Golf Players

[EN] 갈색폭격기 신진식 배구선수 슈퍼스타 고깃집 일일노비 유희관 [nobby EP.2]

77연승 신화의 주인공 갈색폭격기 신진식!
前배구선수 슈퍼스타 신진식 주인님의 고깃집에서
보람찬 노동을 하게 된 유nobby!
반찬세팅부터 고기배달, 설거지, 치마살 플러팅(?)까지…!

손님들에게 치마살 플러팅(?)을 하던 유nobby는
신진식 주인님 몰래 한우를 굽기 시작하는데…!

독한 소주를 몇 사발 들이켠 일일노비 유희관의 운명은?


주인님에게 진상품으로 드린 풀리오 ‘목 어깨 마사지기’
구독자분들을 위해서도 특별한 이벤트를 준비했으니 놓치지 마세요

💜EVENT 1 운동부 노비 왔어요 X 풀리오 특별할인 시크릿링크(최대 44%할인)
(➕회원가입하면 무료 배송까지🙌)

💜EVENT 2. 댓글 이벤트
💑 [운동부 nobby 왔어요 X 풀리오] 영상을 보신 후 인생 제2막을 시작하는 우리 운동 선수들에게 응원의 메시지를 남겨주세요!
응원의 메시지를 남겨주신 분들 중 추첨을 통해
3분에게 15만원 상당의 풀리오 제품을 선물로 드립니다🎁🎁

