Golf Players

Georgia Recruiting: Rumors vs. FACTS

We’ve been on the road seeing Georgia’s top targets. Let’s talk about what we learned.

hello everybody Welcome to the long awaited edition of rumors versus facts uh we did have a show last week and we had this one delayed a little bit mainly because all these guys you see on the screen here have been on the road even my old butt got out there and want to see a kid but uh Jed and Lance have been doing Yan’s work traveling all over the state all over the southeast to see a bunch of kids and that is where our priority is our priority is getting stories for the folks at you should be a member there it’s only 27 cents a day we’re giving away free stuff all the time we’ve got a bunch of Master’s gear we’re giving away over there today or this week uh but we our point is to have updates our point is to have content we’d like doing this show but we don’t want to give away everything on this show that we have behind the pay wall at u.j and the best way to get good content and scoop and updates is to go see these kids in person and that is what our guys have been doing they’re Road Warriors and I love the fact that they’re burning the rubber off those tires and Lance is probably going through yet another vehicle so yeah dude’s got bad luck with cars it’s just he’s he’s cursed and we can’t have Paul on show because Paul drives too damn slow so um you know we never get an update if we waited on Paul so I know he’s watching which is why I I dig the knife in a little bit Paul’s got a new truck too yeah he does he does have a ni he’s also well Paul’s the real story is Paul’s like expecting the birth of another child so that’s why he can’t be on the road as much as everybody else but we we love it when he does and let’s get right to it you guys want to see Thomas blackshare okay yep there’s some news coming there tell us what’s going on he is uh we saw him last Tuesday in uh Calvary Day in Savannah and you know earlier this week he he posts a cryptic tweet that says May 12th and uh Jed did some investigating talked to Travis and said that he is going to be committing on May 12th so this is a big one to watch because it is pretty much a race between Tennessee and Georgia right now those are his top two schools well where’s it going it’s interesting that it’s Tennessee and Georgia because I think those are the T top two for Travis Smith as well out of westle who I saw today um to very different styles of offense but um but school George is going head tohe head with for a few of these guys I’m but your question Ry I think he’s going to Georgia I think you know Lance when you talked to him he was very high on James Coley the job he had done you know building that relationship with him over the past couple months making him a priority and we to to be honest with you we weren’t exactly sure where he stood just because there’s so many top guys after receiver between T Taylor um Javin bogs you’ve got guys like Eugene H Sam turn last time we were on the show Tyler Williams um there’s so many studs out there that we weren’t sure exactly what the fcking order was but um in in asking around about Thomas Black Shear um he’s got a spot if he wants it from everything we’ve been told and I think uh that spot is going oh look at the look at the onsite you don’t see many onside kick highlights in these in these that’s a good one um but I think that spot in anthens will be his on Sunday but or yeah Sunday Mother’s Day but like you said Lance Tennessee is gonna give this one a a run down end yeah he played with uh Jake he was at Calvary Day his first two years and then moved over not Calvary Day Benedictine moved over to Calvary Day um and uh he played football with I believe it’s uh new Tennessee quarterback and he’s a freshman Jake merklinger I’m pronouncing that correctly so I I believe so he basically told me straight up that’s the reason that you know you know he obviously likes Tennessee he has a relationship with him but it it helps that his a quarterback uh from last year is there and if Rody’s watching these highlights just watching thema is awesome for those of you that listen to this after this man he’s he’s he’s electric and I talked to his head coach Mark stad uh at Calvary day after he said there’s not a better kid than Travis they said he’s you know he could play at either side of the ball I believe he plays defensive back for Calvary day as well and uh he said he’s a D1 he’s a D1 athlete if he’s ever seen one in his life so 62 190 I he may be like 61 I think 62 is a little but I mean he’s still he’s still electric lot lot of those are self-reported Heights so yeah you you remember uh I know I know Rody does remember JJ Hall uh oh what’s happening what are we doing here oh um I did that the other day and on video for you guys have convinced me put in my future cast so I’m gonna go ahead and do that Reon guys convinced me the show no I mean hey if I got three guys on my staff that say Hey I think he’s going to Georgia well the trick of being the publisher is like okay you guys you just went you drove all talk to him if you think he’s going there then I’m going to put it in there so you remember uh I know I know Ry does JJ hallman’s recruitment where he was ranked always ranked lower he was always ranked like a five seven three star maybe I think he got up to maybe a 58 non rank uh four star just reminds me of of on film of watching his tape like he’s just electric with the ball in his hands he he you know the R in high school was he doesn’t catch the ball good enough and uh I never saw that out of out of home and you know every time I saw him play he was electric I mean he was he could win one-on-one battles he could go um um he could be a possession receiver but he could also be you know dynamic with a after the catch this is this is a guy that reminds me still more of watching him on film um you know similar skill set um from from a high school standpoint so um I I know I know somebody said I think it was one of y’all Jed or something that co co said he could be next to AJ Green or something like that but um you know I think he he’s definitely um draws comparison to me from from what JJ H was in high school just an electric athlete when and can win one-on-one battles can high point the ball can um you can throw him Fades uh just you know what what what they would dream of in George’s offense yeah those clips look great the kick and play and here’s the thing uh I’ve spoken to James Coy on multiple occasions haven’t really had a chance to speak to him since he’s come back but I remember not I don’t want call it disdain but he says look you guys have your rankings you’re good at what you do we have our rankings uh you’re you’re looking at Players you know you’re comparing wide receivers to defensive