Golf Players

FEDOR GORST vs WIKTOR ZIELINSKI – 2024 Derby City Classic Bigfoot 10-Ball Challenge.

While both players can still be considered “young guns”, they both have already experienced a lot of success in their short careers.

Gorst, 23, has experienced the most success between the two, with a World 9-Ball Championship and two Derby City Classic Master of the Table titles on his ever-growing resume.

Zielinski, 22, has already won three Predator Pro Billiard Series titles and is a runner-up at the World 8-Ball Championship.

This is a second round match, after Gorst defeated Jayson Shaw and Zielinski beat Corey Deuel in the first round.

Jeremy Jones and Mark Wilson call the action.

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[Music] welcome pool fans to the 25th Annual Derby City Classic where every year we gather here just outside of Louisville and enjoy nothing but pool for over a week we have several hundreds of players behind me uh competing in nineball Banks also one pocket but in front of me is all about tin bball and it’s all about this 5x 10t big foot table 23% larger than a 9ot table this table separates the men from the boys add to that well it’s one of the toughest Fields anywhere this is the diamond tin ball Bigfoot Challenge and are you guys ready for some high-powered pool they’re ready here at Derby City and this is the money round the winner this makes it into the final four and time to introduce you to the players first up he’s a world nineball champion backto back all around Derby City Champion he’s won every event here at the Derby but this one he’s sponsored by diamond tomal and triple 60 from Moscow Russia but now a proud American let’s hear it for the ghost Fedor gor his opponent is a predator Pro Billiards three-time Champion eightball world champion runner up sponsored by predator and book game from POS 9 Poland Make Some Noise we’re Victor zalinski we are lagging for the break Ricky Bryant is our referee and sending it up to Mark Wilson and Jeremy Jones in the ACU stats Skybox we are coming to you from our home high top the Yu stats Arena here at the Bigfoot challenge today we have World Class 10 ball and bringing the world class insights is the best in the business Jeremy Jones I’m Mark Wilson and Jeremy what might we be looking forward to in this match yeah two guys that are going to be battling out for many many years to come that’s for sure both very young looks like Victor’s won this lag after a little look at it from our referee but uh yeah I think feder’s going to play a steady game both guys are breaking the balls great I think that match that Victor got through in the first round is going to help him here he’ll play even better better um both guys real tall and lanky right so maybe the biggest Advantage we have as far as Heights and any two players we have in the event being able to get to shots and it should be a good one Mark well gor beat Shaw and Victor beat uh Cory duel last night the two youngest guys in this event 23 and 22 G is the old guy yeah and we’ll see you know similar breaks from both I don’t think they really back off we’ll talk about feder’s break when we get into it interesting what we saw in his first match the way he was breaking the balls that’s a little more of that Slappy hit I was talking about but look at the four [ __ ] tightening up Mark so things are definitely evolving here in the Bigfoot challenge little more like the Z uh fortun break we saw in round one there not much pop on the QQ ball at all now I know you don’t want to play short side on the two but it may be the smartest way to get on the three as well with the seven hav covered up the 10 has the corner covered up but to be able to follow your ball below the three would be nice even though the two is a little more demanding of a shot I think it’s the right shot he’s done real well here this is going to give him some type of opportunity yeah if you if you don’t play short side then you have to spend so much time in no man’s land traing around the table hoping not to clip off of a ball wrongly and then this way you’re kind of assured of at least a pocket and and likely most short distance to get position on yeah you’d have to draw the ball to get on the three which is very difficult he’s trying to spin this with lot of inside trying to creep it in there now one thing with zalinsky you’ll see it’s a little different when he gets down on the ball he really has the queue moving quickly mhm um never used to have a pause at the Q Ball but has developed that but it’s not always there just like right there we saw he never really settled the queue but um you know he’s young man that’s still working on some things and you know these two have played each other in the Juniors and your EUR tour and like that so they’re got to be comfortable playing each other yeah they’re too guys that really get into themselves anyways that’s why another reason why they’re so good and why is it the greats in all the sports never have like a boring name it’s always a catchy name that you’ll always remember feder gor it’s never just like Bill Smith right yeah Victor zalinsky buddy hall Earl Strickland those great names Eon re all right just pay a little attention to the six calls all he’s going to go a little piece so he’s going to have to play a nice one here and that’s usually when you do make the mistake when you’re going by a ball you just don’t want to end up behind it so sometimes you do put a little more into it now can he kill this Mark this is where the 10-footer can help yeah I think he’s got enough space but it’s still uncomfortable to play this as a slow roll shot so he may go inside spin I was thinking more like dig on the QQ ball you know like a draw no and try and kill it above the side there across the table and take a little cut oh no that’s a better idea cuz you have a much broader position Zone yeah and it’s easy to do I think on the easier on the 10f footer let’s say a little more space before the Q ball hits the rail Nice Shot really clean oh boy perfect well that’s the shortest route to get perfect position with least difficulty it’s all hard but some ways make it harder of course chose the the simplest path well he likes that shot little preference you know like if it was John Schmidt I think he’s the best I’ve seen maybe efon to of course killing that ball with the draw so you know you get in those situations you will go a little more what you like versus maybe what you might consider a standard this looks to be just a little bit of high and just a little bit of right hand spin bring it down between the 10 and back up between the 10 and seven yeah yeah I wonder how thin it is because this may carry him towards the nine a little bit may go up and down using both the short rails we’ll see like that yeah it kind of makes you go towards the seven versus towards the nine with the Q ball I think the cut is more comfortable maybe you don’t feel like you’re going to Skid or cling as much when you go a little more Pace too so good decision there and clearly it was a little bit Center that I was uh broadcasting yeah and you know they’ll use the side pocket a little bit to create the angle they want cuz you can cheat it a little bit more at times especially on a soft cut or a mild cut let’s say very smooth floats into position here perfect plays a great opening rack yeah that’s that light stun that I was talking about with filler that really releases and you get a lot more roll out of it than people imagine and now because he’s won the opening rack he will go on to win this sit 56.4% of the time just a few of our lose the first track of a set it’s 43.6% also Master shock first rack’s pretty big sets the tone get you some momentum and in boxing it would be kind of like who gets off first who hits the other guy heading into rack two Federal hor will have the break well we have good crowds here yeah and talked about the break shot you know what I saw what we saw in the first set with feder he was breaking just a hair off center say he’s just a hair off to the his right and what he’s trying to do is just cross the one over just a smudge where the QQ ball comes left as the one kind of tracks down the center of the table towards that top Rail and uh what he does is he hits it with enough energy even though he hits it coming across a little bit he flies the QQ ball past those side pockets mhm just like that oh ugly kiss awful kiss now that’s one that we really can’t fault him on he got the Q ball back there and then just a couple balls rushed it and pushed it forced it in kind of like a a drunk being escorted out of a bar by security pushed it in the pocket and now zinsky comes to the table with a great opening opportunity here to win his first rack yeah the first three should be okay needs a little bit to get from the three to the four the real work starts from the five to the six I think with the 10 being there he’s got to get pretty decent on on the five that way he doesn’t have to involve the 10 trying to get on the seven so we’ll see this is perfect just a little pinch of the Q ball got quite a bit there so this may get a hair off angle see a little Grimace in the face a little youthful exuberance sometimes a little careless or reckless from me experience and I’ve seen this in this game tremendous shot maker great at recovering from here but that’s not really where the top players want to be on this shot yeah and I think maybe the adrenaline going a little bit for the kid as well you know so this is the shot to where he wants to really if he can try and fall straightish with the nine there the eight there the seven trying to come back and forth you don’t want to have to work the ball too much oh he let up just a hair so now let’s see how he gets on this six Mark if you had to compare your game at the age of 22 to zelinsky’s game where would you say how would you st oh it wasn’t even close I mean you know I didn’t start till 17 so but if you look at the years played probably you know not bad I did I did okay yeah yeah so you were starting to be a pretty solid Pro at that point yeah I was lucky I ran a lot of great players went on the road you know just got a ton of knowledge losing a little money these great players and um and Houston was always actionpack