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Brad Keselowski Ends 101 Race Drought with WIN at Darlington with DBC’s TJ Majors

Darlington delivers! TJ Majors is back from his first NASCAR Cup Series win with Brad Keselowski and joins Casey Boat, Freddie Kraft, and Brett Griffin to break down the race from The Track Too Tough to Tame.

Plus, Brenden “Butterbean” Queen joins to talk about his upcoming Craftsman Truck Series debut at North Wilkesboro. Silly season begins after Michael McDowell announced his move from Front Row to a multi-year deal with Spire. How many more surprises are on the horizon?

Ford finally won a race this season, but Ryan Blaney still was spicy on the radio after a wreck ended his day at Darlington. There was more drama on pit road after Tyler Reddick’s ambitious move that lost Chris Buescher the race.

The Crew listens to some wild calls in Reaction Theater and makes their picks for who they think will win the All-Star race.

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[Music] hey everybody I’m TJ Majors spotter of the race winning six Cup car this weekend also had a truck with bayy curry and Carson qule it’s by time you did something good around here yeah it’s been a while it’s been to it’s been a long time Bret Griffin part-time spot in this year for Richard children racing and uh Darlington is where were you I was at darling Saturday oh nice nice to see to call uh what’s up Freddy craft spotter for Bubba Wallace Kyle seag Ty Dylan this week uh yes TJ it’s very nice to see your back in Victory Lane forgot where it was yeah it’s it’s still down there just he a crown on I mean I would you guys you guys definitely stayed out till what like 3 4 in the morning last night celebrating raer like yeah like eight n to Total rager yeah um yeah no the I think uh yeah that’s we’re probably past the the big owl’s days and the pool party days but you know do do Freddy and Brett know that uh no we’re never going to be we celebrate top 30s yeah no I think you celebrate top 36 is more like it what’s up Casey hey guys Casey boat here and I believe we have a very very special guest this week yeah for sure uh somebody I’ve been looking forward to having on for a while uh kid I really don’t know actually it’s first time I’ve met in person probably uh but I’ve been following his career and some of first of all you can’t not follow a guy named Butterbean I don’t know how we’re going to get into how this nickname came about but what’s up Brandon Queen welcome to DBC hey man thanks for having me I’ve uh watched y’all for a while so this is a pretty cool experience to be here so let’s get I let’s get right into it first of all where how I mean I know I’m sure a lot of our fans are familiar with the the old boxer butter bean that would just go in and Pummel people in those American flag boxer shorts I’m not going to lie I when I before I met you I I kind of thought you were going to look like that well I get that a lot so I actually got a nickname from him but it was because I looked like him as a baby so I was fat chubby and had blind so you look like me basically well I wasn’t going to say that no beard no mullet this is pre mullet days so oh you weren’t born with that I wasn’t Bor I wasn’t born with that so mullet was Co era so um yeah that’s kind of how it came and uh it’s funny because it was really just a family thing and then uh as time went on my friends found out my teachers found out and next thing you know that’s all I was known as at school and they ended up on a race car and it’s been there ever since does anybody call you Brendan I mean it like it’s rare it’s very rare I don’t like people say like who’s breny Queen they go who and then they say butter be like oh I know that guy so that’s pretty much how it’s been uh it’s a good sign you’re from the south though cuz everywhere else it’s a LMA Bean you know in the South it’s a butter bean well I’ve been called a lot of things and um yeah so you know how that goes so um I you know the first time and one of the he has one of the most recognizable race cars even before you got with Lee in them I remember this car I mean I don’t know how long you’ve been running but this I mean this feels like it goes back six seven years now uh it has the digitized numbers on it looks like an old like an old video game it’s always it always stood out to me anytime I went to a late model race so where did that where first of all where do you come from how’d you get started in racing and then what brought that kind of paint Scheme about so I kind of started kind of like the normal ladder when when I was growing up um I started racing go-karts when I was like six and then you know proceeded to move up I actually did Arena cars in between and then oh wow that’s cool yeah which I got a picture of you sent to me today in an arena car I I got it somebody sent it to me but um I did Legend cars and then moved up to you know late models when I was 15 at the time that was the age requirement but did it all from like out in our backyard with my family uh my crew chief was filed Warren which he’s a big name in The Late Model world so he pretty much mentored me a lot till I got the lead we didn’t have the the money we were racing out of our backyard but I you know I I did a lot with what we had and I ended up getting a sponsor that was a video game store so that’s how the the number scheme came and the Mario and all that and um it became a a very very noticable car that I stuck with and when I went to leave when I finally got that opportunity and and uh had to ston family come in and help me uh actually they let me drive their dirt car that’s how that kind of started and then proceeded to move over to the asphalt side with me and uh we went to Lee and I feel like that was a great decision for us and I kind of just took the scheme over there and kept it you know yeah and and you you mentioned Lee it’s Lee pulam who is a a late model legend legend uh for sure could probably still be out there kicking everybody’s ass if he wanted to be uh what’s it what’s it like getting a chance to work with guys like you mentioned Phil Warren which I think you won what three you three langle champ ships yeah we w we we tied the record of three in a row and then like and for me that was big cuz like I said we were in our backyard doing it and we won a cars tour race doing it at Langley which was really cool cuz like I think the days of doing that out of your backyard and and beating those guys is kind of long gone it’s very hard but um kind of got me that opportunity to go to Lee pulum and man working with him like Phil was great don’t get me wrong like he he’s like a dad to me I can call him right now and and get advice or whatever but it was just that next part of my step and pulum is just phenomenal because you know I raced against him and now I get to work with him so like I kind of knew the person he was and I knew what he was capable of and then getting to drive his cars we won the first race together so like you can’t make that up yeah was that uh what race was that 400 that’s the one we were we were pitted right next to you right uh yeah yes y okay that was right that’s Florence I’m assuming MH tough RAC track talk about the cars tour right now because I feel like this is for me anyway if if I’m mentoring a young driver at that’s wanting to go to late model ranks it seems like to me the cars TOS a no-brainer the competition level is just the best in the country it seems like it’s unbelievable I you know like take Hickory for instance I was 02 off the pole when I was eighth wow like you can’t make that up anywhere I’m telling you if you’re two10 off you’re dead last yeah I 35 cars Huffman’s been telling me that oh he’s having a rough year man he must be the one two10 off man I felt so bad somebody commented on his Facebook about the uh Greenhouse this week and said that the same guy Bolt the greenhouse on that bolted Hub on and I was like I was like he’s just not having a good year no he’s uh yeah this last week’s been yeah he he had a convertible he did have a he had a lot ofing off that car by the time that thing is hurt uh but I feel like position wise like cars tour is what ARA was 20 years ago see I I was just sitting here thinking like you know what the car reminds me of the Hooters pro cop series with the TV package you got bigger yeah we’re starting to know these late model guys by name like because we see them on Flow every week and you know and we’re starting to recognize guy you normally didn’t do that but with the what flow’s done for that has been amazing well we’ve we’ve never had an ownership group at a at a Grassroots level like we have cars I mean Kevin Harvick Hall of Famer the these late M races yeah aren’t what I showed up with the Concord in 2002 and like I mean I watched the the the flow I watched on Flo the ace race and I thought you were way too nice to Millington by the way like I don’t know I mean you must be a nicer guy than I thought you were uh Millington I thought yeah let me let’s talk about it yeah so the nice to me I used to be very very very aggressive and I got myself in a lot of trouble and and I didn’t finish a lot of races and well yeah I know where you’re probably going with this you got in Carson a little bit yeah that happened I got a call from Dale I know I was in a group text with him my Lord so uh but the Millington deal he actually dumped me after the race last year at Hickory so that was strike one and strike two happened this weekend and uh the problem was is I hit him and the quarter pedal was cracked and I pretty much just went right to the fuel cell trying to move him so I just went in there and just laid the door to him but the thing they didn’t catch was he he bought Ramy def fit like three times the third time he got me and I felt like at that point if I could have got the Clean Air I could have want it but uh I knew the eight car was like my competition but you better used to saying clean air I wanted to get back yeah I wanted to go back Chris R so I’m watching the race CH Chris Rice was the announcer which God you could imagine how that went but he like eventually they get singled at Millington run two restarts in a row he’s just running he’s running Brandon bban whatever you want call called fence and it’s butter butter bean but should we just call butter it’s butter been a butter butter bean I’ve been but so he he squeezes him in the fence like three or four times pretty bad and then all of a sudden they single out and and Chris is like man there’s damage on the 03 I wonder where that come from and I’m like has he been watching the same race did you notice he did you notice when it happened he said he red me in the wall and did like two Ls later he goes where’ that damage go I texted him after the race he’s like man you had a good car but I I couldn’t I was like he forget about it like two laps later I I don’t think listen to Chris he’s he could take a totally like bad situation oh man these guys are so happy with each other and they’re you should have seen so Flo does a vlog with me called the butter beat experience and they got it on tape I get out the car millon and I like meet face to face and he like looks at me and he’s like I know I I I was just tight man I ran you right in the fence and I’m like it almost caught me off guard cuz I was ready to just like like yell at him and he tells me I know I R you defense I’m like well thanks appreciate it like yeah it’s that’s how that deal goes sometimes related so you said d d called you after your little dust up with we got to no s Dale and I are fine uh he oh this is a while ago it’s still fun to hear oh yeah I mean for for the people that remember the race like we had pretty much led the whole race and Dominion gets so hard to like if you’re pinched down late in the race the tires are hot and it’s just it’s so hard to make the bottom work and just kind of one of those things like Carson’s really good at like laying back on the restart and rolling the box and like then he’ll be almost ahead of you at the line which now they’ve kind of like TJ did that all day yesterday yeah a man we went dream so anyways um I don’t blame him I did it when I was in second too but he basically had me beat at the line and put me in a a bad spot going in and I’m thinking in my head like okay I’m going to go in here and just kind of give him the door cuz he’s done it to me before and and I’m going to get the lead back cuz it was like I don’t know what 10 to go that was late yeah it was like it was late in the race like this is for the win and the problem was is I hit him I went in the next corner I started getting looser and looser and I couldn’t stay off of him and it makes it look way worse than what it was supposed to be and uh I just couldn’t get off of him and then Bobby Catches Us mcari and I go into one on the the last attempt and I I actually entered really low trying to stay off of him which made me basically miss the corner and I ran into him even worse and then that’s how we got three wide and I was just trying to make it 08 instead of on the door that’s all I was trying to do I was like the last thing that was said about I’m going to talk to that boy oh yeah we was this he was this a Ang Junior’s phone number well I had I had it but was was that’s not the phone call you want to get at 8: in the morning or so I want to know he called you at 8 in the morning too that must be his time to people he called me at 8 in the morning last week probably for a similar reason he texted me at like 1: in the morning in t that’s Mell J that was that that was like what hell you know and then if you get the follow he sounded just like him he did yeah you get uh if you get the follow I figured that’s how it was when he texted it to me I’m sure yeah so how I want to know what your reaction was whenever you saw your phone ringing and it was him well oh at 8 in the morning oh yeah so we were we were at the hotel and uh phones ring and I’m still half asleep and I’m like who in the world is I see Dale Jr I like act like I wasn’t asleep I’m like hello you know and uh what are you doing just get to the shop he’s like he’s yeah he’s like what are you doing I’m like uh nothing just just getting some breakfast you know he’s he said uh I’ve cooled down a lot since last night I’m like okay good oh he was wound up thank God he I mean he basically just told me like as an owner of the series I loved it but as a I mean as an owner of the car I didn’t like it well he definitely calmed down and he said I don’t want you to I don’t want you to change but just think about how you could do it different next time I’m like okay a man it wasn’t as good as I was hoping no no I he had calmed out a lot now if he so I texted him and on Saturday night when he sent me to text I said call me and he said I can’t right now talk to you proba for best okay would you uh TJ would you like to you know reiterate what Dale was thinking before yeah hear I saw your Tweet was uh I’m have talk to that boy um yeah he was uh he was adamant that he was going to get a hold of you and I was like oh God so so uh obviously this week making your truck series debut Trion um what what what are what are our expectations going into this week I what have you done to prepare for North wboro well you know kind of with pulum becoming a TRD team that’s kind of got me in the door a little bit with uh Toyota and TPC and being able to work out and the butter bean has lost some weight I’ve had to lay off the chicken tenders so that’s not been fun but uh kind of doing whatever I can to make the most of the opportunity cuz I don’t know how many I’ll get at this point in my career so trying to make the most of it but uh doing Sim with trion’s been great doing Pit Stop practice and uh man just so ready I never thought I would get this opportunity like I tell everybody two years ago I was working at the Port of Virginia moving to boxes off the container ship seven days a week and thought I was done racing and wow and I’m telling you like this the BRC and the ston family came in and I mean they turned my life into a 180 and I went back racing more than ever so I lived it of working seven days a week not thinking I was going to ever get a opportunity and um that that and I thought the car store would be all of it like when I won wboro last year like that that was like that’s all that happened I was good with it and I was so content winning late model races and um who knows what the future holds but I’m GNA make the most of it we we talked about before you know before we got going today um the weather is not is not on your side this week um there’s potential that your first lap is going to be in the race what you know do you feel like you’ve done enough to prepare Sim wise iRacing whatever it is to to to to drive it off into turn one there at wilsor I think though you know I I think my dirt RAC inside helps me a lot with that like I was telling you cuz when I go dirt race I’ll go to these places I’ve never been in two laps and it’s time to race like so you ran a couple weeks ago or yeah I thought I saw you running yeah I did a Natural Bridge so I don’t get to do it a lot and I’m a rookie on there but just to go make the show at these races is big for me because those guys are it’s like showing up to a cars tour race and they got their stuff together so which name are you most excited about racing against because I know you looked at that line up ooh in the in the truck like man it’s so hard because like now we race against the cup guys in the late model you know like last year when I won wils bro there was eight or I mean like so so I was always a keslowski fan growing up no just ironically but like but like so I used to race against his father-in-law we had a big rivalry at East Carolina I saw somebody mention that on Twitter oh yeah that it is it was big lisis and I we went at it but um and it was so awkward because like at the time I was a big bad I was a bad Brad fan at the time and um then I’m like well he ain’t never going to like me cuz I’m over here beating doors with his father-in-law so um no it it it was cool racing against uh him and Harvick and obviously Junior and yeah um and then Larson like I’m good buddies with Cliff Daniels so uh being able to race with Larson once last year in the car store was cool so truck series is is kind of weird cuz I’ve raced against a lot of those guys in late models you know with Cory and um raaja and other guys like that like we we kind of all