tackles to quarterbacks to safeties to get your you know one through 50 in the nation he goes we go by position you know and we need this guy needs to be a tall receiver this guy needs to be you know a speed receiver this guy you I mean he I’m simplifying it because a lot of it was over my head just the way that you know James Coley is a tactician of what he does same if you talk to Todd Harley when he talked to you about tight ends or uh Mike boobo or any of those guys what Stacy serial wants in a safety I mean a guard versus a tackle versus a center they’ll forget more than we’ll know but if this kid’s been given the go-ahead to commit to Georgia under James Coy I mean the man the man can coach receivers there’s no question about it so I think this is this is a big pickup but I want to switch gears though and ask you uh what about what about this guy then yeah uh CJ Wy uh was it alphared at now was at Milton um and I saw him on last Wednesday or Thurs and and he was very impressive I mean he’s filled out he used to be just a you know a tall string bean of a of a receiver he’s kind of filled out a lot more he’s a big body he’s you know black she was listed at 62 Wy is easily you know 62 63 pushing 6’4 if he had had a haircut in a while maybe um on the field up there some of these clips moves so effortlessly going down the field when I was there last week he had one where obviously it’s it’s prac ice but he lined up on one side and it was like a real deep cross I guess and he went all the way to the other side of the field and and tracked the ball down and hauled it in so um moves great great rout Runner plays good competition at Milton you know in practice every day and then uh I guess was 7A going to be sixa Georgia football so um when I spoke to him last week it’s it’s Georgia Jordan’s getting an official visit it’s it’s mid I think that June 14th 16th weekend us is getting one LSU is getting one and LSU is a contender his parents both went to LSU apparently so that’s a big kind of wrinkle and what was Florida State maybe are getting officials LSU was there the day I was there so um but yeah I like where Georg is at with him he trains with Terrence Edwards which certainly doesn’t hurt georg’s case for sure um and um and yeah Jordan’s been prioritizing him I think they’ve got a good shot to land him as now heading official visits next month I love the again that to me he’s that different body that he’ be a great compliment to Black cheer uh I could see both of them in this class could also see Travis Smith we’ll talk about him next TR give your thoughts on CJ Wy and kind of how he is the Yan to Black cheers Yang if you will he’s just a guy that that Georgia hasn’t uh you you look at Georgia’s receivers over the past couple years and they’ve really missed the tall guy you know that I think that’s re one of the reasons why they quarterback that’s that feels rude I think that’s one of the reason why they they went out to the transfer portal and got Kobe young because they’re just missing that that type of body and they haven’t had that uh that type of receiver you know you had lad mcon playing outside some you know he was in the slot then you got Dominic levit playing outside some and in the slot you just have those smaller type receivers and they’ve had to build around those receivers but this is just a different type body and and something that they have not been able to to land on the recruiting Trail you know they they they’ve went to the transfer portal they’ve got a couple receivers like that um but Ra Ra’s playing outside and he’s what 61 so um ju just having that capability that type of receiver to to to throw those Fades because that’s that’s what they like to do in the Red Zone you’ve noticed ESP they like to throw those fades in the red zone and they really haven’t had those type of receivers to do so and uh you saw what uh that that type of receiver can do in the in the G game with Kobe young going up in the one-on-one battle and and winning that uh for a touchdown so um he just brings a dimension that Georgia hasn’t had uh on the offense and and you know just adding another weapon like that on the outside is is a great thing and you know I said before the season if Georgia can land Travis Smith and CJ W their their wide receiver recruiting is in good hands this in in this class and you know if you add a Black Shear and and maybe another guy in that mix uh you’ve had yourself a you know a top tier wide receiver um class I like it I really do all right you you you said the name so we gotta bring him in here right Travis Smith Jr I know you guys want to see him what’s the latest on Travis Smith Jr yeah saw Travis uh today Auburn was there today as well um Auburn sh coach Mark Marcus Davis um but Smith’s another guy who has added you know his bulked up a little bit he’s got that same Big Frame probably not quite as tall as Wy but but another big body to add um loves James Coley the their relationship it was one where he admitted I guess it was the Under Armour camp that Brian McClendon leaving hurt George or something you know he felt it when uh M left James CO’s done a fantastic job of building that relationship back up he’s like we’re talking about clothes we’re talking about food you know we’re both big Italian food guys so he’s he’s always eating pizza and stuff around the phone um so so uh it’s Georgia Tennessee Alabama and Auburn I think are getting the officials I think it’s between Georgia and Tennessee like we were talking about with Thomas blackshire earlier and it’s been it’s it’s going to be close I would give the edge to Georgia right now just because of the relationships what the job James Coley has done and I think you look at the two offensive systems Georgia has proven hey you can get to the NFL if you play here because obviously lad makoni just did it went with a 30 I know eighth pick or whatever it was in the draft almost first round as a two star three star or whatever so um yeah Georgia and Tennessee Georgia’s got the first visit I believe if I remember right what he told me Tennessee’s got the last visit um and then a commitment will be coming shortly after that so I would give would give Georgia the slight Edge right now um but it’s h it’s it’s a tight one going into officials all right with so Trevis Smith let’s back up real quick to CJ Wy um who is that down to and because we kind of talked about with Thomas black here and Travis Smith what what they were thinking about the kind of the the teams in the running for CJ Wy and kind of where we think somebody leads for or where what’s he thinking what was your impression after seeing him yeah it was he yeah he I mean he really really really likes George and has for a while and it’s him and Travis Smith are close so if if one Domino Falls the other