of applause the quality of our streams has gotten better and better every year because of their hard work learning from every competition figuring out ways to do things better um it’s a super psyched crew and we’re so excited that um they’re helping out and and broadcasting um broadcasting these comps um also Victor hall for the amazing photographs where’s Victor both the live stream and those photos are such an important part of um getting our story out and publicizing the sport um so make sure that you share and promote both the live stream um from positive media and and Victor Hall’s photos really helps kind of spread the world and build the profile of our sport so thanks to those guys next up I want to shout out to the SCA team that um really does the grunt work and pulls together these events um led by Mercedes um Mercedes is on the sca board um she really looks after all the details on these events we’re super appreciative of that um both John and John Bowen and Emily Clary um huge thanks to you guys for helping out with the event as well next up I want to um shout out the root setting team and I’m going to call them up and um present them all um I know that you guys all know how important root setting is for our Sport and uh how important it is to nurture and develop our our root setting um capabilities in the country um for the last two days the setting team was led by an amazingly talented and experienced Jordan Grant come on up joining Jordan what is also aler [Music] early Amanda Miller Stanley Browning and putting life and limb at risk tanara Braham tanara demonstrates just how dedicated it is to um set um we’re very grateful to you guys hopefully you can regrow some skin um please take a stage bow for your efforts [Applause] yeah um all right just before we move to podiums um I want to do a couple really quick announcements bit of housekeeping stuff um so as I’m sure many of you are aware um this event is a selection event for our National Youth um uh climbing team heading to China for the world youth championships later this year um encourage you all to familiar familiarize yourself with the selection policy um uh if you um haven’t met uh from your performance today um the criteria um that uh um indicates selection you can still apply for special consideration um but there are very strict dates around that and a very strict process around that as well um so please refer to that I believe Andrew and Irene will later hold a short session after the podium presentations um for finalists um to learn more about that process and and do a bit of a briefing so look out for where they’re Gathering after um Podium presentations they’ll do it somewh quiet um in the gym somewhere um the other thing I want to mention to is uh very recently uh just a couple weeks ago um the ifsc has changed the uh age category definitions which will be implemented for 2025 so I want to just give you guys a heads up that we will be adopting those definitions as well um so um just look we’re work going to work with the state boards to roll it out in as best way as we can um and uh so just um look forward in the next year for those details and how we do those changes um sometimes those changes to Long held things can be confusing so we’ll just need everyone’s cooperation to implement it in a smooth and um a good way um another shout I want to give out is uh a special International guest we have joining us this weekend um her name is yosko nishitani Yos give a round of applause for yosko yosko is the um head coach of the Japanese youth team um she’s joined us this weekend to learn a little bit more about what’s going in on in Australia we’re hoping to um get her help for additional events this year um to help build our team develop our coaching program um there’s lots of exciting stuff happening for us in the future and we’re really grateful that yosko is um helping us out big round Applause all right let’s get started with Podium presentations uh presenting uh medals will be Andrew Chen and Irene torra from our national coaching team we’ll start with our youth be male category in third place from Queensland Jasper [Applause] nisho in second place from Victoria Rene Matias [Applause] and the 2024 Australian youth B male bouldering Champion James moton from Western [Applause] Australia on boys next up our youth be female category in third place from Western Australia Mel [Applause] [Music] Ganon in second place from Queensland orial melis Thorp [Applause] and from New South Wales the youth be female 2024 bowering Champion is Tanya Harris [Applause] [Music] all right our youth a male podium in third place from New South Wales Archie [Applause] ether in second place Daniel spies from wa [Applause] and from Victoria in first place our youth a m male 2024 bowering Champion Jimmy smirk [Applause] woo next up youth a female podium in third place from Queensland Tiana Pico [Applause] from New South Wales second place summer [Applause] Frasier and from wa our 2024 youth a female bowering champion is cristelle kot [Applause] next up we’re going to do a competition Podium and then our Australian podium in third place for the competition from Queensland Finley Lori [Applause] pook in second place um residing in Victoria by visiting us from Malaysia kuna K and our Junior male Competition winner Max Thomas from Queensland um there’s a certificate [Applause] for all right we’re going to do our Junior male Australian podium in third place from Queensland Boston [Applause] denner in third place in sorry in in second place from Queensland Finn Finley um Lori pook and the 2024 Junior male bouldering Champion Max Thomas from Queensland [Applause] all right final Podium for this evening our Junior female podium in third place from New South Wales Abby [Applause] Lance and in second place from New South Wales mave Bradbury and your 2024 Junior female bouldering Champion is Emily Scott from the ACT [Applause] thank you everyone for your attention and your enthusiasm for day for today we look forward to seeing most of you tomorrow have a good [Applause] [Music] evening all right there you have it folks done and dusted the boulder is done in tomorrow no not tomorrow on Sunday we have the lead climbing folks so make sure you join us again for that one this weekend the Hits and The climbing action keeps on rolling oh yes doesn’t it just JZ doesn’t it just it does well well done to all of the competitors there was an absolute plethora of uh performance and highlight wasn’t wasn’t it everywhere everywhere absolutely well in a minute we’ll play a little bit of a highlights video folks but that’s it for myself and Ian uh we’re done and dusted here at the boulder competition we’re going to see you on Sunday uh we shall do it again and we’ll have some fun can’t we can’t wait it’s going to be awesome thank you so much for staying tuned yeah yeah thanks folks for you guys at home and all the competitors the volunteers Sports clubing Australia everybody who’s involved moms and dads uh well done that’s it from us yeah goodbye from us thank you I think we’re done in DUS there you go big shout out to you and sports uh core climbing uh hosting the sports climbing Australia uh venue here what amazing venue and a great uh sunset or Sunrise shot here from the team well done folks check out the highlights see you on Sunday that’s it for me and me goodbye take care bye for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your senses you up to a different dimension you see it you feel it it grabs your attention open your eyelids you never seen anything like this got your eyes open wide and staring never seen anything like this oh the one you no comparing never seen anything like thisen anything anything [Music] like never seen like this you can feel the pool of gravitation yeah you seeing something different got you captivated it’s appealing how it’s got you feeling activated got your thoughts going deeper than imagination oh how it’s real the Wonder you feel keep it hard to a [Music] a got your eyes open wide and you staring never seen anything like this oh the you feel no [Music] comparing never seen anything like I’ve never seen anything in the down like this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n oh [Music]


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