Golf Players

Fans are “SICK AND TIRED” after this Latest LIV / PGA TOUR Fight

The constant bickering between the PGA TOUR and LIV Golf continued this past weekend and this latest fight has fans feeling “sick and tired” of it all.

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all right here we are the second major of the year and the bickering just continues over the weekend we had a huge three-way fight between brandle shamble Anthony Kim and Phil mikkelson we’re going to fill you in on all that bring you up to speed on what you missed but the frustration just seems to continue between the fans and the media with this ongoing fight on top of that we seem like we’re just getting nowhere closer to a deal we’ve even got longtime friends guys like Roy Ma and Tiger Woods seemingly at odds as Rory tries to get back into the player Advisory Board and he’s now landed on a subcommittee which I find incredibly interesting but all of it leads to another Clear View that we’ve got a very and to use even Rory’s words messy picture going on and it’s like we said before it’s the last conversation that wants to be had as we lead into a major so we’re going to bring you guys in the conversation I want to get some of your take on it on the in the comments of are you sick of it are you sick of seeing this and seeing the con consistent bickering but of course I got to bring you up to speed on some of what happened because if you missed some of the news over the weekend yeah it went down once again yeah well there’s no doubt it all went down over the weekend I mean it seems constant it seems like every week something new is coming out somebody’s taken Jabs at somebody this time Phil’s back on his high horse Anthony Kim surprisingly coming out the stuff him he’s saying after being gone for so long interesting to hear what he had to say yeah in a way it’s a little bit familiar names like if there’s guys who are going to get into the weeds it’s controversial guys like brandle shamble and and Phil always has something to say now of course what I’ll do is all these are it all went down on Twitter I’ll link to all of that in the show notes so you guys can read through the whole conversation I’m going to try to summarize it for you because a little bit of it did get into the weeds and honestly I think the bigger picture that we want to talk about here is what the quarreling itself is leading to and if we got a resolution to this at all but just to kind of bring you up to speed basically what happened was and I can’t use all the languages it’s definitely not safe for work so to speak that uh that Anthony Kim came out the gate with but just to kind of summarize he attacked brandle shamble basically calling him a hypocrite because of shamble seemingly softening stance on what’s going on with Liv the pif etc etc sham B responded but kind ofly some kind of out of nowhere dragged Mickelson into this he kind of he opened up his long and windy tweet with saying this is about as inaccurate as a lot of Mickelson’s drives oh wow so he that’s where in a second we’re gonna get into what Phil had to say because he pulled Phil in there but he went on and kind of sounding like the same argument that he’s been making the the fact that Liv supporting as he says like a a tyrannical dictator and he he made some very clear and obvious ja at uh at Anthony Kim even saying the particular language that he uses which could be considered derogatory towards women saying like hey how you use that language after just talking about a whole story about your daughter and then it really personal attack after personal attack after personal attack where I think the real news here and the real thing of of something that’s actually some you know substance that we would want to talk about because again it makes for good headlines it makes for good TV drama so to speak but it’s maddening it’s frustrating and it’s exhausting for the fans to see this where I think that we have something to actually discuss here is the points that Phil mikkelson makes in retaliation yep and I have a bigger question to ask you which is did is this what ultimately needed to happen to make the changes that wanted to be made right and and I think to that point and I’m sure you’re going to harp on some of Phil’s comments one of the things he mentions is the fact that the game was broken and then you know I you know going through that tweet and just seeing a lot of the comments you could still see people are mixed and this what I want to ask you guys about in the comments what do you think do you think golf was broken before this or is it broken now because of it and that’s what people are still fighting about even Phil talking about the average age is 60 now 65 for the PGA Tour it has no us I mean no Global president they very us Centric all that stuff he makes valid points but how do we know if it’s true like what did golf have a problem before Liv or did it not there were players who had gripes there’s no doubt and that’s what Phil gets into is his own personal gripes my question is and something I want to dig into is whether this fracturing splitting of golf between you know ripping apart to to forming a new league in it in being live and the backing and all that type of stuff was that the vehicle that needed to happen to make change and I don’t have a necessarily clear answer I think there’s Merit on both sides of this argument but I want to dig into it but first let’s kind of go to what the sentiment what had to be said what when as this argument was unfolding on Twitter you had Monday Q info jump in who’s obviously a PGA Tour Insider and he said no matter who you agree with all of it’s gotten so exhausting progolf is broken and it makes me sad I hope it soon finds a way back so again saying what everyone’s thinking now here’s where Phil comes in right and Phil tries and and I’ve seen countless articles kind of breaking down some people saying there’s Merit what Phil is saying there’s other people who are saying this is Phil just kind of searching for validation for the decision that he made Etc but what Phil said was or golf was broken and is in the process of being fixed he said as you mentioned earlier the average age of a PGA Tour viewer recently went from 60 to 65 it’s totally USA Centric and has no plan to globalize globalize Opportunities monopolistic control of media rights wouldn’t allow for players to use YouTube and other social media platforms to promote the game uh to the Next Generation uh and working from within the tour wasn’t an option I.E Bryson uh what he’s doing now wasn’t allowed before Liv fixing problems takes time uh but it’s better than waiting for it to collapse entirely okay so one last thing that I’ll throw in here Monday Q kind of had the last word he said don’t disagree it was not perfect before especially with regards to the media rights and the PJ Tor took advantage of the Monopoly but right now it’s pretty broken in my opinion commenters taking unnecessary shots at Players calling him I’ll leave that word to your imagination uh he’s hoping to get it fixed quickly and correctly here’s hoping to getting it fixed quickly and correctly so here here’s the question I ultimately have for you and and yeah we asked the question was it broken right right I think to the certain extent for the players there was grievances right the length of the schedule how demanding the schedule was becoming I think that that’s something that is valid in a lot of ways right secondarily their control over the media rights um Phil has