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This Fight SAVED the UFC | Stephan Bonnar vs Forrest Griffin #mma #UFC #danawhite

Dana white and the fertitta brothers were $30 million in debt when they decided that a reality tv show called the ultimate fighter was the only way to save the UFC. By getting the ultimate fighter on tv, the UFC became a bigger sport with lots of fans, particularly when stephan bonnar and Forrest Griffin fought in the finale to secure a second season of the utlimate fighter and a better future for the UFC

This is a clip from Lionel Rivera’s Dana White Documentary: The Villain Who Built UFC.

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#ufc #mma #danawhite

get into the finale we Have No Deal Diego Sanchez fought Kenny floran comes out and annihilates him in a minute terrible we we’ve got two hours of programming to fil I’m like oh my God this is a nightmare but the Savior stepen boner and Forest Griffin Forest Griffin and Stephan Bonner go out and put on that fight and they put on the sickest fight you have ever seen in your life and the numbers during the fight went just like this yeah and this is before social soci Media or any of that stuff people were stomping their feet and and it sounded like a train was going through the arena and at the end of the fight people were chanting one more round one more round and then on the cuff I go in there and on the Fly give them both contracts the place goes crazy when that fight ended we knew we had something special we knew it was it was a done deal


  1. Why do people make the same shorts out of the same content over and over and over? You'd think the only sports in the world are MMA and football based on YouTube shorts.

  2. Stephan Bonnor was a close freind during these og times. Don’t know what happens along the way but we all hurt. Be there for your freinds. I’ll never make that mistake again.

  3. Greatest fight i ever saw. I was calling friends and was late for date so i could watch the whole fight. Couldve gone to either fighter that night. Wow

  4. Stephan Bonner with this one fight should’ve been much more assisted by the UFC than how he went out man. Dana really is not a good person

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