Golf Players

I PLAY WITH A TOUR PRO! | Break 60 Scramble | Jamie Rutherford | Knebworth Golf Club

We are back for another Break 60 Scramble at Knebworth Golf Club and this time I’ve got Tour Pro Jamie Rutherford!

Can we break 60 and beat Tom Lockyer’s score, you’ll have to wait and see!

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welcome back to the channel and we are back at nebor golf club course is even better than last time the sun is out we are doing scramble number two today I’ve got another guest it is my pleasure to bring in a friend of mine Tor golfer made the Open Championship cut at St Andrews Mr Jamie rubford yes I don’t want to have to part this though I will say that I could I could crazy misses beautiful flight thin thin oh that’s what we needed that’s what that’s I actually love that don’t even have to it apart I mean did you see the slingshot on it at the end my te up come on Boom needed it come on Welcome Back to the channel and we are back at nworth golf club course is even better than last time the sun is out well is out he’ll be back soon we are doing scramble number two so we’re going to do a little bit of a series with the scramble and today I’ve got another guest and the aim is to go sub 60 as me and Tom got close we didn’t quite get there but today I am the worst golfer on the channel it is my pleasure to bring in a friend of mine Tour golfer made the Open Championship cut at s Andrews Mr Jamie ruford come on in son cheers mate you ready yeah I’m all good yeah good to see you shy nervous I’m a little bit yeah how it compar to very different isn’t it you’re sort of putting yourself on the line a little bit with the YouTube go might go viral you never know this video might go viral on this for a b thing so we’re going to do the same as last time 5600 yards front te here at neth keep it at Level Playing Field so we’ve got a short course obviously Jamie is a very very good gol for so you know if we don’t if we don’t Nick I mean loia will be he’ll probably in the inbox he’ll be in the inbox you’ve seen him got my chinos I have not got the cuf chinos on today because I’ve had a few comments on that cheers time for that so yeah nothing else to say but let’s get into it see how we go ready yeah ready to go you lead us off man all right man hole one PA five 391 yards nice short one to start of the day straight away two bunkers at just Zapped him at 257 slightly downwind today so shouldn’t be in play just going to try and hit the Fairway and start as we mean to go on you know me and Tom started Eagle Eagle Eagle so the bar is high so let’s get let’s get it oh yes that is why I brought him it’s a bit toy but don’t don’t listen you’re WR down there how far down is it uh don’t know it’s just in the middle stripe it’s a where we like it there we go where we like it forgot to mention Jamie is a member here honory member after making the cut in the open uh I’ve been told by the general manager thank you again Mark for the hospitality I don’t really need to do much today just Coast maybe Nick a couple of two Footers so we’ve got got green light to go smoking it in there ah he just likes it down there n it’s a bit further right than the other day I’ll be honest it’s all right be right be fine nice little loosener right we’ve taken Jamie’s t- shot I was in the left R shock we’ve got n 87 playing up 92 what you going to go with I got 54 um it’s sort of just past shoulder swing really all right um we got a little slope behind the flag so hopefully just land it a bit past and let it come back there we go sounds unreal slightly thin thinned it I think it’s all it’s all over it though oh my God is it next to it little bit clean get the Tracer on that botom Groove little bit bottom groovy but thin to Wi yeah we’ll take that another little freebie for me I’m going to do this all day just riding I mean let’s bleep that out so we we’ve set a 90 yard shot with the win so for me I’ve got 58° I’m going to lean into my left side and make a 3/4 so this is not a pitch this is a full swing three quter action same sort of shot as Jamie hit maybe hopefully just a nice solid wedge shot to start the day just left of it I think the distance is pretty good P ey yeah pen ey left pretty good right so we’re going to get used to this probably we’ll probably I’ll be a good shot but it’s just not tall level so we’re going to take Jamie’s ball and we’re probably going to continue to do that a lot today Jamie well yeah we’ll see hopefully stick a mark on that son and we can start with a little Eagle I’ll just pop it to the side don’t where my um Mark was where oh there it is distance distance control though know your numbers people know them just pulled it cou yards it should just move slightly off the right side I don’t think I don’t think we need to give the hole away love scramble stand right behind him get