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Which team was the most impressive in Round 6 – SEN BREAKFAST

Cam Smith joins Vossy & Brandy to discuss all the big topics from Round 6!

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let’s get to the rugby league um Cameron we have a situation out of the weekend golden point was exciting golden Point draws did you have any drama with a Josh alloya on Shawn Johnson penalty um that led to Golden Point Josh Alloa has subsequently been charged where other people have gone on the text line today saying they should apologize they got that wrong but the there’s more than just penalty there’s Judiciary charge that have followed up oh I don’t think it should have been a penalty to start with I think we you know we’ve seen this this rule come in over the years where you know we’ve tried to avoid Defenders um coming in and attacking the kicker’s legs where you see it a lot where a kicker sort of jumps in the action of Kicking and um a Defender follows through and sort of hits them around the legs which is you know quite dangerous but I didn’t really feel that Josh eloa had anything to answer for in that case like he just he come through with some kick pressure on Shan Johnson so as a Defender um you know remember the way Steve price used to get charge Downs so he that was missile missile and he dive down and he was very good at it if he did that now if if Steve price did that he’d get three years suspension 100% Brandy and and I remember um actually he he charged down a kick I forget who was against and I think someone actually was either Jo Kane’s brother Jo Kane’s brother Ricky Kane isn’t it Ricky Kane he made he finished his career that was the end of his career and there was nothing done about it so like look you know the game the game has moved on since then but like Josh come through put put kick pressure on him like he his feet didn’t leave the ground um and he didn’t attack his legs like he was just going to hit the ball like it was just the follow through I I had to look at one of dily cherry Evans um attempts at field goal in in Golden point you could you could argue that there was slight contact on his leag but because he didn’t fall to the ground afterwards and sort of you know looked like that there was some sort of injury there was nothing done about it was just play on so I I don’t know like you guys might feel differently but I really didn’t think that wared a penalty Brandy and I thought I know L IL it’s tragic there you know the broken leg injury but we both said well Joey luik it wasn’t like he was doing a Steve prize he was putting kick pressure on on a last tackle play last seconds of the game where the team is down by six they have to come up with something so he put serious kick pressure On Lan ilas and then it was leg on leg contact yeah I I could have I wouldn’t have blown up if if lassk didn’t get a a b yeah see different circumstances for both kicks so in the Joey lassk one uh or the Freddy lassik one um sorry Freddy L Freddy corre my my initial thing was when when Lo elas went through with a kick I’m thinking why did he kick that like why did he actually go through with a kick because luik was all over him like LK was virtually on him as he kicked the ball and anyway then I heard the snap and but when when they referred him straight to the Judiciary I thought that’s a bit tough like that that is a bit tough but again I I I’ll go back to what what I why I said well penalty blowing yes because sha Johnson had no choice but to kick the ball he was going for a field goal to to try and win the game and the onus is on the defender the onus whether he contacts the leg or not is on him and I’ll go back to a good Friday game James Graham Adam Reynolds or James grahan um yeah Adam Reynolds James grahe was penalized remember but going at the legs of Adam Reynolds as he kicked the ball a field goal MH well I just I think the onus is on the defender okay just Tony Kane was the brother of Joel T Tony not who who had the the leg broken yeah just that was the worst that was one of the worst sights of I think I’ve seen on a footy field that that snap the leg all right well that’s one controversial incident from the weekend I want to throw at you the contenders and The Pretenders a little bit not not the whole lot don’t want to go through the whole lot but the Cowboys are a confusing team for mine yeah you know even in that game against the dragons we go back a few weeks ago you looked at the way they were just opened up they could have been 24 down after 30 minutes or so are they are they contenders or are they just are they more Pretender at the moment the Cowboys obviously they can score points but the7 not there what is it well I think if um if you go back and look at the start of the year right they they were on fire um but maybe maybe we’ve just been a little bit sort of blindfolded by the results and who they played so they played the Dolphins first upright and and they were they were awful awful the Dolphins they they couldn’t hold on to the football I worked on that game at sunor stadium it’s the worst performance of their season so far for the Dolphins the Cowboys smashed them it was 40 40 odd to 18 um and then they beat the knights remember they just got past the knights it took a Chad towns and field goal up in towns Townsville to get P they’re in they’re in a lot of trouble lot of trouble and then also against the dragons I think the dragons got out to what was it 16 n something like that well it could have been if if Raymond fatal marinina holds the ball it would have been 244 that’s right that’s right so you know and so maybe we just we thought going a little bit better than what they actually were and then they come up against um you know the Broncos the Broncos hammered them so they haven’t really come up against you know some some decent opposition with all due respect to those other sides so um yeah they just look they that there’s no doubt they can score points and and they’re a very good attacking footy side if if they get you know some field position and they get some run of the football but but they’re not backing it up with their defense though boys they’re not back I’ll go a little bit further with both of you at the moment on our ladder the top six is the Sharks the storm the Cowboys the Dolphins the Panthers the Raiders out of those which one have proven themselves this season oh they they are certainly top four cuz I don’t know whether any of them have even the storm I mean they’ve become the cardiac kids with the close finishes but I’m not see like this is so open this competition seriously sharks storm Cowboys Dolphins Panthers Raiders Panthers you say yeah top four because of what you they’re three-time Champions but I don’t know whether any of the other five I’d want my life on to say they’re going to finish top four what’s your thoughts yeah it’s difficult isn’t it but given well well you look at the sharks in the storm they’re the only sides that have lost one match um they’ve each had a buy so again we talk about these two points for buyers it gives it a little bit of a um yeah another sort of false sense of where everyone’s at because they’re sitting one and two but they’ve got the two points on the buy but um you you probably say they’re the standouts maybe um you got to remember the Panthers that they’ve been without clear now for how many games two or three two two two so you know like he’s yeah like everyone around him they they they’re great footy players they work hard but he’s he’s the one that they they work their entire game plan