know each other and raced together but um I I hadn’t seen the entry list so I’m not sure who exactly if any I’m sure Ros Chastain will be in it I think uh I don’t know I don’t know if not be honest yeah I haven’t seen it so there’ be it it’d be cool just to get my name out there I mean honestly like if you’d have told me two years ago that people would know who I was from late mile racing like I have never believed it but it’s it’s became bigger than I ever would have thought what’s it what’s it going to take for you to leave Saturday night or Saturday afternoon happy at willsboro like what what’s your expectations what do you how do you leave that racetrack satisfied with a good run yeah I think uh you know you just want to finish first complete all the laps that’s the main thing and not send the truck home tore up I know how much work goes into it I you know I spent those days working on my stuff so I don’t want to disrespect their equipment in any way um I’m not that type of person I’d like to do what I got to do to win the race but you know I’m not going to make a stupid move and and and be known for that so finish all the laps and then obviously my goal is if I could if I leave there with a top 10 or something like that I’m going to be like I won the race obviously we want to win the race but uh if I can limit the mistakes on Pit Road on my end that’s that’s going to be the first step that’s all new to me so I’d rather give up one spot on Pit Road and go to the rear absolutely is I think it’s going to be the fastest short track in America absolutely for for what what they’ve got going on I mean obviously it’s not high bank but like it this place is going to be ripping all weekend yeah this is I don’t think it’s going to take him long to adjust at all there I mean’s he won the late model race year I think he’s going to be it’s like a new track right now too though you know and and we get the late model race on Wednesday I think that’s those are laps you can’t buy I just think you’re gonna what you’re going to have to learn is these other the the new competitors that you’ve never raced against what their character how they race what they’re going to do like things like that and it’s I’m going to go and tell you you’re going to have to you’re going to you’re going to be surprised and not surprised at some of them they they let me tell you what they race like ass oh look so that’s my so I went to Darlington and sat on the box with the one guys and like it’s different because you’re not out there seeing everything but like just from obviously I studied and followed the the races and there’s some squirrels out there oh there’s some squirrels any well you want to come back next week and Nam yeah I’ll call back in and U and I’ll let you know I made any friends or not reaction theater I want to hear you but but man like in the world of give and take there’s no give it’s all it’s all taking the truck this will be easier than I felt bad for Carson because it rained out stuff and our his first lap of D I mean his first lap of darling and SVG some big names turn one lap down there but uh they both did a really good job I thought so I think that’ll be the hardest thing is like cars tour it’s it’s getting rougher because there’s a lot of I mean it’s all turning into rental rides I mean and that’s kind of how the truck series is too but it’s it’s rare to see somebody just get a shot anymore like we all know that but cars toward like if I’m racing Carson it’s kind of like the our normal group that we race with for wins like there is mainly a lot of respect move each other but like it’s it’s hard racing but it’s what you want to see yeah you don’t see T up race like look at the things giving classic Josh and I like we we got rougher and rougher but like I thought it was a hell of a race that’s one yeah that’s one we went to yeah I saw you up there that that would have like we cross overed for 30 laps how about our buddy Kip you see Kip much oh I see Kip all the time he’s uh he’s always getting chewed out right now so so he’s I think yeah about time yeah I love Kip like he’s awesome but I feel so bad because just the way the we’re having a big tire situation right now in the car store that’s like what do you mean tire situation like you’ll bolt on a set and be fast and all you do is Bol on another set and half a second off and I’ve gotten bit by it twice this year and is that what happened at uh uh what is that Orange County oh yeah I was I I was fastest in practice Friday and Saturday tried two different packages every time I went on a track did you start on mediums top of the yeah so anyways we put the qualifying tires on and I couldn’t stay on the Le lap it’s crazy I mean that’s Kip’s fault yeah let’s blame Kip damn Kip H you doing Kip so so I got in trouble cuz I’m a who’s your hero and uh they they stick a mic in my face right after the race and I’m like you know all we did was change tires and I ended up in a meeting and you know whoer wants to fix it it’s not like I didn’t I felt like I didn’t bash him but like cuz it’s not it’s not like they want it to happen you know they’re it’s an issue in a few other series that’s right that’s right so it’s not like who like yeah let me mess these tires up and screw their day not intentional but speaking of uh the Thanksgiving classic that was that was a really good race there was I think there was more contact on Pit Road with crew guys and ripping ripping wires out of that was wild yeah that was insane before but so uh the last question I have for you and we were going to kick you out of here at this point but you you say you got opinions so we’re going to let you hang out for a little while and see how you do uh just don’t get yourself call yeah do not you don’t want to go to the Haller this week trust me um what so I know your your tradition of waffle house after the wi and you probably haven’t been in while like you like to be but what’s our what’s our go-to Waffle House order when you do win this thing I always go with the allstar special what is that it’s uh well first I get chocolate milk got to have the chocolate milk abely and then it’s a uh waffle bacon eggs hash browns and toast how you get the eggs I’m a scrambled man so man God Al Mighty yeah further you go north Brett the the the less runny they get yeah well well I mean I am Virginia so South Virginia I mean GE below the B line I am I am like 12 minutes from the Carolina line so I’m close God I had a buddy so me two Southerners at this table finally uh buy which ever been to the Sandy Ridge knows buy he’s he’s the bartender there just about every damn day and when I first moved down here Herm we’d go to the Cana Intimidator I going say you Herm know yeah Herm yeah so Herm introduces me to bunkey and he says this is my buddy Freddy he’s a Yankee and he said he said you from up North I said yeah he said where about what Raleigh I said little further north ohigh there’s nothing better than Sandy Ridge is that the place to Chang the stool or something there in the last year or two uh I thought Herm said something about that’s the that’s the that’s the one by his house it may be the only convenience store in North Carolina that’s a bar I took Timmons and then which we’ll get to Timmons later but I took them guys uh I took them guys and they were like I we pull in it’s a gas station you pull in it’s a gas station you walk in you just push this like push store and next thing you know you’re in this cool little bar and uh hanging out but if you ever get a chance to look it up look up S we took Casey to Big ows last week yes I actually will admit Brett you are on my good side right now thank you for paying for my lunch you’re welcome I I’ve I’ve never known anybody to order a meatball sub so that was first but but we’re going to take you to Sandy Ridge she’s pregnant and after that I wanted Cold Stones I wanted the Buffalo Wild Wings chips and salsa so you know what we’re just going to roll going to follow you all around let’s talk uh let’s talk to Arlington TJ how was your day oh my day was wonderful I don’t I mean so to be more specific take us through uh yeah I don’t even want to talk about losing the lead they’re losing the lead and then Racing for the lead and losing what’s yeah what’s that roller Co like you are phenominal marvelous terrific outstanding stupendous race between you and reck for about I it felt like 20 laps but it was probably the whole race we were kind of it was it ended up being us and reic at the end of a run reic would take off and I don’t know what he was doing because he would take off like a rocket and I’m I would tell Brad I’m like yep he’s burn it up he’s three four T faster than you and I’m sitting there just watching Brad and Brad I don’t know how he does it but he knows I don’t I don’t know what he tells himself or how he manages that in the car but he can run within a tenth like every lap just a little bit little bit I don’t know where he does it at um but then you look at reic and he’s up there I mean looks like he’s qualifying every lap and we as soon as he gets to the back of the field it’s 610 a lap and he can’t them guys aren’t going to let him go and he’s used his stuff up he’s used his stuff up so much getting there um that we run him down and he’s got nothing left really and every we did one time it worked out we got around start driving away and then every the other times it seemed like right when it was getting ready to be our turn the caution would come out so I don’t know racing him for the lead you know Brad was I don’t know if Brad was he was pushing him a little bit but not really wanting to use his stuff up yet like if he could get to lead he would but he knew he could he knew he could sit there and ride he had time and um but you know we finally late in the race there when When Brad got control and we were kind of driving away and um I mean I thought we were I thought we were going to win and then I look over there there’s a fire spinning down the track and I’m like not okay the guy hos us last week is a company now he’s doing it this again so I and reic had that first pit stall and our pit crew honestly had we had better pit stops all day we just don’t matter yeah it don’t matter because that number one stall you roll forward six feet or whatever how many feet it is probably and you’re the first one out as soon as we get to the real Speed Line we’re three carlings in front of them like our pit crew was the I don’t know I don’t know if they’re the best on Pit Road but they had to be up there um but just have losing control of the race man it’s so hard to get it back um but there at the end you know man him and I don’t know how they did it those two racing side by side was it three four laps or something I mean normally you race for a lap a corner two at Darlington and man these two these two were going at it and it was one of the better races that I’ve seen There Was You Know Brad wasn’t giving him an INE Tyler wasn’t giving him an inch and and then they get together a little bit out of four and here comes busher with this huge run I I got a question for so I’m going to take it back a little bit I I gained M respect for breett keslowski couple three years ago after he had a great finish and I don’t remember what racetrack we were at but man he gets out and he’s pour and sweat and Bob pis or somebody walked up to him by the way shout out to Bob he picked a winner Saturday and Sunday be like Bob um but but Brad gets out of the car and somebody ask him a question and he’s like he I’m telling you man he looks like he’s just ran a marathon yeah and he goes we had our best race we could possibly have and we finished third or fourth and we’re not good enough to win and I was like man that’s a big statement from a guy that’s this good of a race car driver like you’re saying we were perfect today every Pit Stop was great every restart was great I did great and we can’t win yet and now you can and and obviously you know we were texting with Trey Ryan last night you know people may not realize this RFK go going back to the beginning of last year is tied for third in the most wins other than hendrik and Gibbs since the beginning of last year like I feel like Brad keslowski has saved Rous racing it’s been so long since that six car one like who would have ever thought we’d say that yeah and I I mean to me knowing Brad like and he never really talked but you know what’s Weighing on them every cuz we were in position to win Talladega we had a shot at winning Texas 10 races in the last two years Kansas we had a good shot we’re still right there and man something would just always happen there’d be a yellow we’ get a bad restart you know something would happen you know uh anything and I don’t know man I and I know it was weighing on him but now I’m not going to lie I’m I’m I think this is Brad’s got it back in his head I can still I can win again and now he he knows it and he’s been back to Victory Lane you’re probably getting ready to you’re Pro I mean he’s getting ready to unleash Brad that you probably haven’t seen in a while now like it like I mean this and he’s put it all into it man I don’t know you know I’m not just saying that because he’s one of my best friends like he’s put it all into it he’s at that shop every single day he’s working on stuff he knows that car from top to bottom he knows what what what he wants to work on and he’s in there pushing for it and I don’t know I don’t think there’s many that are like that you know and to have that to just to do that and like I said now he knows now he knows he can win when you saw reck get into busher which I have my own opinion of how the whole thing went down which we’ll try about um but when you saw that happen you’re you’re watching a teammate basically open the the the floodgates for you like how happy were you when that happened so down the backstretch I saw Reddit creeping in on him and down the backstretch I told Brad off of two I said Tyler’s close enough to take a shot here he’s probably going to go for it because I know Tyler yeah and I know how Tyler drove the start of every run Tyler doesn’t know Tyler doesn’t have any chill and when Tyler saw his opportunity right there he went for it and I told Brad down the back and said Tyler’s close enough he’s probably going to try to slide him here and when I seen you know when they get to that 20% Mark 30 you know when they’re not going to clear him the guy throttles up and he’s still going to be there when I saw Chris get back into and he was still going to be there I’m like oh boy and I I told Brad I said get I down the back I said Tyler’s going ready to take a shot he’s probably going to slide him get ready to turn down if you have to and they both kept rolling fast enough but they hit hard and I was like I don’t know man like I felt like it was taken from us and then I felt like it was you know giving back right there so I mean you can’t give up when they when Chris got around us and we got back behind Tyler we were still fast we were still right there and I was telling Brad like look man you don’t know what’s going to happen here just stay with it here and you know it worked out you won a truck race at Arlington before never a cup race never won a cup race there yet Brad Brad praised how hard it is and and Butterbean I appreciate this having raced at so many tracks some tracks are hard and Brad praised how hard of a racetrack it is to race at Darlington like how cool was that uh man it’s that’s if you can Circle three or four tracks on the schedule that you want to win at at some point in your career darlington’s on that list for sure um that that is you get around there you see all the nostalgic stuff there the race cars they bring there the crowd those people love racing um that’s just one of the places it’s it’s got the tradition there um everything about it is great for is great you know for NASCAR there it’s just everything man the racetrack it’s so tough they run literally 6 in Off the Wall the entire race I mean did Bubba brush it at all I’m sure yeah well like you see these guys lson for you yesterday yeah solid lson I mean these guys all bounce off the fence because man it’s hard and these are guys that are man they’re really good like really really really really good and to see them position these cars and do what they can do like them two running side by side for three four laps I don’t know if I’ve seen cars race that long and they’re Racing for the win well you you said last week that they fixed turn two and it wasn’t as hard as it once was we obviously saw some wrecks off turn two it’s still tricky but but because of what you said you were able to stay beside him because yeah in the past turn two somebody won or lost off turn two you you weren’t able to go through there too wide very very often yeah somebody uh somebody was going to make a business decision at some point over there and you know it was stand on business yeah somebody was going to stand on business and you know sometimes it was the guy in the bottom if you hit him in the door with your right front you wreck sometimes if you if if you clip the guy in the left rear behind the tire or something or he’s out there at your door you run him into the fence and uh It’s Tricky over there but this I mean it’s a it’s such a great track you have you have a little bit of everything man you have guys managing their stuff same thing we always saw if you have to if you have people that you’re going to have you’re going to have some really good racing if guy if drivers have to manage their tires if drivers have to drive the racetrack and it’s not you know it’s it’s a tough place to get around and you know just and I think this car I think the car fits you know the these style tracks really well like Kansas another great race like and these guys dude they go through one and two and they are you couldn’t put the you couldn’t put a phones between them and they are running oh wide open and fly they are and I’m like that’s how good these guys are you can’t like tell me about the tire was good Tire I get to talk now all right just check it well just everything I saw on Twitter was you had to pass in the first five you got talk to butter bean for 35 minutes didn’t let us talk everything I saw on Twitter was 5 to seven laps you better get it or you ain’t going to get it all right thanks for the answer Freddy um no I don’t I don’t think I agree with that um and I think the TJ showed that you know if if the way I think you should you know