someone who who’s a proponent this he brought this up you know his likeness image whatever all very much owned by the PGA Tour and then there there were guys who were saying you know the PGA Tour as a nonprofit was T was making more money than it should have and it’s retaining a lot of that money all that type of stuff now some of that we’re not privy to as far as what what is actually factual because it hasn’t come out in any type of Discovery or anything with with legal but the question that I have and this is going to lead largely into the conversation we’re going to have about Rory trying to get back on the policy board and all that stuff was did it really require that players actively leaving the PGA tour for another product for this change to happen because one thing that we’re seeing right now across the board is a huge hangup of getting this deal done with the PF right has been that and we’ve talked about this here on the show multiple times the fact that the PGA Tour is a it’s a it’s a player members organization and the one of the hardest parts of getting this deal done has been getting all the members on board right so what that does tell you is that the members do have a say right so it makes me wonder could Phil have led the charge a little bit more internally I almost think like not unionized but you get what I’m saying like Union like coming together forming groups of like collectively bargaining as players to get what they needed right or did they need such a dramatic and drastic you know method to get what they wanted done yeah I mean it seems like that that that other method was just available for them at the time with the with the new live golf league stirring up or in the works it was available for them whereas in other sports they they don’t have that availability they might just go on strike or whatever the case may be yeah but if if you believe that like some people will believe that Liv was created and founded by Greg Norman with with Phil Mickelson in his ears all a lot of them will at least make you want to believe or try to believe that the the mission of it was to create things that the players couldn’t get out of the PGA tour right it’s not just you know now the other side of that is you could say that it wasn’t created for those reasons it was really created because of you know the Saudi funding they wanted to get into the league or whatever it may be I I I don’t know I kind of struggle with it because I think like how much effort and I know Phil had had interviews where he had voiced some of his displeasure with the way the PG tour did certain things but did you really exhaust all options like if if Phil is truly convinced that this is the the driver of the change that they want younger audience uh more more loose media type of Rights and and and stuff for the players um globalization traveling to new locations and opening up the game globally could that not have been done and forgo all of this pain that it’s caused that’s probably just viewers and the fans they probably couldn’t there was probably no light it was probably voiced right like you said we don’t know what happened behind closed doors but maybe this is something they’ve been fighting for for like a decade now right I I don’t know if Phil’s been been vocal on this you know like YouTube rights media rights and and all of this stuff for longer than when Liv was in existence and just kept getting shut down kept getting shut down and just ultimately his grievances just kept growing and growing growing to the point where it just made it easy for be like the heck with this I’m gone I’m doing this thing with Norman we’re going for it it’s a risk it’s a gamble we’re going to I would love some more insight into how much of those were options and chances and attempts were actually truly exhausted versus how much of this is a postcript being written after the fact where they they and and cynically you could say they made the jump for the money and then now they’re trying to apply the reasoning to it in post it could be I I just don’t know but but the reality is it’s undeniably having a full effect on the the culture around Golf and even what I would say expanding into those margins into those fringes of just sport culture in general and I see this because I’m starting to see it we we live it we live it in golf news we’re we’re here doing this constantly but when you start to see it leaking into mainstream type of media and here we are right we’re on the cusp of the second major of the year we’ve got very easily written very exciting potential stories here you have Roy maroy coming off an incredible Sunday comeback win comes from behind you know against Xander he’s won that many times in a place he’s going to where he’s won wins in dramatic fashion and now heading into a major at yeah Valhalla where he’s won a major before the stories are there right and yet this is my this is me today like I wake up first thing I always do for right or wrong I grab my phone you know when I wake up and I open it up and the first thing it does is it’s an iPhone so it’s got Apple news on it right and this is not something that I’m actively curating or looking for and uh for example I’m not even a subscriber to the Wall Street Journal right but the first article that pops up and I see this is is that read this headline right across the top everybody is sick and tired of the PGA of of the PGA Tour live golf fight especially me and the subtitle said an innan social media Feud underscores how exhausting golf Civil War has become yeah and he’s referencing exactly what that over the weekend here’s Rory mroy Big Win heading into a big major and yet blasted across every news Outlet was brandle shamble throwing down with Anthony Kim and Phil Mickelson and if that’s not evidence that we’re headed down the wrong path I don’t know what is yeah no you’re absolutely right there there should have been better story lines there should have been talking about the great crowds over at uh at the Wells Fargo and the dog fight between Xander and Rory I mean it made for some some some like old I want I don’t want to call it olden days Sunday PGA Tour yeah but it was that Feelgood PGA Tour Sunday again we haven’t had that in a while right but again it was overshadowed by this and and if if this is what out of all those stories what the outside media is picking up so what I mean by that is of course Golf Digest golf week all these guys are going to write every story right but the media Outlets like the Wall Street Journal whatever it may be are going to pick up pick and choose a couple stories here and there and the stories that they’re choosing is on the frustration yeah and and so so this is again where we saw like the drop in viewership of the last round of the Masters down 20% stuff like that I still don’t fear Le losing the die hards you’re not going to lose the Die Hard fans it’s the Casual viewers who’s fed up with this and they’re just seeing who’s fighting about what now I think the sensation of the drama has kind of come and passed so you guys let us know in the comments first and foremost do you truly believe that and and I I I really want to hear these takes because I I there’s there so much Nuance to this that I don’t think there’s a clear answer but do you truly believe that the only way to make the changes on the PGA tour the only way to get their voices heard was for players like Phil and others to physically remove themselves from the tour and start a rival tour or could this have been handled differently