Golf Players

PGA TOUR COACH Chipping Lesson Part 2!

We’re back in Tucson for the much anticipated Part 2 of the Master Class follow up with PGA Tour Coach Derek Deminsky.

Learning from players such as Phil Mickelson, Jordan Spieth and Scottie Scheffler this upload is 11 on the onion reader!!

During Part 1 we discussed ground first chipping and the importance of leveraging the bounce to enhance my toolbox around the greens. For today’s upload we dive deeper into ball first chipping, where to use this method and how to play this essential short game shot.

Watch Part 1 here:

You’ll see that body rotation is KEY in this motion if you’re going to guarantee success and consistently hit your land spots. What I like about Derek as a coach is that he believes everyone has a pattern that works for them. He unravels my chipping issues and explains why they have crept in leaving me with a clear roadmap to improve.

Be sure to #comment below with any of your questions but ultimately from these two chipping session with Derek you should be set to take your short game to the next level. We have covered the full gamut, everything from Joe Mayo / Victor Hovland to Parker McLachlin the Short Game Chef and remember this is “Ball First or Bust!”

Learn more about Derek:

Golf Better Tucson on IG:

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Forty Niner Country Club:




you guys caught the first video with Derek deminsky my lesson but we left you on a cliffhanger this is going to be ball first chipping and the second route that we’re going to take let’s catch that yeah people who need this could be everyone is everyone yeah absolutely yeah you need to have good ball first skills in my opinion and then like we talked about using the ground as an option too you don’t want to mix and match per se and this is kind of the number one skill that you see spe sheffler Phil Mickelson again like just getting clean ball first Contact okay when you need it it’s a very basic shot for the average person everyone needs it can you still have that buildin you know margin for error accidentally hitting the ground first and being okay sure you can but for good players you want to have both skills and in my opinion they’re just not that hard to get both skills okay what so the first one that we spoke about and we’ll put the video in the link down below that’s used when it’s firm or or when it’s tight when we can use the ground when we feel like hey this ground it’s not GNA give it’s not gonna like accept the club and maybe I have to elevate it or I just want to take care of the lie that way great so I was in Florida recently at a Bost thing and Florida’s tough for me yeah so let’s say your ball is Into The Grain super graining sitting down a little bit yeah you can’t really use the ground yeah exactly what I’ve yeah totally but then at that in that regard it’s like hey if we do want to chip this we need clean contact yes okay I’m with you yeah so like we we’ve already seen your stock form here’s what I want come get a face on view here so here I don’t mind potentially getting the ball middle or slightly back do a practice stroke for me the issues that we saw with you is as we go through here right I do want you to hit this ball with a tiny bit of lean mhm and then I want you to maintain that lean rotate more with your hips that’s it okay so now is it going to be super extreme no is it Extreme as I’m feeling no but what happens is if we accidentally release the shaft does the club get longer yes and for this shot we don’t necessarily need it to so we can we can somewhat if you watch me here and a good drill for people to get this at home if you if you want and this is good for again if I rotate well I’ll do a couple examples so if people don’t move well right let’s say you’re older person or just for whatever reason if I don’t move well could I just put the ball back go up and chop down I can now again if I’m trying to hit the ball first the divot really doesn’t matter matter per se but if you want to learn kind of what we’re going to show you here little bit of lean right watch my wrists so see there’s not this massive change like there was in ground first where I’m trying to release the shaft and use the ground first this one ball first so I can we want it to be relatively online so I’m going to go at that see that disc out there y just that phony hole so now here I’m going to start with a little bit of lean I’m going to use my body and maintain that lean watch my wrist so it’s not going to be this Okay the reason I want to use some body here is if my body stops right there’s some weight in the club head and it kind of wants to swing you’ll see that in some full swing players right when they they kind of stop that clubble want to go so to somewhat keep the head from swinging a little bit I’m going to rotate through I’m going to feel like I’m somewhat maintaining that and I’m not really lengthening the club per se same thing scoop yeah lovely tapping lovely and then that’s where ball first and hitting my spot you can see that’s a foot away but that’s that’s why I’m great at Short gaming that’s how I can help players get better at Short gaming for people to hit your spot better we need your contact and everything else to be better so when people struggle with contact like we saw you early on how was your distance control shocking terrible because it’s like yeah he’s never hitting the ball solid how’s he supposed to know how far it goes no shocking exactly I don’t get how it had got so bad I just think just gotten lost with different lies you know potentially I mean I think I know I got so bad just your the the options you were choosing I just don’t think were good options for