off so when he’s back they’re a different footy side but yeah there’s there’s there’s really there’s really not one team that’s been a standout where you say look that that’s the team to beat this this year everyone thought the Broncos but they’ve they’ve had a bit of a sketchy start to the season as well it’s all a little bit up and down all of a sudden yeah all of a sudden the Broncos looks good I know pain hasn’t been there and you put pain in it’s a different story but boy without pain and with Thomas flegler not there this year um they look they look a bit skinny Pat carrian has been holding that that middle together carrian like for consistent just consistent an outstandingly consistent but like not just not just getting through his work he’s he’s such a good player W the eagle on the Tex says morning boys finally someone with common sense well done Smithy Alia went nowhere near sj’s legs he also acted like his whole ankle was broken yet 5 seconds later stands up to take the kick well played SJ but bad play ref says Juan the eagle he is on your side Bond Jack’s always entertaining on the text he says vosy wake up the cowg girls have been a hoax in capital letters for a very long time says bbo Jack very long time make the eight this year and I’m still I’m still thinking they can but uh they they should make the eight um sharks I don’t think I had the sharks in my in my eight certainly had Melbourne and I think Melbourne were in my top four uh melbour Melbourne will be there again but I I know what you mean they’ve got themselves out of out of a hole plenty of times uh Brandy blaming locky I’ve heard it all now you two have worked too much you’re both going cray cray says dny crazy okay uh no I’m not blaming Loy I’m just saying he shouldn’t have gone through with a kick like I’m a halfback I I used to kick the ball a lot and you know when someone’s on top of you you don’t go through with a kick you pull Dar lock here you’re fep well you step anyway but I’m not saying that uh it was Lo’s fault and I’m not saying that that lassik shouldn’t have been suspended but I don’t think he needed to get four weeks for it no cam Smith is our special guest on a Monday right here on breakfast with Vos and Brandy we’re powered by Caboda they got the tractors they got the mowers the Land Pride attachments and Brandy is Santa Claus he’s giving away the uh kicking in voucher this morning Brandy how do people win a $100 kicking in voucher how do they get it’s that easy and we’ve got a signant boost power bank that we’re going to give away too but uh all you have to do is follow us on Insta just just give us a follow give us a get on board the influencer has spoken Greg Alexander in the game between the Tigers and the dragons and it was about a scrum penalty and the repacking of a scrum which is well they’re well within their rights they get a choice you take the penalty or you can repack the scrum reason for repacking the scrum if you catch them at a second time they get a player automatically sbin that is the rule that the NRL brought in just a couple of years ago this is pull up your socks for underworks by the way Cameron pull up your socks for underw earth now I’m saying Grant Atkins I’m it’s it’s an indirect um uh attack on on him saying he then warns the dragons not to break the scrum like that’s the reason that they’ve move that’s why they’re repacking the scrum to try and catch them out then you have a referee giving the other team the heads up make sure you don’t go like that’s not right Cameron that’s that can’t be right the ref’s got to shut up in that case doesn’t he Cameron oh well I think it’s just out of habit bossy they they do it at every uh scrum they they give the the teams a warning just to stay in um and I think in that situation he’s probably thinking too like I do not want to put someone in the Sim in here even though even though they all should know the rules like they they should be aware that they’ve just given a penalty away the scrum has been repacked if someone is offside in this situation whether it be breaking early or or leaving from the line someone will go to the bin I think it’s just out of habit they they do do it at all the scrums um could Ben Hunt say at at the at the scrum base being the captain could he could he look at Grant Atkins and say I’m going to Captain challenge that you let’s go to the video and I’m going upstairs did you just did you just give them a warning I challenge you challenge you wow wow wow nice that could be big do you have any pull up your socks nominations Cameron from the weekend you want to go down somewhere there a team that needs to pull up their socks or a moment or a player I’m going to I’m just going to go to the knights boys I I think they really missed a golden opportunity to beat the roosters um The Roosters were very brave they it looked like they were going to get beaten by 40 points in the first 15 minutes but they fought back and and won a um a tough match but the knights boys come on when you fall back he’s been battling a hit pointer injury all game and he gets the ball with two minutes to go and you’re down by two he makes a line break where are you push up boys push up and then they still had an opportunity when Elliot come out to his left hand side he actually got the ball free and looked like he wanted to pop it up there wasn’t a nights play within 15 M fellas and then last tack Jaden brilley can get D half your Playmakers are three passes away from the rock your halves are three passes away from the rck come on boys unbelievable you got to be there in those situations like K just should know he’s a chance breaking a line at any state might might pull up your so for underworks is um the rest of the field at the Masters pull up your socks Scotty sheffer’s leading both free seriously they’re going to have to do it pretty quickly Brandy 350 I don’t think they can do it C that’s what I mean they’re gone um Andrew says on the text the two teams on Seven Points have been close to the best this season I I don’t disagree with that the Warriors and Manley they’re on seven they’re behind the top six sides I don’t disagree with it they’ve been certainly as good as any of the teams ahead of them would you agree with that Manley and the Warriors on on their best form this year manly had that shocker against the dragons a few weeks ago but apart from that pretty good yeah they’ve been pretty rock warriors in every game yeah pretty Rock Solid um what a game that was too um going into golden point and obviously a draw but look I’m I’ve been a fan of the way both sides have played this year really huge fan U of course you know mainly had that shocker against was it was the dragons wasn’t it yeah the dragons Absolut shocker you know worst they’ve played in 5 years but um yeah no I reckon they’ll be there they keep playing the way they they’re playing they keep their their sort of best sort of 18 19 players fit they’ll be thereabouts boys now Cameron we’ll send you on your way you got a big WP from one uh the W the eagle now as from Dy come back and he’s from Dy so he’s in the northern Beach he says what world is Smithy living in he thinks the Alo charge down wasn’t even a penalty but he did take Johnson’s legs on the follow through which means it is a penalty come on Smithy says a from Dy so there’s totally opposite opinion so pat on the back and then a little kicking the balls Cameron have a great week you’re on the captain’s run with Den midweek here on sen catch you next Monday boys see SM good on your Cameron Smith right here on breakfast with vosy and Brandy powered by Kabota


