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THAI FIGHT LEAGUE #37 [FULL] | ISUZU Thailand Championship | 5 May 2024

Thai Fight League on May 5th features the ISUZU THAILAND CHAMPIONSHIP with the Central team taking on the Lower-Isan Team. In 65 kg class, “Petchpakmhai Chor.Chana Muay Thai” vs “Petcheak Pachara Gym.” In 67 kg class, “Yodthewin Mor.Rajabhat Mubanchombueng” vs “Busan Prasathinphimai.” In 69 kg class, “Chanachai Chor.Chana Muay Thai” vs “Kittisak Sitchangpao.” And Super Fight includes “Fahsai Or. Yutthachai”, “Younes Benali”, “Poya Bayrami Piralgher”, and Myanmar boxer “Man Ye Kyaw Swar.”
📌 Sunday 5 May 2024
⏰ LIVE 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (GMT+7)
🎥 Channel 8 Press 27 (Thai & Eng)
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[Music] [Applause] [Music] by [Music] offal for [Music] [Applause] [Music] white Corner she’s from please welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] she’s from buam please welcome Nar strong f all youut toai [Music] MH welcome one and all watching around the world on the ti fight International YouTube channel I am Aaron Siri San and joining me is chai am or also known as Kevin and today it is week 37 of tha Fight League it is almost a year to the day that we started this New Concept that is very much caught on now to a play place where we have 52,000 subscribers thank you one and all for subscribing to the channel watching around the world on the Tha fight International YouTube channel today we have seven actionpack myay Thai card Chuck fights going down including of course the return of the Isuzu Thailand championship fights but to kick things off we have a super fight at 57 kg in fact a female super fight at 57 kg with a familiar face for anyone who’s been watching the big tie fight you got some great names on the card here today introducing first in the right corner we have Got nern Ur Farm 25 years of age from siset Province here in Thailand she stands at 160 cm she has a professional record of 40 fights with 23 victories 15 losses two [Music] draws and there you see her opponent fighting out of the black Corner she goes by the name of faai or yutai her real name is rasad 29 years of age 165 cm tall from buram Province in the northeastern part of Thailand she has total of 56 fights 39 iies 15 losses and two draws and she is in fact a title holder at lumini boxing Stadium not the lumini stadium title but a tournament title of course like I said for anyone watching that’s why we have to address the elephant in the room absolutely farai coming off that incredible victory over the fighter he wasn’t beaten I believe on TI fight Vero V rero Wong yeah and it’s very high I fight for farai let’s not forget it wasn’t the first time she actually fought Vero as well she actually fought Vero in Myanmar before and she’s fought one time on thae fight I believe it was thae fight CIT where she was knocked out twice and then she changed her game plan started fighting with more high IQ started using her reach more to her advantage and when Fighters get close she upped her clinch game and that’s what got her the victory yeah absolutely and of course before that fight Kevin and I would talking on the way to the event and you were speaking very highly of farai and you were telling me just how much he’s improved of course you’ve seen her at the other promotion that you commentate on and you’re saying that her improvements have been uh very good recently and she proved in that fight that she belongs with the best females in the world and to defeat someone like Vero in the way that she did in the manner that she did was very impressive and uh we both were saying to ourselves well she could take Vero spot Maybe and she’s well she’s got an opportunity here today to once again show her skills taking on Nong Fern right now and the referee in charge for this one is p saan judges the ringside poit Brun and and of course the president of the judges and the referees here on Tai fight is Dr sagak so that is the man you talk to ladies and Gentlemen people from Myanmar speaking of that Vero fight yeah and of course and we have two fighters from myar on the courts here tonight that’s why they’re here nicely done thank you very much nicely done and yes Joshua the man who took on Sanai returns today here on Taif Fight League yeah Joshua actually already fighted mear he goes by a different name on good knowledge again there thank you very much left hand left kick from farai and it’s typical fasai once again and as I mentioned before she was the lady to beat at l boxing Stadium just by the way she fights I mean she was unbeaten there for about 2 years I believe s low kick coming in by her opponent as for nun she does have some level about her she has competed in the lumini morning shows and she’s also competed at Raj Stadium as well so just goes to show that she is a top level fighter but let’s see if she can take on someone like farai with such a high IQ the issue that farai might have is if she wants to become a part of the tie fight team we know that what the management looks for that’s right they want fighters who are going to be more aggressive who are going to push the pace she is more of a counter fighter oh good left hand there just as I say that yeah she’s so good at fighting off the back foot and she knows how to create space and when she doesn’t have any space just like that she goes into the clinch lands some elbows lands some straight knees to the body she’s got a big opportunity here on TI fight TI fight lead should I say to indeed Pro herself to to indeed prove that she is worthy of becoming one of the tie fight members of course the next Big Show is in July so there’s still some time for her to prove herself oh fake the right hand again going in with that knee strike I mean she’s already got that high IQ Foundation but then her job is now to make it a a more exciting highq style end of round number one on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let’s take a look at the highlights from round number one Bai or utai in the black Nong Fern the debutant in the white I mean nern taking the fight to Bara but unfortunately for her she walked into a lot of counter strikes in that round some good knees there as you can see by far sign also utilizing that left kick when she found the opportunity throwing in some hand strikes as well a good round for farai or utai yeah definitely there’s no doubt about it that Bai took that first round I mean she she makes it so annoying [Music] because most of the fight mean you you try your best to get on the inside you try your best to get close but once you’re already there then she already hasn’t figured out what she needs to do next of course 5 cm taller as well which which helps exactly especially with the style that she possesses left kick there from a far side long rushing in but rushing straight into that strong clinch there of farai that’s what it is I mean longfur knew she wanted to go to the inside she knew she had to get close but once she was on the inside F already had her figured out another left kick there to the right side of the body nice body strike there from Nord see Far Side saying yeah bring it on if you want elbow strike within the clinch she said Bring it on I mean she already took on ver and to taking some of the best shots that Vera had to give another shot to the body there by F now go upstairs oh left hand there left knee coronation from Far Side left elbow left knee piecing up Nord here in round number two there a dangerous position to be there for Nord I mean once she was inside the clinch she had her eyes completely sealed up she was on her she was on her opponent’s shoulders