The ONLY Putting Lesson That Will Improve You Instantly | 7 Tips from a Putting Genius

In this video, Scott Curry gives a beginner golfer a putting lesson that is game changing. He shares some essential putting tips and mistakes that beginner golfers do! Putting is an important part of the game, and with these tips, you’ll be able to improve your accuracy and consistency on the green. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, these tips are sure to be beneficial. So join me and let’s work on our putting skills together!

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00:00 Introduction
04:06 Aim & Starting Line for Putting
10:49 Aiming Hack for Putting
17:33 Putting Set up
20:18 Measuring Tempo
23:20 Distance Control Drill
31:05 Lag Putting
34:58 Putting it all together

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putting may be the number one most important thing in golf and I have had a massive problem with it so today we are with Scott Curry one of the greatest putting coaches in the entire world he’s been a professional caddy for 20 years became a green reading specialist and putting Guru through aim point before it became one of the biggest Trends in golf and has worked with Tim Tucker former caddy to Bryson D Shambo and current caddy to Kur Kama on top of that statistically Scott may be one of the greatest Putters in the world and we are going to go through Secrets around startline aim distance control routine and gamechanging tips and drills to get me and my putting to an elite level so S2 let’s go I’ve been working on short game and putting since about 2008 myself and Tim Tucker we worked for ell Golf and we fit Putters based on visual aim and then idell at the time they partnered with aimo are you familiar with aimo yeah that’s kind of how I got into putting and then over the years what I learned is I got to watch people HIIT putts Under Pressure so it’s really easy to sit out here and I’m going to watch you hit some putts today and I’m going to assess you and we’re going to talk about the most important parts of putting but I think my value comes from actually seeing people in action when pressure is on MH what makes them tick what makes them successful what makes them miss putts the whole deal right and pressure for them might be different than pressure for you and pressure for you might be different than a PGA tour pro right but at the end of the day we all feel pressure when we putt especially over those five Footers right yeah basically I have some T’s set up and we’re going to assess your green reading your start line your distance control your aim your routine basically every and your commitment level so we’re going to go from this te to this hole first okay so whatever you would do during a round of golf do not leave anything out anything you would do anything okay cool so essentially right now I kind of go behind the hole just to kind of see this uh slope and then from like my Optics I kind of also just stand just to kind of feel where it’s potentially and so you’re just feeling which way it’s going or are you feeling the actual percent of slope the former and not the percent yet yeah yet and then from there I just go behind it one more check okay and then go here and then I kind of just get a feel okay how about this let’s put this T in the ground where you’re aiming so you read it yeah you put your feet in here to feel slope yeah show me where you intend to start it let’s start there right there yeah so it’s interesting cuz like right now my feel seems like it might be going the other way but my eyes are just feeling it going the other way so feel and putting is experience right like somebody stepping up to this putt and they’re like I’m a feel putter well the only way they would have feel is if they’ve hit a putt similar to this and they’re able to reach back into their memory and take everything they learned from that putt that they’ve hit before and use it to assess this putt yeah right that’s feel yeah you’re going to use your feel here and you’re going to hit it where you think it’s going correct yeah okay and my feel for my feet I thought it was going left to right but just like looking maybe it’s an optical illusion it’s going right to left so okay I’m just going to trust my my feet here okay not [Music] bad okay okay so we did an assessment yeah let’s talk about a couple things so the way that I work is I work in Pillars I work in structured parts of being better okay so we learned a lot from your putting okay I can definitively tell you you don’t aim where you think you’re aiming right yeah and I’ve seen some of your videos in the past with other awesome coaches and I think they kind of came to that same conclusion right what I would say though is we need to do the work to become a good aimer right and it’s like well how do I do that but we’re going to get into that in a second so back to the pillars so we have aim and setup and start line number one it is the most important part okay it is I shouldn’t say that let me preface that with it is the most important part of putting on putts WE intend to make mhm okay if I had a dead straight putt of 10 ft yeah would you rather start it on the straight on the perfect line aim it on the perfect line or have good speed you personally personally yeah good speed so so here’s the crazy thing though if I had a straight Putt and I hit it a little too soft just a little bit would it still go in if I if I hit it on my line but I hit it barely too soft would it still go in no why not because it was the speed okay let’s let’s let’s do this then let’s say that I’m trying to hit it right here for Speed but I only hit it to right here would it Go in yes what if I was trying to hit it right here and I hit it right here would it Go in potentially most likely most likely up to 2et I mean if it’s straight theoretically I could hit it up to about 27 in and it’s not going to bounce out go over okay so therefore the line is way more important than the speed because the speed could vary yeah on this putt if I hit it a little too soft I could still make it if I had a little if I had at perfect speed I can make it if I had it a little too hard I can make it okay so now let’s say that you’re let’s say with your aim right now you aim it right here that’s where you