so you know you were going to learn how to win or you’re going to you know not sleep so well but yeah I mean he he he won his first Euro tour at 15 I think or 16 the youngest ever to do it so this is the shot I was talking about now he’s going to have to maybe deal with a little something because he couldn’t get so close to that six yeah I wouldn’t mind going forward here even if I rub the 10 I can take a little bit of a long shot on the on the seven not that bad mhm I don’t go well because if you dig down and power up now you run the risk of missing a higher percentage than what you if you just flattened out oh he must have more angle than I think if he’s going forward or he’s catching the 10 full if he’s going forward oh great shot no problem on the 10-footer and that’s the thing you have to keep in mind this is a 10-footer with 4 and 1/4 in Pockets that these guys never have access to practice on that’s just twice a year they ever even play on a 10-ft table Yeah well this out here wasn’t easy for sure got a little out of line early but working through it that’ll do a lot for the young man he’ll be back to Breaking the balls in game three as well so but yeah you know I figure if you want a tour at what 16 15 or 16 he probably started pretty early seven six seven eight years old so the one thing about starting a little late I’ve always felt is you understand things a little too well because you’re more of an adult so like me I understand understood spin pretty well quickly oh oh my goodness he kind of just one stroke though yeah you just said it no no pause no clarification before the last stroke what I was going to get at is you know you started 18 I think yeah well I mean you can understand sidespin you know just because you’re a little older you’re a little smarter whatnot it maybe to where it introduces you using sides spin a little early you know before really developing Center ball he gets away with that on the 9-footer but the 10-footer extracts the toll if you’re just a hint uh General to the pocket you have to you still have to lock it look at here’s feder right here on this shot look at the Carry’s putting into it oh yeah cuz he knows you have to respect this shot cuz it’s easily missed okay yeah and takes a that’s a a damaging psychological blow to run the whole rack and then make the routine 10 ball to cash it in tight just a little ahead of himself and has to pay the ultimate price here of losing the game yeah and you know if you just reflect he worked so hard on every shot to just get down and kind of one stroke that 10 but psychological was an issue for zalinsky at times he’s been working on it really well he’s done real well and I guess again a young player it’s easy to to get a little discouraged at times so we’ll see how it affects him he kind of went to his chair you know not too bad considering but well he’s been here before he’s it would damage you if you’re like uh somebody that’s never played in many of these and this is your first one but Sur he’s had that happen before but you hate to let a game slip away against the competition that’s in this group yeah you never know the PO Gods on this break right here kisses and after missing that [Applause] 10 quality break dry break though right I didn’t see let’s see four yep yep so not the start after that uh miss two ball in game one that wasn’t easy I’m always so engaged with the Q ball coming back yeah AB miss a ball that darts in so yeah and again he’s not really putting that pop break on him like he has that pop break as well again just kind of hitting him flat H he’s looking at what he can do is he going to try to roll up and use the four and six get the Q ball closer he’s going to bring it back across the table looks like he’s bringing it back across the no taking advantage of what he had economy of travel I think there’s going to be a gap though to at least be able to kick yeah he was trying to really wedge that wand up underneath the 910 with that you know kind of ugly group right there and yeah you know if you get a ball in hand you can maybe make a real good decision on breaking something out maybe or playing another safety not too much of a dog really to make this a little bit of course you know but you’re going to make it a hair more often these these players are than you would think I mean you’re obviously a dog but I think he makes it you know 15% of the time oh wow no contact probably the one thing he needs to really improve on I think is the kicking at times but we all do right and he jumps so well so I mean he just doesn’t kick quite near as often as others many people often state that they think he’s the best Jumper in this game and there’s a lot of good ones so is subjective but nevertheless he is fantastic at jumping balls yeah I think he just has a little more in his Arsenal jumping than than others do I think others can hit their shots you know filler’s incredible with it really accurately but he can just do a few more things trying to know how you develop the five here the thought with that issue there mark you know sometimes it’s something like this it looks like if you can get the QQ ball close to the five then you just put the C play pre-planned safety you get the QQ ball stuck on the 8 n and bump the five ahead hopefully maybe open the 8 n cuz the 8 n’s an issue as well somewhat it does go on the opposite side but once the five is removed and Jeremy always says it and it’s true that even if you just lightly bump them these balls just come apart it’s not it’s not hard on this cloth yeah as long as they’re not on a rail anytime they’re out away from the rail they separate pretty easily he’s kind of got the attacking angle if he wants to go High inside but there’s so many opportunities for you to screw it up that and break them up and not get a shot that yeah it might be too aggressive to try to break these up no just keep it simple and like you said looks like he can roll forward if he gets right and bump the nine I don’t think he’s got that he’s got to cut the five a hair maybe and which means now he can’t just pin the Q ball into the five and eight what about cutting the five into the eight and coming across one rail that’ be great you’re going to have a ton of cover that way like that oh very smart very smart now this is really treacherous to hit and uh not that the three fou rule would come into effect but gor is on one yeah he’s kind of dislodged something though so it won’t be a 510 combo probably if he gives up ball hand but I’ll tell you what I don’t think I lose a lot of accuracy here I think I kick pretty mild because imagine if you hit the five it’s got to be on a decent side the high side right the five kind of probably stays fairly you know tucked away and just try and clip it and get to this rail yeah I hate to kick hard and lose accuracy here and go right into the 10 or withi the five I think the soft kick is overlooked quite often now of course he could flute something as well what a hit but you see even that a firm Pace the five stage right yeah look at that turned [Applause] about cuz if you look at it you know you’re either going to foul or hit the good side of the five it’s not going to be the bad side of the five so very good from feder gor well it looks like he might be able to catch the edge the left Edge of the five balls he’s looking at it the other choice would be to rip the 10 here from kicking into the back of the five yeah I like that he’s going to take a shot move some balls and there’s the 20% of the time back door safety that just occurs if you just make a a shot that doesn’t include a foul and have some velocity Q ball stopped on a dime there solid hit on the five now it’s going to be hard pinning behind balls here so this might be the snucker safety and the knowing that you’re likely going to end up worse forwar but Force the zinsky to make a safety back so no he was able to thin it got a lot out of this good job gor [Applause] it was never an easy safety oh he’s going to kick this way okay yeah this is tough yeah got to have good speed nice hit going to leave a shot but nothing easy so we’re going to see that queuing just got to go forward if you can get past the seven yeah that then if you I mean looks like you’re for sure going to bump the seven here if you pocket this ball and then it’s just a matter if you hit it thin enough that it leaves the seven yeah and the thing is the 10’s there if the 10 wasn’t there okay go into the seven take your chances now you got to kind of get through it a little bit like Mark said making sure the Q all continues forward little more in the medium I think now he smoothed it he took advantage of the pocket a little bit there mark yeah I wish I would have mentioned it beforehand because when you see a shot like that that’s testy and then you can see when the guy keeps his body and head still cuz it’s so easy missed if you just wiggle just a blink at the wrong time you you won’t hit that pure and you watch gy is just like a statue getting through that ball it’s so subtle I I’ll show guys their video and I say you got to stay still and then they I did stay still and then I show them the video okay I thought I stayed still well the thing is you know if you have jerks in the swing right that promotes that movement a little bit as well and F of course we all get quick at times but overall pretty steady with the timing mhm yeah even that shot the the next shot it’s a part of a side pocket and you got to jack up a little bit it’s missable and uh he just executed two consecutive great shots now he’s got the rack at his mercy here I don’t know if I go beside the nine the high side off the two rails I might dig at this and kind of go at the nine one rail not hard but I don’t think I don’t think he’s going to kill it yeah like see I wouldn’t have gone backside myself I would have tried to go at it oh boy yeah boy he’s got to be disappointed as could be he could have held that I mean he had to use a prettyy long swing to get there and like that stroke that filler has where he gets down low and bend that I thought he should have stayed on this side and not even allowed this to even come into the equation here hard to second guess the world champion though so I guess he knows what he’s doing but certainly disappointed trying