Golf Players

Wells Fargo + Myrtle Beach DraftKings Picks & Strategy

Fantasy Golf Pod DraftKings PGA DFS picks & strategy for the 2024 Wells Fargo Championship + Myrtle Beach Classic

#PGADFS Show Agenda:
– Criteria for Clicking
– Weather
– Ownership Projecting
– Breaking down the price ranges
– Free Squares
– Clown Clicks
– Making Lineups

1:00 – House Bets!
7:30 – Free Squares
9:10 – Clowns
12:13 – Weather
13:00 – Ownership
18:50 – Strategy
21:21 – Price Ranges

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hey everybody you think I’m not wearing the chicken suit today we are winning this week let’s try to get another win this is the fantasy golf po [Music] hey everybody I’m Chad eard and this is the fantasy golf pod we are live on the internet on YouTube thank you for subscribing thank you for being here enjoying the fun participating did you guys bet last week on Taylor pendrith we did it was amazing and we won 2,2 no what was it $2,420 this is amazing so for this week for the Wells Fargo and for Myrtle Beach we got two tournaments we’re doing two house bets one is $100 house but the other one I don’t know if I’m gonna put a $100 into the Myrtle Beach that’s a little wacky chicken dinner boys maybe show you this you know we got the chicken suit rocking it out on the internet retweet me make people see this let’s have another winning house bet we got a dozen names the actually you know what I did a 10 n 20 30 40 50 60 70 70 70 80 90 100 so we went in a little bit of an order here we started at the top Xander actually at 11 to1 I thought 11 was better than nine so we’re going to Xander we’re going to Klay possibly at 22 to1 Tommy Fleetwood I like these three Loser winners losers uh and then you got zator Sam burns the baby boy Bo was it a boy I think it was a boy he just had a baby Russell Henley not the best driving distance guy but he’s here 65 to one felt appropriate you got sep straa at 70 Connor’s at 70 Jagger at 70 those feel great to me c cash game Kirk finding it again after having a stellar start to the season you got Jake nap I already put a bet in on Nap got him at like 125 to1 and he quickly went down to 90 to1 but we’re still in on that nap what about Cam Davis as our long shot at 110 to one who will the house be on this week let’s spin the wheel the wheel is spinning it’s going around it’s colorful it’s clicking tick tick tick tick tick pass can’t L pass Xander pass Cam Davis pass snap to cash game Kirk could he win again this season he’s 80 to one have we forgotten about cash game Kirk Chris Kirk the guy love him all right so that was that house bet okay now we got to go to the other one let me do the entire screen this is easier so the other one is uh Myrtle Beach House bet go there we go okay for the Myrtle Beach Boys The Beach Boys I got I mean this is kind of weird that the uh best what is the Top Value this week is like 20 to one so it’s kind of weird 25 to11 Ben Griffin that’s the guy that I like uh I already bet on him at 28 to he drifted to 25 EVR actually the tpg on DraftKings he is at 28 to1 Davis Thompson failed this last week but he’s 35 to1 so fine whatever this Field’s terrible lower Novak sh Kim uh BK on the tap and biry uh said just cash your bets on sh Kim so I’m putting him in the mix he got Sig SMY Schmid got toasty at 50 to1 Stanger and then I did Carl Yuan for our um our guy tommen Morty tommen Marty here we go house bet for the Myrtle Beach Classic it’s ticking around tick tick ticks past sh cim it’s not gonna be sh cam it’s gonna be Davis Thompson good okay feels good 35 to1 Davis Thompson I don’t know if I’m I’m going to put a $100 on that but I will put $100 on um cash game Kirk how do you feel about that dude you guys we’re back we’re here I should take this off this is hot okay I gotta show houses in a little bit here today so I gotta be kind of quick with my uh pod but yeah um how fun winning a house bet off of a spin wheel on like I think it was the 10th time or 12th time I’ve even I tried that and it and it hit do you guys understand how unbelievable that is and what’s it’s kind of annoying is that I ran out of money or else I would have put more money on it potentially I did have that $1,000 win on Jake knap just uh in February believe it was late February at the Mexico open listen so I was down to legitimately zero dollar so that was helpful in the fact that on Sunday I did not hedge I was unable to hedge because I had no money left and uh I wasn’t able to hedge because I wasn’t even able to watch this or I wasn’t around a computer because I had to go to a baseball game for my son so that was crazy hey I’m busy so yes uh we’re having a great year though are we we’re spinning wheels having fun doing house bets uh this is the program so we’re here every Wednesday usually in the morning maybe but I’m realizing that actually I should probably do it on Wednesday evenings because I’m trying to make podcasts