you okay so for this one yeah so here we can have a little lean we can keep that still gripping it soft uh it doesn’t have to be the it doesn’t have to be the softest as releasing the shaft it doesn’t have to be tight per se so go ah and set up here go ahead and set for practice and I just want you to feel let’s just rotate through see how that wrist would maintain a little bit be easy so this would be your ball back low shot with this release though and it feels like and people can do this as well I don’t mind them just setting up without a ball this shot per se feels like a little bit of wrist hinge going back and then I maintain it so again we want a little bit of wrist hinge just to make sure it’s online we don’t want the club too high or too low y go again give me a couple give me a couple practice swings that’s it feels like this should be easy so what I want you to do yeah do again set up I do want you to feel like we do hinge it a little bit off the bat little bit of hinge why is the hinge so important because it helps the handle not travel quite so far okay so I’ve got the handle moving miles in all my chipping and in my opinion that’s just a lot of work right so here let’s do the opposite let’s put this ball way back put it off your back shoe yeah and just hinge the club straight up and just chop down on it right it’s like some amount to that now that release I didn’t like okay so do that again here here would be the that extreme example ball off your back foot scoot this way even another inch te there you go I want it to feel like not a lot of follow through so the challenge here in where you were also having a hard time is you were kind of using both elements mixing them here I’m trying to we’re this is more ball striking right this is why there you go now that release I still want more of that I want a little more held off this is low drivey higher ball speed if you would higher smash if you would give me a couple rehearsals that’s and then that wrist hinge for you that’s going to get this club elevated enough cuz if you move the handle low and in that’s where your first ones were so got you that’s it no go again go again um I’m not a wrist hinger so this is tough for me no no this is this is how it goes you’re good you’re good give me a couple rehearsals that’s it yep and then this is where we’re going to get your that right bend a little bit more out of your system right Bend in the setup like you talked about with what scos so set up put your hands down or put your left hand on your left thigh yeah slide to your left knee yeah we need a little bit of that feel we need a little bit of that feel that’s it I’m going to keep you up ahead of the ball do a couple practice swings there you go this is that dividend front this is where again Jo spot on with all this stuff yeah ball first spot on yeah now again there’s other options too there you go y we’re just going to hinge it up there you go see how crisp that is that was money and that is where hey ball sitting down in Grain guess what we got one option has to be ball first Andor putt Andor hybrid Andor I love those options and you see the high class players doing it just cuz they know that man the the bad shot with that compared to a bad chip yeah you know so for you show me that setup again there you go yeah that’s that’s great yeah great just way too wide basically you know what for and for you I just don’t think it’s a great fit is it a good fit for some sure again I like it it I found that it’s a good fit for those who have historically done it days Stricker yeah all that okay but here yeah what we’re trying to feel here is it’s going to feel like we’re bringing some shffl to the party it’s going to feel like somewhat of a ball strike yeah right and that’s where again Joe really helped Victor just just ball strike it better when needed there you go so do another practice and this is where you can start stepping forward as you do it too so make a swing that’s that you can start moving left right away there you go nice te move left okay now what so I moved the ball position further forward then cuz it was way back before there you go go be good team back y That’s yeah there you go this is just super flushed golf shot there you go and see that’s the low like so the tough thing with that is do I always want to launch it super low no you can change that with ball position a little bit once you get more efficient that’s exactly but but what we need here and this is a tough skill again there’s times where that’s why we would choose potentially that first one because if you do go ball first and you miss that result can be can be poor right that’s where we typically will see our worst shots compared to you know so here’s my ball first right so look how low that’s coming out that’s a bit more draw as well yeah yep that’s my stock pattern again it’s just good to know what you do is it a good fit for everyone no I’ll use right I’ll keep it long I’ll turn it back and I really turn through well saying for me is less handle movement it’s got to be yeah yeah and again the op CU I got the club moving so fast yeah and let’s just say like you know if I’m against a fence here right I would just go like this and go like that’s ball first but that’s like almost too low the challenge them with some people who want to go ball first and they get to forward it’s just finding the right blend so if the the average person for this shot I don’t mind the ball a little bit back and I can just kind of chip down on it right like that feel is not a bad feel but now when I want to hit my stock shot again let’s just say it’s super wet grainy where I can’t use the ground right I can’t use that option I’ll do that rehearsal