to kick it in Cross Corner maybe straight in like that oh wow wow perfect sh see he’s improved his kicking just since you said it yeah right right well he just like his banking he really uses kind of a split uh system on a lot of those one railers now you get a good fortunate hit like that he made a great stroke and he made good judgment but it still worked out great but now you have to cash it in or it means nothing if you let this game slip away so you can’t lose your focus just say I got it yeah just like when you make a big mistake you got to leave it behind the great shots you got to do the same turn the page and get on to the next so now for a 30-0 lead and getting to the breaking end in game four feder gor we have one pocket n ball bank P the Bigfoot this is the only title that Escape scores I saw a few people chatter the rest shot clock brought to you byard two years in a row he’s been Master of the table is that correct that comes with a big prize this this particular tournament is not it does not affect the master of the table but it kind of is like the PLAYERS Championship they know the guy that wins this tournament did something and it’s a great source of Pride amongst the players even though it’s not recognized as one of the majors yeah well like last year you know we all know it kind of turned into a long days here at the Derby the last three or four and that’s another thing that this guy covers all bases you know he stays in great shape um practices long hours as well building his stamina and mental endurance of course so really no uh no I not dotted or t not crossed with feder gor he doesn’t drink he doesn’t smoke he doesn’t have bad habits well he doesn’t drink very I’ve had a drink with him before but you know how some of them I mean you won’t see him standing in the casino with two bottles of beer in his during the event for sure yeah it’s kind of like me when I drink now it’s kind of like at the last night of the event the event’s over we all go out for a little bit have a few drinks you know until the next time we get to see each other and and then for these guys of course it’s back to business but he does it right you know he schedules his his his time off it’s not like oh what am I going to do today you know kind of thing you know he schedules his his vacation his uh time away from the pool queue and he’s just uh he’s really just a sharp young man all right odd two rail kick could go one real nothing wrong with that now they’re getting a little more congestion early around the racking area than we’ve seen for the most part yeah they’re not coming down table as much y maybe getting a few more kisses this should be not blast off but have some speed very good looks like he’s got the combination or he has the upper corner but uh nothing’s easy on any of this treacherous combination I think he puts him behind the nine I think yeah you can also roll and uh with pretty good control too maybe not he’s looking at the combo so the key to this combo is know you’re hitting the nine full don’t baby it so much the one’s not going to go that far away and you’ll hit the ball better you see how you put a little force on it it’s just uh you know a lot of times people want to ease those combos and you lose a little accuracy yeah I’d like to go that way as righty myself cuzz you can put the one above the five here don’t try to hold the one so much you could thin it but if you’re willing to put the one above the five you can get the three row angle to get behind the six and 10 if you edge it you really can’t get behind the six and 10 mhm so again a lot of spin looks like he’s just going to Edge it though no he played the one above that’s correct he’s coming back up in yeah he didn’t get deep enough off the first one got there I think he’s okay but again he had double protection with the one above the five a little bit Yeah doubling up on that long rail kind of like a one pocket deal quite effective can’t reach the one rail kick to a short rail even as tall as zinsky is I think I like this path he can hit behind it slide towards the five he can do a few things here make the five what is that what a shot all right does he have a left-handed game here Hard One to shoot with the bridge even Lefty probably can’t reach it right maybe stretching over I don’t know okay Mark what do you do I mean naturally you’re going at that pile do you add a little right here I mean you’re not going to float it I don’t think I think if you cut this in it it escapes the for ball I think just you don’t have to do anything oh and he hit it quite thick to escape that four ball but yeah so not the start for for Victor at the moment this is a tough position here to play on the three yeah I mean I think I think you just got to come one rail above the seven and take the cut I think if you get involved with doing anything else uh you could either Miss if you tried to add a lot of right here could had a little right though but I think you might go at the seven if you had right English and it takes a bunch of the pace out of the QQ ball too he is adding right he did yeah and he’s going to go did you say at the seven is that what you said it’s what it looked like anyways but that’s why again just not going to improve a whole lot just get above it take the cut you know forget the Sid spin it didn’t help but he could have hit the good side of the seven right and come over a little better so and might even been understanding that I’m sure he was aware the seven was there and he I’m sure he knows enough about where the Q balls going going cuz it wasn’t like he butchered the hit I tell you what he’s he’s playing hard but I feel like he’s playing just even extra hard making sure not giving up anything I think I think that’s mad respect for his opponent okay he’d like to cross this as he kicks at it that way the Q ball can run H about you know a third of the ball he’s hitting down I thought he hit a high ball here like that though is what you want you want to come across that so you a little separation and Victor has not had much love here early I thought it was going to rub the rail and hang up there but well talked about them pool Gods after that Miss 10ball in rack number two and it’s been a lot of feder gor too but not a lot of luck on his side early G just pointing at something I don’t know someone has a flash on their camera or yeah the little red light sometimes people yeah he’s such a pleasant guy I mean my goodness he’s everything I wish pool would be you know clean cut hardworking polite respectful proud I tell you what he’s pretty dang witty too if you ever get to really hang around him cracks me up all right one rail cross not one you would shoot too often like this cuz he’s coming into a little smaller Zone but did real well Bo you had to get just by the seven so close great shot this is a little awkward as well got to creep into a little cut on the six and that’s why he’s playing it from Long Range you know not trying to get close to the six just trying to get on angle for the six to give yourself a little bit bigger margin of error so the cuq will be just off the long rail there over there by about where is chalks at yeah you want to stay away from the second rail here though if you can just be meaning you might pick up speed I like to just come one real here myself but again when you’re close it’s a lot of preference but that’s the he overcut it he overcut it yeah yeah but that when you go to it promotes more speed it really does so well he didn’t hit the heart of the pocket no I agree I agree he hits the heart of the pocket now he’s another 8 in short so yeah cuz it is definitely staggered on the way down oh 100% I was watching hit the very top right of the pocket but I still think the one rail you just get to position real quick you know real quick with the one rail so yeah if especially you cuz he had to introduce sides spin there to make that hit yeah so and that means speed on the QQ ball a little bit and like you maybe miss the pocket a little more often now he can beat the kiss here right English is kind of going into the kiss you got to hit it really thin here to beat the kiss mark oh nice shot how’s the speed yeah still pretty good leaving the [Applause] distance jacked up here here guess he’s trying to stun stop nice hit oh really well done jacked up that distance to control the speed of the object ball really good yeah this is a tricky little scenario here Jeremy what do you see about a third ball hit you want to hit the six into the long a short rail side rail let it go towards the seven as the QQ ball comes two rails casually behind the 810 you want to get the six away from the pocket oh he went for the bank that was a little surprising not saying it was the wrong shot it just surprised me a little bit cuz the safeties have been really good you know so he’s been on on the Mark I think it was just a little bit awkward is why he chose this I I like your idea but that range and the angle was it maybe cond do even he thought he’d rather go down shooting this kid what a straight shooter he is just Glides him on in there Nick Barner sitting ringside so it’s Tony Varner I haven’t seen Tony in some time she’s so sweet oh she’s awesome I know she makes Nick’s business work we’re on the road all the time and Nick calls her she actually runs the thing they use his name you know a lot of people don’t realize she was a really good player as well oh definitely yeah she has that little fighting Spirit well this be zelinsky’s first win 3-1 is our score now Nick going down the road on the phone selling clo and the shop I’m driving driving driving I think I should get like a 10% commission something he runs his Empire from my pass I’m over here all about the money rounds makes it into the final four coming up at 7:00 Alex pilion we play a lot of go way back from trailing in his first match up on Conrad yish that took me to R ARA we in lexon one and deated got to go see the you know Kentucky play that basketball there and it was just a lot of fun fun guy I’ll tell you the funniest you know of course he quit smoking but whenever we played that world nine ball championships when we room together there in Spain you know he we were waking up pretty early because the schedule for the world n ball was like 