approach it and I think that’s you know for most of the drivers is it’s much easier to pass at the end of The Run than it is in the beginning of the Run everybody is so fast at the beginning of the run that you’re better off just kind of it’s it’s hard to it’s hard to pass even even when you’re even later in the run I mean you have to have a pretty substantial advantage to to easily pass anybody um but you know the the beginning of the Run everybody’s hauling ass so you know you kind of just get in where you fit in maintain your stuff hope that the guy in front of you is burning his up longer than you know worse than you are so that towards you know 20 30 laps into of that run cuz way we were going to probably run I think most of the day you were going to run 35 40 laps pit and then you know maybe run 50 on the back side of it so you manager stuff still I don’t think there was I mean if you could get a guy early obviously it was beneficial to you because then you could hold him up and and arrow block a little bit and and then maybe get away from him later in the run but you know it’s it is you know and I want to talk to Butterbean about this because he’s run multiple races like this where how hard is it you know like Brad was doing Tyler checks out he’s gone you know I know you’ve run Florence you know probably run Myrtle Beach places that are really abrasive on tires that you can’t go you know you see somebody take off and you’re like oh [ __ ] am I going to be able to ever catch that guy again or you know I I I know I I know I can’t burn my stuff up here but just how hard is it in the seat as a mindset to say I’m just letting that guy go and I I know I’ll catch him later I I feel like I’ve been really good at that um a lot of people just can’t do it like Jacksonville comes to mind like I last year I rode I got the pole I led the first lap got my bonus point and then I checked back to like 15th and you’ll see these guys come like come up to you and and try to ride at your pace and they just can’t do it after like two laps they’re like bye and I’m like see see you in 30 see you in 40 and like literally I don’t even care if I lead the last lap like to me you want to lead the last one well I mean like except the last you know like I you don’t have to lead them all but just the one that counts and the thing that’s um that I like about it is if I go back and watch it like at the time you don’t realize it but when you watch it back it’s like art how you just make your way back through the the field and I love the strategy of it and like Darlington I’ve never drove there except on iRacing but like I think it’s bad like I I think there’s the races that you have to manage your car that’s what makes a driver like anybody can just go out there and hold it thank you hold it to the floor thank you for saying that yeah Darlington takes Talent D Darlington takes everything speed talent but like I will say like you said Jacksonville like didn’t didn’t Landon take off that race and Lead then then he he got lapped yeah he uh man they do it all the time like Hampton Heat last year at Langley I rode I knew in practice I could run I didn’t have that raw speed but like I could run the same lap time for 80 laps straight same tenth and after they ran about 20 laps faster than me they were slower yeah I rode into teens and then when it got down to 50 to go I lapped up to fourth place so what’s hard about Darlington is when their fall our lap times we fall off like 2 and 1/ half seconds something like that like you’re losing you have to keep some pay but you also you’re going to have fall off too and it’s like like I saw Larson fall in behind Brad one run and he was trying to copy he was kind of trying to copy what Brad was doing and and run right there but yeah I don’t know you know some of these older guys got a real like Martin was working his way up there too I don’t know before he got in that wreck off of two he was creeping his way to the front and Martin I feel like Martin comes from that school of knowing how to manage the car and do things there too Martin’s really good at Darlington as well so Casey I know you’re ready to move this thing along but I will tell you as a spotter there’s no better feeling at Darlington than when they say pit next time cuz you come off Pit Road and you super flying you are your Superman it’s like we we had yesterday we TW twice we did the the like run long strategy let me tell you something SP that’s the worst it actually P it actually it works I mean it was going to work if we had a little more Pace in our car we we pit from Seventh and our car wasn’t great so on top of strategy your car has to be good to to make strategies work and and we pit from Seventh in the first stage and we drove back to 10th if our car was better we would have drove back to probably third or fourth I think or you know probably easily Fifth and and probably gaining from there cuz blay blay was quite a bit behind us and he had a pretty good car he was able to catch us pass us and then drive by two two or three more guys so you know the the obviously Pace plays a big factor but I I enjoy that because then what happens a lot of times somebody’s pits and you see everybody come so like it while it sucks for those cuz you got to stay out like what happens is some people react to this too quickly like if you get beat to Pit Road by somebody you’re racing you can’t just come the next lap because that guyy going to jump you and now you don’t have enough Tire Advantage so what you have to do is all right he he jumped me now I’ve got to run at least five maybe seven 10 whatever it is to now when I know he’s going to be way the hell out in front of me but now I’m going to have an advantage when I catch him you know later in the run so it’s it’s a it’s a toss up but I I actually enjoyed yesterday because I I wish we had more a little more Pace but long sucked for those seven or eight laps whatever we ran long because we’re just getting he alive but then you come out now everybody else is on old stuff compared to you and you’re a hero so butan what do you think your biggest challenge is going be because we’re talking about pit cycles and all the stuff like you guys don’t do this in the cars tour so what are you most concerned about this weekend in north wboro on on the pitting side yeah or I mean like obviously not getting a a speeding penalty on my end and then not hitting somebody in and out of my box would probably be the first first thing my first Pit Stop practice I thought I was going to came in the box and they’re like all right that was great just do it five times faster and I’m like I thought I was going to hit the guy it’s like trust me he’s going to get out the way I’m like okay said4 I come in there next time let her eat and uh and so it’s like you’re rolling down Main Street morisville running 55 miles an hour and there’s people crossing the road yeah you get one of them crosswalks yeah yeah so so uh I think I’m a lot more I went to my second pit practice like much better yeah like you had a lot more confidence getting in the box and I’m like well I just figured I just go for it like if I’m going to mess up mess up here yeah yeah we got time to fix that before the race like we mess up in practice well shout out to to a few other drivers who had really solid races especially shr um both well Barry and Brisco top five finishes I mean that’s pretty impressive I know Justin did pretty well um so reallyy did not do pretty well Ty Gibbs best career finish Josh Barry like you said big finish Justin Haley ninth dude right and was not this is not a luck ninth like he he was fast he had a he he made a very similar call to the 17 that gained him some track position but he was I actually took a picture I was going to I forgot to send it to you know me and just and Brett have a group text and I meant to send it I took a picture of lap 20 on our timing and scoring and Justin was like the second fastest car at lap 20 and I was like and it’s obviously split groups or whatnot but um and there’s 10 guys at that lap and Justin was like the second or third fastest guy at lap 20 and I was like damn he’s got good pace so I think I think when I spotted for Justin the the year we did first year I did full-time with him I think we finished third there I think it’s a great racetrack for him and look man we’ve we’ve given Rick wear a lot of credit on here for a Rebrand a top 10 at Darlington that’s a big deal straight up their best finish ever outside of a a super speedway race and like you said straight up that’s a straight up that’s a big deal yeah he was fast like I looked back there and I’m like this 51 like that’s that’s impressive Justin’s a good dude and I’m I’m excited for him that’s a big deal I’ll tell you who else had a really good run yesterday and and unfortunately for him didn’t get a lot of help on Pit Road was Todd Gillan Todd Gillan had a lot of speed yesterday and it seemed like you know we he would be running in front of us pit and come out five spots behind us and then it just seemed like he continued to lose track position I don’t know if they were having issues with the Box pit stops whatever it was but he he had a lot of speed yesterday especially end the first stage and and and they they you know he had a really good run and and you know I don’t even know where he ended up I’m hopefully it was well but yeah he was he was another one that was up there yesterday and like you said the HR cars were were fast Barry was really good yeah Josh he looked like Harvick he a little he got just a few spots every s you know a few spots a run he was just methodically if that was the the longer race there he he’s probably if we have a couple green flag runs at the end like we would at at the longer race like he’s probably going to he’d have been in contention up there what y’all think of the the throwback teams who was your favorite oh ain’t no no question had to be the five no question without doubt God man that car was so fun to drive on NASCAR heat back in the day dude I tell you dude Terry Leon in the fire suit yeah come out on pretty cool I’ll tell you else was really cool about I don’t know I don’t know if they just did this because of and I think they’re doing it some other places but the the NASCAR alumni program that they’re they’re putting together tweet about that Rick Mass was there I seen Skinner was there horn was there Park I seen I had lunch of Park said he was going to be probably coming down there there’s a lot of these guys where I I don’t know what the benefit package is for for this NASCAR alumni program but I know they’re getting hard cards and it’s just it’s nice to see we’ve complained about it on here before like some of these guys go away and you never see them again but I’m telling you the the problem is and I mean I’m I’m saying this on my level you get to the racetrack and you don’t know where to go when you guys show up right now y’all know you’re going to your huler you know where you’re going to eat lunch when you get there yeah as a as an alumni person you don’t have a home like you’re homeless yeah you don’t have a holler I was homeless in the rain I I I hung out with uh my crew from last year’s at Spire now so I was in the Spire trailer and uh that’s where I posted up I but you know what I’m saying like you L get there and you’re like man this is awesome I couldn’t even find credentials I don’t I don’t know where to go like so it’s really cool like I NASCAR is doing a lot of cool Hospitality stuff um last year they had a really cool mobile marketing piece in the in the Midway but like they they should feel at home somewhere and you don’t know where to go the Midway by the way Martin went to the racetrack last year and didn’t even go to rousas holler yeah like that’s how weird it is so I love the Midway by the way was rolling it was like it was pretty cool they had a lot of lot of a lot of displays out there I will say this about the truck race is I gave up with eight to go I thought it was over and I thought it was literally a done deal and I leave and then I get to the next stop I was in Columbia and I see Ros chest ain’t won like what what brought the caution out what brought the last caution out so first of all the race was over Cory Heim was going to kick everybody’s ass right up until right up until Dean Thompson just wrecked the everybody so that’s why yeah Monday meeting I’m sure that meeting the guys asked me you want to come to the meeting Monday I said uh might want to come to this one I don’t know if I want to be there um FaceTime me I want to listen you know I don’t know like the thing is the thing the funny thing is those trucks are hauling ass right now I think Trion and Bill maali have the the class of the field which neither one of them were in position to win but um you know the the even Dean like he’s been fast fast you know like and he’s just got to harness it like he’s like you can’t make that mistake there same as all we always see like you talked about how tricky turn two was he finally gets he started he had a fast truck in practice qualified like gets up there and you know he’s long run speed he’s got a fast truck so as guys fall off he’s picking them off one after another one after another I think he got to the top 10 he’s probably I think seventh on that restart yeah and Cory same Cory’s another one who wasn’t having great pit stops he’d come in with the lead come out fifth sixth whatever so he’s however they chose he they end up next to each other and and Dean just tries too hard off of two and and chases it up into him and and causes a massive wreck wipes out I don’t know half the top 10 it seemed like um so it’s unfortunate I don’t you know and I seen him kind of get a little snippy with somebody that asked you know ask him a question and it’s like hey man you up like own it like like you know don’t be snipping it’s hard what you think what do youan re had no choice but to own that because if he didn’t I mean this is the same thing this is the same thing like he this is you wrecked half the field right there you need to own that you need to you know I heard him I heard I’m back listening to his audio and he’s trying to blame it on Cory was on my door Cory was nowhere near his door so it’s like it’s it’s just you know you fed up own it and move on but you can’t I saw him said I saw I don’t know who I can’t remember the video I saw but he was like you know kind of trying to bite the guys head off for asking legit questions and you’re like well sorry bud you you messed up you better own it and and apologize and figure it out for the next one but he’s got speed so I I want to see him run well but you just can’t make a mistake like that last thing I’ll wrap this segment since Casey’s over there playing on MySpace um I was about to bring up a new topic that race Race Hub 15 years uh a staple I was bringing up the Tweet thank you okay you go ahead then nope by all means I thought you were playing on your phone living in it here we go you’re not on our good list anymore I’m glad you finally realize that just might have to pay for a few more lunches anytime meatballs on me so Race Hub 15 years in the sport uh obviously NASCAR losing a show on cable during the week I think this is a big deal I agree do you think it’s a big deal that it’s going away midseason oh yes it’s it seems so strange to me that the timing of it you know I mean like I could see and it’s not and it’s not even when does there is it is it running concurrent with their it seems like they’re basically stopping it when they’re done with the cup schedule okay so I mean I thought it seem stopping before that which I thought he was even weirder um but yeah I don’t you know you hear listen different things Fox spends more money as a TV partner than any TV partner in NASCAR history they’re covering the cup the cup schedule half season exfinity schedule half a season truck schedule all year and Race Hub and like you the amount of money that fox has poured into the sport is unreal and and I guess I have a lot of struggles with this my biggest probably problem from a marketing perspective is this platform was utilized by teams and sponsors to do a lot of cool unveils and a lot of you know announcements and whatnot it gave personalities like Trevor Blaine Drew bin derfer um Etc Trevor bla I spotted for Trevor Blain yeah um but like when I look at this thing uh I I I struggle because NBC did not sign up Dell Jr to continue as a broadcaster that’s a budget cut I don’t care how y’all see it it’s a budget cut when I look at Fox man this is a budget cut you know look at Sirius obviously Clare B chocolate Meyers um a lot of shows went away that’s a budget cut so I look at NASCAR and and I see the you know play with CW right where they’re going to be on CW next year and Ben kennedy I think is who said or somebody said in a press release um that we’re going to do our own version of a of a Daily Show well where is that going to live how are you going to do it better than Fox was doing it and how are you going to get more eyeballs on it than what Fox was doing so this is a this is a big media transition if you will um of of our weekly content so I I hope it works out great you know I I just man I I hate I I’m not a guy for change right you hate CH you hate I am I’m an oldfashioned and I hate change and then when something comes back bigger and better you still hate it I still hate it cuz I like the way it was I miss Speed Channel same man me too sorry me to break your arm right there the speed stage at track I’m like a Ric Flair Chopper when I get happy I miss those days I was I mean that was my childhood you know get off the bus on Friday and the speed song would come on and Bud wiser qualifying so man you know like you you remember what was the Friday night show they did on speed from 7 to 8 every Friday couldn’t tell you a wind tunnel you it was was track side live I don’t know what they called it on Friday night no Sunday morning was track side live but the Friday night show was Steve Burns Jeff Hammond Elliot Sadler yeah dude that show was the bomb and when it went away I cried it was like college game Day stuff it was awesome and then same deal on Sunday morning man you you know yeah Kenny Wallace you had stuff all day on TV like going so what happened like yesterday they don’t even interview Josh Barry who finishes you know career high best and then they break away to some bowling replay like man I missed Victory Lane too but I I miss Benny Parsons on