✔️이벤트 기간: 05/13(월) – 05/19(일)
✔️당첨자 발표: 05/20(월) 유튜브 ‘커뮤니티’란을 통해 발표

#신진식 #유희관 #노비 #nobby #노비왔어요 #SportsmenMukbang #Mukbang

[This video includes partial paid promotion by Pulio.] [Sportsmen Nobby Mukbang] [The master for today is Shin Jinsik.] Why is there a model standing here? Nice to meet you. This place is a famous restaurant, isn’t it? Thank you. Why did you bring all this? [Top-quality products have arrived.] [Sold out as soon as it was released.] It’s a Pulio neck and shoulder massager [We have a special event for subscribers at the end of the video.] We’re former athletes and we prefer strong pressure, right? This one has really intense pressure. These have been quite popular lately. [(Wearing it right away.)] [Make sure the button is on the right.] Just slip it on your arm like this! Simply press the power button to turn it on. Wow! [45mm] They’re huge! Oh, that feels good. You could use this while lying down watching TV. [Ah, so refreshing.] Ah, that’s nice. It’s great for unwinding after a hard day’s work and it even has a meridian mode. [Exclusive Pulio mode / A mode that simulates professional decollete care.] [Jiggling] [(Extremely satisfied.)] Oh, that’s refreshing. [Usually] Do you get stiff a lot working? When cutting meat, my shoulder always gets tense. Do you cut the meat yourself? Yes! Thank you for bringing this. I wanted to make a good impression on the master. [(Please take good care of Yoo nobby.)] [Time to introduce the master.] I’ve prepared the nobby documentation. Nobby documentation? Nobby document. Nobby Yoo heekwan. Let’s introduce the master! Name: Shin Jinsik. DOB: February 1, 1975. Wow, you really look young! [During the athlete days.] You haven’t aged a bit since then! Thank you. [During the athlete days.] Nickname was "Brown Bomber." Actually, I’m a baseball player who loves volleyball. The Brown Bomber back then! And Coach Kim Sejin was a world star! [Still a legendary duo.] [Second nickname.] God Jinsik. What does "God Jinsik" mean? I heard you were called that as a coach. Oh, wait a minute. [Embarrassed.] But the master here has made a significant mark in volleyball! Among all the people I’ve met so far this is the first time the nobby document has been this long. When you were in fourth grade… Wait, hold on! [From fourth grade?] Are you reading from there? [Are you not going home today?] Again, back in fourth grade You started playing volleyball at the suggestion of my homeroom teacher! [Lee Ho / Shin Jinsik)] Dominating as the powerful duo leading his alma mater ‘Namseong High School’ to [become the top high school team!] [Joined Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance in 1996.] Forming the Left-Jinsik-Right-Sejin combo [Leading Samsung Fire to season first place! / Undefeated Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance ‘without rivals’.] Under the leadership of "Brown Bomber" Shin Jinsik, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance on January 7, 2001 starting with the match against Korean Air achieved an incredible 77 consecutive wins! A record 77-win streak in men’s team sports! An unparalleled record! [Achieved 9 consecutive league titles!] The legacy you’ve left from your playing days is incredible! [Haah…] [Phew!] I’ll read through it quickly! [Career awards] 1992 Asian Youth Championship MVP 1993 Presidential Cup Rookie of the Year 1995 Super League Best 6, Popularity Award 1996 Super League Popularity Award 1997 Super League Best 6, Best Server, Popularity Award 1998 Super League MVP, Best 6, Best Attacker, Best Server [Overload] 1999 Super League MVP, Best 6, Best Server 2000 Super League Best 6 2001 Super League MVP, Best 6, Popularity Award V Korea Semi-Pro League Best Attacker, AVC Asian Club Championship MVP, Asian Championship MVP, Best Server 2002 Super League Best Attacker, 2003 Super League MVP, Best Attacker, 2006 Hite Japan-Korea V League Top Match MVP [Finally, the last one] 2014 V League 10th Anniversary All-Star (7 players) [Panting] is that right? Yes, it is! After retiring in 2007, you started your coaching career and in 2017 you took over as the third coach of your home team, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance becoming its third director! Emphasizing fundamentals and mental strength, you led your team earning the nickname "God Jinsik,"! But unfortunately, unable to recreate past glories, after three years why did they write this? Aren’t you reading something that isn’t there? Did you make this up? [(Doubting)] With powerful jumps and spikes you thrilled many fans the "Brown Bomber" on the court! This is Shin Jinsik! We’ve read through all this how do you feel about it? [Touched.] Memories are flooding back this brings back forgotten memories. Even though I played baseball a 77-game winning streak just doesn’t seem possible, right? Back then, there were fewer matches! Since it wasn’t professional, there were fewer games but over three and a half years never losing and always winning. Then in the next season [Unfortunately] Lost