she didn’t know what was going to come next and once again vision impaired oh big knees here and a massive elbow by farai she’s just outclassing Fern here in round number two even with the spirit that nern is showing is’s just no match we being gone is for farai at the moment yeah in terms of strength in terms of IQ it’s going to take a miracle for for n at the moment another left hand left knee and those knees to the body taking a t and again Nong Fern walking straight into those midsection knee strikes from farai I mean long first side up for a c choke fight but now she’s getting a high IQ beating [Music] farai once again playing to a strengths another point we should make as well Kevin is that you talk about this every week that a lot of Fighters they abandon what they’re good at usually when their hands are wrapped in those ropes farai too good for that delivering these over and over round three up next [Music] [Music] [Music] two rounds in the book of the very first part this evening on thae Fight League and I’ve got to say Far Side probably two rounds up she uh she’s outw she’s out smarted she’s out struck out class outclass nern she’s uh bringing combinations into a game as well you can see it’s not just one strike she follows everything up left knee and again here in these highlights but she’s throwing in elbows punches but a base is those knee strikes and just been too much for Nong Fern so far in this fight one round remains strong knee strike there see those left hands as well I’m glad we didn’t potentially one round remains cuz I think basai did a very good job there but at the same time I think fariz since she has beaten Vero so cuz she knows she’s now the woman to beat agreed I wonder if this uh oh beautiful left kicks there and going up high from farai and once again as nern rushes in he just throws that elow sorry that KNE perfect timing by farai oh those these are great and she threw those first two kicks scoring but it also worked as a lure bringing her opponent closer to her once her opponent got too close it was a straight knee to the midsection which really takes a toll on anybody once again I like the scrappiness though of nun she really has done everything in her power to try and make it comfortable for Far Side you got to love the effort that you see from nern here and she keeps coming and trying to go knee for knee against her opponent I don’t think farai is going to react well to that need to midsection once again from farai yeah that close proximity striking that we’re seeing here from farai masterful little left knee there as nern closes the distance closes that Gap she’s just very strong far high and I was about to say I wonder if there are any plans to rematch her against ver there must be for those that don’t know ver has been on a little holiday in the United States she’s been everywhere right yeah you follow her on Instagram spinning by kbo there attempted by farai well we did say she was going to try to make it interesting somehow and I believe it’s been more interesting than the first fight that she’s had here on Tai fight or sorry the previous fight good left and right knees coming in once again from Far Side closing stages now of this third and final round another elbow being whipped in and connected to by farai there is the final Bell a beautiful display of all the facets of mu Tha by farai or utai in the black corner came in as the favorite for this [Music] fight we getting a hand raised I’m calling it right now yeah there’s no doubt about it I mean that was a vintage Far Side display let’s have a look at the highlights from the third round anytime that Nong got in close you can see Fara able to Tire up within that clinch throw elbows throw knees make it incredibly uncomfortable for non all right let’s make this one official and then we’ll move on to our next part of the evening which will be an international super fight at 61 kg stay with us [Music] and the winner is black Conner Far Side from B room [Music] he’s from Myanmar please welcome AC [Music] [Music] board [Music] hey activate [Music] he’s from please welcome s [Music] [Music] we’re moving on to B number two this evening here on thae Fight League and this time it is an international super fight at 61 kgrs Thailand versus Myanmar always exciting to see these types of matchups here on tha Fight League welcome one and all to Taif Fight League to everyone watching around the world on the Tha fight International YouTube channel tonight we’ve got seven bouts of Muay Thai card cherk action coming your way and of course we’re going to go back into the Isuzu Thailand Championship so stay with us throughout that throughout this night we’ve already seen one female bout the rest of the bouts this evening will all be males and we have fighters from not only Thailand of course Myanmar but Morocco and Iran competing here tonight on tha Fight League introducing first in the white Corner we have got saw AC 23 years of age from billin in the mon state of mmar standing at 167 cm he has a professional record of 34 fights 23 victories 11 losses and no draws and his opponent in the black corner he goes by the name of petak oh Sans his real name is kakah 22 years of age 67 me tall from Chen Rai province in northern part of Thailand he has a total of 43 fights 27 victories 11 losses and five draws so AC we have seen him compete here on tie fight Le before as for pet kak sansuk he is making his thae fight League debut here tonight pedak seen him compete a couple of times around the ptia city area and also at rangit Stadium trained by cat o sansuk will’ll be interesting to see how he does here tonight got some heavy hands on him and some big low kicks well the last time that we saw saw compete here he got a victory over chakay big right kick there attempted spun himself yeah in fact this is pet gak’s first time fighting catcher he’s told me he always wanted to do it so here’s his opportunity but it may be one of those situations where you think to yourself uh be careful what you wish for son yeah and of course he’s going up against someone who’s got huge experience not only in car but of course in left way as well the Beres AR where of course it’s traditional to wear rope hands or tape times I believe believe it’s tap it’s just tapes in it oh massive elbow there beautiful strike by P kinak again looking for that elbow strike walk straight into a knee though of Saw yeah P look like he is no stranger to the three-run Muay Tha R set so he knows exactly what he needs to do he knows he needs to start moving forward from the get-go and that’s exactly what he’s doing walks into a left double there thrown by saw tries to Counter Strike with the right of his own this two balls locking hor here on tie Fight League in round number one it’s always a spectacle when you get to see a Thailand versus Myanmar match up oh good left hand there both Fighters keep walking into each other shots at the moment right hand big right hand indeed by saw that right hand scoring very big for saw AC low kick and another big right hand from the man from thear s leaving himself way too exposed and it seemed like he just sort of collapsed I’m not sure from what two big knes to the midsection there might have played a part in that [Applause] K low kick there from P going for another low kick but his right hands once again that’s right he was not able to block them once again and that’s the thing about fighters who the p c For the First Time The Blocking may be just a tad different 100% oh another right [Applause] hand see pet gets out kind of tying up now buy himself some time cuz at the moment it’s a big round for saw AC saw AC just so relentless at his [Applause] attacks