Is The TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver Worth Adding To Your Bag?

The TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver is proving to be a huge hit on tour, but what type of club golfer would use the Mini Driver and what club would it replace in your bag?

In this review I hit the new TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver Copper to see how it performs against my driver and fairway wood and to see where it would realistically go in my bag and if it is worth putting in play.

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Hi, I’m Hannah Holden; welcome to my channel!

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the tailor mid mini driver is back and better looking than ever but how does this work and where would it fit in your golf bag does it replace a driver maybe a 3-wood let’s find [Music] out okay so as much as this is a really retro cool bit of equipment there is also a lot of technology to this so it’s not just good looks although it does help I mean look how cool just the head cover is and look at this if you look inside you can actually reverse this and there’s like a cheeky little pattern in there so you fancy something a little bit different there’s always that added option there now in terms of the actual Club I just love the way this looks that copper finish they’ve added this year and the copper name that this has got works so nicely with the whole like retro theme I really love like the old school logo too now obviously there’s that old traditional theme but there’s so much technology packed in here we’ve got twist which obviously we see on all Tillman’s drivers we’ve got a multimaterial designs we’ve got Carbon on the crown got titanium in here we’ve got steel we’ve got movable weights on the bottom for the first time ever and we’ve got this really cool care grind on the so which designed to make this a little bit more versatile it’s going to help you hit it off the deck let this slide through the turf a bit easier make it play a little bit more like a fairway W we’ve also got the speed pocket in here which is going to help give you a little bit more ball speed on those kind of low of Center strikes which I think is definitely important in kind of a club of the size that you’re going to be hitting off the deck now compared to your typical driver which we see at like 460cc say like your tailor made qr1 this is actually a 304 CC head so it’s significantly smaller in terms of volume it still has a lot more depth than say’ see in a 3w but it’s but much nearer that size in terms of shape and styling in terms of loss specs this is 11.5 so a little bit more than kind of the 9 or the 10.5 driver heads we would typically see but obviously a lot lower than kind of those 3 we should see in kind of the 13 to 14° Mark now for me the big question here is why would we put this in play obviously it’s a great looking Club it’s really cool but would this replace my driver would this replace my three-wood would I put it in as well as those two is there enough versatility between the three to kind of Define the different clubs as doing different things I’m not sure I also wonder how versatile is going to be off the deck so let’s go and test it and find out quick interlude if you’re enjoying the review or even if you’re not it would be great if you could hit that subscribe button over 75% of people who watch my videos aren’t subscribed and it makes a big difference in terms of what content we can go ahead and produce in the future so I’d love if you could hit that subscribe button join the group and enjoy all the videos and while you’re there you might as well hit that like button too right back to the video right let’s hit some shots I want to see first off how this compares to kind of my driver distance and how it would like Gap in the bag this has 11 and 1 12 degrees of Loft so it obviously has a little bit more Loft on on the driver and the head is a little bit more compact I actually really like how it sits behind the ball it’s kind of back to that that traditional olives tailor made feel of that the front line and I love it in that copper sounded very high pitch that didn’t it compared to especially compared to like the QI range but compared to most drivers i s that at 91 mph which isn’t too far off what I’d see with driver probably like 94 95 um it’s carried in the low 200s wasn’t my best strike a little bit Healy but 134 ball speed not kind of Miles off where I’d get with driver 148 smash and nearly 3,000 spin it’s kind of almost like two wood numbers which I guess is kind of what this is oh that was really nice still got like a good high ball flight definitely picked up compared to my first one which is very 93 cled speed getting close to driver 230 carry that that’s almost giving me as much as my driver is which is pretty mental 137 ball speed which is nice too I actually really love that ballf it’s definitely probably a little bit lower spinning overall than I would think you would see with a driver um probably would have expected it is kind of designed to be in that kind of mid to low spin category on my Sunday Best this kind of goes nearly as far as the driver but it’s probably a little bit shorter on average overall and definitely sits a little bit between kind of the three-wood and the driver I’m actually really impressed with the consistency of kind of the ball flight though that that I caught a bit toey and you’d expect there to be not that much forgiveness but actually still held the Fairway and and it was really a pretty nice ball flight it’s pretty interesting cuz I’ve obviously not been fit for this at all this is just the shaft that comes with it it’s a 65 stiff flex but actually