once to Hyundai in the finals. Hyundai had players like "Hu Injeong," Lim Dohun right? [Proved to be a true fan.] [Broadly knowledgeable] Back then, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance had Shin Chiyong as the coach. I saw the autograph earlier that belongs to Coach Hu Injeong. [Volleyball legends have visited.] There! Quite a few baseball players have come as well. We’re Doosan fans right now! Oh, Doosan fans? Who? My entire family is the fan. Oh, really? [Employees] It’s been crazy here since they heard you were coming. [Then let’s have a fan meeting rather than work…] I came as nobby today How do you like the first impression? [His appearance is spot-on.] You really look like nobby. Ah, really? I got it. You look like you are going to do well working today. [Customers entering.] What would you like to order? [Ordering chunk flap tail.] This meat is really good, wow! Top quality, two plus! Mmm! Did you always cook this well? I just learned as I went along. [(Dazing.)] [Don’t just stand there,] Go serve the meat. Oh, thank you. [Very respectfully] The meat is here. Enjoy your meal! Also bring the scissors and tongs. [(Ah, right!)] [2% lacking but kind nobby.] Does this go out as a basic side dish? I need to remember. Bean sprouts, radish salad, white kimchi, victory onion leaves. Honestly [Honestly] is the master usually a bit grumpy? [Be cautious when badmouthing the boss.] [For side dishes] I was told that we need to set up everything for beef over there. [(This entire area is reserved.)] Is this much okay? It seems like a lot. Too much? People usually serve themselves. Oh, it’s self-service, so maybe serve once? How about nobby does everything without self-service today? Yes! That would be great. What? [Please just be quiet!] [(Wasabi)] This goes with the beef in my restaurant. My? Well, it’s my restaurant now. [Shivering] No, just press it down! Isn’t that too much wasabi going out? No, I mean. [(Looking around.)] Ah, the customer likes wasabi. [Maybe I shouldn’t have called you.] Now! One, two, three, four you need to set five tables. But! Aren’t you just a part-timer? That’s right. Why are you ordering around? We should do it together! [How dare!] What are you saying, nobby! [(Sobbing)] [Part-timer is higher than.nobby] A part-timer is different from nobby. [Lowest in the hierarchy] [Submissively] I’ll go get it! I’m hungry, damn. Is it tasty? Yes! It’s top quality, two plus. [(Envious)] [Gurgling] The smell of the meat is great. [Alluring] Let me know if you need anything! If you are here like this, the customers might [feel awkward] feel awkward and not be able to eat! Just look elsewhere. If you need anything, just say so! Why is the restaurant called ‘The House of Legends’? Because the master is a legend? No, it’s because all the customers who come are legends. That’s it’s called ‘legends’! [Cut the chatter.] Hurry up. Master? Are there two masters today? Bean sprouts pack them well for easy eating. [This time,] please prepare three of these. Victory onion leaves? [For the victory onion leaves.] Include the leaves and the roots! Pack it nicely, make it pretty! The leaves must not stick out of the plate! [(Failed)] [Empathy & Comfort] Packing victory onion leaves is the hardest, I find it tough too. Shall we remove it? Yes? Oh, the side dishes! Oh, just say it! Ah, it’s self-serve here right? For today the nobby will handle everything! Ah, thank you [Thanks to the nobby] Oh, the customers will all be comfortable today not having to get up. [The type to hold grudges] [A timid rebellion] Table number six, please! [One more soju, please!] Heekwan, one more soju! Table six, Hallasan! Should have asked all at once Ah, it’s fine! there’s no garlic. Garlic? Ah [Sweating] I wore the wrong shoes today. [Sweating up a storm] Here is the garlic. Enjoy your meal! Let me know if you need anything else. [Impressive] Ah! [(Escaping)] [(Kkung!)] [(Kkung!)] [What is this?] Ah… Yoo nobby the customer here is really a fan of yours. [Fan service] [The meat is ready, nobby.] [(Hustling)] Oh! Yes do I have go when the customer presses the bell? [Nobby] Ah, this is thin flank. Huh? Where did Yoo nobby go? – Yes? – What are you trying to do? Just took off my gloves, nothing much. Nothing to do, right?- Nothing? Oh, actually busy. What’s so busy? I’m giving autographs now. The customers are not here yet. Let’s do the dishes for a moment here! Dishes? Alright then! Eh? Isn’t this a dishwasher? This thing? Ah, you don’t need to run this. Oh. Let’s see how well you do. My mom would be surprised [Surprisingly raised cautiously?] since I never did the dishes at home. [This is going to take forever.] You’re doing it so slowly. The ball was slow, but that’s slow too. [Straightforward] Oh my. You’re having fun, master. [I’m sad] Argh. [Clean] Master, I’m done. Good job. What else? What did you do to make you say ah? [Should I fire him?] What made you start a meat restaurant? I’m with Seunghyun and my close friend and the three of us are eating, drinking, and