Golf Players

Five Things About the 2024 PGA Championship with Kyle Porter | The Fried Egg Golf Podcast

Another major championship week is here which means our Five Things episode will get you ready for the PGA Championship. Andy welcomes Kyle Porter to delve into Rory, Scottie, Brooks, Bryson, Spieth, and yes of course, Blockie. They also cover the PGA Championship’s identity, how the LIV contingent will fare, and wrap up the episode with their picks for who will walk away from Valhalla with the Wannamaker Trophy.

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welcome back to another edition of the Fred EG golf podcast I am your host Andy Johnson and another major championship is upon us it is the PGA Championship week uh we are going to be heading to Valhalla I’m actually not going to be heading to Valhalla but the world of professional golf is heading to Valhalla Kyle Porter you’re not heading to Valhalla but we’re gonna go there in our minds today get ready for the PGA Championship with our typical five things preview Kyle Sporter of CBS Sports as well as the normal Sporter a newsletter that’s well worth your your subscription and uh you know I my favorite thing about having a free newsletter is telling people if they don’t like it I’ll refund them um but Kyle welcome on and thank you for joining me and uh and chatting about the PGA Championship are you ready for for the second major of the year I am I actually am going to Valhalla uh but I’m going I’m going a little bit later I’m going I won’t be there until Wednesday we of um so just later than than normal um I’m doing great I’m very excited about the second major of the year I feel bad for you um because you had for your first five things about the majors this year a master’s Champion a former PJ tour winner and now you have to deal with me for the second one so I I apologize for that well listen I’m I’m going for variety different different you know people that excel at different things you know we could we could have a little bit more fun than than the lead analyst that CBS could have on the Pod you know you’re that’s true you’re trying to you’re trying to make the the variance between the handicaps of people you’re having on as wide as as as humanly possible well I always enjoy our conversations I don’t you know you know there’s this Nom this uh this belief that you have to be so accomplished to talk about any sport you know I don’t think that’s necessarily a true statement I think that uh no matter what your skill level on the golf course you you know it’s it’s fair if you put the work in and I think you know one of the things I respect about you Kyle is you put in so much work in terms of uh preparation research and you know like I always like I’m seeing your tweets I’m like God he’s grinding on this stuff um so I think if you if you are a professional which I would say that you are very much a professional uh you know in terms of a golf media personality then it doesn’t matter how you play golf it actually probably helps you if you if you uh if you aren’t as good sometimes you think about things differently yeah no I appreciate that um I think I think it does help to be to come from outside of that sort of world it gives you a different Viewpoint I think what do you think about when we’ll get into the I know the five things here real quick but what do you think about when players whether it’s golfers or you see this I feel like in basketball and football a lot where players complain about what media sometimes say or write about them they’re call well you you never you never did this you never played you don’t understand like what what do do you have you noticed that and like what do you think about that I do think there is some of that in golf um I you know I think like we’re seeing a buddy of mine that I used to play pickup basketball with just wrote this uh book about um D3 basketball players who are are basically like running the NBA there’s like all wait was this the thread was this the TNT thre yeah that was amazing yeah but so he wrote this book and it’s like all about D3 basketball players that are now like they there’s this like huge amount of people that are running the game of basketball that didn’t play professional basketball and I think there’s an aspect of when you listen like in golf you’re never going to understand what it feels like to have a putt for $3 million or you know a major championship but when you’re short on skill you know what that usually usually makes people do it makes them work harder work harder and think more about how they can get somewhere right yeah like so I think that’s the the flip side of that that argument where you you need to have have felt that well like you probably haven’t thought about the sport as much as somebody who played D3 golf who was always wondering why they weren’t as good as you know the Phenom and because for the Phenom it’s it’s kind of like simple it’s like what What DJ says about Fades it’s like you want to fade it make sure you faded you know for for someone not as skilled they have to really think about like the tech iCal aspects of how they’re trying to hit a fade they can’t just naturally do it so I think there is like a I think we’re seeing it and across Sports is that you know being a great player doesn’t mean that you’re a great executive or a great analyst or a great mind and I think you know we’re seeing it come I mean like no laying UPS doing the simoc cast this week that’s I think that’s a huge step for golf um yeah it I think the thing that gets lost sometimes in a lot of like not just golf but basketball or baseball or whatever is those of us who are talking or writing or thinking about the game for a living we’re obviously not comparing you to us like we’re not compare I’m not comparing uh Ben like uh let’s say let’s just say Ben Griffin yeah I’m not comparing his game to mine like obviously he’s like five standard deviations better than I am at golf I’m comparing you to Rory and morawa and Brooks right because that’s like I’m talking about this subset of of of people not like I think sometimes as analysts and this happens on TV a lot you’re like like analysts or or broadcasters say oh these guys are all so good it’s like obviously like compared to you and I they’re unbelievable but that’s not the game that we’re playing we’re comparing them to each other and I think when you when you look at it through that context and through that lens it as long as you’re fair and you’re backing up I was talking to a caddy one time that was like hey brandle you know what he says some crazy stuff sometimes but he also does a ton of research and I kind of respect that like I I I I think as long as you’re fair and you’re and people understand you’re comparing players whether it’s in the NBA or golf to each other I just I I don’t buy into the whole well you you’ve never been in this position it’s like yeah of course that’s why I’m sitting here writing about it instead of playing I uh yeah exactly I mean like nobody would choose to be writing or talking about a sport versus being the athlete in the arena doing it right so there’s all and and that’s what happens with the retired players I think like there’s always that um there’s kind of that friction between you know like the friction with Shaq and and what Charles Barkley how they just let it let it fly in the modern players you know like just I mean they just they just let it go it’s like there are different areas like of their lives right um I don’t know I want to be clear though I said this I I meant to said a tweet out about this I think you’re the you’re the ultimate member guest partner no I’ve never played with a player of your ski skill level that has the sheer power and the explosiveness that you have I mean if if you if you’re an uncapped member guest situation where you don’t have the handicap uh discrepancy you want to win bring Kyle Porter because you got you got a guy that’s got 330 in the bag we we uh I’ll we can put my address in the in the in the show notes people people can send me their their club and I’m we open we’ll travel I will we’ll get an RV we’ll just take the family around the country and just hit up hit up some clubs this summer that would actually be a great book idea is like I hit the member guest circuit with my entire family in an