watch my lower body here so I rotate a lot watch my lower body so that’s what’s moving the club okay I get it I get it the ground first shot is more forgiving yeah right that’s why we saw a lot of good shots this one is ball first or bust ball first or bust I like that ball first or bust there you go t there you go t that’s it um higher if I want it higher just go low yeah go give me a couple good low ones first okay don’t do patience there’s no patience here it’s like everyone he’s like hits one good he’s like why I’m not on a tour yet well give me a couple Crispies oh sweet so it’s doubling down again where a lot of people come to me and struggling it’s like yeah your early stuff had elements of all these things mixed in in the wrong order well they just weren’t precise enough again the ground first stuff I want in one basket the ball first stuff I want in one basket and I don’t necessarily always want a mix and match cuz then cuz then all we would really do do is we’d start to open the face a little but just get the low shot give me that crispy low give me that crispy low a little bit more held off with the hand this is good this is a tough one this is a lot of people come to me they’re struggling with this shot and we’ll give them just some other options and elements for good players though you want to have both of these skills there you go good bends there you go and then for that I actually would want it flighted down a little lower so the reason I want these low shot elements first is I want to make sure that we’re not throwing out the club too much that one had a bit of release yeah and that’s where it’s flighting out high so if you watch my stock shots a lot they’re all flighting out at the same window cuz I’m bringing that same shffl to the party consistently that’s it so it’s getting the rotation the rotation is the key that’s great and your setup was the key yeah I don’t mind when we’re trying to go ground first I don’t mind being a little bit behind it per se because it’s that’s where I’m trying to hit yeah but here like we show again for a lot of people they’ll come in but yeah they’ll just kind of come in this way right you can’t you got to be that’s yeah and that’s where for some people and you’ll notice my stance is open it’s cuz it’s always worked that’s how I’ve done it but for a lot of people when they get open they start kind of cork screwing their body and for a lot of people especially when we want ball first I want to feel like I’m almost bending left so that I can hit more forward if I get this way and I start you know tilting which can work you know if you picture just like Tommy Fleet would swing well that’s fine in full swing but in short game tilting back out of it not ideal short game tilting back out of it’s not ideal yeah I’ve been doing it and everything yeah and again a lot of people they’re not doing it cuz they want to no it’s subconscious yeah there you go so now stay tall stay tall there you go now do it from there oh so good so that one you said earlier I feel like you moved forward like that was move forward yeah exactly that’s where because you just said there like beautiful I’m definitely and then what I want too is if you know if you start Too Short it’s like well you can put that club too much through the Earth so I just said okay stand up a little bit do the same stuff that last one was super good uh people don’t know how bad of a lie that was there you go y so we get that left Bend move left on it I don’t mind that’s got to be the Miss we can’t have a fat miss here there you go good te nice tea yep and then we just need a little bit more power to it a little more turn through potentially um with pitching just a question cuz it’s come to me is this how you would then look to pitch as well just to add so if it’s a longer shot so this is an interesting question just because the verbage isn’t always consistent meaning so if if I’m just trying to hit it further like if I’m just trying to fly it towards that pin like if I want to get a crisp shot like I’ll turn more and then if I if I was going to try to use the ground first uh which I can too right again that’s that’s especially where it’s like okay I’ll go ground first let the clip swing out like that can work as well so if you wanted to hit this shot just further you can yeah just need more swing this is more of the ball striking elements in short game right the ground first stuff is more of those short gaming elements right cuz would I want to do this in my full swing try no not too much right but then here it’s like oh okay if I’m trying to hit this little chip right I can feel like I have a little bit of shaing now again is that ball necessarily going to stop quick not really but at times if I got to take care of that lie it’s into the grain those are ones that they’re kind of hitting low bumping running up this is the the big the biggest thing that’s striking for me is how little this moves for me it’s all more is how little what moves the grip I I was making this grip travel a long way when I turned up here this morning it’s a big deal yeah it’s massive cuz think if we just think about it if my grip moves far that club could could hit there no one’s gonna do it if my grip stays on top of the ball it’s hard to screw it up yeah okay so practice swing which is there good too that and rot tiate that that that so good and just rotate and that’s why you know so that’s where we then you know if we want to hit a little bit higher a couple things we do number one we’ choose 60 and number two so we we’ choose some Loft and then potentially you can start opening the face a little but just keep going low this is I got the ball so far back do I need to move it