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Nicky Smokes’ IMPOSSIBLE Geography Challenge LIVE | The Mid Show 5/7/2024

On today’s live episode of The Mid Show we are joined by Nicky Smokes and later Jeff D. Lowe. We get into Nicky Smokes time at the Kentucky Derby, and his contracting at Barstool ending shortly. We also get into the celebs that have made us feel Starstruck. Later we challenge Nicky Smokes to see how many countries in Europe he can name off the top of his head.


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[Music] la [Music] la la la la la [Music] to kick us off sure all right bang bang we’re live it’s the mid show no Ed today he’s out protesting or something yeah he’s not here today so we really let it rip no he said it he’s at his mom his mom’s been working at Jewel for 50 years I don’t know that he wants that out there but great he tweeted it oh okay grat s’s mom that yeah uh and they deserve themselves A celebratory Miller celebratory Miller Light tonight I think absolutely that’s a the number one thing to toast with we’re also going to be toasting Miller L getting the number one pick in the NHL draft Chicago Blackhawk mlin celebrini come on down um but yeah Miller Light Great Taste less feeling that’s the debate that’s been going on since 197 is a great tasting or less filling uh I can’t decide how about it’s just both it can be both can I share a funny Miller Light story or no probably not smokes but uh I think you can do it yeah I don’t think it’s that bad so I was at the Kentucky Derby yeah and on of Kings yes so Friday there’s this guy in our suite and he you know I was drunk I was buzzing we were talking [ __ ] he’s like I bet you you can’t drink 13 beers and eat 13 hot dogs responsibly responsibly yeah and I was like you know what I’ll do it so I open in the fridge we were in a sweep and there’s Miller Light couple other competitors now the competitors were 12 oz the Millers were 16 I wasn’t even thinking about the 16 ounces I was like if I’m drinking 13 beers I’m going with Miller the whole way best decision I ever made they went down like water and I swiped the guy for 1,000 bucks and it’s also a beer that tastes like like that tastes like beer it’s the absolute best it’s only 96 calories so even though you had 13 over the course of a day responsibly the old 13 13th challenge uh it’s it’s less filling it’s great tasting it’s the original light beer Danny what are you going to be doing with light beers this weekend uh I’m going to be drinking them responsibly consuming all 96 calories and 3.2 carbs of them uh might have I’m going to have some celebratory Millers for Sandy Ferrar that’s that’s for sure Mrs Ferrar uh shout out to her 50 years at juel that’s no joke but yeah how about everyone celebrate Mrs Ferrar tonight and go eat yourself some Millers and toast to her so you can get them at Jewel you can get them basically anywhere cuz it is Chicago’s number one beer and if you want to just get it delivered right to your door just go to midow uh to find those delivery options it’s the absolute best we can’t we we we all love Miller late I’m glad you’re a convert now love Miller yep big Miller guy so that’s it so how was the Derby that was your unbelievable so it was the second time I went there but in my blog they changed the title to first time but technically the first get those clicks yeah and the first time I went it was 2020 or like 2021 so it’s kind of so it wasn’t fully packed so this was my first all right everyone in their [ __ ] mothers out there getting after a derby one of the greatest experiences of my life I’ve never been how how many times did you text Dave to see if you can get to meet up with him um I don’t I’ll talk about it obviously it already came out so oh I hadn’t seen that oh you haven’t seen I haven’t seen it either all right so let me set this up for you guys right so I texted him about my contract because my lease is up May 13th and I’m like I don’t know if I want to sign a lease until I know if I have a new contract while you’re at the Derby you texted him about no this is like two days before so Wednesday cuz the Derby’s Saturday I believe it’s already been a year I know 10 months crazy so I text him like hey Dave like my lease is up on May 13th like let me know when we could talk about my contract no answer not great I text Big Cat I go yo he didn’t answer me like what do you think about this he’s like don’t look too into it he probably just didn’t answer he’s busy um but like I got your back like I’m I’m team smokes 100% okay great like that that’s that’s great to hear um so long story short we get to the derby and I’m buzzing cuz people don’t know yes I was on I was in a suite but even if you’re not in a suite like once you walk in there’s guys out there and they’re like free beer get your iced cold beer free and I looked that guy I’m like you’re bullshitting there’s no way it’s free like he’s like buddy it’s free handed me a Miller and I was like oh God I’m in trouble so I’m like walking around the Derby and these guys are walking around with trays of Jewel UPS I’m grabbing this and then they have uh these drinks called lies and it’s like the girly drink but it’s [ __ ] fire so I’m just drinking I’m drinking then we get to the suite and then we have our own bartender there obviously everything’s free so I’m just pounding I’m getting after it and this is on Friday because I got swiped Saturday I didn’t hit a bet Saturday but Friday like all me and all my boys won okay so I you’re an oak guy yeah so me me and Elia we were texting and you know like he’s hitting I’m hitting like everyone’s just [ __ ] hitting so I’m like yo can you get me in this [ __ ] party blah blah blah and then I texted Dave I was like yo Dave can you get me in uh the girl that did caller Dy Alex’s party yeah I was like can you get me in her party oh god well I didn’t put that in there I said can you get me in this party and Dave goes what party you [ __ ] loser and I was like the Alex Cooper one dot dot dot oh wait I just saw it’s open to the public never mind good luck tomorrow so no no contact other no zero contact reply to the twet about your contract nope okay so we’re but you’re you’re fine you got the big cat knock wood knock wood I don’t I don’t want to jinx it but I think you’re fine I think you’re good yeah you said it’s out there someone like screens so yesterday I did the rundown with big cat and I had like the Derby things on my wrist and he was asking about it blah blah blah he’s like oh did you run into Dave and I was like no and he’s like did you text him and I’m like yeah he’s like what well what’ you text him and I told him that he’s like dude you are a [ __ ] idiot and my thing is like I get comfortable with a lot of people too quickly and that was likeing in a way yes and I was like okay Dave is not my boy he is my [ __ ] boss and like that is perfectly fine and now I get it cuz like how I talk to you is like the same way I’ll talk to big cap yeah I talk and treat everyone the same I like that I think that’s a good way to be yeah I just I realized I can’t do that with like the boss boss man I think I think with I think he probably looked at it like this and he probably laughed to himself and was like he called you a loser but I think that if he actually hated you he wouldn’t have said anything at all correct yeah I think that’s yeah I do think it’s funny how he just left you in limbo should I wonder if you would have texted him after he won a big bet yeah if you’re like dude he hit for 100 grand that’s why I texted him yeah oh okay that hit for 100 B I literally texted Ellie I’m like bro you guys just won for for you just hit for 100 [ __ ] K like I just want to get in