could there have been more push from the inside to gather players together as a as a membership organization and potentially ask for whatever these these demands were whether it was a a schedule that was less demanding whether it was a more International representation whether it was certain degrees of media rights and their likeness image um whatever it was did was the only way to have this happen being this fracture of the the league and will this ultimately answer that problem for them will will this as Phil keeps reminding everyone that this is part of the process it’s happening change is happening it’s getting better and it’s hard to argue with that in a lot of ways players are making more money if that’s the change that they wanted right right the you know the the to is kind of loosening up certain things so some change is being made and it’s hard to argue with that but in the same token was this the only way to go about it yeah I don’t know and the comments have be great especially on that Twitter I even saw some guy had an idea of just saying why doesn’t the DP World Tour and live just merge and create the global golf league and just have your Global exposure PGA Tour just focuses on us and does its thing right with these new capital Ventures that they’re getting money for well that’s just it we’ve we’ve we’ve said it we see it it’s in our face now it’s a problem yeah the separation is a problem and it’s hurting the game so the that’s the next question why why have we when we had a framework agreement that got was a hard and fast date they all talked about you know the end of the year last year and then the 11th Hour it gets pushed back and saying we’re g to have an answer by the Masters nothing happens again and now we’re into the second major of the Year potentially halfway through the majors and we still don’t have an answer so why is it so let’s take a quick word from our sponsors here we’re going to come back we’re going to talk about the potential infighting that is slowly revealing itself on the PGA tour with now Rory wanting to get back onto the policy board what happened with all that and also there’s one major major change that’s never happened before that’s happened now for the PGA this year including live golf and a player getting in on Liv golf merits that I want to go over because it could signal the biggest change in in major qualif we’ve seen since lives creation so let’s do a quick word from our sponsors we’re going to get right back into that so I’ve seen everybody on social media having a little bit of fun with this like how do you mark your Titleist right uh so let me be curious to ask you how you mark yours but I I’ll give you a little insight into mine I got my lucky number and it’s cool when you order your balls from Titleist you can kind of order custom numbers so I got number 19 on there and then call it you know a little bit of superstition call it a little bit of just a lingering from uh habit that I’ve always done because since playing High School golf I’ve always done this with my Titleist I like to put just one single red dot just above like where the eye is in Titleist uh keep it simple but once you do it I feel like you just do that forever and it just becomes your thing I love it I love it and and for me it’s the the golficity logo has been on the balls for forever so for me I know that’s it and if I have a Sharpie nearby I’ll try to draw the line over the prov1x just so I know Mark your ball on the Green dude and line it up for the putt don’t be lazy that’s just my take that’s just it and there’s so many different ways to do it whether it’s just for like a little bit of fun and vanity out there the way you mark it or whether you’re using it really as a as an alignment Aid and putting a nice line on there there’s just so many different ways to mark your title list so we want to hear from you guys uh let us know in the comments how do you mark your title list and the allnew FootJoy Pro SLX are here we’re loving these shoes they’re engineered with a powert track system transforming golf footw with their Innovative 3D X-Wing and that little X you see underneath the shoe when you lift it super cool it’s Unique and what it’s doing it’s redistributing energy during your swing for that enhanced stability ground yeah you got to grip that ground we talk about how important that the Footwear is as part of your golf equipment and that engaged 3D X-Wing exposed heel stabilizer it effectively manages that lateral and upper movement so ensuring that you have the comprehensive blend of traction their comfort the comfortable level on these things is great and control allowing you to advance your game so guys shoes are important you know we you don’t you don’t think about it too often finding the right shoe is important for your golf game definitely check out the FootJoy Pro SLX huge thanks the golf Zone social it’s one of our favorite places to play indoor golf favorite place to have some of these meetups we’ve been having with a lot of you guys uh full bar food men menus each location comes equipped with you know TVs it’s just the Ultimate Golf hangout and for any season I mean who cares cold or warm uh you got some time you go lunch break even you head over to one of these places for an hour you grab a nice uh nice one those remember that corn dip it’s one of my favorite things on the menu by the way every cor that that Italian chopped sandwich man that is I yeah that thing was really good so we’re going to be doing a lot of events there so stay posted uh we did one over Masters weekend that was just a Meetup now we’re doing a full-blown tournament June 22nd in Brooklyn at their newest location that’s right we are doing a tournament uh it’s limited so the chance to win is actually pretty good we’re going to be around like 50 people for this and the prizes guys are insane we’re going to be giving away a $3,000 golf Zone wave this is their indoor simulator incredible technology we’ve done countless reviews and stuff on it you guys know it you’ll love it it’s a chance to win it plus they’re giving away forums to to golf courses all around the area either way you don’t want to miss it go to golficity dcom register secure your spot again space is very limited so like I said Chances Are Winning are pretty pretty good yeah all right so one of the big things that we saw the headline splashed everywhere Tiger and Rory you know potentially on their relationship being on thin ice and here guys they’ve got a very good relationship we see it like uh when they compete in things like you know the their their matches that we’ve had like in the prime time matches and you see the the the banter between the guys and you could tell they’ve got a good relationship but the fact and even the insinuation that they’re on thin ice or there’s some push back there you know this we’re going to talk about why it’s largely over Rory trying to get back into the the um players Advisory Board I think if it does anything it kind of continues to shed a light on just how deep these scars are going as part of this you know the the the potential merger the framework agreement and just how divided players even if they’re not letting that on verbally in their press conferences just how divided these players are and and it just shows me further Evidence why we are just seemingly no closer and I would love nothing more than trust me to have the next news headline come across that that they finally worked out the agreement and and some sort of merger is going to happen and we could