forward so I like where you’re having it for contact right now okay could you does it always have to be that far back doesn’t have to be never really trying to go ball first High there you go nice brilliant it’s good so if the face goes open though why did that become tougher so it’s just tough to get the right strike nice oh that was good uh yeah if you like chippin yeah I guess if you like chippin I don’t know what your audience likes but I mean yeah that was good that was awesome so as we just start to open the face like even for even for myself it’s like it’s just it’s just weird right cuz when you see an open face you don’t when you see an open face you don’t often think drag the handle right you almost think open face like let it out well then if you’re letting it out then our contact stinks and it’s kind of this yeah struggles bille cycle it’s got to be more Rusty these are good that’s really good so that was more of an open F yeah awesome and yeah is that a skill you want absolutely you do yeah but we will find that it is more challenging than just a square face yeah so this one not lie I don’t like as much i’ square face this yeah right so anytime we have a sketchy lie we take care of the LIE we we we take take care of the line to sense that hey certain lies are going to give you certain things certain lies are going to give you certain things right if I have that ball you know if my stock shot is you know this looks good and my Ball’s back here and like again I would putt it I would do a lot of different things but like hey if I just had to trap this or get ball first it’s like okay like I’m not afforded the option per se to try to elevate it it’s you know as well as I do it’s like you just sometimes you’re in a situation and you’re just you’re in recovery mode yeah and it’s like well what do I want to do here well what can you do here yeah right we got to we got to advance this ball and get contact yeah maybe it’s not the shot or whatever we want to play so if we were to get a little bit more focused on that Circle the land oh sure yeah so so let’s move it probably closer to here so this lie not amazing terrible so if we’re going ball first it’s got to be there good and just rotate the crap out left rotate good oh but miss the land so here’s the thing when our goal we have these bad lies just like we talked about I need you hitting it flush that was FL I can live with short or long cuz that’s learned yeah okay I need you just flushing it to where it’s like okay now let’s work on touch yeah so so and just like I think anyone would understand have you ever hit a really good shot and it turned out bad on a full swing you just you hit the seven hour you just smoke it it goes too long and it’s in jail you live with it you really feel that bad you know what I’m saying like yeah yes it’s in a terrible position but man did you do your job to the highest you know what I’m saying that’s that’s one we can live with great setup so good T cuz these lies are tough to a lot of times too there’s just times where if my li is so bad to some extent the landing spot isn’t as sharp in my mind cuz like I just got I I got to take care of this I really do compared to where if my li is pretty Lush it’s like okay I’m not worried about this L per se that was money just took some speed out of that that was money H the spot if you that’s so that’s why again all things being equal we would pick a spot because if I’m your caddy and I’m like all right try let’s hit this spot and you do and it turns out bad well bad read uh Caddy’s getting paid well well but it’s like did you do your job right there yeah yeah yeah that you could have done it better no that was good so then it also knows like let’s say we had that for the 18th hole do you know what I’ve I thought here sorry to interrupt both these videos your confidence goes from like once you get the techers your confidence goes freaking like this yeah that’s what I’ve getting from this yeah and a lot of times people say you know my confidence is low and they’ll say and it’s like they say I’m a head case and again when you have form that’s not conducive to hitting good shots yeah I’d be a head case too it’s not designed like we talked about what you KN were doing before was not designed to hit good shots it was designed to hit the ground first it was designed to have all these things well now that we’re doing it it’s like of course you’re going to be confident so it is that it’s that chicken in the egg in a sense that I need you to see good shots and it’s okay to be like blindly confident but if you’ve chunk 10 chips in a row what are you probably thinking on the 11th yeah you know like we’re realists too yeah yeah yeah and I was going to say is before that like if that was whole 18 and we did that and we didn’t get up and down you can’t beat yourself up for that we know it’s not our chipping right cuz we would see hey we didn’t get up and down but if we pick that spot we know your chip did exactly what we wanted and maybe it was a bad read maybe it it’s a bad break yeah but now we know that it wasn’t your chipping fault which is which is good right so I like I like just knowing why there’s nothing worse than just not knowing why those are really good it’s great it’s better than good that’s magic that’s good good point is there I knew it was going to be it’s always when people come down that’s why I say come see me this is how it always goes at the start you wouldn’t think mate that’s genius hopefully you guys have picked up some good stuff there be sure to check him out he is a legend I could hug the man he’s helped me that much already top top boy thank you very much Derek deminsky at golf better Tucson check him out