with content that’s helpful and at 11:00 a.m. or whatever time it is are in the morning here we’re not able to do that my guys’s at shipit Nation shipit fgp1 gets you 10% off shipit Nation honestly like it’s all you really need but you need it at like 8 n o’clock at night to make your decisions so but then I don’t get any views because people don’t have all day to consume it so I’m in cut in between trying to do the right thing which is late at night which doesn’t really ultimately help me because I got to put kids to bed my wife’s involved I got to say hey sorry H look at me I’m going on the internet for two people so I don’t know yet we’ll see we’ll see if I have time 11: am if the stats and info are out great perfect if not we got to check back in maybe we do a little bit of late night pods later in the summer but I know I know the criteria for clicking for the Wells Fargo is you have to have strokes gained off the tea you have to be a good golfer I’m unable to produce an optimal using Shi Nation projections so I don’t have that for us um going through the list of names and the uh on DraftKings and things like that I mean like I could do that I could show you um I have a contest on DraftKings it’s for $2 to enter the top two are paid uh we do talk about the clowns of the free squares and all that stuff and I’ve got a couple but I don’t have the actual projections from the Rosetta Stone the stone the shipet nation Stone I need that honestly before I start making decisions because it’s it’s led me to answers last week we had Ben Griffin as a free Square he didn’t project he projected well he didn’t look super owned dude ended up finishing like top 15 it was great so we had that I mean we want a 7K guy was our 7K names this week let me do this put my face over there um so 7K is like the free Square Zone I feel like the mid sevens kind of get you uh away from the obviousness so who did I have for this week uh there’s names in the 7K range that I wonder why they’re there and the one is Stephen Jagger actually at $7,500 this is a great golfer he’s 75 not really I don’t know if he’s gonna be all that chalky so I picked Stephen Jagger as my first free square and then you got sep straa is coming around remember when sep straa was a guy he’s $7,300 it feels like the sep straka’s game kind of like who he is fits this course the mold for 70 $300 guy that may not be projecting well because he didn’t have the greatest stats to start the season and then you know might not be wanted at that much with you got English Denny OA sucking up a lot of ownership or you go to cash game Kirk I wrote cash game Kirk as one of the free squares and then he was the house bet so that’s helpful um so yeah where is this cash game Kirk free square and house bet what a great week we love cash game Kirk are you here chatting along Sweet Spot DFS is here chatting along you can go to his YouTube channel And subscribe to his uh new website sweetspot have you heard of it go to it all right now you need to know who the clowns are because that’s important as much as knowing who the free squares are you want to know who to click in the clown category because you need clowns that’s how you make a winning lineup is you CL you click some clowns combine them with some free squares take some low owned pivots eat some chalk do a flyer smother it around mix it up shake it together and boom gpp winning upside who are the clowns that you need to consider the clowns in the 10K and above range there’s 10 clowns up there Klay oh he’s $9,800 is the first clown at the uh top of the range can’t lay another clown in the 9k range is Colin morawa or Victor hin they’re still clowns especially compared to the guys that everybody wants Max hom theala hii so you’re getting clowns morawa and havin who are not real clowns so somehow they’re clowns this week uh there’s some H names that are clowns in the 8K range you got Russell Henley is a clown he’s $8,300 some reason no one wants Russell Henley maybe he doesn’t have the driving distance necessary the models aren’t spitting out Henley they’re not spitting out Brian Harmon by any means in this course so so he’s back to being a clown he’s always kind of either a clown or a free square that Harmon guy it’s weird Jason day is a clown Sam Burn’s clown he just had a baby so baby clown action King clown boys and girls you want the King clown this week hold on oh crap I forgot to load this in let me do this real quick because the King clown is fun to say we uh you know we’re just faking this stuff we’re just pretending like we were having fun um internet this going to work how long is this going to take processing okay here you go King clown you like this King clown Jordan spe $8,400 Clown King clown not just a clown click a King clown why is Jordan spe 84 he’s God awful he’s played terrible he’s not wanted at that price who do you want spe I don’t so we kind of know that