RV and I played all these all these you know all these different clubs member guests that’ be amazing it would yeah that would be insane but yeah I’m I’m very very available all right that’s that’s you know what the PGA at Valhalla gets it gets an in in about you know golf media and uh everything just a couple housekeeping so last hosted 2014 um obviously that was Rory’s last major Rory beats Phil Ricky Henrik stenson’s on that leaderboard other major championships is hosted it hosted the 96 PGA Mark Brooks beat Kenny Perry the infamous 2000 PGA where tiger and Bob may had their Showdown duel one of the most memorable tournaments in uh I mean forever that yeah iconic moments so Golf Course wise not a ton to be excited about but we’ve seen this with the PGA countless times you know golf course you know can certainly help lift a championship but is not dependent on a championship so Kyle we’re doing our five things about the PGA what is your first thing or anything it doesn’t have to be in order none of mine are in order I got about seven or eight written down I’m going to I’m going to Riff Off yours here yeah I’ve got I’ve got six written down I I’m going to start actually with uh I’m gonna start with the live boys all right this is one of mine I think that you know we’re at an interesting this shouldn’t be that big of a deal because I think the pjf America has done a good job of putting a good field together I think one thing that gets lost I was talking about this with somebody the other day a lot of these guys that got invited got these special special exemptions from the PJ of America into the event that are on live they were in the tournament last year too and and you could argue like well they still had they were still top 100 in O wgr back then it’s like well yeah but they were also like Taylor gu got into the field la like got an exemp got invited into the field last year just like he did this year so I don’t know that it’s this Grand statement by the PGA of America but I do think because of what gu has sort of said there’s this weird Spotlight on the the sort of middle to lower tier of live player the the guys that aren’t Brooks and Rah and cam Smith who have all played well at this tournament uh in the past couple of years there’s a spotlight on the on the Patrick Reeds on the Taylor gues and and uh I just I think that’s I don’t know if it’s fair but it’s brought about because they talk a lot of trash about you know we need to be in the field where we this should be a thing and it’s like well okay let’s see how we do and in in the first Maj kind of the first really open big uh field major of 2024 yeah I I agree with this I think it’s actually like a moment for the other Majors whether it’s the US Open the Open Championship they get a chance to kind of sit back and see what happened and they get to make their decisions and I don’t think it’s necessarily like a smart practice to react off of you know what happens one week of the year but there you know there’s only four of these Majors so there AR it isn’t like an opportunity to have like a wide ranging sample size to to um really like make a decision off of but like in the terms of like burer gu you know people that you know don’t technically qualify if they play well I have to think it will help their case for other exemptions into whether it’s the open or the US Open if they play poorly I don’t know if it’ll have a neg negative uh impact but it I think it will be a like thing it’s like you know hey they didn’t play well we we still have this problem where it’s like a topheavy competition over there the bottom of lives really bad I mean I don’t think Anthony Kim’s helping the bottom of live no that being said she Wan Kim May the worst player in live history made the cut at last year’s PGA the worst player in live history what a what a statement I don’t know James Patt I saw I I meant to post this on Instagram I saw James Patt was like duking it out on the Minor League tour uh the other day and I just thought man from The High Flyers Phil Mickelson’s team to Minor League tour in less than a year that’s that’s tough that’s got to be a tough transition doing one day South Florida events against mini tour Pros after you were you know playing for $20 million a tournament with 54 guys or whatever you know yeah it’s it’s that’s brutal I you know I think the PJ Championship is also sort of uniquely positioned to invite some of these live guys right because the Masters is obviously very small and and has very specific and unique criteria the opens are they set aside opens right they set aside like half the field right for qualifying in and the PGA is is like the one that the bottom what fifth of the field fourth of the field is kind of just I don’t want to say filled in guys randomly but it’s just it’s just like kind of filled in with whatever they decide remember at kioa Ricky Ricky fower hadn’t qualified and he got a special exemption and you’re like well that that felt like a sponsor exemption almost right where where it’s it’s it was almost like a Tour event where you get these sponsor exemptions which I’ve come to really dislike specifically the Signature Events I think they’re I think it’s just not a great thing that’s a whole different conversation but the PJ Championship is very should we should we talk about Signature Events no no I do not want to uh the PJ Championship is very uniquely positioned to kind of have the loudest voice in some ways on the live debate and I think they’ve I I think they’ve handled it like fine I think they’ve in I don’t I don’t think they’ve invited anybody egregious and I think who they’ve invited has been like yeah if if this was everybody was still together these are probably the players that would be in anyway yeah yeah I and I think there is like uh I mean these guys deserve to be in the field yeah a lot of them I mean it it it’s and I think we need to like we’ve gotten to a point with professional golf where you know it’s so turned up onside upside down a lot of times what the reasoning behind anything it should be is does this make sense and I think this does make sense so yes I think that we’ve gotten too far down like the does this work does this work you know and it should be hey like this is this is the way it should you know this is this is the way it should be um all right my uh my first my first thing I alluded to it to earlier we’re not quite at 10 years of major championships we’re too short of of 10 years just because of the change of the schedule but we are 10 years removed from Rory’s last major win and it happened at this exact tournament Valhalla uh the PGA um I mean this is just a crazy story I mean if you go back 10 years like who would imagine that I I prepared a couple things from 2014 you ready for ready to get in the time machine and go back to 2014 I don’t know if I that feels like I mean personally it just feels like a lifetime I mean I only had like two kids then all right so couple things from 2014 it was like the it was really when Instagram started to pop up as like a real thing so Instagram was really taken hold in society and you know how you know that Instagram was taking hold what what was happening then of the the filters the ice bucket challenge oh gosh do you remember the ice bucket challenge yeah that was the uh that was the Rory and um what’s her name um uh Megan Megan marle oh yeah remember that yeah I do I do I didn’t even put that in there unbelievable so so yeah the Ice Bucket Challenge 2014 other thing Hunger Games was really big in 2014 wow Taylor Swift’s 1989 album came out One Direction was a big thing still done I think Nile Horn’s on tour more than some guys that have their card are on tour he’s everywhere Bill Cosby happened in 2014 wow and uh a big term that was that got kicked around what was it was on Fleck and bay bay became popularized then before anything else you know these are just a couple 2014 items as well as Rory’s last win I mean people tune in to hear two 40-year old men talk about the term Bay I think is why they listen to this podcast had had to get it in there I was this is you gave me five extra minutes this is what the five you you’re running five minutes behind this is what the five minutes I blame only I only blame myself for this then this is this is the research that was done in the