9:00 a.m. matches 10 a.m. matches and I’d wake up and it’d be pitch dark you know and all I’d see is that cherry and the cigarette glowing you know start when he takes a drag so and it was just you know something I’ll never forget I I know it’s just a silly little story but there’s those four reers kind of tightening up again there was a quality break there yeah well that’s more of that pop break rather than kind of just slapping it a little bit now the two’s funny sometimes Nick will be telling me a story while we’re driving he’ll start cracking himself up so much that he can’t get it out and I want to hear what’s so funny yeah yeah yeah he loves it the biggest thing about him I love his passion for the sport is still infectious I mean he he hasn’t lost it one bit yeah he’s still when he’s a spectator he still dissects it like he’s you know still playing you know I mean oh definitely great shot there using the extreme right side of the one to open up the QQ ball to get much better on the two than I anticipated now he’s got a pretty easy combo and just what you said I mean he’s looking at the way the table’s playing he’s making judgments on the break I guaranteed oh yeah like he’s going to play the next set or something yeah absolutely he’s just said into it all right nice shot good speed may have to go over beyond the six like that so obviously the the real Telltale no missing can be afforded here but position on the five that’s the one you got nice where you can get above it but this did yeah this is the funny one where you make sure you get a little pinch on the cuq ball don’t let it drift to somewhat straight is that in between stroke too it’s like half a sand wedge or something it’s kind of a odd you got to stun it up a little bit but then you got to preserve the angle coming off the rail he’s looking to see about rolling and going into the five right it’s that awkward of a stroke is what I’m trying to describe is when you’re close to it though you should be able to handle it you know just get between the nine and 10 that’s the idea oh he went over straightish so we’ll see if he gets dead straight could be problems six is going to be demanding and that was why you you were alluding to that you want to preserve the angle but it’s not an easy hit to make to get the stun to get up but then the speed correct you got a lot going on there yeah now the good thing here the and I think the difference in today’s cloth versus when I started as shots like this you can get a little more off the rail mhm you know for some reason back in the day when you got straightish now he was close to it but a little more distance you just said okay I got to shoot from right here somewhat so that’s the one shot the top inside to me is much more used in today’s game than whenever I started but it was a heavier nap cloth that the spin would wear off unless you really pounded it which meant you’re going to miss the object ball so we didn’t yeah and the ball fizzle a little bit like just kind of Spin and not really have a lot of energy it seem like well it’ll stay on the rail while it won’t come away from the rail very easy all right let’s see what he does with this 10 take a little more time and again we talked about it yesterday I just uh just that’s better you don’t have to fire first breaking run out of the set Trails by one for five games it’s Fedor gors leading by one and this kid is a good shooter though he knows how to play and he’s not afraid to settle for a little longer position K course breaking it’s two and the four in the corners and it’s the five and seven right behind the one seven ball and the five ball and the Ugly kiss Jeremy that’s two of them that was not you know that’s not one that’s on him that’s just Misfortune there yeah kind of knock the wind out of you a little bit yeah that that hurts you can’t really hit him any better than he did it’s just that’s what we’re playing yeah really good and one two and three groups so get in position on the four you would suspect is going to be pretty easy so one of the easier outs we’ve seen today didn’t get a whole lot of angle here but you know when you have ball in hand here and you got to pound this you didn’t do good on your position on the first shot and they were right there together there was no excuse for having to do this okay got a good one here good recovery now here probably plays two rails it looks like it to me too I think you just go straight top and just go two rails back to the center he’s queing low he’s going to warp it oh two rails okay played for a lot of angle and this is where from that first two ball you know get a little out of line didn’t maybe get exactly where he wanted on the three so now this this shot on the four is what you always say how you hit the pocket you could fall a little funny on the six behind it a little straight a little off angle or maybe not hit the pocket at all wow I thought it was a lot of angle Mark maybe made it a little missable he he collapsed the upper arm and he wasn’t settled on his shot he was there was indecision there Bo it was such an he makes everything and then all of a sudden right out of the middle of nowhere that was such a routine shot I’m not saying it was an easy shot but it’s just something we’re so used to him handling effortlessly it’s shocking when he misses it yeah feder from of course now I’m working on being a full-time American and of course uh it’s got to go a little bit yes sir shot shot but he lives here fulltime permanent residency but you kind of Wonder with some of the guys how early they came in cuz that jet lag is a real thing that’s for sure and sometimes the derby with so much going on hard to get your rest well you’re playing nonstop you got Bank pool going on you well there’s so much to sweat too you know and so many friends so many awesome people this is a pool Festival vendors tip repair guys this that dig shot you were talking about that you felt like he should have shot a few games ago very similar where he elected to go across and got behind the nine I think it was kick the eight in didn’t he I think came out for position yeah yeah was like Bobby Thompson’s home run that kick in the Adan that he did the shot H around the world very deliberate there on the eight taking nothing for granted no he has that nice pause every time and Glides back so smooth transition effortless and then that enhances his speed control and accuracy the one thing that I express to other people when helping him and when I bring up his name which I bring up his name for a few several things actually but he’s trained himself because we’re not always perfect with the back swing or the top of the transition and all that but he makes sure he finishes so even when the timing isn’t good he makes sure that right hand goes through and what happens is when you’re not good with the back swing or you’re a little off with the transition it makes you want to quit at the QQ ball a lot of times and uh the one Saving Grace you have is to make up for those mistakes is keep that Q moving through yeah and he does that for sure you’ll never see him really stop at the QQ ball so often when people have trepidation nerves anxiety uh not confident they end up poking and don’t realize it and I’ll watch their you know and I show them on the video I say look the tip didn’t even go a half inch past the Q ball you I mean they say oh I didn’t even know I yeah what I see is same thing when nerves are high or it means something to you you know whatever whatever may cause you to be a hair off with your blood flow um we try to control him impact and when you try to control impact you have to essentially slow down to do that with the swing and and that happens to all of us actually I think it’s the number one flaw with the better players cuz they’re not going to continually jerk the back swing they’re not going to you know grip the queue real heavy all that but when nerves get high even for those players it seems like the one uh common denominator as far as a mistake is is quitting at impact a little bit yeah here’s a great break keep I don’t know if he got the one or not he can twirl it I think he may have to twirl it a little bit but it’s close to the pocket and at that speed the only issue is that five ball blocking him on the two exactly right yeah if you got to twirl it you know depending on how much of the ball you hit how much of the throw works you may not get enough speed on the Q ball in order oh he was easy no problem yeah he didn’t have to really twirl it as much as just throw it in if if you have to twirl it in then the speed that you have to use is conducive to Landing behind the backx it’s you can make the ball but you can’t get position yeah you may not even shoot at it to be fair if it lead that way yeah you’re right okay I don’t know if the seven don’t want to end up short here it’s not too bad but I don’t know if the seven passes the nine can certainly see a little issue there if it doesn’t he’s perfect here to roll past the four that’s not a problem it’s close got there now the seven is only partially impeded by the nine which means if you get really good on the seven it’s not too bad but it’s hard to get really good on the seven from Clear down table so and if you get off angle then it gets quickly it gets tough man P’s just an amazing sport you know major event like this you know with so many great players and so many eyes on it and stuff but just think about you know you got the banks going on you got the one pocket going on now that started today some of these players are still in the Bigfoot so they really got to switch gears incredibly here at the Derby and uh to to be successful that pass shot there it was just a stun shot to the in rail but boy did he ever have some care to put you know he wanted to make sure he had this angle to allow himself to either get close or rounded short side I think yeah he got to go just a touch just to make the eight a little easier okay he’s he can hold it hold the eight up long tell you what I kind of feel like he’s batting down the hatches a little bit as far as his Tempo around the table doesn’t seem as very rushed at all oh he couldn’t play that previous shot position the transfer two cush is down there on that ball couldn’t have been any better