start to put this in a rearview mirror but this is kind of evidence of it so just to kind of bring you up to speed basically what happened was Rory had floated the idea of rejoining the player Advisory Board I cannot speculate or speak for his thinking I don’t know what the reasoning was maybe it maybe he had time to reflect and be away from it for a while and now he wanted back in it seemed like Rory left for what seemed like all the right reasons a a refocusing on his game not wanting to muddy you know being being in the trenches in the mud anymore he talked about how he he had put so much of himself out for the PGA Tour only to be the as he said sacrificial lamb when they quickly and and abruptly announced the merger so I can understand and get behind Rory’s decision just kind of leave that to the other guys and just refocus on his game and it seemed like it’s paying off you know here’s Rory with another win this last week he’s playing well again he wanted the Zurich you know what I mean yep hey your plan’s working what’s up and then all of a sudden he kind of floats this idea of going back in it was met with as you know the nice way to say it would be pushed back right players spoke up they didn’t love it uh not everybody was willing to go on record about what they thought uh but I’ll give you an idea of one in the sentiment one who was was Kevin stelman so what stelman said ‘s speaking about Rory he said he was very clear that it was too much for him he had business dealings he had a kid he and he wants to focus on his game trust me I get it but once you quit you’re not getting back I wouldn’t quit on something uh that you were elected to by your peers to want back is PEC peculiar so yeah I mean they were saying like what’s his motive what’s his motivation was questioned and this is where again we did not get a direct quote from Tiger but multiple multiple news outlets had speculated that that tiger was one of the ones who was that their relationship as they said had soured and tiger was one of the ones saying that he didn’t really want Rory back into the into the mix that’s interesting it really is you hear those two beefing that’s interesting yeah so that that was and and it again I think one of the biggest things was a I don’t want to call it a distrust but a little bit of a raised eyebrow from the players saying like why do you want it back in cuz like I said like I just listed out there was all the very clear and seemingly you know understandable reasons why he wanted out so it’s like why Rory did he he didn’t give an excuse he didn’t give a reason yet he didn’t fully give a reason but what Rory had said was um and this is kind of after he had heard from some of the push back he said so yeah I put my hand up to help and it was I wouldn’t say it was rejected it was a it was a complicated process to go through to put me back in there so that’s all fine no hard feelings and we’ll all move on so he’s saying like in a way Rory saying like I offered so to speak my my services to come back in and help maybe he felt like I said maybe he felt uh he had enough of a break and now I don’t think Rory’s the type of guy he’s a Sidelines guy he’s I think it itches and irks him to be in there but yeah here’s Rory saying I tested the waters and it the waters weren’t they a little chilly you know right right right interesting interesting I’m curious why um you know yeah I think it just came down to the reflection and people CH chap chirping in his ear team saying hey you got to get back in there for whatever reason why I don’t know but for me if I if I if all the things that Rory went through and all the feeling especially when Li for started like you said he was that sacrificial lamb and he was able to get out it’s like the old like they bring me back in why would you go back cuz I just don’t think that Rory’s a Sidelines guy I don’t think he has the ability to stay out of it you know it’s hard to get out and all that to get out and now to go back in and it’s working you’re playing really well why especially now guys focused on winning more Majors why get into something that was a distraction before yeah and it really does make you wonder but now as it sounds like that’s going to be the Clean Cut not going to happen out of nowhere Rory lands on a subcomittee that almost sounds made up come on right so he here here’s the deal so basically in some of the tweets and just kind of looking through it um Todd Lewis had tweeted about it and he referenced uh basically a an news announcement a story that the golf that Golf Channel had put together basically saying that Roy mroy along with Tiger Woods and Adam Scott will be members of a transaction subcommittee uh that has been formed to represent the PGA tour in negoti with the PF and Todd Lewis said you know the story has a thorough explanation of what the new newly formed transaction committee will do in trying to get a deal done between the PJ tour and the pif along with the significant features uh figures on that subcommittee so and he also says it also has insightful uh what do you call it opinion from brandle shamine right so here around and around we go but now so here’s the you got the players Advisory Board and then and last week we had reported there was just tiger was the only real the player involved the negotiations directly with the PF but so how much how much real I mean how much validity is really there to PE to this essential like quarrel or s or souring between between Tiger and Rory when Rory still ends up on a subcommittee which just an intimate group of a couple of players with Tiger Woods and they’re the ones who are negotiating yeah so yes to me there’s a certain degree where all of this sounds like they’re they’re it’s all Audi it feels like they’re playing everything by the seat of their pants and it’s made up yeah that’s what it sounds made up yeah that’s what it sounds but what it sounds to me is disorganized that’s it too and I’ve said this before and like we need some sort of leadership to emerge who is not only helping to iron this out and put the wheels in motion to get some sort of agreement done whatever that agreement is but more so step in and be the direct Communicator to the Press be the direct communic unicor to the to the fans so that we’re not ultimately getting all of our news of the progression of this potential merger in dissecting bickering quarreling tweets between brandle shamble Anthony Kim and Phil Mickelson yeah let me ask you this yes no yes no answer do you think a deal ever gets done as every day that goes by I get closer to the no yeah I’m hard no I’m just hard that there’s going to be a no and that we’re going to see golf played out like it currently is yeah guys showing up to Majors now from Liv right we’re going to get into that guys are you know exempt for 10 years who are on live the two tours are clearly finding ways to operate separate of each other but doesn’t necessarily mean they’re helping each other out to me I think one thing we’ll look back on whether or not a deal gets done and one thing that will be lamented and regretted by both sides I think is just how self-inflicted the wounds to golf really truly were and that’s where I go back to before was this what needed to be done you know the there’s a a very clear evidence that sub so to speak tours or spin-off tours can be created I.E look at tigers the tgl the indoor League that’s being created right and that lives still within the umbrella of the PGA Tour and it just makes me wonder if an international comp