could potentially come with it and Ethan Barber uh the tight end commit is very close with both of those guys they’ve all kind of known each other for a while um Barber and Wy I guess were teammates when Wy was at alfaretta so um their their relationship dates back then so it’s Georgia USC what did he say LSU and Florida State maybe for Wy um I would say it’s you you you worry about LSU with the family connections there um but I would I’d probably give Georgia The Edge there too which again it’s it’s crazy to say because the narrative is Georgia can’t recruit receivers Georgia can’t recruit receivers and then you’ve got you could have Thomas black sheare on board on Sunday and then to say they would lead for these two guys I would say they would lead for T and Taylor as of today um and then like you said you got all these other guys are working on Javin bogs there’s Sam Turner who’s a stud there’s Eugene Hilton who’s a stud like the the spots are yeah are and will continue to fill up quick and it could be could for once actually be a case of you’ve got more guys who would want in slash you could get than you’ve got spots available because there’s a ton of talented guys in you know three spots maybe four spots better get your spot now yeah maybe that’s why Black’s committing Sunday yeah it could be it very well could be georia that’s GNA be in the back of my mind is like look they’ve got five other guys that could pull the trigger that’s one that kind Black Shear kind of came out of left field because we’ve talked about the last couple months talked about Wy talked about um Travis Smith talked about Eugene Hilton a little bit um black she just I felt like he George was pursuing him back in the fall and then we just didn’t really hear his name um a lot and you know when I went to go talk to him I some straight up about Georgia and he goes he goes oh yeah I love Georgia that’s that’s one of my top schools and I mean he we him and I talked Jed you watch interview for like five or six minutes and that’s that’s literally all we talked about we we talked a little bit about uh him and mer merklinger uh you know going to Tennessee but I mean he he was very he said that uh this is blackshare said that Coley was one of the first guys to uh to contact or he was one of the first guys I think Coy contacted Wy said that as well to me at that seven on seven camp and that same day Emerson uh Travis SMI said that as well so seems like these are kind of in the pecking order one two three whichever way Georgia has them all right you mentioned uh Ethan Barber I love the story that you guys had on him where Ethan’s basically taking responsibility for the recruiting class you kind of need that Richard lount guy you know that uh drum major if you will just directing the class bringing them together saying look this is what we’re going to do hitting them up and that’s kind of the the vibe I got from Ethan Barbers like look I’m going to Georgia I’m gonna bring Elias Williams with me I’m gonna bring uh I’m try to go get aah Bond I’m gon try to get Juan gastan I’m G get everybody and especially the wide receiver group you know because those are be guys I’m G be catching passes with you know our seven on seven drills uh pass Skelly guys like that so what’s the latest on Ethan Barber yeah he’s the personality of the class so far him and Bo Walker like Bo Walker got a little bit of a in a different way but he’s got a personality too um and Barbour was like yeah Barber or Barbour I don’t know how you say it Barber I guess um Ethan yeah Ethan exactly and he he was interesting because he was talking about Brock Bowers going to the draft and he was like yeah you know I play like Brock Bowers and it’s amazing to see that you know a guy with that kind of body type could go you know 13th in the draft and you don’t have to be a necessarily a freak at tight well let’s let’s not sell Brock B short he’s a pretty impressive guy but I think Brock measured at like 63 240 at the combine and Barbera told me he was 63 232 or something like um Brock had about 10 10 pounds on him and height wise they were the same um so again when you see that and you look at you Darnell Washington is is a freak Show and Elias Williams is a a freak Show it’s not necess Barbor is not necessarily that kind of body but it’s still a very good tight end and he knows hey under Todd Harley’s coaching I can I can get to that first level or first round level of talent so a guy he’s taking a couple official visits uh a burn is one and he was end times but yeah so um I I don’t see a world where he flips personally he’s he committed really early for a reason and you know Todd Harley usually doesn’t uh doesn’t lose the guys when he gets him under his wing there so um but yeah he he’s like you kind of mentioned when we brought him up R he’s got that leader role in in this class down down pretty good right now yeah although to be fair that’s what I thought um rayola was doing true the P Piper that class calling guys but uh you never know how stuff like that’s going to work out but you mentioned freak and I gotta I gotta bring up the next freak this is um Isaiah Gibson committed to South Carolina uh 6 fo5 240 pounds drugs side defensive end the the pictures Lance video yeah he’s that looks wrong he’s a grown man he he literally looks like a grown man playing on an eighth grade team yeah and they had some other big guys too but I mean he just I was I I pulled up to Warner Robbins I parked I’m walking down I’m looking like Hey where’s the defensive lineman I see the defensive lineman oh that’s gotta be Isaiah gibon I didn’t even have to look at the max PR roster I was like that’s Isa Gibson right there and it was so he’s committed South car I mean South Carolina it’s committed to Southern California they’re both USC’s uh so why’d you go see him what’s the point of that he’s committed elsewhere we know that kids never flip he he kind of left a lot out if you read my note on the bin he kind of left a lot out there on the table basically said that uh the Georgia coaches like justice ter like justice Terry they remember Terry flipped the same day that uh Gibson committed to USC and uh they’re both kind of head scratchers and I just straight up asked him I was like did the Georgia staff contact you they contacted Justice he said Kirby was like the first one to text the first coach out of any college to text him and then he said like clockwork the throughout the day he heard from outside linebackers coach chider uzo derbe and a few other members of the Georgia staff and he said there was no pressure there it was just uh kind of kind of like hey man we’re gonna be in this to the end and until the ink dries and uh and he liked that he uh he spoke very highly of the staff and I think uh this is one that like Terry’s this