looking to where he can reach it may have to roll forward just to touch he’s going to go and draw back for it and there’s a 10 ball hit pocket that brings us within one game here in thei Trails three games to four four games to three as we head into rack eight gor will have the break and the winner of this match we’ll meet Joshua filler tomorrow afternoon to decide who moves on to the championship the two and the five are the balls that go four rails it’s the four and the Seven are the balls to find the side pocket gors has twice Been Kissed in out of the middle of table for no reason but Misfortune a little the top not badly obviously but something went in I think yeah he made a ball on the side it’s the four ball I believe didn’t get a shot this was kind of the story of uh van bonings loss last night he make a ball and then have to Skirmish to get a shot and um L van win the battle Shane would lock him down L van and hit it and then leave Shane tough and then Shane would hit it and leave leave van a shot and he’d run out yeah I’d like to move the two here myself actually and that’s only because later on you figure to be snoker or maybe have to return something right so when you move if you can move the two where it’s not so easy it’ll open up doors for you when you’re in a bad spot to where you might be able to play a mild safety a little bit something without the snooker but knowing they can’t get shape maybe in the Gap it’s close I think he [Applause] Sni got a lot of action yet today to come too 700 p.m. match and a 9:30 me match follows this yeah three out of the four players are Filipino I believe right Alex Roberto and Lan I’m surprised randoo wasn’t in this this year he’s really played well on this 10-footer and incredible player actually didn’t even know if he was here when I saw he wasn’t on the 10 foot challenge but I did see him yesterday me too I saw him Garcia is who Jeremy’s talking about he’s such a great player it’s amazing pure killer I mean like you know he’s another one of those quiet guys so you just can easily forget about him until you watch him play a little while and then you’re like he’s just uh I think very underrated at times not very underrated but he’s right there with these guys I think he’s quietly fantastic player good shot yeah I think he used that two Ball by Design n playing the one off the two all right needs to get fairly tidy here on the five get back for the six look good enough like to come back just you know maybe just to past where he’s at right now just a flicker or even back to where he was that’s going to be about excellent you may fall behind this just a hair could fall straight and follow forward with for the eight in the side with the nine pretty accessible but you would think he’d want to slide over this will do yeah that fell real nice cuz now the speeds condusive to come across one rail and just let it trickle back to the center or you can hold it you have to come across so perfect yeah well I think today’s players mark because they grew up on simonis I think that hold shot is just brought into play a little earlier in their career a little more often there’s a little more you can do with it on the simonas I feel like than you could uh you know on the older felt and uh so you and I of course we played on the on the slower stuff and that that hold shot was a little tougher to keep the spin on the ball and really have a check you know so yes you usually move the ball over to the rail a little more the any time you can minimize the Q ball travel and especially on a big table like this the more sure your position play will be yeah the key to that kill shot is not letting up you know if you have to let up go ahead and let it move over but uh you know he got through the ball nicely and this is going to track to the rail never the most friendly feeling when the Q ball gets a little behind the Money Ball now the thought that you can’t have here is don’t miss it you know you have to just make a good stroke get through it BS are run on in there we’re all tied up at four games a piece and while they’re racking jimy I’m going to ask Jeremy your question give him a chance this is a genuine question from a guy that truly loves pool could you try to explain the finish and the timing as to how they work together on a shot or um add some clarity to the finish and the timing you know the we’re talking about the timing and getting through the stroke and the finish yeah well you know I I think in our sport most sports they’re always trying to get the most out of the Swing right uh and but our sport we can still use more of an effortless motion you know like golf for instance they’re always trying to hit it further right so they’ll really stress technique to try and get that speed same thing baseball football they’re trying to hit the hit the ball further throw the ball harder or whatnot um but in our sport I think effortless is still there so what I’m getting at is you know if you can learn a mild transition to where you don’t jerk at the top MH the human body wants to accelerate that’s just naturally what it wants to do so if you just imagine you’re building momentum on the way down with the swing as you accelerate unless you’re trying to stop the queue it wants to keep going through because it’s gaining momentum so a lot of people again try to control impact a little bit instead of understanding just let the swing continue there’ll always be power less deflection because your hand your stroke’s always quieter than your hand is at impact if you’re a hitter you’re hitting right English you’re going to deflect more than I do because you’re you’re stressing impact a little bit with the right hand and little s things like squeeze or getting you know when we want to get power up we want to get it right away no you have to build it up and go through the Q ball I think maybe that’s yeah and the thing is you need a mild start at the top you know otherwise you’re forcing the acceleration and why do most people hit at the ball because they start quick at the top and then you end up slowing down trying to get the speed right and then you have no power so you add a hit with the back hand you know so but there’s a lot of reasons why things happen that’s why I think diagnosing a player is the the biggest part of teaching really good break there and a nice opening shot was and the man that asked us has actually been playing much better pool in recent times so he he’s become far more of a student than he ever used to be hey do you shoot the four and open the 710 with the five hanging here I mean the Seven’s really rough this is the only time unless you want to try to make a wild transfer from the end so this would be the most conducive time and you can go right at the 10 ball here you don’t have to hit the seven yeah center of the table’s wide open and again you don’t have to crush it just a nice rolling ball hair right English oh he’s stunned more okay nothing wrong with that and that again a little preference boy that uh that took care of everything there and it’s starting to look like you know he’s been at the table more but he’s getting into his routine a little more from shot to shot at least that’s what I’m seeing caught a little thick to the pocket cost him a little QQ ball doesn’t bother him at all he used to I think he some gu stress over getting another foot closer I don’t think he Bo is bothered at all just glad to have a object ball out there where he can shoot at it well these two are prime examples of you know somewhat of the subject that uh we had the question on right uh watch zinsky really really good gets through the ball nicely and the one thing is you know when you’re swinging medium a little more than medium or whatever right you’re going to build momentum on the acceleration to where the que does want to keep going the one you really have to train are the lighter accelerations where you don’t create as much momentum to train the hand to keep going through a little bit more that’s what both these guys do really well the second breaking run out of the set for zinski and that gives you lead five games to four one time many years ago my first time to see hor was here when he was 16 it was astounding how well he played and 17 he comes astounding I’m saying how in the heck are you guys what what’s the deal you kids and Max dud was here with them and there’s others too and he said and not a gratuitous insincere way that you know they play a junior thing a Juniors program in northern Europe he said over a 100 Kids each month and then he said this in the most matter of fact tone and not talking about himself there’s five or six guys that are going to be a world champion MH and then but zinsky is one of these guys that I don’t you know I mean like and here we are four or five years later dog gone on the fast track to a World Championship four or five of these guys so yeah absolutely really fascinating to hear him and explain it gu i’ never heard of such a thing well like you know I was telling you about Vladimir that owns the Baza where where you know feder played in Moscow and what a beautiful pool room but you know he never charged pool time I told you that since he opened the doors and that’s both pool rooms he owned the one in St Pete as well another beautiful place um St Petersburg Russia of course but what I was going to get at is uh you know he went as far as to have Diamond make some tables with the legs half the size H you know and cost him a pretty penny to have made um and shipped over there and whatnot just for the juniors to where they don’t have to use a box or crate or or something or get out of form right I think that legs were almost almost half the size I think is what it was so when you have people that are caring and trying to put you in good spots you know that helps a lot and there’s a lot of people around America trying to do that as well all right little fun he knows he wants to get on the four pretty nicely to get to the five without having to involve the 710 so he can handle a little on the four but probably doesn’t want to be miles away from it I got to go a little bit little flattish he can go forward Mark with inside two rails yes looks like it from my vantage point looks like he can just come on the inside of