opponent was something you wanted all that type of stuff could this had been done with players negotiating directly with PGA Tour leadership and whatever and maybe it could have taken years maybe it took you know Phil and other internally to get people on their side and whatever but could this have been done so much in a less like kind of like a cut and run method which is what you used now which just physically did we in other words do we have to tear it apart in order to rebuild it or could it have been just restructured from the inside and that’s what I wonder but in in what you were saying and this is important thing we got to talk about too as the tours as we don’t get seemingly any closer to an agreement they are finding ways to operate separately and although it might have been a mildly overshadowed I think this is one one of the biggest news of the entire past week or so and this is the fact that Taylor G got an invitation to play in this week’s major the PGA Championship why this is so important is that it is the first invitation we’ve seen to any major that was not based upon performance in something outside of Liv And what I mean by that is that because he’s done nothing else outside of it he really does not play really outside in fact uh gu is even said he’s not even going to attempt to qualify for the US Open right where these guys can go to qualifying events so keep this in mind last month you had the PGA of America which who runs the the PGA Championship they invited Neeman and so did Augusta invited him to the Masters but it was largely based and and and cited and quoted on his victory at the Australian Open based on play Performance Based on play non live right and this is where they were saying they wanted to give representation to other opens here the Australian Open elevating the Australian Open status by saying if you win that you get this invite yeah this is different this is where Taylor G was offered an invitation and he’s not done any of that so it shows it’s strictly based on his performance at live that could potentially open the floodgates and this is what Greg Norman wanted because Greg Norman remember he removed the Liv’s even attempt to qualify for official world golf rankings that used to be the ticket in right makes you wonder is Greg Norman negotiating directly with each major saying let’s create some sort of like uh qualifying path for live golfers is it the top five guys who is it right right the cynical side of me makes me wonder is this what it was is it more of a squeaky wheel gets the grease because here you have it was it was gu who and in a lot of ways you could argue he put his foot in his mouth because social media didn’t take too kindly to his oh yeah his what he pointed out but he said and I’m paraphrasing here that let’s say Rory won a major he said it had to have an asterisk because the best players weren’t there yeah and then of course a field day of memes came out of that of course it’s like oh gu wasn’t there he quickly became one of the most hated guys on tour exactly now is this a true extending of an olive br anch are reaching out from the majors to live saying there’s going to be some sort of methodology for you to qualify in outside of world golf rankings or you tell them to put your money where your mouth is or is it a money where your mouth is situation well social media had a fi day with it like okay you want in let’s see how well you do against the best in the world right I don’t know I think it I think it I think the PGA is the PGA of Americas who host this yes I think it’s the PGA of America I think it’s more of a shining light for live and them working together as opposed to them being dirty like all right come on and put your money where your mouth is I think of all the majors the PGA is the more like the the loosest in regards to live yeah you know what I mean I feel like Ridder cup rder cup exactly so um I think I think well Augusta lets him in but I think Augusta hates Norman I think the open hates Norman for some reason right um but PG of America they might have like you said they might have a really great relationship and he’s just working with them and this is like a really good step in the right direction for him that’s what I think it is and really I mean all they need even even the door into one major cuz if these guys can get in if they can perform well in that major they could effectively use that to qualify into other majors and it’s a stepping stone but there’s no denying I think that there’s a certain and whether these are higher ups uh who made the decision or just a subset of just maybe even fans but I’m sure there are a lot of people who think uh who are saying like I I hope he doesn’t play well yeah and it shuts him up yeah um I’m not saying that I agree I’m never going to root against anybody to play poorly right um but he he was in the PGA Championship last year he missed the cut I think there’s going to be a lot of people who their backing of One Versus the other is going to be relying on how he plays like if he plays really well there’s going people saying see Live players chance to shine man yeah but a lot of pressure yeah no doubt a lot press it might fire him up it might fire him up imagine he does come out and finishes top three even wins it For Crying Out Loud Like The Narrative of that jeez huge yeah huge um it just but it like it either way it it changes the conversation in the way that now you’ve got live having a potential vehicle to get into M get invites in one way or another based on their performance over there so look for that to set precedent and to change some things dramatically I think it’s bigger news than than most people even realize at this point totally and this this week particularly I’m looking to see if the Michael block thing was kind of a fluke I don’t know what do you guys you guys think he’s going to show up again this year I mean he was the story of the PGA Championship more so than Brooks last year yeah you know isn’t that ultimately what we love about golf though the fact that especially these PGA or more so I love the US Open and the Open Championship they’re they’re true opens absolutely and anybody can come out of nowhere PGA professional can play alongside with Rory mroy and finish in the top 10 and get invited back next year it’s cool you just don’t see that let’s see if his game comes I hope he doesn’t miss a cut I hope the story stays that’s my take so lot interesting stuff to unfold but let’s just keep our fingers crossed that we are able to set some of this aside and put our focus on what could very well be uh a amazing you know major and some storylines that you know if who knows with Rory he’s coming into form winning two Rory by a billion I think it’s just it’s so hard like you know I think if anyone’s going to get it just Rory gets in his own way sometimes yeah is Scotty in the field or is he having a baby we know that baby’s been seriously we’ll see there’s so many story lines I think we’re in for a really good major we got an amazing venue in Valhalla uh this is going to be a really interesting one so hopefully this isn’t the talk the whole time and and my fingers are fully crossed that we don’t make it to a third or possibly fourth major without some sort of clarity of where this is going because all that’s going to lead to is more of this qu quarreling like we saw with Anthony Kim and brandle Etc but weigh in with your thoughts and comments below make sure you subscribe wherever you at your podcast we’ll see you in the next one