aim it okay so now you’re saying speed is more important right mhm but if you aim it there and you have perfect speed would you ever make that putt no never you literally would never make it yeah then what would happen is it would cause this negative domino effect so so let’s say over time you think your aim straight and you aim left what’ll happen is you’ll create a stroke that now pushes the ball slightly to get it online it’ll just happen organically it’ll happen over time we talk about feel right you’re like I I putt base on feel okay well if you continue missing putts to the left and you feel like you’re aiming where you intend to yeah well then you’re going to you’re going to start to make a stroke to push the ball to the right I think I’m aim straight I’m I I’m aim left I’m going to create a stroke to push push the ball okay that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to create a push stroke right on paper it’s like well if I did that every time it’s good mhm but do you know that almost all the people in golf that have gotten The Yips over the years putting it’s because they’re left aimers and if you think about it like this it’s because I cannot accelerate I cannot release the Putter and there’s many different ways to release the putter but the point is I can’t accelerate or I can’t have constant acceleration if I’m aiming left yeah I would theoretically have to somehow be doing this right got I have to get the putter that way let’s say we’ve got a left to right Putt and you’re trying to aim it right here but so that’s the read so let’s say you read it right there yeah but then you aim it right here mhm and you have perfect speed are you going to make it no you’re not going to make it yeah now again the further we get from the hole the more distance matters right they kind of vary right it goes line matters more on short putts then it incrementally switches yeah right so let’s talk about the line on the ball for a minute we talk about aim right yeah how do how can you tell me you’re aiming properly with that putter like what you’re you’re just aiming the lines on the putter correct uh yes so much when I used to fit Putters for ell seven out of a 100 people can aim their putter straight at the hole from 8 feet seven out without a line on the ball got it seven that’s crazy the reason is is because shapes and lines they affect our vision and I’m going to see something totally different you some people will see aade a blade putter with a small line they’ll be able to aim that but they will not be able to aim a mallet with no lines or two lines or anything same with the hosle offset right so as the shape changes and the putter face gets further from the shaft more people tend to aim that left gotcha whereas a putter like yours that is fairly straight down more people the bias would tend to be right then again these play a role right yeah and so they may offset that yeah but with a line on the ball if you learned how to aim the line on the ball exactly where you wanted to yeah you’d always be able to aim because what’s easier come back here for a second what do you think is easier from right here is it easier for you to put your putter behind this ball and match those three lines on it so let’s see if you can do it let’s just see what happens so put your putter back there and just match the lines on the putter with the lines on the ball okay how’s that feel feels okay yeah yep and it is it’s very good okay step out so do you think that was easier or do you think it’s easier to aim your putter from there dead straight at the hole I’m just going to say the first one always right absolutely right so the line represents aim okay but the line also has the ability to represent learning what our start line is and learning whether our path was neutral and our face was square and it’s not a perfect science you can make a bad stroke and still have the this ball go straight and the line not roll end over end so let’s be very clear about that however if our goal which yours is your goal is to become a really good putter become a really good player right so your goal wouldn’t be to have a stroke like this take it out cut across it and have a face angle square and impact that wouldn’t be your goal right your goal is to have a path that is fairly neutral a face angle that’s square and hit the ball on your intended line right y so what we’re going to do is we’re going to talk about how to aim the ball okay so what I’m going to do first is I’m going to have you aim this ball from right where you’re standing dead straight at the hole let’s start there okay so just just your eyes I want you to just aim it straight and I know I’ve seen you in the past in one of your videos with Derek you used a line correct yeah I’ve been on and off using lines and so the the reason is like I think when I’m aiming with the line from here like it looks good but then when I go over the bolt at times when I’m like trying to align this it looks so completely different and so then I get not confident but then I only tried it for like a day and then I went off and then it’s just like you know sporadic yeah one of the reasons though is because you’re probably not a great green reader yet and obviously I’ve seen you read some putts well and like that’s fine but when we’re talking about the minute you doubt your read and you see this line it now you’re now there’s multiple reasons for you to doubt what you’re doing and the line could be become a negative you might get line locked whatever yeah but we’re going to talk a little bit about that first is that aim straight I think so yeah okay so your shaft is dead straight unless you bent it over over your knee and I don’t think you’re I haven’t seen you throw any clubs yet throwing any clubs on camera you throwing any clubs all right uh no okay so I’ve seen in the past you learned what dominant eye you are yeah to aim okay well what we’re going to do is we’re going to talk about using that dominant eye which one was it remind me left left eye dominant great so what you’re going to do is so watch what I would do so I would stand behind your ball yep and I’m going to take the line on the ball mhm and I’m going to put it at the edge of the shaft okay so I’m going to do this with my I’m right eye dominant okay so I’m going to