is gonna this is gonna come down to the wire I think and uh I mean he uh he he’s a he’s certainly uh wanted in this class I think and uh yesterday I got to see ju in person and man he’s it’s just not fair it’s just not fair and I mean Warner Robbins is a is a is a good football program they have some big kids but he was just tearing up he was they were doing like one they were doing ones on threes yesterday so he was going up against like the eighth graders he was just bullying them he was bullying the uh the second team offensive line and he was doing the same with the first so that reminds right tackle in half yeah that reminds me speaking of The Blocking I asked the coach at Westlake Morris Mitchell about Travis Smith today and I was like hey what’s what’s he like blocking he was like so they ran I kind of like an Oklahoma drill it was two two linemen two defensive linemen and then a a linebacker and a running back but there was a receivers in DB’s version of this happening on the side he was like when they when he could be just you know he go to the back field and get the ball he gets down on a three-point stance wanting to block somebody so if you’re G to be a receiver of Georgia that’s the the mindset you’ve got to have and Travis Smith has uh has got it apparently I can see Kirby smarts uh kind of that cartoon heart pounding out of his chest he loves that all right Trent is this another uh Christian Miller committ to USC stays committed for a while then flips to Georgia yeah I don’t have as much confidence in him as I do as a Justice Terry but at that’s why I ask your opinion yeah at the same time I I I do think Georgia is going to be in this mix to the end um you know Georgia was a school that you heard about leading up to the commitment of USC just the the random Comm me you didn’t hear much of USC just like you didn’t hear much with Justice Terry of USC um it it was more Georgia Alabama got teams like that and all of a sudden USC popped up that weekend and landed 800 guys in this recruiting class but um yeah I think Georg is going to be in it to the end I think there’s several other schools going to be in to the end but this is a guy that that George’s really missed out on uh you know recruiting classes when you look at the edge um you know they they did land like Damon Wilson they land some guys um but but georg’s had a depth problem at at this particular position uh you I remember when Kirby just came on and they were playing Lorenzo Carter and Davin Bell and me both at uh you know outside linebacker and and and they were really getting after the passer uh you know I remember the Notre Dame game and stuff like that but Georgia really hasn’t had those guys they’ve had nothing against Chaz Chamas Chaz Chamas can uh you know take on blocks and and really be a good run stopper but he’s not an Elite pass rusher and uh Georgia Georgia’s really failed to land those guys and I think this is the guys that you have to land to get that next level uh of of being able to rush the passer um not not having to uh you know disguise those blitzes as much and just being able to get to to the pass with four guys um I think Mikel lining up on the outside is going to give Georgia a boost in that in that department but uh this is definitely a guy that that George is going to be on to the end and I think uh it’s worked out very well for for Kirby Smart in the past when when he’s wanted guys like this particular Prospect he’s been able to get him uh even if he don’t get him the first to go around that’s a good point you you got to be thinking more than just that first year I get that and you’re right I mean you had the Adam Anderson for a while you know but when’s the last time a Georgia player led the SCC and sacks from the I mean I feel like I feel like the past couple years that they’ve had an inside linebacker uh lead the team in sacks I mean a few years ago I think Channing Tindle was the guy and then you had uh um Dumas joh Johnson led him in sacks or or was right there uh at the top of the know leaderboard in sacks so I think it’s probably be the guy this year I think Adam Anderson was on track before you know all the all the issues believe in team Sachs but I can’t remember the last Edge guy that they had that that leted him in sacks going back to like Davin bamy and uh and Lorenzo Carter in those days so they they really haven’t had that guy that they can just put on the edge and say go um beat your guy one-on-one go and I think and you know in the past they’ve had you know when they had Lorenzo Carter and Dav M they had two so um you couldn’t really shade him um you could shade one of the guys but you couldn’t really double on both so uh you know they’ve had those defensive tackles but I think getting uh you know Elite Edge Rush rushers will take the pressure off of the defensive tackles to have to uh you know handle those um double teams on every single um every single snout would be fun to see him but I’m with you it’s a I think they I think they send a better chance with Justice Terry but again you never know uh speaking of Southern Cal when I was out actually seeing Justice Terry they showed up and they were like rolling five coaches deep they are trying hard in the state of Georgia they are spending a lot of time on this Coast instead of the West Coast because they know hey this where all the players are uh speaking of players speaking of really good ones and guys that um who were rumored at one point to be looking elsewhere and but so far right now I don’t think this guy’s going anywhere uh you went to see Elias Williams there Lance this is an absolute you know we mentioned the term freak earlier I hate to me freak is overused but I’m hey with Elias you can use it uh monster kit 6’8 BRS let’s say let’s say that’s a little overy six7 but Elias is something special think he’s probably about 245 now 245 250 he’s gained a little bit of weight you a little bit of muscle since basketball season um but I mean he he was one of those of those guys that you know when I when I went to talk to him uh back in the fall um down there in camon County the the couple days before Georgia Florida everyone was kind of like you know what’s going on with Florida State what they’re kind of courting his mom um you know and and Elias just said straight up that that’s kind of that’s kind of cooled off um Miami’s been a little bit more of the team was the team to worry about um I think John Garcia posted on our board after I posted the note um one of our national guys said that Regional guys said that uh he visited Miami I guess twice in um twice I think in either March or uh early April and for like two weekends in a row I believe and then everyone thought he was going to flip and then you know when I asked him about it he was like he was like it’s