  1. These Guys are Multi Millionaires, Sponsored by Billionaires Printing money everyday. Why would I care about them anymore?
    I cared when they cared about winning. They are super Rich no matter where they finish. Why would they care?

  2. at this point it has dragged on so long, it seems like just another freemason psy-op designed to distract from real problems in the world, like how disney movies is purposely destroying their brand just for the controversy itself.

  3. To the fans complaining: suck it up buttercup.
    Golf is working out some hard things at the minute, but the sport is getting better as a result.
    Norman and Phil have been at this longer than you boys been alive.
    The reason the euro tour can’t sell out to the pif and LIv is because they already sold out to the pga tour.
    In time just as the pga tour brings over the top euros dp tour players.. and those players can still go back…the same thing will happen with LIv and the pga tour.

    The pga tour will sell out to LIv as they already sold out to a bunch of team owners from other sports.
    Only this sell out will mean something because the top pga tour players will be allowed to move to the LIv world tour and those players will also be allowed to return to the pga tour.
    The key in all of this is the pga tour needs cut its required events number in half to 7-8 from 15.

    Btw great breakdown on the Rory part of this.

  4. Money talks, we all know that. With regards to whether they 'really exhausted all options' my opinion is as follows:
    When you want to bring about change or feel you are worth more (not just the money side BUT also your personal life / health – essentially feeling you are more in control and a more even footing that is mutually agreeable.

    The problem was, which is by no means unusual, the PGA held the cards and knew they didn't have to be reasonable when dealing with players demands / requirements. They, PGA, do a great job for charities, the beat players were well rewarded and, hey, if it sint broke don't fix it. All employees / contractors across the full spectrum of industries / professions k ow that their employer is very unlikely to proactively offer better working conditions / hours / pay and other benefits like holiday and that you have to approach them. Now, with this in mind, if you approach your employer without the ability to play hardball (that would be you knowing you could go somewhere else and get what you want or close to it) then you are left with needing a combination of 'the hope that you are able to come up with your best bluff ever and they happen to be brain dead at that exact time. The PGA should have realised that they needed to respect the fact that there was a desperate need for positive research and trials to take place and that their support and encouragement would be pivotal to ensuring that the findings were transparent and done with no hidden agenda's.
    Instead, they were the opposite. They were determined from the outset to create the rhetoric, a very negative one, and arrogantly portray that they know best and that's it!

  5. Guys If a deal is done and Liv continues with 14 tournaments and Liv players can play In Majors.
    I cannot see top Liv players, lucky to play more than 4 other PGA EVENTS!!
    Jason Day 24 tournaments in 2023 won $7miil Cam Smith played 23 Liv eventsxwob $34mill!!!!
    Liv top guys no interest I going back to 24+ events a year

  6. The golf industry is doing fine. Broadcast viewership is down. That’s it. No big deal. Meanwhile, the PGA Championship invited Taylor Gooch with a world ranking in the 600s because he’s playing great on LIV. World rankings don’t matter anymore.

  7. Phil has been saying what he is saying for years before LIV. He attempted himself to improve the tour from within, they pushed back over and over and never changed. So yeah, he exhausted all options till LIV came along and gave him the nuclear option.

  8. PGA inviting Gooch is a precedent that hopefully sways the other majors to follow suit which will force the OWGR to transform into a fair and impartial global rating system.

