Golf Players

Pro Golfers Mic’d Up | Sullivan VS Waring in Singapore

Mic’d Up Matches – Episode 6: Andy Sullivan and Paul Waring go head-to-head at Laguna National Golf Resort Club ahead of the Porsche Singapore Classic. Mic’d Up Matches is the DP World Tour’s 9-hole match play series which sees some of the best players in the world take each other on.


Welcome to the Official YouTube channel of the DP World Tour. Every week you can find extended tournament highlights and individual player highlights from the likes of Rory McIlroy, Justin Rose and Tommy Fleetwood. This is also the home of the 14 Club Challenge, Little Interviews, Fastest Hole and many more challenges, pranks and world record attempts featuring the biggest golfers in the world.


look at the size of this [Laughter] Beast oh my God he’s got 6’6 he’s going to kill me is any of this going to make an edit you mean that ain’t making it is it please hold this for the greatest five I’ve ever seen in my life oh please H it you first on me thought you were going first than me all right I’ll go first hi I’m Paul wearing hi I’m Paul wearing I’m Andy Sullivan and this is the match nine holes here at lagona golf course let’s go right the only worry is I’ve got a caddy and you haven’t so I’m under pressure now to perform because if I don’t beat you it shows how worthless he is who’s going first uh gu OD or even what have you got I’ll go with even he is yeah okay right then the big game Phil versus Grant Mitchell where’s the wind out that planes are that way so out the left I think it’s all right there that’s good that’s good yeah that’s the line gu yeah cheers guys thanks mate uh is that not no it’s in the tra it’s not the line though no it’s not the line right it’ll be right think it’s all right calm down now I kind of wanted to watch him rake his own bunkers but oh yeah did Paul not bring you a carrier bag out no mate he’s on he’s on like a weight loss thing at the moment so he’s trying to burn more calories so I thought I’d be kind to him and put more water in the barg and make it a bit heavier for him who’s my longest drive on the first The Three Wooden driver I’m the even going there I’m being a professional I’m looking where the flag is good I’ve done it by a mile you have actually yeah calm down five off that 131 should be on the other 131 that oh 47 I’m taking this far too seriously already it’s just I know playing against him socially is just not the good thing cuz he always shoots like eight under forine o or something D oh he’ been so nice to me 40 shot one these don’t not your left yeah 40 shots good basically Al’s just on the bag just to agree isn’t he just whatever you say he just goes man yeah are you two going to do this the whole way around or can I hit a go sh don’t beat him I’m leaving yeah well you going to let me win then that W or n a little n n n he looks nervous though don’t he who well yeah he’s told me number and pull the club yeah so it’s all down to him I’ve done my bit look nice no sure good nothing without guy oh yeah that guy yeah oh here we go oh good club Al I’m even aim pointing in a nine hole match against you this is how serious I’m taking this you’ve gone very serious on me you’re the one who’s aim putting your mate no no I was talking to Paul Al not [Laughter] [Music] you oh please hit [Laughter] it a bit quicker than what we been quick that was embarrassing would have been even more fun if actually just hopped up and went in oh yeah very good that’s four yes what we’re doing we’ve never done that once I actually don’t even know what to make of that like are they quick or not or you just like absolutely fled it I don’t know blame the jet [Music] lag it’s good effort that yeah good effort yeah easy path through now it yeah 216 225 nine on six off the right it’s in that front portion so true front number 2 have you yeah two off 19 yeah 16 three off 216 225 you only got 230 yeah I don’t know if you are good don’t know mate don’t know no can’t tell judging on Al’s Club on the last short look good very good it’s sure I was trying to hold the pose cuz I thought it might get there but I hit it out the non Grove section so I think mine’s that short it’s in the bunker I mean was it bad is it is that it in the Trap I think it is you know it it wen’t it great I’m not going to lie Golf Course looks Min yeah class isn’t it absolutely class H got it no I’m not found it yet no straight at it so that’s really helpful than that yeah straight at it mate oh no have you actually lost it yes I got it got it you’re actually going to ruin the sign yeah really well I got a play as at lies right I will be nice to you and give you that’s definitely better oh thanks mate this Porsche might look a bit different in a minute wearing I’m placement yeah