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Jon Rahm’s ‘naivete’ regarding PGA Tour ‘shocking’ | Live from the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

The Live From The PGA Championship crew is in shock by Jon Rahm’s proclaimed support for and loyalty to the PGA Tour despite moving to LIV Golf, calling it a “shocking level of naivete” that should incense Tour players. #GolfChannel #PGAChampionship #JonRahm
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Jon Rahm’s ‘naivete’ regarding PGA Tour ‘shocking’ | Live from the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

that was a press conference that certainly got our attention here I feel like my mind’s in a bit of a pretzel based on what we heard from John ROM saying I feel like still a PGA Tour member I’m just suspended I want to support the PGA Tour but I’m playing on live so Amon how do you make sense of the sentiments from John ROM it’s not often you hear the arsonist give advice to the firefighters on how to extinguish the Blaze and start asking when he can move back into the house I mean if he wanted to support the PGA Tour and you know present himself as a loyal member as he does well then don’t be a stooge for the Saudis don’t sign up to be a willing leverage Point as they attempt to upend or diminish the product that you’re claiming loyalty to you know own your decision and John Ram just simply doesn’t own the decision he’s he’s presenting it as a purely commercial transaction which is how a lot of players see it but it’s certainly not the reality of of the scale of the decision John Ram made at the end of last year the idea that he’s considering himself a a a loyal member of the PGA are just not in good standing because of the suspension it’s just a shocking level of naivity I was sounded to hear that what was your reaction he doesn’t get it he’s to this day he doesn’t get it and this is a guy who wanted a position or wanted to be heard from what I understand either a board position policy board he wanted to be heard on this whole thing thing before he went to live and I I feel like he wasn’t as her as much as he probably should have been and now I’m glad he wasn’t in that position because he doesn’t get it as a PGA Tour player and as a PGA Tour member still a card carrying PJ tour member and someone who supports the PGA Tour uh not happy with what’s going on right now obviously but supports the PGA Tour I’m I’m in I’m I’m insens by that quite honestly by that by the by the level to your point of naive that you don’t get it you still don’t get it you took 500 large and then you’re going to sit there and tell me oh you still feel like a PJ tour remember I want to support the PJ tour and I want the p i I mean I want to I want to ring his neck through the television I’m that mad right now I’m that mad I mean and every player in that locker room right now if they watch that should be on the PJ tour should be absolutely sensed with him it’s I want to have my cake and eat it too and it it’s it you’re listening to it you’re going if you want to support the PGA Tour you stay it’s like very it’s very simple you just don’t go and the tone of it is so interestingly contrasting to the original players that left that hated whatever the PGA Tour did to do business felt taken advantage of felt uh that they were being exploited Phil still has that tone on social media correct and then you have what John ROM said which is effectively if I’m reading between the lines is I went over there to men help men the fences somehow that I don’t I can’t make that make sense on on the move to leave and somehow that’s going to bring everything together it divided it actually pushed it farther apart it felt that way pushed it farther apart there’s certainly a resentment in the locker room of guys who don’t want to see John Ram walk back through the door six months later with his pockets full and suddenly they look like the suckers who didn’t make the same decision but that press conference was perfect evidence of why Phil Mickelson was able to sell him a bill of goods if he’s able to swallow that and spout that that’s why he was suckered the only way I can discern this is that John thinks that it’s going to be a way shorter interval of time before they come together and that’s why it’s one foot in his mind still at the PGA Tour and one foot with the live tour but everything that we’re seeing when it comes to this negotiating landscape it’s going to take a while for them to even potentially get to a framework that works let alone have reconciliation with the guys there I I was going to hit Aon with a quick one what you got well and that might be it might be a short time frame we don’t know I think it’s be a long time FR it could it could be a short time frame but the fact of the matter that you don’t have the awareness and the self-awareness to say what he said and just speaks to I just separating he’s not separating the relationships from the politics because he’s still friends with the guys out here that’s how he sees it I’m I’m in that camp these are my buddies I’m still part of this tour yeah but the politics of it the negotiations that are going on the potential scrutiny of it by the government that’s all going to take a lot of time and I don’t think John Ram has any grasp of that side of the equation he just thinks because these guys are nice to him on the Range that he’s still part of I’m also curious that because of the adversarial beginnings of this because of the context of which so many players left what are they thinking listening to this is that is that the tone of everybody within live that oh we just never mind we didn’t do it because we didn’t like the PGA Tour we did it cuz this was a manipulating way to get what we wanted in a global World Tour and I don’t feel like that’s truly like I don’t think he’s speaking for other people when he’s saying that it’s just he’s got a very unique tone in all of this to any of the players that I’ve heard talk about it he’s also he’s curating a reality for himself here if you noticed earlier on he was asked the difference coming to a major uh as a live player versus PGA Tour player and he said really there’s no difference at his schedule last year let’s just look at this he went Hawaii California for a couple Phoenix back to California couple in Florida Masters Texas South Carolina Mexico 11 starts before he got to the PGA Championship this year it’s been Mexico Vegas Saudi Arabia Hong Kong Miami Australia Singapore seven starts a lot fewer starts a lot more miles on the clock before he gets here there is nothing comparable between John Ram coming to this major championship last year and coming to this year but I think he’s trying to convince himself that not not that much has actually changed maybe the relationships haven’t changed on the Range but everything else has man fascinating to have John ROM in the media center there sharing uh his thoughts on the mic