a perfect line listen I’ll just say one thing here we go that was an individual Eagle I’m here to just just motivate we like that don’t we that’s a good start two under through one we we’ve had the Benchmark set for boys we’re matching Toms round whole two two under 31 we’re on track we got 314 yards downwind if it ain’t broke don’t fix it you ready to go I’m ready to go yeah perfect driver numbers here should I mean to Nick a but Eagle here like me and Tom did it will be tough it will be tough but yeah it’s just a long par three for you Jay good drive just leaking on the wind a little yeah it’s a bit to the right I mean the very strong flight on that really good numbers that was a high launch that was nice probably towards the bunkers maybe just right of them p in eye would it a I’ve nked it as well lovely fly it’s just to the left I mean I couldn’t have hit that any better I’m not going to lie that was actually a really good St strike yeah just didn’t move slightly and didn’t move on the Wind so we’ve taken Jamie was literally front edge on the right just missed the green I am on the left Edge we’ve taken mine more because I just really want to take a shot today uh but we’re pretty even got pretty straightforward little pit shot slightly downwind looks like it’s going to track right to left when it hits the green yeah so I’m thinking maybe like a mid trajectory nothing too high land it just put a yard on I think a yard On’s perfect yeah you want to cover that Fringe really and you’ve got probably what two yards of up slope to try and slow it yes I feel like if I play this with a square face it’s not going to spin enough so I’m going to have to open it a little bit maybe clean the grooves or we’re happy with the mud I’ll clean the grooves yeah all right thanks thanks player I might feel like I work the face just slightly across this just to take a little bit of speed out of the ball what I mean by that is I’m just going to swing almost like I’m trying to fade it a little bit and that’ll just get the ball sort of glancing off the face a little bit more and just take a little bit of ball speed out of it so that’s what we’re going to try and do oh go I think it was the right shot I just didn’t fly it far enough yeah just landed aam short Save Me Jamie just under a yard played it unreal as well yeah it landed a little softer than I thought really good shot it was actually quite straightforward was it it was actually it’s really soft on the front there yeah right I got a bit of a tester for the birdie little bit of a tester good line oh you a good pot yeah I just it didn’t break all straight didn’t it yeah i’ I’d say play that um probably play that St if anything it might have wiggled at the almost look like went left at the start I think it did did you play that inside the hole I tried to play it just on the edge so maybe inside I would go inside yeah went that move right yeah flipping I actually a good po yeah that’s all right Ah that’s not ideal that is not ideal right it’s a par oh no that’s is not what we want 200 two two Bey I mean I mean it might have been an easier shot from there I’ll take it two under through two disappointing par but we got a short par five 440 downwind we’re still in the same direction here so we eagled this last time so I FY has to do it again you going to keep the order the same yeah I’m happy too yeah all right mate go for it yeah oh sit down Sit just riding the wind should be all right now you okay I don’t know it’s a very strong flight again I would think so I just pushed it a lot yeah very good little it Toba we’ll be taking that one yeah little bounce as well Beau so we got 151 playing 149 took my drive over a guy who made the open just saying yeah it was a bit closer when it but in the rough don’t want that 149 149 slightly downwind I think I’m going to hit wedge okay I hit this wedge about 138 139 yeah and then yeah if it does ride it a bit there’s a slope just behind it as well yeah you’ve got you’ve got at least I’d say at least six yards to use behind the hole there and I feel like this is plenty of bat and it’s a slight down slope so you know with that I’m going to lean down the slope a little more it will bring the trajectory down just a little bit so this is probably going to play like a 9 and a half iron so this should be plenty of Club thin to wind baby just thinned it but straight down the flag be right oh yeah oh I didn’t come back it’s straight over it yeah just I just caugh I didn’t it’s like a bit of a trap thing I’ve definitely I’ve taken a little divot but it feels like I’ve just got a little bit too much ahead of that but I’m taking it I’m taking it Jay’s got a clean clean little freebie now mate yeah it’s not a great yardage for me this I’m I’m not I’m never one to try andit hit my eyon sort of on the hard side my nine ey number is 148 we got 149 