it feels really good like it it feels like almost as good to me as a fitted club that is very close to what specs I would use so is that some part of it I also really love this kind of old school style retro grip they’ve put on the top of this oh CED that one a little bit too high but I’ve skyed it definitely seen a very consistent kind of fair with finder here so far probably need to be brave enough to like tee it down a little bit and that’s just so good weirdly I don’t know if it’s just like the small head makes you focus a little bit more but I feel like I’m quite consistent with this now I think some people who kind of suit this club are people who are very good iron players they like to hit down on the ball a lot and they might not necessarily like driver as much cuz they find if they hit down on it it spins too much this is designed to be in that kind of lower spin Spectrum so it’s going to help with that and also it’s got more loss if they hit down it’s going to help with that too so you can kind of see why some specific people are putting in this play even like non-tail man staffers Eddie peppol is a huge fan of a mini driver and he definitely fits into that category of really hitting down the ball compressing it being a really good iron player so if you’re someone who’s in that category this definitely could suit you I think the most interesting thing here is I don’t feel like I’m giving loads up on a driver so I think if you’re someone who maybe is always a really good driver of the ball really enjoys your driver this might not be something that sits into your bag but if you’re someone who struggles with that a little bit wants something that just looks a bit different feels a bit different gives you kind of a bit more confidence off the tea or if you’re someone who’s in that category who needs something that spins more has a bit more Loft this is definitely a really interesting option now because this looks so retro you might think there’s not that much Tech in it but that’s not the case at all this has a multimaterial design very similar in kind of the different weights you would see in the M kind of tailor mid qi1 line got loads of carbon fiber in here and actually for this first time we’ve got movable weights in here so you can change the head around a little bit and get it to play how you want so if you do want that real low spin you can move that heavy weight to the front and which is going to give you less spin or you can have it in the setting here where it’s lighter at the front it’s going to give you a little bit more launch a little bit more high so there is a little bit more versatility in this than we’ve seen in previous models now what I’m pretty interested to do is hit a few of these off the deck because it’s definitely a lot deeper than a traditional free wood although it has that compact head the face is a lot deeper so it’s not the most competence sping off the deck definitely more than it would be with a driver got interested to see how this performs how will I hit it if I would feel confident using it out on the course as kind of a Fairwood alternative and what I’ve done is picked like a really easy shot where I’ve got loads of Heather to carry um to kind of start this but let’s see how we get on so what that came out hot but low it’s definitely a little bit of a me just hitting and hoping now we do have the adjustable huzzle on this so if you did decide you’re going to hit it off the deck loads you can tweak that and kind of adjust what Loft you’ve got you might be that you need a little bit more than that kind of standard elev .5 tell you what though I did think it would kind of be harder to get the strike given like the lengths longer than a three-wood you might not get all the way down to I was kind of worried I was going to top it but actually I feel like I’ve struck those two pretty nicely it’s definitely coming out a bit low for me but I am kind of a low ball flight player at the moment but I tell you what that’s still carried 205 which is kind of maybe a little bit shy of what i’ expect with 3 but it’s definitely rolling out a lot more because I’ve got that little ball flly so that’s getting out to 241 so if I was somewhere in like a link situation where I want something could go low and run this would work really well oh that was money tell you what this has performed so much better off the deck than I expected I definitely think just because of my flag characteristics I would probably need more Loft to use this if I was say hitting it into elevated greens or somewhere where I wasn’t using the ball to run up you know if I had to go over a fairway bunker or a green side bunker into a pin but if I was playing somewhere where I could run this and release it out this would be a great Club to like kind of keep under the wind get a good car distance of like 205 and then run it out to that 240 okay so I can’t believe how small the dispersion on that was hitting it off the deck I really thought I was going to struggle with that I was definitely expecting a few tops I thought there was going to be some balls in that Heather but somehow we’ve come off really lucky and actually I struck them all really nicely and got a lot more ball speed than I thought I would now although the dispersion was great with this off the deck and the carry distance was decent kind of low 200 so like 205 was my best but running out to 241 the height was not really cutting it so I averaged 46.4 ft which is pretty much a low bullet it would work great on kind of a links course if you wanted to get something chasing get it running out get extra distance but if you’re in a situation where you kind of trying to attack a green or hit it over a bunker which was