five minutes um so yeah I I think this is obviously outside of you’ve got Scotty um I think this is the big story right you got this guy that was seemingly headed to 10 and yep I don’t think it’s crazy to see him get to six seven eight possibly you know he he ripped off four so quickly um and and I think he’s a better player now than he was then but to have him 10 years removed is I it’s to me the number one thing to watch here yeah I think there’s I think there’s three primary story lines at this event you mentioned two of them it’s Scotty Rory and then I think Brooks going for six is I would throw in there as well well but the Rory thing you know I think the thing you know don’t come to you and I for like uh objective Rory takes but I think the thing that is worthy of critique for him is not it’s not the last couple years I I think people looked at at St Andrews and they looked at LACC and they’re like dude can’t close and and and that’s not the takeaway the takeaway from that is that from 2015 to 21 he gave himself so so so few chances to win major championships and that that was like his age I think 26 to 32 major uh run man that’s your like major winning historically that’s like a really great time maybe toward the like end of your early 30s to win major championships and he gave himself almost no chances to do so 2018 master kind of there might have been one or two others that were sort of in there but I I I think that has been the real disappointment for him of the last 10 years is that 20 2015 to 2021 run you hear it in his when he talks about it you know like I’m giving myself so many more chances now um I think like the thing that’s challenging with Rory when you when you look at this is I think a lot of people and I it’s a it’s another one that I think is a storyline here but you look at someone like Jordan spe and you’re like maybe he just played his best golf at age 23 you know 22 that I don’t think you could look at Rory in the player he is now the way he can play a lot of different setups yep um and I don’t think you can look at it and say like you know what he was just way better then because I think he’s better now which is the weird thing about this whole 10year drought is that he has improved as a player it’s not it’s not the typical golf story of like oh he had it then and he doesn’t have it now yeah um and I think I think there’s like a one of the things if I really I think he’s giving himself more chances now MH but by he is missing a little bit of the old Rory that put the gas pedal down and just went yeah FAL is a great example of that right it was Phil and Ricky fist bumping Rory’s pissed and Sean Sean Zach used the term the other day he was so addicted to Club twirling that he they’ even Club twirl bad shots and you’re like yeah that was that was who he and and he’s talked about that like he he said I think uh he did a Q&A with Jeff Shackleford that was really good for the quad yeah Q Anda yeah it was excellent uh he said that was golf was my life like that was that was it and he’s like that’s not true anymore which I think is something that I’ve always I it’s hard to reconcile right because I admire that about him as a person that that’s not his entire existence like some of these guys but I think it can maybe prohibit him from you know being what he was at kiaa and what he was at um you know Congressional like some of these like six seven shot major championship wins I what’s crazy and you you’ve talked about this a lot elsewhere the idea of being that good for that long that you could W that you would even be a favorite to win Majors 10 years apart is really crazy and I think if he’s able to do it like let’s say he gets to six or seven even that’s one of the I don’t know if Phil good in terms of his Phil Mickelson good in terms of the longevity and the endurance there but to me it’s it’s kind of in the ballpark of something like that where it’s it’s so hard to be that good for that long and I think that’s been a pretty underrated part of his career so far the longevity is unbelievable um especially in this era where yeah I was playing with um I was playing golf with someone who’s probably going to be on PGA Tour next year yesterday and they were talking about like listen like everybody just wants to make money and be done mhm you know and I think like to have that long career now it used to be so much like well I’m going to keep making money because I want to retire to this lifestyle like especially right now in progolf like you see like the money these guys I mean Victor havin made what 50 million dollars or something last year he’s 26 he could be done yeah like that used to be a an extraordinary career he did it in a year um you know the with the money that’s there it’s not longevity now is a combination of of competitiveness passion for the game and talent which it’s never been that because you know when Hogan or Nicholas was playing you were playing no matter what as long as you could to maximize those earnings right like these guys are getting to retire sums of of money so early in their career like retire and live life exactly how you want to live life yeah sums of money so early that like the longevity thing it’s it’s more impressive now than it’s ever been I agree I mean I used to say this about uh Co so I I used to cover college basketball college football and people used to say like oh those college kids they just love the game and it’s like no that I mean maybe they do the guy that really loves the game cliche for sure but the guy that really loves the game is Kevin Durant is Steph Curry is LeBron who have made a a collective 780 million just on the court or whatever the number is and are still grinding and play and and getting after it like those are the guys that really love the game and I think the I think that Rory is one of those types of guys that really does I mean his his um like what he values is different now at 35 than at 25 but I think his love for the game is even greater if that I I think those two things can coexist and I think that they do with him yeah yeah all right what’s next on your list uh so I’ve got uh is wendham Clark for real and so I think there’s a couple things here wiam Clark’s is the number three player in the world and I don’t know that I don’t know if people can we adj can we just adjust that down to four for the just for the live community that will yell about John ROM okay four he’s a top five player in the world say and uh I don’t know how many of the Liv Community is listening to Andy Johnson Kyle por Fred EG podcast probably a lot of them ha haters ha ha is a uh is a wonderful listening mechanism for sure hate listen uh Windham Clark has had I mean if not for Scotty Sheffer he could have four wins this year right and I think that you guys talked about this a little bit off and on like if you look at the last 18 months like you go back to the beginning of of of 2023 he’s been one like unequivocally one of the three or four best guys in the world from not only the consistency but also the play at major championships and I think that you know people don’t love him for whatever reason whether they think that he’s I I don’t know there are several reasons maybe to not like him but I I think we’re kind of underrating what he is or could be and this is the type of this is actually the type of setup Andy at a PGA that I think fits him better than like a US Open which he won at Lac i i i he’s so his his I was looking at the numbers the other day he averages like 186 ball speed off the team or 185 maybe it’s something insane and at a big ballpark like Valhalla it just seems like that’s the type of thing that plays into his hands um very well if he can keep driver on the planet I think that’s the one thing where it’s like okay La is maybe a little bit more open so maybe that helps him out but I just I I think he’s in the middle potentially in the middle of a run that will back on and say man that was that was really impressive and it got overshadowed a little bit by all the live PJ tour stuff and by Scotty schur do you think that people aren’t Windom people and I think this goes with Scotty Sheffer too because those guys are just not Rory mroy or Jordan SMI do you think or even I think even like John Ram like do you think that is the more the the precipice of like why people aren’t