  1. I’m biased, but for me the bulldogs were the most impressive. The odds were massive for them to lose but they handled themselves brilliantly against a good team at home. Props to Melbourne for the win though. Coates is a freak.

  2. Golden point is not golden for players.
    You don't need a draw.
    First try scorer is declared winner by default – first try scorer.
    Keeps game at 80mins.

  3. Name 1 player who wouldnt have done exactly what Johnson did? If any player didnt do exactly what Johnson did they shouldnt be in the team. Im a Wahs fan but dont believe any further action should be taken.

  4. Cows got robbed that game ref gutho was all over the cows first half so really it was 14 on 13 first half. Felt had an easy try disallowed from an inside player that woulda never got to him. Tualigi bombed an easy try and there was a penalty for touching the kickers legs way less then the SJ one. Neame got a stripping infringement for no reason really late in a set that was goin nowhere. There was a huge forward pass a tackle before an eels try. First half pen count was 7-2. Eels won by 7 at home against an out of state team on an old boys day so if anything the eels are the pretenders and the cows copped a terrible rub of the green.

  5. You site 2 badly broken legs and seem to think that's ok, the rule is there for that exact reason. No contact with the kickers leg pretty simple, putting a hit on a playmaker in a Grand Final and taking him out is a distinct reality.

  6. F off Smith he hit his leg it's a penalty every time, there have been a couple where kickers kick players with the stud section of the boots that should be let go

  7. For you to speak Cam… you milked a lot of penalties in your time only difference is this is the rule plain and simple

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