Fair D mate don’t waste your time oh my God w two wonderful strikes up this hole so [Music] far it’s always going to be short after the last go on you can have that I’ll let oh you’re nice to me aren’t you oh no what a nice guy you are we’ll see what it’s like when we get further down that point yeah really hope he misses can’t lose to [Music] it good good good good go human yes fish pumping on a Monday 100% mate fine 100% don’t understand how much this means to me I know what it means to Al it’s aing job one down then livid on that path mate you can set a path drop down same for me yeah same for you soia same for you thanks yeah that’s fine nicely it’s glasses place in it yeah I so good I love it why in the tra again there I thought you just right I thought you were just right I can ah you’re fine s yeah just the 80 behind brilliant that is no word of a lie that could be 80 yards no it’s not it’s no 65 I’m not going to lie the one thing I didn’t think about here as I could have done with a caddy cuz paulit it that far past me I got no one to talk to now so I’m not on my own four on to Yellow 173 gu that good yeah well done guy okay cool mate yeah perfect 9 on or8 on go what are you thinking uh full n with it yeah perfect love that so do you want the pin now me and go I got this sorted down I was going to give you the wrong PIN anyway but 146 all then mate turn off the right what’s 28 no going against you go I’m going little late sorry mate pulling rank it’s Prett too much middle of the green [Music] that Shar well done guy good club he is flying by the way if this if he actually finds out about it you seen the size of him he’s like 6’6 he’s going to kill me what the’s the grand ever done to you good shot though someone would break their ankle in that can pick that divot up mate please no carrying this bag it’s a good club so thanks mate Al I really hope he misses this yeah I’m going to stand right behind him as well well there’s your wish come true well done is that [ __ ] getting smaller no it just looks massive in my hands it’s like the kids give it it I mean don’t let him don’t let him I was going to say he’ll be out he’ll be out for another six month if tried to put him with this one with a bad back again yeah I probably would yeah is he made you tear up for him or pick it out the old for yet I’m not quite there yet don’t temp me put me CV out before that happened oh oh it was a bit sore getting to the bottom of that old ensil it’s a long way down to the bottom you know what I mean f fum in just hoping to take you a long way cuz I know that endurance is not your thing no this fast true what happens if it does finish like five and four nine hes get we got him now F on his neck yet don’t speak don’t speak I’m going to walk the bag all the way back there by the way I love how you done it like thiser in the tournament you are definitely not doing that I am but you don’t [Laughter] deficits right finger needs to be pulled out flly up bunker the middle of fway no no no you can’t mate no not not on a Monday no I’m going with the just go straight at it play it in it not that one was strike thanks mate yeah it’s not reaching a bunk of that no it’s not know I I’m going I’m going with the going straight at it cuz I can’t reach it yeah good option mate yeah thanks Guy good option it’s good it’s a good swing it’s in the Trap it’s a good swing that is definitely I am got a book and that ain’t reaching the Trap you not even got a book no it’s a Monday I almost care about more about this on Thursday we win today can I have the week off yeah show me oh good lie baseball shot yeah you are reaching that trap though you nearly missed it yeah unless it’s hit this down but fuming 52 front 59 All In off the right I’m going for it just out of principle but I don’t think I can get there which is a bit of a disaster what do you think guy yeah good call the worst thing about it is is it his and he’s P me which is standard really cuz it’s it miles but I really need to pull something out of the bag here orse it could be over very quickly it’s just in that little front section Me Away Paul yeah good chat fivewood could be a lot of Club fivewood is a lot of Club four not 4 is not a lot of Club it’s still 252 front I think you would have hit that I mean caught off that though is yeah it’s just a high high five yeah keep drawing please come on a little bit more oh God that is not where you want to be I think I’m about 10 ft away are you lying no it’s a 10 about 10 foot we’ve got a bit of a gap in the bag s yeah actually might get ready to shout [Music] down get down that looks good landed all the way back there fine good shot though little bit of a fly off that I think yeah they do little nudgy nudge then no I don’t think I look like the