this [ __ ] party yeah he’s good mood now that’s what I was thinking and uh I guess it didn’t work out that way but basically he just won you another contract yeah did you get in the party no I didn’t even want to go why because it was open to the public yeah oh yeah I you guys know me like I love being squish I love being in G I love being with the common folk but after that text I was like the last thing I want to do is like pull up on him see you should have just doubled down at that point yeah I guess that’s true but we were we were also saying in Lexington which is like an hour away and we had to be up [ __ ] early for the Derby and my boy was like yo we’ll just go out in Lexington tonight [ __ ] go to bed and like get after it tomorrow for the dir I I wish you’re when he was like you loser what [ __ ] party I wish you were like whatever one you’re going to yeah see his see his response then that would have been great can we talk about your uh Instagram post smokes oh which one oh you mined yourself yeah that was hilarious he accidentally posted a carousel but it’s the same picture six times yeah if you get if you get it pulled up it’s hilarious I was like I was trying to look like Spot the Difference I was like what dude I was trying I was trying to Spot the Difference too because when I made the post I clicked six different photos like I would never like screenshot a black screen and put that on Instagram so I clicked six different photos I posted it and I’m swiping through I’m like why is the same picture popping up every time so I closed it out thinking my Instagram was just tripping open it back up same thing so I walked over to my boy I’m like yo let me borrow your phone went on his Instagram same six pictures back to back to back to back and then the the final picture is just a black screen and then at that point I was like I kind of like it like I don’t know if I should delete it and I dropped a comment under my own post I was like I don’t know why I posted it six times but then everyone was like yo this shit’s fire like you know Instagram is hard for some it’s just a slideshow of Jeff Delow in the house in the house jdl but how about that he just texted me if you could grab something and I said yeah but then I wanted to embarrass him anyways yeah Jeff want you want to take a seat you want to talk about the metcal or anything wait before we get to the like can we appreciate suit that I found in the Green Room the reason I said the Met Gala is cuz you look like you could have gone I think that suit’s hard as [ __ ] yeah it actually it actually kind of is hard as [ __ ] and I found it in the green screen room all all of my suits I swear to God swear to God so they just happened to fit yeah so whose suit is it actually I don’t know it’s someone’s suit in The Green Room like when we walked in there for filmfest to record something I saw that hanging up I was like yo I love that color I put the jacket on fit like a glove like the pants fit perfect I threw that thing right in the back of my trunk and who’s who’s the same size as smokes what are you 5’11 Buck 80 foot [ __ ] on Hing or in real life my my ID says six feet okay in shoes I’m six foot and I’m always in shoes all right hello Jeffrey what’s up I put on uh tweet alerts for Nikki smokes and uh ELO just people who are who were at the Derby betting horses just it’s like the one time of year I kind of pay ATT at betting horses first tweet I text this him the first tweet that come through from Nikki SM oh I go what horse you taking I can’t tell if girls with tattoos are wives or a walking divorce I was like all right may may not that’d be a good horse this might be a mistake wives are walking divorc how many you get 27 characters for a horse name I think it is we got to we got to get back in the horse close there yeah and that that’s like your Forte only ever named without knowing exactly I feel like you guys own like 10 horses we do nine or 10 is a nine or 10 no I think it’s six well you got Dan Barn you got we got stable yeah we got a stable uh we have Jay uh shards shards copper missile ego uh Peggy’s way you know what I should have the only one that we named was smok and Jay yeah who he did he win he won yesterday yeah he’s back great he that was just if he didn’t win it might have been Glue Factory he needed we he just need like he hasn’t been the same since they cut his balls off I swear he needed a dub he needed a dub he got it was it was a it was a nice allowance race he took home I think 25 or so okay nice add it to the add it to the uh he was made like 350 in his career and he’s a fivey old now sixy old five and you said they just snipped his balls it was last year so when he [ __ ] another horse and they have kids they can’t M no like I’m saying he didn’t [ __ ] before that no he wasn’t good the only like so he just snipped him and then he started winning say his balls were so big that they’re like we think his balls are slowing him down shut the [ __ ] so he he like wasn’t good enough we there was a moment when he was a two-year-old we like this guy he could be a Derby horse and then his balls got really big and couldn’t run as fast so then it was like he’s not going to be eligible he’s not no one’s going to want his stud so it’s like let’s just win Races by cutting his balls off and he’s just a pig those balls were just filled with seman he was a virgin he never never unloaded that’s what that’s what he said so if no he’s not Pig he’s running in awesome [ __ ] R you just said he well you just said he was not in a good race he I mean he this was the race it was like all right we’re going to take a step back if he doesn’t win this race then there’s but he won but sometimes it feels like he just doesn’t feel like running wait so if his balls were smaller they wouldn’t have touched him do they normally cut hores balls off yeah it’s called a g usually after they [ __ ] though no it’s like not necessarily cuz not every horse is good enough to like you know like their Sean isn’t why do they need to do that they’re not like stray dogs or going it’s also it’s like a temperamental thing though too yeah their behavior like in the stable like all if all they want to do is [ __ ] which can’t blame them you know a mammal’s a mamal they would have cut smokes his balls off years ago man it’s not going to the horse won’t train appropriately because it’ll just have its mind on [ __ ] nonstop I feel like it’s a big risk though I could change your whole horse after you just snip its balls off say it might have done that’s kind to suck man to be a Ste and just get your nuts cut off yeah yeah that has to blow so my dog came with his nuts pre- chopped I wonder if I would have done it cuz I feel like I would have had a lot of guilt about chopping his nuts off I I did it you did it yeah freeing can maybe move a little you want to see those nuts my dog’s like got short hair so those nuts were [ __ ] looking at it they were so ugly yeah that that’ be that’d be it for me I know that’s it seems cruel and absurd to have that be the reason but just a cosmetic I don’t balls all day yeah no dog balls are gross I think all balls are gross but we at least covers our up but true do you guys uh speaking of your suit though do you remember like the famous Tom Brady picture from the Met Gala like that blue I saw the dark one that he got roasted on in the roast but I don’t think I know oh I don’t know that one speaking about getting roasted on the roast Jazelle you see mad real mad do you think that was out and said something yeah like she had a I think it might have been her PR team she said like quote unquote deeply disappointed yeah what do you I’m sure Tom was deeply disappointed I I get being mad