hanging out in this neighborhood what’s the point? Let’s open a shop! Did you learn the meat (disassembly) yourself? Yes! Wasn’t it hard at first? It’s hard at first because I didn’t know where the fibers of that (meat) were so I took the same cut to the butcher and he did the same thing and we did the same disassembly for three or four months? After that, I took it (the meat) and started taking it apart piece by piece and it worked. I looked at the meat earlier and it was like, ah! I’ve never had flank in my life (before) and now that I own a restaurant I eat flank and it’s so good. So the customers are like "Have a drink, have a drink!" and I’m like, "How can you have a drink without an appetizer?" and they’re like, "What appetizer should I order?" The flank? [New business style] I’ll bring a single serving, grill it, get a drink. Is there an athlete that comes in the most? The athlete who comes often is Bong Ju. Bong Ju comes here often and Se Jin comes here often. And then they’re all scum! I’m also very close with the coach, Kim Se Jin. I’ll call him and not tell him I’m here! I’m going to shoot over there soon and what was it like to have a little preview of the style and ask him a little bit like "What was it like when you were an athlete?" – Go ask. – Is everything okay between the two of you? Yes. Oh really? Then let me try it. Will he receive it? He picks up all my calls! I’m totally the best(?). Don’t answer it, please! Busy! Hello? He picked it up! Well, I’m at work. Not to mention, I’ll be going to that " House of Legends"? Yup. We’ll go to Shin Jin-sik’s meat restaurant and shoot there. Okay. But I don’t have a personal relationship with him. Hmm. Just fun! Fun? But I think he’s pretty grumpy. Not grumpy! Not at all! Have you been to his meat restaurant? Yes! Is it good? That. The meat is good but it’s not done by professionals so it’s a bit sloppy. Oh, sloppy? Yup. – When I go and shoot – The meat is good. and I’m like, "Wow, this is so professional," and he’s going to like it, right? I think so. So he’s very funny but not very professional! No, the restaurant! Hey! There’s Jin-sik next to you. – I’m filming here. – I… I never lie. [Okay, stop doing that] You two have been together for a very long time again. [Flustered] What are we doing in unison? We even kissed. Ugh! Don’t talk about that. I’m still dying over the picture of us kissing on my retirement day (speechless). [ When he was a commoner (?)] Please come here next time and join me for some meat and drink. Okay! He’s a funny guy. Why is your face so red? I’m hot. What about kisses? Oh it’s Se-jin’s last day on the court so we all go up (to the court) and I wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek but Se-jin [His head] turned his head! 0.05 seconds? [Kiss] [The birth of a life meme] Wow, those cameras were so fast! The rumor (?) has become a reality! [(Nod?] Huh? No, you two are close. When he heard that we were together he was like, "What do you mean?" The restaurant is not professional(?). [Promote your meat restaurant] Isn’t the meat good enough? [A non-expert(?) grudge] [Yoo nobby] Yes! Assortment #2. Assortment #2! Hello. Hello! Enjoy your meal. I’ve seen you a lot. Oh! Yes. [Identity Laundering] – I’m a movie star! – Are you a movie star? – Yoo nobby, let’s take a picture! – Ah, Yoo nobby! Yes. Seno(?). Hai. [Don’t we usually take it together?] Welcome. Nice to meet you! [(Yoo nobby)] Excuse me! Two bottles of soju, please. Here is it! Have a drink. Ah! Me? Ah! I’m shooting now. Later, sneakily(?). Sneak a drink. What if the guest over there asked me for a glass of soju? [(I taught you)] Have a drink! And say, "Oops! No appetizers?" Flank? "Oops! No appetizers?" [Flank flirting(?)] That (soju) glass! We carry it as a professional(?). [Flank marketing lessons] [Flank marketing lessons] [Mission launched] Do you come here often? – A glass of soju…? – Soju? An appetizer…? [(Flank)] [Already] There’s… It’s the flank, there. Then I can’t. [Mission failed] Get a drink and come back. Ta-da! Is this a flank? – Flank! – Yes. [(Kya)] Is it good? You need another bottle of soju! Then… Extra flank? [Happy] [our nobby] Good job! I’m good. Good job! [PPL Welcome] Two bottles of Cass. [(another bottle) / The mountain is Hallasan Mountain] [Busy] [Quick! Accurate!] Enjoy! Thank you. Enjoy! [Yoo nobby / Yoo nobby ] Something keeps coming up…! Soy bean paste soup! Enjoy! [Infinite loop] Welcome! I stopped by the house [Uniform] on my way home from work and picked it up. Chuck flap, table number 7 Chuck flap. Yes, here’s the meat! Thank you! Do you come here often? Yes! I come here often. I heard Yoo nobby is here, I came all the way from Seoul! Really? Don’t overcook the meat or it will be tough. (Meat) so good! It tastes better when it’s still slightly moist -Thank you. – Yes. [(Doing nothing)] What… What did you order? Chuck flap? Is it good? [What are you doing] Why can’t you get out of there…! Aren’t you just waiting for someone to ask you if you want to have a drink with