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Man City Thrash Wolves – Talking Wolves Podcast

Lots to discuss on this week’s podcast as always. Dave, Jord and Sam discuss the defeat against Manchester City at the Etihad, a quick word on Palace and even thoughts on Lopetegui to West Ham, Fabio Silva and… Paul Pogba.

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Man City Thrash Wolves – Talking Wolves Podcast

as always this episode of the talking Wars podcast is brought to you by Green king sport where football is more than a game why not make green King your go-to destination for this season’s final stretch with delicious food and refreshing beverages every single one of Wolf’s televised fixtures is on show at their venues and with 900 sport venues across the UK there’s a chance as one just walking distance from where you are and watching football is way better with your friends and family so why not get the squad together for some title showdowns the race for European qualification and nail biting relegation six pointers so don’t forget to download the green King Sport app to enjoy exclusive competitions and discounts whenever there’s a game [Music] [Applause] [Music] on yes everybody welcome back to the talking walls podcast we’re here for brand new episode we had the penultimate away game of the season against Manchester City which we’ll be talking about today alongside much more Wars news and gossip alongside me today we’ve got Mr Jordan Russell Jord how you keeping man I’m all good mate how are you well I mean you sound you sound brilliant mate to Fair don’t you been You’ been up to much this bank holiday mate just a lot of DIY well if anyone’s on YouTube they’ll see I play golf on Saturday morning actually and um yeah went I went out in a rain jacket took it out off after the second hole and got a bit sunburnt as well because of the weather so uh but other than that yeah just doing some DIY Painting and Decorating all that sort of stuff so uh redoing the bedroom so that’s why the part for the second week in a row I’m doing it off the sofa it’s all right M I’m sure yeah P bank holidays are perfect for the old decorating or gardening or sign of a proper ride don’t though that isn’t married life now M that is so yeah it’s yeah it’s you get excited about you know Hoovers and all this sort and what bed frames and all this sort of crap now so it’s uh yeah it is what it is yeah long side us today we’ve got his getting his second cap for the podcast it’s Mr Sam Beacon Sam how’s it going man yeah all good all good yeah um feels good to be back I’m no M Cooper right but we’ll do we’ll do do our best you’ve been up too much this bank holiday mate yeah man same as Joel to be fair just uh golf on Saturday uh didn’t get sunburnt I was quite I was lucky to be fair Sunday washed cars so yeah exhilarating Bank H yeah exactly I had a chill one day though so it’s been nice yeah so I didn’t make the true I don’t know if any of you boys went to city in the end on Saturday but I’m sort of part of me grateful that I watched it on the on the Box on Saturday and it was a disastrous game but um chill that one well chill that one the last couple of days but getting ready for the uh the M new match representing talking also getting all the cardio in as well doing some lots of treadmill runs at the moment so that’s why I’m in sort of quite a sporty chilled out look today to be fair and I’m need a haircut that’s why I’m wearing a cap it’s quite a rare thing anyway so um Lads I’ve sort of alluded to it there City away one very much to forget Jord 51 defeat um but we’ll touch on the lineup quite an interesting one obviously we know the situation with Santi Bueno who was back in the squad but had a slight knock obviously still so it was the back three tosy kilman and Sam kuny and hang keeping their places and obviously keeping a Nori on the right hand side to sort of ditching the the Som dock experiment that he tried against Luton thoughts on the lineup I mean Bueno and Jean Rick NE belard are on the bench no no Netto despite him being back in full training according to Gary O’Neal do you think Gary got this wrong on Saturday with this lineup or what what do you think he could have changed to to make the score line a little bit uh more appealing I think you know you could have played a couple you know you could make changes here and there with Personnel I guess but it was exactly what I called out on the Pod the week before I like it’s it’s a very very good team aru the best team in the world chasing down a title versus a team who quite frankly on the beach with nothing to play for very little to play for yeah um it was everything I expected to be honest with you um I thought they’d beat as handsomely I thought it’d be by at least three goals um and yeah it was it just one of those things really it was very very easy for them I thought thought um especially in that first half made it far too easy for them doesn’t help when you getting you know penal decisions like we did um for that first one it’s just utterly again Craig porson just give it on the fact that coverit and foden have screamed loudly in his face he was never given it was shaking his head when he first did it and again like I’ve said it many times like and I’m sick I’m literally sick of it I can’t wait for the season to be overa the officiating in this league is [ __ ] awful and they need to just sort themselves out it’s so so bad and I’ll I’ll level with you that as soon as I saw the penalty bit get given turn the TV off I had to go and fetch um some things from screw fix when and fetch them and then I watched 30 minutes highlights earlier today because I just couldn’t be asked with it um I yeah just I’m just so put off by football at the minute so put off by the officiating and the standard of it um it’s already going to be difficult going to the at and trying to get anything there from a team that are chasing the title but you just want to Level Playing Field and you know just crap decisions like that it’s not a level play field it’s never ever a penalty in a million years um it’s just so bad so so poor yeah yeah I mean every single goal pretty much uh Sam’s probably got talking point so probably break them down one by one but like GE George said there I think the penalty decision sort of set the tone for the rest of the game really and you felt when that decision went City’s game it’s probably not going to be wolves evening to be honest ball comes in 8 nor he only got eyes to the ball it’s just a coming together vardal pretty much runs into 8 Nori doesn’t he and like George said there’s a clip of porson shaking his head as soon as two or three City players surrounding that’s when he’s sort of pressured into giving the penalty and frustratingly with the way V AR works I suppose they are going to side with the referee in this in this situation because as as such there is contact it’s not a clear and obvious error by Craig porson but you know it’s harsh isn’t it really I think it’s if it’s an old gold shirt Ryan eight Nori goes down the other end through a challenge from vardal I don’t think we get given that penalty no definitely not I mean yeah so eight nor like you said only had eyes for the ball vardal comes in platters into him admittedly trying to get a shot fair play to him but it wasn’t you know guardal one didn’t appeal it the only two that appeal were the two unfortunately the two guys closest to the ref unconscious bias we talk about it all the time I think it’s just you know a gentle reminder that no matter how hard you try you never going to get the decisions that the big boys will get um like you said if it was down the other end and it was nor that got clattered into one I don’t think we have got it like you said but it would also be because we don’t appeal enough you’ll never see wolves plays in the year of the ref like that ever um and I think it’s because we get we’ve been you know had our hands burnt so many times by you know lamina running over to the referee getting that second yellow card last year just things like that we’re just scared of them now because they they’re so they’re so kind of you know so quick to get their cards out you can’t do anything about it because the moment you go up into the into the rest face it’s it’s game over for us so uh yeah difficult one to try and appeal but yeah it’s never going to get that overturned for a million years because it’s the the old boys club talking about cards as well before I forget Matt Cooper happy birthday to him by the way that’s why he’s not on the Pod today unbelievable Shout with the the bookings you know what prior to prior to kickoff someone had said messaged me saying have you seen xia Gomez is three to one to get booked today so flipping lamina was higher odds in that so Matt went Xiao Gomez did he go Xiao Gomez car and tomato and all three came in and Lina got one as well as well unbelievable he put 10 on for 800 plus quid so I I me I I I too