put it right here under my right eye it has to be under my right eye because if I put the putter in the center of my body our eyes are seeing like this mhm right so if I put it in the center my right eye is trying to look this way my dominant eye yep so it has to be under my right eye okay okay so it’s for you it’s always going to be under your left so the putter is going to go let’s just call it your your belt loop on on yep right here yep you’re going to hold it like this with the opposite hand yep right you’re going to put the line on the I’m putting the line right here uhhuh and I’m looking up the shaft to see where the line is aimed in relation to the hole and it’s exactly at that t so I want you to come back in here let’s put your left foot kind of even with the ball like here yep right there let’s go let’s try this since it’s over here so let’s put it here and now let’s use the inside of the shaft so then you’re going to put the line on the ball right here by moving this or no I guess that’s like uh the the putter needs to be straight obviously but yeah I mean oh I see yeah it’s definitely the on the left side you can see it yep okay so now what I want us to do is I want to pick that ball up and we’re going to do do it to this hole now the goal is this right so let’s say you mark your ball let’s say you hit the green you come up here you aim your ball with your eyes your eyes are going to get close okay so you aim it with your eyes then you stand back here and if it’s close which this is close yep then you would come in here you would confirm it I don’t want somebody spending all day just standing here using their shaft when their line might be aimed visually over here with just their eyes right yeah like that looks Close To You Right yes like with just your eyes oh yes yes does that look close yep okay so now check it with your shaft yeah it’s pretty in line it is it is it’s dead straight so I want you I want you to try it from here same concept straight at the hole and we’re going to get in later when we talk about green reading we’re gonna talk about why it’s important to be able to aim straight at the hole and not let slope influence where we Aim so here and then just get in yeah so you’re you’re you’re 100% correct it is good but it’s aimed slightly right yeah inside right yeah so good very good let’s continue doing this let’s go over here this is extremely important because we’re going to get feedback from every putt you hit right in order to do that we need to make sure that you’re hitting it on your intended line okay cool again I know this putt braks right to left but I want you aiming it straight got it I think that’s pretty good potentially a little bit to the left but oh if if you had to pick a side which side left okay no it’s perfect oh it’s perfect okay it’s really good okay good good so this is this is a learned skill yeah this is something that you will practice you’ll go to Singing Hills and you will practice it’s a weird thing to sit there and practice aiming mhm but it’s invaluable like you you can’t you can’t be successful unless you are hitting it where you’re intending to hit it and the way to do that is to make sure that when you aim it goes back to this whole idea of am I going to be able to aim something better right here right or am I going to be able to aim something if we were hitting to that hole way over there so this is a big breaker correct yes let’s say that you aim a couple maybe 6 8 in left of where you intend to mhm because of the length of the Putt and you started it low the entire putt it’s working further and further and further away from the hole Yeah aim becomes extremely important on every distance putt we are going to read the green at some point and we are going to pick a starting point and we are going to aim there and that’s it we’re not going to doubt ourself or second guess oursel okay and if you were like me who constantly doubt or second guess yourself on the putting green definitely stay tuned for other amazing tips in this video especially around distance control but the absolute number one thing that takes away doubt on the putting green is going down below and subscribing and liking this video each one of you who do helps me bring all these amazing coaches on the channel to provide tips for all of you so please subscribe and like and I know desperately you want me to work on my short game so for every like this video gets I’ll hit that many putts the next time I go out and practice so with that let’s get back to the show I’m going to get a little feedback from these balls with you hitting putts what I want you to do is the T is there for a distance Point reference not line so your job is to match the line on the putter with the line on the ball and hit it distance-wise to the T okay however you would if you were playing okay how’d that ball roll pretty good pretty good I agree yeah how’d that ball roll uh pretty good pretty good yeah AG off the toe but so what I’m seeing is your setup is actually fairly consistent so you’ve obviously been working on something right so that is that’s a positive your ball position is almost the same every single time yeah let’s keep going but I’m just going to kind of talk about some things as we go yeah I like it how’d that role yeah pretty good very good so what are you learning right now like what what are you learning what am I learning yeah um well for this specific but or just just in general about your putting like what are you are you learning anything about your putting because to me you’re rolling all those great what does that tell us your face angle is square at impact does it tell us if you have a perfect stroke no does it tell us your Tempo is perfect no MH but I will tell you that if on if you roll this ball end over end and that’s a 13t putt yeah that means on a 13 footer your face angle and impact was Square enough to make it if you read it right and you had the correct speed mhm and you aimed it right yeah yeah got it so you probably think the reason you miss a lot of putts is your putting stroke but I think what we’re should be learning is that might not be the case got it might be the other variables right yeah 100% 100% okay first one that wasn’t perfect yeah that one we’d probably only give that like a five out of 10 yeah okay