Tiger Woods must ‘keep his options open’ on PGA Tour | Live from the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

Brandel Chamblee, Paul McGinley, Jaime Diaz and Rich Lerner discuss Tiger Woods’ future, questioning what the all-time great will do with the remainder of his playing and off-the-course career. #GolfChannel #PGAChampionship #TigerWoods
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Tiger Woods must ‘keep his options open’ on PGA Tour | Live from the PGA Championship | Golf Channel

typically the US Ryder Cup captain has been announced no later than February at least based on the last five and we’re in the miday Haim Diaz joins us now how do you see it Haim well I think tiger wants to keep his options open and he’s got two main priorities obviously he wants to play these Majors as well as he can and I think at this stage it takes all he’s got to do that full commitment uh and then secondly he wants to do a good job at a very crucial moment in the history of golf uh with this negotiation and be part of that now if he doesn’t play well enough and his body feels like or he feels like his body’s giving out you know perhaps he eases off on the commitment to playing and that gives him room to be a Ridder Cup captain that could happen the same with the negotiation if it goes more smoothly than anticipated perhaps he’s got room to do that uh but I think there’s other reasons too where he might be hesitant I think he does want to play and drop some heavy H and said he wants to play PGA Tour Champions and especially win the US Senior Open and that would give him 10 USGA champ ionships would break a tie with Bobby Jones and be the alltime leader in that regard also he might if he were to play in if he were to be the captain that would be done at the end of September in uh 2025 his birthday is December 30th 2025 that’s three months to really get ready but ideally the guys who’ve gone to the senior tour and done well have had more time than that Lee trino said you know the six months he took to really get ready that’s what gave him a flying start tiger might be you know giving up on that the third thing is New York New York is more time cons assuming more attention more of a commitment uh it’s very possible and let’s not forget that Phil Mickelson was the first choice to be in most people’s mind to be at Beth Page not tiger Ireland in 2027 might be actually more logical for Tiger he’s very close to JP mcmanis who owns a d Manor the other thing is he could become the captain to break the ice on winning on foreign soil first once since 1993 uh 2000 excuse me uh 1993 excuse me so all those things I think are in his mind and he’s calculating heavily and uh you know he’s got uh The Leverage to wait but obviously time is growing short poly uh you’ve been a rider Cup captain you think tiger should take this why or why not well obviously we we all know on both sides now the amount of work taken uh taken up uh to be a rer Cup captain is just absolutely huge so uh it’s a huge uh time constraint uh sorry time pressure uh on you and uh personally I don’t think I’ve I’ve said this before um I think this is the last throw of his dice to him’s point in his career uh on the main tour uh he’s coming back from serious injuries uh not just to his ankle but also to his back um the rehab that’s involved uh the commitment it goes back to the intensity and the focus to be to be you know to be a a somewhat successful golfer and there still you know he really believes he can still win on the PGA tour and maybe even a p maybe even a major championship so you know if I was him and I was thinking like him I would I I would I would love to be tiger W but if I if I was thinking like him I was saying as I say this is the last throw of the dice I got a couple of years here now before I turned 50 and I really want to throw the kitchen SN at this and I want to throw everything at my rehab and everything at my practice and I want to get my mind in the right place on top of the important uh role as as has been outlined about on the PGA tour board so you know does he have room does he have room in his head to be also rewriter Cup captain uh I I would question that and and and I think why not wait as as haime says and do it in Ireland when you know he’s over the hill in terms of uh well he probably will be over the hill in terms of of being a competitive golfer but um who knows I mean we don’t know what he’s going to say he gives nothing away in the press conferences I think you guys covered that uh perfectly uh took the words right out of my mouth you know when you think about what T Woods uh achieved on the golf course uh with his golf clubs it was Monumental but when you look at where he’s at in the game right now and what’s going on in the game he’s got an opportunity to use his considerable INF fluence uh and I think his great intellect uh to shape the game perhaps in even more important way than he did as a player uh there’s a lot at stake in the in the professional game right now and and the fact that he no doubt is going to give that most of his attention and also at the same time while he still has any semblance of game devote the time necessary to be as competitive as he needs to be that’s taking all of his energy uh what I don’t understand is why in the world Freddy couples has never been named for what how many president cups does he have to win until like how many until they they tap him on the shoulder because you see a situation brandle where where maybe and haimy too where maybe they they make tiger Captain but they make Freddy the front and center guy to do the kind of work and you know the appearances and stuff over the two years and tiger oversee it more of a role so he can stay focused on these big two things could you see a situation like that in America America be open to that I hadn’t thought about it till you said it um but yeah I could see that I mean Freddy is so universally loved and popular and he’s proven you know people love to tease you know Freddy’s maybe not that organized but behind the scenes I think everybody who’s had a chance to talk to Freddy knows he keeps his his finger on the pulse of this game uh and has got it all together that’s been clear at the president’s cups uh and to your point I I think he would you know he he won and was such a great Captain tiger was in Australia and the hardest thing to do in in in all the golf at seems to be is to win a a Ridder Cup on foreign soil certainly seems to be that for the United States team so wouldn’t that be the greatest challenge to see Tiger Woods take the role Rec he loves records and do the the unthinkable admit it you don’t want to see tiger as part of the you don’t want to see him in New York we’re worried about steering our own ship which it does does feel like I mean New York’s you know Big Star City that tiger fits the the bill for Ryder Cup in New York I I mean it’ll still be charged up Juiced up if if you were Captain I were captain of tiger who’s a bigger star than Freddy Couples that’d be a nice T they’re very close and they work closely together uh whenever they’re you know playing in practice rounds or anything they get along so well it might be a nice symbiotic thing uh web Simpson Stuart sink Matt coocher those are the names that that Rex hogard floated uh will maybe find out more tomorrow Seth W the PG of America will uh be in the Press building and uh haime thank you very much


  1. Every thing they ever come up with is always a cliche , of course he’s keeping his options open … what else would he do… keep his options closed like they are anyways , the only option he has is just to play for fun and spend time with family and friends

  2. The more I watch Golf Channel, the more I think these people are living in an alternate universe. So Tiger is going to play for $400K-$500K purses so he can win another USGA major? Seriously?

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