  1. As a 5/6 hcp these release patterns are my main focus of practice atm..When you master them you can have so much fun around the greens .. it’s almost addictive.. Top video again mate.

  2. Fair play Trottie, takes some minerals to put yourself out there like this, would be easy to stand on a LM or bung a pro trace up and stripe drivers down the range like most other pro's on YT

  3. Have you experimented with 'cross hand' chipping (à la Matt Fitzpatrick)? I wonder whether that might address the shoulder imbalance you referenced.

    Thanks for sharing these lessons!

  4. This is an example of why I don't take golf lessons. Every instructor is trying to make you into something you are not. Trottie is not a "wrist hinger". Why would the instructor then teach him a technique that requires wrist hinge? Ridiculous.

  5. Hey trottiegolf, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really informative and well-made.

    I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and repurpose your long videos into highly engaging shorts? I can also make high CTR thumbnails for your channel

  6. Ball first is my go to, but I really wish I could get the technique in part 1 worked out so the strike does not have to be as perfect. To be fair, work gets in the way an awful lot. 🙄

  7. The concept of standing up and not getting too crowded, transformed my chipping, gives you time and the ability to swing smoothly. Clearly worked for you as well

  8. Rotate maintaining shaft lean, took me many years to get that!

    However half the story. An immaculately steady head in backswing coupled with the rotation through is what finally work and stuck. Find that full swing paterns go right through the game – early extend and lean away from target to square the driver? … better watch for this pattern on a 3 ft putt too.

  9. These two videos are a masters class. I considered myself a good short gamer, but as I've gotten a bit older and the hands dont always cure the technique, these rock solid techniques are so awesome to come too.
    I just wish there was a straight down the line views to see the exact path each time.

  10. I love to see that even someone as good as you Trottie, struggles like us from time to time. Not that I enjoy seeing you struggle, but I appreciate the truth behind how damn hard golf is and that it’s normal for all of us to have challenges.

  11. The “don’t mix and match styles” from last video has saved my short game. Stopped trying to use the bounce every lie, just put it back and strike it.

  12. Go to a beach near where the water comes in and out and hit chips of the sand, for hours, until you are hit ball first consistently. He needs to be more open at address and weight almost all on front leg

  13. DD know is stuff big time. This serie is pure🥇! Watch, record, watch again for ever. HOURS of HARD WORK & practice to bring this on the course. Hope part 3 will be on bunker shots. Man your doing good stuff. Love the dynamic between these two!

  14. A lot of similarities with Pete Cowan’s approach. The other element I like in Pete’s instruction in the concept of pressure on the left side, which is really just shifting slightly to really make sure the weight is on the left foot to hit the ball first and rotate.

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