How To Have Good Tempo and Timing in your Golf Swing

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In this video, Adam shares and breaks down the details of the tempo between the backswing and downswing, focusing on timing and how to synchronize them effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, Adam demonstrates how to align your backswing with your downswing to enhance accuracy and power in your swing.

βœ… 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
βœ… 27-year Class A PGA Member
βœ… Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
βœ… Hosted corporate outings worldwide
βœ… Regular Golf Channel appearances
βœ… Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






hello there Adam Basel jet here founder of scratch Golf Academy today let’s talk about how to have good Tempo and timing in your golf swing no question these are important Tempo really refers to the amount of time it takes your swing to happen and we’re going to break that down into some well established facts between timing I should say Tempo between back swing and downswing and timing that really talks about the different moving parts of your body the club Etc and how to get those to work together and as I’ll show you we give you some drills as I show you I think there’s a pretty strong correlation between when you have good timing it’s easier to have good Tempo so Tempo let’s touch on that one first first thing I’d want to tell you it’s been pretty well established in the golf world that it takes three times longer to complete the back swing than it does to return to the ball a three to one ratio tour Tempo I believe many years ago was the first to sort of establish this as a fact but let me show you a little tool that I think could really help you because not every although almost every great player does that there’s a few exceptions not everyone does it at the overall same tempo so if you haven’t done so before I’d encourage you to download the free scratch Golf Academy app here’s the homepage lots of good content for you there down in the corner here you’ll see these crossed clubs that’s the tools section and we have putting Tempo trainer full swing Tempo trainer green reading trainer Etc let’s touch the full swing Tempo trainer and there you’ll see a video by me we’ll turn that off that explains some of the stuff and you’ll see four different settings they’re all three to one but this is quite a bit quicker than this so depends on your natural Rhythm and you’ll hear three beats one is for takeaway one signifies should be the top of the back swing and the third beat would be impact let’s get outside and try this thing out so here’s how I practice with the app I look at that little video first but I’m going to fill you in on the details I’m setting it to 24 to8 that’s a pretty good feel for me slightly on the slower side I’m going to turn this on and I’m not going to pay attention to that middle beat I’m just initially to see if I can get some correlation between the start and don’t wait to hear the beat and then start sort of flow as you hear the start and then that third impact beat so start and third beat let me try a couple just going to stick that there so you can hear [Music] it those are fairly well on the right tempo now what I would do next once I’ve done that a little bit that’s when I would start to pay a little bit more attention to that second beat once you’ve established the beginning and start to feel the rhythm as it works there so let’s try one more [Music] here maybe just a hair ahead of it there but not too bad okay let’s keep moving so now let’s turn our attention more to timing in the go swing the great Ben Hogan there on the left Roger federa famous tennis player on the right so let’s have a look couple of things in timing and these are just general ideas and I’m going to relate as the as the end of this video goes how your timing in your goal swing affects greatly your Rhythm I think it does anyway let’s have a look at Ben Hogan so the golf club’s making a great big Journey to the top of the back swing but you’ll see his body turn if you focus more on his upper body completes right about as the club completes so he’s got some arm swings some wrist Co and the whole thing Blends beautifully to get to the top together here’s the thing you really want to see he starts with his body it’s not a huge amount of body movement but it allows the wrist to load in his case a great great deal so there’s a lot of stored energy then he’s able to hit the brakes a bit and let the club snap past his hands and this is a hugely efficient pattern that you see great players do where they build up exponential Club head speed versus what they’re doing again we’ll we’ll flesh this out momentarily Roger federa I don’t know anything about tennis as such but I see this principle he moves the racket actually bends and gets closer to him now there’s all this store stored energy and then finally snap through the shot there the racket pops properly efficiency of movement good timing is going to be very very important if you’re going to have good Tempo in this video we’re not going to tackle the grip the posture these are very important things some of the mechanics of the back swing we’ll touch on on a couple of things how that relates to your swing in a minute but for now we’ll have to assume some things let’s work a little bit on this ability to create some stored power do it efficiently which I I think as I’ll show you is going to help you in all phases of your game and in just a moment I’m going to show you two checkpoints you need to film yourself sometimes when you look at yourself from this view on your phone two checkpoints that will tell you whether you’re doing this properly so first thing I’m going to take my trail hand only and grip it literally with the fingers my palm is is not even on the club make a couple of little practice swings now in this in this manner here there’s really no way I can control the club and if I get a good flow of motion as we saw the pro you’ll see how the club loads a little bit and you’ll see how freely and easily it relates once you felt that go ahead and make a more normal Trail hand grip and now I’m it’s certainly not tight my wrist is loose I’m about 2third of the way down on the grip again a little bit of body motion and I’m starting to feel the club respond to that and starting to feel a little bit of pop in the club now for two hands let’s just jump in there and try a shot small scale I’m really going to get soft here and I’m going to feel how the club loads a little bit and just pops a little bit coming through again I’ll give you those two checkpoints in just a moment and then what you do is keep going up and down the scale get a feel for it this way fairly small swing start to feel the club working properly and then begin to crank it up where you’re starting to feel it on a bigger scale so important you learn to load the club create energy without all that effort let’s check those two things you can look at on your video two checkpoints that’s Tommy Fleetwood on the left Jack necklace on the right so we’re going to look if you look at about horizontal in the back swing and you look at the angle between your lead arm and your golf club you should see to one degree or another a an increase in that angle obviously that is a much more acute angle than it was going back and we’ll see the same for Tommy there to some degree or another that angle must get more acute and the club should be closer to your body the other checkpoint if we go hands maybe just beyond that lead hip something like that on the through swing and this will vary quite a bit from player to player that’s one of the reasons I chose these two guys and you draw a line say from chess through hands the club should be on that should be beyond that should be beyond that so many times clubs down here that’s not what we’re looking for well we put some effort into these videos I hope you find them helpful if so perhaps consider subscribing maybe a like or a thumbs up or whatever it is people do online appreciate that okay so final thoughts here kind of important how or at least in my opinion how do you feel that poor timing inability to do what we’ve just been working on affects Tempo generally I’ll tell you how I think it does golfers have an innate ability to do or an innate desire let’s say through trial and error to do a couple of things one keep the ball somewhat in front of them they have all kinds of compensations for other errors in their golf swing and the other thing that relates to us is they try to maximize their distance we all do to some extent even if you put someone on a launch monitor I do it all the time in golf lessons you say let’s say they swing at 90 M an hour and you say take one at 3/4 speed it’s about 88 miles an hour it’s not 3/4 speed so what happens is this if someone has a poor grip and they can’t their wrists or they don’t really get set or pivot very strongly etc etc maybe the club’s just out of position a little bit in other words they’re not in a position to really store energy very well what happens is they resort to Brute Force the only thing they’ve got left they don’t have all this nice Whip and snap of the club they start firing their body at it trying to create speed and it almost always ruins the the flow of the swing and it ruins the tempo as well you could also make a a secondary point if the golfer is off balance or considerably out of position the subconscious instinct to correct for that often creates a bit of a hiccup in any kind of flow in the swing so if you can get some reasonable powerful storing and releasing of the club without expending excessive effort and if you can use that Tempo trainer at the free scratch Golf Academy app you are going to be in pretty good shape let’s try one here see if we can put it together I’m picturing the beats in my mind yeah that felt fairly fluid hopefully on my uh correct Tempo hope this helps you [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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