the eight here come around could draw it right I think or high left I’m sorry yeah doesn’t want to be too short he can handle a little angle to draw over but doesn’t want to be too short on this this is going to be really nice now he can stun over for the five in the same pocket discussing a few other things but you know zalinsky got his first lead at 54 mhm nice to stay off the rail there could handle the rail but still very good yes if I could get Jim com to have that nice transition like gor does his consistency rate would just Skyrocket well there’s there’s other things to set you up to have a better transition you know it’s just uh just got to talk a little more about the takeaway and a few things prior to to to that back swing but uh a lot of people it’s not their fault they really don’t don’t set it up to have success you got to have the clearance in your stance to be able to flow otherwise you run into your ribs and then that d shorts head lifts the elbow goes out or down or wrist twists yeah so and gors does have great clearance in his stance well he’s pretty atypical as far as you know everything lined up you know a lot of us don’t have the attention when we first start from someone to get us lined up a little more but then also your eyes have a big play on your grip in my opinion like no coincidence I cup the queue pretty well very left eye dominant uh Alvin ocean cups the queue a lot very left eye dominant um so I think the grip gets a little manipulated by the eyes at times oh 5050 here he’s definitely disappointed I like it he goes he takes some powder rubs it on his chin so the queue Glides by there so if you ever look at a gors chin during competition you will see a little white mark on his chin where the que kind of comes across it most of us powder up the shaft gor powders up the chin I’m trying to visualize what the comfortable speed is I assume a high ball maybe four rails a little past the headring something like that rather miss it overcutting it rather than undercutting it oh H it really sweet make it we got a match here nice breaking run out all tied up halfway through yeah you know when gor told me that I guess it was 2017 let’s see about uh nice TPA there 900 and 899 just what we expect but anyway he’s talking about that youth movement and then here we are you you know some of the other kids coming over here that play close to zinsky type speed well I mean the Polish kids uh there’s there’s a few of those and um you know I think Spain’s going to really have a flow of players here soon that that we’re going to have some new names um a lot really I mean if we had a youth program like that over here ongoing you know that many years we we start to be seeing some oh absolutely I still think there’s more Talent here I just think it’s I don’t see how there couldn’t be really uh more pool rooms more access next up our next match will be pagul lion versus Conrad yeses py straight shooter and then our last match is leev Van fora versus Roberto Gomez and halfway home for both players getting a little more pop on that Q ball boy look at this break yeah and the 10 foot you know we always talk about the first shot shot after the break you know of course you 10 ball you get a lot of those shots because the one tracks towards the corner but or that second ball is makes a huge difference uh in the last few racks it’s been pretty decent for for Victor mhm yeah as your opponent of the victory you always look at the boy now I got to count on making an unforced error yeah exactly it’s not that comforting guy didn’t miss for a week straight and got to hope he messes something up here got a little awkward here just because he’s straight drawing behind it he could do that cheat in the pocket a little bit could go real first into the eight maybe I don’t know yeah I think the draw is usually what they choose cuz yeah stay away from trouble right he’s holy miscued now he is in trouble and this is the first step to an unforced air for Gorst yeah well remember it was I think zalinsky that miscued and then you and I talked about the miscue when he was stretched in that first round match he went straight over the object ball into the corner pocket here he’s he’s got to really demand the speed or command the speed ex excuse me cuz he’s going to be floating close to on top of this five good recovery here too too hurt okay and you’re always worried about a little kick on the object ball if you hit a little lighter gets you into the ball a little bit more and that was just very tough task right there for for Victor wasn’t easy now he’s just hoping to be able to see the edge of the five it looks like he’s down scrutinizing it well if he can he’s got action to maybe get behind the 68 maybe I don’t know if he can hit it hard enough to get to five to the rail or not the bottom rail yeah that’s what I thought he had to just leave him long is what he was hoping okay here’s the unforced air opportunity and it really started with the first shot on the one not getting that proper little angle on the two I mean it was really a cupcake shot on the one no reason not to get um you know a little angle making things easy which we talked about that with Victor a couple times in his first match if you remember he had ball in hand he decided to draw the ball instead of following it and got himself out of line on the first ball and eventually end up making a mistake later in the rack what’s that called Mark Growing Pains yeah youthful recklessness and you know the last two International opens which are ostensibly a world championship he’s had deep runs I think he finished top four of both of those and that’s pure Elite killer fields moving right along in the banks I think it’s going to probably be by the end of the day maybe around seven or so maybe eight that’s the issue here there’s so much going on and you you get spread so thin you want I see a lot of when I look out there there’s van boning playing yesterday was pagul playing Tyler Styer I’m over here broadcasting but kind of half looking out like makes you want to play too Mark or at least me I know that if you’re not inspired by this then there’s no hope looking for a game folks later on little one pocket one pocket pocket a piece two rails one of his best shots one he definitely spends a lot of time every day on variations of as you should little in between here could kind of go the soft side and stay there could put a little check coming across and again when you get a little closer like this one it’s not too far away it’s a little more preference the standard way to shoot balls really is when you get a little more distance Mark you have to have certain ways to shoot the ball because distance hampers you but like I said when you’re a little closer it’s it’s a lot more of what you like cuz accuracy is at a premium all right 65 gor got two miserable kisses off the break cross games and then sininsky missed a 10 ball and then here he had a open lay thank just a couple of our sponsors that includes Q performance you can feel also me Q’s ignite your still a little bit of a mystery on the misq and stuff but as far as why that happens I mean there’s some obvious reasons why but there’s a I think a lot of different ways to miss Q and A lot of different reasons why it happens you see him going to work on his tip yeah one of the things that I always found was that the laminated tips that with those glued edges and I miscued more with them I just think there’s more glue when you spin exposed and chalk doesn’t bite as good I keep going back to a one piece tip I just play this lepr at the end of the day and find a good one yeah I play with a soaked impressed elk Master pretty much so been playing with those since 99 actually try tried some of the layer tips because that’s about when they started to come around I believe around the Millennium so a little bit for maybe okay gor breaking now got a huge game here late at 6 to5 and breaking good yet he’s like please don’t kiss the C ball all right aw shot yeah he that much here awkward awkward awkward well the kiss hurt him again oh CU ball would have definitely been down here with the one somewhat even if he elected to play safe the accuracy would have been really good don’t think he can shoot at this really I mean you could kind of let it go I guess but inside don’t like it outside don’t like it right straight doesn’t look much better no unless you were just floated I think he’s floating the one over on top of the tube no he’s doing something bigger than that he’s going thin back cutting this he wanted to get a little less he’s going to get a little fortunate with the one hitting the point and going you know taking a turn and going back the other direction I did like the shot though mhm just just maybe a little lighter speed to let the right English kind of throw the one a little more you get a little deeper Victor’s looking to knock this in if it goes by the six maybe I was kind of thinking super light rail first just before the side pocket tried to just tickle the QQ ball up on the six he’s look at this shot he didn’t play it folks but he did make it looked like he played it at the heart of the pocket a rare fluke on a shot like that he’s looking at the tip again he didn’t miss Q There He was just leveled out I thought I didn’t think he did is this Q all going towards that that four it’s close I mean you know it’s not the kind of shot you want to roll at and then you’re jacked up a little bit over the balls and if you put a little speed you might go at the four and I think the QQ ball was really on his mind there where that Q ball was going pretty close to it Mark and he kill it a little low inside maybe yeah yeah I think he can manage that coming over across for the two it’s just a thin hit but just what you said he he’s banking it he’s Bing yeah you can cut this and kill it I’m I’m almost 100% you can but maybe not huh hard to doubt him but now the one thing is he really feels like it’s not going to hang so is he going to draw between the 37 here great shot great shot but in the speed he plays it right it’s just it can hit the pocket a few different ways and it’s still going to going to go in I think a little more difficulty with the bank maybe led the position the risk reward analysis was such that