near the green where you’re trying to get to it wouldn’t really work cuz you just got nurse stopping power I mean that was coming in at a 7.3 land angle which if you’re looking for that with like irons you’re kind of looking to try and get it near 45° there a serious lack of kind of stopping power here but that is because I don’t particularly hit the ball that high at the moment now I have got this in 11.5 head there is an option to move to a 13.5 I think that will give me a much more optimal land angle and get me a little bit more control but it really depends what you’re after if you play at a links course and you want a hit driver and then you’ve still got a long way in and you want a club that you can hit off the deck get out and get chasing and get you as far down the hle as possible this is going to do an amazing job and I would definitely recommend that cuz it’s almost as near to drive off the deck as you can get but it is so much easier to hit off the deck than a drive now the other option could be to just Loft this head up that would shut the face down a little bit but I guess if you’re someone who maybe is a slicer and you don’t want to move the ball out to the right that would kind of balance the two out it would give you a little bit more extra height launch and kind of straighten that ball flight out that’s just because if you add Lofts to a club face it just shut it down a little bit one thing I liked about this is it actually made me kind of present quite a steep attack angle so if you are someone who’s a really good iron player and kind of likes to hit down the ball and struggles with Woods cuz of that I got to like a nearly minus four attack angle with this and could still hit like a good fly a good strike and get the ball going forward so actually for someone who maybe struggles with Woods cuz you hit down it a lot this is a really good option it’s going to give you a little bit more versatility in the bag so if we look at this compared to off the deck and off the te my kind of longest shot off the deck carried 25.9 yards got 241 total off the T it carried 23.2 yards and got to 29.8 on total so there’s definitely a little bit of difference between the two which means it is doing two different things so it could work for two different slots on average it definitely is a little bit shorter than my driver but not miles off I probably my best shots with driver again out to 240 so maybe 10 yards lost there on my best shot what I would say is I often struggle with a shot that goes left quickly and can turn in towards a snap hook and I didn’t really feel like I could hit that with this club just because kind of my attack angle my delivery variables changed a little bit and it felt a little bit more controlled so if you’re someone who maybe wants to dial it in a little bit it’s quite interesting this seems to help with consistency which is not what I would have expected given kind of the smaller head maybe I just concentrated a bit more who knows but I’d say overall it probably performed more optimally as a driver for me the height was up like 80 ft on average and my clubs speed was still 93 my spin rate was was pretty good averaging 2,500 so in terms of Optimal Performance in this particular Loft it probably performed better as a driver like Club here than it does as a fairywood although actually the fairywood performance really buils me over because the strike and the ability to launch it was a lot better than I would have expected tell you I would have topped my fairywood more than this oh God which is the opposite of what I thought when I kind of put it down behind the ball and saw the depth of the club head okay so what are my final thoughts on this well I would definitely say it’s exceeded expectations in terms of performance I wasn’t really sure what to expect but I absolutely loved hitting this it’s really playable as a driver but also really playable as a 3-wood obviously there’s a few things I need to tweak to kind of get the perfect launch conditions but actually it’s like a straight off the rack product this performed really well now the big decision would be what do you sub this in for and if I could have a 15th Club this would go straight in just because I love the versatility of it there’s different things you can do with it and think it would really add to my bag but I’m not sure there’s a club I would pull out to replace this with for me I typically play quite a lot of long courses so I feel like I do need that extra distance that that driver gives me however if I did Rock up at a certain golf course and it was a lot shorter or tighter I would definitely sub this in now I can also see if I was on links and there was a lot of long holes I wanted to get to with a second shot and I could run them in I would definitely use this so I think it a little bit depends on how you hit the golf footb and what your cost conditions are and what you want to get out of kind of that extra Club in your bag if you’re someone who maybe doesn’t ever hit Fairway Woods off the deck and thinks well I just like a second driver option this could be a perfect Club to put in play I also think if you’re someone who’s a bit steeper doesn’t necessarily love Woods this could really work cuz it seems to really help people with those properties in their swing overall I really love the performance of this club I think it just looks super cool it’s definitely going to get in my bag for a few games this season but probably not full time what do you think about this product would you try it what would you replace it what would you switch it with do you have one and what’s your experience let me know in the comments and also let me know what you’d love to see us test next


