Golf Babe

Golden SHOT Guide – Sierra Plateau Edition *HARD* – 4 Shots, Golf Clash tips

Hey guys and gals,

This is the Golden Shot guide for Hard and the Sierra Plateau.


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Hello everybody welcome to this guid and tutorial for the golden shot difficulty level is hard and I will give you my best advice in how to get some chests on the Sierra Plateau hle number four which is an extremely difficult part three and I would say here from the start if you are a player that do not really care about Berserkers then I would recommend to have a look at the me medium version because the medium version is so much simpler and it could actually be a way for you to get yourself some better rewards because this one you really have to push it to the edge in terms of execution and if being a little bit off that could mean a pretty big difference in terms of wrestle but we’ve had this one before so with a minor tweaks we are definitely not going in completely blank and before we take a look at all the content here make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications for those of you that are looking to improve your game even more scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to Tomy via the link that is in the description down below all right the seedan chest for the hole in one Amber chest for the yellow ring Co Crimson chest for the red ring Aqua chest for the light blue ring and Cobalt chest for the dark blue ring press the question mark here on the top right to get to inform frequently asked questions about the golden shot uh if you do experience an error or you have more questions about anything really regards the golf clut you can send in a ticket to the golf Clash support we are going to play Golden long iron every single time and we’re going to adjust something called a 1 to one minus one and for those that do not know what that means it means that you take the win that you do have on your screen so for the sake of the example let’s say that you do have 6.0 miles per hour then you take 6.0 minus 1.0 and then you get 5.0 rings to pull and you can see that in the VPR table as well on the right hand side and that will of course be displayed in the text guide the a point that we’re going to do is a difficult one and the difficulty with that one is that we are trying to use our ball guideline as one of the references by then having the Red Rain by the rough line so red rain by the rough line ball guideline to point short but towards the hole and that is something that is extremely difficult to be consistent with not the red ring per se but the direction of the ball guidelin so do your best uh but it’s going to be hard to be 100% spot on with your aim point on this very difficult part three so let’s go and check out video number one let’s have a look at the shots and we jump right into it here and as you know we are going to use the red ring to be by the rough line and then ball guideline to point towards the pin and as you know this is before spin then we’re trying to add the spins after that 6.3 mph is going to be 5.3 rings and as you can see there with adjust that’s so simple now that it’s just one to one minus one so you take the wind and then you remove the one so then you get 5.3 range center ball hit perfect and as you can see here now that we will land on the path over and we will get onto the green but as I’ve said many times already in this video getting this one to drop consistently or be consistently close is extremely difficult because there are many variables but especially the aim point is so difficult to be consistent with when you’re going to have to look at the ball guideline from a very far distance so again top Red Rain by the rough line we are looking to have the ball guideline to point towards the hole as good as we can left to right type of crosswind and Tailwind here a little bit more Tailwind than what we do have crosswind doing a 1. one Top Spin is what I’m doing and like a 0.8 right spin did in the end get the 1.2 Top Spin which I do think is going to be helpful 6.5 m per hour is 5.5 rings and we make the adjustment then we Center the ball and and we do aim to hit perfect as always I mean that’s kind of logic doing that perfect ball it bounces on the PAAD on the farway on the green and then it rolls and we’re dropping a beautiful hole in one so let’s see what we do get here in the chest obsidian chest it is and we’re getting the Berserker balls and also some nice cards next little video here we are once again doing the same aim all the time top left Red Ring by the rough line ball guideline to point towards the hole and from there we’re then applying spins and this is a headwind angle obviously and then we are applying some Top Spin and no Sid so 2.1 uh Top Spin no sides spin here 5.6 m per hour is 4.6 range so we do make the adjustment then it’s time to hit perfect almost running out of time you can see how close we were to time out there but we getting the perfect away in time and it bounces and it bounces and it bounces and it rolls a little bit too hot maybe for that particular wind angle but it still makes a yob I mean I’m not going to sit here complaining about an hole in one that would be silly of me doing that on such a T part three let’s see what we do get we get the B cirle balls and some junglist car junglist cards which isn’t really something that we are pleased with right red ring by the rough line once again ball guideline to point towards the hole and then we are applying the spins in a right to left crosswind uh then we do 1.5 Top Spin and 0.8 left spin 5.3 mph is 4.3 Rings we do Center the ball maybe look like a click of on the power there I’m not sure I’m not sure but we are bouncing on the pad on the farway up onto the green and we roll up dropping dead center for another hole in one now seeing me dropping three out of four hole in ones maybe looks like okay I’m going to drop a lot here but that’s not really reality I obviously picked Cherry pied some really good shots here for you all to see but also especially in different type of wind angles we can talk about and we can learn something from that so for the text guide we do have the shot structure there on the left this is before spin always top left Red Ring by the off line bold guideline to point towards the pin scan the QR code for access to the best guides on the market premium guides for checkpoint challenge tour play and tournament play obviously now with the recent tour rotation is a perfect chance for you to increase your win rate and win some more games into Play Straight tail win we do one Top Spin and half a bar of right spin left to right cross win and tail win 1.2 Top Spin 0.8 right spin right to left crosswind and tail win 1.2 Top Spin 0.7 left spin left to right direct cross win uh 1.5 Top Spin 0 1.8 right spin right to left direct crosswind 1.5 Top Spin 0.8 left spin head winning cross win left to right right 1.9 Top Spin one right Spin headwind and crosswing right to left 1.8 Top Spin 0.7 left Spin and direct headwind 2.1 Top Spin find this text guide in the video description down below you can also find it on golfclashtommy docomo where you can also find a lot more free content on that website so make sure to have a look thank you so much everybody for watching this golden shot guy hopefully you get some success but once again this is a very tough part three to be consistent at make sure to make a comment in the comment section below and if you do enjoy the content here on channel make sure to hit the thumbs up as well scan the QR code for premium guides and I will see you in the next video but


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