Monday Monday night I thought they were rolling into a post race show sometimes or was that later in the year I think NBC yeah they wrote a post I agree I listen as a fan do away with all the pre-race [ __ ] more post R like if you got an hour if you got an hour on either side I want all the post race like you know I want all the driver I want to hear all the drivers going to say the same before the race starts you we just hope to have a good round we clean day learn like all right you got 10 guys saying the same thing now after you post race it’s like that some run into me and you know like I mean you could do a 30 minute pre-race show leading up to it you could do a 30 minute Chris busher interview after the race yesterday and I definitely think like a like a 30 minute to an hour you know afterwards like that’s what happens with with big football games and stuff they you talk about things that happen in there and that’s when you get the interviews and stuff like that and and that’s that’s what I want to see same well before we head to break next Thursday is JRM fan day and your favorite Dirty Mo podcast door bumper clear will be live on stage 11:15 a.m. we’ll preview all the action for Charlotte mother Speedway plus tons more uh stay tuned for more details just check out diro media’s social channels uh also you can sign up for our newsletter at dirty and so we will see y’all May 23rd did you see this twet no no no saying it’s nothing to do with NASCAR we’re not we might get called with the Formula 1 holler but not the NASCAR Hall oh yeah uh Formula 1 got a race in Chicago what well 2026 signed say allegedly the contract to bring Formula 1 to Chicago has been signed Formula 1 has not announced for the first time ever last week F1 beat NASCAR 3 million viewers yeah I mean obviously Network versus it shows what verin does when he wins every week he lost he lost I know meaning like I’m not going to lie the ratings probably went up too because of Lando like the ratings went up because we had a rain delay yeah too yeah and it was Network versus cable which is always a big which is so so on this note obviously NASCAR had Chicago first what does it mean for you know Formula 1 now this says according to this article which is the fastest pit stop they have I don’t know a couple hundred thousand followers so I’m assuming they’re somewhat reputable uh the race would be 2026 which I think our contract was a three-year deal which would have been end in 25 didn’t cancel it so yeah so but I’m saying that three-year deal would end in 25 I think so uh I don’t know how they overlap if they both Chicago’s doing a big you know they’re build they’re trying to build a big football stadium down there I think on the water oh they were going to move it and now they’re not going to move it that rendering uh the only problem I have is there was absolutely no parking none there is no parking you have to go by a boat there’s the same re there’s the same reason we don’t get rental cars down there there’s nowhere to park good Lord I mean even but even if you can park over where the racetrack is that’s not near where the Stadium’s going to be no yeah no what about tailgating what do you how do you ta I don’t know what the plan is let’s take a break when we come back we will start our spot on spot off segment before Brett gets fired NASCAR fans FanDuel America’s number one sports book is here and right now new customers get $200 in bonus bets guaranteed when you bet your first five bucks just go to DBC to sign up then you can bet on everything from Individual race winners to prop bets to which driver is going to take home the championship all on thatp the safe secure and super easy to use start your engine with $200 in bonus bets win or lose when you place your first $5 bet visit DBC to get started FanDuel 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wide ass open and you hope you don’t wreck well yeah they that you hope the other guy don’t move up you hope the guy that put you three wide doesn’t run you into the guy on the outside you hope the guy on the inside doesn’t move up to the guy in the middle and he moves up into the other guy cuz that’s what happened I saw the rep I didn’t see it live I saw the replay of it so I was trying to go back through it but I don’t know it’s a tough call there CU who are you mad at if you’re the driver both of them I’m mad at all of them mad at everybody uh I think it just Ry Blay’s probably having a frustrating season so it probably doesn’t take much to send him it never takes much to send him off anyway yeah yeah I’m sure him and Byron aren’t the best of friends right now anyway so Freddy spot on spot off uh I spot on for being mad at Byron you know I think uh it’s William William William takes him three wide um it’s at that point William’s job to give the guys on the outside enough room if you want to put this guys in his position you have to leave them room to race you know and I know he was trying to get clear of Martin and could Martin have lifted absolutely but what if Martin had lifted guess what he’s not going to do past the 12 or the 24 the rest of that run just that’s a product of this car and and you can’t give up opportunities on restarts we saw it a couple weeks ago with you know with Tyler and Bubba and zaye and you have to take every opportunity you got and I don’t fault with William for making you know the lane opens up for him he’s got to go for it he can’t just ride back there because then somebody’s probably going to pass him on the top so it’s just you know it’s it’s kind of the gentleman’s agreement of if listen if you’re going to take us three wide down there you going to have to give us a chance to get off the corner we’ve already talked about how tight turn two is you know he just never got clear and then moved up and when you move up and there’s two guys outside of you the two guys are going to wreck and again once again I heard blay even say it you know like the guy that causes the wreck and and wrecks two cars two really good cars comes out of the deal Scott free and probably I don’t even know where he ended up finishing but he com out of that deal in the top five still so I think it’s I think the the it’s on William if you’re going to put yourselves in that position if you’re going to you’re going to be the one to put everybody in that position you got to be the one to also have consideration for the guys outside of you and he’s lucky he didn’t get hooked in the fence at the same time I think the gentleman’s agreement is dead as oh it has to be it’s it’s dead like let’s not even talk about racing etiquette on here anymore in the cup series because it’s gone um did that warrant a caution uh probably yeah probably I think so just because I don’t know that was debris but I mean their was wrecked so I’m assuming there was debris down a backstretch plenty hard I think William was being aggressive I think Williams certainly slid up I think Martin if he had to do over again he would have lifted and let let William have that lane because whether you like it or not William had position um William also has three win stickers on the side of his car his give a probably pretty low and I that’s what makes it great racing see I think um if anybody I’m mad at William because he’s the one that like Freddy says Willam the nicest guy out there y’all said I’m not I mean I don’t blame mad I’m not mad at him he didn’t affect me gain me gain me three spot he uh he’s the one that put created happy I mean we were in front of it so I don’t care um I he created the scenario I can tell you turn two is at least two wide I can tell you what it’s not and it’s not you can’t go three wide off of Turn too and he was in the position Martin thought you could no William must thought you could cuz he’s the one to enter down there and he was going to to stay down there I mean if you don’t clear the guy where do you go into him exactly I mean exactly so if you drive into a spot and you don’t he went in there hoping to clear and when he doesn’t clear at that point you kind of got to concede in my opinion or you I I agree Trick’s probably now like if he had known that’s what was going to happen he probably would have lifted the race later on but at the time like I’m I’m not lifting like if I’m in that position go to Care Center if you put your internet down you’re done yeah you know no it’s a tough call really I mean cuz who knew what how it was going to turn out I just don’t think I mean I’m it’s exciting you got a crew chief in your ear you got a spotter in your ear and they’re all telling you hey man you got to get it on this restart if you don’t get on this restart you ain’t going to get it Ain going pass them you ain’t going to pass them man you got to go yeah I mean you do you do have that but I think I think that is a little out of character for William to I it’s not out of character to make them move but it’s out of character for him to move up and them not figure out the exit of the corner you know you saw in Williams interview it was almost you know sometimes you know like you know we part of our job is to know the Tendencies of the guys around and you know like if you got Ross chest Ain behind you at a mile and a half you’re like he’s going to try to take you three wide in a one just that’s just what he’s going to do you know or there’s guys out there William almost see seemed surprised in his interview that that was even possible he’s like man he’s like I really he’s like all of a sudden the lane opened up and I just you know shot it in there like I said if he doesn’t we talked about on here last week if you just follow a guy in the corner you’re going to lose a nose you’re going to especially if you’re on the bottom we were giving up a row yesterday to take the top you know because the top was beneficial off of two you get a much better run down the back straightaway and we would break even at Le you know we would give up basically two spots to break even and you know I think William just went to one and that that lane opened up and he’s like oh look I can go through here oh you know now thinking you know you start up enough I’m going to get clear and like you said I mean he definitely had position I mean he was probably Martin was probably at his rear wheel but maybe behind his rear wheel but he’s still there you know and you can’t just move up if he’s still there I’m sure Brandon was telling him three wide you know I’m sure he knows but you know at that point you just got to bail most time most time when they get to that spot the guy gets in the wake and he starts losing the nose that’s the spot where you start losing it but the problem is Blain is still out there yeah and that’s where it got tricky Larson actually tried the same move on us the next restart and Brad wasn’t going to lift through the middle either I mean you’re you’re in the second best position to come off that corner the bottom ain’t where you want to be and you see it I mean talking two like your point three wide is absolutely can’t happen two wide was there was points yesterday where you’re your guys are trying to make pass on the bottom and they’re throttling up in the center and they’re not going to make the exit and it’s you got the opt you know you have the choice right there is am I just going to run this guy in the fence or do I have to lift and there was multiple times where guys just you had to lift and let that guy go back around in the outside to keep you guys from Wrecking and I think I think William just took a shot and and and it didn’t work out so Butterbean there there have been times in my career at Darlington where they’re coming off to you’re key up and you literally your butt draws up like does your butt ever draw up in the seat cuz as a spotter my butt’s drawn up a few times spot on spot off spot on there’s been moments of that you know blowing or cut a left rear going to the quarter did that the other week so that there’s there’s moments but there is moments you come out to the quarter and you go I don’t know if we’re going to make it you know I mean it’s just and then what do you like what do you like so you know and probably maybe the turkey you know the the race of Kenley is a good example I mean is there ever points in that run where I mean you guys are back and forth you know side by side three wide at times is there ever a point where you’re just like I’m sending it and I hope we don’t all wreck right here I mean you do like it’s such a hard it’s a finesse feel like you know who you’re racing if they can save these kind of hits but sometimes the hit gets harder or in a bad spot and like one time I went and hit Barry and I bottomed out as I hit him so it made it look even worse and um you’re just hoping that when he gives it back to you he don’t catch you in the wheel or something in the wrong spot and something stupid happens so it’s I don’t know it’s you don’t ever go in there going oh I’m going to run this guy and then we’re going to come off the corner and like run right in the wall or something but it but happens speaking of aggressive moves Casey yes perfect segue spot on spot off Tyler reic slide attempt on Chris busher was too aggressive with 10 laps to go oh Brett y’all ain’t going to like my answer on I have a feeling Chris busher was already in a fence when Tyler hit him he was he was already W every no Ty Tyler 100% screwed up T I will I will say this Al so they weren’t going to hit if Chris doesn’t H the no they were going to hit cuz Tyler’s an idiot okay then then what you just sayet irrelevant how mean I Tyler reic was sitting in the same seat butter bean was in when I asked him the question how many races have you give away right yeah he gave away another one yesterday if he just stayed off of him right there he was going to win the race to your to your benefit I’m glad he didn’t cuz I I like you TJ whether you believe it or not I’m glad I’m glad you won but if Tyler would have just got him the down for a hot second he busher was in the fence and he went up there and smoked him anyway yeah but do you think that I mean there were drivers in the fence pretty much all day and they were fine it scrubs your speed was driving off he he was going for a slide job he didn’t make it and I will say this I I don’t know Chris busher I’ve never had a conversation with Chris busher I don’t have his phone number I admire the fact that he’s an Infinity Series champion I admire the fact that he’s won four five Cup races this guy I’ve never seen him pissed off ho H pissed off he remind me of Austin Hill holy pissed off like he grabbed him do you think that that was the right move for before talking to Tyler going up and grabbing him right away yes I would have what you talked to him first literally okay but you listen you can he can apologize while you’re trying to punch him in the face that’s all there is like now you get punched he berer like was like in shock almost like why and he didn’t know what to say yes agreed don’t that’s what happened with me in milit when he took the blame I’m like it’s like you woke up somebody like Freddy you’re a Kad you go yes I am that happens all the time actually but yeah I mean listen I’m going to be a homer because I’m 100% a Tyler reic fan he’s a good friend of mine he definitely royally up in this situation but he owned it you know and then I think that’s the biggest thing it’s it’s just one of the you know we we give certain guys crap on here because they make mistakes like that regularly almost or or they’re over aggressive and this was not a this was this is not the way Tyler reic races in my opinion I think that it’s it comes back a lot to like we were just talking about with this you know the rest restart the the car you know and you know there’s in years past and cars passed I thought Tyler was the fastest car at the end of the race you know you know you guys were about even Tyler got ahead of you I thought Tyler was better than the 17 on the longer run and I was actually having a conversation Bernard power text me this last night because he you know he’s always asking questions wanting to know he’s like man was that Tyler’s fault I said yes th% Tyler’s fault um he didn’t want it to be Tyler he didn’t want it to be like he’s such a nice guy I think he likes everybody he didn’t want he didn’t wanted him to be wrong he did not want that to be Tyler so I was like it’s a th% Tyler’s fault I said Hey by no means did he do it on purpose I said but what happens is now you know the older cars you know you if you’re better than a guy especially a place like Darlington you know you’re going to get him you know you like I’m all right I’m running this guy down I just need to pick my spot set him up I’m going to get him with this car we talked about on here a couple weeks ago you know the the the drivers talking about how you can play defense with this car and Chris is Chris is very good at it also he’s got a great spot on Herm that knows how to play defense and what happens is if you’re able to get any kind of run on a guy you might start to feel like this is my only shot I might not get back to this POS you know we talked about how hard it is to just even affect their Arrow balance especially with this car you know and and if you don’t if you get he gets that big run off two and he’s there he what happens is he goes into three and he’s just trying to he’s going to overdrive the entry to three Chris sees that Chris is now going to jump in the throttle trying you know to play defense on that so that’s why Chris gets in the fence and Tyler doesn’t get clear but you know probably I would say I don’t know what do you think TJ the two3 the one third Mark to the center Tyler realizes this ain’t going to work you know what I mean and it’s now it’s when when you hear still there still there now it’s panic and it’s and and he probably jumps out of the throttle the thing snaps sideways he corrects it stuffs both of them in the fence and and cuts their tires which you know I mean like you said Chris was in the fence he didn’t have he was going to be fine but once Tyler stuffs him in the fenes when that ruins both of their days and it’s unfortunate because like I said I love Tyler and it’s not malicious and I felt so bad for him listening after the race where he’s just like I’m sorry you know it’s genuine like he but Chris has every right to be pissed because there’s a there’s a huge difference in locked in that chase versus only plus 177 to the goods today there are just so many drivers in the sport