them? Wait! [Correct] If I’m going to have a glass of soju… What is this? Chuck flap! Flank…! [(Hot)] [Master crying due to Yoo nobby’s passion…] Oh (bitter). [Ah] It’s so good! It melts! [Flank ambassador] Flank is also delicious. [We too] Let’s eat! I’m hungry! I’ve been working too hard today! Well… Can’t you grill me some? I will grill it. I’ve had a few pieces and the meat is really good. This…? Flank…! Were you a high jumper in elementary school? When I played volleyball even though we didn’t have a track team, we would just pick people from the athletic department to go to high jump competitions But doesn’t that help you play volleyball? Jump and grow taller. That was helpful. Wait! We have an order. Order? [(Mr. Flank)] Wait a minute…! [I expect a rough day today…] [Eat it alone..] Woah. [Cut!] I’ve prepared it for you…! Huh…? What is it? (Moved) Really…? [Exciting Yukhoe Tangtang] No… Is it flirting(?)? No, since you gave me this. Should I kiss you? Eat it. Meat…! You ate a lot…! (Shameless) What did I eat? Don’t you eat meat every day? Shall we have a soju? You quit your job, right? [Who wants it?] No? You haven’t quit yet? Hurry up and bring me the soju! [I’ll get drunk…] Master, have a drink! Yes, nobby! Meat is chewy. Chewy and tender! – Slightly meaty smell. – Yep! You know how to eat! When Samsung Fire won 77 games in a row well, Kim Se-jin, Shin Jin-sik, Choi Tae-woong, Kim Sang-woo it was a really good team. What was the atmosphere like on the team at that time? Even if we were feeling under the weather they’d be aware of it. The athletes would be thinking to each other "What if we lose because of me? What if I break the record?" And once we started thinking about that they really tried not to make a mistake in their position. They always try not to show it, even when they’re sick… (Yukhoe Tangtang) Take a bite. I did it, and it’s delicious. [(Order)] [(Order)] Wow, it’s so busy here. It should be…! [He forgot his work…] I know you’re a legend but who is the rival in volleyball world? A rival? [Chop the meat] I’ll tell you after I come back…! [Eating alone…] [(So full)] Did you eat up again? The servant isn’t over yet, right? No. Right? Then why is he here? Isn’t he supposed to exit with me? I’ll follow next time when you go. [Let’s continue with the questions / The rival in volleyball] [Hu In-jeong] Sungkyunkwan University vs Kyonggi University Samsung vs Hyundai As we were kept placed in the opposing teams we became rivals who aren’t exactly rivals. When I was watching the volleyball match as a kid it was always the rival match of Samsung and Hyundai. [Rival] Who was more popular between the two? Me, of course. It’s not even an equal comparison…! You look better than him, don’t you? I am on the top beauty in Korea. Top what…? Really…? [The top of Korea?] So you were both a player and a coach, right? [What is volleyball for you?] A friend… Forever friend! Currently, I’m chopping the meat and working in the kitchen, but who knows? I’ll make a comeback someday. Do you still want to go back to the court? I bet I will go back at least once. The pro team isn’t that bad but I would like to direct a representative team. [After retirement] I know you’re working hard now, but… [Tell something to yourself in golden age] You can do it after drinking… "Well done!" Would you like to cheer him on as you did your best? It’s hard to go back to the scene after an injury but Shin Jin-sik did it… Jin-sik makes it all the time…! If you go back to your past are you still going to play volleyball? No way! [Didn’t you say a forever friend?] I’ll become a golf player. "All I have to do is be the coach of the national team!" But you said just now: "Volleyball is my forever friend!" [Wannabe golf player] I don’t want to go back to the past. I’m satisfied with the present! How was it, having me as a nobby? You’re slow. Too slow! [So sad…] But they ordered more flanks thanks to me. You did well for that. Last but not least let’s wrap up with your comment to all the fans who love you. I’m running a barbecue restaurant right now but as I said during the show my final goal of life is a coach of representative team. When the time is right I will roll up my sleeves to achieve the last dream to come back to the restaurant after bidding goodbye to volleyball! Please look for me when that time comes. Thank you! Please go work on the meat and don’t sit here nervously. – Nobby should do the last work. – Huh? – Doing dishes. – Who? [Washing dishes…] Ow, my back! Ow what? The work is getting harder and harder. Call it done after that one. After this? But that would mean it’s finished. [Yoo Hee-kwan / nobby] [Subscriber event for Sportsmen Nobby Mukbang] [To all those who watched Sportsmen Nobby Mukbang to the end] [we’re going to give secret weblink to have discount on a massager of Pulio] [Click ‘see more’ and check] [Please write down your cheering message to Shin Jin-sik on the comment] [We’ll choose 3 people from those who left the comment] [to present Pulio massager]