it’s been a good round Mor no doubt about that once again in the clinch it’s saw he’s throwing and connecting with those knees I think like need to find a way to stay on the outside because on the inside let’s be honest it’s not working for him at the moment end of round number one here on TI by [Music] [Music] [Music] and now coming into the second round of our second bout of the evening and that was a big round for saw AC from Myanmar he was a lot stronger on the outside has to be said he hurt his opponent a couple of times and even on the inside he had the advantage he looked stronger there as well Aaron yeah pet kite didn’t do too badly at the beginning of that round as you can see on the highlights throwing some big elbows and connecting but there was a part within that round where saw did take control of the fight and it was him he was throwing the bigger shots and connecting big as well and it looked like by the end of the round pet Kitty side might have been a little bit fatigued you can see there the way wobbling that big right hand almost dropping pet Kitty side he took he took [Music] a he almost rolling into the back of the head all right let’s see what happens to in round number two the credit to him he stayed on his feet samai Hong gets the action underway for the second round and back to where we left off yeah 100% oh big right hand left hand left on the right elbow going for The Knockout already saw AC figuring that he was pretty strong there in the first round said to his quarterman maybe I’m a Little Bit Stronger here in the second round he’s showing just that right now there another big right hand saw AC quite honestly he’s not the type of fighter to run out of steam anytime soon massive elbow in reply there from pet Kittys s takes it and then delivers another big right hand yeah both of them very strong in the chin Department yes left H there I mean these are these are Big right hands that they’re being connected to and like you said K doing a good job of absorbing them at the moment not sure how many more he can take though if it continues like this but we do have a guy called kittisak who’s really good at that now it’s pet kak kitak I wish he was fighting today oh he is in bout number six boys and girls I’m sure be happy to hear that confused me for just a moment there Aon big left hand there from Pak there’s the overhand right once again question is no kicks coming in is saw AC slowing down oh yeah something is boy that kitty T at the moment maybe he’s seen his opponent is starting to fatigue a little bit that seems to be the case at the moment his Corner telling him to rush forward and I believe he needs to do exactly just that we saw AC in the beginning of the round he was very very strong see the fans there up P Kitty side good knees there to the mid ction by The thae Fighter the ti May Chang yeah big uppercut there from petak oh there’s that right hand once again right hand of his own from pet kak doing everything in his power in this round to stay in the fight and by doing that I feel like he’s he’s getting closer now to actually winning the round it’s very close this round yeah has changed drastically in the beginning I mean we saw saw AC he had the on the inside but now I’m giving that to K and he’s throw when he throws that right hand if he misses the hand it then leads P kide to come oh big right hand once again knocking pet kide back into the corner left high kick by pet kide tying up and delivering a nice right knee there is pet Kitty side this R has become a lot more equal now Aaron indeed oh massive right hand once again another knee straight across the back by petak and that is the end of the second round of what a round it was brutal stay with us round three up next [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] very interesting second round that was from pet gak and saw a c and much closer than the first one I mean in the beginning of the round we saw saw AC com in with some harder strikes that he actually threw in the first round however as the round kept on going it seem TI did change yeah 100% you can say that unlike the first round when we saw Pet City cat pet Kitty sack starting well it was actually soru started well in round number two but then pet kyack came back completely reversal of roles there in rounds one and two the question is though did pet Kitty site do enough in that round to take it cuz it’s pretty confident that saw took round number one you know what let’s go for a 1-1 I agree why not let’s go for a one-1 ladies and gentlemen this I are not judges so sometimes between us the scores are made up all right here we go whoever wins this round wins the fight according to us unofficially unofficially we do have three judges at ringside ladies and gentlemen it’s not me and Aaron who does it that would be a weird think of it was us but let’s see if Oh eye poke might have been a poke in the eye that’s what he’s complaining about okay he’s okay okay now shy definitely a big issue here as the doctor to check on the situation considering how tough these boys are D fighting catch let’s have a look at the replay here definitely night definitely definitely unintentional as well does happen unfortunately very rarely very rarely see the same thing but it’s okay the same time it is pak’s first time competing in cuk that’s something he will have to look out for and he’s just found out right hand there for pisak and now we’re into the clinch again where pisak had a lot of good moments in the second round I think you in the corner of p k you telling him to try and get into that CP position throw some Le to the body trying to avoid the overhand right though when you do move in yeah he’s taking a few those over right hand has you see blood gushing now from the nose of p k s cut over the left eye though as well of s i mean these boys have gone to war here on TI Fight League low kick there by pet kinak back to the center of the wing to go oh there’s that right hand once again he Ed kak trying to throw one of his own there but saw doing the right thing and ducking under you can’t be throwing lazy little kicks like that AC almost made it pay for that go back into the clinch we go there’s that right knee final stages now here of the third and final round still anybody’s fight here in the third round this is just one of those fights where you can tell that both Fighters have left it in their big right hand there saw pushing forward left knee to the body believe both of them have almost emptied their gas TI exactly that’s just how brutal this fight has been so far brutal on the body anyways unable to throw the knee there P both Corners are trying to urge their fighters on one last big shot could potentially sway the judges here it’s that close I’ll tell you what I mean this could potentially go to a fourth round by the way this round is going so far so true good low kick there for Pak tring to return just missing with that but connects with the knee to the body will that be the Difference Maker Aaron could [Music] be oh tempted elbow wide of the M there from pet Kitty side into the clinch once again another big right knee there from the tie and again two big knees from pet gak could he run away with the victory with that one another elbow P get sack going for the elbow that’s he see so he see returns you see trying to unbalance pit get stuck but good balance there from the tie from up North and there you have it the end of the third and potentially final round it would not surprise me at all if this goes to round number four it was so close throughout that third and final round let’s have a look at the highlights see the right hand basically the right hand of Saw versus