that it was easy to stay mad at and be mad at I just feel like Tyler’s one of those guys that like Chris Bucher probably woke up this morning and sent Tyler messaged and was like I’m sorry I touched you I bet he did not okay well I am uh I I bet that probably didn’t have that but yeah Freddy Freddy had it Freddy had it right I mean there’s it just didn’t work I went for it and it didn’t work and but the what was wrong with second at that point you know what I mean I know were you GNA be happy run a second better I also think that what plays into it a lot a lot of it is Tyler dominated the race you know what I mean like he he was the best car you talked about you know taking off early in the run but he led I don’t know how many laps he led I’m sure it was about half the race it seemed like anyway um and and I think that plays you know if you if if it’s us you know if we’re running seventh or eighth all day and we somehow cycle to second on a restart obviously we want to win and I’m sure you know if we get in that position we might take that risk but it’s different like when you I feel like you the mindset of a driver and butter B you could talk to this like if you’re dominating a race and lose the lead yeah lose the lead on a restart you’re not you’re going to do anything you can to get it back as as opposed to like maybe you cycled up to Second you’re like oh I’m having a good run I’m just going to stay here yeah it’s a lot harder when you’ve you know dominated it it makes it a lot harder to lose it right at the end especially when you probably still have the faster car um but I I mean I’ve learned from Dominion obviously like I would I would do a million things different to try to win the race a different way but in the moment man it’s it’s just hard you don’t you don’t like I mean I’m spot on for him being uh too aggressive there cuz like he he and I’m more spot on that he owned it because it could have been something to drive it in there and then well you know whatever got loose yeah so racing deal yeah that’s right you know I mean I don’t blame him for trying to win the race but it uh it definitely was very aggressive last week Michael McDow announced that he’ll be leaving front row Motorsports and joining Spire at the end of the season spot on spot off Brent oh man this is uh this is big news you know this guy’s leaving a a what is a newly formed tier one OEM Ford Camp uh for Spire Motorsports um I all I’ll really say about this deal is there are Provisions in driver’s contracts that say when and who they can talk to right so I obviously Michael was in a position where he could talk and negotiate and exit his current team that’s not very common uh I think if front row you know had that provision or did not have that provision in there they will in the future because this is not the earliest SE Silly Season has ever started right Kurt Bush Uh Kevin Harvick they both announced they were going to go somewhere uh 16 18 months before the the the year they were going was even going to happen right so I mean I remember Kevin announced at Phoenix that you know two years from now I’m going to go to Stewart he and Kurt Bush announced you know boom I’m going here right so it it’s not like silly season started earlier it starts whenever somebody approaches you or whenever you have a conversation with somebody but I mean listen good on Michael mow day 500 winner uh hell of a human being and when I tell y’all that I’m not going to go into the guy’s personal life but um hell of a human being I mean this guy is is phenomenal off the racetrack as you can possibly be in terms of what he does for kids and what he does for family um it it’s uh I was I was shocked and and I I think I text Freddy and I was like man this has got to be a Payday right like so something something is motivating this guy because he’s running well I mean he had a chance to to win races this year so to and for drivers to say hey I’m going to leave a really competitive situation holy crap that’s hard to do yeah and especially you know there’s and we’ll get to it here in a minute I think but there’s there’s a lot of rumors out there that’s that front row is taking a major step forward we already know that they’re probably going to be a tier one partner if they’re not already um and and and you know he was always kind of the flagship guy there since he’s gotten there like he was bringing good people in and and and you know progressing that team greatly it seemed like and now they go out and win last year at Indie get in the playoffs they they had speed this year top 10 yesterday you know obviously really fast at all the plate races um and and and it like I said it’s we talk about it all the time on here about key Partners versus them second tier partners and you’re leaving a key partner now at front row to go to a second tier right I mean I mean there’s no chance spes a tier one Chevy team next year you know what I mean so but but to your point we talked you talked about it specifically on here last week about Ricky Stenhouse you get that it seemed to me like Michael’s been on one-year deals the entire time of that he’s been over there and now one of the biggest things I know he talked about in his press conference was this was a multi-e deal and you get that security and that’s a big deal over there and and we know we’ve seen it last year firsthand on our side of things spire’s going to do whatever it takes to go out and get the best people and and that’s probably what they did here you know whether you want to call it a Payday whether it’s the security whatever it is they’re going to do whatever it takes to get the best people in the house over there to advance their program and and this is no different TJ uh yeah that’s what I think is better for Michael is just stability of where you’re going to race for the next few years I think he I think it’s going to be harder for him to run well because I think he’s gotten really good um with the group they’ve got and they got a lot of good chemistry going over there and had a lot of speed here and that’s um I think it’s going to be hard to step into another situation like this and just and have that because he’s been they’ve built that team up and you know they’ve uh they’ve done a really good job at it so but you know the stability that he has it had to be really good for him personally otherwise I don’t think he would I’m going put butter bean on the spot right you think he’s ready for this I was getting ready too all right hold on minute you don’t know what I’m G to ask you would you rather be turning riches for Zane Smith or Michael McDow um you gota I mean I think you gotta go with Michael McDow right because he’s got the experience he can win races um Zayn’s not quite to that what which I don’t know if it’s the team car whatever but um I know spire’s been struggling but back to the other one I I’m with you like I think it’s the multi-year deal and the money because why else would you leave where you’re at you can make the playoffs you’re probably not going to make the playoffs next year or might not make it the whole time you’re there unless unless he’s bringing I heard a rumor that the crew chief might go with him and stuff like that that’s a thing too man like the crew chief he had you know when when the crew chief left Blake right yeah he left to go to Bowman Bowman y I thought that guy was going to take the speed with him and he didn’t they’re still fast yeah well you’re saying take the speed away from Front Row yeah yeah yeah I’m saying like I didn’t think Michael McDow would continue to be as good as he was when Blake was his crew chief and Blake left and he’s just as good as he was if not better so it all goes back to how many people he brings with him probably his more than just but that’s still I mean you’re still like the support you know you’re not a lot of rumors that kuster takes that seat what do you think I don’t know I mean there’s so many rumors right now it’s crazy so like that’s what that’s what I was getting at earlier when I said you know we’re talking about Silly Season fired up like the the the announced deals are not silly season to me the Silly Season is the rumors you know if you announce a deal that takes it off like McDow and and to to that point you know I seen some people saying like why the hell would McDow announce this now when we’re in May and you going to run the rest of this race in a 34 car because guess what we Have No Secrets and if if you’re signing this deal with Spire somebody’s going to know go back to Tyler reck when Danny said Danny said they you know they snuck that deal in on RCR and and and announced it without you know kind of you know bang bang bang Tyler but before they got Danny drove from Winston to the shop and the the news was Lally leaking out before you know before that so if you’re going to announce this and you want to do it the right way you have to announce it or else or else it’s going to get out and you don’t want people hearing this [ __ ] secondhand or finding out about the internet you know especially somebody like Michael that’s been there and meant so much to front row I think the way he did it was right you know and and you can have all the questions you want about whether his performance is going to step up or down but but I think the announcing it now is something you have to do I think josar is a hell of a driver and and M Cory Le Joy finished 16th yesterday he also had a spotter change I don’t know if we’re going to talk about that or not um Zan Smith is not relevant in that car right now he’s under contract with track house he’s obviously now moving to track house um a lot of rumors out there lot of rumors out there as to how that track house thing is going to play out so yeah like you talk about Chris Rice earlier the rumors are and Chris Rice is going to be on here in two weeks and when he’s sitting right here where Butterbean sitting I’m going to flat out ask him are you merging with track house yeah so he better be ready for that if he don’t show up then yall going to know that he don’t want to answer the question and this is when Chris announces it before so so you know and to your point Brett the rumors are out there the the steuart house the latest I you know we this Stewart house deal Changes dayto Day but I mean the latest rumor the one that’s gained the most traction is they’re selling two charters to front row and they building and basically you know going away they’re going to assume sell the other two charters to whoever’s in the market to buy them which by the way I’m hearing the numbers that are are quite substantially lower than what BJ paid last year now I don’t know I think that Charter deal gets done Legend fairly Legend BJ MJ M the legend uh you know I think that Char deal gets done probably next month or so or you know announced maybe I don’t know but the I think the closer we get to that Charter deal the numbers probably go back up but yeah to your point you know if that deal goes away there’s four drivers there can are you under contract as a spot you know TJ’s not going to answer that no he he can he ain’t going nowhere so he can answer are you under contract with with RFK yeah can what how long’s your contract through mine’s up this year it’s up this I already had somebody some guy tweet me saying thanks you’re going to be Miss on the six car so he knew I know yeah I guess so does your contract prohibit you from talking to another team yes Michael McDow obviously didn’t have that in his contract neither did Tyler reick neither did whoever else that announces they leaving as far out like how nobody ever does that though no nobody ever talks to other people no nobody talks to anybody the you know to get back to just you know you hear so now you got Stuart hos if they’re going away yeah there’s and with like you think they’re going away altogether no I think so I think I think so I think it’s possible I think it’s very possible that they just go away I think that I think that they have some kind of either you don’t think they retain two charters and keep going I don’t think so I don’t think it go you don’t think so either I don’t think it goes away I don’t I don’t think it goes away listen I it’s it’s I don’t know you know I think that they’re I think that they’re going to sell these two charters to front row now whether or not front row runs both of those Charters or leases one is is going to be interesting I think I could see easily three full time I I don’t think the leasing thing is as easily done as it was I I I I I don’t know the ins and outs of it but I think think that that’s somewhere where it might be heading um I think I too I agree with I hear that rumor about Cole kuster heading there a lot um I hear a lot of teams a lot of teams are in on Noah gron right now which is obviously understandable great personality has a tiab Bass Pro um you know that that there’s there’s some surprising teams that you hear about talking about him um the Wood Brothers uh Harrison’s out like that’s I think that’s common knowledge now I think that you know I think a big thing of that I don’t know how much it plays into congratulations John Wood you know was kind of taking the Helm of of Wood Brothers Racing there you know if he’s we see this all a time in sports where you know a new GM takes over they want to bring in their guys you know they they want to bring in their coach their driver whatever you want to call it um so it be interesting to see there like I would say who is that I would say Brisco would probably be the guy that I would say is the front runner I don’t know you know that’s the rumor I think that I think Ford is not going to let Brisco go I think Ford is going to make sure they hang on Chase Brisco now if that’s the 21 if that’s maybe an RFK car that may be there in the market for a charter if there’s going to be a Ford I heard you’re buying a charter I might buy one if I could I would right now um but so if you’re Dale who has been known to shop around for Charters and previously Dale’s not Dale’s not buying one at this price he’s going to have to have some kind of partner yeah I don’t know I think he I don’t think he shops around too much he was in the weeds think he might Dale’s an eBay guy he’s trying to swoop in he’s trying to swoop in and steal a charter from somebody late uh but yeah I mean there’s there’s so much stuff going out there that it it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out but that everything kind of like you see the first like and you talked about it the dominoes so McDow is coming to Spire okay well that doesn’t make sense they got three guys already well zay’s leaving all right well where the hell is Zayn going because track house ain’t just not going to run Zayn a cup next year which I don’t know maybe might want to consider at this point yeah but by the way SVG SV yeah so you need three Charters need four you need four um and then there’s sg’s 38 years old what’s your fiveyear plan with him yeah there’s and like to Brett’s Point there’s a team sitting there with two cup Charters that’s not running well right now that that you already have some kind of alliance with because SVG is in your exfinity car um so it makes a lot of sense there we’ll see I’ll let I’ll let Brett Hammer Chris down well Blake brought up a good point I mean with conversations now are they’re even chars next year do you know that yeah that deal is going to get done I don’t know when it’s probably in the next month or two but Nascar has said we’re going to come back with an offer and I’m telling y’all right now this is the take it or leave it offer there’s no way they’re coming to a negotiation this is the we’ve sat on this since Daytona since February and we’ve thought about it and here you go yeah I mean you probably know more about the ins and outs of it I just know I I feel like talking to people in the garage that the deal is nearing completion it’s going to be done within the next month or two we appreciate you coming by uh good luck this weekend and and don’t run into my truck the 25 so what days are you racing Wednesday and Saturday which means if you are able to you better get yourself to wilksboro this weekend because Bean Nation rise up be is there is that it Bean Nation we got Bean Nation Bean Nation we got t-shirts can we get a t-shirt well I got I will hook y’all up with some shirts yes please yeah we’re going to need that send me y’s sizes we’re all 4X big that’s the size just send your car cover we’ll make a couple lot of butter beans hey I got the I got forex’s in the Waffle House butter bean shirts too so hey I’m a fan dude I’m pulling for you appreciate have fun this weekend hey don’t suck cuz I don’t like to pull for people to suck me neither I promise my girlfriend told me I can’t come home if I don’t win Brett I got news for you say that you’re not going to like this he’s an Eagles fan too is he that’s all right yeah he’s a Cowboy fan oh my girlfriend was a Cowboys fan Giants fan you’re a bill we talk about that bull what happened when Philly played D ah the referees oh okay the referees all thanks for joining us we’re going to take a quick break Bean Nation Nation na rise up when we come back we will hear y’all’s thoughts on reaction Theater now it’s time for our favorite segment reaction theater where it’s your turn to be heard reaction theater is brought to you every week by Consumer Cellular Consumer Cellular has fast reliable Nationwide coverage as the leading carriers with land as low as $20 a month and for a limited time new customers receive their second month free when they sign up and use promo code month free that’s m o n t HF re e by May 31st let’s go to the calls yeah what’s up guys I’m on my piss break right now I just wanted to call and say uh William Byron you a you putting them three wide I mean what the man you God tiny ass of yours you still got to use it don’t matter how small it is you still got to use it it’s the motion of the ocean all right and the ocean is telling you three wide don’t work in turn one okay it works in turn one it just don’t work off a turn two yeah it doesn’t work I don’t know where the motion of that guy first of all did he say he was on a piss break he did is that what we started with in fact say that um we we can’t be mad at people for going three wide let’s let’s establish that right now cuz if we don’t go mad I’m not mad at I can’t be mad at that call that was race does it depend on the track I’m not mad at three wide I’m not mad at you got but you