  9. I am sick and tired of Brandel Chamblee, Phil Mickelson, Greg Norman, for me they have destroyed the fun of viewing golf. Brandel because of his big mouth and Greg and Phil as they are promoting LIV-golf that honestly…who really cares about the "LIV-teams" ? Anyone? And their 54 holes corporate shotgun golf? I have followed golf since 1976 and spent hours watching tournaments and tried to be enthusiastic for the FEDex cup (that I feel has not reached the format it should have since the beginning)…but now, I could't care less about who is playing on any tour PGA or LIV. Phil and Greg and the Saudi money destroyed a good game and the PGA are just so stubborn.

  10. I don't know if something as drastic as LIV was needed, but something was needed to get the powers of golf to wake up and recognize that the issues could no longer be ignored. We don't really know all of the players who asked for changes or the specific changes that were requested because it was all kept quiet but it was obvious that some players were getting frustrated.

  11. It was broken before, it really was a diluted product, the majors were of only interest and the big tour tourneys that tiger would enter, other than that, I never really cared if koepka battled against mcilroy for the Valspar, I love golf too, just too much shit on the go nowadays

  12. I think the tour has a great opportunity with the world golf championships, they really could of messed around with the format and try new innovative stuff at these tourneys, the players were complaining the match play was getting harder to play cause of the amount if rounds, maybe shorten that field, pump up the money, find unique was to get the world's best head to head in match play, or change them to team formats, they had a good opportunity I think and they still do, there's just a bunch of ego in the way right nowv

  13. Golf is not broken now, the whole world is now seeing top level golf because of LIV. One could argue it's never been better. Golf is now being played globally at the highest level. Well done LIV.

  14. Brandel Chamblee is full of himself. I like the idea of DP World and LIV joining forces. The PGA should have taken the meeting with Norman.

  15. The pga was a monopoly in us and is realizing that players and fans have something else. Im a golf fan but getting tired of chasing pga on tv golf channel peacock and then cbs. Liv go on line, cast it on tv and watch with less Comercial.

  16. Does anyone find it ironic that Jack and Arnie the greatest golfers of their generation were prime movers in creating the PGAT and now Tiger who in some circles is regarded as the greatest golfer ever is doing his best to destroy it.

  17. Please pardon the op-ed. You guys are pretty smart. So i thought i'd try some of my mere thoughts. The start leans toward geopolitics but it goes 100%to this Tour catastrophy ……

    Golfers think this is all business. Has anybody ever worked in large corporations or been in the geopolitical services? This is about power. POWER and only POWER. The US involved in the current Middle East problem is not about morals, it's about power.

    The PGA Management has exactly who they want on the Policy Board. Woods, Cantlay and Speith are 3 self-interest conservative Authoritarians who want everything to remain the same, with the exceptions always allowed that make them richer. Just like PGA Management, they don't want LIV/PIF anywhere in a deal where they can leverage a little power to take over the PGA someday.

    Rory sucks at timing. Now that he has had a reality check, he wants to be The Diplomat. Woods, Cantlay and Speith don't want any diplomats screwing up this total collapse of any progress with PIF. Hell, in the wee hours, they are probably thinking/dreaming they are Patriots.
    Is everybody stone stupid, or have you noticed that Diplomacy in the 2 conflicts the US is in, has been ignored, kicked, stomped, undercut, rejected outright …and the object of hatred by those in power. Mickelson knows this is BS going on and is appealing to his base. As the PGA Tour continues its collapse into obscurity, maybe they will get to the table so golf fans will have something to watch.

    Without LIV players, the PGA Tour is losing revenues hand over fist. And in a spectacularly stupid move, that everybody thinks is great…. the PGA of America "invites" some LIV players. Is LIV stupid? The PGA Championship will have a shipload more viewers and make a shipload more money. The cost? $0. Frack them. If I was Norman I would
    have been on the phone with the players continuously telling them to wait till the last moment, then withdraw. See how the viewership collapses in another Major. "If they give us spots, WE WILL CHOSE THE PLAYERS WHO GO TO THE PGA". PG of America, we have the power. You don't get the power to send fancy invitations, and if you're nice to us, we might send Gooch. I want to see how he'll do in a PGA field, now that he's advanced to the killer level. There's a real story there, and don't think The Golf Channel and NBC SPORTS won't work it. And they get that for….. free.

    This is horribly bad business. Just as long as PGA Tour Management makes their millions$ and select players add to their 100s of millions$

    Just as an aside, I teed it up a couple of weeks ago, it was the start of my 60th golf season. I'm a WWII kid and I watched first hand as the NFL merged with AFL. The ABA merged with the NBA. The NL and the AL became MLB. Each time the bickering was huge. Except we didn't have social media. But why did the impossible happen?

    SMART BUSINESS and more money than anybody could have had wet dreams about.

    And where is the lynchpin that makes this loss of Revenues and Earnings continue in perpetuity?

    As of April 25, 2024 the OWGR will provide rating points to the Clutch Pro Tour in the UK. The CPT will be the feeder for EU/UAE based Challenge Tour and DP World Tour.
    And they play 54 hole events.

    Since we're all Carnivore Capitalists here.. somebody ask these 8 revenue and capital destroyers what is their business problem with affording LIV golfers with points.
    People are under the delusion there is some moral/ethical issues at play here. Like this isn't the same as geopolitics, and it's about power. The money is just some arcane way of keeping track.