obviously there is some help but I think with that slope behind I can just take a little bit off a 99 and just hit it smooth it’s a big ass you know 10 yards a help with a wedge it’s not my favorite sort of shot so I’m just going to grip down it it’s all over it stay left might be short they left that’s perfect club J yeah distance control player great swing thank you right so mine ended up behind the pin maybe 15 feet Jamie distance control was bang on we’re going to be taking his again so uh let’s see if we can Nick a little Eagle I think again it’s we’ve got a little I mean it should move off the right we’ve obviously got this you know the whole green sort of sloping from Back to Front um I don’t think it’s got a lot of break though we’ve got some wind coming this way you want me to go first or you good to go first I’m happy rolling it yeah yeah just lack Pace yeah that’s a poor part wasn’t it it’s just probably the right line would it bit firmer yeah right you tap that inj we can do that it’s all good all right got the four dialed so you reckon inside right and firm or I think so yeah I just think just roll it mine sort of very weak this has to go has to go I pushed it that is three and the through fre we are three behind where we were I just shoved it I just shoved it did not commit to that line at all you know two two looks inside 10 ft on two holes I mean that could be what we look at at the end keep giving ourselves chances yes are yeah I hate golf do you hate golf I hate golf do you Ain goal I do a lot job it must be stressful for you happy are tired stick to to slapping it around in scramble right we got whole four we got 165 plane five or so uphill so 170 it’s into the wind out of the right hand side so I’m going to hit uh Jason Jay says about 180 reckon playing so for me a 79 goes 1801 182 so I’m just going to hit a stock 79 just right at the pin hope for the that’s lovely it’s all over it get left get up a bit shorten it don’t know see I don’t think it’s much short maybe three yards I mean I hit it a little bit clean but yeah I’ll be honest with you I really I love the flight of it pretty neutral isn’t it it’s Perfect Mate it’s absolutely all going short is it short yeah yeah it’s just spun up a little I think on me you hit the shot though yeah I hit it nice just talking about that for the camera right they always hear people always hear about me how they so you you know the wind is out of the right here Jamie went up a club so something a little bit longer and tried to hold it into it you’re a really field biased player aren you how how do you hit that shot what are you thinking people so people know what’s in your mind yeah I’m obviously like I’ve gone you know you would have seen i’ gone slightly down the grip on that one but a lot of it for me is just yeah I’m just I think I just sort of control it a bit more with the speed of the swing like I’m a bit I don’t really go position and feel like it’s shorter it’s just a slightly SL about the holdy feel how do you get it moving left to right a little bit I mean for me that’s sort of the natural move so now it’s really just like that’s that’s how I hit nearly every shot for me I’ve got to work it more if I want to hit a hard one right to left that’ll be when I have to actually think of a couple of things but that sort of like holding it left to right it’s just a real stock shot so I’m not really thinking of much I’m just not think of much at all just trying to deliver the club how I usually a lot about you said about Speedy thinking about if you just take something from that you know a really good player played at the best level very simple very simple now coaching is a very complex thing the goal swing is super mechanical but if you can make a really complicated thing simple it’s more likely to withstand pressure and that that was a absolute Dart if it’s short it’s unlucky but yeah I think it is I nicely getting the in the in the mind little I don’t think it’s that short yeah we’re basically probably both a club short or you know the wrong shot so we probably in hindsight it was probably playing closer to 18 yeah I think that wind’s bit or you well EAS don’t want to deal with The Fringe do we okay let’s go here okay both the same distance we’ve got to make a big one and we’re going to change we’ve just discussed this game plan changes I’m going to go first so then Jamie can see the line and then hopefully he we’ll make a few more putts cuz going second for me ain’t working right now I definely play a bit I would definitely play a little bit off the right right Edge yeah maybe a tiny bit outside I’ll get right in behind yeah yeah all right I’ll go uphill the whole way yeah I’ll get the get the pace right and go just outside right yeah yeah I like that pushed it a bit it’s probably the right line wouldn’t it yeah I did push that a little