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#PackersDaily: Wrapping up the 2024 NFL Draft

Aaron Nagler chats with Packers fans worldwide about the Packers 11 man draft class, the undrafted free agents that have been signed and all the latest news on the roster.

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[Music] good afternoon Packers fans welcome to a special Sunday edition of Packers daily wrapping up the 2024 pack draft hope you’re all doing well hope you’re all having a nice Sunday wherever you are most likely recuperating from three days of following along the NFL draft that last day day three all of you who joined us here on the stream you are diard whether you were here in the chat whether you were on the zoom with patreon members K the G club members I greatly appreciate you kind of lost my mind there for a while late in the process but that’s what happens each and every year as you track all seven rounds of the draft we do here at cheese head TV for you Packers fans worldwide and I do mean worldwide I put it out there on Twitter earlier today and I want to reiterate it here cannot thank you guys enough all of you Packers fans from literally all over the world who utilize cheese head TV to connect with fellow fans with the team in any way shape or form it is greatly appreciated uh just wanted to wrap up the 2024 draft a little bit uh the undrafted free agent reporting has be gun uh I’ve posted a link to our undrafted free agent tracker at chees head TV at the top of the comment section so you can you know check it out see who they’ve brought in uh the big news obviously is the Long Snapper from Wisconsin I kid I kid kind of but it is interesting to see bringing in some long snapping competition I think Brian’s done that almost every Camp as far as trying to get a couple bodies at Long Snapper to see what shakes out but um if you’re interested in finding out who they’re bringing in undrafted wise link is there um in the meantime yeah 11 selections from the Packers Jordan Morgan Edan Cooper Javon Bullard Marshon Lloyd Tyron Hopper Evan Williams Jacob monk Katan oladapo Travis Clover Michael Pratt and kayn king and the King selection I’m telling you what the more I have watched him today the more excited I am about that selection I do think he could challenge right away um I know he had a somewhat disappointing 2023 his last season in college but the tools are all there um I’m really interested to see what happens when Halley and his staff get their hands on him in this scheme what they ask him to do I really think he could challenge for playing time sooner rather than later but I want to get your thoughts really this is about you guys on a Sunday hanging out the Brewers getting hosed on a terrible no call Aaron judge clearly interfered but we won’t talk about it um the Bucks are about to play in a little while down they’re two superstars never tell me the odds lot of ball game left but probably this is a really good time to talk about the Packers draft hello to everybody in the comment section hope you’re all doing well Mike wit thanks for the Super Chat man kayin king be this year’s Valentine absolutely I you know there is no shade on Valentine but I think King could be even better uh I think both of them are physical as hell and I do think hle will take advantage of that but but yeah absolutely no question about it that’s what I mean when I say he could be playing a lot sooner than I think maybe we were expecting for a seventh round corner right you think that’s kind of a throwaway you know add in throw in you know late in the draft process but I’m telling you you watch his tape I get there were some rough moments this past season but the tools are definitely all there Patrick thanks for the Super Chat man appreciate it nags need some predictions you’re the best odds undrafted free agent OT slog Donovan Jennings makes the 53 loved him as a prospect odds Jacob monk beats out Myers with the starting center spot if Tom plays at right tackle can’t I can’t sit here and tell you I’ve watched anything other than cursory highlights of Donovan Jennings so I’m not going to be able to tell you much about uh his ability to make the 53 if he’s got a shot though because he’s in Green Bay if there is a team you know that has shown time and time again they will give you a shot they will give you opportunities it is up to you and what you do with them he’s got you know as good a chance as any other drafted undrafted free agent in the league if not better I think you know there’s a handful of teams around the league that do a really good job of fostering competition at the bottom of the roster for those undrafted guys especially I think you know Green Bay Seattle Pittsburgh there are a few others but Green Bay is definitely at the top of that list and you know if you’re an undrafted free agent you end up in Green Bay one of the reasons you end up wanting to sign with Green Bay because you’re going to get a legit opportunity so as far as um monk possibly beating out Myers I would not put it outside the realm of possibility in any way shape or form he has played a ton of ball and he’s played at a very high level I know they like his versatility there’s no doubt about that but I don’t think there’s any mystery there especially if you listen to Matt’s press conference yesterday after wrapping up the draft talking about his ability at Center and I think that’s how they view him the the fact that yes you can play center and that makes you all automatically right you have a backup center on the roster if you end up making it but I do suspect they’ll give him opportunities to maybe start challenging Myers for the job um I don’t think there’s any way shape or form we go into training camp this year and don’t see Meyers getting a few guys gun for that position so yeah monk I think from what I’ve seen and I’ve done a little more work on him than I’ve done on the undrafted guys um he’s definitely got the ability and he’s play he’s got the pelts on the wall as far as tons and tons of reps right um You never really know how guys are gonna kind of come out the gate so to speak once the pads go on once they get on the field against NFL competition but I like his makeup and I do think he’ll get a chance to do so no doubt Bill thanks for the Super Chat man since you are my late night hot tub entertainment oh boy I rarely get a chance to watch your show live but I really love your reality based commentary and cautious optimism have a great vacation bill that’s really nice of you to say thank you so much especially gotten some really negative comments after the draft because always do but um yeah man I really appreciate that and let me tell you I cannot begin to describe how excited I am about vacation one of the reasons I wanted to do a chat today is because come Thursday I’m not going to be doing a chat for like a week like I’m going to be out of commission from Thursday until following Wednesday so you guys should lap it up your Packers daily this week because uh Wednesday will be my last one for like a week and Bill I