you’re cuz you’re not there cuz I will say if you’re there it’s fair game which that’s why I thought the craft thing was kind of craft went up and made jokes yeah so like I guess people are debating if Brady was serious and I felt like he was kind of serious because there were no more jokes about yeah I thought it was a bit until someone told me that I’m like damn you’re kind of right yeah like he didn’t get up to defend jaelle he kind of let her I wonder how many bich had back pocket in hey the real winner of [ __ ] hates him real winner of that roast is gazelle’s new boyfriend cuz everyone’s just like yo Tom he’s [ __ ] your [ __ ] and he can whoop your ass we probably heard that joke 18 times and I’m sitting on my couch I’m just smiling do you think that that guy could whip Tom Brady’s ass Tom Brady’s you think so he’s it sounds like he’s kind of a little guy I I don’t know who she’s dating he’s a Jiu-Jitsu coach little Schmid if he’s a judo expert he’s goingon to doesn’t matter if he’s a buck 20 he would whoop his ass you think a Jiu-Jitsu guy Dave’s height can’t [ __ ] you up I mean I [ __ ] Dave up I’m not that’s app it’s kind of like saying like I guess like who could KB beat up in this office everybody yeah he would beat up every single person in his office Brady’s interesting though because like when you think about Brady you think about I mean he throws a football well and you see him run he like drops pass and he’s slow but I still think he’s probably [ __ ] Pretty Cut and probably can move yeah he’s a professional athlete for 20 years and he was wasn’t he drafted as a catcher too wasn’t he drafted by like the Expos or something so he’s he is like you make fun of like his combine and all that [ __ ] he’s still an elite athlete and probably has 100 pounds on this guy while that may be true if he’s a a judo coach or something he is beating the absolute sh that but he’s a coach he’s not like he’s not it’s not like I’m saying he’s how do you get beat kabib coach I’m not saying he could beat up khabib I’m just saying this is like a wck Le coach who who trains like models that is I don’t he doesn’t look also somebody tagged me in a picture of him and said I looked like this guy obv the boyfriend yeah wow so he kind of looks like a little [ __ ] if if I’m being honest I I think I think Tom Brady could probably take him no I think you’re an insane person yeah you’re an acid Lance pull up pull up this boyfriend he got it can’t be the guy that D it doesn’t matter what a guy looks like if he is trained in martial arts he will [ __ ] up someone that is not it’s very simple see like I I think it’s different if it’s in a ring versus like a street fight and it’s just Tom Brady’s like I will just choke you I’ll just hold you and you can’t do anything the first pictures him in like a karate outfit he looks like every sales rep at barst that’s what I mean he doesn’t he doesn’t look every guy in the second third he looks nothing like Chief I agree and he only yeah nothing like him yeah I’m just telling you I said it was one guy on the internet but like if he’s just if if he’s like five eight no no chance no none zero I think you guys are putting too much weight I think you’re putting too much weight into Tom Brady being 6’4 I mean I’m looking at a picture right now jelle’s got him in a choke cold how do you all I’m saying is looking at this like men lost like Tom Brady sexy as [ __ ] no Diddy seven time Super Bowl champion and his wife is leaving him for that guy that’s a win for men you think that’s the win for the average man yeah I don’t think so yeah I think that’s a loss like no matter how good you think you are like there’s a [ __ ] that’s always going to be looking for something people don’t celebrate the fact that Sydney sweene is married to like a plain clothes guy and partender Chicago he like family a win for the for the common yeah I don’t think so when she was rumored to be sleeping with her director or whatever what was it oh co-star co-star yeah what’s that guy’s name Glen pal good Glen he’s a handsome guy he is I I was kind of heartbroken CU I like her dating one of us yeah one of the attainable which she is not far from it right well if you maybe she kind of is though if you met her like 15 years ago maybe that’d be great if Dave just like that like he was the one who was married to Sydney swe like yeah my my girlfriend Sid’s coming in we’re like who the [ __ ] that like holy [ __ ] yeah Dave like kept it quiet for like years I would love to do that to everybody what type of celebrity do you think is attainable for us yeah like what’s the cut off point like TV star podcaster influencer maybe like a Bachelor contestant wash out okay from like eight years ago are you saying like an average guy or a bar stol employee no I me I think it’s the synonymous it’s like the same yeah right but I guess if you’re if you’re a barcel employee you’re aome local news sports reporter like something like that now the love of my life and I’m glad you brought that up her name is Gabby Allen Gabby I’m in love with you I’d marry you right now she does all the stuff for the Florida Panthers and that’s what she is like local news spell her name uh Gabby g a b y Allen A l l n Go Gabby with one B one it might be one her in her Instagram is Gab Allen and she is I’ll just show you her she’s a [ __ ] rocket and she knows Puck like she yep that’s her she’s amazing but that’s what she does and every time I go to the Panthers game I look at her I’m like it’s not out of the picture like I feel like I could if I’m lucky enough I could will her Lance Google uh Gabby Allen Panthers now like if she was on a movie I was like okay she’s she’s Out Of Reach but I feel like local sports reporter isn’t out of our reach for any of us oddly enough like stars are more accessible nowadays because of social media I think that makes them less attainable now too because they’re just like they’re almost more protected because of how crazy people are and how much people have access to them like I what what was the movie that Rachel mcad was like slugging beers here in Chicago when she was filming oh I remember she used to go to Kingston mindes was like Morning Glory or something like some of that happens nowadays still but not as Mo I mean that I just I feel like that’s not as common she she was my all-time number one Rachel McAdams in the notebook is my all-time number one but yeah that girl is what are you doing here the game two I know I mean I’m not rich enough to just fly home and fly back every [ __ ] week mincy is that’s she’s talking that guy kind of look got make a million dollars that kind of looks like me that’s what I’m saying is that me no he doesn’t have any that’s true cuz that that’s the hard rock uh Casino that’s like right by our house okay you know where she lives no I’m not that like hiding in the bushes I feel like if you were I asked before you talking about regular guy or BARC employee if you’re a slightly famous girl you might not want to date someone who works at barcel you’re going to be all over vivaa stool the next day by the way for sure oh yeah yeah for sure music they have the biggest entourages they’re the kind of the toughest to have access to and for the most part my experience I was working in TV they’re usually the least relatable really why TV stars they work music yeah I fully disagree with that all the big stars that walked in the music people were the significantly were significantly the the least relatable people that walked in movie stars would come with no entourages for the most part they’d come they show like Clooney show up by himself like stuff like that and I had it explained to me pretty early on is that they’re sitting on set all