got to respect the guys that are next to you yeah if you enter in Lane one you have to stay in Lane one if you move into lane two you’re in the wrong guess what TJ you don’t suck Brad just won theam race that’s it TJ didn’t suck congratulations week guess if you don’t win what you do to celebrate went home no you I assume you went down there yeah I went down there in Victory Lane for a while and and um I saw your uh video from Victory Lane yeah so Andrew was down there curland and uh hung I saw him for a little bit but I don’t know man it’s that was my first coupling with Brad so it was kind of yeah it was kind of realize that you know we’ve been close and I mean you know we’ve talked after every race and I mean I feel like we’ve had so many conversations about I can’t believe that happened we were wi Steve bark doll win Brad’s first Cup race was that was spot for him Steve’s got a win with Brad wow yeah yeah t shout out to Bar doll yeah he was starting that yeah so that was kind of cool and to see his kids see the girls down there real happy and stuff they were when they were taking the car out the tech they were pushing the car so it was cool to see you know the family atmosphere there and what’s that 33 34 wins for that guy uh yeah he’s in the 30s yeah I think so that’s a big that’s a big deal it’s a lot of wins dude I mean that’s a lot of wins it is now that right there is a chance Championship quality track Championship quality track Championship quality race you got freaking brother-in-laws about to whoop each other’s ass you got Chris busher about to La Dart Tyler retic somewhere people pissed off people happy Tel a run by the four team and Justin Haley come on that was just that that’s just good boys just good you heard them that’s the title of the show this week um just good I mean well I mean he’s not wrong there was a phenomenal race yesterday yeah every I mean I don’t know what more you could ask for in a race comers and goers different strategies guys wrecking each other guys you know we we say all the time you want them you want to see these guys wreck and they were wrecking yesterday Tire management um you know really side by-side racing uh had a little bit of everything Pit Stop Str you could run two strategies which made it interesting as well you could run the short one or the long one and they both had benefits at times my heart broke when they moved the southern 500 to California U my heart broke again when they moved the Saturday Mother’s Day weekend race to Kansas uh and then Darlington went to one date and then now it’s back the way it’s supposed to be twice twice of the best track in America it’s a great RAC track it is damn Chris bisher pushing up on Tyler riic looks like a damn gym teacher beating up on a sixth grader pick on someone your own size Chris is Bush sure a big dude ah he’s a lot bigger than reic I say that he’s not like he’s just the bar’s pretty low bigger than re I think uh I mean he reminds me of like a Newman he just stalky you know what I mean like stalky like corn it’s stalky stalky it’s stalky yeah whatever it is um yeah yeah it’s like a St yeah so is he 5 foot n 5 yeah i’ say probably my height yeah I’d say somewhere 5’9 510 so he ain’t going to dunk on you you know what uh the scary part about it is you never see him mad oh freaking out when you get him mad you’ve done something so it was I mean and this has been a brutal two weeks for him yeah I mean you lose a heartbreaker which oh by the way is the closest finish in history so you’re going to get to see that about another million times in your lifetime and then you’re leading and and then you’re leading and get wrecked you get torpedoed by a guy man the reic rocket hey uh Mr Majors this is Steve from party supplies and Wildlife look I don’t want to judge man on what he’s into or how he wants to celebrate but there is no way I’m sending a 55 gallon drum of Cool Whip a pair of sheet and a slip and slide you do you man but I’m not putting another one of my signs in the yard when you and your buddies get so wasted you violate my sheep oh wait that reminds me Mr Kraft your usual order is ready for pick up have a good day gentlemen sorry guys party off I guess I saw that I saw last night like people it’s so funny that you just I feel I at times I feel bad for TJ because he kind of gets lumped into AR Shenanigans multiple times and yesterday I was like TJ is gonna be hammered on the podcast tomorrow and I’m like you guys don’t know TJ very yeah probably not yeah I will say that if you would have seen me you know 15 years ago yeah that’s a good thing we didn’t have a podcast 15 years ago cuz none of us would have been here because uh yeah I mean it it didn’t matter back then it did matter like the beginning of the show there if you won the race or if you finished 30th we were partying after the race and especially close ones like this or Charlotte or whatever it didn’t matter if you won uh or not you were hanging out and partying and I was probably up till the sun came up most of them times W Brad finally gets himself a win there in Darlington that was awesome it’s got me a little bit emotional my mascara is almost as running as bad as his was Casey’s boyfriend Tyler there he’s about as short on brains as he is on height that move was never going to work and finally even Darlington is able to put on a good show with this absolute engineered scrap race car that we have can’t wait till we finally move on to the next generation of race cars so happy for Brad congratulations TJ you’ve been holding that team back for so long but it’s great to see you guys get a win we out H did you see TJ after the race bread I saw his little video I saw oh you didn’t see him climbing the fence on the front straightway no he climbed it you didn’t yeah I went right up it you did you honestly not see the video of the guy climbing the fence Oh I thought it was TJ too I thought I figured it was TJ way up there I mean he climbed the front stretch fence I he fell down twice trying to do it South Carolinians are if you’re going to climb a fence how high are you going over up over the curve the problem is it gets that curve like know straight fence I’m okay with like I could probably CL my fat ass ain’t get up there anymore but back in the day I probably could have climbed but when you get to that curve I’d be really worried about going going I don’t even get up that high to the curve I’m not no I’m not even climbing the fence you so you stop at the curve I’m not climbing the fence yeah I’m not even climbing a fence it’s I don’t need to climb it what’s the good in climbing but no there’s a dude there’s a guy that he full richm yesterday and climbed all the way to the top of the fence as Brad’s doing his his burnout I assumed it was Clint actually I think said something about it yeah Clint said oh there’s a guy in the face he actually looked like a griffin to be honest Sol chance boy what a beefing freaking race I tell you what I thought that was it I thought it was too that dark horse Mustang finally hit puberty and let his balls drop and got into Victory Circle what a great call I thought it was over you have a little more confidence Freddy in the Fords now were you listen you’re talking to the wrong guy buddy I said the Fords do need to be worried everybody need to be worried I pick Chris busher on DBC pcks don’t get me started he was going to win I’ve been there trust me look at look at my pics it’s frustrating okay you suck Casey we have one more call uh hello is this that uh number that Miss boat told us to call for a date with Joel yeah I ain’t got none of them there wiping uh rocks around my mailbox or pink flamingos in my yard or pineapples in my window or nothing like that but I would like to take my pole out and get me some Hogs uh if if Joel’s interested um yeah talk about fishing I seen his profile on uh Twitter and it looks like he’s into fishing so I’d be into that too just have him give me a call back thank you this guy likes Joel’s pole and Hogs and Hogs and hog they say serious Twitter profile or t profile tter I thought about this yesterday as I was on my neighborhood walk and I saw the white rocks by the mailbox and I thought man just just imagine being like a 22y old listening to our podcast and you realize that your mom and dad’s got white rocks I seen a buddy a buddy of mine Richie poly he tweeted us yesterday and he’s like he’s got a he’s got a mailbox where he’s he’s like man I was getting ready to you know put some you know put some Stones down here he’s like but now you guys have ruined it for me I don’t know if I can I don’t know if I can do that anymore you know what I’m walking my neighborhood tonight I’m looking I’ve got to know I still have never heard the I haven’t either but I’m going to find out well when we left here I Googled it start knocking on doors and hey what happens if they’re outside they wave do you wave back I mean what’s that mean is it on or you just go talk to him you just approach him okay BR you try that and let us know how it goes they did oh great calls as always to leave an audio message for us just call our number 74802 9572 consumer sers official Wireless partner of Brad kazlowski RFK racing and the six car if they can count on consumer cellular you can too Brad keslowski and RFK racing no speed and that’s just what you get with Consumer Cellular Consumer Cellular has award-winning 100% us-based customer service centers so you can always get the help you need it’s like having your own pit crew right when you need them consumer cier has the same fast reliable Nationwide coverage as leading carriers but with plan starting as low as $20 a month there are no activation fees and no contracts consumer sell their customers stay because they want to not because they have to they don’t need to trap their customers you can even try a consumer cellular for 30 days risk free if you don’t love it cancel it but we bet you’ll love it and for a limited time new customers receive their second month free when they sign up and use promo code month free by May 31st that’s promo code month free at consumer so what are you waiting for see for promotional details moving on ask DBC don’t forget # ask DBC onx to send in your favorite questions for these guys first one is from Colton I know there is some doubt by drivers after long windless streaks wondering if they still have what it takes but do spotters ever have that same doubt TJ yeah I mean you’re thinking about it as as close as we were I mean you just don’t know this sport is so hard to win in you don’t know when it’s going to be your last win and um or even your first for a lot of guys that you know yeah I mean it was in my head I don’t know how you don’t think about it you just you get so close and we’ve had so many conversations on the drive home after races you know what this went a little bit different we should have won this we should have won that you just never know man and um I think uh yeah I mean it it’s it’s been tough I’m not going to lie it does drain it does it does wear you down mentally um and I you know I’d be lying if I said it was easy oh for sure and I mean we’re kind of in the midst of of a a long streak now that we’ve you know me and Bub been there forever 15 years this is our 15th year um we had a lot of success early in the K&N series we had a lot of success in the truck series xinting didn’t go so well um beginning of the cup career didn’t go so well finally got to where we needed to be won some races and and now you’re back in this streak where it’s been over a year and and you’re wondering you know you’re in position you got speed you you you don’t I don’t think you doubt that it’s going to come it’s just you have your concerns that you know how are we going to get this done and and obviously always Creeps in the back of your mind somewhere well here’s the weird part like you go back to the start of last year hendrik has 16 wins jgr has 12 wins if you’re not one of those two organizations it’s freaking hard and I mean obviously RFK has four wins in that same time span but man I I you you go into every race every weekend hoping you can win and then when you practice you kind of settle into man I hope we can run here right whether it’s 15th or fifth but if you know if you can run top five you got a chance to win so as a spotter um we’re probably way more optimistic than the drivers because drivers are feeling and and seeing every inch and every opportunity but I mean if you’re a driver with a 5% win percentage you’re a Hall of Famer in any other sport you’d be dead you wouldn’t even have a job so uh I I say this all the time winning a Cup Series race is the hardest thing to do in all the Motorsports in America it’s so freaking hard this next one is from Andrew I’m traveling to North wboro from the United Kingdom next weekend for the All-Star Race followed by a road trip through Charlotte Atlanta Nashville and finishing with the Indie 500 no he ain’t going to make it to Indie 500 Nashville’s deadly solid schedule what are your top recommendations other than big owls Milbridge oh my gosh I don’t think they’re I don’t think they’re I don’t think Big Al is a top recommendation for Charlotte uh it’s just where we go on Sunday nights cuz there’s nothing else I think we let people down often when they’re like I’ve get a lot of tweets about you know man uh Big Al is in a strip mall like it’s I my yeah it’s our place you know it’s I would say another top top recommendation is JRM fan day next Thursday to catch us it’s it’s race shops just Hall of Fame it’s honestly Hall of Fame race shops there’s nothing cooler to do in Charlotte if you’re a race fan than Go Pro motorx that’s a good spot yeah those and those CS are fast fast I think it’s called track house I hope that um I don’t I don’t I should probably not say this because I’m not 100% sure of it but I’m pretty sure air speed is going to open up uh during the Charlotte race week wow um so that’ll be cool it might it might be what is air speed that’s where we build speed for 2311 uh that’s that’s the the shop that we’re using but obviously we’re not permitted to call it a shop so it’s air speed it’s isn’t there still some sort of well it’s a shop you ask me what it is it’s shop Casey that’s a building that we got house the cars in so aggressive um but uh that I believe it’s going to be open I think it might be the same day as jron fande which is the 23rd I believe so I don’t know keep an eye out for that I’m sure they’ll announce something soon um the guy’s doing it right though he’s coming from the UK like he’s hitting some good spots and and and listen you’re going up if you’re coming through Charlotte you going to Atlanta you got to stop at the varsity the varsity’s a a local treasure you got to go to the College Football Hall of Fame in Atlanta in Atlanta in Atlanta okay I I’ve never been um hot The Varsity you UK guy um you’re driving down interstate and it’s on your left when you get come into Atlanta it’s a hot dog and Burger Joint get a get I think it’s called a fr frosted Orange it’s like a dreamsicle milkshake thing it’s it’s fantastic and it lasts you all the way from Atlanta to the Canapolis border I’ve tried it one time I will say you know I was obviously joking about mbridge but there are a lot of local tracks along that route that you can easily catch oh you were joking I mean I was but I wasn’t there are two big races at mbridge next week are there but yes there are um but I will say like there are quite a few and and I mean a lot of these tracks also have local um affiliations do y’all wish that the All-Star Race was at Charlotte Motor Speedway I’m not saying we wouldn’t go to North wicksboro like don’t don’t confuse me with saying let’s go to Charlotte instead of North let’s let’s assume North wboro still lives why on our schedule is that something you wish Brett I’m asking y’all I think I mean I used to love the week between the allstar and the and the 600 I thought that was I mean and you’re kind of getting a lot of the same stuff because it’s not we’re still in wilksboro but I I think I think the race would be better at Charlotte for one um but you know and which should be interesting to see how this option Tire works but you know I always love that run Charlotte have that week in between where you go to see shops and everything and then and then have the 600 yeah I um the way this car is I’m I think a in the right format I think the AAR race could be very exciting at Charlotte Motor Speedway but I also think they’re working on things to make make it exciting at wilksboro too so we might we might go up there and have one of the best all Races we’ve ever had so why do you think wilksboro hadn’t sold out already which I have not I mean I hope it has by now I haven’t looked one thing that really is like interesting to me that I haven’t looked to see what they’re selling for tickets is that backstretch grand stand gone like I have no idea I it’s not been any of the pictures I’ve seen from from the test they do have a spotter stand now right yeah it’s the spotter stands on top of that sweet ter four um but from all the pictures I’ve seen of the test back stratch grand stand that was there is gone now I mean it was it was a portable grand stand so they can take bring it take it out and bring it back as as fast as they want to but I haven’t looked at the ticket sales to see if they’re selling that backstretch grandstand I’m going to Myrtle Beach this weekend for a baseball tournament but if I were not going to Myrtle Beach for a baseball tournament this is one of the races I would literally buy tickets to and take bod because this is the Grassroots this is the home of of what Nascar used to be and I think I’m glad we’re back there I think that this I think that this this race and if you go back back and listen to Dale show with Elton Sawyer last week um you know they were talking about the this tire that we’re going to run the softer Tire it’s basically the the tri the rain tire without the without the grooves in it it sounds like to me anyway um which we saw last year was a really good tire for for racing anyway um and a lot of people were comparing it to the the you know the the harder versus the softer compound and and to listen to Elton basically like they’re only wor they’re wanting to see what this tire does for the future you know like not so much concerned about how it relates to the harder tire but just us like is this tire going to wear out is there going to beers and goers do you have