that into them is because it’s just they aren’t the guys that they really want to win possibly by that do you mean they weren’t prodigies like because because yeah wendam and and Scotty were both very very good amers but they weren’t like Rory was a prodigy right and was a prodigy Rah was up there too and so it’s almost like they they they’ve come in a little bit later even though it’s still early by most PJ by most professional golf career standards and people are like wait a second who are you again is that like is that what you’re getting at yeah I I think I just think that there’s there’s like five golfers that people are fans of it’s like tiger Phil um Rory John Dy Jordan spe yeah John Daly I think is he playing is he is he still in this I think so I don’t know I I I I look up the field um but yeah there’s there’s only a handful of players that have real fans yeah so I think when anyone outside of those people win it’s like I like I don’t like this guy yeah or like nobody cares about him I think it’d be a hard thing to be one of the 10 best players in the world at something and realize that like the greater interest of the sport doesn’t really care about you well I mean this was such a thing in tennis for so long right where you could have been the fifth best guy and people are like what who you don’t even know like it was like Andy Murray and who else was the you know outside it it was like Stan vinka I can’t ever say his last name uh Del poo Martin del poo right and and just guys that you’re like this guy’s literally like one of the best that’s ever done this and people are like what where’s he from again yeah because the other three are such Larger than Life figures yeah I think there’s I think there’s for sure some of that I think I don’t know man I think about I think a lot about why do I actually think about this question of why do PE why do fans like a specific person more than another I think about that idea a lot and I think there’s some intangibles there that you just like a like a almost like an aura or a presence I’m reading this uh this Mickey Mano biography right now that’s very good by this woman named Jane Levy I hope I’m pronouncing that right but there’s a great quote in there where U one of his teammates said his Aura had an aura and I think that’s true with some of these guys it’s like well why like Jordan spe there’s nothing special about you know you look at Jordan spe and you don’t think like you know you look at Tiger and and you’re kind of like okay I I get it like he like from breaking some um race barriers from being like a Le like all this stuff spe is just like a normal looking white dude that’s really that was really good at golf at a young age but there’s some there’s something intangible there that’s impossible to explain that I I feel like plays into the way that we think root for and and talk about some of these guys yeah I um I would agree with that and then you know to your greater Windom Point Ian the guy’s been incredible and I I agree that this is a great fit for him and if you’re you know I always like to like it it’s like the back of the napkin if you just wrote down your favorites here I think it would go Sheffer and then in that number two spot like I it’s not crazy to have Windom there which is you know 16 months ago if I if you said this to you if I said this to you you’d be like that’s absolutely bananas yes yeah so I I think this is a great spot for him I think really like I mean what you said like without Scotty around this guy would be guy might be number one in the world M I know um all right I we’ve we’ve talked about him he’s going for the career Grand Slam I did not have this on my list I don’t think it’s worthy of being a this is I just have it because this are we at the lowest Buzz moment ever for a career Grand Slam like is Phil at the US open at Pinehurst gonna have more Buzz for career Grand Slam than this well there was one I think it was Beth Page where it was like yeah there’s there’s and then that he actually finished like T3 T3 I have that in here I mean he had so he had the whistling straight second which was like a duel and Jason that was awesome epic epic tournament that was spe at the height of his powers and and pro you know and Jason day really at the height of his pow that was a it was a great great tournament then you got the the completely noncompetitive best page I think he led the the field in like Strokes G putting by like an absurd number and finished like seven shot shots back I think that might have been like the very start of my just a guy take I I remember I think he played with uh I think he played with Brooks on Saturday CU they I think he somehow got into the final par I don’t think I think he was like T2 and I remember following them thinking like this guy doesn’t even know where the center of the club face is much less like is he able to find it I mean it it was shocking how bad he hit it and how good he scored um so yeah I think there have been other uh events that he’s PGA that he’s entered with aaka buzz but this is down there I think with with all of them last four pga’s t71 T30 t34 t29 so pretty pretty lackluster since that Beth Page kind of rabbit out of the hat but just in general I for a big name player going for the career Grand Slam yeah nothing Phil will have more Buzz at Pinehurst yeah well I just I I’ll go ahead and mention my next one this is my this is my third one because I think it plays into what you’re talking about I think pgaas have become a very like the PGA of America has a type if if if we want to say it like that and what I mean by that is is is golf course you know they’ve started going to these like big bronny beefy you know builtup rough golf courses and the that’s not great for Jordan spe you know it it pretty narrow Fairways yeah it lessens the the I think the number of guys that could potentially win the tournament which I think can be actually good for your brand overall for the Casual fan because they want to see the Brooks and the havin and the Sheffer and the Rory um but it’s it’s I don’t know that it’s great for the game specifically and I and I definitely don’t think it’s good for Jordan spe and his you know with haven’t talked about it a ton I know it’s been talked about behind the scenes but I think the rist thing is not nothing and to and to be at a at a a tournament like this where rough’s grown up and you’re just kind of hacking sometimes I I don’t maybe they won’t grow it up like they did at oakill I haven’t seen any we haven’t gotten our first rough video yet but it’s coming just got be right around the corner might might be out before this is released I don’t I don’t see this as being a very good fit for Jordan Speed yeah I I don’t I don’t see it being a good fit I just and I do think I do agree with your your take here about the about the type I mean there’s there’s some golf course similarities um but you know I think it’s the Cary hag era of setup and I think he gets a lot of credit for um the Championships he produces and the the fairness and you know all of that but I will say that like there is no Evolution it’s it’s kind of the same Playbook year and year out and I think like outside of like I think you put like kiaa kind of in its own box and in Southern Hill I thought Southern Hills was great too um in terms of like variety of golf courses but now we’re heading into this this Murderers Row here of Valhalla and Quail Hollow um where you know you know what you’re going to get um and and I think the PGA in in a sense like you have your it’s like a souped up PGA Tour event right it kind of feels like what the players wants to be you know a major that’s really just a a a bigger PGH War event but I would argue that the players has more going for it in ter like from that standpoint than the PGA because it’s got I think TPC s do what it’s the recognizability of the course yeah and I think TPC sass can offer more variety than some sometime not then kiaa or Southern Hills I agree with you on those but you go oakill Valhalla and quallo right in a row and it’s like I is that kind of just all the same golf course in different locations you know that that can be what it uh what it feels like at times what what about Harding Park I I’m not as deep on Harding Park I think Harding Park would fill file under this type