day with like craft services and grips like very average Joe people where music people are pretty like they’re pretty closeted off to like their group their crew it’s much it’s a much smaller group people they’re working with movie stars and TV stars are working with a lot of average like everyday people but wouldn’t you have like if you’re doing sound checks and like you have like your your Ries that are packing up your equipment if you’re on tour don’t like those are average people yeah but even then it’s still small it’s like a pretty small I the the with the exception of country singers they they’re like they’re the hockey players of the music industry remember players most related country singers it’s a different story but for the most part the divas that I ran into most were musicians like by far and Dave you’re because you interviewed like here’s my thing like when we’re trying to book an interview for like an athlete for instance for the midow or for formerly Redline or whatever athletes are tough too though athletes are pretty brutal as well it’s it’s not that like I’m talking about solely for Access an athlete doesn’t have anything they want to push typically unless they’re like a major athlete where they have a brand of their own that’s their name they don’t want to say anything outrageous on a microphone because it’s just going to get nitpicked and chewed up by everybody musicians I have had like Ice Cube reached out to me directly I mean obviously his team did but hey can we come on your your music I more so mean like they’re always looking to promote something I I mean I mean off camera off air yeah I mean I went to the White Sox game and Tyler hubard like two weeks ago he was [ __ ] awesome it was he Florida Georgia Line Country though again that that’s my um he it was him and his family and we normal people normal can be like 5-year-old daughter um I’ve got to know I got to know bayy Zimmerman also country he’s I mean he was working on oil rigs in Southern Illinois a couple years ago um but like even Ice Cube rolled in like to our old office he was he’s an a-lister too he was as cool he he’s in both worlds though yeah and sports true he is like he is he’s he’s got his he’s pretty [ __ ] A-list CU that was for big three right was that yeah that was for yeah yeah yeah I don’t know none are attainable let me make that Chad Kroger was [ __ ] awesome he was awesome um I bet you also because we’re all like I think all guys are like this to a degree where it’s like if you meet her and you have a conversation I feel like an actress would like be nice to you be like I think she’s in love I think she loves me yeah I’m like that oh yeah believe you ask for a number and then it’s like you get escorted away it’s um obious Ellen who what’s the main actress from Knocked Up what’s her name Katherine higel Katherine higel I heard she’s like the yeah oh no don’t get me wrong there’s a ton of movie and TV but just my experience off camera when they’re not promoted they’re like the most down to kind of just chat and I want to see like the notoriously awful Hollywood people I want to I want to like kind of like be a plant and see how big of a [ __ ] they could be to me just walk Undercover Boss exactly yeah just to see like what they were doing or say just walk around with a Boomstick all day taking notes here this is actually an honest question for do you guys get star shuck uh I used to one time in my life who was it uh one time and then a second time was I kind of like out of body Paul Rd was the only person that got Star Struck when I was at GMA I’m surprised describe him as like the most normal no but not not he was amazing we chatted for like 20 minutes about about Tim and Eric for those watch the Tim and Eric stuff like random [ __ ] was amazing but I was like what if I say something Paul rod and it’s like I don’t even mean to make the joke and it but it’s like kind of a joke and he doesn’t find it funny kill myself like that’s he was amazing Adam when I met Adam Sandler that was Unreal because I didn’t KN I didn’t know he was coming down he’s he promoting pixels bad movie and he comes over and he hits me on the back goes he goes what the [ __ ] going on it was like like s in the morning I was like oh my but you don’t expect that why why did you do that did you ever saying hello he’s like hits me in the back like good morning like that and I was like oh that kind of blew me away I was like holy [ __ ] does it surprise you he’s my favorite actor of all time no but I love Adam my top five movies of all time are all Adam Sandler respect that’s consistency the biggest diva I ever saw was was Mariah Carey was unbelievable oh I believe that in my time there were only two people had the on our lower set had like the the blast Shields lowered basically that’s what I call it’s not they’re not it’s not like Star Wars but it’s like the blackout curtains like nobody from Times Square can see in it it was Biden who was the vice president of the time Trump Clinton Bernie Sanders none of them had it and then Mariah Carey that’s like that’s that’s a boss like and I don’t think anyone else who asked would have been given approval for it but that’s just she’s just is Diva like avert your eyes like unbel you can talk to her but you have to look at the floor while you’re somebody posted a video the other day of of her performing actually I think it was on JY was way before my time where one of her backup singers was like singing her lines or something and mid performer she turned around and told me to shut the [ __ ] up like stop singing my lines like mid live on TV like stop like just there’s nobody like her Dave do you get star shock or have you been I would I think just buy white sock players no Hawk a little bit when we were in the same room as him but it’s if it’s different if I know they follow barcel then absolutely not like today walked in a bunch of draft hopefuls in the NBA I’m like I don’t give a [ __ ] about any of these guys respectfully like I don’t yeah I don’t give a f nervous respectfully yeah I love when people throw respectfully at it gets you out of trouble I would say that it feels like my line is if I loved you when I was a kid and then I met like the one that comes to mind like Kevin Denine so Kevin Denine was like this player for in the NHL for the Whalers and the Flyers and when I was like eight I love Kevin Denine and then we met him playing golf and like we’ve met way bigger star like I was more Star Struck by Kevin Denine than I was by Ice Cube so like that I so I think that would be if I idolize you as a kid then I like go back to being a kid if I the only other one that like I kind of got cuz when I first started working there they’re like hey do you do you get star strick you like and they’re like you can’t like you can’t do this job if you do that like you can work out of the office like we’ll have someone else do like okay fair enough when I met Mark Hamill I had my my Luke Skywalker action my first action figure with me for the thing we were doing and it was Mark Hamill playing with my toy that I had when I was 6 years old and I was like holy [ __ ] like that’s this is but no that they were like you can’t you cannot get star strucker is going to ruin like some people there are still people you see where you’re like holy like Julie Andrews for example I was like this is like yeah that’s sound to me like this is crazy I think I’ve I don’t even I don’t I’m not like uh I think Obama would get me too what yeah I think I would be Star truck by Obama I wouldn’t even shake his hand would you would no yeah absolutely you absolutely you seen Frost Nixon yeah great movie great movie he it’s Sam Rocko’s character is like am I gonna