fair I’m his miss his Mage put an Instagram story up with they out on Friday on Saturday night and I messaged him I said I hope he’s treating you to his winnings and she put what winnings I was like [ __ ] so I messaged him and I said mate if does you miss his no and he goes yeah she’s Waring you up don’t worry like God for that like I thought you know thought going in a bit of trouble there but um yeah I mean fantastic bit by that but yeah the V frustration continues we had quite an in-depth conversation about it on on last week’s pod which is still going to be relevant if you wanted to go back and listen to it but I’m sure and I’m hoping this summer there’s the serious sort of conversations to be had I know they’re trying to do things to change but you know I’m sure we’ll be here next week and I’m sure we’ll be here on the final game of the season and I’m sure there will be a conversation at some point about v as well second goal Jord harand double his tally I got a little bit of stick for this one and I do hold my hands up I think I was very very very harsh on Nelson s on this one could you loses the ball originally ball comes in harand got quite a bit bit of space but the leap’s unbelievable to head across go into the back of the net on immediate viewing because Sam was the closest Defender to him I thought flipping X SoMo again getting beating at the back post and honestly I still believe samano’s got to be a bit closer to him um to at least make it a little bit more difficult but don’t in a million years Tomato’s going to win the header and it’s still an unbelievable goal isn’t it by by erling Carin yeah he’s just a freak in he um he’s just he’s got these abilities about him that make him one of pro one of the best players in the world I know that Roy Keen say is a lead two footballer and I think you know his Hold Up play and his General all around play isn’t isn’t the best but he’s lethal in the box and you know it’s the hardest thing to do in football is put the ball on the back of the net and he does that than anyone for me so yeah you know I I did see your Tweet but again I couldn’t really comment or back you or anything without seeing the G the the replay U I watched the 30 minutes binly this morning um of the game and yeah I think he got it wrong mate to be honest I think har jumped yeah yeah I think you know harand was to that jump he must be about 9 foot in the air to be fair when when he’s actually connecting the ball it’s um yeah he’s he’s a freaking nature he’s got you know freakish ability and um yeah I I really like watching him I just think again I think he’s all round play it will improve I understand some of the critics like you know Roy Keane’s probably going a little bit too AR on him when saying there a lead two footballer but actually he’s just raw and he’s just he’s he’s robotic he’s deadly and he just yeah I mean the fact he scored four against since it was three wasn’t it at um the last last by half time but he got hatrick against at the last year as well and he’s yeah I know people have said about kilman and totty as well might get on to them later on but when he’s in that sort of form and Man City are on that sort of form youve got no chance I don’t care who you are yeah he he was actually I mean he’s the Premier League top goal scorer so he hasn’t been quiet but I think when you compare him to last season you know he hasn’t been at his best um but I think the only consolation for me on Saturday was I captained earling Carland on my fantasy team as I’m sure quite a few people listen to be fair but I think you’re right um Jord it was like I held my hands up straight away about the Tomato thing there were people in the comments saying I think you’ve got this wrong and I sort of I sort of you know when I watched it back I was like okay maybe I’m being harsh and I reasoned with them there were one or two just sending me personal insults for no apparent reason because I put one wrong opinion out but you I suppose for you anyway um but yeah the penalty as well Sam I think harland’s done brilliantly here because he knows Sam’s right you know right behind him and he just keeps nudging his body right in front of Sam because he knows I’m either going to score here or I’m going to get clipped one of the two so you know really clever to win the penalty and obviously puts it away for his his hatrick as well yeah um the funny thing about that was and everyone was picking up on it at Twitter like so he got he got nicked you know and F and he fell and I thought that’s an obvious pen like there’s nowhere near the ball for one and then harand sits down and go gets back up and laughs about it and then like like a little high five like interaction with samato like oh you got me there so I was like has he got the ball as he as he actually won it there and uh so it made me kind of second guess but I guess harand just thought these are so [ __ ] I’m going to score three or four anyway so it doesn’t really matter if I’m gonna you know if I get this pen so yeah not much shato could do I think he went in running behind him must have thought he was going to stick this away we going to do something the only saving grace was it was in the box and he attempted to play the ball so it was a yellow rather than a red um but you know it’s uh yeah one a tough one but not much I can’t really him at fault um but yeah can’t really put him at fault but at the same time yeah he’s to be fair he’s the only guy who’s fast enough to try and get back anyway he’s there’s a reason they leave him on the halfway line for corners and stuff but he’s just not quick enough to catch catch Haren who is yeah I I mean it frustrating I mean you go at halim against Manchester City 3-0 down you probably think we’ve got no chance but I don’t know why right after juang got that goal I thought here we go here we go get get another goal here you know might cause a bit of an upset um George ji the belard came on it’s been a long time since we’ve seen him again he’s I think he’s still got a lot of walls fans to try and convince because he’s had a mixed season obviously not been he’s had some good spells had some frustrating spells not really been played in position obviously had the injuries but he whipped in a really decent ball Edison’s nowhere near it to be fair I’m not too sure what Edison’s doing but hang’s there right place at the right time had a few people comment about hang’s performance again because he hasn’t been brilliant I think he he was all right against Luton to be fair but there’s been a few games this season where he’s not been brilliant but just seems to be the right place at the right time which is sometimes what you need from a striker in the Premier League um and he gets that goal and uh like I said I think um I was thinking here we go but you know nice for us to actually get the ball in the in in the Box Jordan again hang on the spot right place right time yeah he’s he’s just got a knack for it again himself to be honest with you and I think um again someone who I think his all around game isn’t fantastic hang but I think in when he’s asked to play on instinct or when he’s in the Box he’s a different beast in himself as well so um yeah took the Finish really really well I think to go back to what you’re saying there about John Bard I think I’m a big fan I think there’s a lot of wolves fans who you know have got negative views on him or opinions on him from play being played as a false nine yeah he’s back to goal um and actually I think he deut against Liverpool I think he second home performance against Spurs they were both really really good games where he was getting the ball from Deep driving dribbling with the ball and that’s we brought him as that sort of player really was it a Winger who could play inside a little bit and he was being play completely out position obviously had a few nigles and stuff as well and I think there’s a genuine footballer there I think there’s a very very good player there there’s a reason why Chelsea didn’t want us to do business with stasbor in the summer is because I think well that I mean they signed about 70 players this summer and the window before but it was someone that they didn’t want to lose very quickly or very very cheaply to a premier league rival um but no I think he’s a very good footballer and we’ll see the best of him next season I’m sure I hope so as well I think so we’ve seen it with a few players C’s one example I think I might used a week or so ago taken him six months or so to adapt to the Premier League and again kicked on a lot more um and I’m hoping it’s same for Jean Rick Neel got a full preseason um because he joined us quite late didn’t he get a full pre-season out of him and uh we’ll see what happens next year as well but Sam when like I said when I was rubbing my hands together before I actually sort of sat down to calm down the balls in the back of the net again and this one’s Harland again for his fourth and his final goal