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Scottie Scheffler reflects on becoming a father | Live from the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

Scottie Scheffler sits down with Todd Lewis to discuss the emotions behind becoming a father, his preparation for the PGA Championship and more. #GolfChannel #PGAChampionship #ScottieScheffler
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Scottie Scheffler reflects on becoming a father | Live from the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

world number one Scotty Sheffer who is with Todd Lewis right now yeah Scotty Sheffer just walking off the golf course after playing a nine-hole practice round rich said it I’m going to say it too congratulations being a father maredith having a baby boy last week what are your emotions being a dad yeah it was uh I had I think pretty high expectations of what it would feel like and I think those were far exceeded um I didn’t really know you know exactly what it would feel like I thought it would be pretty great and it’s uh it’s pretty amazing feeling you know it was uh it was fairly challenging leaving the house uh this morning but um you know I’m here I’m committed to playing this week I’m I’m excited to be out here competing um you know I told told my little man when I was leaving you know um I don’t want to leave but I but I got to leave um you know when I’m called to come out here and do things to the best of my ability and so showing up this week especially with the weather forecast next couple days I know I had to be here today to get some practice in to just seeing on what’s going to happen the next few days and it was uh I mean it would have been challenging if I left Wednesday night but you know it was definitely pretty challenging leaving this morning yeah this obviously is a big mental and mechanical and physical task how has your prep been heading into this with everything that’s been going on back home yeah it’s been it’s been pretty decent actually you know it uh took a little longer than anticipated for him to come uh you know come out of mom but um yeah I was able to get some good prep work in obviously not my usual stuff with him being born in the middle of last week I took a you know more significant break than I would have but it was I mean I wouldn’t have trade it for anything it was so fun getting to be at home spend time with Meredith and him and just hang hang out and be a dad for a few days and uh yeah it was uh it was fun times at the Sheffer house for sure you played nine holes here the back nines first time you’ve seen the golf course with that small sample size what’s your impression yeah golf course in good shape um Fairways greens were good um the rough seems pretty healthy I think with the rain coming in the next couple days it should continue to get even healthier but seems like it’ll be a good test of golf hopefully I’ll be able to get out there and see the front nine either tomorrow Wednesday we’ll see uh weather permitting what I’m what I’m able to do the next couple days all right you’ve been you’ve taken off a little time from competition for good reason as we’ talked about uh do you feel like it takes you a day or two once you get out there and start playing this Championship to get into a rhythm again you know I think I think a little bit I think today was probably a good day for that you know there’s a lot of congratulations going around it was obviously uh a huge moment in in Meredith and I’s life and so um yeah it was nice to kind of get a lot of that stuff out of the way today you know see some see some friends I seen in a few weeks and you know be able to share kind of the joy of of that moment together with them out here and I think as the week goes on I’ll get more and more you know kind of immersed in what I’m doing and um just trying to do my best to stay as present I can on the golf course and then when I get home you know be be calling home as much as possible yeah I know and that’s a big mantra for you is to not have expectations to stay in that moment but if you are going to be committed to one or two things this week what would it be I think mentally just being as present as I can being committed to my shots you know not worrying about the results of things but just being committed to what I’m doing and you know I talk a lot about it’s all about my prep work you know I want to be as prepared as possible going into into an event and standing here today I feel like I’m extremely prepared I feel like my game’s in a good spot and you know I’m excited to get a couple more days of prep work in getting another golf course and uh looking forward to competing this weekend all right nothing can prepare you for fatherhood I can tell you no I was but enjoy it it’s going to be a lot of fun yeah if anybody’s got any diaper advice I could use it but uh we’ll talk off camera Scotty hey appreciate you stopping by all right guys


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