he’s a clown what about the weather you guys know anything about weather it’s important to consider Factor the forecast here we go Thursday where are we we’re at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport made sure to get that correct you got uh you got Thursday okay some ups and downs decent steady wind I guess they’re teeing off around 11 to one local time so therefore everybody’s kind of going off at the same time I don’t even know if they’ll Reach This 6 PM yellow Square 33 M hour gust on W oh my God I’m looking at Wednesday holy Fu sorry okay uh Thursday the day we need to be looking at Holy Cow there’s a lot of wind are we sure this isn’t Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach’s got wind and this got wind what do you want to know about that you gotta get wind lovers maybe like norin what about Friday when in reality they all go off at the same time so it’s probably not as important to know the weather for this week because this like kind of the same weather for everybody it’s going to be Gusty it’s going to be weird ownership projecting ownership is impossible people suck at it literally which is why like one of the guys that I used to trust doesn’t even do it anymore because it’s impossible and it doesn’t even help you to be honest knowing the ownership is not very important because it’s projected ownership so then you take the projected ownership and you think o I can’t do that everybody’s doing that and then it changes when the actual ownership comes out if I told you that Mark Hub last week was going to be 27% owned I don’t know if you would have thought to play him at 27% but I don’t think that he was projected at 27% I think he was projected 18% and they said oh that’s okay he’s under 20% boom bo boom boom pile on all of a sudden bubbled up people you know in a small field no cut you got to spend your money you’re spending your money up on the 10K and above names um and they are spending it on Rory Xander and Windam Clark especially now that oberg is out I do believe that VI uh ludvig oberg would have been the the most own name at 103 but uh he’s no longer in the field he’s got a knee problem so you’re looking at the names above him or below him potentially I don’t know and then people don’t like slow play Klay the Pampered F they don’t like can’t win Tommy even though he’s top 10 Tommy so I think that they’re going to go to the top three names and they’re going to use them over 20% and then they’re probably gonna skip to Homa because they like the course history from hom he’s $9,400 it feels right he’s playing good he had a good little stretch there at the Masters so you got hom you got Rory maybe potentially Xander someone says that wam Clark is going to be owned but other people have said he’s not going to be owned so i’ I’d kind of can you do Xander Rory start yeah if you fall in love with 6K range you can you can Stars it up there maybe stars and scrubs it I think you always should do stars and scrubs every time kind of feels like every scrub that could get lucky and do decently and most of the stars are actually true stars now that the PGA Tour is decimated this is the signature event boys and girls we don’t have Scotty Sheffer we don’t of ludvig it’s kind of scary uh so that means Rory could win Rory just won who else is owned Dey and theala those are the names in the 9k range that are oh actually dei’s not even in the 9k range dey’s in the 8K range so we got theala and Dei at 91 and 89 could you do Rory the gala Dei yeah it gives you kind of the same as it would Rory Xander start so that feels safe safe PJ DFS uh surprisingly the guy that’s getting the most love the most owned name I think the of the week is gonna be AA baa at $7,500 can you imagine AE 75 what about will Z $7,900 that’s somebody that maybe if you’re okay overlooking the withdraw from the Byer Nelson which is probably a good idea if your will alator not play that birdie fest last week skip that do this and then next week’s major so uh I don’t really put anything into that withdraw I think he kind of thought maybe hey if I’m not playing great I’ll play that in Texas and it’ll be fine but since he’s playing fine and whatever what about Cory Conor’s 78 those two names I mean because this kind of like a major feels like it it should maybe click the way of a major and if you can get the upper seven 7K names I mean they have to price the names for a reason these couldn’t be 8K names they could perform like 9k names they’ll probably perform better than the $7,200 names just based on things but so there you go you could do that I don’t have as much confidence as s in sunj especially after last week burned me right after lock unbelievable I was discouraged until pendrith emerged I would have had an annoying week if pendrith didn’t end up winning that tournament my God you have to get so lucky in DraftKings and in betting on golf I had to get so