so four out of five so 80% of the time yeah you would have made it had you read it correctly aimed it correctly had the correct speed yeah right one thing I want to make sure that you do is when you when you walk into the ball y your body’s irrelevant until the putter is set up okay okay meaning I’m going to aim my putter then I’m going to step in uhhuh the last thing we want is someone to step in here get set up and then put their putter down because what’s going to happen is their putter is going to aim relative to their body lines oh I see if our goal is to create somewhat parallel lines to our intended line which it is right you can get away with a little bit slightly open stance shoulder should be fairly neutral but the way to do that is to aim the putter right yep now I’ve got a long line now I step in and I’m just matching my body to the lines on the Putter and the ball uhhuh so make sure that the first thing you do this is a setup point right so like let’s say you go through your whole routine sorry so I want you to put the putter down and aim the putter first okay this this will ensure that the distance you are from the ball is the same every single time and your ball position is also where it’s supposed to be every single time let’s go ahead and hit it okay how long have you been hovering the putter I didn’t even realize I was hovering I guess actually that’s funny that you say that cuz like I didn’t know that until somebody commented that on my YouTube chat uh video like a week ago like oh you why do you hover the PO I didn’t even know I did that yeah so I guess let’s find out what happens if you don’t let’s just hit it distance-wise to that ball without hovering without let’s just see I mean maybe maybe there’s a reason you do it I mean it had to start at some point right yeah unless you think you just started from day one I I honestly couldn’t tell you at this point right now did I hover then you know what that’s okay like that maybe that’s your trigger maybe that’s what you need to to get the putter face squared impact and I’m not going to sit here at this point and criticize it or make you change anything right okay the only fear would be is if you did hover it and you ended up letting the putter kind of get out of control yeah then it would be a problem what I’m going to do is I’m going to grab my capto I’m actually going to put it on your putter okay and then I’m I’m going to put some te’s out and you’re going to hit some putts different distances and I’m going to find out if your Tempo changes or it Remains the Same on every distance including a putt that’s this far okay and so this is what is called capto yeah this is called the capto system and it’s similar to like trackman or yeah it’s similar to have you worked on a quintic or a Sam putt lab which is uh yeah quintic for like one time this is purely Tempo okay this is nothing else and what I’m going to do is I’m going to use this yard stick actually I’m going to put up a wider Target instead of you being so cuz what I don’t want to do is I don’t want to test you to a hole yet okay because your object would be to make the pot whereas with this down your objective is simply to hit it to this okay okay bigger Target yeah let’s start with that one we’ll start with one ball and I’m going to I’m just going to move this as we go and you’re going to stay there okay and it doesn’t matter just hit it over there yeah just hit it towards that I’m just going to check your Tempo and see what happens on shorter putts and longer putts okay let’s go to there okay so we’re going to look at some data this is going to be between you and I okay but we’re going to look at some data so the the only number I care about is this one we’re not I don’t want you to look anything else right now I I can delete it but we’re going to just look at this number okay gotta your Tempo okay watch watch it what did you learn in there are we’re looking at the time B no we’re looking at the actual ratio oh okay oh it’s kind of all over the place it’s not actually oh it’s it’s almost always around two with the exception of these last two putts you had oh okay so almost all those long putts were two to one so here’s the thing if you struggle on distance control why do you think it is then if your Tempo is the same what is it length of backstroke length of backstroke yeah and and you’ve got to understand that most people who have really good distance control have been playing golf for many many many years right and so it goes back to that whole creating feel thing it’s like well how do I create feel and why don’t I have it yeah well people have it because they’ve literally hit millions of putts right yeah you look at anybody who’s been playing golf for 20 years they’re going to have decent feel maybe they’re not going they might not be great Putters but they’re going to have a general understanding of how far they are to the hole and how far far they need to hit it okay you asked about Tempo yeah and you asked about if there was an ideal yeah the answer is yes the ideal would be two to one okay yours on the longer putts is very close I mean it was very consistent right around 2.0 1.9 2.1 but we’re talking I mean you ended up hitting like a 48t putt yeah it’s pretty good really because it would be really easy for you to try to hammer it speed it up take it back slow right and then do this yeah that’ be really easy for you to do you didn’t do it so obviously you’ve been working on some things which have now translated into your game now what we need to do is we need to come up with a more decisive way to understand how to hit putts and how to control distance right yes and so there’s a couple ways we can do this what we’re going to do right now is we’re going to do a drill and then I’m going to test you to see if you learn from it okay so what we’re going to do is we are going to hit putts from 3 ft 6 feet 9 9 ft and 12T okay okay I’ve seen on past videos you guys talk about capture rate you know what capture rate is you got to remind me capture rate is how hard you would hit a putt to maximize the width of the hole right so hole’s 4 and a/4 in wide if I hit it more than 18 in by my hole starts to shrink yep my my ability to make it starts to shrink right so 12 in to a to 15 in is is the correct distance to hit