of the game um Holland you know George was talking about him earlier being such a beast and you know almost robotic you know the first touch isn’t fantastic but he still manages to bring it down and still manages to use kilman to to bend it round into the far post you think kilman could do a little bit better for this one gives har a bit of space or do you just think it’s individual brilliance by by harand Harland is not that brilliant with the ball at his feet yeah I mean I mean I think I think there’s I think there’s many a premier league Center back who could have dealt with that situation one of which being Craig Dawson as we saw in the previous game of the season just stuck to him like glue didn’t give him an ounce of room um but K kilman and that’s probably one of his criticisms from my perspective is that he is too passive hugely too like way too passive in the wrong moments as well um you know he’s IM ly aggressive when it could when the ball’s coming into the striker and he’s charging up to the halfway line and meeting them halfway and right in the back of them like that’s fine but if you need to do it at the other end as well so when the ball comes down to Harland and his touch isn’t first touch isn’t great and he just backs off him and I know harland’s this strong guy but kilman’s no he’s not a mouse is he’s 6’4 um and he can put himself about if he wants to he’s not that slow and it’s it wasn’t a running race it was just a game of can I get close enough so you can’t get a shot off and have to lay it off instead and he didn’t and harand showed what he hasn’t done hugely in his two in his two seasons in the Prem bent it on his favored foot yes but past sa and I don’t think s was getting close it was side netting I don’t think many Keepers would have got close it was great finish you got to hold your hands up and say that’s best stri in the world right there but yeah I think kilman could have done better and I think Dawson would have done better so um yeah it’s it’s a shame that we don’t have him but yeah just uh it’s one of the areas I’ll definitely definitely want to kind of look at in the summer because if I saw a tweet about it and I completely agreed I’m not sure who it was from but if we want to progress like people want us to we cannot ignore the center backs because I think having our totty and H totty and kilman as our best two center backs is not a combination for a top top eight top seven team we need someone stronger um it’s just a matter of of of if and when hopefully I’m sure my have a discussion I’m not too sure if there’s any questions about that I’m sure we’ll continue talking about that I think you’re right Dawson’s been a big Miss just defends the area really well and I think a big part of the reason why we won and beat Manchester City at molu was because of dwson on harand and for you know there was I think there were CH there was talk and people saying like is this you know the best defensive performance we’ve seen against earling Carin because he did not have a sniff all of that game it was fantastic and I think obviously Dawson’s not had you know he’s had spells this season where he’s been good had spells where he’s been a little bit frustrating but I do think we’ve missed him obviously Santi bueno’s coming and slotted in quite well but I think he was again a big Miss and I think look I’m not saying we would have beat City on on Saturday but I think with a natural Center half there it could have been a slightly you know more respectable result um but yeah we’ll have to see oh I’m surprised Bueno didn’t start if he’s on the bench Santi Bueno if he’s on the bench surely try get some minutes the annoying thing for me was as we saw with the with the the previous game against City this season the the Central Center back has one job to do in a game like that he has one job to do and I know Sam is not a natural Center back but you know you you’ve got five at the back for a reason one of them and the Central Center back as we saw with Dawson is to just pin yourself Like Glue to Harland and it worked but kilman he’s got he’s got this tendency to I don’t know whether it’s tactical I can’t just you know [ __ ] on him because it might whether it’s a choice of his or whether it’s tactical but he he he goes wandering as they all do um and it just leaves gaps everywhere and one thing you cannot leave City when they’re at their best is gaps and I don’t think they were at the best but we made it we certainly made them look like they were at the best yeah talking about gaps that pretty much sums up the final goal as well Jord it was a very easy finish for Alvarez who’ just come off the bench to be fair he had so much time so much spice and he just sort of slotted it past s but that that pretty much summed at W’s performance and you know just I don’t know we just weren’t weren’t at our best on um on Saturday what do you think needs to change George I mean city are you know different animal especially when they’re chasing the title as you said at the start what do you think needs to change before Saturday you’d hope there’s players such as Santi Bueno will come back to full fitness are you assuming you know he comes straight back into the team yeah I think so maybe I think um again I don’t think you can read a lot into it um and I saw a tweet on about I see calling garyo and Hill out a little bit for the fact we’ve won one in eight is it or something like that and again if if city is the game where you’re going to go oh actually you know what should there be pressure on the manager then I’ve got no idea how long you watching football for because it’s just [ __ ] ridiculous um I just there’s a lot that should change if I’m honest with me there’s a lot of changes that could be made this weekend but I I think the season is over you know we’re pretty comfortable in saying that um P says have recorded a tun against United I think they’ll join us go level on points for us so there’s that I guess to play for but um honestly yeah I always want wolves to win um but I’m not too bothered either way I think if Gary O’Neil’s got plans of who will be here or who won’t be here for next season maybe let’s start seeing that if you think like a an eight is not going to be around or Gomez or aneto for example um yeah I mean if is one of the ones that are off his injury record at the moment I wouldn’t I wouldn’t even put him on the grass I would even risk the 60 50 60 million you’re going to get for him I would I would bother um so yeah I think definitely there will be changing I think this Palace team are a good team under this new got on there’s new coach well the form’s changed and we’ll have to be on it I think it’ll be really difficult game the weekend yeah like Geor said uh Sam S final home game as well so we hope hopefully end the season at Ming you on a high we got got some good players ready kick Adam Warton is one they they they went for we were linked with him in the summer um and you know he’s turned out to be an unbelievable piece of business so far for Palace but of players like matto I think scored tonight he’s um you know hit a bit of form so it’s not going to be an easy game is it for w gonna be another interesting task on Saturday yeah and mata’s another kind of big Striker he’s I think he’s scored in his six I think I’ve just seen it he’s scored in his six home games in a row for glasa so he’s really hit a hot streak uh Alis looks brilliant again e you’ve always got to be careful of not sure whether he’s fit or anything but these are just all the talented players that they’ve got walon like you said really really talented player um I think it will be a similar Affair to the Bournemouth game that we had that we lost a few weeks ago I think it’ll be two teams that can that can play decent football and they’ll kind of cancel each other out cancel each other out and it’ll be a case of uh who scores the the shitest goal first to be fair um you know and who’s who’s first to make a mistake so yeah I think it’ll be tough I I’m not going in there thinking that we’re going to Breeze it I also don’t think going in there thinking we’re going to win I think it’ll I think a draw would be a good result and I think I’d take a draw at this point of the Season I’m not you know providing we could with you know we could get to the end of the season with no significant injuries you know there’s not much to play for it’s all a bit dead rubber to be honest um it’s just kind of the enjoyments gone the Thrills gone there’s nothing really to play for since we dropped off um so yeah it’s just a matter of yeah see how it goes but I can’t say I’m looking forward to it at all yeah I think although it’s always frustrating when the season ends I think there’ll be a lot of Wars fans that are sort of quietly pleased that the season is sort of done um you know pretty much in the next couple of weeks or so and it’s the final time they have to go to m andu this this season because we are all EX it’s been