you know it’s just Georgia right now it’s a it’s it’s all about it’s all about the dogs and he’s kind of uh kind of like Ethan Barbor um fellow tight end commit judges talked about trying to build this class he’s uh I think Elias has been on campus twice this this year he uh was there for uh junior day I don’t know it was either January or February and then he was also there for gday and he said that uh he spent a lot of his time just uh kind of hanging out with Ethan and uh kind of hanging out with uh with Bo Walker I don’t know balker wasn’t there it was a I think it was another commit and just trying to talk to some of these prospects and kind of get them to join them this kid is fun to watch I’m listening to you kind of in one ear but the rest of the time I’m and i’ I’ve watched his highlights like six times but well see what’s Wild is these highlights right here or when he was at Char uh Charlton County and you know now he transfers over to uh well last year he transferred over to uh to camon County and that Jeff Heron offense ran a they ran a um a wing te but I mean he still had a bunch of catches and I forgot what playoff game it was they were down by like 20 points and I think it was like the second or third round and you know they just went up they just started throwing the ball to him and he and he’s so much taller than everybody else um and you know this year he told me uh with Coach Heron retiring and uh this new guy coming in uh from Florida runs I think a spread type offense he’s looking to get a thousand yards this season I can see it happen he’s I’m we’re watching his 210 pound highlights not his yeah 40 pound highlights yeah the screw it and throw to the guy that’s better than everybody else offense is is usually a fairly decent idea in my experience it was the same thing with law and lucky like I would go see law and lucky games and he wouldn’t have done anything I remember one game they were like you said Lance they were down 10 points with a minute and a half left and they threw him Norcross threw him three straight like jump balls in a row and it caught all of them I was like why have we not done this at any point in the past three hours when you’re when you’re not doing anything on offense but yeah that uh that game last year I went to see cavius Johnson like uh we’re getting our butts kicked let’s put him at quarterback and just let him run an option oh hey let’s put him in a defensive end and go get a strip sack you know yes when you have a when you have a D1 player and I mean d top 50 D1 player especially a skill guy it’s just because you can run away from a def harder than it needs to be yeah it’s not complicated don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t get fancy give it to the 68 240 pound guy let him let him get you real speaking of six fo eight guys Juan Gaston Jr 330 PBS out of Westlake uh big offensive tackle we’ve seen him few times Juan’s a big boy what is the lose on ju Gaston yeah add a couple Hamiltons to that weight you told me today he’s 360 now but he carries it actually really well as as well as you’re going to carry 360 pounds um and not surprisingly Georgia wants him as a tackle he said the staff has compared him to amarius Mims um who definitely had the height come on that that’s rude he ain’t would know better than I would if he what weight Mims was at coming out of high school but um he he looked good today um again kind of like we mentioned with um with CJ W and with Travis Smith too uh they play great competition and I guess West Lake is 7A 6A 7A um so you know he’s playing good competition on a weekly basis P Georgia South Carolina Oregon and Tennessee I think Oregon is a major player in this they’re obviously the farthest one from home but but they’re real threat but I think uh I think I like where George is at and George’s been on him for a long time he’s one of these guys who just doesn’t have a lot of fanfare around his visits necessarily I mean Rody we I guess all all four of us have talked to him he’s a man of few words but he just kind of just shows up on campus a lot and I think this is a follow the visits kind of thing where um it’s going to be Georgia in the end so uh we’ll see you know going into going into officials this summer but or next month but I like I like what Jordan is at with Juan right now he he did line up when he’s talking about Oregon with me and I mentioned him and or he mentioned them and I made him go through each school what he liked about each one and he spoke highly of South Carolina but when we got to Oregon it was oh yeah you know he just he’s got a huge grin you know he’s a he’s a very nice guy very sweet uh not sweet on the field see all these pancakes he just especially uh play into the whistle he does that I feel bad for number 32 there I think a better comparison for him I I don’t um like the other comparison but I think a better comparison for him would be Isaiah Wilson uh I think coming in yes that’s that’s a much better one he carries his weight very well um even at 360 Isaiah Wilson did the same he always just looks like a Manchild um and then he he he is raw you’re not going to see him at left tackle uh at the next level you’re going to see him more at the right tackle um even if he slides in um I I think that uh Isaiah Wilson would be a better comparison uh for me just some fact that I think he is a uh I don’t think he’s a Blindside guy I think he’s a right tackle um he he can develop but I think he’s very raw at this point in his career um can work on his footwork can work on his b a little bit but um that’s where I would put it you know Isaiah Wilson came in and I know that he was a was it first round draft pick so but he was um it took a year he was a red shirt freshman before he was able to step on the field and I think the other guys we’re talking about are uh uh what you know were basically Phil LS as a freshman they were they they were six guy or the seventh guy and able to come in and play meaningful minutes I don’t think you’re going to see meaningful minutes from him as a true freshman I think it’s going to take a year but uh I do think he has a very high sing you can see Stacy Cal just s elevating thinking what can I do with this guy let me get him in shap let me work my techniques with him and I can build him into a Powerhouse so I can definitely see it w gone definitely gota keep an ey on uh let’s jump to the other side of the ball big defensive tackle Kevin W 6’4 319 pounds Green County not too far away yep Lance you’ve known this guy for 47 years yeah what’s going on with Kevin W cover him for my main job the newspaper and he’s uh he’s a he I’d say I’d say he’s maybe like six foot five maybe like six fo five I think he may be up to 3:30 don’t quote me on that but he looked a little bit but man he’s all man