really appreciate it man thank you so much John thank you for the Super Chat man can you imagine the defensive picks working out I’m excited random Packer the storming Mormon Brady pinga that’s the first pinga one we’ve gotten well done I love it can I imagine I don’t know I can imagine quite a bit you’ll get it I better you will anybody know the movie I’m sure some of you do um yes I can certainly imagine the defensive picks working out and if they do hot daddy it is going to be a fun time in Green Bay Wisconsin let me tell you that a lot of ball game left though Mike thanks for the Super Chat interesting only three premium position picks I did kind of note that when I was looking down the rundown last night after it was all over but you’ll notice one of them was in the first round that’s not by happen stance right um I do think they’re they’re in a good spot in a lot of those positions they clearly feel really good about where they are at when it comes to corner right and the news on anig bar is incredibly positive as far as Matt dropping that apparently he didn’t tear his ACL he said it was never confirmed you know and I guess it sounds like he’s doing his rehab didn’t have to have and you know could possibly be available sooner rather than later so that’s an edge player in the mix so to speak that I think going into the process we didn’t really take into account uh publicly outside um so I think you know it’s not too surprising especially since they had the needs that were pretty significant at all those other areas whether it was linebacker offense you know interior line um safety especially so it’s not I don’t think too surprising although again first round pick they stuck to their guns and picked a premium position no question uh Mike Whit thanks again man Cooper and Quay are going to be problems for teams I agree and man I am sick of the negativity around Quay Walker I mean Quay is a dog and I don’t mean that he went to Georgia I mean he is a dog I understand he’s hasn’t come in and lit up the league I think some of that a big part of it is what he’s been asked to do the scheme he’s been playing in in this new scheme at the weak side he’s going to eat Market zero dude I want people to clip this I want you to come back to this throw this back in my face in November when he’s killing it I am done with the Quay Walker slander absolutely hey thanks for the Super Chat why change Zack Tom’s position he’s a potential All Pro areas now don’t want to mess up something that’s working he’s a potential Hall of Famer Center do you want an all proo or do you want a Hall of Famer I’m somewhat kidding because that’s just Rob’s reporting from something inside the building someone in there someone in that building thinks he could be a Hall of Fame Center um I don’t think they’re gearing up to do that I don’t think they’re you know dead set on making that happen but if you put him there and he balls out I’m all for it especially because I want to be strong in the middle along the interior of my offens of line I want Jordan love to be able to step up I want him to understand that there is no reason to get Happy Feet in the pocket like I have no problem moving Tom if that’s what they want to do I get he played extremely well at right tackle last year no question about it but here’s the news flash he’s played extremely well at every position they’ve put him at and if they think his best possible position is at Center I’m all for trying it out I mean I get it I understand you look at last year and you’re like all right we got a right tackle but you know there’s a lot of different ways to attack this problem as far as keeping your quarterback upright and if Tom is the best answer at Center I have zero issue with it best five baby best five Mike Whit thanks again man can’t wait for Green Bay draft next year I met Ross at Badger State Brewing Friday night awesome dude random Packer Adam timman Adam Timberman we’ve had that one before but that’s a good one so Mike Whit so this begs the question you went to badger state did you go to the lyric room the night before I don’t know man suspect and yes the drafting Green Bay next year is going to be amazing I cannot wait Joe thanks for the Super Chat don’t know how much hle likes to Blitz but Packers seem to now have guys other than the front four who can bring pressure on the quarterback oh he G Blitz there’s zero doubt about that and I don’t think it’s going to be like you know Bob Sanders like or or uh Bob slowick not GNA be that right but I the third down packages are going to be noticeably different there is going to be a lot more creativity when it comes to trying to pressure the quarterback he comes out of the Rex Ryan tree when it comes to passing downs and that stuff can get exotic and I’m not saying it’s gonna be exotic every down not talking that way but they’re he’s gonna draw up some stuff there’s no doubt and uh I do think to your point he’s got some chess pieces now now they got to do the work right they got to get in there and they got to learn the scheme and got to show that they’re up and able to do it consistently but yeah I’m excited for it man Mario thanks for the uh Super Chat thanks for being a car of the g- club member who are you more excited for this upcoming season who are you more excited for who who am I most excited for maybe I’m not quite sure but um who am I more excited for it’s a good question I mean if you’re talking about just let’s say the rookie class out of the rookie class right out of everyone who’s been drafted I gotta be honest uh Marsha Lloyd I think he’s going to be hella fun in this offense you do wonder about the way he has put the ball on the ground a few more times than you’d like but talking about everything he does you absolutely love it um I love his ability out of the back field as a pass catcher too and I do think Matt laflor is really going to lean on the running backs in general this season when it comes to the passing game and I think Lloyd’s gonna be a big part of that and I’m I am thrilled that he’s in the back field for Green Bay um M what’s up man thanks for the Super Chat prototypical Goot draft so confident go pack go you you’re not lying it was interesting to see Ken with r put out his list of you know the teams uh as far as ranking how athletic each draft class was Etc and he noted that the Packers were pretty you know run-of-the-mill for them as far as picking a lot of guys who have high R however he did note that mostly it was guys who hovered around the eight range rather than the nine range which would suggest maybe possibly they’re loosening their maybe just for this draft they loosen their thresholds just maybe a little bit but yeah pretty typical as far as a lot of really high end athletes um feeling positions of need which is certainly welcomed on the defensive side of the ball especially let’s see what else we got here folks um monk because that’s my last name that’s good random Packer Terrell Middleton that’s a good one Patrick I like it um Gary what’s up man thanks for the Super Chat the revelations about enig bar