I Didn’t Expect This Tip to Make Me Turn Pro – 2 Weeks Later I Shot the Round of My Life

2 weeks after taking this unusual golf swing advice, I shot the best round of my life. I didn’t expect it to happen because it was so different from anything I’d ever heard before.

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I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my channel where you can learn how to play the best golf of your life. Whether you are an expert golfer looking for a quick swing tune-up or a beginner looking to play better. I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.

My mission as your swing coach is simple, to help you maximize your enjoyment in game of golf. Because, let’s face it, golf is a hard game.

My goal for you is to have the most fun of your life playing golf. You’ll be hitting farther, straighter, and playing better golf by watching these videos. What are you waiting for, let’s get started!

have you been given some good thought as to how your golf swing is working lately like is your golf swing firing on all cylinders or is it just a little lack cluster kind of like something that needs to be polished up like some fine silver well one of the things that could be holding you back from playing the best golf your life is this idea of a vertical golf swing versus a rotational golf swing now will zuris took practically a whole year off because his golf swing was killing his back and just recently talked about how he was able to fix some of that it’s just so much more efficient and it’s way more rotary or more horizontal in turn way less vertical which makes it easier on my back what would a golf swing look like if it was 100% vertical well vertical means up so this would be a vertical golf swing 100% what would a golf swing look like if it was 100% rotational it would look like this it’s 100% turn none of the vertical component a lot of golf swings as you know aren’t 100% of those things so going up with the club really isn’t the answer what you’re seeing with Pros is a hybrid of rotation and this vertical element look at that a diagonal lineup now the problem with getting too vertical is it stops rotation so the higher I get with my arms the more Flex this leg is the less my body is able to rotate the more stress I have but the higher the the arms The more I’ve got to drop you check out that move right there I mean just get get right in here and check this out the higher I am the more I got to drop just get that ingrained into your head and we’re all trying all great golfers are trying to get the club into this position the club Behind the hands before impact this arm’s glued in so when you think about making your swing really efficient this is one of the least efficient ways to go about it because I have to slow down in a millisecond of time I have to tell my body to time that up do I have enough money for 10,000 golf balls a week do I want to spend that much time no I want to play guitar so if I want a swing that’s more efficient the easiest way to go about that would be to allow this vertical to happen naturally instead of forcing it up and the way we get horizontal is we start learning to use our body better so I’m going to use my body on this swing and all I’m going to focus on is keeping my relationship to the ball and making sure my shoulder’s under my chin and when I do that I’m going to get the Perfect Blend what’s this coffee it’s like the perfect blend of those up and in forces without stressing my body you’re going to watch my body work here too so let’s get set same thing so one thing you see on this swing check out my legs you’ll see this with all great golfers if you watch the knees you’re going to see a change in knee Flex you don’t see that in vertical swings because there’s less rotation you’re going to see these knees move freely they’re allowed to move that just happens as a byproduct of getting my shoulder under my chin so my knees they’re being allowed to move which feels great on my body by the way I don’t feel like working hard you don’t see me locking my body in place cuz when I lock my body that’s when stress happens and I’m actually getting less power I see a lot of golfers who are so focused on just trying to get a bigger turn but they’re going about it with a flex leg and they’re just using their arms so in all arm swing this happens because there’s no use of the body no use of the shoulders watch this arm swing shoulder swing Small Change in feel leads to a big change in swing the difference between those two is I allow my hips to turn so I straighten my leg a little bit my trail leg and I got my shoulder under my chin it just created a beautiful turn so I’m I’m working on my shoulders and not the arm this is not shoulder under the chin because it didn’t move have you checked your shoulder in the the mirror recently so I bet if you check it out right now a lot of you are going to see that that shoulder doesn’t get under the chin enough so I would focus on moving this shoulder under the chin and when I say under the chin I mean lower so there space not hitting your face creating some space so you have a relationship to the ball so check this out from a little bit more down the line let’s watch these knees you’re going to see the change in knee Flex again it’s going to happen because it the body is allowing it to work this way and I’m storing incredible amounts of power in these hips it’s rotational power it’s none of this vertical stuff golf is a circular game it’s like a put WD40 on those hips go to town and then when you look at the top of my back swing the hands are a little bit more inward not so vertical so when you look at it from right right around here look at my right shoulder the hands are deeper into the pool they’re deeper that’s just a byproduct of me keeping my relationship to the ball getting my shoulder moving more under my chin so you see that rotational what am I not doing I’m not separating I’m not separating the body and the arms into two separate units like you’ll see some people talk about okay you create the turn you lift the arms you have to combine those two elements forget that how much timing you got in your life I don’t want to rely on timing for one I’m Italian I’m not Irish I don’t have the ability to get any luck whatsoever I always had to work for everything and two I want to play guitar shout out to all you have came out to see the guys the poly’s Island Tavern I salute you it was great meeting you shoulder under the chin good relationship to the ball shred it shred it that was really straight that was No Nonsense would you like to talk at all about the flaring of the feet to support that kind of thing okay so we got like a fan question mid round here yeah so he’s asking if the flaring of the feet is essential is it important to getting rotation you yes thousand times so this little idea of inward facing knees we see this on like guitar players they end up standing like this with their bell bottoms but in golf inward facing knees restrict shoulder turn so I get more Cowboy shooter at the Corral this is like Clint Eastwood you get wider bouncy knees and look at that I’m free I’m free that who song I’m free and what’s the lyrics I’m swinging to a new reality I’m free you’re free you’re free now and a great way to put this into your swing if you really want to go just deeper on this build a rotational swing without all the stress you know check out my free minicourse go doo. golf top three keys you need to be a great ball Striker it just builds in more of a rotational swing so that you don’t have to worry about dealing with the struggles of trying to be vertical we don’t got time for that ain’t nobody got time for that so get rotational again isn’t that look so easy and effortless stress free golf [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]


  1. Everybody has to make a living. Don't we need to keep all that right knee flex and "post up" on the right leg to keep the knee and hip replacement surgeons in business?

  2. Tom You just keep giving us top hit videos. I like the use of a cameraman! He even asks questions for us. Kudos to him. Nice looking Strat..Have seen some of your instruction on emails from Athalonz. Maybe you could work some magic and get a nice discount on the Mana Mangrove They are $$$$.

  3. Tom I am a 72 year old golfer for more then 30 years and i am still hooked to the game but I can’t do this golfswing like you do it. You look so explosive by rotating your shoulders. Unfortunately I Cant do it. Can you help me?

  4. My goal in life is to be able to go to the driving range, hit 100 balls, and have a long, single, club wide, divot path like yours. That, and being able to break 80 on a regular basis. Btw, I'm 82 years old.

  5. brilliant tom .. GT85 with teflon is better ,AND you can
    use it on those crackly tone/volume pots its awesome
    switch lube 😉😅

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