hey this is Justified to bank this because I think he could have cut it had he chosen but the position play was going to be far more Awkward oh he’s a pretty confident Banker as well yeah he’s won this twice right especially this building yeah one of the shots he really excels at stunning forward without rolling the ball like a stun just a couple inches could come back but then that that would put the 10 in play trying to get from the four to the six so I believe if the 10 wasn’t there he would come backwards with the cuq ball so good at that shot I know it looks routine but makes it look routine but I mean even the ones that are way more difficult from much further distances he’s just commands it really well like to have a nice position play here that would set up the whole rest of the rack play very routine but this is not that easy cuz you’re kind of coming into the narrow window I don’t think I try to get to the second rail here now the 10-footer does open up to where you have a little more space so he’s going to try and check it I think he is going to try and get to the second rail I probably just float one rail oh he’s just floating yeah that’s a smart play and that’s the nice position too that’s really good from where he was at like you say you know if you hit the pocket a little off right you force that second rail well that side pocket could come into play if you get a little kick on the object ball it could come into play so he took all the the negative possible possibilities you know he took that away by just coming one rail yeah he knows this is a big game in this set do everything he can to capture it love his intensity and the focus he applies and the reason why he came back for the side right is so he could let the stroke out a little bit you know that Ball’s on the rail near the rail you don’t want to be kind of like floating it where it grabs the rail and bounces away or any chance of letting up you know if you try to shoot that lighter one you can let up a little bit and miss the ball get on top of the seven maybe but yeah you know when you let up like that there was a term back in the Madison when I was growing up and you Wilson it yeah that was was like a mon yeah I get it I get it cuz I used to Des trying so hard to hold that thing and rather than what he did there that’s the smart way then you get through it and if I would have chosen that speed I would have been able to make it but instead I hung mine trying to he did guide it perfect he did it a little while for a little while we all did right you got to learn that so little player break our next match yesterday pulon did not play very well ended up going Hill but I expect a much better performance today that was a a real unusual match neither player played that well his TPA and winning was 714 yeah you know so that’s definitely substandard oh I definitely know crappy match you know here and there people are so spoiled and used to just seeing Perfection not realize 4 and a/ qu inch Pockets 5×1 they never play on and then you start to second guess yourself you can well and you know there’s no coincidence that it’s it’s two veterans that uh that that that happened to and what I mean by that is if you get a zalinski right MH he just almost hasn’t gone through those enough of those Scrappy matches to really let it weigh on him and you know those guys have and when you’ve gone through it already it’s it’s not like you’re reflecting on it but it’s just kind of in the back of that head a little bit more so and you you you never get that chance if the other guy plays good you don’t know how bad you actually play cuz runs out so many times where when both guys struggle now you could really look a terrible oh Beauty oh the eight went long I thought it was all right five’s going to cover up the one a little bit probably unless he’s a little cut off you’ll still see him probably try to do something with this one maybe maybe Bank it two rails underneath in between the 6’4 and kind of bump the five go into the 51 rail maybe I don’t know he definitely got his mind made up on what he’s playing so yeah he kind of sizes these up a little bit though see the angle he’s doing right there yeah now he can try and do it with a lot of speed and get it around or he can try and hit it mildly between those two balls and try and bump the five with the Q ball I think he’s going to go with the firm one watch out for the loop on the Q ball here oh he h the five yeah hey has a question to you and I should asked this really to the referee but you know how they always say you can’t let go of your queue if you’re measuring a shot you can’t let your hand off of it what difference does that make I never understand that yeah I don’t I mean I I guess once it comes out of the hand it becomes more of a device maybe okay but I kind of wish we couldn’t touch the felt with the Q with the tip you know how some guys put the tip down you know I I mean like it leaves a little chalk residue possibly yeah Johnny used to get called out for that quite a bit because he’d put a mark right in front of the object ball a lot of times when he was doing his aiming and and sometimes position as well and a few players back in the day really felt like there was something to it and um I couldn’t argue it really and so but yeah I don’t I don’t like the being able to put the uh tip down so so much myself but I don’t object to the role but I just didn’t understand why the rule is all yeah the one as far as leaving the queue I I think just because it made it more cut and dry you know what I mean like if you have it in your hand yeah a guy could accuse you of maybe trying to Mark or measure or whatever but how could he really say for sure that’s the case right yeah so when it leaves your hand and it’s on the table like that I think they’re just saying yeah there’s you’re definitely using it in some manner right okay yeah I just never had anyone explain to me I hear the rule and ier the rule but but they’re usually so adamant like you really gain a benefit I couldn’t even consider with and I could even see me possibly laying my queue on the rail to get down and get the bridge you know you could even see me doing that possibly but well back whenever I first started playing of course I immediately started gambling uh just I was one of the fascinating things about it but uh we had a player back home who was is a a referee at a lot of these BCA events back in the day and a pretty good player but you know how you get the Q ball right mhm and you move it when you have ball in hand you’ll set it down and move it with your shaft and you know we’re in there playing 5 $10 pool and you know we’re all know each other whatnot a little shy here so he’s going to have to work the QQ Ball but anyways he’d call foul on you quickly if when you removing it any piece of that leather touched that tip you know and finally uh we convinced him not to quit doing that you know with all of us so oh he’s going to play the corner instead doesn’t want to take the one row route between the nine and 10 don’t blame him good shot smooth he’s off angle though he can stun up to the center and take the cut or he can draw the draw the Q ball maybe with low left that would be oh he can stun all the way to there okay I think he has a hit more Ang well you never he’s got an angle out right on it but I guess he can generated he’s drawing that stunning yeah wow he got a lot out of that good job three rails ish SK didn’t it I turned my head actually did he kind of flicker okay I turned my head I he either moved his I don’t know if we get a replay of that one but either he moved his shoulders or the ball skitted something happened weird there well he turned his hand like it twisted so after such yeah it probably did because after such a good run and when right when it took off it did look like it twisted funny so well behind the ball that’s why none of us like it right it does create some what seems like different contact than from above sometimes I’m saying yeah and of course I’m not going to go into the skid topic I had that one time before and there’s again two different two or three different ways I think that make skid happen well it does happen no matter what oh yeah for whatever 100% it does yeah and it looked like it ball might have Twisted off that Q ball that time kind of weird but these good chalks is not supposed to do that very often either so I don’t know yeah nevertheless it’s going to be 8 to five yeah huge game Linsky runs out like he he was going to now it’s 76 instead 85 and the lead extended now three games 8 to five and gor will have the break I look forward to this every year I just can’t wait yeah if you say Mark you got to go home after the shaw gor match I’d still be okay you know was like okay I saw a heck of a thing there look at these crowds every year we get bigger crowds and this is early stages of the Derby City we’ve had full Arenas here yeah well pool’s definitely growing and again the fans have wanted pool to grow so much they’re there to support it I mean that’s what they want to do you know they want it as much as the players really really I I believe that and I also believe ever since pandemic and I’ve seen this in many events not pool events you know concerts whatever seems like everything’s more packed seems like everyone realized and during that pandemic how you know I ain’t going to waste any time I’m going to go to something if I feel like going to it cuz you never know right so that’s right nine and the seven on the corners those are the four railers the eight and six are the balls that go in the side and he flies it almost all the way to the headring eight to two then yeah I see better now two Ball’s tracking two ball found the side Q Ball’s rattling around there’s the one Nine’s in the way it’s okay though it’s not great though cuz QQ Ball’s tracking away but maybe maybe it’s controllable okay yeah when you’re close to it again you can really hold the ball Q ball should one ball should have a little follow on it with this draw stroke so I here oh you think he’s I thought he would float forward on this Oh I thought he’d draw and play the combo he’s going to go and play the safety taking no chances I don’t blame him he’s dangerous if we can pin him [Applause] down okay