lucky to actually just choose pendrith as one of the 12 guys in my wheel lineup I had to get lucky as hell that the wheel picked that name and then not only did pendrith have to get lucky as hell he had to get lucky as hell that Ben Kohl’s was shitty as hell so a lot of luck involved in the old DraftKings golf betting so what do you do you play for low stakes you play for fun you have a good time doing this you spin wheels you know that you don’t have an opin your opinion doesn’t mean anything it’s just your opin I am an hashtag not expert but I am an expert in my own opinion and my opinion is that you can click Jagger over Baka and have a better chance at winning a gpp this week okay and you don’t you can’t win sorry I’m not sorry remember that chalk you can’t eat you can’t eat this Adam shank guy and this Tom hogi guy low 7K chalk what are you thinking would you just go to cash game Kirk $7,100 uh yeah I am not seeing a lot of love for Tommy Fleetwood I think that’ll kind of change maybe as we get closer to lock people will start realizing okay let’s do top 10 Tommy over chaki Homa but you can argue any of those names um JT is getting love huh that’s scary in like norin is at 8200 and benon is 81 but then you got Tom uh Tony feno and zator you know like I could see these names getting overlooked Henley and norin and maybe benan but benan is playing so good he’s got the driving distance he’s like number one in a bunch of things DraftKings is hard what else do you need to know strategy oh okay so you’re uh you’re new to DraftKings or maybe you’re just getting on into it because you’re like this is seems like fun what should I do I don’t I maybe making decisions is hard I need someone to help me make those decisions I’m going to lean on statistics I’m going to go to Strokes gain stats and then those are going to predict the future or yeah of course stats are helpful at telling us what happened in the past will that continue to happen in the future maybe probably more unlikely especially with guys like Doug gim where you see him come up and he bubbles up and he has a couple good tournaments in a row he will return to being Doug gim eventually I used to use the analogy that they have a candle each time that they get ready to be good their candle starts burning and some golfers they have like tiger had a forever flame like could burn the candle forever night weekend any day of the week after a one night stand or not Scotty kind of has a great candle going he’s got like the um the church gospel candles he’s just looking like he’s got a shitload of candles and never going to run out of wax right now whereas there are certain golfers that have a small candle and it will burn and it will light up and it will be looking great but all of a sudden the wax will be out the candle will extinguish and they’ll go back to being normal so uh maybe it’s in your best interest to consider did they have their moment in the sun were the stats that they had and produced a month ago are they going to be the stats that they have the next tournament or not like golfers cannot sustain so um maybe if the stats look good that’s a bad sign because the bad stats are going to be coming just as the golfer is going is bad hey he was bad he’ll never be good again he’s a clown now he should retire from golf do you think he isn’t aware that he sucks now and that he is losing he has no money he needs money he needs to work on things he needs to get back out there he needs to perform like they’re not going to just sit around and be like yep I’m going to retire like they’re they’re grinding that’s why we advise clicking clown because we don’t know uh what they’ve been up to and we don’t know if uh you know which Clown’s going to emerge because clowns do emerge does that help you you guys already know that you listen to this every week do you listen to this every week could you like And subscribe it then because then that would make me happy uh I got about 10 minutes left to do this we’re going through the price ranges I didn’t write anything down for this Rory Xander and Windham Clark I do think that Xander is probably I know I wish Xander wasn’t only $300 less than Rory but he’s definitely just as good as Rory has been if not better than Rory so I feel like that I don’t know he can’t win but he can only finish top five so like what okay that’s fine one of these days he’s gonna accidentally win Windham Clark um didn’t yeah we haven’t seen 10 H I love wend DC but he won it already kind of feel like I I’d pick Xander out of the three what about the 9k range I kind of feel like Tommy’s my favorite click in the 9k range I feel like Tommy’s kind of the same way like you Tommy’s gonna do the Tony F now and win like three times in the course of 18 months and we’re gonna be like oh yeah Tommy wins golf tournaments and it’s he’s not bad at golf I don’t know so I feel like Tommy could actually even win