shake his hand like this coward he like rails about Nixon and Nixon walks in and he goes nice to meet you Mr President yeah that is no matter how much like you may hate Obama or Trump like if the [ __ ] president former president walks in how do you not how do you not I would Shake all of their hands but like I don’t think I would be Star Struck by Biden no but I would not shake his head I will put my life on that Obama has like an like an aura about him I’d rather Shake Obama’s hand than Biden it’s almost like it doesn’t really depend if you even like him that much right yeah I agree like I was weirdly I’m almost embarrassed I was weirdly Star Struck when I met Bruno Mars oh no so F uh up right did you talk to him that night I just had what’s talk he’s like heos Vegas like a zillion dollars right now have you seen that story crazy I don’t know how much we want to talk about it because it’s like competing maybe but don’t say who he owes but crazy what’s the story I like he’s he owes like 20 million dollar it’s insane like just different Casino yeah like it’s crazy it’s the hotel we stayed at in Vegas for Super Bowl and that’s where he’s performing and we were looking up on I was like looking up his residency there and it’s like he’s in dead like it’s crazy has to play Forever yeah be there for life I got him on that Elis yeah it’s insane Jesus no I I had president is PR uh another one that was crazy and like I people don’t I know people don’t care about royals here but that one got me when I was in London like will and Kate were like a row in front of me for like at the Olympics and they kind of snaap turned I was like whoa whoa like it’s the idea of people kind of makes me go they are are they the most famous people in the world um they’re up there Queen was up there rip Trump trump those oh yeah Ronaldo I think Trump LeBron’s up there I remember seeing an article on like this is pro might even be 10 years ago now I don’t know but it like ranked all the most famous athletes in the world and and they’re like the top 100 or whatever I want to say like 40 of them were cricket players from India really what yeah because it’s like it’s such it is like it’s not here obviously but it is such an international sport in like Australia South Africa India obviously has a gazillion people England India might have larger population than China soon enough I think they’re trending that way yeah because they never had the one child policy so worldwide a toz trump um Putin Putin the Queen the Royals the queen just I mean American head of state is always going to be on that list um Ronaldo Messi yeah y I think that’s probably le Lebron and feder is f f definitely I’ll tell you what I I never knew how big feder was until I went over the Olympics that blew my mind I knew it was big yeah but that blew my mind which Olympics London London okay crazy I would say otani’s probably push get there no no way I feel like the only they don’t even play baseball in China you know like so he’s big in Japan and then here in like the Caribbean South Amer the basketball guys are are when they go when they go to the Olympics you see like they are rock stars it is it is insane I wonder where Jordan is on that list now that he’s like out he’s still there for sure but he’s he’s not as I don’t think there’s like we’re old like we like remember him I don’t think I think kids who are 12 and they’re growing up and France or whatever I don’t think they know Jordan no I think they do got his shoes they’re probably all wearing his shoes that’s true Jordan shoo Jordan sponsors PSG in France biggest that’s check that is that is what helps Jordan for sure yeah but he’s not like a he doesn’t own the he doesn’t own a team anymore like I feel like Jordan has not really been out there since the documentary came out he doesn’t need he’s think he needs perpetually out there what about NFL guys I feel like the only one I think that’s International would be Brady yeah Brady’s I would agree with you I think Brady’s the only it’s the NFL the lack of how much that expands and like there the NFL’s become more popular overseas it’s very popular in England when I when I went popular when I went to England I saw NBA shirts everywhere they even had an NBA Store I didn’t see one person I guess the Bears are so popular in London yeah people love the logo like that’s like they that’s what they love over there is our hats cuz they don’t really make yeah and it’s like I’ve heard people say like New York is like too popular so now like the trendy thing is to be to have like Chicago stuff over I like that but I I will say when so we were in London or in England the same weekend every single person I met in England all they wanted to talk about with me was football really like the NFL and like that one guy would be a Niners fan one guy would be a Chiefs fan one guy you know I I don’t think I met a Bears fan met a dolphins fan but like everybody and then you know they’d be like what do you think the Bears going to do in the draft I’m like oh you’re going to take Caleb obviously and they’re like I really hope we get an edge I’m like Edge like we didn’t start calling it an edge until like 5 years ago like how are you how do you already know what an edge simplet simpleton and dumb but I I really do think and this is probably a unique take that the face mask thing hurts NFL as well yeah that most of what you see with them you don’t see their face right Brady Brady’s I mean I like I even think like Mahomes gotta win like another two it’s like it’s kind of Mahomes definitely not on that list no I think it’s the only guy to consider would probably be Brady are we not I think Jazelle the marriage to jaelle probably helped him yeah yeah are we not giving enough consideration to artists like Kanye and Drake I mean yeah those got Drake those guys sell out shows Swift is probably great your dozen teammate kees last night tweeted out like there was this this K-Pop group that walked the red carpet or walked out of their hotel for the Met gal last night she’s like I don’t even know who this is and you look at the Tweet she quoted they’ve been up for 5 minutes at 10,000 ret the boy band right BTS they are so they tough I mean there’s I mean Taylor Swift is up there they might be number two under Taylor Swift Taylor Swift I only say that because of my American bias they might be bigger BTS oh it’s might be bigger than I also feel like they’re super online I’ll never forget when I when I first tweeted out something about BTS from at GMA was the Billboard Music Awards or American Music Awards one of the other and our producers like hey you should get this picture up BTS they’re huge I’m like what what’s a BTS I clicked it it was our most retweeted tweet ever in about 10 minutes wow like 20,000 retweets like that was like holy [ __ ] that’s that’s like one of those things where it’s like when I see someone with that many retweets about something I don’t know what it is I’m like these are Bots yeah I’m with you India you mentioned Cricket I mean Indian movie stars a stars are are you almost can’t even comprehend how big they are I remember watching a uh you know CU Bollywood is obviously such a huge thing I remember watching an Anthony Bourdain somewhere in India and he like sat down with this guy I don’t remember his name but he was like a big kind of like jacked like maybe like their Stallone like s similar age and like he just there were like crowds and crowds like watch just watching them eat that’s all they’re but they’re just there watching this guy and they’re like they don’t know who the [ __ ] Anthony is but like this guy’s sitting down on the ground eating like traditional Indian food with this American like what the [ __ ] is going on but it was just like how famous is this [ __ ] guy where like the town shut down to watch him eat food that’s crazy a couple the Marvel guys but like that’s like more character like Tony Stark is known worldwide yeah yeah true but it’s Downey’s face right yeah yeah that’s interesting speaking of things worldwide we got a little challenge for you today oh God what probably dip in a second but I want to hear challenge that the challenge is how we’re going to pull up on sparkel I want to see how many countries in Europe you can name all right Dave set the over under at like one what did you say it was one and a half wait what’s the are we talking about like point to this country and name it or no just name countries no no no no no no I don’t know how many total countries are there like 40 47 47’s 47 oh he’s [ __ ] I’m going have to watch this say 20 I’ll see you guys in in a month all right I got I gotta go I’m here for uh okay this body armor thing yeah I’m flying out tonight too I’m only here for five hours Quick Trip well Jeff good to see you back in June very excited thanks for popping in bye buddy uh before we get to it you want to talk about Chevy I love to talk about Chevy Dave I got my keys right here Chevy uh it’s road trip season you were just in Kentucky Dave and I are going to take a trip to see one of our horses we’re going to hop in the Blazer head on down because it is road trip season uh the SUV lineup and then that new Silverado truck it has all the space you need you’re going to be comfortable if it’s moving season you said your lease is up having that Chevy SUV or truck really helps with that process don’t ask me to help you I’m not going to do that but um but everybody has there’s a Chevy for everybody so just go to Chevy they’re also the official truck partner of the Chicago Bears I think the Bears might be like the coolest hottest team in the league and duh like that’s never happened I I agree with you yeah they’re they better get hard knocks this year no you don’t want that you do not want that D I think speaking from experience you do not want that I think I do want it you think give me all the black magic Juju you can’t [ __ ] this up for me we we had no maybe pre-season but that inseason [ __ ] when you start losing big games like it makes your stomach [ __ ] I I I want preseason only I’m with you on that but I we had the Australian punter Tory Taylor on that guy’s going to be a star and he’s a punter so he’s he’s just like he be a guy I wish he was sitting there too because he’d just be a guy he just wants to shoot the [ __ ] and has a funny accent he’s awesome likes to party a little bit it seems so uh so yeah go to Chevy dri I’ll have him at [ __ ] John Boy I’m sure he’ll be there the summer at some point go to Chevy all you have to do is type in your ZIP code you’ll find a Chevy dealer near you uh take it for a test drive or if you already have a car they’ll do your you’ll do your brakes they’ll do your oil get everything ready to go for that road trip so again Chevy can’t recommend them enough uh they’ve been great with me through everything so uh we love our our people at Chevy and love them yeah so now we’re going to do the we’re going to do the smokes challenge I’m excited smokes geography challenge I I got to step up what do you think you’re over R is I didn’t know um see we got the map here you think it’s 10 okay so hit hit play we got to wait for lands here so Sweden y do you know where Sweden is yep okay Finland okay starting off with Scandinavia um [ __ ] what’s the one next to Sweden Switzerland it’s not next to Sweden but that is a country yeah it’s kind of in the middle y three three for 4 Italy yeah okay Greece yep Spain see this one this has a what else you got Portugal okay this is a different map what do you mean England it’s got somewh It’s got well what what is England a part of the UK there you go so Ireland doesn’t that that’s that’s all the UK Ireland is its own country so we’ll give you that one too Ireland Germany um Ukraine there you go in the news yep um it included crime Russia’s not part of it are they yeah they are Russia um see this should just be EU cuz Russia’s [ __ ] bro what’s the one that borders [ __ ] Italy I got to know this one man there’s a there’s a bunch that are bordering Italy like the to the left yeah you should know that one that’s a big one you’re at 12 you already beat your over under though I said 15 changed it I thought I I I thought different Ukraine uh Germany did I already say already got Germany yep [ __ ] what’s next to Germany that’s going to piss me off 6 minutes 38 seconds left the Russians [ __ ] the Germans ran through that [ __ ] uh Poland yep all right um who else was in [ __ ] World War II who else got body France there you go save their ass sure did this would all be Germany if not for us be a lot shorter quiz yep yeah bro what the [ __ ] who is next to Sweden that’s pissing me off we came up with this idea because Dave is it Netherlands yeah that’s one Netherlands is up there it’s not really oh it kind of no no one’s Bor is Germany oh Germany I thought I’m trying to figure out the one next to Sweden oh oh oh my God what’s that little Islands in bro everyone wants to live there cuz it’s like they take care of everyone too [ __ ] I think it starts with a C no no it doesn’t start with a c oh my God I [ __ ] uh Norway there you go there you go there it is nor Norway’s got a [ __ ] ton of oil money believe it or not um what else we got in there um you hit the over it was 15 yeah smes beat smokes beat his own over um Czech Republic there you go that’s that’s right next to Switzerland and just north of Italy and south of Germany there you go [ __ ] what else is up there um this is this is better than I thought because you’re a guy like you didn’t know who John Mayer was when you first I don’t know how much how much I still don’t know who the [ __ ] he is John Mayer he didn’t know John Mayer that’s like an a-lister that that is an a-lister like even if you don’t listen to music you heard the name John mer correct but like when people say do you know John Meritt like I have to put a face to them like yeah I know them like I could say yeah I know their Nam the [ __ ] how about um did you ever watch The Mighty Ducks movies great movie wait wait don’t distract me real Qui okay I was trying to help you okay yeah go ahead go ahead who did who who is the big rival in the International Tournament who did USA beat to win gold that’s the Mighty Ducks the Goodwill games yeah the hockey movies that little Island that little white Island yeah that’s what I’m trying to figure out [ __ ] we’re going to give you till give me a give me a letter I I oh um Iceland yep there you go we’re GNA give you another we’ll give you till uh 3:30 another minute and then Dave and I will try to get the rest of them did I did I say Croatia you didn’t that is that is one that’s that it’s shaped like a c that’s how you remember that one smoked I love how they just they’re the only ones with a coastline of all those countries down there after Yugoslavia broke up um uganda’s in Africa right y gotta ask um [ __ ] 25 seconds [ __ ] what’s next to Poland they got bullied too oh [ __ ] [ __ ] um it all was Poland one they were getting bullied however Berlin’s in Germany it starts with a B you’re on the right track be yeah that’s next to the Netherlands that little white spot between France Bangladesh is that a country that’s in Asia um it is a country though beijing’s Japan or China what are the two [ __ ] all right Dave all right I’m going to go north to south all right just south south of Finland is Estonia and then right under that is ltia and Lithuania and so go slowly so