of golf course okay valala very you know like from an architectural features thing like Harding Park’s like about rough yeah it’s rough and heavy air yeah and you know I uh I think like here you’ve got you know some hazards some bunkers but it’s going to be it’s it’s an execution tournament um and I think that’s you know I’ll go to go to one of mine here um we’re just knocking these down that’s the thing when you when you don’t have when you’re not you know Trevor you know he he’s we’re we’re just flowing going one to one you know you brought up Trevor and this is this is what media we’re two media Pros here we’re just going knocking down uh down things here but the uh I I’ll say like this is you know Brooks Kea right when we when we start to zoom out of like the Brooks Kea archetype is he’s got the chance to go down as the greatest PGA player of all time which I don’t know what that means to the grand scheme of things I think I I think anybody would want to be the best Masters player the best Open Championship player but like you know he’s got three of these things it feels like a really good chance for number four with him winning the live event uh last week and seemingly turning some turning some Corners with his form I think he’s got to be in your your first five favorites first three favorites really um and like you start to look at it if he gets another one it’s Jack with five Walter Hagen with five which Walter Hagen was playing in when it was match play and then you got tiger with four and and Brooks is right there like you know this is this is a an insane thing he’s going for the six major um he’s doing it in a completely different way than anybody we’ve ever seen we’ve never seen somebody with such low volume of wins with such a high volume of major wins right yeah and I I just think these the one of the things like we could zoom out 20 years from now and be like you know what like Carrie ha just you know his setup philosophy was just tailor made for Brooks Kea and I think there’s also some intangibles there with Brooks his demeanor his his attitude his um and a lot of it his talent um but these tournaments just like I mean this one just seems to be just absolutely perfect for him yeah for sure Carrie hag Brooks The Brooks Whisperer seriously I think the you mentioned the the three guys that have won four more pgaas tiger Jack and and Walter Hagen I’ve got another number for you here since 1980 so that’s what last 40 almost 45 years only one golfer has won six Majors by age 34 and obviously that’s tiger tiger and Brooks just turned 3 before you know the thing that I wrote about him last year after he wanted oakill was you know he joined I think it’s a a group of 20 guys that had won five majors and 20 is just you know I wrote five Majors is so many and 20 guys is so few like it’s just so like every level now is a different I mean he’s he’s a couple away from Arnold Palmer which is just crazy at his age I mean this is the age that Phil started winning majors and Phil got to six now do I think Brooks is going to have the the career longevity of of Phil I I don’t but I think he said something interesting after he won lived Singapore Andy and that was he talked about he gave this quote about how I’m willing to go to a place that not a lot lot of other guys are willing to go and that can come off a little bit as you know just Brooks being Brooks and saying his cocky stuff and whatever but I do think that his willingness to enter a mentality of committedness and discipline to each shot at the majors is really admirable and I I I kind of theorized the other day does his willingness does the energy he expends on committing to every shot and being that focused at major championships almost take away from like he’s just unwilling to go to that place at other tournaments which is why he doesn’t win as much and I I think I think that might be the case like I think he’s just unwilling to expend that energy mental or emotional or whatever it is at majors at a random well former formerly a random PJ Tour event and now a live event it’s it’s similar to like what we see with playoff basketball and playoff hockey yes right like everybody like oh playoff hockey is the best nobody could play playoff hockey like this for an entire season correct and maybe that’s that’s just the the way it is same with playoff baseball same with I mean the NBA like just the the attention to detail possession to possession that these guys have in the NBA Playoffs is just at a whole different level and the intensity is I think that’s that’s the thing and I think there’s like there’s also an aspect of golf is that there are there are people that when that intensity ramps up do turtle a little bit and there’s also the as the intensity wraps ramps up in golf one of the things that I always appreciate is that it always always shows the weaknesses of players and I think when you look at Brooks he’s extraordinarily well-rounded he might not be the best driver of the golf ball the best iron player the best short game player or the best putter but when it comes to putting all three all four of those aspects of the game together there are very few people that have as you you know there’s no holes you know the putter was an issue when he couldn’t practice or Crouch down to read putts but like I mean like when he gets going on a in in a major run the putter is just it’s one of the best things he has is that that like he just he fail he always he just never gives stuff away when he’s going and yeah and it’s just that allaround Talent you see it with Scotty too uh is that like if you do everything really well it’s hard to play poorly when especially when the when the level of setup and and competition goes up so I think with Brooks like he always talks about how he’s an athlete maybe his approach to golf is just that like I’m not going to expend all my energy winning this event that I don’t really care about because I know I need in the long run I need to save it for the majors yeah I think that’s I mean I’ve tried to come up with ways to explain it because it’s it’s historically inexplicable it just doesn’t it doesn’t if you win this many majors you win at a clip like Rory which is 25 times on the PGA tour right and do you remember uh AA when I compared him to Eddie toiny when he was squatting down catch or reading putts and then Eddie Toy’s wife reached out to me on Twitter she did yeah she said uh she said hey Eddie’s uh she tweeted this this was it was extraordinary one of my favorite Twitter moments ever she said hey my husband’s not on Twitter uh but he just he appreciates that somebody remembers his career he’s out he all he does is fish now so I’ll tell him that you said this it’s amazing what an insane moment Eddie toiny so if he if he wins this he joins Travino if he wins another major he joins Travino Faldo Mickelson at six MH it he’ll be one of 16 players and I think the other aspect of this that you have to bring up six today feels a lot bigger than six in 1990 yeah that’s going to get some people bothered but it does I think I think that’s right it’s hard to look at an industry historically where you infuse this much more money and it didn’t eventually become more competitive and I think with with Tiger’s entrance 25 years ago you’re seeing the realiz like and when money started flowing in you’re seeing the realization of that of that competitiveness it’s just more it there’s just more good I don’t know that there’s more great Elite like generational players but there’s more really really good players I I think and it’s more competitive now than ever um I don’t you know I think the other thing is is the Brooks versus Rory thing I think right now even though Brooks has more Majors you would say Rory’s had a better career because he’s won more types of majors and he’s just won more worldwide and it’s longer and it’s longer but you start to get two or three ahead in majors and that that becomes a different conversation and you have to say like you have to look at is Brooks the best player of you know like the last well the post tiger time and then you know Scotty enters that at some point as well you want to talk about Scotty yeah I the what has the baby come yet I don’t Friday it’s Friday afternoon I don’t love delving into like personal life gestational periods or anything