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Celtic 2-1 Rangers: immediate post-match reaction

Eck grinds to a halt as Rangers title challenge does likewise. A painful pod for a painful day.

The Gersnet Podcast: the independent Rangers FC podcast, by fans, for fans. LIVE and FREE every Sunday on YouTube at 9.30pm.

okay I need to find something in this internet here on this laptop that’s going to make me hate Rangers I’m angry I mean we’re all Angry you know we’re all disappointed but I need to find something that’s going to wind me up to the point where like I hate Rangers I talk like a like a Celtic fan basically I hate Rangers team I hate Rangers badge just hate the sight of Rangers players seems to how you drive traffic to your Rangers podcast that’s how you get the likes that’s how I can finally make a out this podcasting game cuz that’s what we’re all in it to try and make a living you know you see some of the the figures folk on YouTube but um yeah I need to make sure Wikipedia BBC it’s be one of these tabs but I’ve got to make sure I just give a bit of Love Back to the jaet community the folk have got me through so many bad times with angels they’re absolutely brilant and they deserve a bit of positivity a bit of kind we used to go out walking hand in hand you talk of all the big things you had planned when in the UEFA Champions League to ease your Scottish silverware fatigue you had no time for 9 or 10 in a row you knew where all those Scottish cops could go and League cups you told me counted for not you only wanted everything and cheaply bought ebts am I not your girl am I not you start what you’re day how you doing folks this is your Jersy immediate post match reaction pod coming to you in association with Forest Precision Engineering in football prizes my name is Alec Anderson and it’s my my somber task uh my kind of unfortunate duty to have to tell you that Rangers have done it yet again they’ve let us down yet again you knew they were going I knew they were going to the do it all the time but yeah they have yet again failed to win all the post split fixtures decades now as he be on for rers cannot win all five of their final League games in a Top Flight season and it’s really starting to get to me there could be a further price to pay this season I think we might not actually win the travel this season we could have put the league in doubt today when we lost um Celtic I think I think Celtic wasn’t the beest 21 but yeah that R’s G down by two goals to one at Park head of all places two Celtic of all teams in the 12:30 live on Sky launch time top of the table Winner Takes all rematch of the bo reexamination the plantation of Ireland pay-per-view pettiness between two guys called Chris League decider basically Celtic now six points clear with two games to go although if the same result happens take know this this thing that we knew it was going to happen if it happens once it’s definitely going to happen again definitely bore fruit today that’s definitely what’s happened here but if Celtic are just one goal better than us all the time and then they beat the d71 at parad and we beat dunde 5 nothing at Den I was the first time we played him at Den we playing D iBooks on Tuesday we should beat them 6-1 and then karlock always beat Celtic at Robby Park so they just need to lose by a single goal and that’ll be the on Wednesday night that’ll be the goal difference wiped out it’ll only be three points in it going the final fixtures and know the Jambo always Li down to us that always that happens all the time we always beat hearts and St M have got a fantastic record at Park there’s one team Cel don’t want be coming to park head they’ve got an important game to win it’s St Marin so yeah this could be this could be funny this could actually end up being a real laugh they we win this league and if you don’t laugh you’ll cry um lot of mental health awareness going on on the internet social media is Hitler it’s a new Hitler it’s just divisive and just wants to split everybody into various groups factions at each others through all the time and but one thing it’s like you know Hitler made the train run in time didn’t he we know really made them run to but he made the trains run on time and there has been some good stuff on this here social media today Elon musk’s Twitter we’ll call it that because Elon Musk is so venal he’s like you know yunkers and all these different Hugo Boss the people that made money Hitler he’s he’s totally evil so we’re not going to call it we’re not going to call it X it’s it’s Twitter and there was someone up the other day Frankie the boss of J he reposted the fellow the wolver Hampton wanders guy is it m new outside M he’s wolf scarp in his eyes he ties up in his eyes he’s holding a plard that says if you need a hug just come up and give me a hug if you need to talk about something get something off your chest just come up and and talk to me an anonymity like we don’t need to see you just need to hear each other that’s the point being made they’re really powerful stuff and the Rangel need to go to over huntting town again perhaps we need a hug we need to talk about stuff and I need to apologize for me the hypocrisy this is this is social media I’m on just now you