The Easiest Way to Gain Distance FAST in the Golf Swing

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus shows how the mobilisation of the feet in the golf swing could be the easiest way for you to add some distance to your golf shots. Hit the golf ball further and you should find your handicap starts to decrease as a result of needing to take fewer shots on the golf course.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

a question I often get asked is how to get more speed so we’re going to look at how we can improve our club head speed while still maintaining a strike and we get it with the driver because this isn’t just a golf club it could also be your best training aid I’m sure you’ve seen lots of these um speed training systems on the market speed Stakes things like this which are they’re all well and good but they don’t have this on the end they’ve not got the club head so it’s a very different task when you actually have to hit a golf ball so we can improve our speed and they’re all very good Training Systems and I’m not for or against all I’m looking at is how can we improve our speed with the driver yes there is a transfer a training effect from physical exercises through to the golf swing but how can we do it ourselves without going out and having to buy extra equipment or training protocols when we already have what we need what we need to do is just learn how to use it better and we’ve got to think about how are we actually improving our performance with this well it’s improving our performance with the body and it’s recognizing our form to the performance and so where do we get the speed from well it’s Force generation and force transfer if you were to throw a ball with your feet planted and just try and throw a ball as far as you can you’re going to get a decent distance okay you’re going to you can probably throw it quite a distance as soon as you’re allowed to move your feet and use momentum you can increase the distance so let’s have a look at how we use this to speed up our swing hi guys we’re really excited to be back at the West hars Golf Club for our two-day golf schools we’ve got a school on the 13th and 14th which sold out so due to demand we opened another school on the 15th and 16th for six people three have already sold so we’ve got three spaces left it’s 2 days of intensive coaching 11 hours of coaching with myself and the team get into grips with everything grf plus a bonus of our onc course tour experience with Mark Foster and David Griffith so you get to transfer the skills from the two days onto the course with myself as well helping you along the way so guys it really is a fantastic two days three places left if you’re interested follow the link in description and we hope to see you there now we’ve got to move this as fast as possible which means these joints the wrists the shoulders the elbow particularly the trail trail elbow we’ve got to be familiar with using them at the speed we need to increase the overall cled speed but it’s when we go further down through the Torso through to the pelvis through to the hips the ankles and the feet it’s this end that we need to recognize in terms of force generation speed production things like that because often this gets overlooked because we can’t even see see our feet they’re in our shoes so we’re not even aware of our joint actions if we can’t push off at the speed we need to we can’t maintain our low point for long enough because as soon as we start pushing off the low Point’s going to start Rising it’s going to start moving back towards us it’s going to start essentially lifting and that’s why you see the long drive guys have really high tegs because they’re using such a fast High magnitude of force that their Arc height is lifted off the ground and they need the big tpegs cuz they are jumping they are using their vertical jumps that’s okay for us but how does that transfer then to an iron cuz we’ve got to be able to do this with the ball on the ground as well so we’ve got to be able to generate speed whil being able to control our low point and it’s that that I want to focus on what we’ve got to recognize first is how do we move to do this so we’re going to take our shoes off because we can’t see what we need to with our shoes on so most of your life tra your golf swing you spent looking at your hands your wrists the club your hips here elbows shoulders in the mirror what we miss is what’s happening down here and this part of your body has got the most bones and joints than any other part and that’s because it’s for Mobility speed all the muscles there’s not a lot of mus muscle mass in the for at all the muscle mass is up here so this is driving the foot but the foot is acting at high speed all those joints enable the foot to move quickly and it’s the speed agility quickness aspect of our foot function that we’re going to look at how fast can we actually interact with the ground action these joints which are going to create that extensor chain because if you’re going to jump you need to flex and extend if you’re going to use the ground we’ve got to be flexing and extending whether that’s our primary mode of force is not that relevant at this moment in time but we’ve got to be able to push off the ground so what we’re going to look at is the toe joint now not all of us have got functional range okay so we need over 30° ideally that’s the angle between the toe and the ground the range of the HS so we’re looking for a push off if we haven’t got that some people have got fused metat tarle joints that’s no no problem you’ll be going to the ankle more so the body bypasses and goes to the next available joint so it’s not just a triple extension in the golf swing it’s not just ankle knee hip it’s toe ankle knee hip it’s a trip it’s not just a triple extension it’s quadruple particularly with your lead for because when we load into the lead for we’re moving our load point and then we can push off and use that load so the speed’s important guys what I suggest you do first is just stand feet close together and just stand up onto your toes can you do it can you r up onto your toes and can you do it quick okay can you do it slow okay now keeping your heels on the floor bend your knees and now extend your knees and that’s the ankles that’s the knees the hips and the ankles okay that’s okay but what we’re looking for ideally are the toes to be involved so if you bend your knees and hips now ankles will bend automatically now spring off your toes to extend everything and that’s the chain we’re looking for okay you can even see there’s a a little push off a little jump you may even leave the ground letting the legs fully lock out this is where we’re going to go for the speed now how fast can we move using this chain now in golf obviously we are shifting we’re rotating and we’re flexing extending so we’re just focusing on this element first and then we can introduce everything else so I’ve got a furnish slider here okay you don’t need one okay you could just get a piece of cardboard uh and a slippery surface laminate flooring or what you could do is just move your foot slide it along the floor okay to start with but I suggest you do have some interface between you and the ground because you can actually push it as opposed to lifting what I want you to do is stand on the slider with the balls of the foot so the for foot flex your knees and your hips