  1. I just bought one (13.5 degrees) here in Switzerland. It is a lot of fun to hit this club. A fairway finder at its best.

  2. A great demo Hannah. Taylor Made were my go-to Woods in the 80's. I loved the Raylor. My current setup are Pings, and couldn't justify the price of that little rocket.

  3. Good review! I use mine as a second driver, on dog legs especially, when my driver would carry too long. No good off the deck with a 3 wood, so maybe have a go at that too.

  4. Another very informative video Hannah. Thank you. I would say, look again at your smash factor! Wow! I'd recommend taking your most lofted club out and putting this in the bag for a few rounds. Just to see how often you'd be in the situation to use it. Personally I'd play it over my driver, as my driver just because of the consistency of hitting fairways. But I'm not a great driver of the ball. Anyways
    So that's just me.

    Keep up the great work. Cheers.

  5. I have challenges with my driver lately so the BNR rescues me off the tee as i can hit down on it like a 3 wood but it goes further

  6. I was amazed at how far I hit this club (11.5*), like you say about 10 yds short of my current driver. I’m a lot more accurate with the Mini, my last round (Copperhead) I pulled the driver out of the bag and played with the Mini and missed 1 fairway. I hardly ever hit 3 wood off the deck, just used it as a 2nd tee club so this Mini is here to stay. Will drop the driver and 3 wood and probably add a strong 5 wood 16-17*, more of a 4 wood for second shots into par 5’s. Taylormade has done something special here!

  7. I LOVE my BRNR 2023 model. I got the 13.5 and use it as a 3 wood between a 9 degree driver and an 18 degree 5 wood. I hit it on the tee all the time and off the deck/rough and it just hits solid and pretty straight. It's honestly my most solid club in the bag after my 8 iron.

  8. i ended up getting the new 2024 copper version and i LOVE it went with the 13.5 degree and the MCC +4 midsize grip I am 59 years old and a 8 handicap off the fairway is awesome and off the tee glad i went with it to go inbetween my 9 degree driver and my 17 degree Hywood then my Qi10 Max 7 wood 22 degrees Knock on wood off the deck i have been blasting it it works great for me cheers from Canada

  9. I love my mini driver. I personally don’t like looking down on a huge oversized driver. I have the 11.5, playing it with the standard settings, and get just as much distance as I do from my driver. Per my CT10 sensors from my last round here are some of my better drives 255, 255, 257, 277, 289, and 292.

    I don’t plan on hitting it off the deck so it will replace my driver. With the strong lofts of today’s irons I plan to add another wedge to help with the gapping.

  10. Taylor Made is just playing to all the older folks who started playing in the 90's with the 300ti and now the Burner…

  11. Interesting to hear your comments about attack angle and types of golfer this would suit. I consider myself an ok iron player who has struggled with driver. I have been playing last years model and it was a revelation. Struggling this year as i think i am teeing it too high added to a positive attack angle. Would you normally have a negative attack angle with driver?

  12. I would be tempted, based on what you say… I usually don't even carry (or play) a driver, limiting myself to a 4 wood, which I control quite well (and manage to get to 260-270 yards total) as I tend to hit down on the ball too much, making the shots a bit uncontrollable and unpredictable particularly in the wind (I play a often very windy course). So maybe getting that and a 5 wood instead of the 4 to increase a bit more the gap, would be good when I go to long courses… But that's not cheap for a sort of gamble.

  13. Hi Hannah, great video as always, i think i will go try the 13.5 deg model as i don't have great success with my 3 wood off the ground,
    i would like to see you do a review on the deWiz for distance wedges and swing plane, as I'm thinking of getting one and would like to know your thoughts ,cheers

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