LS can type I got 19 though I’m I’m that’s pretty good how do you spell Estonia t o n i a yep and then just south of that is bellus and um all right Romania is just Southwest of Ukraine and that’s malova just in between the two yep uh you got Austria next m o m o l d o v see I would have never got that one um you have Belgium which I will be damn I should have got that one Denmark yeah uh he’s got the Netherlands Denmark um you got lonstein yeah that’s a country l l i c h t n where the [ __ ] is that and then you got LG s t St no no no that’s right that’s right so far s i n no uh go to it’s luxemborg LX m d o u b o u r g yeah two minute one all right Slovakia um Austria Austria yep Slovakia Slovenia yep Serbia Serbia good one Albania yep Albania uh Macedonia oh no yeah IIA Macedonia turkey a that’s a good one I should have went because I was looking at hair transplants sir yeah uh did you do Slovakia yeah you did uh hry h u n g a r y um what’s that other one right next to oh um Kosovo uh with a k k k all right Lithuania l i t yeah that’s just south of ltia yeah th h u n IIA yeah we got nine left yeah uh try uh Vatican City yeah try uh try Vatican City and try San Marino you spelled Vatican wrong one minute no I C an Lance you got to sound it out brother yeah no I V yeah CA yeah all right uh try try San Marino yeah that’s one uh try um not Morocco Marina s or San Marina yeah m a r i n a or i o okay um [ __ ] not Morocco What’s um malova we already did that 30 seconds [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fu cro we got what’s the little one next to Italy uh it’s Bosnia and heroina yeah you’re right good luck with that that’s that should be two yeah I don’t know it’s say all right we’re technically at h e r z e g o v i 10 seconds and Bosnia is in front and he yeah that’s it but you gotta say Bosnia and herina three n it’s not gonna get it [ __ ] I said Bulgaria Bulgaria we should have got Montenegro we should got Monaco and I never would have got Andora or Malta I didn’t see Cypress on the map all right we’re not we’re not that smart do we want to do Capital snack NOP we do not we do I think I’d be pretty decent at that one too we do not uh um what else we got anything else you got Dave I mean I have a question for go ahead yeah I’m a little I’m a little tired right now I can tell you I could use a pick me up yeah what would you what would you like just uh a nice tall glass of iced coffee from Stella Blue can you do that Danny yeah I can do that yeah well and that’s we got to talk about Stella Blue because at Stella Blue We Believe good coffee is one of life’s non-negotiable so stop drinking those boring tasteless big coffee beans and turn to Stella Blue remember your warnings are sacred it’s time to start treating them that way not only are Stella Blues coffees premium beans sourced from the most coffee RIS geographies on Earth but they’re also big cat tasted and approved I’ve seen them in the kitchen just getting in the lab like little SI of this little have a little note of that giving feedback so he’s all over it uh that’s very important you got to have the big cat uh taste test Stella blu’s coffe delicious roast are available in cold brew K Cups ground and whole bean format so no however you take your coffee however you make your coffee Stella Blue has your cover and then it’s a good thing Eddie’s not here today because every bag of coffee does help save dogs so you’ve got to rescue I’ve got to rescue Stella who the coffe is named after rescue Miss peaches the most famous rescue who ever lived all rescues all every single bag goes to help save those dogs so head to your local juel Osco uh or Marano today to find the very best deals on Stella Blue or use promo code mid for 20% off of any order that’s $25 or more on Stella so take back your morning with Stella BL uh they’re great I love we have them every day yep the ice coffee is amazing yep I would say the number two most consumed beverage I I drink aside from water so body armor and Stella Blue that’s pretty much it yep what was your question all right so the haircut guy is coming to the office tomorrow okay the fade guy yes okay and as you know I don’t have the greatest hairline in the world we found that out couple bad pictures out there yeah but those bad pictures made it look way worse you look like a [ __ ] cone head yeah yeah I’m thinking of getting a buzz cut oh what are you afraid that you might not ever grow it back no it’ll grow back so so why I feel like that’s a dangerous move if you’re concerned about your hairline it’s just going to put it on full display for well I kind of just want to be like all right like let’s just eat it like let’s see how bad it is and then like I like that experiment could regrow the hair back like just naturally like take care like get rid of the Dead hair you have dead hair not dead but it’s just like it’s not like pull it pull it back it’s not as bad as I thought from that he’s only what like this side’s bad yeah this side’s not that bad five take it from me smokes five years from now you’re when did yours start going and I feel like yours has not gotten any worse yours is like plateaued I would say it started going when I was like 27 life I’m I’m about to turn 25 in July what is it what happens it just you take a shower and just I never noticed mine never like fell out it just it’s not as like full like I don’t know when this just started disappearing I was just like yo when the [ __ ] like do you wake up one day and like I’m [ __ ] bald no yeah it does smack you one day I don’t think for me it never did it was uh it’s like you you don’t notice someone who’s either put on a lot of weight or lost a lot of weight that you see every day because you’re with them every day you know that was what it was like for me is like all of a sudden I started seeing pictures where I’m like man my hair has gotten [ __ ] bad but I never noticed it like in real time cuz I’m I feel like how old were you when I met you I was like like that the you yeah so you full hair at that point but the day you do see that picture it does smack you is what I’m saying like there is just one day where you see a picture like does it bother you like when that picture from the Dells came out no or when they took your hat off I thought that was hilarious but like I kind of relate to that well that was [ __ ] cuz my guy left his his his establishment his establishment my barber who I am extremely loyal to but that wasn’t even a ball joke that was like too much hair no well that was the thing I hadn’t cut my hair for two months so it looked like complete death that video was [ __ ] hilarious what you think do I do it are I think I well I want to see you do it CU because I think it’d be funny but I also think you’re just going to be a ha guy until you die now yeah I mean look like God blessed me with this but he didn’t bless me with this got to keep you humble one yeah but it’s all right what about the eyebrows oh yeah you get those done like I you get yours done sh them up for you yeah the barber just like lines them up and if they get too long even though mine AR thick yeah no like that I’m not worried about I feel like that’s an old guy thing that I get now I’ll have like a few like stragglers that are like dude like I’m [ __ ] stalling or something an old guy thing I’ll have like randomly I’ll be brushing my teeth I’ll just see a hair like an inch long just grown out of my ear that I’ll have to like oh I’ve never had see I don’t get I don’t get ear hair just one single strand of hair and I’ll be like and I’ll just I I had my my dad’s dad he was like completely balled on top but like he had like he was he he lived to be like I think 102 but he had like cotton ball