like that but I wasn’t she due like at the end of April I don’t know I think this is the whole thing and I think Scotty was pretty gunshy31 because if he if he gets it like right after if he if we if he was 2 weeks into Parenthood I think it would be harder than if it’s like the baby comes and it’s like you know what I got this major championship I I I was here for the for the birth and now I’m going to do my thing then if you’re I you know I I think we talk a lot about this but like golf is such a mental game that like changes in life do matter with how you process how you think it’s just such a it’s not re it’s not a reactionary sport it’s not it’s not basketball where you know you’re making split-second decisions and it’s all instinctually based like their thought and and having a kid changes the fabric of a person and everybody likes to use perspective and and what it does to you know perspective can hurt you too it’s like what what uh I always go back to the quote about experiences and all like it’s cracked up to perspective can also it can make you worry more it can make you you know it can make you think about things differently and for a golfer that stuff like really really matters but like the longer this baby takes I think the better it is for Scotty like I think it’s like it’s it’s fit like I think it would if there was any negative potential of having a kid impacting Scotty is if the kid came two weeks ago and he’s like into three week three of being a parent and you’re just head spinning like this is crazy I’m getting up at you know I’m sure they’ll have a night nurse but like I’m getting up at 3 in the morning and having these problems I haven’t slept through the night for two weeks you know yeah I do think you know just the Euphoria of having a child like could almost like yeah you I agree with you like you go to the PGA and you’re like oh this is an amazing life experience I want to go win the it almost it almost like this sounds weird but it almost frees you up a little bit to to go to go play um I remember I played I played round of golf like right before um my daughter’s birth and I my head was like the the only we had a we had an induction um so like I had the date was or a C-section we had like the date like you know mhm set and I was playing like golf like maybe the day or two days before and I mean my head was in a blender I was so far away from the golf course and I’m not comparing playing a major to that but but I remember the round after it was like oh I’m playing like I was so much more free so I think if this this kid come I hate that we’re analyzing it to this and not just talking about the she but like you know like from like from the golf perspective like he’s the best player in the world right now it’s without a doubt and it would be it would be crazy if he’s not in contention but you know I you know you don’t know the kid Dynamic is going to be it would be funny if if Taylor gu got in the field but there was still an asterisk on this major because Scotty didn’t play yeah I mean it’s not at this point is it is it out of the question I ju I literally just got a text from some different people that they they think that it did that this has happened now okay this is a couple people removed so I don’t I don’t know but you’re in the Plex you’re you’re right there yeah I need to just I need to start dialing into some you know generating some hippo violations just see what see what’s see what’s going on in the in the Metroplex I think listen I think the story with Scotty we’ve already discussed I think one half of it which is like where’s he going to be at mentally is he even going to play all that I think the second half is I I genuinely think the the Grand Slam is in play and that sounds crazy I I think it’s almost impossible to win the Grand Slam in the modern I mean nobody’s ever done it right and especially in this era which we talked about I think is probably more competitive than ever and it’s so it’s extraordinarily difficult but he is playing at a level that I think people are not and and he was doing this last year Andy he he did this last summer and the putter wasn’t there but it made me it made me go back and look at some of Tiger’s years and I compared it to I think it was 06 tiger where he won like his last six events of’ 06 and he was they were playing at the exact same level Tia green tiger was just started putting better and now Scotty’s hit that run where he’s putting it better than he was still not great but good enough and better much better than he was and he’s won four of five and you know if spe can get Within do you get within four guys of winning the Slam in 2015 he lost to four guys that year three at the open and and Jason day I don’t think it’s crazy I don’t think it’s inconceivable to think that Scotty could take it to Pinehurst which would be it’d be a really really cool story to to have the slam alive going to Pinehurst for the the third major of the year I mean when you talk about course fit I think this one is it’s every course is a great fit for Scotty but this one might th mod back a little like in terms of spectrum if I was going to build a golf course for Scotty it’s like Augusta I think Pinehurst number two is like an extraordinary fit because that’s going to be such a ball striking you know it’s it’s going to be about getting up and down and hitting really good iron shots and I don’t know anybody that’s that’s better at those two things it’s like Scotty cam Smith like if if Cam Smith’s playing real really on his game like that Pinehurst um setup is going to be really Dynamite for him and then you go to trun like I definitely think it’s like one of those years it I if I was if I offered you a bet double digit players beat Scotty sheffler in Majors like and if somebody beats him twice it counts as two you know yeah right um double digit players beat Scotty shefflers in all four Majors this year would you take the over or under of that I would take under because we’ve seen it happen not just with spe Brooks did it recently or it was close it was like right around 8 n10 and Rory did it recent Rory did it in um it was again it was close it was 2022 he finished second at the Masters third at the open and he was like top seven I think in the PGA and the US Open as well so we’ve had a bunch of guys that are close and he’s already yeah I would take the under honestly which is that seems insane like that seems like a crazy thing insane thing to think about like I played these four the four hardest golf tournaments with the best players in the world and only Five Guys beat me all year well I I think the it’s and it’s not for me it’s not just about this year necessarily if you go back to I’ve got the numbers right here if you go back to 2020 uh at the majors uh so the start of 2020 he missed the US Open that year I think he had covid but he is about a half stroke better from Tia green at the majors than the next best guy he’s he’s 2.72 from Tito green salvatores and Rory are 2.26 T green that’s 2.26 Strokes gain per round so he is what is that two strokes per tournament better than the second best guy from TAA green over the last four years that’s that’s an enormous difference and yeah I mean a million people have said it but the putter is good enough right now that and I think mentally he said this after RBC Heritage he he said mentally I’m just in the best place I’ve ever mentally and emotionally I’m in the best place I’ve ever been in and I think you can you can see that he just looks so much Freer than he did even earlier this year when he was like I remember Bay Hill he missed a couple putts early and he was like just it’s uh it’s super super frustrating and he just looks like he’s playing incredibly free golf right now yeah yeah it’s uh he’s in the best place it’s it’s what you always say about golf when you get it going it feels like you’re never going to lose it when you lose it you feel like you never going to be get it back and he’s at this stage where it’s like so and conceivable I’d be surpris honestly would you be surprised be more surprised if he won or more surprised if he shot a round over 71 next week um more I for sure more surprised if he shot a round over 71 I think these are the types of questions that like get to where we’re at with Scotty right yeah he’s done he’s only