Buying a $140 DRIVER off TEMU! #golfclubs #golf #temu

so last month I bought this driver off teu 140 bucks the pictures looked crappy the quality looked terrible but then when it arrived I was shocked to find out it was a Mitsubishi rayon shaft the look of it looked a little bit better then when I got to hitting it the feel was shockingly good the performance and consistency was there and the numbers I mean it was hanging with my gamer for 140 bucks it’s a roll of the dice the quality you’re going to get on teu but in this instance color me completely surprised this thing performed as well as it did for only 140 bucks


  1. Just paid $50 for a full set of cobras with expensive hybrids and putter. Paying 500-$$$$$ is just insane for golf clubs.of course unless you pro or have a shot. Cheapest set around $300? You kidding me?

  2. Talk to me after you’ve been hitting it for a month. Bought a fake set of cobras that looked and felt convincingly real. 5 iron snapped 3 weeks in.

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