he’s all muscle he and he’s he’s very Twitchy when you watch him in person and uh he is going to be visiting Georgia I believe the first um the first uh the first visit or first uh weekend and official visits can happen I believe it’s May 31st through June 2nd and I think he’s he’s real excited to get up to Georgia I think he’s got other visits to South Carolina he’s got one to Florida state which I think is the biggest competitor right now in Texas which is kind of random but uh yeah he George is really kind of selling him on uh you know hey man come come stay home you’re you’re 40 minutes from Athens and uh you know let us develop you and uh I think he’s uh think he’s pretty underrated Jed probably needs to bump him up a star what uh what he winked to me the last time I I talked to him I love it so keep an eye on Kevin wi that’s about local as you can get and he’s gonna be we’re gonna be going to see him throw tomorrow uh at the State uh the class a division 2 State uh track track meet yeah I want to say’s sh put and discus yep I think yeah Zen Walker would be there as well going in I know he’s going in shot putting discus too they’re going to be imagine just like both them could be like we’re going to be watching them compete like against each other entertaining yeah hey that should makes for some good Tik toks yeah into the hint hint you know uh but don’t get out there and get hit in the head with a discus we don’t have that sort of uh coverage I gotta I want to ask you guys about the Walter matys Jr because we’re talking defensive tackles with Kevin W I want to switch over to Walter math I don’t know as much about him out of Cavalry day tell me about Walter mat junor where Georgia stands with him I went down to see him last week he’s I’m I’m kind of I was he’s kind of just popped up on my rer when I went down there he’s got a Georgia offer um I don’t think he’s ever been to Athens uh from what I remember he’s uh he’s he’s he’s in contact with the staff a lot but I but I think he’s trying he’s trying to uh make it up for an official visit uh this year I don’t really see this one going George’s way but he’s he’s another one of those instate kids that uh it’s pretty talented and uh you know plays plays good competition Cavalry day it’s just it’s just uh georg’s kind of if it if it were to really pursue him they they haven’t done it up to this point they they’d be kind of uh you know picking up the slack for schools like Clemson and I believe LSU he told me his is uh one of his other top schools there’s LSU again and remember LSU doesn’t pay for players that’s true yeah we heard that the other day must be something about the Tigers yeah what’s that it must be something about the tigers or Death Valley I mean either one Death Valley they’ll pay for it either either Death Valley or either the tiger masc well I don’t know because we can’t say that because there’s Auburn so it’s got to be more Death Valley than it is the Tigers yeah I’m kidding Auburn fans I don’t want all your hate mail Auburn Auburn Twitter I do not screw around with auburn Twitter they they will they’ll come after you for a long time KJ B never mind dude too soon my my my phone keeps popping off you know when when they when they tag me on stuff so we can’t have that uh I get I want to get to the last guy we’ll talk about is Justice Terry I went to see him we’ll save him for last but I want to run this idea by you guys because I think this is a speaking of paying for players coach Donan mentioned this to me like the end of last week and they had a big meeting on it Monday and then Tuesday we had Josh malard the former Georgia defensive lineman on the show and he runs a credit card processing company so that’s like say you buy a your um you buy a $100 gifts subscription to U Sports it’s $99.95 if you pay for the credit card ug Sports doesn’t get 99.95 we get like 96 we lose like three bucks that goes to the credit card the people who are processing the credit card so there you have someone who makes it so that your company can take credit cards you have to pay them for that service you can’t just go to MasterCard say hey they they charged 100 bucks give me a 100 bucks whoever’s doing that for you gets a cut that’s what Josh Mard does he provides companies to be able to take credit cards and let’s say he takes 3% of every Transaction what he’s willing to do is to do it for cost for Georgia like say anybody that buys tickets and you pay for your credit card or you give your donation you do it with a credit card to get all your Sky miles or to get your Marriott points or to get your travel whatever if you give $10,000 and then you buy four seats for 140 bucks a piece times six games you can put all that on your credit card that starts to add up and he says look that 3% I’ll just take like my cost which is maybe 1% or two% the rest of that will go to georg’s nil program and I started doing some you know back of the napkin math and I said okay let’s say uh tickets are $140 a piece just the range is wide and you sold 50,000 of them half the stadium for credit cards at uh 3% 3% 140 two $280 or $240 something like that uh times 50,000 seats times six games a year it’s like $840,000 just on tickets now do concessions now do the bookstore now do all these other businesses out there I’m thinking that Georgia and yeah people talk about the fact that if there’s collective bargaining or they start sharing TV revenues that that’ll change everything it will change some of it but there will still be kids who are saying look everybody on the team’s getting paid X I’m really good if you want me to come here I need us I still need an nil deal there’s they’re not going to get rid of nil I’m thinking here’s a way for no nobody the only person that will lose money in this would be Josh marar and he’s not losing he’s still getting his cost out of it but he’s not taking the profit and I think this could be a phenomenal idea I’m like you know roll us out at uh Georgia Southern Georgia State you know anybody so if you have a business out there I think this is some way you could do it h Evan Grimes again coming through 50 bucks man Evan Grimes is about to earn him he’s he’s earned himself a spot on a tea time with the uh with the donations yeah he’s uh just donating more to the Jed golf nil F Jed you make sure that goes to you you all right yeah yeah no kidding I need to have a talk with r we get 3% I mean all it does is Bump down the level of course I play at I ain’t good enough to play a good course anyway so that really matter to me to follow Grimes on Twitter he’s a riot that is a is a funny dude and I appreciate how much he’s I think I think he is a supporter because uh we me and him not exactly going back and forth but he was very engaging and we kind talked I’m like hey come try our