the knee striking from pet kyack was the story of that fight before Fighters having moments of big moments wi that fight to try and claim it but it will be up to up to the judges to try and separate these two or indeed if they cannot the rules on tie fight lead not in the Isuzu Thailand Championship but on the super fights if it is indeed a draw it will go to a fourth round how exhausting would that be though Aaron I know and the winner is white Corner s AC [Music] [Applause] [Music] white Corner he’s from m please welcome J [Music] [Music] [Music] black he’s from please welcome family mu [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right boys and girls we’re now moving on to our third bout of the evening here on the 37th episode of tha Fight League and this time it is an international super fight at 65 kg once again Thailand taking on Myanmar that’s right it’s 1 n to Myanmar so far let’s see if they can go for a Clean Sweep here tonight introducing first in the white Corner man man y Joshua Joshua Joshua should have got that 28 years of age from Mandalay in Myanmar standing at 172 cm he has a professional record of 57 fights 39 victories 18 losses two of them here on tha fight and no draws and now introducing his opponent in the black corner he goes by the name of CH wood lck family My Thai his real name is Ramapo klap he is 22 years of age 68 me tall from chood District in nonon t tamarat province in the south of Thailand there’s a total of 71 fights 56 victories and 15 losses yep so of course if you are not new to watching the tie Fight League or indeed thae fight Sanai took on Yoshua I was just about to say that okay no I’m just say saw AC’s getting his hands unwrapped in the corner of Joshua I thought that’s nice to support but yes you’re right man josa also known as anain for those that follow the leftway scene back in Myanmar yeah he did take a loss to sanchai last fight that was in rayong not only known for style but known for sticking his tongue out to his opponents known for his toughness so to speak but uh not Tough Enough for San a little bit too small for Sanai as well I think we’re being honest with ourselves but he took that fight he made it very entertaining that’s for sure as he always does here on T fight there was once where he he smiled Sanai kicked him in the head and then he smiled on his way down it’s an interesting knock out he got knocked out and then he got back up and said come on what happened let me prend left hook there beautiful left hook need applied there and again out attacking all areas there from josa going forward taking all the stri what happened there was a kick to the midsection which hurt choodle chle take his time to get back up on his feet how about that right kick there from Joshua knocking down CH Ole just as we thought the Tie Fighter was looking composed and in control and as tough as Joshua is that was his first knockdown here in tie Fight League and is going after that body of course he is once again and why not childland could be on borrow time right now one two combination and once again going down to the body and it looks like there’s no way he’s going to continue oh he’s in agony and it’s all over how about that j s with his first Victory on thae fight what a victory it was a knockout in round number one on who is next from the man from Myanmar I mean let’s be honest the [Music] W people absolutely there is that he can take on the next fight coincidentally also at 65 kg but let’s have a look at those kicking techniques that we just saw there that was the first knock down you know what a hard kick it was see Char leg he was trying to grab a hold of that leg but the just too powerful and the stretcher is out for cha odle and once again another left kick beautifully delivered to the liver potentially of chle and just an update saw AC is still getting his hands unwrapped at ringside what a victory for that man right there man josa you be know for his toughness now he’s finally got a victory here on [Music] Tai the winner by technical knockout white Conner man josu from mymar [Applause] [Music] super Corner he’s from please welcome po p void [Music] [Music] blackner he’s from T please [Music] welcome unes benali [Music] [Music] this could be a bar burner B number four here on TI Fight League and it is a International Super fight at 65 kg Morocco versus Iran two very highly rated non-tie Fighters clashing going head to head for I believe the very first time right now live on tie Fight League I mean this is definitely a big tie fight matchup it is indeed and of course Unice benali after what was witnessed here on TI fight league has had a meteoric rise getting into the ti fight team is that now under Threat by that man right there poer by Rami perala 22 years of age from Adel in Iran standing at 177 CM he has a professional record of 37 fights 29 victories with seven losses and one draw three wins here on Tai fight against wedan chur and most notably and recently pet Sun s on the big tie fight now introducing his opponent fighting out of the black corner he goes by the name of Unice benali 21 years of age 187 M tall from Tanger in Morocco he has a total of 52 fights 33 victories and nine losses now you can see the tail of the tape two very young very experienced TI Fight League Fighters here two similar Styles as well both got knockout power and both ready to take that next step yeah it’s going to be about who has the hottest shots in this one here and more in the tank I should say yeah of course like after we saw Unice benali here on Tai Fight League they moved him straight into the uh into the tie fight team and he had big fights on the big tie fight shows he did have a he did lose though one fight against uh I think it was ped pacm PO on the other hand three and0 here in TI fight and I’d like I said it could be a lot of pressure here on Unis Bal because his position within the big tie fight the show that we have eight times a year could be very much under threat he he loses here against puer yeah the thing is not only does puer have that knockout power he has such an unorthodox style as well always brings it back to when he knocked his opponent out with a spinning back elbow absolutely really exciting young fighter referee in charge for this one is poit Brun judges ringside to one and all right big fight and a big fight feel as well we’ve got in the white corner pya by Ramy from Iran and his opponent in the black corner is Unice banali 65 kg for this one see some deep rests there before we remove the mon con three 3 minute rounds at 65 kg really feels intense in here does really does both of them bringing a huge amount of support for them [Applause] Here We Go Round number one always wonder who’s going to throw the first [Applause] shot taking this one a little bit too careful that was almost tie style that’s right not to the liking of course of referee poit oh there you go Hoya scoring with the first big shot of the fight going down low to un beautiful sweep there from po great start here from Po from The Young [Applause] Iranian both them still at a stand still none of them want to make the first mistake so to speak absolutely spot on there Kev good left high kick from pu right low kick there from Unice just going to show how much respect each has for each other there’s that low kick once again un reaching down to try and grab a hold of it instead of blocking it yeah and that could be very dangerous for him you imagine the next one would come to the Head yes looking very relaxed and as you said earlier good shots there coming in from po yeah a three strike combo but you said earlier as well that Unice he does have a lot of pressure on him for this