a productive season don’t get me wrong but think everyone’s ready for you know get that rest you know start a new chapter again next season hopefully productive summer and uh we’ll see what happens because the whole the season has been frustrating with v and stuff as well so we’re hoping that in that fingers crossed we do end on AIO be against a team in Crystal Palace that are in top form at the moment um we will jump on to the questions and stuff shortly there’s a couple of little topics we’ll jump on first former walls head coach Yulan L is set to replace David Moyes at West Ham United um for next season we’ll get your thoughts on this Lads as well but L obviously left walls right at the start of the this campaign I think West Ham was always the job he probably had his eye on although he has been offered and maybe close to of a job since then AC Milan was one that he was close with um and they pulled out due to pressure from the fans he got off a big big money to go to Saudi Arabia which he turned down so I think for some reason he does think he’s got some sort of unfinished business in the Premier League and he would have had an eye on West Ham from the start of the season because David Mo’s position’s never been 100% Jord what’s what’s your thoughts on this do do we what sort of reception does he get do we care that L is moving to a premier league rival as such um I think I’ll always have be grateful the fact that he kept us up last season um I feel that that a lot of between a lot of what’s going on on social media and sort of how he left the club and all that sort of stuff I think we forget where we were and the job he did I think he’s got to be applauded for that we were Rock Bottom um sometimes the football wasn’t that pretty but he he came in served a purpose got us over the line he was the he was probably in the decision making to bring people like lamina J Gomez CA to the club so he’s got an eye for a player as well I know there’ll be you know Hobs and other people behind the scenes that have done that as well but L would have had a saying that as well so I feel you know for that sort of things for that side of it I think you got to be grateful what you’re not grateful for or what I’m not grateful for is obviously the way left the club leaving on the eve of the eve of the Season you know formed that Fen whether it’s him fosen I mean we know that fosen you know and I’m not the biggest fan of fosen on the whole although I think they’ve done some good things um I think L walking out how he did was wrong I think the interview he did with um gilan balag um B sorry um was that on the preseason tour that complex that was like on there like you know again the eve of the Season Paul um the fact that b is still twerking for him every [ __ ] night on Twitter pisses me off honestly you know I’m just glad now that he’ll stop talking about us and it’ll be West Ham fans but honestly B the amount of tweets he’s done about L is embarrassing you think he’s on the pay roll at least he’s sucking his dick or something you know what I mean it’s so bad I don’t know what’s going on it’s so so I don’t get it he’s like a thirsty X after after some money I don’t get what it’s about um so yeah look I haven’t got ill feeling towards l in the way of you know I want Boomer if you come to M you I feel like you got to take the six month two here for what it was I think he did a good job in that six months how he left poor um but I’ve seen people comparing it to Nunes and all that sort of stuff look I’m not I’m I’m not as heated about him leaving as T Nunes did for example but yeah I would I certainly wouldn’t give him a clap I would I won’t boo him I’d just be like well this just another guy in the dog out and yeah I think he’s been twerking for a premier league job all year I think it’ be very funny for him to go into West Ham thinking he’s going to call all the shots when they’ve got you know their ownership who are very you know Frugal he ain’t going to call all the shots there there’s no way that’s going to happen there um and I think actually it’s quite a difficult task following David Moyes and I know there’s a lot of West Ham fans who want Mo out I can’t for me looking outside in I I don’t really see why you know what he’s done I think it’d be very difficult for him to repeat the successes David Moyes has had with that European Trophy and I don’t actually know where West Ham feel they should be I think maybe outside they’re looking at someone like Aston Villa who broken or Newcastle or whatever no divine right you’re going to go and do that yourselves and I think West Ham are yes they’ve got the recent success on us from that European trophy but I don’t I don’t see West Ham as a bigger Club than us in stature so I think West Ham finishing in and around the top 10 is a good season for West Ham like we would see it as a good season for us I don’t I don’t see where the I don’t see West Ham have a higher seiling as us for example I think we’ve got the same seiling we might get seventh you could possibly get sixth if you looky if a few the traditional top six have a bad year but I can’t see him breaking into Champions League football or anything like that no it’ll be it’ll be interesting a really interesting task I think you know you’re right with that you’re not going to applaud him but you’re not necessarily going to do him because you can appreciate the job that he’s done here I’m not 100% a big fan of how he left the club and the situation but I think it’s always going to be Chinese Whispers you don’t know what was said between him and the club um interestingly though sami’s finally got the chance to manage Mel Antonio and Aaron Creswell who reportedly so desperate to to manage at the walls but um yeah it will be interesting what are the odds you reckon that we play West Ham within our first three games remember when Nuno left but we played Spurs early doors and we got them in the cup straight after we n know returned to M you twice in the first like month and a half but um what what are your thoughts on it um yeah s similar kind of sentiment to Geor to be fair I think thankful again for what he did but like George said it was it was a a poor way to go out it was petulent for a guy his age and a guy of his supposed stat it was petulent and I think he could have he could have walked out or at least yeah he could he could have walked out on a on much better terms than he did I think he he made you know a toxic situation at the time even more toxic he just added fuel to a fire the interview at the training ground during preseason was horrendous inviting your best mate to come on you know interview yet you know with and with the shittest audio quality as well it was like horrendous to listen to so you could barely work out what they were saying which made it worse um but uh yeah it was yeah I’m I’m this is what he wanted that’s now what he’s got it’s just a test now I I think like like George said West Ham are hugely their fans in particular are hugely entitled now I know the football was shocking but so was ours under ly for a while um but if it gets your results and if your results is a European trophy no matter if it’s seen as a Mickey Mouse one or not that’s a European trophy got you into the Europa League he did well in the Europa League to be fair as well and I know the football isn’t great but he also well this season in particular and I saw his press conference today he said why are you shipping so many goals Dean rice he lost 120 million pounds worth of midfielder in one player that’s a huge loss um so you know it was always going to be more difficult for them and I don’t think their squad is very good at all I think they’ve got a couple of talented players I think Bowen’s great I think cudas is great peta’s obviously world class on his day but aside from that I don’t think their defense is particularly inspiring and I think we’ve got a better Squad than them and we have more to moan about really and yet we don’t because we’re not an entitled fan base as such well I don’t think we are anyway I think I think a lot of our fans are pretty content with the situation that we’ve got I think a lot of us sitting here you know we were pushing for Europe at seventh eth at some point this season we could finish 13th or 14th by the end of this and we’ still be all right with it yeah you know because because of the situation was so Bleak at the start of the Season whereas West Ham yeah your football’s rubbish but you’ve been comfortably seventh or eighth virtually all season I don’t really understand it but you know part of me wishes it goes tits up from the GetGo um one because I don’t have any ill feeling really towards LGA despite his petulant but it would be funny to see him go you know see that go up in flames and West Ham Plumb it down to the bottom and see if you can drag them up from 20th and see see what they can do there but yeah it’s um yeah we’ll see it should be entertaining I think there