a putt if I were to hit a putt that was dying in here here right yeah there’s imperfections in the green and as the ball slows down it could very well hit if I were to step right here you can you see my footprint yep okay if you like see that tree right there yeah look back down can you see my footprint uh not really not really right but that doesn’t mean it’s not still there yeah right and so what would happen is is as my ball slows down it could potentially hit one of those so we need to hit it hard enough so that the imperfections don’t hit it gotcha but so hard that we shrink our hole so this is 3et right M so this te is 3 fet mhm your job right now is very simple it’s to hit this ball and you’re going to do three from each T right and you’re going to hit the ball between the t’s excuse me between the yard sticks without the ball going past this one okay yep that’s it what we’re doing is I’m going to watch your length of backstroke your length of backstroke for this putt has to be shorter than that putt has to be shorter than that Putt and has to be shorter than that putt okay so you’re going to hit three balls and let’s line them up because as you do this I’m also going to be learning how your face angle reacts on each distance right so like if we find that on three Footers you don’t roll the ball well but on six-footers you do we’re going to talk about it we’re going to talk about why that’s happening okay what how did you do well I’m out right what’ you learn uh why do you think you hit it too hard I guess let me ask you that I think I accelerated on the downswing I think you took that putter back about 9 in for a three-footer instead of just like here yeah so and again one of the common reasons that people Miss short putts is because they take the putter back slightly too far and at some point I have to slow down right yeah what am I going to slow down with am I going to slow down by trying to slow the head down and maybe getting the grip slightly forward to slow that down or am I going to slow the stroke down by pushing pressure this way and if I do that the putter is going to end up releasing I’m going to miss left gotcha if you think about it like this the the shorter the stroke on putts WE intend to make yeah right the putter is only going back even on a 10-footer right a t Pro makes 40% of 10f Footers which is wild to me right that’s insane because they hit their line like 95% of the time which means 55% of the time they’re misreading it or mis aiming it which is wild but the point is we need to make sure that our putter doesn’t get going too far back because the further it goes the more face rotation there is going to be right so if our putter Max maximize the length that we need to take it back to hit it forward our putter Face is Going to Be Square more often than not so what I want you to do just for fun I want you to think about only taking your putter back to that te to hit this putt with the same tempo nothing else changes just how far you take it back how’d that feel a little better maybe I exceeded but yeah maybe and that’s fine again this is this is why I don’t want it to be too technical but I do want the mentality to be I normally take it a little too far okay you know what I need to just think one two one two if you you just think one two you’re not going to go like this one two yep right so in your head on this one instead of thinking how far you taking it back think about the same tempo that you just had one two perfect the ball goes a lot further than you would think yeah with that short of a stroke right and you’re going to continue to learn that as we go so now we have a six-footer so now again I wouldn’t necessarily think about taking it back a certain length but I would think Tempo one two and let’s see how far it goes back how’d that feel uh felt okay how’d the ball roll good perfect yeah let’s do it again so I want you to learn from that same tempo I think the tempo was I think everything was good you took it back a little too far how’d the ball roll pretty good what would you grade that at 10 uh an eight nine I I would say at least I mean you would have made it yeah right you like those results compared to your normal stroke do you think that you took those back a little shorter than you normally would or no I say shorter yeah okay it feels shorter I want you to understand though you’re not taking it back too short so the minute you think you are you need to reassess and say the only way that it would be bad if I took it back short if it looked like this yeah but if your Tempo is is able to stay constant even if your Tempo wasn’t 2:1 right even if your Tempo was 1.7 to1 or 2.4 to one yeah you’re going to have a length of backstroke that works for you yep based on the distance that you’re hitting it and so the goal is not for me to tell you hey you have to take this like theoretically you need to take the putter back 7 in on this put like if we were if we were going full science yeah we would take our yard sick and your putter on this exact putt would need to go back 7 in got it but that’s not the goal like you’re not there yet like if you wanted to be the mad scientist later years years from now or months from now after you’ve created your own system mhm fine the goal of this is literally for you to create your own system for you and it doesn’t have to match mine it doesn’t have to match Bryson’s it doesn’t have to match anybody’s it’s yours MH how’d that feel pretty good that was perfect yeah so now your job is to try to replicate that how’ that feel yeah it’s pretty good yep go super good wind and again that would have gone in but that’s all right okay so you kind of understand the concept yeah this is something I want you doing often okay 3 691 12 okay something I want you doing often great but here’s the caveat to all of this the only real way that this would matter is if you knew how far you were from the hole Yeah to be an incredible lag putter as someone who hasn’t played a Million rounds of golf you need to Pace off your putts okay yeah to be the best putter in the world the best putter you could be in the world yeah you would need to Pace your putts off like this right so you would need to your your your routine your process for distance control would be 1 2 3 four five I’m 14t yeah let’s say you