and Stokes are good examples of why the draft consensus has no real value other than for entertainment purposes I mean it depends on how you want to be entertained right I do think there’s value to it and I do think it’s a great thought exercise a lot of the time but yeah you got to take it with a grain of salt you know there is so much that goes into it inside the building that we are not privy to you know that we don’t have access to I try to remind people of this but yeah there it’s he can still be stimulating he can still be informative and you know it’s a good way to pass the offseason NFL has the longest offseason of all the major sports gotta do something with it so I don’t have any problem with it I get I get a I where I get where I end up having a problem with it is when fans then turn around after the draft and say all sorts of junk about oh they should have done this or they should have done that why didn’t they do this or they were stupid do to do that blah blah blah when they don’t have like one tenth of the information that the people inside the building do that’s where I like that’s where the whole draft industrial complex thing just kind of pisses me off but for the most part I think yeah it’s fun it’s entertaining Mike thanks for the Super Chat I had to Thursday night nags otherwise I would have thanks for everything this weekend it was fun I wish Packer man would have made an appearance though yeah he made an appearance on my Twitter feed but not on the uh not on the old uh stream Nick thanks for the Super Chat I really like the draft class so that means it will be a total bust this coming from the guy that didn’t like the clay Rogers or love picks go backo Nick all I’ll say to that is curses are being broken left and right my draft Crush Katan alapo is one of those members of this draft class the Packers have never ever in the history of ever selected an Aaron egler draft crush and it happened yesterday I’m just saying I’m just saying Patrick thanks again man how many NFL staffers is Banky going to need to host at his place next April with 750,000 people on Lombardy Avenue Logistics will be interesting yeah I saw that number man oh baby all I know is I have called dibs on B’s basement and the nagler suite that’s all I know all y’all fend for yourselves because God knows um but maybe hey if you know if you’re in desperate need let me know my dad lives in Appleton and we can find some space in shanore but yes it’s going to be it’s going to be a little nuts no doubt about it um Stefan thank you so much for the Super Chat just saw Tyler interacting with someone on Twitter that the draft event will probably be inside the stadium next year would that mean the NFL is selling tickets to get it also enjoy your vacation greetings from Germany thank you so much um they won’t sell tickets tickets are free to the draft they always have been um but they will be interesting to see see how they kind of manage the space and I I know that’s been talked about as far as possibly having the event or the stage quote unquote inside Lambo but that’s not a done deal yet you know the NFL has not indicated where they’re going to do it yet in fact I don’t think the people from the NFL and the event coordination has even been to Lambo to Green Bay to start talking about that so um it’s a possibility and if they do it I have no idea how they’re going to handle tickets like as far as who gets to go in the bowl and whatever um I still suspect they’ll have the the actual stage outside somewhere I think they’ll do something else inside Lambo like inside the bowl that would be my guess but that’s all it is it’s guess work Caleb what’s up thanks for the Super Chat as a loyal Packers Fan do I need to change my name now don’t want to be associated with the Bears in any way oh Caleb Williams oh well hey no you you can just remind everybody that you’re the OG Packers Fan because Caleb Williams of the Bears is also a Packers fan true story so you know it’s your it’s your little brother who has lost his way he’ll flame out in Chicago eventually be traded or cut and then it won’t matter right but while he’s a member of the Chicago Bears you just remind everybody that you’re the OG Caleb Williams it gives you that opportunity John thanks for the Super Chat uh were you surprised surprised to see Green Bay pass on Kool-Aid no not really I mean there’s no doubt that uh you know Corner would have been welcomed at that spot but they didn’t like the idea of drafting him there and they went about their merry way you know uh I do think there’s every possibility that King ends up having as good or better of a career than Kool-Aid does you know and plus who knows medically I know Kool-Aid was dealing with some stuff maybe you know McKenzie and Company you know had some kind of uh hand in that process there’s so many kind of levels to it you never really know but yeah was I surprised not really you know you never really know why they want to go the way they go in the draft because we don’t have all the information right I hope the Brewers are playing an away game during the draft because if 725 th people show up they may need the parking there well Dan they are going to be doing you know uh buses and rail from Milwaukee to Green Bay the whole entire week of the draft so people will definitely be staying in Milwaukee um let me see what else we got uh Keith says I think we did well again I think they did well again too that is a pretty uh astute observation right there Matt says no better looking team in the NFC too early probably a little too early but run wild with it I mean it’s the off season what we got months and months and months till we get a snap that counts so hell yeah best looking team in the NFC no doubt I got no problem cheese had Meetup for the draft oh Mike without question zero doubt there will be a Meetup there will be a party we’ll have a draft party we are going to go to town for the draft next year no question a lot no question about it Patrick thanks again man did you see the UK Packers Fan announced the Evan Williams pick yesterday moment of the draft weekend for me I finally got to see it last night and my God my boy my guy I love you talk about delivering on a big stage the way he was getting booed and he didn’t care talking about the four time Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers I would have come back with also 13 championships more than anybody in the history of the league Detroit you can all suck it I mean maybe that would have been a bit much but yes I absolutely loved it talk about carrying the G in front of the whole world fantastic absolutely fantastic all right I’m gonna have to get going can’t thank you guys enough for hanging out talking Packers each and every day Monday through Friday and sometimes Sunday right here on the cheese head TV social channels please do me a monster favor hit like on the video subscribe to the channel and then tell your friends tell your family cheese head TV we are devoted to Green Bay Packers fans worldwide thanks a lot everybody have a great day go pack go go [Music]