  1. "don't be a stooge to the saudis" Oh yeah don't be a stooge and turn down a half a bill but supporting the PGAT aka stuffing Monahan''s pockets is just a brillliiiaaannnt idea. lmao I can't tell if these reporters are that stupid or just mega loyal

  2. Not all that concerned with ROM‘s comments the whole system is broken what I will say is and I know he has a lot of haters. Brandle Chamblee is outstanding in analysis and he is so articulate so knowledgeable and such a student of the game Paul McGinley plays right up to that as well solid analysis when I listen to Golf play-by-playor the actual tournaments with NBC CBS golf channel whoever I find it very lacking but I’m never disappointed with Shamblee and Paul McGinley and of course Rich learner is the best in the business the best

  3. All of the comments saying “who cares” probably bow at the alter of the NFL and if there was a new league that came in with Saudi money and their favorite player left I would love to see the comments say “oh who cares!?”

  4. If these people were at the Rahms presser they certainly weren't listening. All he said when asked was he was still a pga member albeit suspended and he wished the powers that be come up with an equitable agreement. He also said he would have played some PGAT events earlier in the year if allowed.
    The people on this panel have only one agenda. That is to misrepresent anything said by any player that plays on the LIV tour. They can't see that it is their ignorance,bias and hatred against these players that is doing more to harm their reputations as commentators and the game more than anything else. Bullshit commentary by worthless sycophants.

  5. Have LIV players stay there, and PGA Tour play on their side of fence… PGA could improve, but I personally don't like LIVs shotgun, play music during round, no cuts and playing at Trump courses. How can any patriots play for LIV that plays on Trump courses… especially after Jan 6? LIV aligned themselves to a snake oil salesmen.

  6. Essentially, these people think the PGA Tour is God and they can do no wrong. The PGA Tour players are ruining golf because of their close mindedness. They have no idea what is best for golf. It's sad this is the voice of golf.

  7. I love the PGA Tour and don’t even miss a player that left. I like the new players coming and up and out with the old. Let LIv live on and PGA is better than ever.

  8. He told you there was asbestos in the walls, and proved its toxicity but you let it burn down and now you want to blame him for your incompetency. (PGA Tour) "DOESNT GET IT"

  9. Jon is an angry guy on golf course, in front of cameras. Imagine what his family have to deal with. He has appeared at least average intelligence during some interviews. Turnrs out he is a dambuss. I hope his family does not have to deal with his anger.

  10. All LIV fan boys and players, have fun playing team golf not on TV which no one cares about

  11. John is a Player that has the freedom to do what is best for him , Players manage themselves best as they see fit . The only people crying are the ones who stayed , your Boss made the same DEAL .

  12. Gonna be a tough year on the course for Rambo so hope he keeps taking glimpses at his bank acct to ease the links pain he'll feel.

  13. Golf Channel needs to rename themselves, especially with clickbait video titles such as this!! This is not The Golf Channel I grew up watching!

  14. The woman in the green dress with the worse logic and outrage….These four clowns are so funny….defaming Rahm for speaking the truth

  15. Golf channel taking things out of context again.
    OWGR needs new officials that don't have a conflict of interest to the International game of golf.

    OPGAGR will be the new American system.
    LIV Golf will soon have their own recognised World Ranking systems that the Majors will accept.
    Soon Majors will take all regular season Winners from Liv as automatic entry to Majors, and the Top 10 in Livgolf should get an invite too, even if they hadn't won an event.
    OWGR will soon fold due to conflict of interest from the members in charge and a new international ranking system will be in place for transparency, Any professional, on any tour will get points. Bye bye OWGR members(Monohan for one)

    If PGA didn't put a stop to LIV Golf players from playing PGAtour regular events, Rahm, Bryson, Nieman etc and many other fan favourites would play 8 to 10 PGA tour events per year too.
    Livgolf being 14 rounds and PGA tour being 36 rounds.
    The future intention of Livgolf is for the World's 50 best players plus wildcards to compete internationally 14 times per year at Livgolf events, then those best play the 4 Majors, making 18 events each year for the world's best with the world focusing on the true golfers with a more accurate OWGR.
    Most pros like to play around 26 events per year, giving opportunities for the top 50 to play another 8 rounds of golf throughout the USA in more regional areas or favourite events like Bay Hill, Torres Pines, Pebble Beach etc.
    The way the Pga has stopped this has caused the issue we are all seeing now. LIVGOLF let's their players play wherever they want outside of the 14 Livgolf events which is mandatory and should be unless injured or sick.

  16. Love John who are these fools, they are nobody’s John is king like Seve was . We got to see all the legends in Australia, the PGA does not own Golf get over it. Ps Cam will smoke these sourpusses this week. Long liv Ripper GC

  17. What a bunch of douchebags that work for the golf channel. The only thing pushing them further apart is the greed of the PGA, F the golf channel.

  18. the panel know their jobs could be under threat if Rory's world tour happens. It pays for them to play the PGA Tour loyalty card, criticise the Saudi/LIV 'enemy' and hope the world tour goes away. The problem is that it also suits some of the PGA Tour player directors to stop the world tour happening too. The world tour though is in the best interest of golf fans – the sport has been way too US dominated. Jon Rahm is entertaining unlike this bunch.

  19. basically this is the problem. Maybe they just don't get it or can't see the global aspect of golf.

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