will be a portion of our fan base that goes through his head from the get-go but I don’t see it like you said in the same vein as Nunes and whatsoever yeah I think as well though with West Ham sorry Dave I was going to say like West Ham hiring Lai on the basis of Mor’s football not being the most attractive L is not going to get you playing attractive football no he’s not some hit European you know he’s got European pedigree such but he’s not he’s not got an attractive brand of football now whether that’s the resources or not but like I said we have better we had better resources we had M he had matinho he had nees he had Nunes and he made us look like [ __ ] so you know what what’s he going to do what’s he going to do with with the West Ham Squad I don’t know it’ be intriguing to see whether he changes his tactics orever I don’t know yeah i’ be true I think I think by what you were saying there Sam I I part of me is I don’t want to see anyone fail in life of course not but at the same time I if if he did he sort of proves like mate the grass is in ways Greener you look at the job that Gary Neil’s done imagine if L carried on with his preseason waited a couple of more weeks and got the players that Gary O’Neal has has got or at least the funds that Gary O’Neal had and molded a squad together we could have been maybe talking about being a slightly higher up in the table potentially but um I I I am intrigued to to see how he gets on but with the West Ham thing I think yes I are entitled to a degree but I think what Moyes has done and this is credit to Moyes he set a standard there that you know I’ve come in I can get us to finish around six to8 every season he happened with us a Nuno he got seventh and seventh and then we dropped off and all of a sudden fans went mad because that’s all we used to we’ve been in the Premier League two years and we’ve hit seventh twice why are we 12th at the moment and then and that’s why I think um you know things turned a little bit sour under Nuno as well um but that will it will because it l if he doesn’t hit the ground say sa Robins like they finished seventh again this season I don’t I don’t the exact points tell if they finish seventh or eighth if they’re halfway through the season next year in 14th 15th because he’s not got them going yet he’ll be under massive pressure straight away they’ll flip like a lid yeah they’ll flip like a lid Jord interesting question if for whatever reason Gary O’Neal decides to move on from wolves would you take David Moyes at Ming you in a heartbeat oh that does surprise me actually uh I wouldn’t no I think I think because because I don’t know whether it is I think I think my age comes into it to be fair like I’m 22 and just you know from Nuno onwards I’ve been I’ve seen the Lambert here and I’ve seen you know Dean Saunders here I’ve seen some [ __ ] football but at the same time I’ve come to know good football when I see it um and I think as much as David Moyes I think it is an slightly outdated uh Rand of football and if I’m paying the money I’m paying i’ despite the success and I Know It contradicts what I’m saying but I’d like to see a bit of both you know what I mean um but yeah I’m not sure I’m not sure I would I’d have to think about it I’d have to think about it but I’ll let George say his pece because he actually would so no I don’t disagree with what you’re saying there with the Branda football and stuff but I um I actually think that man united would have won a premier league title had the stuck me Moyes when they did hot when they got rid of him no I think I think man United’s been a mess for many years and I think you know he went to he went to West Ham and he did a good job I think he kept him up then he went in he had a decent ride at some like you know I think he did a decent enough job again with the backs against wal sundland I think he’s a very underrated manager and I think longevity with Everton punching above his weight for many many years I agree you know he’s he’s an older manager he might be you know the football slightly is outdated but I mean I I just think as a manager and a coach he he’s done good things he’s got pedigree he’s got a proven track record and it’s not as dinosaur football as a pis or an allise as such you know it is a bit more Progressive than that and um I I I do think you know you could do a lot worse than David Mo should at Gary O’Neil go I think he’d be a safe pair vs and is Premier League pedigree as well to be fair to me it’s not like he’s had pedigree in other leagues and like LPI for example he has been you know his job with Everton was Immaculate like I think he did brilliantly with Everton like you said West Ham I think they’re pretty ungrateful to be fair for what he has done like if I had any if any if any manager won a European trophy in my lifetime at wolves I’d you know build him a statue I mean we said we joked about it with Nuna didn’t we and he he didn’t even come close to be fair to him we got to the quarterfinals um and [ __ ] ourselves so you know I can’t I can’t argue with him to be fair interesting if anyone’s listening um on you or watching on YouTube let us know your thoughts on David potential I think I think Matt said he take him did he Jord we had this conversation a couple of weeks ago I think he did yeah but I don’t think it was you know and again I feel like before I get quote tweeted or someone starts saying [ __ ] like I’m not saying I would oh my God D yeah yeah no I wouldn’t I wouldn’t do that I’m just saying but I do think if O’Neal went on to pass new um 100% I’d I’d take David Moyes um and actually L going to West Ham probably done us Sur favor with the O’Neal thing as well right I thought that was the only that was the only one I was worried about the West Ham job and O’Neal having interest there but now L’s gone there I don’t necessarily see see anywh else anyone coming in I can’t see where he’ll go really in the Premier League unless you got off of the England job but again I don’t think he’ll get that I think it’s too soon for him as well on that sort of front but Tom will tell how will get that before O’Neal will if South Gate go you reckon Potter May Eddie how he got Eddie how written all over Rick Newcastle want to change soono he’s he’s one quickly for you and this is a complete tangent completely unrelated Mourinho if onio was to go would you havein for w 100% now that’s different the can’t having Mourinho plays better football no he doesn’t but it’s Mourinho just for the ex fact having Mourinho in a Molly new dug out permanently I have Mourinho for England as well if South goes in the summer yeah Mourinho I’d be like all over it absolutely love I you know you know you only to get like 18 to 24 months out of him but it would be a crazy time like it would be unbelievable I think Mourinho tournament football England would bean there’s G to be sh out some results some pre Barkley’s like topics on this because there’s some questions with certain players and as well in all cucko land walls because half probably never well um we’ll wait and see um very quickly before we move on to questions fabios silver as well has been a topic of discussion this weekend scored for Rangers yesterday I think they went 4-1 in the end against the 10man Johnson Kil Marik one of them um 10 man Kil Marik Fabio Silva scored the equalizing goal mimicked towards the Rangers fans about them talking about him and keep pointing towards his shirt Jord thoughts on the da C I know you love him mate but um I just think what an egotistical prick for doing it to be honest with you I think he’s been stinking the gapff up up off stinking the Gaff up over there Rangers fans have quite rightly got a bit shirty with him and posted some things about him because they probably paid I’d imagine a good three4 million pound loan fee for him for the six months um he’s being poor up there and I think it’s distasteful I think you know you’re playing a for the arguably the best team in Scotland against a team with 10 men and you’re doing that and you shushing the fans like they’ve given him the opportunity to go and play their ran of and he’s playing for his future playing for his contract um and he hasn’t taken his chance I think we said about it it might been on the last pod of the Pod before and where I said actually the PSV loan he had last last January actually helped him and increased his credibility and increased his I guess s like sell on ability for Wolves at that point um he come back here didn’t didn’t set the light didn’t set the world on fire on drone Neal got up there stunk it out as well and The Only Thing Worth 35 million pound at the moment is his ego for me I think we need to get shot as quickly as possible because um he’s got no future here um and he’s got no future at ranges either so he’ll definitely be one of the ones that go in the summer but if we got 10 million for him I would i’ shake your hand now and say 10 million see you later don’t let the door