probably started a little bit further right then yeah stay right lovely that was much more positive yeah just bad part though isn’t it got you there all right three under through four it’s all right we’ve got lots of holes I love the optimism we’ve got a short drivable one now right four holes in three under the par we’re a little bit behind where we want to be but we’re just getting into it whole five J what we got what we got we got 252 on the plate here I think we figuring it’s playing about 250 um it’s obviously a blind shot from this te over the uh over these leftand trees I think we’ve got a big Christmas tree shaped uh yeah tree in the background I think right on the point of that it’s pretty good at the Christmas tree shaped tree at the Christmas tree shaped tree that is right it’s a bit bigger than most people wind slightly at the left yeah and we’ve got down wind I think it’s probably playing roughly I think about a 240 shot 240 so for me 240 is not a Freewood but it’s not a two iron so it’s kind of in between shot so I’m just going to try and take a little bit of sim I’m not going to really try and make three quarter swings and stuff with this kind of club I’m just going to swing a little bit smoother at it going to try and aim it just left of that let the wi move it in for left never one four on the YouTube show so he started left he didn’t cut back it was smoked though good strike tow it again that’s a couple of toes in a row the toe stopped it cutting oh my be good that’s just right at the Christmas tree Jay just right that’s got to be good no I think it’s probably just going to be a couple yards right at the green I would guess but it should be pretty good for distance such a baller if only knew we could put we’ll be flying Jamie’s ended up here not too far from the pin a little bit long right mine’s gone left of the green and way too far I think we both hit too much Club probably could have hit two iron you probably could have the club was right probably playing like 230 that t- shot but we’re shortsighted you know have to a little Flopper area didn’t we yeah we’ve we’ve we’ve obviously got a little bit of an up slope where we’re Landing it anything around this sort of Fringe maybe just on if it’s soft anything Landing up by the hole is really going to release past so we haven’t got it’s a bit of a smelly to work with it’s a bit of a smelly one the one we wanted to leave is it really we need to get up and down here though this is a must fine this is a must make I mean you’ve played it unbelievable yeah really good probably a yard short of Landing perfect I mean it was still pretty good mate yeah a pushed it I mean I played it the same I just yeah started a bit too far shy I don’t want to have to putt this though I will say that I could I could quite easily miss this I don’t want to have to putt this I mean it’s horrible it’s not a nice leave is it it’s got a big it’s got an absolute snaker a really tough flag didn’t move didn’t move bad read from me actually hit a good part yeah oh the the flat stick’s not warmed up I’ll be honest that’s right right right don’t give the hole away it’s fine well done thank you well done we got the birdie yes Jamie on his own again hole number six four under through five good birdie by Jamie there I’ve been carrying him so far so it’s was good that he came in we’re going for a what do we say 306 straight into the wind so it’s not going to be reachable but hopefully we can hit it within 20 30 yards of the green and get up and down exactly yeah I’ll see if I can get give ourselves a pitch beautiful flight little Fairway finder it’s not going to go that far but should be uh lovely flight yeah like a little Punchy one yeah not I like that oh yes that’s what we want he ripped it as well to haven’t turned it over it would have got close yeah I flew quite high up that tree as well it did didn’t it slightly in out the right I’m going to play at that sign just behind it chest to chest go 70 60 Jamie if I land this is this chance of spinning down that Ridge if is a little bit sure like not it lands on the if it lands top of it no no no well you’ve got 15 yard of this 68 pin do I want to land this and pass that pin or not i’ would say you want to land it bang on the number yeah so 68 playing slightly in it’s 70 yard if you playing L you got 58 yeah back foot 70 yard shot perfect yeah just land it on the number all right greens are soft enough that’s chest to chest good Tempo come on Chris let h a wedge shot here mate you know you used to be able to do this look good oh it’s beautiful get the Tracer on that what a shot that is and you know when you just call it as well yeah that’s nice that you like the ladder get in the comments come on chest to chest I mean it’s money spin spin for him that is the difference yeah he’s now inside me I thought I thought you weren’t