bout has Fen a big tie fight a couple of times already want to cend his position there but that man right there puya stands in his way the fight is once again looking for low kicks puya getting the better of the exchanges and once again finding that left low kick sorry that low left leg sorry of uh of Unice yeah but Unice Bali doing the exact same thing he did before trying to catch the low kick he just don’t do that there’s a low kick in return by Unice benali swinging a Miss there from the bronen and a swing in a Miss from the Iranian as well but he finds once again that leg I feel as if there’s going to be a high fire there fer just walked into a left hook a big left hook of that St momentarily this is a good match up so far really is Here Comes Unis straight to the clinch good positional awareness there from puya Wonder Who the fans watching around the world cheering for right now end of round number one n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let’s have a look at the highlights here from round number one very edgy round number one Kevin a very close one I must say I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a 10 10 on the judge’s scorecard that’s just how close it’s been but pya started off strongly with the low kicks and with that sweep however he was caught by Unice Bal with a hook hopefully we can get to see that one on the replay yeah if I’m going to put my neck on the line I think that PO did enough to take around I really do yeah likewise they’re not taking that away from the fact that PUO was caught with a hook just hoping that we get to see that on the replay quite honestly that’s all right all right well let’s see now I do feel Unice Bali is under more pressure I think POA took that round and it’s up to Unis Bali now to try and do something different to try and cause some issues for po B Army in the white corner here we go round number two looks like it’s straight from where we left off another low kick there I think he caught with the right hook as he was going down I think it was just an off balance actually cuz Unis Bal did catch the low kick now POA on the back foot good kick to the body there from yunice benali Unice Bali with more intensity in his strikes oh and again looking to try and grab that kick instead of blocking it and that’s exactly why poya went for the high kick but I think Unice Bali had that one scouted good look kick there in reply from Unice great timing from Unice Berard to hit that one but missed with the kick to the body poya surely has come back with some strikes of his own another nice little kick there from Unice or excuse me poya and again targeting that left leg that left leg is as red as a fire hydrant at the moment he’s taken so much of them instead of blocking them and try to catch them which ladies and gentlemen nine times out of 10 you shouldn’t be catching low kicks going try to block them or try to evade them left and right hand there from pu sneaking through the guard big right hand again from puer good block there from pu pu with another low kick oh the red the swelling on that left oh big right hand there from P just as Unis was starting to get a feel for this fight start to cost a little bit of issue for p it’s p now is being connected with the big shots here in round number two it was a good idea to go for that lead leg by puya takes away a lot of the power and the punches of Unis benali right hand just missing again from Unis Bal but the kick the kick L that one missed though 40 shot overhand right blocked though by Unice snapping left jab there from Eunice attempts it again misses right low kick from P he’s still trying to catch those kick oh such a bad idea they’re telling him in the corner to go for that leg I think he’s already on it Aaron he’s done a very good job of that they want more they want more leg kicks it’s is swollen as well you can see from this angle he’s limping a little bit from that and going for the spectacular as we see po do in every single fight he competed here on tie fight again with the low kicks it seems that Unis finali just doesn’t have an answer for it seems that way sometimes you see fighters in this situation switch stances to try and protect that leg round two in the books the third and final round [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] and Aaron I think we’re both in agreement that that was a big round for Boya oh 100% I mean he started well in that second round I feel like he was told in the corner after round round number one that he needed to come out and perform in round number two started well but then P just took complete control of the fight and he he was determining the pace of the fight and of course those low kicks were a big difference maker and we can see in the corner they’re trying to work on that leg make sure that he can perform in round number three you got a unload a boatload of Vaseline on that if we are correct we do think that Unice benali has to knock out po now in round number three the third and final round now and let’s not forget that Unis benali he does have that knockout power fair to say a lot of the power has been taken away from those low kicks of Pua Here We Go Round number three going for the high kick good high kick there from puer oh left hand there from Unis but that sparked you pyer into action oh my goodness almost a sort of a wrestling taked down there from Unice benali now things have really heated up in this third round I mean Unice Clips him with a left hook for whatever reason poer then just decided to go after finali that’s what I’m saying he’s very unorthodox he’s very unpredictable is anything can come at any moment from Boya Unis again looking for that left hook for a counter elbow by Unice Bali that was a big elbow strike there by Unice I think think there’s some blood coming from the mouth or a lip maybe of puer after that elbow strike right hand there tempting left hook not neither connecting you got to love the composure though you see from puya just waits for the right timing doesn’t rush into attacks has we caught a few times though there’s that low kick and again oh big uppercut from P knocking down udis Bali he threw those L kicks Unis was expecting a third and all of a sudden P out of nowhere throwing that left up a good completely surprising Unis finale and knocking him down and that’s what I’m talking about anything can happen at any time when poer is in the ring he is just that unpredictable and that good J be switch kick there from puer Unis now doing exactly what he needs to do is chasing this fight we believe you lost rounds one and two and of course now with his knock down he’s losing round number two as well it’s looking good for PU spinning back F left kick to the body Sometimes the best type of defense is to be offensive puer proving that here in round number three he’s really good he is another fast low kick there high poer to that bruised leg of Unice so many tricks under his sleeve every technique he throws he pulls it off so well no technique I’ll tell you what fora is lazy so much power in them so much thought goes behind them sets up his shots so quick as well un Bali taking a liking to the slap there from poya but what a matchup it was for poya you see them celebrating in the corner of Poa they are very happy with what they’ve witnessed from their boy [Music] potential star in the making he really has got everything that you need to become a superstar in this sport even the chin proving it with that right hand that he took there from Unice at at the beginning of the round and it’s just such an exciting fighter to watch I mean I’m going to be honest with you I get excited for every single Hoya bami falo fight we