  1. I’m anxious to see the defense now. I’m trying to remain based about the offense but it’s difficult to not have high expectations for this team.

  2. As you all probably know…..I was literally in massive tornado Alley in my corner of Lincoln Nebraska. That big tornado formed right above my apartment building and touched down just streets northeast of me and took out a factory 3 miles from my place. I had to keep my phone well charged this weekend. Sorry I didn't make it back in like I traditionally do each year. We still have iffy very rainy weather today yet. Brief bits of sunshine. Fanatics is selling Nebraska together shirts for tornado disaster relief and UNL store is sponsoring the shirts since a lot of the UNL football team families are from Elkhorn. Nebraska together shirts are going to disaster relief funding.

  3. I think King is a great pick he was a junior this past season with all the guys in that room he's going to be a monster GO-PACK-GO

  4. "I can imagine quite a bit… "

    "You'll get it"

    Thats Han and Luke episode 4.

    Also done with the Quay slander. Dude's about to be unleashed.

  5. Right tackle is much more valuable than center. Bryan Bulaga stated you would never move a pro bowl tackle to play center, regardless of how well he can play center. I tend to agree with him.

  6. I thi k people forget that we have a DC that loves to teach not only the rookies, but the veterans on our young defense!!

  7. Thank you, Aaron, and Cheesehead TV for the coverage. You keep us informed and in the loop. Thank you again. Go PACK Go!

  8. Packers are ass bro. Y’all are going to be in the shadow of Detroit again this year, don’t worry about it 😂

  9. I like the idea of rail from MKE to GB. If I end up in Milwaukee, I'll definitely look into that. I Amtrak between BWI and NYP regularly, and it's a great service!

  10. Cheese Head draft announcer should have added "Hey Detroit, enjoy the North title because it's the last one you'll have for 10 years."

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