did that drill religiously right what it’s doing is it’s creating Tempo and backstroke length so if you got really good at the three-footer yeah and then really good at the six-footer really good at the 9f footer really good at the 12f footer even if you didn’t have a stroke for 14 ft because you’ve created a system with Tempo and backstroke length on those your backstroke length on this one would be perfect as long as your Tempo stayed the same I’m going to test you now to see what you learned in that drill so I want you to do here I’m going to give you a Target and I’m going to tell you exactly how far it is so it’s 9 ft you hit a couple 9f Footers yeah you should be able to control the speed on this putt now based on length of backstroke and Tempo good the only way that we get better is if we find out if what we’re working on is working yeah right cuz you go spend two hours on this drill and then we do a test and you can’t do it yeah then obviously that that drill doesn’t work for you yeah right we would have to come up with different drills cool so just for fun why don’t you hit it see that far hole over there this one or that one way over there yeah just for fun hit it there I mean granted these greens are pretty quick these greens roll in an 11 almost every day so okay you don’t have to hit it that hard but let’s just see what happens on a long putt aim this saying like 10 ft left 10 ft left okay ah so let’s say that we we paste it off okay so this goes back to how we practice right we practice with purpose right so what you could do and what I do y and what I teach my students is I’m going to we’re going to pretend I’m not going to walk all the way over there right now but let’s pretend I Pace this off okay let’s say that it’s I’m going to say that’s about 26 Paces that’s what that I I’ll bet you I’m pretty close but I’ll bet you it’s 26 Paces right okay what I would do is I would have my students in their head they would come out here and practice not necessarily that to that hole but what they would do is they’d get really good at knowing how far they’re hitting a putt no hole right so it would be something like this in my head let’s say in my head I picked a number and I’m going to do it out loud but normally I would do it in my head I’m going to pick a number of 60 ft okay I’m going to try to hit this putt exactly 60 feet okay okay this is this is something that will help with feel I’m going to try to hit this putt exactly 60 ft now obviously you can see it goes uphill and then downhill right yep what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to aim at that pin over there to take a little bit of the downhill a little more of the downhill out cuz now it’s slightly more up than it is down if I went this way right yeah it would go down up and then severely down but if I go this way it’s actually barely down then more up but it’s still 60 ft is all the way almost to the edge of the green over that hole right yes okay so if in my head I said 60 ft so my my job would be to stand here I’m going to try to hit this 60 ft okay I’m not going to look yeah my I should know right like if if I’m good at feel and I’m good at practicing I should know how far I should know whether or not I hit that ball how I wanted to MH and if I didn’t I should know if I hit it too hard or too soft mhm I’m going to say I hit that ball pretty close to how I wanted to right if I were to Pace this off I’ll bet you that is very close to 60 ft you want to find out yeah let’s do it 22 66 I was 6 feet off oh dang it 6 ft off obviously that’s a problem right like I I would have loved to have been on it yeah but I’m only 6 feet off if I’m good at six Footers yeah I mean from 60 ft if I hit it to 6 feet every time I wouldn’t love it but I better be a good putter from 6 feet because if I am then I’m two putting anyway right in your head think like okay I’m going to try to hit this x number of feet and then hit it and then in your head without looking determined like did I hit that how I wanted to yeah cuz if you did then you would be able to go over there and if it was way longer you would learn okay well obviously I hit that how I wanted to but it went 80 ft yeah okay so that’s an 80ft stroke okay so now okay now I need to I need to recalibrate and say okay well that was an 80 footer okay let me try it again I’m going to hit it okay I feel like that went 60 feet then what would happen is you’re creating feel right you’re creating feel for how long you take the putter back on these super long putts and how far the ball is going MH whether that’s with this or this I’m not going to tell you one way is better than the other because at the end of the day you’re going to learn that yeah let’s do let’s let’s do another assessment let’s go right here to this hole we’ll start right here we’ll use my ball because again I need you putting a line on the ball okay I need it because it gives both of us feedback so again if we want to learn what we’re doing wrong we better have a way to get feedback should I assess the the slope here yeah I want you to I want you to do everything you would do go back just like at the beginning I want you to this is for your third eagle of the round I still need to get my first ever Eagle you do I I haven’t gotten it yet all right fair enough soon hopefully hopefully this will get me there okay so first order of business is did you already read it or you just lining it up uh I I read it okay so tell me tell me where you want the T for the read uh like right right here right here yeah okay let me just double check here so now I’m going to confirm the line I’m going to check the aim so you check it should I do it yeah you I want you to get it however you want it exactly like you would do let’s flip the putter over this way oh yeah yes yes yes this way this way yeah let’s put this especially in the wind I want this hand up here here right hand right hand right hand up just just from a stability I need you to be able to like like literally be able to leave it here and it still be stable got it because this is an advant Vantage we have of something that’s straight yeah let’s let’s not let it wiggle right yeah okay you like it yeah pretty pretty close to the te hopefully it is very good than okay so this is really good because now we’re going to