you on the way out see you later I think it it’s one of those unfortunately Sam we again this is a conversation we had last couple of weeks on the Pod is as a football club you know wolves are still although we’ve sort of been in the Premier League for a while bit of a main stay you know we’ve have only the last six seven years we started to spend big money as such on players as a club so you’re bound to get errors like this and mistakes like this and so it’s still quite new for walls fans to have a big transfer flop although we have seen a couple of those now since we came up so I think unfortunately George right we probably are going to have to cut our losses on Fabio but he’s certainly not helping himself I think I suppose if it was a last minute winner and he scored and you say look at me you know you’re doubting me and then I could pop up with these winners but it’s one-1 on the stroke of halim and you’re against 10 men in a a league that in terms of quality is not fantastic yeah you know he needs it’s a situation I think internally at was they’re going to be really disappointed with that have been rumors and may I stress rumors that there was a bit of a bust up with former walls player and current Rangers Coach Alex Ry after the game between Alex Ray and Fabio Silva but you probably walls are going to surely be looking to C their losses and move them on this summer yeah definitely like like you said I was about to say if he’d have run the length of the pitch and rainbow flipp the keeper back heeld it into over the line then maybe um yeah but n it was like you said 10 man kill monik and he’s all he’s done is shrug a [ __ ] right back off the board and Slot it home it I was his biggest advocate for for a good two or three years I’d like to think you know my my family will vouch for it I loved him more than anyone probably more than you to be fair but I saw the light earlier than you did you know I it was it was just one of those days I turned I was like this guy is dog mess like he is rubbish and I just one of those like you said six to seven six to seven years of big spending a couple are going to go wrong luckily we’re not a huge club like you know so we don’t have it highlighted in our face every week like with Anthony for example um but if you think about it 35 million quid it’s a lot of money at that time as well yeah 35 million we could bought yeah we could have got we could have got three or four based off our recent spending we could have got three or four really talented players for that money Players but our but our our strategy was all over the Gaff so and and it’s backfired but yeah yeah like George said 10 million snap your hand off wherever he goes could not care less I mean I wish him well but yeah it’s not going to happen with us Matt Hobbs would kill the 35 million in his budget right now mate he could un the next two 350 yeah look I don’t actually think in terms of look in terms of his football ability I don’t think he’s awful but like you said it’s the ego it’s the Antics it’s the drama it’s the [ __ ] rolling around and Diving like he did it in a the old firm Derby and he’s like the biggest the biggest talk then the miss last week or the week before when he’s just open goal pretty much and falls over the ball like if if you’ve got an old firm Derby and the talking point is you going around rolling on the floor you you probably haven’t done the right thing so it’s um that the he sting on the weekend was on par with an doing The Cup in his years against com a few weeks back and again if he was playing for a high profile Club if Fabio Silva was on loan from Man City doing that he got the same sort of coverage that got it’s so bad yeah because if if that was if that was a you know if that was in the even in the championship he’d get absolutely dragged through the ringer for that but he’s lucky because no one watches Scotland apart from Scotland it’s true it’s it’s the truth like T in if it’s on the on the if it’s on Sky I’ll knock it on like but no one’s really giving the attention that you know others would have got had they done that in a in a more high-profile League yeah well we’ll have to see I’m sure that’s going to be a story that changes um and we’ll have lots of rumors about potentially Fabo Sila’s next destination but you would assume his time at walls is very quickly coming to an end um nice one as we’ll move on to the questions now got a few 10 15 minutes left uh one from C count on Twitter any chance we get to see where’s the okad DOA not least given we have so little remaining to play for he would become the second youngest ever Premier League player should he make a cameo versus Palace I think he would become the youngest ever walls player to play in a league game as well Sam what do you think I’ve said this before I think Matt’s Matt’s sort of against it because he said like you don’t want to just bring a player on for the sake of it but you know he’s been around the squad he played for the 21s again today um what do you think I mean City game was one of them the game’s done but do you want to Chuck a kid on at 51 down but maybe you know if we were in a certain position against panace would and he’s in the squad would you would you try and get him involved the only reason I would is if we’re two nil up reason I say is I’ve got a couple if you know in a game if you’re giving minutes and someone like e rips him apart on his debut at 15 his confidence will go through the floor and then he’s back in the 21s for months and you probably won’t see him until he’s at least 17 or 18 second reason is I have to remember this now now it will come to me uh no I’ve lost it but that that’s that’s one of them that’s one of them yeah so yes 15 and then also yeah that was it you don’t you don’t want to you don’t want to we’ve still got stuff to play for I mean I know I’ve been calling dead rubber but each place is worth what two and a half million quid there or there abouts and I think I think the the guys upstairs will care that we have a strong finish to the season I think it will be I don’t know I think it would be detrimental to our season still if we have this is the game that we can win of the season I think Liverpool will be up for it big time on the final day if we’re going to get any points for the rest of the season it’s in this game so I think you got to try and get three points because you never know the teams around us are all over the place as well as we are we could win lose or draw in any day no matter the opponent so you know see United a losing Palace be United fulam could get points it’s one of those it could switch and we could end up 11th you know what I mean 11th for 10th even if if results go our way so I think we’ve got to go for it in this game because I think Liverpool’s a right off already for me so yeah I’d go full strength for the last one what what do you think J I think we’ve had a conversation about this before haven’t we quite recently yeah I I think for me it’s one of them we’re not a charity case in the way you should be handing out debuts to people willing Italy but I think it comes back to if if garyan Neil sees him as a a person who’s going to be in and around his plans for the next couple years why not give him a little bit of exposure now I also agree with with Sam that you know you don’t want to bring him on and just get tore new on by a or Lisa or whatever and that’s the wrong environment to do because it can set you back a little bit um but I do genuinely think that you know if he’s someone that’s got potential and you see a bright future for him what why not I mean you know even if it’s for even if it’s for a couple minutes at the end you know it why not if he if he’s training hard every day and he’s showing great things at Compton as well sometimes it’s just a reward as well to bring him on and just say you know what he’s a little taste of it I can remember when um Fulham did it when they went down when Harvey Elli come on against us and he was about was he 15 16 there yeah he was on the verge of turning 16 I think yeah yeah and um you know you know it’s turning all right out for him as well isn’t it now he’s still only like 19 18 19 now and I know he’s gone to Liverpool and and it’s not a full of now but you know it could be that if that’s the trajectory blood him in let’s let’s just you know if just gets one touch of the ball it’s not you know or just runs on and runs off it’s not the end of the world we’ll say one other thing why why who wants to be the second youngest player to ever play in the Prem if you’re going to be the youngest player you want to be the first don’t you like but but he would be sort of officially the walles Wolves youngest oh yeah the Wolves one yeah for sure that’s fair enough and and I think George’s point is yeah massively valid on on the point of I think we’re a club that do reward you know we are a meritocracy I think we do reward Academy products with with huge it’s huge if if you’ve