to manage this tire yeah I hope we can I hope you see us go out there and run as hard as we can and and burn the tires off this thing early and then and teams figure out and I I hope what I hope obviously I always see this complaint about you know we need option tires we need opt tires the problem is just like we do with pitch strategy the teams are going to figure out when when to put the stuff on everybody do the same thing so I hope that somebody doesn’t at wil you know I hope there’s somebody that that puts it on early and cuts through the field and not everybody just saves it for later or somebody if everybody puts it on early somebody does save it for later and can cut through the field later um but I hope there’s some differing strategies on on on on that race and that and that program I just hope they see the option tire is the better tire and that’s the tire we run yeah I think that’s and I think that’s what that’s kind of what Elton was getting at Elton was because we’re talking about a lot of people were like oh you know how’s it compared to the other Tire heads up and it’s like they’re not so concerned with that they’re concerned to how that tire that option Tire performs because they would you know if it’s an option to move forward and use that at Martinville I think they figured out some some good things like the tires that were that were that we were wearing out at Bristol they weren’t just popping like you were you it was like you were wearing it out too much and you don’t have when you felt it you pit yeah like you wore yourself out you need to hit Pit Road and I think that’s a good thing yeah this next question is from Nathan is it Panic time for anyone outside the top 16 in points to get a win for the playoffs so I don’t know that it’s Panic time right I’m my guy’s 16 or so he’s 17th in points he’s six points out of the championship right or out of the playoffs it’s I talked about two weeks ago how easy it is to lose points on here because we had back toback dnfs and lost a bunch of points yesterday we ran top 10 both stages ninth and 10th in the two stages finished seventh and we went from four points out to six points out so if you’re telling me it’s not time to panic for the guys like Noah maybe Joey’s on that line of you know maybe he doesn’t need to panic yet um but you know 19th back no these guys are going to have to win I think because it’s just so hard to make up ground you know we obviously I think we were four behind Brad now we’re six behind Brisco so we’ve gained on Kyle bus yesterday but still we have a top 10 run all day long and lose ground technically in in the in the fight for the last playoff spot so it’s just if you get to a point where you know you’re I think Noah was 883 out or something like that you that you have to win I’ll tell you what man Josh is creeping in on Noah yeah and we had said was the beginning of year um over under on Stuart house was going to be 20th and they got two in the top 20 and one knocking on the door of the top 20 so that’s pretty impressive with a big Point penalty yeah yeah for sure Noah anyway which ones got it there Noah and priest I think so I mean you think these guys I mean who are from Noah Downs must win you think or can he make up an 80 point gap on on us and loo I don’t I I think everybody that’s out is going to have to win I mean I I think you know it’s easy to say bubba Wallace can point his way in over Chase Brisco I mean dude you’re look you’re staring down Kyle bus he can win anywhere Chris Bucher he could have won the last two weeks Ross Chastain he’s going to win a race like you Alex Bowman he’s a Hendrick Carr like I mean what I’m looking at in inside of the top 16 is guys that are fast with a lot of speed that can win at a lot of places and and I I don’t I mean listen Clint Boer God God bless him love him to death there were years where we rode around trying to point our way in instead of going out and winning races Blake Shelton asked to come on the show because at that point in in the NASCAR Journey he was frustrated with guys not racing a Win Racing to point their way in I don’t think if you’re outside of this top 16 you can say I’m going to point my way in no absolutely not that’s that’s the point I was making yesterday we we ran as good as we could yesterday we you know weren’t great weren’t bad we ran top 10 and lost ground you know so so you know it’s it’s you have to and then you’re going to have you got road courses coming up you’ve got you know at least uh two more plate races before I’m sorry one more plate race before the um playoffs start so you know I mean you’re getting Wild Card wins from anywhere here you know and and some guys could pop a win off busher is right here in front of us he could have won yesterday you know what I mean so it’s just I think everybody’s a little bit Panic Mo I said on here a few weeks ago that we’re hitting The Sweet Spot of the schedule minus North wicksboro a it’s an auto Point Race and B is a short track Like These races are one I mean Jeff Glu poll right now is 93% was Darlington a good race we’re hitting the money spot of the schedule that’s high that’s freaking real high what was last week 96 96 yeah it’s two big weeks dude I told yall we’re H we’re hitting the money spot right here need Denny to not win speaking of Denny diry Bill announced the return of the Denny Hamlin bracket challenge sounds like there’s tons of excitement from fans on X what do y’all think yeah I even seen I think and somebody have to back me up on this I think did I see that Amazon or TNT has said that they’re going to they’re going to somehow incorporate something like this into their their broadcast part you know thing next year cool um so that’s be cool but yeah this was I mean this was a hit last year um how’ y’all brackets do I don’t think I did one I didn’t do one yeah um uh we can do that this year won we can do it yeah I know you did not win it’ll be a lot of fun and it’s something cool to you know like look at matchups and talk about during the week and I think they’re you know like I think Denny had a great idea here when he brought it up last year and there definitely I think should be something in season like this you saw the NBA do it this year in the season tournament where where it’s got a big payday at the end of the year and and it adds adds value to a race that might not be as exciting you know you you can have a battle for 12 that’s actually for a million dollars or something like that you know so so it’s it’s definitely a great great idea and it’s it’s awesome to see it come back head to joury to sign up for the newsletter to hear when it will be live all right guys who is your idiot of the week I don’t I don’t know what Freddy’s is but I’m was going to assume it’s that idiot that drove a white truck in the side of Bobby Tim’s race car oh man I mean that’s like we don’t have many Hall of Fame wouldn’t idiots that’s a hall that guy is that guy’s straight to the top I saw I saw another angle from like turn where I think what it’s hard to tell exactly what they’re going what’s going on in the car there and I think the angle I saw but some people that aren’t have maybe not seen it go to my Twitter I I retweeted the day Brett did I think Bobby Timmons 13 is is Bobby’s Twitter yeah it’s there there he runs a super modified at Star which which kind of similar to any spring spring car race you watch they have to get pushed off to start so this is I don’t know if this was this didn’t look like a push truck because it didn’t have anything on the front of it to push with but they’re getting pushed off they’re rolling around the racet trck and this guy just hangs the left and destroys Bobby’s race car luck Bobby wouldn’t luckily Bobby was okay the video I saw from the outside it looks like he’s throttling up trying to get across the racetrack quickly I I don’t know what you’re doing like you’re like like I said you’re one an idiot Hall of Fame member um but we had a couple this week there’s a guy poor guy in the arcer race that drove right into a big tire at the end of Pit Road but most of the time our what an idiot is fun like it literally is to make fun of somebody we’ve even given it to our but like we this this is this is this could have been dead yes it’s absolutely can’t this is a serious what an idiot and I man who pays for that so what Bobby did Bobby did tweet that the the racetrack and and I think the sponsor of the race or whoever was putting on the event have have reached out to him and they’re working on some details to try and make it right but I mean you can’t make it right you know what I mean I you can maybe help Bobby Bobby’s a fabricator Bobby basically Bobby and his d basically built that race car from the ground up good then there’s not a lot of bodyw work on anything so I mean it’s hard it’s more it’s probably more so heartbreaking for him that his his race car just got destroyed versus you know anything else but I feel bad for him he text me he text me before the video came out he’s like man you’re not going to believe what happened to me today and when he showed me the video he was right I couldn’t believe it this is the same guy who threw up a big ows by the way just to tie this all up oh I forgot about that oh yeah he threw up on the floor at big house allegedly yeah no no no no I saw him throwing up there is no allegedly [ __ ] to this I he’s coming back he say he’s making a return so what an idiot was short and sweet this week hold on we got to give it to our buddy okay who we giving it to Clint Boyer what’ he do uh uh I heard two things pull it over I heard he got a speeding ticket in MCB what an idiot it’s m b by the way okay yeah okay uh and then he’s trying to circle the idiot that was climbing the fence on the front stretch and somehow C St cired some guy’s ass on television yeah I mean Dustin I think Clint likes your backside buddy oh Clint poor Clint do you have any idiots this week DJ I was going to give it to the fence guy um they climbed it yeah he trying to celebrate your win you can’t give a guy an idiot award you don’t we Security in this situation you don’t need to be on top of the curved part man that’s where you know what the next the next step is is racetrack like your hood yeah that’s not uh that’s not that’s not been a long time man he’s excited you know what I don’t know if I want to give it to him or not like we were we were choosing from third and Ty Gibbs is running second and we were front row or fourth outside and we pretty much knew where they were going to go but for some reason Tai’s rolling up to the choose box and he swerves left then he comes back like who like what are you doing just choose your lane it’s not like almost got you yeah like oh you are you trying to like what are you that you know when that’ll stop when he hits the Box yeah when he hits the box but like Tony hman told him to do it it’s it’s just like you know what that show is like this dude wants to get rid of us he’s he’s we’re like he doesn’t want us up here so he’s trying to do every little thing like but like just chw I will give Ty credit he ran a great race Tai had Tai did a great job yesterday post race though um oh yeah he had the best Instagram post of the day did you see it you ever see the the SpongeBob Meme where it’s like I’mma head out and the guy’s like getting up there’s a video Ty is talking to Tyler as busher is heat seeking missile for Tyler and Ty Tex turns around you just see him look up and whoop and he just he tweeted the video he says I’m a head out speaking of speaking of that I would give him that what a genius for that and uh also I picked on them last week because they suck but the Dirty Mo no guys are back to the dirty mod do guys Tampa Tims which hold on a second I’ll get back to that in a second uh picked Brad to win I guess I know I saw clip of him talking about there’s Great Value in Fords this week Fords had five of the top 10 so he nailed that pick but I have to ask him maybe this is for the production crew more so than us where the did the name Tampa Tims come from he was Alex Tims for as long as I known him he’s not from Tampa like where how does is this like an alter ego personality that he’s trying he’s been Tampa Tims as long as I’ve been here I’ve only been here three and a half months explain to me is he went there once he did he’s been to Tampa one time Tampa Tampa one time even though he goes to Nashville every other week something happened you don’t just go to a yeah he got locked up or you don’t just get the to yeah I don’t this I promise you I’m I am never going to be columia Freddy that’s not going to happen I mean Brett’s not going to go to Chicago and become Chicago Brett because of this cup race I mean Brett’s not going to be Chicago Brett I mean unless unless that’s like I met this kid this weekend his name was Montana I’m like I ain’t going to name my kid South Carolina how you get these nicknames Brad has a friend that I forget get the I I wish I knew the whole story right now I’m sorry Herm has a friend that uh his two kids were they on vacation somewhere and one was like this or prom night or something was like the center Motel which is a not a nice hotel in middle of Canapolis and their other kid was conceived like at the MGM in Las Vegas and he’s like if I was you I wouldn’t tell either one of your kids about that but he like you should named them you should have named them after each like where they were born you know Caesar one be Caesar I’m not trying to speculate here but a very well-known movie Magic Mike was filmed in Tampa so I don’t know if Tampa Tim think Tims was out there dancing so what do you think happened maybe that’s how he’s getting his beding you know oh oh I don’t know he looked like he knew something who Evan yeah Evan Listen Evan’s a man of mystery all of a sudden he’s I don’t this kid’s out there making voices he was he you know Evan painted the lines on the track by the way shout out the line was straight as hell it straight as hell and it looked like it was lined up with a camera went there measured it it was straight I’m kid one one chance in that again just in case moving on to DBC picks I honestly like I give up we all suck this week 19 I mean I literally Pi Larson told Jones I got Tyler re I had I had what I I was going to win that don’t matter I was top until eight to go I was going to win my guy was out running your guy all race long until he got a speeding penalty even you told me that I was going to win I know come on what so so here’s my question for DBC picks this week are we sticking to the no you pick anybody driver pick whoever you want what we do I get to pick first no no no I do right no no you sure I lo I lost with LaRon why because Len wrecked oh you’re making me so mad today uh I’ll go with Denny Hamlet Kyle arson well he’s coming from the back Kyle arson coming from the back he has to right he can’t run heat races Andy 500 he’ll be all right Kyle arson okay is it my turn uh I’ll take I got pick somebody’s in a race I guess huh Josh Perry he’s a good short track guy he’s a really good short track guy is he gonna win the open maybe I hope not I hope my guy wins the open oh you in the open oh yeah I’m in the open TJ’s not in open Champion uh I will take Martin cheex all right so I feel like he’s gonna come back here I’m gonna go with William Byron you’ve been in mother him the whole show now take I did not I said I like Legos dude damn I like William I love William do you know you I love love You’ve Won twice and your average finish of those wins is 21st do you realize I probably have more single digit finishes than the rest of you as well you didn’t want to look at that Casey whatever Casey all right allar race weekend I mean they could not have a better schedule between the cars tour we have the pit stop pit crew challenge the race is going to be phenomenal as Freddy would say oh you know where I think I’m going to go this week just for fun big ass nope oh I think I’m going to go to Bowman Gray I’ve been bashing the hell out of Bowman Gray for a year and half I’ve never been to B and they’ve done they did they started to Trend back in a bad Direction this week they had some terrible races and a show guy flipping off the crowd he was it Tim Brown no I don’t even know his name he’s like the guy that was like praised for being the crowd favorite last week and now he’s flipping the crowd off in the middle middle Football Saturday night what’s his name who’s Zach something Zack Staley Stanley something like that uh yeah Saturday night um but yeah I think if we’re going to do after the truck race me and H maybe meel head up there and maybe watch Bowman gry you got to run heat races I don’t I don’t have a heat race what can we expect as we watch this weekend fast fast really like 2 seconds faster than we were last year probably uh probably a little faster than that if if when you put that other Tire on there um and I think that’s the biggest thing everybody needs to focus on is how that tire performs because that may be a huge thing moving forward for our short track package and this could be a be the unknown the unknown this weekend with these tires I mean it’s going to be interesting looking forward to it now with Harvick practicing for Larson because Larson will be in Indie you really think he has a shot of the win if he’s starting from the back Kyle lson can win anyway yeah we all started in the back last year and I think we drove to the front yeah I don’t just not when they pick I think it’s going to be hard to pass because obviously new asphalt is not ideal I think that the question is you know how does this as they said super grippy if the grip falls off it’s going to be good yeah that’s what we need to happen and and uh man it’s uh our our Allstar event is the best Allstar event in all of sports there’s nothing else like it because the NFL allar I mean NFL’s gone into a freaking two-hand tag game because it’s so lame and the NBA game is just the over under 400 no defense you don’t play defense you’re talking legit Allstars out there being absolutely lame these dudes are going to go in here with a million bucks on the line and well yeah they’re trying to win the other guys don’t trying to win they’re trying to beat each other for a lot of money and uh literally second place doesn’t matter yeah so I’m all for it all right well everybody enjoy your week congratulations again TJ we shotgun and beers after the show for TJ all right I’ll I’ll film you too I’ll we out have a great week see you