this week well uh if you don’t like Tommy maybe you go with hlin because you’re just just trying to win a gpp and maybe less people will be on havin so you go with that but I think fala like could is he he’s the he could be the new guy he’s like the new JT or speed like we were sold on those guys about six seven years ago they’re over we got the new guys we got oberg and the gala maybe even cam young in the 8K range he do good God would you go to cam young if I told you that Hideki Mets Yama is going to be one of the most owned names I don’t even know if I’d go to scam young young scam young has been disappointing to us because we’re trying to get him to get his first win and all he does is just spray it into the water at the worst possible times he’s 8,800 God I used to Pepper the AK range and now I feel like you got to skip the HK range and you don’t even want the AK range because these guys are not as good as 9ks they’re they’re just as good but if not tiny bit better than the eight the sevenk we got to pay to get them see Kim 86 if JT is going to be chalk I’d probably try that but I do like Russell Henley even though he can’t drive it very far or Ben hton this is like I don’t know I’m not in love with any of the AK range uh maybe I’ll skip it all but you do want King clown Jordan be in your gpp lineup maybe what about sunj at the top of the range no I already talked about most of this is uh someone in the 7K range that I think you should click is is Sam Burns baby swag Sam Burns feels to me like the guy that’s not paying attention to his baby whatsoever at all versus some of these guys they they might actually stay up in the night and do a feeding Sam doesn’t come across as that type of person I could be wrong he could be a great baby dad but uh at $7,700 in a no cut event I’d choose that if especially he’s going to be pivot kind of man pivot man burns uh I tried to go after badan who he just putts too well so that’s too hard to rely on and then you have Baka chalky so I want Jagger I don’t think I’m gonna do pendrith I think he uh his candle I don’t know sometimes we do want the guy after the win especially like with the narrative that oh yeah you can’t win after a win or you can’t be good after a win but he was just really good granted last week’s birdie Fest this week’s not so much of a birdie Fest so I don’t know I’d probably go to straa at $7,300 I’m going to try that out I’m gonna go to cash game Kirk should I go 100% Kirk since we’re on the house bet on Kirk I’m gonna win eight grand if Kirk wins this tournament holy [ __ ] um or you click into the 6K range you got Keegan Bradley now Keegan Bradley top 20 owgr but Keegan Bradley hasn’t been good in like 12 months this owgr ranking needs to be more relevant to what’s happened recently do you even remember before January first like what the hell why do we even let that dictate who is ranked where in may like we’re talking about wasn’t Kean good last year at this time so I don’t know we need maybe make some changes to wgr you think oh um hadwin here kyama I could see kyama he kind of has that game didn’t he win a signature event before Lucas Glover 67 me I’d probably go to E root but e goat did maybe his Wags burnt out because he won a tournament a few weeks ago Jake knp at $6,500 did they come up with this pricing before they saw Jake knp last week uh I like nap I like Cam Davis at $6,400 he’s had some good finishes recently he has the driving distance he does play well certain tournaments he’s won a tournament before he’s 64 could that be the of the 6K range because I would maybe eat that chalk it’s weird or you want have a real wacky pivot people might be on these other names because of reasons but I think Kevin TW he’s at $6,200 he’s finding it again I think his candle is burning so go after Kevin tw$ [Music] 6200 okay um those are the price ranges now all right we do build a lineup each week let me do this do you guys like building lineups with me if you like building lineups with me can you just tell me that in the um comments so yeah it’s fun or dude it’s so stupid so here we go we’re gonna build a dream together using a 9k plus name since there’s only like three 10K names so the wheel for our little wheel lineup wants to start Max H up H okay what about for our 8K name now I could decide to make changes and say we’re not even picking one of these AK names because uh they’re all they’re not even clowns oh my God I just talk [ __ ] about Camy Young and the wheel wants to go to cam young so we used H Camy young for the wheel to start 7K names for our wheel lineup and it’s spinning and it is going to emerge stop on skipped Sam birds and went to Adam Scott okay that leaves us $8,000 left oops oops oops oops let’s go here let’s go to our 6K name the 6K range name it’ll dictate who and what we’ll do with our last two clicks Justin Rose damnn uh why is roseen the signature event I I don’t even