okay and just stand up and slide your foot forward using your toe using that toe so the heels raised okay and how fast can you move it okay it’s not about how far you go cuz that’s going to slow you down it’s not always about the range you’re moving it’s about the speed how fast can you push that away with your toe how fast can you push it to the side so this is recruiting this chain here what’s driving the foot is the hip complex here you’re recruiting the glute the hamstring the Cal the big toe joint to push and keep the pressure on the slider bang just extending okay make sure you don’t make sure it’s a safe environment and the slide didn’t go fire off like that just making sure that you’re recognizing the speed okay what we’re going to do then is we’re going to load it a little bit now to load it we’re going to take that away we’re going to bring the club in so be careful what’s around you guys you’re swinging inside what we’re going to do is start with our feet together and we’re going to take a step and pop can we pop at the same rate we felt with the slider because now we’re loading that lead side so now there’s a different Demand on it so starting with the feet together just make taking a few little easy swings and when you feel the moments right as you swing back you just drop to your lead side and then you just spring off that toe what we want to feel for this exercise is ourself unweight off the floor that means we actually feel like we’ve got Airborne before we actually hear the swish of the club cuz the swish of the club is the snap release of the wrists so can we actually feel airborne and then let the wrist release okay that’s now enabling us to transfer Force through the chain because we’ve got time if we’re an upper body swinger heavily dominant with the upper body we may not even have time to use the legs we may have released the golf club early so there’s no real necessity to use the the lower body what I want to do is just to explore push it using torque okay so when we push in a certain direction what’s going to happen is potentially we going create torque and then we need to release that so it’s like we are using the ground to wind the body and then we’re pushing off the ground to transfer that through the body to the club now we need the mechanism to transfer it through the body to give the body the opportunity to actually create it in the down swing if the body doesn’t have a mechanism to actually utilize that torque it’s got no reason to actually create it in the first place so we’re actually reverse engineering from the moment we’re transferring it through the body and then we’re giving the body an opportunity to create these forces so what I want you to do is explore pushing off the floor and SL ripping the foot sliding the foot back so feet together little step just like we did with the driver drop in and now we’re pushing the foot back straight back not away this towards the body this way away from the target literally straight back this isn’t say we have to do this in the GOL swing but by pushing the foot back we’re actually pushing forward and it’s this force that creates the motion that we see with the leg going back and what this is going to let us do is transfer that Force to rotate the hips and the pelvis at the speed we need and at the time we need so we can actually sequence the body before we even need to release the club with the golf club now remember this is our training stick little swings half three quarter little step and then rip the foot back with the push off little tiny step drop and pop it notice the drop happens on the back swing here so we getting used to rotating the Torso back as we drop and then Sprint and let the foot rip back straight back so if you’re a guy who finishes like this okay cly extend lower body just can’t work fast enough we’re probably still loading to the floor having to hit it hard with the upper body early releasing to get the speed in time problem is we’re never going to be able to recruit the lower body because it’s so far away from what we recognize the speed we’re operating that is so far away from what we need we’re probably never going to get to that place but this exercise is going to let you this little protocol of exercise is going to let you experience not just the moon but the speed you need too so then you can start to transfer it through to the ball and I’d suggest hitting shots on the driving range without your shoes off so you can actually feel it doesn’t have to be full out but it’s recognizing the speed operating so once You’ hit a couple of shots we can start to introduce more of a lateral to help us with the timing and this is where we take it to the next level where we start to bring in a step away from the target so now we would introduce a drop and pop on the way back so the feet would be together in the starting Place swinging the club and when the moment feels right we take a small step back and drop them pot to swing back so we’re swinging forward when we decide to go we’ve got to make a conscious decision that this is the go time as soon as you swing the club forward you drop away and stand up to swing the club back so we throwing the club back now this is loading us perfectly for the drop so when we marry the two together you can start to really ramp up the speed because now we’re introducing more lateral this extension in the back is going to let us drop we’re accentuating the ranges a little bit we’re ramping up the speed and we’ve got the mechanism for the speed because when we load that lead side we’re comfortable using it at speed because we know where the movement’s coming from small steps it’s more about the drop and pop and just letting yourself spring into a finish I made a mistake on that want to hit the ground and that’s adding Distortion we want to feel the swing weight we’re not intending to hit the ground with the driver so make sure it’s in the air and make sure you hear the swish because when and where you hear the swish is really important we want that Swit to be really late on the up you can see we’re starting to ramp the speed up then it’s time to bring another ball in have a little practice swing first and then commit to it in the swing probably two best drives have here for a while and funny enough my attention is not on the golf club it’s not on my wrist it’s not on my where I’m swinging in the golf club it’s on how I’m using my lower body how I’m interacting with the ground which creates an opportunity to sequence to create a more efficient release more Club face path control because we’re not heavily dominant and reliant on this release which throws everything out and actually denies us of the power so the source of the power is more effective more efficient and therefore the rest of the body can do its job creating that speed not compromising control over the St like so give it a go guys it’s quite complex that protocol take your time with it be disciplined with your practice free the body up Express Yourself let your body go you might just be surprised at what happens so guys let me know you get on and leave your comments the like [Music]

1 Comment

  1. I have been using the SuperSpeed Sticks recently. Brought my swing speed up from 95MPH up to 102MPH. Hopefully this adds the missing piece as I have had a few swings close to 110MPH but not repeatable

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