know you’re going to learn exactly why you miss this putt so what what’s the one thing I wanted us to add to your routine um for distance control for distance control uh Pace it off oh Pace it off yes yes Pace it off you just did a drill right you just did a drill over there where you worked on 36 912 right you’re going to continue to do that because that’s how you’re going to get better at controlling distance right yeah well if we’re going to go through and we’re going to take our time to do that yep then we might as well know how far we are two three so I know it’s three Paces but I didn’t equate that that’s 9 ft nt Okay so three Paces is 9 ft now you you obviously would need to take into account whether it’s uphill or downhill or yeah wind the whole deal right oh man yeah oh okay how did your ball roll uh okay okay yeah how was your start line you think you started it pretty close to your line I think it was pretty close okay why did we miss it uh I I hit it off the heel and it didn’t get enough distance so it’s speed you miss it because of speed so here here’s the deal you had 9 ft how far were you trying to hit it 9 ft actually yeah and so this is a problem right so and this is a big this is a big thing and we’re going to talk more about this in routine yeah but if you had 99 ft here okay and you were looking and you and you picked your aim to be right here obviously we can’t put a t in the in the ground when we’re playing right but let’s say that you read it and you saw it right here yeah and you deemed that it was uphill when you stand over the ball and you’re taking practice strokes and you’re looking at the hole yeah you’re actually creating a practice stroke to the hole yeah you’re not you’re not making a practice stroke taking anything into account what you would need to do is you would need to imagine let’s say we said it was going to be uphill 18 in yeah okay you would actually be creating feel staring at this spot right here yeah does that make sense yep so people that take a practice stroke and like stare at the hole for feel what happens is is it’s like if I had this put right here and I was and I was just creating feel to the hole right but then it’s downhill but I’ve created feel to the hole so if if I’m sitting here taking a practice stroke looking at the hole subconsciously I’m making a practice stroke the length that would get it to the hole right but I’m not taking into the downhill the downhill into account where in reality this putt right here I’d only have to hit to right here to get to the hole so while I’m looking at the hole taking a practice stroke like this I should be looking right at my spot taking a practice stroke like this gotcha I actually wrote an article for last week about this I don’t personally take a practice trout but at the same time like if your system includes a practice stroke and you’re doing it with the right intentions and you you’re doing it with the right information you’re still able to make solid contact and have your putter face squared impact and it doesn’t affect path and it doesn’t affect Tempo I’m not going to sit there and tell you not to yeah but I am going to sit there and explain to you that if you are taking it you better be doing it correctly okay cuz if you’re looking at that 9-footer I mean you just did it yeah you literally looked at the hole created some feel and left it short yeah whereas if you were looking here and this becomes your spot that you’re hitting it to now you’re creating fielda here okay right yeah my goal for every student is just to get as much information as they can again does that mean that they need to spend 10 minutes reading a putt no but does it mean if they miss a putt they need to know why they miss it right let’s say that you got up to this putt right now with your skill level you get up to this putt and you read it and you hit it okay yeah and let’s say you do that well what if I told you that if you had more information you wouldn’t have done that I could have got more information if I read the putt from this side if I read it backwards I could get more information that’s one way right I get more information from over there but I can get more information organically by just walking around like I was already going to do I’m not asking my students to create some new thing where they’re they’re over here reading it from right here then they’re reading it from right here no no I want this all to be seamless you’d be surprised at how often some of the best green ners in the world Miss read putts the simple statistic to say that is if a tour pro hits their line 95% of of the time on a 10-footer and they only make 40% and they’re not three putting right yeah so you can’t definitively say it’s speed that is the reason they’re missing they’re literally either missing because they’re not aiming it well or they’re not reading it well how is that possible we’re talking about the best players in the world right yeah that’s crazy so the point is like we we’re going to miss we’re going to misread but how do we continue to get better so we do that less and less and it’s about having a system it’s about having a process and it’s about just collecting information on every single putt we hit which is why going back to the beginning why this line is so important because we need to know why we miss it we need to be getting feedback to make sure that we started it where we where we wanted to start it you need to understand that you can make putts with what you have mhm so if you if you go play tomorrow you need to remember that you literally can make putts with your putting stroke as is you don’t need to make any changes to your putting stroke it’s all the other variables right yeah it’s aim green reading distance control all that stuff is way more important than your putting stroke if you show that you can get your face angle relatively square at impact cool super important dude thanks SC AB that was amazing definitely good to see you hope you enjoyed that video with the man the myth the legend Scott Curry definitely stay tuned for the next video with him where we go over green reading that may be one of the most important things you will ever watch but until then check out this video down below YouTube recommended to me you would like it so I’ll see you there