    This OWGR Board has to stop standing in the way, just because they have soiled their pants when some competition showed up after a 100+ year monopoly.

    The PGA Tour could all make more than a stinkin' $12B (their "valuation" of the PGA Tour") with the infinity of ways you could platform real competition, and the massive revenue streams that come from it. BTW, in this current state of affairs $12B isn't marked to market. It's marked to Tinkerbell. The Tour isn't worth spit and falling fast.

    The PGA Tour Management and Policy Board should all be fired, and would be if they ran an actual Corporation instead of one that has the screenplay of a Disney cartoon.

    Please explain a BUSINESS REASON why it isn't super smart for the LIV golfers to be given points.

    Hey folks here are the 2-bit schmucks who are blocking the future of golf…!!!!!! The Board of the OWGR
    Chairman – Peter Dawson CBE
    Augusta National Golf Club – Will Jones, Executive Director
    PGA European Tour Group – Keith Pelley, Chief Executive
    PGA of America – Seth Waugh, Chief Executive Officer
    PGA Tour – Jay Monahan, Commissioner
    The R&A – Martin Slumbers, Chief Executive
    USGA – Mike Whan, Chief Executive Officer
    International Federation of PGA Tours – Keith Waters

  18. Love your podcast !! But you guys are very PGA centric on your comments. A lot of the issues have being voice for years on the PGA and nothing change.
    Now there is another quality ( not perfect) tour and they go thru a bunch of changes in a year.
    I love golf , good golf! But still you can tell the PGA want to be the almighty in the golf world.

  19. Rory is on the transactional sub committee to sort out a deal with PIF. This is where the real power lies, that's why Tiger and Rory are there. The recommendations of this committee will be crucial to the future of the Tour. When you are in a war that you cannot win you have to reach an agreement favourable to both parties to end hostilities The sooner you do this the less damage done.

  20. All 3 feel.over intitled and are way into their own feelings. Fans are also tired of hearing them cry about money. They make plenty of mlions now to play a sport that many, many would love to be paid to do and to be as good. Get over yourselves and just play dam golf already before everyone stops watching. Views are at a all time low now for the PGA and LIV and still falling. People are tired of it.

  21. Brandel, Phil and all the other X men don't know whats going on and why should they, however they have one thing in common, an infallible belief they and they only are correct In the real world multi billion deals are not completed with reference to tweets by comparitive minions.

  22. Tiger is separating himself from Rory because Tiger has zero interest in reaching a compromise with LIV. Tiger can’t let anything happen that might take away from his phoney Simulator Golf League.

  23. What you guys never talk about is the fact that the separation is all because of the PGA. All players are used to playing 25 times a year or there about. The LIV guys could still play in 10 events if they wanted to. Rahm has said he would like to play in a few events.

  24. While I was typing below it came public that Jimmy Dunne is gone. He is absolutely 100% proof that PGA Tour Mgmt and Woods, Speith, and Cantlay have been, and will be, doing everything they can to delay, delay, and obstruct PIF/LIV from making any progress. They are happy and richer with the Private Equity Group, who are at best the solution of a few of years until they want their original money back with big profits. If the PGA Tour refuses to confront and compete head-up with LIV, they are not going to make enough cash to pay the Private Equity group at the pace it wants, and run their business at the same time. Can't do it. Barely can run their business. Looks like The PGA Tour will have to sell off assets. Like the 30 TPC courses and resorts they own and operate.

    Also it has been Herlihy and mostly Dunne who have been working with Congress. That work was crucial to the PGA Tour reorganizing into a new type of business structure. Rory finally got smart, and in willingness to hear PIF/LIV out, may be the only player still standing when the dust settles, and competitions BETWEEN LIV and the Tour prove they are the only path to raking in the big coin.

  25. PIF souds like kind of a scape goat for the PGA Tour for mocking the whole concept.

    However, PIF is present in professional football, and this year really loudly in ATP-tennis World Tour as well. Nadal made a M$400 deal for promoting the sport and ATP have had tour stop in the Middle-East for ages.

    If it’s good money for other professional sports, why would an American domestic non-profit golf authority care a sheite?

  26. Brandon Chamblee needs to go away and never be heard from again. As far as LIV and DP merging, LIV doesn't want to be relegated to a 2nd tier league.

  27. 😂 I'm glad Brandel pulled Kim about being derogative to women.. Prehaps Lisa Cornwell can confirm how he properly treats the ladies. The mans a hypocritical 🤡

  28. Love watching liv golf! Music,teams, shorts for God's sake, who wears slacks to the golf course when it's 90 degrees? That being said, I also enjoyed watching Rory win last Sunday, why can't we have both!⛳⛳⛳

  29. Read about how the pga tour worked against The Match… Phil and Tiger had to pay $1M for a release and reduce the prize $… pga tour execs are dictators that got caught with their pants down

  30. We just dont really care anymore about viewing figures as soon as the pga sold out it became laughable , golf will go on no problem for golfers .
    How many have heard of henry cotton , earnest jones the bruen loop or walter hagen ? Jimmy demaret or gene sarazen ?
    Golf goes on as golf , crazy stupid scottish game , one against all .

    Thats why no ones watching , that and watching scottie is like so yaaawwn …

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