  1. 유nobby가 주인님에게 진상품으로 드린 '풀리오 목 어깨 마사지기'

    구독자분들을 위해서도 특별한 이벤트를 준비했으니 놓치지 마세요

    💜EVENT 1 운동부 nobby 왔어요 X 풀리오 특별할인 시크릿링크(최대 44%할인)


    (➕회원가입하면 무료 배송까지🙌)

    💜EVENT 2. 댓글 이벤트

    💑 [운동부 nobby 왔어요 X 풀리오] 영상을 보신 후 인생 제2막을 시작하는 우리 운동 선수들에게 응원의 메시지를 남겨주세요!

    응원의 메시지를 남겨주신 분들 중 추첨을 통해

    3분에게 15만원 상당의 풀리오 제품을 선물로 드립니다🎁🎁

    ✔이벤트 기간: 05/13(월) – 05/19(일)

    ✔당첨자 발표: 05/20(월) 유튜브 ‘커뮤니티’란을 통해 발표

  2. 현역시절 별명답게 먹음직스러운 갈색 소고기 폭격하고 계시네요. 현대자동차서비스 팬이라 당시에는 독주했던 삼성화재 엄청 미워하면서 국가대표 때는 또 목이터져라 응원했죠. 선수시절 그 화끈했던 서브에이스처럼 인생2막인 전설들의집도 인생의 서브에이스가 되길 기원합니다.

  3. 치:치열했던 코트 위에서 팀을 승리로 이끈 갈색 폭격기 신진식
    마: 마지막꿈이 국대 감독 이라니
    살: 살아 나라 대한민국 배구 화이팅

    신진식 선수 제 우상입니다 항상 건승하세요

  4. 진짜 신진식 형님 김세진형님 있었을때. 울나라 배구 진짜 이변 많이 일으켰는데..가장 기억나는건 2000시드니 올림픽때 세계랭킹 123위권 팀한테 다 3대2로 졌다는거 그때 진짜 다이기는 경기였는데 넘 아쉬웠어여

  5. 신진식님~~^^
    선수시절도 멋있었는데ㅎㅎ
    지금 현재 모습도 멋지시네예 🎉🎉🎉
    조만간 감독으로서의 모습
    뵙길 바라겠습니당.^^

  6. 퇴근 후에 재밌게 잘 보고 있습니다.
    유희관 선수 너무 팬입니다.
    유노비 보면서 활력을 얻고 있어서 그런데
    유노비 조금만 더 괴롭혀주시면 안 될까요?