  1. This is a great video! I am going to try checking the aim line with the putter shaft in my practice later today. Did Scott have you try anything else with the Capto or was it just to check your tempo?

  2. Amazing putting lesson you are in super good hands 🙌 also 1 step closer to a lesson with Mike Schy and one length irons!

  3. Went out and practised using line on ball and double checking with putter shaft along with shorter stroke , pure gold awesome loved it, far better than the more technical lessons shown keep it up 👍

  4. Just think about the jacuzzi with girls and some miller lights 🫡 Jimmy Tropicana has probably the best putting tip ever on YT.

  5. This is a deja vu video, you have in the past posted two other putting lessons from top coaches. What did you learn from them?

  6. Good lesson. Now you just have to incorporate this into your routine, and then like in New Jersey. 'Forget 'bout it."

  7. The aiming part is great, the putting style is shitty, the feel stuff is not very inspired, sorry. 🙂 Read: Percy Boomer – On Learning Golf, 1941, Chapter on Putting. After that, you can get started learning how to put.

  8. Why in all other sports like shooting a gun or a basketball – you set your body then aim? Jackie Burke, Paul Azinger and Ellington aimed last.

  9. Hopefully, Scott fits you for a putter and your wedges. David Edel spent 4 hours fitting me as recommended by Mike Adams @ Fiddler’s Elbow Golf Course. – A game changer. Proper fitting by these masters of the game is the forerunner to you having a great game. Thank you for your channel. Harry (caddie) @ Metedaconk National Golf Club Jackson NJ

  10. IF YOU HAVE PUTTING DIFFICULTIES DONT BUY ANOTHER SHORT PUTTERS , I MUST HAVE BOUGHT 50 PUTTERS NOTHING WORKED ,UNTIL GOD FORBID I BOUGHT A BELLY HIGH PUTTER AND LEARNED THE BALANCE SWING: FROM BEING 90% short to being regularly 1or 2 feet past .Why: because with a short putter i would often miss 3 footers so i was scared and ended up not stroking the put. But with a long putter i make 90% 3 footers. I no longer panick when i am on the green last summer i even made 3 45 feet puts which i did not even get close before. so if your strugling go to a place where you can leave your credit card or charge your credit card go try it not on a carpet but on a regular green and be prepared to be surprised.

  11. Immediately I started watching this video, I had a feeling that Bryson's name would come up and poofs it did!!! Did Scott ever coach Bryson? Bryson must have been one of his brightest students!!!

    Scott Curry is an awesome teacher!!! Thank you for this lesson, Jerome.

  12. Practice Putting with a dime in front of the cup. That works better than anything for me. My target is the Dime.


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