  1. Why you guys make such a big deal about Keselowski's 101 race drought, but y'all say squat about superstar Ryan Preece's 164 race drought?🤷‍♀️
    Speaking of which, when Y'all think Preece is gonna win one of these here CUP races??? Real soon I bet 👌

  2. NBC is the only network that does a post race after but most times it's on peacock… fox does not!!! I go straight to YouTube to try and see post race cover and it's not that great most times either said nascar claims that want to draw more people to the sport but keep taking coverage and personalities away from the sport that truly matter.. that has a following outside of racing itself which draws in more eye balls!!!! Not sure how this is so hard for nascar heads to figure out

  3. I lived in the Atlanta area for a year, and worked at the GA Aquarium. I tried to go to The Varsity once, and it was so packed that I just drove away. This was in 2006.

  4. Do all the newer drivers just floor the car basically? Seems like the "old drivers" know what pacing is. Even people playing video games knows that.

  5. dale gets noah#8 and josh#1 back under dei jr motorsports new banner and switches to chevrolet. briscoe to #21 and smith to #91 cole custer to the #34

  6. Been a Brad K guy since he drove trucks for Junior. I was of course over the moon with the win but also gratifying was how the crowd embraced the win. Seeing Brad emerge as a fan favorite late in his career is a treat.

  7. Brenden 'Butterbean' Queen! Seems like a cool guy, but, man, can he drive!!
    Congratulations to TJ, and Brad! A great showing at Darlington!

  8. Glad to see Butterbean on DBC. First saw his talent running Legends as a kid at Southside Speedway and have been a fan since. Wish him more success with Lee Pulliam and the CarsTour.

  9. The only thing going through Tyler's mind when Chris walked up to him was "I am goint to die"…..

  10. your pod cast r our weekly content i dont need to watch a 20 min show about nascar and 40 min of commercials now im not so young im against having them i know why there there but when its more bull sh** then what i want to watch in a day an age of youtube and pod cast y would i when i work 50+ hours a week

  11. I almost didn't watch this race (I stream, so I get the races next day). I saw who won on FB ahead of the time. Decided to watch out of defiance just to see Ford back in victory lane and how it happened. Great race! Great win! Go T.J.! Love this pod cast! You are my people!

  12. Yes the all star race should be at Charlotte !!!

    I went to Charlotte for that, the hall of fame and shops during the week then the 600. One of the most memorable trips I've taken.
    Move the Allstar back to Charlotte!!🏁

  13. Awesome To See Butterbean Listening More Than He Speaks,I Can Tell He'll Be A Nascar Superstar If Given The Opportunity 💯

  14. Am I the only one who doesn't like the random guests? I mean I get it if it's like an actual NASCAR driver but some random dude doesn't suit me well.

  15. All the talk about “heartbreak” for the #17 meanwhile the #45 got robbed of the win because the #6. If a toyota did what the #6 did that’s all peeps would be talking about.

  16. 50:53 I miss speed channel, for me YouTube channels like Eric Estepp out of the grove has filled that void.

    I’d love to see some more trackside live, Steve burns, Dave despain after the race. Hopefully NASCAR figures out a formula

  17. Wait Freddy! Not long ago Denny was great when he put Ross in the fence. In Denny's own words, he had the option of lifting!

  18. I think it’s stupid for Chris to immediately try to fight reddick after the entire reason Chris was in the lead was because Brad put reddick in the fence about ten laps earlier. Obviously that was still reddick’s fault and Chris should be upset but not enough to charge at the 5 foot guy who also got fenced and wrecked his own car

  19. This show is just incredible!!! Man…..yall just ROCK and has some great information that you really dont get anywhere else! Thank you so much!

  20. Casey's gotta go or change. This is a podcast. There's no time slot. Let them talk about a subject for however long they want. We are here for those 3. I understand her role but it's too much. Let them boys talk!

  21. Tony's feelings about nascar have been clear the last 2 years. He spends more time drag racing than doing Haas business.

  22. Speed channel was awesome. Fox takes it and screws it up and now screws the fans. Wind Tunnel was Sunday evening if I remember correctly.

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