used to say the same thing about unit we did how things change how things change so quickly there was that it’s almost like a left hook the combination of a hook and an uppercut really but whatever it was it was Sensational we need to see a slow motion but there it is superb haer taking this one comfortably over Unice benali making a and the winner [Applause] is white Corner P you from me run [Music] Thailand Championship Corner please welcome buan Prasad hin [Music] team please welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] all the remaining fights on this week’s thae Fight League will be in the Isuzu Thailand championship tournament and this week we’ve got team central taking on team lower isan the first match up will be at 67 kg so just a reminder the concept we’ve got six teams each team consists of three Fighters a fighter at 67 a fighter at 69 and a fighter at 65 kg I’ll talk about that more as I introduce the first fighter in the tournament on the first fight this evening’s tournament anyway we’ve got Busan brasatin pimi 21 years of age from nakon rasima Province here in Thailand standing at 183 cm this boy has a professional record of 81 fights with 61 victories 18 losses and two draws in his first match he was knocked out by rarang from Team South and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the black corner he goes by the name of your twin your name is Twin Poma 20 years of 872 cm tall born in buam province he a total of 79 fights 56 victories 17 losses and six draws in his previous fight he drew against shalam Dam TBM Jim picking up two points for his team indeed so team central currently sit in second place in the tournament whereas lower isan are down in fifth only the top four teams will of course make it through to the next round and there you see taking off the Monon of Busan it is Mr warot pum he was the Olympic silver medalist in 2004 Athens Olympics losing in the final unfortunately to gilo randow of course very popular Cuban boxer for those that follow the sport of boxing and of course busan’s that he was a Asian Games bronze medalist right the family really [Applause] is so just a reminder for a victory by knockout you get three points two points for a decision win one point for a draw and of course nothing for a loss oh yeah sorry he picked up one point for a draw got win last time that’s right they missed Point systems here look at the size advantage that buan has should I say the length Advantage very tall he tends to have that advantage in most fights 7 cm taller than y win standing at 183 cm y win at 172 nice low kick there by [Music] win it’s fair to say the lower isan they really need these points yeah as it stands they that team will be out of the tournament it’s a big week for lower isan just two points above up at the moment it’s quite strange because we associate the EAD region as the best region for Bo Tha now both as it stands in fifth and sixth place will not be moving on but there’s still a lot of fights and a lot of points to pick up in this tournament tell you what the northern team what a strong team that is seen the fighting trying to evade that King almost Clint he evaded just at the right time I mean to count His blessings that he didn’t get hit by that [Music] one kick to the midsection there from Busan good block of the kick by Busan again with a shot to the body by y win that might be his key to Victory absolutely massive right hand there from y win body of brsan and that might be the way forward considering the size advantage that buan has just go to the body instead of trying to head hunt yeah what we know about Busan is that he loves to fight long and so does y win he likes to fight on the back foot usually but in this fight has to be the shorter fighter who does push forward Superman punch there by buan good te by win once again ban looking to go upstairs oh good left hand there right the southp yeah I love that counter counter fighting him seeing from Busan at the moment re just makes it so difficult for his opponents not say when has attempted that low kick a few times now in this round and I feel like he’s missed everyone and that has then allowed Busan to move in and throw a Counter Strike that’s connected it was actually a kick to the body but you know just a size difference made go to the leg oh that time connects end off round one post Round Here on TI Fight League [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] well let’s have a look at the highlights here from round number one a lot of the uh people on the stream have been saying it’s a David versus Goliath tend to to agree 11 cm High Advantage there for buan in the white Corner let’s not forget that y win I mean he did fight someone with you know who was much toing him in the previous b as well that’s true so the question is is he too small for the weight class could be in each team one Fighter fighting at 65 one fighter at fighting at 67 and one at 69 and they will all fight against each other which means each fighter will fight five times which means as the team overall will fight 15 times before we then count up all those points and see who made it into the top four and those top four will move on to the second round of the tournament I’ve seen some people in the comments section asking why buan has that name and the fact is his father was an amateur bronze middle in boxing and he won that bronze medal in the Asian Games in Busan hence the name Busan his father by the way not him inside kick there he’s been looking for head on in y win going upstairs with that right high kick y win has picked up the intensity that’s exactly what he needed to do cuz I don’t think he did enough in the first round say buan took the first I think so I agree Ted up cut there from Busan there’s that inside kick once again from YN head on with that left hook does not find it that body kick does though left hand from Busan but I do like the intensity we’re seeing from Yim at the moment it’s exactly what he needed to do he can’t be in Busan time he needs to be on your in time shot to the body again from y win oh good step need big right hand there from y win nice smile from Busan again going downstairs and then going ups level changes there from y win with that beautiful combination yeah in the first round we saw a lot of counter fighting from Busan in the second round though see have different back to the body he goes with that right hand and quite honestly I think that was the best shot that he threw in the first round the shot to the body maybe he needs to explore that option once again attack the body then go up to the head really starting to oh c a left hand from Bruce but y wi gets bed up to his feet still fil I’m not sure how because he was stunned there’s no doubt about it absolutely and he’s I don’t think he’s on a strong legs right now no he isn’t not sure how he’s managed to keep himself balanced there inside the clinch still pushing forward he’s got a hard he’s got a throw there’s a big opportunity right now here for Busan Busan I’m just surprised did not take advantage of that situation that could cost him but at the same time it was a big Point scored for Busan letting his opponent get back to his feet like that that could be critical inside oh big right hand there another good combination from y win that inside kick from y win the one that was talking about in round number one is’s really starting to affect now on the inside of that you can see on that camera angle ofan is really to get red for all those strikes that he’s taking end of round number two here on tha fight Le [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] well it wasn’t scored a knocked down in that second