wouldn’t know anything with this pod if it wasn’t for me being all over Twitter if just the whole thing’s powered by social media it’s the medium is the message this is what’s spreading it but always hated that group of people I always thought they were really but he didn’t really act on he didn’t really get into a fight with them beforehand it’s it’s Marshal a clu this is this is what’s causing it and yet there I am all over it and today I am slagging Rangers fans for slagging Rangers and that’s my you saw the Rison thing on Sky Sports as well he’s really bravely sharing what he’s been through his mental health and I I’m somebody who’s never been well diagnosed with depression I don’t think I’ve suffered with depression but look at the state of me you know I’m obviously self-medicating with sausage rolls and crap lagger um one biscuit away from a heart attack as as we always say and as I always say Rangers football that is it I think it’s the bottom end of Scotland’s addictions but it’s definitely an addiction it’s unhealthy the way we the way we feel about football in this country it’s pretty unhealthy in most countries it’s but I think we’re particularly bad in Scotland we’re sending a team to the Euros this summer trying to win their you know try try to get their way into the second round of a competition a major finals for the first time in Scotland’s history which is absolutely humiliating when you consider that we are the second oldest football nation in the world that we invented passing but more when you consider the amount of time energy that is put into football in this country it is that’s why you Scottish governments are all over it you know Hollywood is all over it because our Bo house is all over it because it’s the greatest it’s it’s just the most straightforward way of getting the attention of the masses of the Hoy poo or whatever as well it’s just we’ll do something about get involved with Rangers and Celtic get involved with old firm have your say on that and you’ll you’ll definitely get half the country on your side or the other half so variantly against you that they’ll you know radicalize everybody else and it’s suppor me that’s how the social media thing works and I have done it myself today just I do apologize I’m not sorry but having a go at Rangers fans for having a go at Rangers but that’s my we vent the anger and we have to vent the anger you want have a go at Rangers you want tell us the same old faces the same old players letting us down I can’t really argue that the day after put Tav and lrom got up to that second goal what what L got up to before halftime it’s it’s your way of getting out your system do it just go for it you need to it’s good to talk get angry vent um I’ve been venting against Rangers fans which I don’t know I’d rather do that than hate my team um but if my club has the people who support it then that’s I’m I’m actually more out of order than you guys so have and John lrom terrible day I feel as if AB get too much it’s but maybe he’s known that you know get into that game today he’s been watching social media himself I don’t know but David marale the Livingston manager having a bad season himself but he infamously did some serious time in and I remember see an interview with him and he talked about those guys inside that are there because of Rangers and Celtic and it’s not because of Rangers and Celtic it’s because that’s been the final straw for them but they’ve got themselves they’ stabbed folk they’ve involved bit of manslaughter because they got into a fight because the teams get beat and the folk will kill themselves in jail they M it’s because know Rangers l or Celtic L and that’s the last straw for them it’s the last bit of Hope they’ve got people will kill themselves because of this game in regular life um outside of jail people are offering themselves in record numbers in this country all over Britain um and Scotland as well we’ve got terrible record everything but send our team in the Euros but the only League that we’re top of internationally has always been in in Western Europe anyway and the developed Western Europe as they say it’s cancer rates heart attack rates stroke what I’m heading for I lost my mate a few years ago he was on one half his 50th birthday and yeah he did Rose and surfing and all that but that’s you know it’s cancer it’s Scotland F get cancer all over the world but we seem be particularly bad for it um alcoholism yeah I mean I play my I make my contribution to that it really is a massive problem are we life in Scotland the smoking FKS smoking themselves to death that’s what be cutting down a b but the heroin the to almost a subass been reduced to people who just ended up the heroin of what it did to Scotland what it did say I walk you walk about the streets to walk about Glasgow and know you’ll see people just devastated by it on their way out probably they’ll be committing all sorts of crime to feed their habits and things like that it’s an epidemic here knife crime folks I think Paisley used to be like stab capital of Europe you know per capita and it’s all per capita because Scotland’s only a population of 5 million folk and yet it has set every European crowd record you could think of in football except for League