got like and we signed I think there was a 14y old lad that I got sent yesterday that walles is one from Cambridge but I think and part of the article on that was that he joined wolves because his parents could see a clear pathway to first team football at wolves and St Davies got massive props of that when he had the short spelling charge at walles between large and Hugo Bueno got given a chance I think Joe Hodge got broke broken into the team um you know and there were Academy players there that were set to sign scholarships that signed them as soon as Steve Davis was sort of in charge of all of that yeah and that was because they said because of him that’s why we’re staying at wolves and that’s why we’re signing a scholarship here because because of him it’s clear now that the club are going to give opportunities to these Lads so I think it’s a big part of that and I think walls are probably going to start focusing on that a little bit more I know um I tweeted about him yesterday Matas man man who scored for the under 18s scored a hatrick on his under 16s debut he scored and got an assist at the weekend as well they signed him from roale goal my brilliant goal yeah they signed him from Rochdale for I’m talking hundreds of thousands of pounds like we’re talking 4 500k and you think at the time for a 16 year old flipping X quite steep but if he’s that good and in two or three years time you know he could break into the first team it’s 17 18 youve got like a 10 million quid player straight away or whatever you know Forum we still at the Top Flight so um and he’s class is homegrown you know so it’ be interesting I think as long as there’s a certain pot of money I don’t want to say right allocate 10 million a year to just pick out all the best kids in in England because ain’t gonna happen but you know if you can certainly make money that way but I very quickly looked as well it’s weird because the official Wars Record is Jimmy Mullen who’s the youngest player who’s 16 years old in 43 days so if I could do a would yeah it makes would be but there’s a a guy that was pre-war Cameron Buchanan he was 14 years old in 57 days but apparently because it’s pre-war it doesn’t class as an official record so I don’t know how that works but on paper well as an official record whereas the do would be the youngest ever player but or if he does good luck to him I’d like to see because I haven’t watch much of him to be fair so uh yeah I don’t the age of 15 regardless of whoever he gets into the first the fact that he’s 15 and playing 21’s football he’s unbelievable as well imagine that at that age playing against bles at six years plus or if the senior players there’s more yeah you that sort of age it’s like remember playing at school if you played like the year group above or something like differences and just physicality is massive he’s a beast he’s such a beast for you see sorry j you see that Italian CDM that we’ve got the six that was on the bench a couple of games ago on Bournemouth is a unit he is massive and he’s got I think he’s only 17 we I forg his name yeah I’ll find yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ll find it get bear with you Curry on and I’ll find it because I was I was a temple oaka is it yeah I think he’s Italian yeah I think massive he’s like 6’2 63 and he’s a unit Beast yeah they a lot of them are the big boys are like Fraser H the time’s got to be a height to him they’re all they’re all like well built so no look I I think although I I watched the 21s game a bit I wasn’t overly convinced by it but I think in terms of the academy the under 18s have done very well this season and that was Under New Management I think from this year Richard Walker so things are going in the right direction anyway but let’s uh let’s see I I’ll I’ll answer this because this guy keeps sending really weird questions and they’re not really questions that I think have a good answer to so last week I think he said would I rather Steve Bruce go to West Brom or Fabio Sila shave his hair and it doesn’t really I think it but he today he said would you rather West Brom get promoted to the Prem and get Europe or have Steve Bruce as our manager first one’s WR promoting it Europe same um anyway do you think Matt hops could follow ly to West H Jord no Sam no no no no he’s got yeah yeah I think he’s good enough to go somewhere bigger than that and yeah I my yeah I sort of alluded to it a couple weeks ago I’ve heard being a club is interested depending on other stuff but can’t really talk about it he seems pretty s walls at the moment we we’ll see we’ll see um Daniel plant the PO Pogba question that’s all he’s put so we’ll quickly touch on this um and I’m sure we’ll try and get one more one or two more questions in before we finish Paul Pogba very very interesting SL strange slake of it what you will rumor that dropped yesterday um from a Juventus sort of journalist saying that wolves are keeping tabs on the progress and and what’s going on with Paul Pogba at the moment so Pogba unbelievable like absolutely unbelievable footballer obviously been a little bit unlucky with injuries um obviously on a huge whack in terms of wage but he has been banned from football for four years for for alleged doping which he believes is completely false and he is appealing it but according to this journalist Wars are keeping an eye on his situation now to add fuel to the fire and I don’t know if this is what instigated the rumor to be fair but to add fuel to the fire on Instagram which is always the way you can find that transfer news and rumors um Paul POG only follows two football teams one is Juventus and the other for whatever reason is wol Hampton wonders so I I’ll try and get some more information on this people have been messaging me about it and I thought I don’t know I’d love for it to be true but 1% of me thinks it’s true and 99 is fairly certain it’s a load of bollocks geord Paul Pogba to wol hton wonders what are your thoughts would it be a good signing and do you think it’s true um no I don’t think it’s true yeah would would it be a good Sig in quite probably yes yeah no but yes because I I fear that if he wanted to I think it’s with Paul Pogba it’s always been if he wants to be there and if he’s interested if he’s interested he’s an unbelievable footballer um you could tell that spells at man united he didn’t want to be there but when he played for France he was them tournaments it was yeah yeah he’s so you know he is someone that if he if he wants to be there and he grabs the game by the SC of his neck he plays his Tempo and he dictates the whole thing um yeah I mean yes all day every every day of the week if he wants to be here and he a’t you know I’ve got no no no sentiment for drug cheats in any sort of sport so for me he could rot as it is right now if he gets proved innocent abs and he wants to play football I’d have him at wolves in a heartbeat um it could just be that him and Mario lamina appeared very very close when at Juventus it could be that that could be the link yeah Ian follow Mario though surely yeah yeah yeah maybe I mean look let’s just take that 1% that it could be real the answer is yes as long as he gets cleared I would want any drug thing above him what just if he clears his name I’d have him in heartbeat you know what’s going to happen here because the same guy posted something about two hours later about him Paul Pogba being in some sort of which is weird how he’s getting all the intel on Pogba by the way but Paul pogba’s going to appear in some U new movie that’s coming out soon it’s going to you know what’s going to happen directed by wolf Studios yeah um Sam what do you think I mean like I said we can all live in cucko land and can dream if tomorrow it broke that tomorrow we get one of these of Summer though don’t we we had the Ron Sanchez a couple of years ago we’ve got to have at least one and Sanchez you cannot put on the same pedestal look I I did some I looked into it a slight bit but just just for out of curiosity I think wolves have just under 3 million followers Pogba has 62 like that an in and you talk about yeah yeah yeah million that is but yeah I think it we talk about it a lot like when we had Nunes it’s a ve very very big struggle and it doesn’t and it rubs fans the wrong way when you’ve got a player who thinks he’s bigger than the club and if Pogba came in he would be bigger than the club not in our view but in his View and I think that is something that you’d have to contend with for the you know the period that he’d be here in a hypothetical cucko land if we’re talking about it I think it’s more than 1% um I think that you know I want to say it’s no smoke without fire I’d put it at four or five% purely because of the Instagram thing like that is weird I have all the football clubs he could follow it could be United could be Madrid who he’d want to go Madrid I mean United I don’t think he doesn’t even he doesn’t and it’s like and whether it is the lamine