so the combination just too taxing compared to what the result of this would be he did a mental risk reward analysis and chose this shot and looks great to me a lot of pressure on zalinsky here I don’t know if I’d kick hard i’ try to kick two rails medium let the one lay up on the side rail I’m trying to advance my shot you know what I mean like get another shot still need the rail still needs a rail didn’t get a rail and sportsman like he calls a foul on himself and the three ball in hand on the one getting on the three which is pretty necessary to get good on the four and past that you can see 678 679 on this end so it should be gors to the heel and this is you know it sounds remedial but it’s not when you have ball in hand you have to get three balls off the table and but it’s amazing even with Pros how few times I’m giving you one now if he gets the good angle here which he didn’t okay but if he does and he gets that four and gets comfortable on the five the rest of them they kind of play themselves there’s not much more but the first three boy you got to knock them down for sure and then if you have to play safe or what whatever but you got to work harder to make sure you get three with ball in hand yeah and he made sure he got to at least straight or past it because he knew he had a lot of angle or a lot of options here with this angle to go to the rail and then up right he can easily recover well not necessarily easy but he can recover without having to do you can do inside or outside here depending on what the angle is telling you you can come one rail or two play the four in the corner good shot oh perfect right back in line yeah now he’s gotten good to where he doesn’t have to deal with the 10 at all when shooting the five six is just a stop shot to hold for the seven in the side get you carry you down on the nine yeah it’s really interesting once you get three then you kind of got momentum and then you can make a little shot or something but you got to do good with Q ball in the hand to get that first ball and then the second one yeah less congestion already cuz you knock three of them off and you know so everything starts to open up the thing if you want to improve is just make sure when that Finish Line finishing the rack you know like you can see it’s there don’t lose focus mhm yeah yeah you can’t fall over the Finish Line you still have to play position even on the last ball with your Q ball and I think that’s what happened to zilinsky when he missed the 10 he kind of thought well this winning ball just not going to end rather than do it like he did all the other shots where he played position got through the stroke cuz that was a big 10ball he missed second game it was huge he made a beautiful out as well I mean a really quality out then later in this match he broke and ran out to the 10 again too right isn’t it the seven was it was theeven when it had the kick there that was no not that one I’m saying he had a no that was the first one yeah he broke and ran out to that 10 he missed okay yeah this game’s kind of run together here they put Jeremy and I in this box and we’re here for hours but we love it and it is fun I’m trying to decide he’s coming across of course and again when you’re close there’s a lot of choice but go ahead and roll your ball why not come across I wouldn’t use the second rail myself but he did and to be fair you might might have because the angle might have been a hair thinner down there we’re 30 ft away so I wouldn’t say you know he was right or wrong we’re going to go with whatever he does and you would have probably played it this way yourself cuz yeah and either way you can’t label right or wrong you know it’s again when you’re close to the ball there is preference well the reason the reason they want to go two rails is take laying on the rail then I just don’t want the cball end up on the rail so they try to purposely take it out of there by getting to the second rail for sure yeah and you never end up short that’s for sure perfect speed here course will get to number nine sininsky will break in the [Applause] next first to the hill zinski will have the break heading into rank 15 probably still working as well right he seemed like a workaholic back in the day well I don’t know him at all oh really yeah you would if you saw him cuz he looked exactly like Nick without the curly hair oh Nick farner’s dad looked just like Nick yeah yeah I didn’t made him once I think too he used to come to every time yeah I think we were talking just for a moment about Steve Nick’s brother great guy who loves pool got that same accent oh yeah same laugh same smile pretty much Little M hit there little off with the hit on the wand and oh Bo boy it’s going to hurt a little bit one six combo here to get things started it does require a good hit yes it does you can see he’s breaking from the left and he cross it over and you can see he he’s not really hitting the rack to where he’s flying that QQ ball way back there so anytime you cross it over not only don’t get the balls tracking exactly how you want but that’s where that scratch can come in I’ll tell you I think he floats it is but he might put a little more speed on this than we imagine we’ll see might even use a little left English to control the speed of the QQ ball so it widens it out absolutely I don’t think he used English I think he used a draw to widen it out he had a little left yeah yeah yeah well nevertheless he got an interesting way he shot it really the wide place yeah now this rack lays pretty open here there’s not a whole lot more to negotiate other than stay on angle yeah he’s only really going to need any kind of real speed or a little bit of power just from the three to the four really and that ain’t going to be much no it’s a easy travel cuz The Four’s up it’s not like it’s on the end rail so yeah he’s got a lot of I mean you even have room for air with this run out yeah it looks like he has a hint of an angle he can go forward and wrap the corner maybe come up that side rail a little bit trying to get a little angle on the three that way he stays away from the 785 and all that could get behind the three to run the QQ ball around those four balls that being the 5 7 8 10 I kind of like being over by the nine a little bit more myself but we’ll see he’s stunning over he’s wanting to get that other angle to run around the rack looks like he got it too yeah this is quite a bit of travel now he has to make sure he at least gets past the center of the table yeah and he’s coming a little more across the line because he can’t come in tighter because of the 5 S8 so right that’s why I thought he might go forward up the left side the table and and just play real open but that’s this is okay main thing here is again just trust is going to get there that way you’re rolling into position going to have to go a little I think oh I think he’s going to be good filter filter [Music] filter wouldn’t have minded another 6 in but should be good y I think he just announced extension while he’s toing with his extension something’s happening yeah he’s not going under the way yeah easy to with threads cuz his has threads on it so hard of shot I think he’s trying to improve on a little bit a rolling ball with spin you know a lot of times he’ll play that little stun with a hair spin to get the angle going where here he’s stretched and it could get a little hot on him because he’s a little thin so yeah we’ve seen guys stretch way out chunk the ball and hit it way fat well you put more weight on the queue and you hit right spin you’re going to you got to realize it deflects a little bit more and uh I’ve done that a ton with the extension see how he’s playing it with Spin and a rolling ball mhm that’s the shot I think he wants to get a lot better at now that one you know was fairly routine but there’s some that come up every now and again that are very demanding Eran was of course the best at it yes Ralph Su made a real good living with that rolling ball as well and your buddy and your buddy Nick ronner and just don’t come up short on this position play he didn’t well zinsky just had a couple early ones started to really play well and then the the skid or miss or kick or whatever on the seven just a few games ago and feder gor kind of shut the door come around the 10 if you want it’s up to you like that this has been a really fun match a lot of uh turnovers of and things to talk about events that happened in this match hard fought course moves on that’s a $4,000 win right there running tomorrow 16,000 up for tomorrow our first match up we’ll be back at 7 p.m. this has been acats video production the worldwide leader and bers program our time for this time next great match ups for you we have the lion [Music] e e e e e e


  1. We miss Mr. Reyes and Mr. Strickland playing real pool… all of this kid =🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  2. Mark and JJ on calls like this is always such a gift. You guys are out of your minds for not liking this footage.

  3. The main commentator is amazing… who is he?
    I learned so much just listening to him <3
    Edit: Jeremy Jones… just heard him call the other guy Mark!

  4. I have to turn the audio off so I can watch the match… they never stop talking… The one difference between Gorst and Zileinski is that Gorst will ALWAYS get behind the line of the object ball to his intended target and find his contact point. And Zielenski will omit this step and those are the shots he misses and rattles the ball in the pocket. If Zielenski used the same pre-shot routine as Gorst, it might have been hill-hill. I wish the commentators would focus on the match and stop talking about sharing rooms with other players and whether or not they smoke at 6am. Why would I want to hear about that? It is interesting when they talk about where they are breaking from and technique. But most of the time they are talking about things that simply distract you from being able to enjoy watching each shot and how they get position.

  5. So many players after making a bad stroke have to check out the cue tip like that was the problem. Interesting psychology behind that and the cue tip is never the real problem. You f*cked up Flounder!

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