done it I think three times this year now I maybe vahal is set up crazy and I I don’t you know I might change that answer next Wednesday but I don’t think it’s I I I mean these PGA are usually you know 8 to 8 to 14 under right yeah uh John Daly is in the field by the Way Insane is your do you um can I talk about my number one story yeah blocky no Scotty was my number one I did I did want to give a mention I don’t know how many I’ve done but I did want to give one quick mention uh because I think this guy is kind of in a good spot right now and that’s that’s uh the old thick boy the newly Bryson the newly Slim Boy Bryson um played really good at the Masters he played very good at oakill last year that oakill last year was kind of the the beginning of this new whatever we version nine of him I don’t know what version we’re on but you know he is um I’ve called him the high king of content which he is uh it’s not enough for him to win The Masters he has to win them he has to win The Masters with 3D golf clubs which is outrageous but he you know this is when I say hey there’s like six guys it feels like that could win it I I I would actually throw Bryson in there I think he is just so well set up for for PJ championships at courses like this and I’m fascinated to see how he plays I I yeah I agree I think like I was talking to somebody yesterday about this is like do I do I love Bryson no do I really love him for my job yes and I think like when you think about Bryson like life is life’s hard um the way he was entered into the game it was with like all these high expectations and and most importantly Brands pushing this idea that he’s changing golf he’s this innovator he’s all this and you know it was met with a lot of skepticism a lot of hate and you know I I certainly was you know one person that was pretty you know outspoken calling [ __ ] on some of the stuff that was being being purported but the I think like you’re seeing Bryson as he enters this I think he’s late 20s and that’s when you as a person start to figure out who you are I mean I didn’t know who I was until like late 20s early 30s I I was not like really sure what what I was going to do with my life what I was going to do like how I was socially like who I how I fit in you know everything and I I think that like when you talk about like I don’t think it get and I think like mental health got obviously it’s gotten a lot of run lately in in in sports but there is this idea of like I think one of the hardest things about being an athlete is like you’re expected to be this person and every move you make is is under a microscope at an age when you’re still trying to figure out what life is and who you are and I think with Bryson like I think I think the the live thing honestly like he took a big pag bag of money he got ostracized for it and I think he was like shocked at that but I think like from and I’m guessing that like I just think that Bryson wants to be loved I think that’s like what at his core he like wants people to like him I I believe and you could you probably would remember wasn’t there a quote one time where he was like I was kind of shocked at the reaction of me going what happened was that him that said that uh yeah I think it was on a I want to say it was on like a conference call or something um I do remember what you’re talking about I don’t remember where when it was though but you think about that and and I you know you grow the most as a person when you have these mo low moments and for for professional athletes especially golfers that have are phenoms like Bryson like there aren’t a lot of low moments in your life and I I think like I think we’re seeing the best version of Bryson like am I going like do I want to hang out with him probably not would I like to talk to him about golf yeah like he he’s he’s a very interesting person but like I think you’re starting to see the best version of him as a golfer ALS Al the most aware as a person and he’s becoming himself he’s becoming comfortable being himself and I think that is a really powerful thing for for your golf game when you are comfortable in your own skin especially playing at major championships and and I just think like you know like for Bryson like we could he has had an amazing career already we we might look back and say like the next five years might be the best part of his career and I think that’s not off the table I think he’s playing I think from in terms of like who he is as a golfer he is a better player now than he was a while ago like even when he was winning you know even that US Open where he just bludging I think he was pretty onedimensional I think he’s get I think the YouTube stuff’s really making him a better player we’ve talked about YouTube improving your game gestational periods we’ve covered the we’ve Run the game here I I think you’re right about Bryson I I you know I think it’s actually I think you can make the case that it’s more rare for a for a player of his in the type of Spotlight that he was in to mature at a Rory or spe rate and it’s actually more common to mature like to mature at a Bryson rate now I think the thing that hurt him more than maybe some other guy like tiger didn’t mature really when he was that age he just had people around him that protected him from the right things or from the wrong whatever however you want to say that and Bryon I don’t know that he’s had those people around him and so he has just looked a lot worse and he’s yeah not self-aware and all those different things but I think it’s very um insightful for you to say like yeah it’s very hard to mature into who you’re going to become and even more so when you’re in the spotlight and even more so when you don’t surround yourself with people that kind of save you from yourself yeah yeah I think like I when I as I zoom out on Bryson’s career and I think we’ve gotten to the stage where it’s possible and we’ve seen kind of different versions like the failing of Bryson early in his career were the brands and the people that were around him that didn’t protect him from the brands and and and himself right I think that’s the thing is like when you you look back on everybody’s career there are moments in time where there are you know you’re going to have regrets on different things and they didn’t handle things the right way um you know and for Bryson it’s going to be there was a period of time where like you didn’t have the right people in his ear or he lost sight I think like you have to blame him too he lost sight of who the right people are cuz obviously like he’s rededicated to what got him there the last year and a half and uh and he talked about that a lot at last year’s uh PGA Championship uh one last thing I think like we got to this point where it was like kind of everybody we felt like should have won a major had won a major I feel like this is like a constant e and flow with Majors where like people start to get one and it’s like oh yeah like like when Sergio won it’s like yeah he deserved a major right yeah you know and and it’s like oh Scotty got one like well he’s he he belongs and we’ve had like this run of of different guys but like I feel like we’ve got the the pen is starting to fill back up with people that haven’t won majors and you got havin Xander Klay and I think it’s way too early to put ludig in there but he’s gonna naturally go in there just because of the talent level you got maxom who’s playing really really great golf F now yeah so I think that’s just one thing I have in mind is is is that I think that lately and and very welld deserved the the focus of of majors has been around a couple guys and we haven’t even mentioned John ROM who can’t be happy you first mentioned at minute whatever 60 of this pod or 60s something of this pod but um we have we’ve kind of refill the tank of of guys that are are you know really talented players without major championships and I think that that’s a you know we I think firsttime major winners when they’re really welld deserve firsttime major winners is always a fun story who who is that is it Xander that’s the most deserving major winner I think so what do you think I mean havin was so good last year but Xander’s been so good for five years well Xander Xander statistically I think is the most deserving I think if you actually watch golf it’s hins