know how but he is here oh what does it give us it gives us $8,700 left so we can actually go to another 9k plus name let’s try it um we already used hom we’re going to pair hom with Klay okay that leaves us 7700 um let’s see if we can do that with just one spin of the 7K range wheel got a one minute left of the Pod cash came Kirk you kidding me the wheel the wheel it knows it’s leaving $600 on the table that’s craziness oh whoops maybe we should talk about Myrtle Beach there’s two tournaments this week this week we have the real roulette is Myrtle Beach in fact we already bet on somebody didn’t we who who did the wheel land on I’ve already forgotten I’ll have to go back and watch the pot I’m really have a bad memory Myrtle Beach House bet oh uh Davis Thompson so then do we have to click Davis Thompson what what’s his price he’s 101 that’s tough what did I write down about the old Myrtle Beach let’s remove that stop that share this do that do this uh there is a contest on DraftKings $2 to enter only 27 human beings are in there so far I don’t know if it’ll get to 100 probably not um okay who are the clowns everyone that’s what I wrote down uh no this is the Myrtle Beach I was just there with my family actually I was like an hour away from this place EVR tpg um try that but then maybe I don’t know if he’s gonna have Alex gogert his caddy because I just follow him on Instagram because he goes to my church uh he is qualifying for the PGA so I don’t know if his EVR is going to have the regular caddy now I guess he could fly in today it wouldn’t be a big deal um so I don’t know but the highest ranked player in the owgr in this field is Ryan Fox at $8,400 I learned that um other names okay what about the free squares do you think that there’s anything in this field that would constitute free Square it’s kind of almost impossible come up with that I did Jimmy Stanger because I don’t know enough about him to tell you that he’s not a free square but I think you could do even Ben Martin can you believe I say that or Martin L Marty Martin Martin Marty try it do that because this is real roulette boys and girls um the wind is going to be windy the ownership is going to be impossible to predict actually no it won’t be because I think there’s a few names that are going to come into everybody’s lineups I think you have Daniel Burger is getting bet on a lot so therefore I think Daniel Burger is going to be wanted where is he he’s 105 so I think that people might go away from I mean Daniel burger like was a guy so I could see that or like should be the best player in this field um Alex small is being bet on a lot and being touted he’s 89 do you want an $8,900 Alex SMY if he’s chalky or that Stanger guy I just told you he a free square but he’s gonna be chalky so that’s kind of maybe not a free Square um you know what I would also recommend doing a stars and scrubs because the 8K range is probably just as good as the 6K range I mean got her up to 7900 get out of here actually the AK range has Chan Kim and Sh Kim so I could do the Kims or Schmid well smid Schmid’s nine olison that’s pathetic that he’s thorm bjor olison who won on the P the Euro tour like recently within a year is smash between uh Bridgeman and graser and he probably won’t be wanted and he’s 81 so if olison and fox and like what are the other Euros you got valami uh to uh C campio Bor go with all of those names because do you know anything about those names I don’t as much as I uh pretend I am not an expert Ben G though I like the most Ben Griffin I think he can actually win the tournament I I bet on him I also bet on Davis Thomson because the wheel or I’m going to Novak low low or Schmid or maybe all three can you do a Novak L Schmid that gives you 7,400 I could start with that who did I say to click I got Stanger Marty lard that leaves me 71 craft that could be a good lineup who else did I like Kims or Sig or Bobby Max too good or toasty or crafty I just picked craft what about yuan in the 6K range or norlander Endicott norlander and Endicott are in the 6K range and they were being touted last week in that birdie Fest $6,700 go back to these guys norlander Endicott or high Smith if you’re feeling High I mean if you you got to be high to play the Myrtle Beach Classic for more than $2 tell you that much so I don’t think I’m putting a $100 on Davis Thompson but we’ll see next week’s PGA Championship it’s another major it’s the second of the year and we’re gonna have so much content out that you may not even need Actually I don’t even know if I’ll do a podcast because by Wednesday will you act will you need it would you even notice if I didn’t do one with the amount of content that you’re going to be consuming next week okay like I said like And subscribe rate and review on iTunes or you the other stuff and we’ll be back soon thank you for watching [Music]


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