round but certainly Busan did knock down his opponent in that round yeah and that’s what really has complicated things in my opinion because without that I would have definitely given that round to Y wi but there was the shot beautiful coun left there and he stumbled just a bit just when he got into his feet you see there and we were all expecting Busan to then move in to try and finish this fight but instead he didn’t maybe lacks a little bit of Killer Instinct what a left down that was though perfect timing by Busan brilliant shot from Busan but at the same time throughout the whole round the intensity of really good just kept on pushing forward hit Busan with some big shots all right third and final round y win representing the central Thailand team who’s currently in second place in the table of course Busan representing lower ristan is currently in fifth place yeah y win representing the central part central part of course at the moment in second place good right kick to the body there good left hand from Busan right shot to the body by y Twin Back to the body he goes right kick inside kick once again there by got win look at the thigh there of Busan [Applause] good te from Busan creting space for himself and a kick to the body that was well executed from Busan with the punch to the midsection by y win that surely hurt buan those thigh kicks and those body punches have been excellent from y win they really have big legs as [Applause] well see there’s more intensity now from y win as well there should be as well right kick to the body talk about the red thigh of Busan also the left part of his body is also marked up as well yeah it’s definitely been a big Target for y win y win now trying to close the space Busan the hand seems like trying to make space behind [Applause] him big kick to the body there from Busan so Busan now happy to be on the back foot perhaps he feels he’s done enough one and two to take this already you to ask a lot of mu Tha trainers and mu Tha Fighters about the length of Busan how his height helps him a lot of times in fights you know but it’s just unfortunate that he doesn’t have that killer instinct he’s good with the counters lik that power there’s that right hand once again from y win backing Busan into the corner go for that F but just missing got the you can imagine now he is on B time going back to the body bu not really throwing back there was a good left hand just as I said that it’s been a good round so far for y win I’m not sure it’s going to be enough most definitely been y win in this round really pushing the pace you got to love that oh big right hand two big right hands from yatwin seems like yatwin is everything he could to try to knock Busan out just isn’t happening for him another good counter there from Busan buan wrapping him up shaving a few more seconds off the clock good right kick to the body there by y [Applause] win you really got to feel for YN at this moment he’s really working hard to try to get that point of the board there you have it the end of the third and final round I do think that Busan did enough in rounds one and two to take this one it was a let’s have a look at the highlights but it’s like what we said win or lose on tha Fight League if you make the fight exciting for the crowd homean for us of course you’re always welcome back absolutely and of course due to the the tournament format we will see y t win and of course Busan here on tha Fight League in a few weeks time but it was a great fight two different styles two different human beings in there as well he put on a great performance but it will be I do believe Busan [Music] and the winner is white Conor buan from Team p isan Thailand Championship white Corner please welcome kak sit ch [Music] [Applause] black corner please welcome mu [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sixth B of the evening here on Tai Fight League and once again it’s team central taking on team low isan in the Isuzu Thailand championship this time at 69 kg we’ve got two Tif Fight League favorites going Head to Head the thresher crew only thinks that one of them is a favorite oh don’t we know it introducing first it’s my pleasure to introduce in the white Corner representing Team Al isan kit Chang PA 27 years of age from sarur Province here in Thailand standing at 174 CM he has a professional record of 69 fights with 52 victories 17 losses no draw was last time that we saw kak it was his first fight In tha Fight League he lost by knockout in round number two against Yen chai and I’ll be honest with you I don’t think he’s [Music] 27 there’s no way and introducing his opponent fighting out of the black corner he goes by the name of chachai chatai his real name isort good p 22 years of age 187 me tall from chaum Province here has a total of 58 fights 41 victories 15 losses and two draws in his previous bout in the Yuzu Thailand Championship he won by decisions against Z so high Advantage for challeng chai more experience for Kitty Sak I’m looking forward to this one now L isan after that Victory by abusan they move up to fourth in the table there we go referee P Bru and gets us underway and this is an interesting Clash of styles isn’t it we’ve got the flashy chachai who who’s known I don’t really like to say this for not having a CH but having great technique and very flashy style Kitty sack a non nonsense sort of bulldozzer style who has one of the best chin you’ll ever see in the spot of Muay Tha and a feeli chai is going to put that chin to the test right here right now and unfortunately just really overpowered by y Sanai in his previous back I mean y Sanai look spectacular the only issue that we’ve seen recently before K is the fact that he’s had a lot of scar tissue a lot of scars have opened up on his face a lot of those scars have actually stopped the fights very recently I believe that’s 27 years of fighting not his age 27 be low kick there from chachai beautiful right low kicking reply by KY trying to throw an up kick there to the chin of KY I believe this is the loading period of Kitt he’s not quite there yet really first with a lot of energy and power in the second round we’ seen trying to try to get knocked out a few times from body strikes wonder if the team oh my goodness another thing that chai possesses is a flying knee and boy how about that in the very first round he executes a perfect fly knee knocking out what we thought might be the UN knock about Kitty sack is down and that’s what we want to see Aaron that’s exactly what we want to see here on TI Fight League Knockouts just like that that was spectacular boy Tai let’s take a look at that again on the replay the timing of that was impeccable that was amazing absolutely Sensational move there from chachai he found an opening and boy did he take it bang right on the money and before he hit the ground Kitty was put to sleep all Seven Lives outed bang right there from that wonderful flying knee from chanachai here on Tai fight Le that is sensational it doesn’t get much better than that Aaron wow just as I was talking about how kitty has that strong chain I don’t care and the winner by technical knockout black shatai from Team par championship Corner please welcome pet EG p g [Music] [Music] please welcome p park [Music] [Music] we now move on to the seventh and final bout of today’s incredible action here on tha Fight League breathless from that flying knee that was incredible I’m speechless at the moment I mean that was that was amazing and for all the people wondering how Kitty sack is I don’t know how but he was able to walk out of the Arena on his own didn’t need a stretcher he’s still one of the toughest people to ever a compete here on Thai