Wall’s moved I don’t look at the ball I’ll be honest I don’t know whether I’ve nudged the ball he does it all the time in practice he like nudges the ball like back what are you doing why you keep doing that get fivewood then yeah but it’s like up four I think I’ll put it in a r really bad spot oh you not 10 foot no okay no no when you said yeah I could see something on the green I thought he actually as as well no no no no no oh nothing like a long walk with a putter e oh go fan it’s terrible is it yeah terrible do you see where mine ended up oh um no I’ve Got a Feeling have you ripped it as well yeah no I’ve Got a Feeling it’sing well it only just Ro the pin so this could be oh it’s toast is it only just write a pencil yeah God this is a good club [Music] so it it was it good this is still miles though isn’t it yeah no no um I’ve got it oh good yeah yeah yeah br yeah good yeah real good yeah where is it right there I’ll baging the way solo all [Laughter] right right we’re going to have a little swipe at this shot brilliant yeah thanks yeah nice well done [Music] Fair Play It’s good after it mate y great oh bo bo [Laughter] but that’s good mate thank thanks mate [Music] yeah no my my God that’s good it’s good off on it oh no sorry sorry sorry sorry not sorry yeah I am going on the shortest route possible with this blame you mate should we do a little score update brilliant well I let you say it um yeah after four holes we are sorry I am I’m three down oh dear yes the bag’s really fatiguing me yeah I can see that I’d be lost without me mate so nothing to do with the goal no of course not not helped him once just m in and make sense it’s all in out your left mate mate fu just I don’t know whoa whoa car path car path and in the Hedge mate the door is a jar God oh my God go right go right I’ve missed the water right oh wow I don’t want to say something say head come loose maybe no no just no I mean this could be really awkward filming we’re not going to say we get the I’m just watching I’m going to laser to you second shot I reckon there’s 150 yards between our two balls and I’m on the wrong goal Haren bird is this is it definitely har bird is this right I’ll um I’ll see you on the green I’ll see you down there mate yeah yeah sorry about the filming guys going be incredibly boring now that’s the worst Drive I’ve ever seen of me I’m I’m giving a benefit I’m going with grip slip yeah grip it it it get sweaty so oh God quite peaceful without him here isn’t it it is yeah the fact that it’s finished up a [ __ ] Bush it’s just even more annoying yeah oh God great run it down the cart path where is it oh yeah good shot why you sound so surprised oh no oh no oh he scared it oh he’s chipped it with the wood oh no oh no do you see that it’s just going down the cart path still going yeah look bouncing on the c p about eight bounces oh God that’s hilarious I didn’t get a plan it really didn’t get a plan that at all why trying to wait this Al well it’s 311 mate to the pin what’s up there danger wise anything no if we can get it into this you need to cover you need to cover 250 to get into that fat left green side trap mate yeah I’ll be in a minute Paul all right mate I hope that’s in a trap yeah it’s good it was a bit late it was yeah it’s probably not going to be harded in fours you never know you never know no you don’t know you never know I think we do though you know when you said you can see it bounc and I looked over and I was just watching your ball just do this over the horizon you have to cut it around that little Bush yeah but have to go through it as well I can see it mate I don’t know if it’s going for forwards or backwards that was the problem Oh yes this is just what I wanted I ain’t got a club for that right come on one good golf shot hole keep drawing oh no drop I think I’m back on the other hole again that right Trap by any chance yeah brilliant I just said to I don’t know who was at had an advantage yet down this hole I was locking that’s only your third shot I know about a f like of it 20 to get there this is not the desert swing this is the Asian swing feel like we’ve been back in the desert with that many bunkers on this hole well out well out is that good or not I don’t know I can’t it I think the strike was all right it’s just a little bit in the ground is it looked a little bit Andy Sullivan that oh no mate I was expecting you to stiff that then for some reason just I think I’ve ran out of energy mate but the Chriss Crossing have done up the ho mate I’m not going to lie I’m not making excuses for you but you did land this morning me away yeah you please hold this for the greatest five I’ve ever seen in my life please I’ve never actually wanted you to hold a put against me more [Laughter] oh sake that