attendance that was Benfica uh at home to Porto 1987 but European attendance 127,128 th000 or something SC just it’s got a population of 5 million why why are we getting these massive crowds the clubs do okay in Europe represented quite well in Europe 10 European finalists Rangers doing it five times 10 times reach European finals um but Rangers five of those European finals for Scotland Celtic hav them win the European Cup it’s just we really represent well through the club side sometimes but not as well as we could considering it’s just all consuming in this country it’s not the size of man and fight it’s the size of the fight and the man look at you Uruguay two World Cups and more cop Americans and Argentina and Brazil combined up until really recently they’ve won two World Cups of been the semi-finals two others maybe three others don’t know what the top of my head but 3 million population of 3 million look at look at New Zealand look at the old blacks with the rugby it’s if you want it that badly and in Scotland it’s all we talk about you know why is it so negative why is it so bad why is it so toxic it’s because rers haven’t won to day and it looks like we’ve ched Le away and we’ve lost to Celtic again so we feel like [ __ ] but get out your system whatever way you’ve got to I’ve been there I I I I did survive being a young man and it’s brutal in Scotland it’s absolutely horrible that Jesus I I would I would hate to go back there um I survived physically just you know walk in the the streets of adwon um over 5′ five and looking like you might breing a smile you’re just asking to get slashed and I’ve been glassed that was in Glasgow had knife pulled on me that was aw and fights sockets ADW Stevenson everywhere the three TS Glasgow up I think 30 last kind of incident in the street there a guy modled outside my house um in the leafy West End of glasgo and flat H just after I was 30 early 30s that’s just this just that that’s Scottish life it’s life in any kind of City I suppose it’s life in any Industrial area but the football seems to be the bottom end of addictions here and this is the US this isn’t the MLS this isn’t MLS so it’s major league soccer not the major league soccers you people only apply the definite article I’m wasting time until the Celtic fans switch off you know that’s like 30 minutes of the Pod but what I say stands what I say stands um I really mean it it’s I remember Al mcco crying when we drew with sis mosco at the end of that game weren’t going to go to the Champions League final and the Damage had been done you know well over in Bru or whatever maybe we didn’t beat Mar and Mary the penultimate game in that group but we’d got really close to getting to first ever European Cup Final and H Ali’s crying after it and I’m just shouting at still I wasn’t at that game cuz I was I’d realized what my problems were what my anger issues were when I was younger I realize a lot of it was my family and I was I try to do something about it try to do something just I was just starting on theout to do something about that I had to save up money to get myself to you know the B father education let’s say and but I had started that process yet and I remember I just like shouting tell you I greet num you can greet num you know dat during the game and I’m still the same in terms of I don’t when team gets beat you know I’m know I’m to greet I’m to feeling sorry for yourself um it’s when we win though we win big I’ve I’ve really unhealthily got it all backed up so then I get the lease I’m quite happy to so like a way in front of anybody if Rangers rers win big you know it has to come out and it comes I wanted to come out in that kind of constructive way but when I was younger it was even it was terrible my dad who’s not really R suppor got sympathies and that but uh he’s still what you didn’t shouting him what’s the problem there it’s just he’s you know European Golden Boot and stuff like that the GU and know Al mcco is one of the greatest figures I really w Really um level of what he’s done for the club in in terrible times and that’s when I judge people there no gas going loud up you know oh they were legendary players with legendary skills and they had legendary period at Avengers but they were Avengers Legends I will friend you if I me in the in the dark and cloudy day I just you know people at nine years I grew up watching Rangers when didn’t win the league between the treble 78 and soon as arriv and we won once at Park head in 9 years David Cooper that’s why is David Cooper’s a legend for me the skills and his it was amazing to watching what have you but he wasn’t gone anywhere else at the time that we were struggling and CER get slag r c get slagged absolutely rot in that period you know stupid get sent off a couple of times and things for losing his temper and having quiet games every now and then letting his because he was the only guy with the skills that could do the business and stuff like that that’s you know you wouldn’t even what to dare say in the the fee atmosphere of Rangers Twitter today Rangers social media that’s I see to in the same light how dare you compare him and David Cooper that’s insulting that man’s Legacy but insulting his memory don’t [ __ ] insult me by telling me I don’t