  7. 멋지게 날아올라 강하게 내리 꽂는 스파이크가 너무 멋있었던 신진식 선수를 여기서 볼수 있다니 너무 영광이네요.
    이렇게 제 2의 인생을 열심히 살아가시는 모습을 보니 더 멋있는거 같아요
    앞으로 선수가 아니니 고깃집 사장님으로서 승승장구 하시기를 힘차게 응원드립니다.

  8. 멋짐 뿜뿜 수퍼스타 전 배구선수인 신진식선수의 근황을 알게 되어서 너무 좋아요
    이제는 고깃집 사장님으로서 고깃집 계의 슈퍼스타로 등급하셨으면 좋겠네요.
    앞으로도 신진식 선수를 잊지 않고 앞날의 멋진 행보를 응원하겠습니다.

  9. 배구선수로서 최고의 실력과 퍼포먼스를 보여주신 신진식 선수님~~~
    고깃집 사장님으로서도 최고의 멋진 인생을 보여주세요
    앞으로 고깃집 대박나시길 진심으로 응원합니다

  10. 나의 최애 배구선수였던 신진식 선수님의 근황이 너무나 궁금했는데
    운동부 왔어요 채널에서 이렇게 소개해 주셔서 너무 감사합니다.
    배구 선수로서 최고의 위치까지 가셨던 만큼
    제 2의 인생에서도 최고의 위치까지 가셨으면 좋겠네요.
    신진식 선수 언제나 힘차게 응원하겠습니다.

  11. 갈색폭격기 신진식 선수님!!! 너무 반가워서 눈물이 날거 같아요
    오랜만에 들어보는 갈색폭격기네요. 감격스럽습니다.
    고깃집 사장님으로서 앞으로의 인생 멋지고 행복하시길 진심으로 바래봅니다.

  12. 우왕 반가워요
    멋진 모습은 여전하시네요.
    앞으로 신진식 선수님이 하고싶은 일들 다 이루시는 제 2의 인생이 되었으면 좋겠네요.
    작은 팬심이지만 열심히 응원하겠습니다

  13. 신진식 전 배구선수 뿐만 아니라 인생 제 2막을 위해 최선을 다하고 계실 모든 운동선수님들이
    선수 때보다 더 멋진 인생 2막을 이뤄내셨으면 좋겠습니다.
    운동선수때처럼 최선의 노력이면 멋진 인생 2막을 이뤄내실수 있을꺼에요.
    앞으로 더 멋진 인생 2막을 응원합니다

  14. 시청자 입장에서
    재미가 있는건지 없는건지 헷갈리는거보니
    제작진 입장에서
    컨셉이나 방향성 자체가 헷갈리고 있는건아닌지..
    그래서그런건아닌지… 생각이드네요
    하나된 방향성이 필요할듯… (조심스럽게~)

  15. 삼성 블루윙스 당시 김세진님과 함께 무적을 이루셨던거가 기억이 납니다. 코트를 누비셨던 갈색폭격기처럼 모든것을 폭격하셔서 대박나시길 기원합니다 .. 그리고 국가대표감독도 하셔서 다시한번 국가대표 배구가 승승장구하길 기도 드립니다

  16. 제2막을 열어가고 있는 운동 선수 여러분!
    선수 시절 때, 팬들에게 희노애락을 선물해주셔서 그동안 감사했었습니다!
    인생 제2막을 진심으로 응원합니다!
    운동부에서 나온 가게에 꼭 찾아갈게요~~~ 화이팅!!!

  17. 제2의 인생 살아간다는게 진짜 멋있는거 같습니다.!!
    앞으로도 행복한 길만 걸으시고 배구 코트에서 다시 볼 수 있기를 기다리며 응원하겠습니다😁
    그리고 제2의 인생 유노비 형님도 파…파이팅!!

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