site and he did and he liked it so just shows that um it’s a once you get behind the pay wall you and kind of um go around with the the fans there it is a special place but we also love our Twitter family and our YouTube family and our Facebook family all our social media platforms and Evan is a big part of it without him we probably wouldn’t have a show means a lot to us uh okay last guy let me U bring him up here and him on sure you guys are tired of hear me talk but oops all Justice Terry I was uh down in Manchester not too long ago went to see him and that was the same day um that I said all the USC coaches showed up and we had a good interview it’s on the same YouTube channel you can also find it on our Facebook page where we spoke to Justice Terry about his uh uh flip from Georgia to USC and we asked him why and he’s like oh well I was thinking more about life after football and the presentation USC had for his life after football apparently was better than what Georgia had he said yeah I just started seeing myself there he said he wants to be a barber wants to cut hair wants to give back to Manchester and uh they have a great business school out there in uh at Southern Cal they also uh he said look it’s only about 9% of the people get in and that means a lot to him you know it’s a very uh tough school to get into and I’m like have you talked to George have you talked to them about the Terry College of Business have you talked to them about their acceptance rate his last name and he wants a major bu when and to he said in the interview you had with you asked him like if they talked to you about the Terry College he’s like yeah well they mentioned it a little when I visited for g day but you know really going to save all that for the official visit and I could just picture like meeting with professors meeting with the the dean there’s GNA be a a lot I mean that that usually happens for guys on official business anyway but that’s G to be a big I they might take him to a barber shop downtown have him talk to those guys or something I mean you’re going to you’re going to hit that angle hard over the 48 hours or whatever he’s on campus who if you weeks so I will say little behind the scenes note um I used to do some catering stuff last summer um is a second job before Rody before Rody brought me on and I worked a little I worked um some of the official visits and on Saturday mornings in June they all eat together like like breakfast and then Todd Harley would speak or one of the coaches would speak and then they would they would take them throughout campus uh they do it in Terry college so Justice is going to be up for a uh for an official visit and that’s how it’s been the last two years I work I used to work these K events um at a previous job so you know that’s something that he’s going to get to tour more than likely and again I’m not gonna say that we saw Jason King say that got the games they just offered him more money I asked specifically about that he said look honestly nil wasn’t a part of it I’m like what was it though and I mean I pushed him I pressed and he said that it wasn’t and I’ll take him at face value but at the same time that is definitely the vi by Guy the way the coaches were kind of hanging around just waiting to talk to him and you know try to stay on him uh the fact that they presented him with his business life after school you know and I’m like this this it didn’t sound like it was a scheme fit or a culture fit it sounded like it was everything but the money here’s the plan you know we’ll buy you a barber shop or whatever it just again I don’t want to read anything into it I got to take the kid at face value we you’ve all interviewed him you’ve all spoken to him uh great kid to talk to Great representative of Manchester uh he really wants to help it’s a small town like 3500 people my father-in-law lives there uh it’s a wonderful Small Town Georgia absolutely love it he wants to give back to the community I get that but I’m tell I I guess what I was trying to get to was what makes USC’s version better than Georgia’s version you if you stay in town or you stay you go to Georgia you’re gonna learn from the Terry College of Business you’re going to have all the supporters in state who especially in that small town know that you went to the flagship I I mean I wasn’t presenting it that way I just want to know why was their sales pitch better than Georgia sales pitch and to your point Jed he basically said they haven’t really got to that yet they’re going to do that on the official visit I’m like okay so to me it’s not over yet because I don’t think Georgia has countered his with their version of what his future can be so I think they have a good sales pitch lineup and we’ve we’ve seen them bring in Lance like you were talking about you know over the ter College of Business we’ve seen anybody that says Hey I want to uh do X they’ll bring in the dean of the law school they’ll bring in the dean of the Terry College of Business they’ll bring in the head of educ the the administration and the staff and the faculty J Morhead will be there you don’t have the Buddy president you’ve got the the you know they bring in a guest speaker every Friday night I don’t know who the biggest um Alum of the Terry College of Business would be but whoever it is I I wouldn’t be shocked if uh if there on the old itinerary for Friday night on I guess that’d be May 31st so um just every every little and you know a lot of these guys even outside of Jus Terry a lot of guys say they want to major in business or you know entrepreneurship or whatever like there’s a lot of Terry a lot of Terry type things among a lot of these guys we talked to to begin with so youd hit a lot of extra boxes but um with with with a guy like justice who is so focused on what that aspect of things could be uh you know again I don’t know who the biggest Terry College you know per alone would be but um that they’ll I’d bet some decent money they’d be in Athens that Friday night for sure yeah I like Germaine King Germaine has also been I’ve known Germaine 20 years 30 known Jermaine a long time he’s worked for the University Germaine’s a a great guy you’ll never meet anybody that works harder than Germaine uh he says he could inter Turner Wilson’s Barber Shop downtown gives me the idea I could see George saying look we’ll build you a barber shop here you can give haircut because he gives haircuts to his his teammates yeah like 10 20 bucks says look you can open up a $30 ahead $50 ahead barber shop here in the uh the butts smar building the football facilities we we got a barber shop for you and uh we’ll we’ll make it so the Wilson’s Barber shop opens up a uh second location you know a Justice’s shop in downtown Manchester and we got you covered so I mean they’re