up there fleetwood’s probably up there um just in terms of like major play like Xander Xander I mean we’ve talked about We’ve joked about it a bunch but you know he’s got all these top 10 at Majors but like when did have you ever thought oh Xander’s GNA win this major championship maybe the open uh molar is open at Cari eight That was cuz tiger kizner Molinari that’s when be got the haircut yeah they I think spe and Xander were in I think they were in the last yeah pairing and he and he had that wasn’t that didn’t he have the baby cry when he had that chip right remember that I think that’s right um and so Rory was in that one that was actually one that Rory could have won yeah he was T1 with like four holes left Rory has a million he could have won if he was out in 27 well yeah I did love Joel Beal’s tweet at the Masters happy if Rory goes out in 29 to all who celebrate day it’s so yeah I I but yeah I think Xander maybe I I mean havland is recent but I don’t feel good about where he’s at right now with his golf game seems like he’s lost in the woods I heard he moved back to Stillwater did he yeah he left the swamp I think he’s oh I did my so my parents live in still water and my dad said he saw him the other day at his at where at the place that he plays yeah I think he’s back I think he’s back in stillw okay it was a shortlived swamp experiment just a tour you know you know where he a stay in the swamp do you know no so you know this guy made $50 million he decides decides to move to the to Jupiter and he was renting a room from Chris Ventura really former teammate former teammate player on the corn fairy tour so this guy guy makes $50 million that’s incredible and he’s a room off his colge that’s like when uh that’s like when Ricky and cam Goa used to room together yeah I think they used to live together in Florida but did Ricky own the house I mean like I I don’t know H yeah probably you would think that that it would be the opposite that Chris vur is renting from from vict maybe he was maybe he’s trying to help him out maybe he was overpaying him or something it’s it’s just an amazing it’s just there’s so many great like Victor’s just a normal dude stories but story but like the idea that like any anybody that’s got you know I mean his net worth with sponsorships and everything’s got to be through the roof right now he move he decides he’s moving somewhere and he moves in with his his former teammate and rents a room there are there are I was just thinking about Still Water he could buy like 600 acres in Still Water he could buy like half the town I did laugh I forgot I think it was shagun star where you guys talked about how Victor showed up at the at the wrong Club yeah yeah down in the swamp that’s incredible I I love the idea of the other club president the the that just being like getting like a call and being like Victor hofman’s here to beat with you and being like okay sweet go talk to I no basis of why he was there I am bummed he’s he is I’ve talked to a couple people that it just feels like he’s the Lost Boy right now and that’s a bummer he was so I mean I you think back to a year ago he kind of stared kka in the eye and hit one bad shot you know on 16 on you kept waiting for him to fall apart and he just never did until the very end yeah that this the getting out of the bunker on the the Fairway bunker on 16 he I thought he was really impressive and it it made me think like man this guy’s going to win a major in the next two years and then he just he went and tore everything down and and he and his reasoning was insane he was like well I just he he basically said I was playing too good I didn’t think that was sustainable and you’re like well that seems kind of fatalistic isn’t this the isn’t this why Scotty seems so sustainable yes is that like when when you when somebody ask Scotty what he’s working on he’s like same thing as always same thing I’ve been working on for years grip set up it’s like nothing can go wrong if you’re if that’s your mentality if you know what you’re working on and it’s all fundamental based like the idea of playing the best golf of your life like and this happens all the time in golf it like there’s there’s dozens of these stories it’s like I mean tiger is an example of this you get you’re the greatest player in the world it’s not even close and you decide to just like reinvent your golf swing yeah I think like this is a crazy phenomenon you know it just speaks to the the you know every I always get these you always get the people that like you know I’m not any good at golf it’s like well here’s the thing Victor havin was probably the best player in the world in August and he didn’t think he was any good at golf and decided to reinvent himself yeah and I think I think this is actually a Scotty like I think there’s a point to be made about Scotty here where the footwork it looks crazy and you’re like that he he can’t keep doing this but it’s actually the other way around it actually keeps him from trying something else because it’s so it’s so like he owns it so much that he he would be probably bad if he tried any it’s almost like Jim furick right where yeah the swing is so wonky that he he can’t do any like this is it like this is what it is and I think you get these guys that are so obsessed with becoming better and so confident in their own ability to do so that they go down past that they shouldn’t be going down we’ve seen it a million times and it help it helps guys like Scotty that they have this weird trait this weird thing that they do because it keeps them from those paths I think yeah yeah it’s uh it’s wild all right are you all out of things I’m yeah I emptied the emptied the notebook what um who’s your pick to win Scotty yeah I’m I’m gonna take Brooks just for variety’s sake very brave the five time major winner I do think it’s good Rory week he’s coming in playing well it’s always good Rory week yeah oh either any of those three would be very historically cool you know like I think if you if you if you’re one of if you’re us you’re in the media you want something that’s historically relevant and fun to write about and talk about and think about and any of those three whether it’s the slam Rory getting finally getting his fifth or or Brooks getting to six is is like really crazy any one of those storylines the um who would who’s your worst case scenario real legitimate worst case scenario uh legitimate worst case scenario uh blocky I think um I mean if blocky are you betting blocky to make the cut or miss the cut no miss miss miss uh I think it is is it is it like a uh well how legitimate does it have to be I don’t know I don’t know it’s it’s just a throwaway question like I think I think a Nick Taylor that’s there’s no way he’s I mean he’s he’s really good I don’t know I don’t think is is is T I think there’s like six guys that can win this tournament I agree I mean I’ve been say I think it’s like Scotty Rory Windam Rah ludvig Brooks Bryson Bryson and then maybe Xander like I cam Young seems like he could win this thing too yeah right yeah but like there aren’t I don’t think there’s a lot of people that could actually win yeah and maybe I’m wrong but like it’s the old thing with Brooks what he used to say which I think he got a lot of heat for it but it’s like the exact way that someone who’s really good at golf thinks about golf tournaments yeah so all right Kyle um people read people can read your stuff at CBS Sports they can they can listen to you uh they can re I I think everybody should sign up for the normal Sporter um you got anything else going on you gonna be doing video too for CBS Sports I assume next week yeah we’ll we’ll have a a set out there with Rick gimon and Joe muso who’s our host uh we’ll be doing some video from Valhalla but yeah the the newsletter uh Twitter CBS newsletter’s been where I kind of just dump all the crazy ridiculous fun stuff and I I really enjoy kind of the the the creativity that can happen there so awesome I’ve been enjoying it and uh thanks for doing this absolutely


  1. The Fried Egg didn't do a featurette video of Valhalla because the course is an overrated piece of shit. Neither did Golf Digest do an "Every Hole" video. Pretty telling what the sophisticated golf community thinks of this course

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