hair coming out of his ears like it was like how could you even hear he had so much ear hair it was disgusting so I really hope I didn’t get any jeans from that I I’m not going to name names we have a couple of uh co-workers that need to take take some [ __ ] they need to take like hedge trimmers to their ears and nose I got to get better with the nose dude just get the [ __ ] things I know great ID you feel aw I bought I bought one but I feel like cuz I can see him kind of coming out sometimes but the the trimmer doesn’t I don’t have enough of it it’s like I think can you see them right on me right now no okay cuz I if I look in the mirror I see him and like the trimmer doesn’t get close enough to get him so then I just have to tweeze them that ISS it hurts and like it’s an instant eye I can only do like three max yeah and your are watering that’s torture yeah no I just shoved the thing up my nose yeah speak of being old you know what word officially got retired I guess if you say this word genuinely like you’re just you’re outing yourself as an old guy no vibe what that’s say Vibe all the time that well Millennial like what’s what’s below gen Z mhm the Gen Z that was like a viral thing being like if you say the word Vibe like unironically then that’s like a it’s like a tell that you’re old no we’re like yo we’re just vibing tonight or congratulations said that it was like a very viral thing on Tik Tok well [ __ ] that I feel like the younger people they just love roast and Millennials which rightfully so like our generation is [ __ ] trash yeah you guys cook us too it’s like that’s just like I’m like intimidated by the youths I feel like they’re more Savvy on the internet than me and they’re like they’re cooler than us that that well that’s the thing they know how to technology like that’s but they’ll get a dose of that in 20 years when the next Generation comes around and they don’t know how to do [ __ ] there’s not we’re not going to have another generation no internet yeah it’s over it’s over it’s over for earth I just want to make it to like 65 70 that sounds [ __ ] awesome 60 like my dad is 70 now and like he still like works but like for the most part like his life is pretty chill yeah he doesn’t care about really anything like it’s just you just watch sports you play little golf you hang out you work when you feel like it that’s it yeah like I don’t ever want to get to the point where I can’t wipe my own ass like just put me down at like my dad told me he like if I ever get sick like just let me die like I don’t want to spend the last three four months of my life in a hospital he’s like [ __ ] my my you got to have that [ __ ] like Ironclad from like lawyers cuz my my mom’s dad was like a vegetable for 7 years in a nursing home and like he would always say like he his expression was just give me the black pill like I don’t want I don’t want to live like that and my nana like just couldn’t couldn’t do it couldn’t let him go so he would have like he was a vegetable but he would have these moments where he would like kind of come to and he he had a feeding tube he’d pull out his own feeding tube in the middle of the night trying to like end it jeez but yeah and then they would like you know things would start blaring and they I this counts actually I’m pretty sure it does legally as power of attorney I grant all four of you in this room Dave I would love to be able to kill you you have power of attorney I’m graning it it’s it’s it’s documented documented right here to just yank that cord yank it like you’re starting lawn more okay like that boxing movie with that girl and she hits her head and the Million Dollar Baby that movie made me cry so much I’ve never cried at a movie you’re such a [ __ ] liar closest I came was my dog Skip you’ve never cried after seeing a movie I don’t know if I’ve ever cried from a movie you guys are so full I’ve had like moments where I’ve got like my own [ __ ] going on and like a commercial could strike me in a in a weird way and I’ll get emotional but as a at a movie I don’t know that I ever heard weird movie that made me cry was Jack Frost I get it I get it I don’t I don’t look down to people who do cry at Movies though I wish I could I I used I used to never cry but like as you get older and like you start appreciating like relationships and your parents and like certain little things and like these movies just [ __ ] they pound you bro they catch you where it hurts they do especially like the Pixar ones you don’t see it coming yeah cartoon inside out that’s the one that’s the one I probably got I didn’t know what I was signing up for with that one that’s the one where I probably got the closest to the closest as an adult might have been Toy Story was Toy Story 3 the one with loto I’ve never seen it uh yes yeah that one I that one as an adult I I was like pretty emotional about it the have you seen Inside Out uhuh that’s one where it’s like it like you’re all your childhood dreams just die yeah and like their person what’s that anthropomor isation like anr morphic yeah yeah yeah like Brian from Family Guy what like Brian so it’s like your feelings and your dreams are like living in your head as like a character and then all those characters just die it’s crazy they’re making a second one are they really yeah P I think she’s going to be a teenager oh God she doesn’t know what she’s in I don’t I don’t do you stop like anxiety yeah introducing anxiety and depression when do you when do you think you start having like stop having dreams like dream like I don’t think you ever stop having drink what do you mean like aspirations yeah oh Oh I thought you were talking about like actual drink no I don’t have 30 that’s when it died for you yeah I mean well if you haven’t reached them by 30 you’re not going to to break it till you guys listen to this but like this is going to Corn but no I’m living my dream no that’s not doesn’t sound corny that’s a great attitude this is all I’ve ever wanted yeah well I hope that contract gets picked back it’s all right we’ll figure it out soccer season won’t be the same next year all right and speaking of uh parents and getting older and stuff it’s Mother’s Day this weekend so shout out to all the mom shout out to Eddie’s mom uh and my mom too I think that can be the show unless you guys got anything else I said it all all right that’s a wrap man ins that I’m going to see that [ __ ] [Music] la la la la la la la la la la [Music] [Music] do [Music]


  1. We need to get Chief at a BJJ gym so he can feel first hand what technique can do compared to size. Plus they can use the workouts. Especially Ed. Would do him good.

  2. Just came here to say I see Nicky Smokes I turn in to a bigger hater than Katt Williams. What does he know that keeps him his job? Castellani had more fans

  3. Smokes saying “bye buddy… hope you find your dad” to Jeff is insane. I know he’s an idiot but did he not know Jeff’s dad died? Come on dude, loser bum

  4. Can we just give up on the Nicky smokes bit? He made a 100 grand for year and met some cool barstool for a year. Not a bad way to spend your mid twenties. Good luck back in Florida

  5. I like the barstool Chicago channel. Chief says some dumb shit here and there but at least they still putting out content. I will barstool Chicago till I die probably.

  6. Nick smokes is at the end of contract, so they’re pushing him before Dave agrees to pay this hack Johnny Bravo another 100k for zero work.

  7. Oh god, please issue correction. Kpop band was Stray Kids, not BTS. Danny is a freaking idiot. the Kpop stans will come for you. Look how they are destroying the Photogrophers at the met gala.

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