I think that could be a factor I think we’ve got a lot of Muslim players as well I think plays a part in it we’ve got a lot of Muslim players and he’s obviously one him self and it could be a fellow kind of practicing thing like him between him and Lina they probably are just good mates um but yeah it’s uh yeah it’s a really interesting one I’d love him I’d absolutely love him because I think he when he’s on his on his pump like he is the most entertaining player to watch that there’s around at the at the moment but like George said doping in any sport is the scum of scum of the scum you know if you if if with pogba’s ability if you need that Advantage then you got you know no hope so yeah I’d love it but no way and hell it’s true can I add a bit more fuel to the fire so we can pretend it’s happening I always oh know I always remember like the you know the waro stuff when he was talking about Adel tat and it’s just like you know you just go you just do in there half the pitch just go and do what you do in there and that QPR team at one point there was obviously Shawn Derry and Gary O’Neal Who would have been the dog runners for to let tat just go and do what he’s doing up the other end of the pitch so I’m just saying in hypothetical terms like part of the well could be the thing you know what yeah you just go up there like you could win games on your own and we’ll we’ll put like some Battlers behind you just going to do your dog work for you and you just go and win us football matches and and that’s from the philosophy of that’s what how der and oal have been brought up in in terms of being around warock and and how these sort of teams have been built they do the dogs work and let the more technically gifted players go and just further up the pitch and and do the magic even O’Neal when he’s at pompy would have been exactly the same those sort of teams you crunch ours build around one player build around yeah build around that player and you just go and do that so if you can put a solid foundation be them Lino and has run for run for days anyway so if they had POG in front of them I don’t think they cared you know what I mean like I think they’d be happy to do it there’d be some some Midfield as well that would by the way no negative comments in the comment section this POG video manifest it’s happening although I will try and find out for sure but oh my God it’s good fun to talk about you have convinced me that it’s happening there so um% mate I don’t we’ll finish off with his uh weekly question amar’s music show a lot of us seem to think that g if Gary O’Neal leaves us anytime soon then Rob Edwards would end up being our next manager if luten get relegated do you still think he’d be spoken about as an ex War manager or is that condition conditional on him keeping Luton in the Premier League again Jord this is something we seem to talk about every week but do you think luton’s Premier League status and Rob Edwards potentially joining walls go together or I think either way I think even if he goes down he’d be considered if it was this summer for arum so yeah yeah I do as well I think there’s a lot of there’s a lot of Merit in what he actually did last season to get Lon in the Premier League full stop with that Squad and you know what I think he I thought they could Rock Bottom um and probably a lot of people did and um um I think I think around November to January time we got them really punching and they were giving everyone a good go and um they were really you know they had everyone on song they had everyone fit and they were giving teams a game now they’ve had a few injuries it’s killed them um and as much as I’d love them to stay up I think that Forest win on the weekend it’s killed them I think they needed to beat Everton on Friday night to stay up um so no I don’t think it goes hand in hand I think he’s doing a good job I think he’s he’s very hard to sort of work out where he is Rob Edwards in terms of his managerial credibility because I think he did a very good job at Forest Green Rovers that was obviously League two and he got him up to League one didn’t he I believe and then he left took the Watford job watford’s bat [ __ ] crazy I I wouldn’t take anything they did there with any any sort of you know with any sort of credence really um and actually the job he’s done at Luton is fantastic so I do think it’s an obvious one for us as well if Gary O’Neal G we talk about Moyes coming in or Mourinho or whatever I think Rob Edwards would be bookie’s favorite if if no O’Neal left tomorrow I think Rob Edwards would be the the the book’s favorite you know they like him internally um I think they’ve openly said that a few times did they interiew interest yeah yeah they did didn’t they um Dave you got on mute mate we can’t hear sorry I was going to say I don’t they interviewed him for the main job was such um at the time but before ly they looked at him potentially lead the coaching side of things yeah that was when that was when um when L said no first time wasn’t it that was when he was in between jobs as well robt I think yeah yeah he just left Watford an at that point and I think it was to come in and do the caretaker thing but um yeah he didn’t want to do a caretaker he wanted a more permanent role and I’m saying it’s like I got told it’s what d told me so sorry talking for you but yeah that is that is that was the story and yeah I don’t know if there’s anything else to add on there but he did definitely into that little thing yeah no it it it’ll be interesting I think I mean like I said we spoke a lot about if buts and what happens if but for what it’s worth we’re not I don’t think we’re Advocates of Gary O’Neil moving on this summer we’re just talking not in cukul land about Mourinho Moyes and then probably the yeah and a more sensible land about uh Edwards but yeah guys I’ve enjoyed that I mean obviously got the the bad stuff of Manchester City out the way and then we’ve sort of gone to on to a more enjoyable and potentially insightful and opinionated podcast anyway but enjoyed it as always s Beacon thanks for joining us once again mate um where can people find you if they wish yeah thanks very much uh on Twitter Beacon wwfc so that’s BW Ken wwfc thank you very much thank you manate hopefully we’ll have you on again soon to get the hattrick ball uh geord Russell where can people find you buddy um ge7 on Twitter and Instagram and probably on a golf course rather than Ming you on Saturday really enjoy it um I’m at David party everywhere um I’m not going to be on next week’s pod because I’m on a stag dude but I think Matt and the boys should be around so there should be a podcast as normal next week and then we’ll move on to fingers crossed a special podcast uh for the end of season do um which I’m sure will will get sorted ASAP as well um before I forget uh one of our close subscribers as well Dean is doing a bit of fundraising for the M charity as part of the M new match as well and you can have your chance to win I think it’s a football raffle for some predators I think yeah Adidas Predators so if you want to get involved in that I’ll leave a link in the description of the party you can can get involved for your chance to win these beautiful football boots um as always we’re talking WS everywhere if you want the latest walls news transfer news and gossip uh follow us on Instagram Twitter Facebook and obviously subscribe to us here on YouTube leave us a f star writing on Apple podcast and Spotify if you’re listening on there and until next time fingers crossed it’s three points against Crystal Palace enjoy your week and we’ll catch you all very very soon


  1. I think I would take Moyes but I wouldn't want him as first choice, I just think I would rather us try younger managers with more potential future

  2. For the second pen I think it's soft and var can see haaland looking for it for me that's a yellow for haaland for simulation the first one I saw it sent dave a message on Instagram with blind fury was screaming at the TV and tge joao gomes always gets booked for bs think footballs a contact sports and players are more like ballerinas then footballers

  3. You got further than me, Jord. I never even switched the telly on. Just pointless. Shitty are way to dominant in our league and then they get the inevitable leg up from the ref. So, so, so predictable and so, so, so boring.

  4. We need the summer transfer window now, we'll more than likely lose our last 2 games after watching palace last night, I'd be more confident of beating Liverpool

  5. Cuckoo land is your own invention Dave. I like it, but the original version was Cloud Cuckoo Land. However, perhaps your Cuckoo Land isn't as totally out-there as CCL where everything is absolutely delusional and a complete impossibility. Perhaps in Cuckoo Land there's still between a one to four percent chance of, for instance, Pogba starting for Wolves next season!

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