would have been the best five I’ve ever seen I know I’ve had six there it feels like I’ve made like 10 the amount of walking I’ve done there I don’t even know how many you’ve had the got this for p somehow good roll po good old Lads good off that is that the stand we’re playing to really yeah I get a shot of next t i good yeah it’s net five that look see see even the pros make mistakes yeah I’m one two three 4 to go so come on what to the bunker around 310 who win this we’re done mate come on oh so that going get down maybe a it’s Monday it’s Monday swing sha think we’re back I need H this about as far as it the three on that far five right no that’s in the left trap is it I didn’t go right yeah well it was an anti right after the last one minute literally the flare Rick flare on me I had it on the Range had it found it lost it gone it’s all right so I’ll fix your mess from the last ho mate it’s all right I’ll get it oh yeah I’ll get it I’ll get it mate I was knacking all right got it cop is in the trap now he’s not he’s in the rof just short oh look at that ow you know what you know he said this club ow when he pulled it out a genuinely thought it was fivewood and when he set up I was like I can’t be bothered stopping him I actually thought You’ pulled fivewood 84 84 yards 84 yards it’s fine it’s fine going a long way on that wind it’s fine need a birdie down in in oh he’s hold it no it’s short decent come back comeb back’s on coming what’s the number again 77 full number what 75 run out Little Fly Light down isn’t it 7 shot it’s such an easy shot out the fair is it if the cad gave the right Club you know what I mean cadd set I mean not bad from there wearing I mean Prett good like I said Fairway is much easier any you I did my bit all you it a perfect shot into the roof I mean whose fault’s that not mine I thought yours was like I thought it was literally going in well I was hoping it was cuz then I didn’t have to [Music] put that’s good big Bo thank [Music] [Music] you okay I am losing the will to live right now that was it it was there wasn’t it there for me to win there the whole game being three down brilliant mate I’m sick of walking up and down Mills look at the size of this Beast look at him here how you love this H look at this guy yes look at that how good’s that oh wow that’s excellent that is brilliant I wasn’t so good I’m I’m not going to lie I know you your PS there but like I’m glad he didn’t run at me either that is so funny well that’s been the best part of this match I’ve seen this all before l a line so H well back down 14 I think is a good one nice it’s fine right side the fish yeah it’s fine there literally lost this Cloud fine there that is some shot again that it’s being polite as a mate I think there is room could have hit the car path again here you know there you go enjoy that right 173 down a li needs to birdie keep this match going that’s 139 yeah oh get down fly up it shot it’s a good shot from there that good job it was a fly there no in the oh I played for it do you know what I’m doing some of the times Mr wearing CL a 55 is doesn’t it mostly and it’s out you smidge out your leg but mostly in now it’s like 11:00 55 that knock down 55 yeah oh my God Al you’re so professional shot thanks mate oh go that need to go Al no does that need to go it does yeah it’s stalled that yeah stall that Al didn’t it stalled that bye it’s down the bottom stalled that mate stalled mate didn’t it Fairways overrated I thought they were going to soften this a little bit yeah it looks like they have yeah does it no no absolutely not be good from that so I have to hit that don’t you yep outs so closer if possible yeah it’s good mate thank you oh wow get in good news e you don’t have to put it I’m happy about that oh man well done thank you very much for humility again thanks M cheers out well done make sure you CV goes to good some good players that’s a win a that’s me first win that your first win oh god well you enjoy that oh yeah I loved it yeah I I really did enjoy playing badley today you know what the real winner is golf oh get off to watch another DP world to video click here and to subscribe click here


  1. I've never encountered a more supportive online community. It's like having a cheering squad for intellectual exploration.🔥

  2. This thread is a testament to the power of curiosity to drive meaningful discourse. It's like fuel for the intellect.👄

  3. Two of my favourite golfers. Biff & Sully.
    Good golf & good banter.
    Great to see Alex Evans again.

  4. Ace to see Alex & the Biff on YouTube! Enjoyed watching you in China lads. Great performance too. Al – when will we see Chronicles of a Not Yet Champion Golfer back on our screens?

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