going to do that I’m not sure it is it might be a bit short left of yours to be fair they’re both very similar good shots we’ll take them from that me I’ll be doing back flips that’s how excited I’d be probably that doesn’t look like it looks like I can’t believe I’m insiding now I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll have a go at the part cuz then at least I’ve done a hole yeah nice but you know this hasn’t worked that well for me this is good you a nice little birdie get the confidence going yeah don’t need me to help you with that read de you I mean no not really no boom love that buddy needed it we like that oh I’m just give you a little break cuz you need it You’ been carrying me than nicee right five under through six we’re warming up we’re warming up just got to keep ticking off the birdies that’s it hole number 7 380 si2 yeah into the wind out the right what’s the what would you say is the perfect line here then cuz last last time I kind of just hugged these trees a bit I think you want to go over over the just straight over the trees middle of them um if you see if you look on the canopy see where there’s almost like a little U yeah yeah I do see it I’d say the left side of the U that’s a l that’s a lot further left than I thought we got into win so we’ve got plenty of room to the right but this there a really wide t- shot down there so I just hit it hard over the middle of the trees and you big trying hit it hard over the youu oh no oh no that’s the worst t- shot of it in a long time no I have no idea what happened there flashbacks to yeah I mean that Wasing Chris that’s why I retired right there I’ve seen that shot a few times yeah all right don’t shat about it same line just the left side of that U just try and hit it hard it’s pushed it again safe there though is it it’s okay yeah perfect is it really uh yeah it’ll probably just roll through the Fairway I’d say right um right semi right so we got 107 front pin Jamie t-shot a little sniper for to the left there not ideal what’s fine though probably would have made a four he would have done well he would have done well maybe though yeah maybe yeah Craftsman uh 107 into the wind same wind as the last time went out of the right yeah we probably probably playing 115 we probably got with the angle chain I say it’s quite a bit more off the right than it was what number are you thinking total I’m thinking 115 yeah all right which for me is pretty stock 50° yeah I’m going to hit knock down 50 it’s a perfect line if it lands just P just past it you want not going to spin just past it’s good don’t it yeah shot didn’t spin at all no it just launched a bit High that’s playing so now you’ve H that I might just go full 54 straight down it it’s not going to spin is it I don’t think so at this semi probably I this I hit this like 111 112 the other thing is if you get if you land it um short if you land it like five short number you got big down slow just go 454 now let play the shot you’re going to play I know I like it yeah I mean you’re preferring your Li you could NE down a sliver it’s going to come out a little yeah it could but only a tiny bit I think the way that was sat really is probably going to all right I’ll go 454 sit down oh it’s come out hot yeah so hot so hot hammered it I mean I Smit the ball in your CL I hit it hard you did yeah cuz I thought I was reaching for that I mean I thought I had to smoke it yeah committed put a driver swing on a 54 degree yeah but we’ve got to look we’ve got a look we need this though I think I think you’re right what are we five under six how many holes we play we’re five under five yeah we definitely need this we’ve had one par one par no Eagles though that’s no we’ve had two pars no we haven’t we pared the second and the fourth oh we eagled the first we eagled the first yeah okay light the line light the line it’s gone left oh wow beautiful part started it bang on it was a good stke wasn’t it yeah to be honest I don’t that’s gone left right to left at the end it has it went right to left with about 5T to go come on we need it go right it’s got done the same didn’t learn me that’s another P you tap it in Jay man oh man man oh man okay yeah I mean that’s a it was a I mean you don’t expect to make them but we’ve hit two good putts there we have yeah we have and I’ll be honest with you if you watch the first video I hate this green I lipped out up there I it’s just another lip out it just doesn’t like me that’s all right hit a snip off a te eighth hole five under two par three pars now but we’ll bounce back we’ve got 110 yards slightly down winds sorry downhill slightly in pretty much same shot without the F simar angle I’m just going to go 4 54 okay which what we’re not going to get the fly of this of a t we shouldn’t no playing 115 mhm yeah I agreed yeah all right too far right needs a