Fight League introducing first pet e parara Jim just 19 years of age from rury Province here in Thailand standing at 175 CM he has a professional Rec Cod of 54 fights 50 victories with just four losses in the first round it took a points Victory against mksap from the from Team South however map Miss weight so we still getting two points pet e got three fantastic and there’s his opponent fighting out of the black corner he goes by the name of pit pacai toat Thai 30 years of age 173 cm tall from nakon rajasa Province he’s have a total of 76 fights 64 victories 10 losses and two draws in his previous bout he lost by decision against tonai pet r r and a lot of people have questioned that decision Aaron yeah it was very close indeed there you can see the tale of the tape of course pet pacm 11 years the Elder of pet e with a lot more experience to his name but of course what really stands out is pet ‘s record 50 5050 professional victories from 54 fights is excellent both these Fighters performing the Y crew goinging for every traditional bout in the sport of myay Thai and of course giving respect to the gym and of course the family before going to war as it stands now I’m going to try and update the table we’ve got team central moving on to Joint first place on 13 points of course still in fourth place as it stands with Five Points so chanai putting team central on joint first after that spectacular knockout what a way to do it a way to do it exactly it feels like a knockout is one thing but a flying knockout in round number one that that should have just been Five Points straight up there you go all right final B the main event of this evening’s tie Fight League the Third 37th installment of this incredible show and we’ve got pet pacm taking on pet referee in charge with this one is referee jack na judges ringside are pitong and it’s been a year since we started Thai Fight League and what action we’ve witnessed and what what spectacular Knockouts as well if there was indeed a top 10 knockout you would have to say that chanachai without a doubt with that flying knee is in that top 10 I mean we’ve seen I believe a few flying knees before yeah but we do get spoiled don’t we no flying knee that good are we saying the best knockout that we’ve witnessed here on TI fight Le he’s definitely up there have to ret track a little bit of mean you’ve done every single show here on tha Fight League only missed one hav you yeah I’ve only missed one doing my pilgrimage the good in park yeah that’s what we need we need a a compilation of the best knockouts don’t we we really do the listing in backstage put it together please or the stretcher crew yeah you do it they can help us out with that o solid inside kick there from pet e pet eg a young fighter but has a lot of power seen had a lot of fighters in fact I think he did win a flying before as well n of the tournament though oh and again left hand upstairs right to the bodyy there from P by a very quick high IQ fighter another one with a lot of tools up his sleeves but a high IQ fighter that loves to push forward quite similar of style to [Music] Classic the J doubles it up three ja there for a pck just 19 years of [Applause] age great skills as well utilizing that Jack we talk about that don’t you would say the Jabs and the uppercuts some of the most utilized ping techniques in the sport of Muay Thai there again with that jab great timing by pet yeah I mean the JB seems to be causing a lot of problems for p pakai but the problem so far is that he’s not really setting it up for anything oh good right hand there from pet pacai vicious right hook there from pet pacm connecting to pet EG and pet egg need to take that as a warning oh again he’s Swinging with that right hand looking to cause some damage to p x beautiful right low kick from P already loading his lesson up to taking that first pu immediately Ines the next one and again really causing issues with that low kick yeah that leg is hurt there’s no doubt about it he’s going to be targeting that lead leg this is what we saw from un Bal versus player fight and again swinging doing the right thing there moving out the way at least he not to C so what we’ve got right now we’ve got P EG he’s throwing in volume head pacm every time he throws he’s got vicious intent itions behind it all right end of round number one [Music] [Music] he [Music] let’s have a look at the highlights here from round number one he was looking relatively comfortable for pet e in that round he was popping and moving around the ring very nicely causing a lot of issues for pet pacm but all of a sudden pet pacm he started to Target that leg that left leg of uh pet EG and he started to make pet EG just think but there’s no doubt that pet pakai is the one who finish the strongest I give the first round two pet pacai interesting I think pet EG did enough in that round to take it for the first time tonight me and Aaron have different opinions on who actually won a Round Here We Go Round number two let’s see if things made more clear here now pet Pac M does look like a a younger Manny Pacquiao back in the day doesn’t he left jab there from pet pacm you know what he wants and there he’s found it that lower kick I was about to say the younger Manny Pacquiao thing is a running joke but it’s the fact that he does look like him does and once again going after that leg and this time pck is throwing more Venom with his shots now maybe not able to dance around the ring because of that leg seems like he’s in a lot of trouble now what a low kick there from pet pacai pet pacai taking No Nonsense for pet EG at the moment another low kick there from pet pacai yeah block that time oh big right hand there reply from pet and again low kick from P pacai the red Inning on that lead leg and again doesn’t look good oh good left count for pet e looking for that right kick right hand combination not able to find the [Music] punch P might just pushing forward looking for that right hand just to make things uncomfortable so he can then throw that low kick and he finds it once again and again yeah there’s no doubt that hit egg needs to start blocking those low kicks sure said than done but after receiving I don’t know how many now kind of going to bring that leg to block he’s not blocking it now isn’t it he’s almost accepting the fact that it’s going to be hit instead he’s looking to just try and throw something big oh no he held himself up by the ropes there that time he’s gone down taking his time to get up as well how many more leg kicks do you think Aaron will take P egg down if he does go down maybe two or three I’ll go for four then there’s one there’s two gmis on the face he’s going to try and get back to his feet he’s in a lot of [Music] pain pet packby is a Savage Oh yes number three and that is it what a victory there for pet pacm my winner of tonight’s main event and another three points for team central taking them into first place in the tournament Sensational by pet hi let’s see how he did it the low kicks that he connected with in round number one he continued to throw in round number two and as soon as you saw the fact that petek was having problems with those kicks he just continued to throw and throw and throw and yeah now outside of the Highlight view P egg is being put onto a stretcher stretcher crew Mount up there we go he took a lot of punishment there he really did my goodness so tough head Pac Miami p 50 wins from 54 victories let’s not forget at just 19 years of age he is no slouch whatsoever but this boy pet pacm is the reason why tie fight the winner by technical knockout black Corner Pet Park M from team par


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