going to have a plan for him which brings me to the final question of the show um Trent where does he wind up oh I think he wind up Georgia and I I’ve said this since the beginning uh you know Kirby Smart’s never going to empty empty his clip on on one shot I mean like that’s that’s on one trip and I think that’s what uh USC went all in and uh you know USC fans don’t like me very much right now but uh they went all in on uh a lot of guys and and I think it was and I mention I think it’s smart because you know there’s a lot of stuff that’s unexpected um in the fall moving conferences um you know flying across the country uh week after week and and having to battle on the Big 10 it’s the line of scrimmage so I I I I think the season results are are kind of unexpected and for them to go all in right now uh is is smart to try to get as many guys try to land as many transfer portal guys they’ve landed some land as many guys in this class and just try to hold on and then I think Kirby’s more of a hey we’re going to be in that then I’m gonna close it and and and he doesn’t have to put all his eggs in a basket in the spring and uh and I think you’ll see that uh you know like you said he Terry was committed to Georgia for 12 months and haven’t hasn’t had that spill yet over over you know uh a business Bill uh what he wants to major in you know he’s they’re not going to throw it all at him at at the beginning they’re going to that their goal is the long run their goal is the to land him uh on Signing Day not to land him in in February or land in two years before sign day so uh I think you’ll you’ll see him get on campus and and he’s going to be a guy like uh like we mentioned in the P KJ Balon and Terry Godwin a couple years ago who who Georgia just gets on campus over and over and over and over and over and uh and that relationship just keeps building and and uh you know and they eventually you’re able to secure them at the end of the day or you you’re planning on a year from now hey go out there see how it works out for you if it doesn’t you know Tre we to get the barber shop not go to hell Trey you know what I’m do to the barber got no hair I have to ask Jed about barber shop and all the other guys with hair no that’s it’s a but very fun young man to talk to and I’m with you Georgia has not spent all their bullets in that battle and USC is gonna keep fighting for them like I said they brought there were four guys who I knew were USC coaches there was another guy out there I’m not sure if he was one or not or was maybe he was at Manchester High School they have a very young head coach of Manchester bright guy fun to talk to uh he is uh that whole town is excited about Justice and that whole town is very Bulldog centered so it is be it’ll be very it’s G be very much fun to see how that works out one thing I think that USC has been selling and I’m not sure but but it’s basically uh we brought in a new defensive staff we’re going to you know it’s going to be a change we’re going to be able to line up on the line of screen that but I think a lot of that takes time because it’s more of a culture thing uh the way they’ve been the past couple years is they’ve had athletes they’ve had players but they haven’t been uh I guess and in practice they don’t they don’t work their butts off and you know it’s kind of like bloody Tuesdays and stuff like that it’s a culture issue and I think that that’s going to take time to fix and it’s not just going to be hey we’re gonna wait wait to see what we are next year and I think that’s what they’re selling they’ve obviously sold their fan base on that and uh and uh so but but I do think it’s going to take time and I think you’re going to see results on the field uh this fall not be the change that they’re you know kind of selling on the recruiting Trail because it is going to take see man you’re just taking off the USC fans all over again you just can’t stop trolling them I’m just wait till I pull up Twitter and they’re all gonna be in my missions after this all right um we all need to go fight on Twitter now I gotta go fight with Alburn fans you can go fight with USC Jad you need to go fix the uh rankings that you’ve screwed up and J’s gonna get a tea time he’s got some money exactly yeah yeah weekend looks nice so we’ll still see what we got going for Saturday uh we will be back next Monday because uh a bunch of these guys are going to see um the state track championships where a lot of Georgia targets are competing we mentioned some of the guys that’ll be throwing we’ll mention some of the guys who are going to be running so we will be out and about all over the state to talk to some of those guys and we will have a show on Monday where we talk about that plus we start previewing some of the big upcoming visits so stick around for Monday show you’re absolutely going to love it because there’ll be a lot to talk about and that is it for tonight so we will see you later for Jed May Lance McCurley and Trent Smallwood I’m Ryan busy we’ll see you later


  1. I love listening to the live comparisons based off watching their film.

    Obviously, it's a highlight tape, so you don't see the prospects main issues, but it is just cool to hear, "I see what this kid does well, and he reminds me of [……]."

    Always appreciate the content fellas. Love the excellent work you guys do.

    MY ONLY complaint is someone tell Jed May to fix Ethan Barbour's rating!!! lol hahaha

  2. I can understand USC wanting to copy UGA, and wanting to get players from the state of UGA, but if they're just selling a new coach and business opportunities, I don't think they'll be a huge threat overall. Nor do I think they'll remain a threat if they continue to lack on the field defensive success, but they know they need those hard-working, selfless, no nonsense, and athletically gifted country boys to make their defense more physically tough.

    Now, at the same time, USC doesn't have to take but 1-2 elite guys to have a big impact negatively for UGA..

    Terry and Gibson are game wreckers that UGA needs for their defense to go from really good to elite. It'll be interesting to see how these two recruitments play out.

  3. I feel bad for any really talented kids that actually go out to USC. Between the taxes, all the homeless drug addicts and the rumors we’ve heard about players checks bouncing I wouldn’t do all the way out there! Not to even mention the fact Lincoln Riley has never accomplished anything but creating 1st round QBs…

  4. Kirby should use that USC can’t keep its students safe and didn’t have graduation. Commfornia is not a good place

  5. Double wow….Georgia beat FSU 4th stringers. How does Georgia continue get beat by a lowly 2-lost Bama. Dogs are pathetic !!!

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