b right is it the right Club spin in there come on work down that Hill bit it’s all right chance just needed to land on the green I think it would have then taken some spin stay right stay right the number Gooding yeah I like that it was a good shot it’s a nice shot you control played it lovely I just yeah just shut the face a tiny little bit on chance control from both of us was good yeah you know we’re probably going to take mine here just because it’s below the hole we’ve already discussed that um I think mine just mine landed on the green there might have got it would have worked down kick and a bit of spin but just On The Fringe and again you can see because you always land on The Fringe it just took out of it where mine land on the green you can see how much more spin it got all right good leave good leave up the hill good chance need this really really we do need this but they’re getting to a point now where it has to it has to start going our way we do need this wow you started it lovely it really did move I’m literally I start to hit a couple of good pots they just not making nothing hold your head hold your head hold your head get in we needed that needed that well done there we go also did not fancy that little D go on Jay what on son right six the charger started yes it is to nine six under Jamie came clutch there that’s a dove tail hit the wed shot at the P it’s first time today I think I think it is yeah yeah whole nine first need to bir this hole also really to tie where me and Tom were at halfway we got 322 up up hill into win so again nowhere near reachable but hopefully we can get in that wedge Zone again yeah exactly um I’m going to try and hit a I mean I’ve hit a duck Hook off the last driver so I’m going to try and keep this in play and then let Jamie go at it yeah nice yep I’ll take that pretty neutral just in that first cut on the left just in the first cut yeah but it’s fine yeah oh he’s on the left though exact same shot you know wide Fairway now just give it a rip grip it a rip it oh he’s left oh he’s just leaked it left try to do it a bit too hard it’s all right you a you had a free one yeah that’s what we want put that one in the pocket got 74 yards slightly uphill it said 77 on the slope so okay the one we what was the one up the hill before was 68 wasn’t it so probably eight yard longer than that so what what I’m actually going to do I want to play the exact same shot with a 54 so I’m taking a little bit less Loft I’m going make the same swing so with my 58 my chest swing goes 70 with my 54 my chest swing goes 80 so I think this is probably playing right around 80 um not going to get much spin so I’m just hoping for like a little flighted 80 yard shot one hop and stop oh you pushed it Chris that is pathetic not your best I mean it’s distance control good but I mean I’ve literally done I mean it is right so win yeah okay yeah so win oh no that’s so bad that’s halfway I don’t think he’s halfway it’s now spinning watch it is that really short yeah oh no going to need a pot we’re going to need a pot or a or a bomb four five six S I like to I don’t you right to reput in thirds me I always come up to the final third obviously that’s when it’s slowing down yeah and just get a sense of what I think and where I think it’s I mean it’s going to swing quite a bit this definitely going to swing yeah this is always you know this is traditionally one of the tougher greens out here well this is the one I missed a little short one on last time so it does owe me one that’s all I’m saying there we go I I think it’s a pretty constant slope this I might aim point this as a feel definitely yeah it’s like a two so I feel like this is what a foot right to left see in see in oh that’s what we needed that’s what that’s actually love that don’t even have to it apart I mean did you see the slingshot on it at the end H my te up come on Boom needed it come on seven under right that is end of part one nine holes with Jamie tall player you can see how he thinks I hope you found it useful so far we’re seven under exactly the same score as me and Tom in Scramble series 1 so we’re going to play the back nine now it’s going to be part two I hope you tune in and we’ll see you in the next [Music] video got to go in stay up stay up stay up come on now that is a big pot there Chris [Music] T it I’m [Music] real yes yes yes yes yes he yes yes is huge oh absolutely abely bomed it he as good as you look then oh it’s a great iron CH that’s literally straight down it oh what a golf shot


  1. I remember seeing about this guy a while back, I have almost the exact same name as him! I always wondered if I was related somewhere down the line

  2. Why go off the front tees? It would have been great to be able to compare my game (10hcp) vs Jamie’s around knebworth

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