know a our Rangers Legend you can have your tourists who drop in for a few years when everything’s going absolutely fantastic and even let us done in terms of Europe which is where they were brought in but they bed in a few against Celtic now were great players I that’s that’s fantastic it’s even more struggling know like as in life you know somebody who backs you up when you’re no slim and beautiful as I used to be you know that’s that’s Pals that’s that’s that’s somebody you can trust that’s that’s a legend to me but uh yeah what the [ __ ] am I talking about I don’t know it’s been a terrible day um everybody’s angry in their own way I understand that’s what I was talking was understand why people get angry especially younger guys and I know why they’re L noted players I’ve done it myself so it’s total hypocrisy for me to slag other people for doing the same thing um let’s talk about the game cuz that’s so much much happier subject I better get to the point we three major selection headlines but only two of them are actual changes from the team that played against karik bonab Baris stayed he started again at left back that’s because djon stering has to get played wide on the right he has to get played because we don’t have matondo we do have sea we don’t have Wingers you know R Mand isn’t he fit off doesn’t trust him enough he’s just too young maybe whatever I do he’s a lot younger so there’s no excuse for you M’s old enough but whatever we need to get D Sterling playing out wide and so B retains his place at left back then have Ben Davis coming in at Center half and he come on for that half against K last week he scored as well but that’s only 45 minutes of football he’s had in something like six months first team football and there he is starting at parkhead today and that we get worse that situation because Conor goson is obviously unfitting Le ban got himself injured last week against Kamal and didn’t make the squad at all today and we had Tom Lawrence coming in at 10 instead of Todd canwell okay Todd canwell it’s it’s touch and go between the two of them I think I think canwell probably fitter maybe more of a threat but he’s becoming it’s just petulant now it’s not edgy or a bit pushy you know that b character that you need about the dressing room I think cl’s been trying to crush him since day one also trying to make him a better player a better team player um public substitutions in the first half and taking them off at half time handon and replacing them with Scot right who then comes on and plays brilliant the way Ross mcin come on and play brilliant and instead of on for that game against Aris LOL but can’ts in a HFF when he’s get subbed off and then he’s making little proclamations on social media that the Hitler that is social media about being you know a bird trapped in a cage football is about being trapped Todd it’s see the white lines are in the park you can go out of them it’s it’s about what you can do in a confined space under the structures of the the referee the rules he applies it’s it’s all about what you can do within the cage that is a football pitch it’s like I’m not saying like if you write a bad poem it’s not because it’s no you know a Amic pentameter and you know three quarr and a a Rayman couplet and a VTA and it’s an ab ab B CD CD e f e f g Ryme scheme I’m not saying I’m looking for a experience on it but if there’s one of the folk that try to tell me it’s free verse it’s no free verse it’s just crap okay you couldn’t be B given any structure and I think can’t get to the same situation Tom Lawrence is not as fit as him Tom Lawrence has any match fit H Tom Lawrence scored that goal against karock last week that was fine but that’s what Tom Warren she still be doing coming on that time in the game but I was quite happy for Tom LA to come said I can’t will today because that’s one of the players I’m sick of you know that’s one of the players I’m upset with t lrom I’ll stuck by them but Todd can start to piss me off so it’s like I say I’m just as bad as everybody else it didn’t it work with Tom laen either but that was the changes two changes to the the lineup against karuk and we the mistake straight away within the first minute what we’ve been doing you know maybe six or the last eight games I actually get to the point I was timing it today and it was exactly on the minute mark it was as 59 changed to 1 0 0 as 59 became 60 seconds in a game we end up again we always take Center like nine times at a time we’ve taken Center when we do these things we’ve actually taken kickoff and then we’re conceding a chance this time it was John Sutter kind of kneeing volleying knee type volley of the ball right in the bottom corner was going until Jack botland got there and a point blank save to start his bid to be man of the match and a team that doesn’t deserve to have a man of the match award maybe maybe challenged by D on Sterling for that for that title but that was it s ABS pounding his first 20 minutes or so and it’s always been the same when you go to park head you’ve got it’s kind of a hail hail storm a green and white haze just rapidly running at you always has been and it’s never been about rers doing any particularly good in that period just about absorbing it and just getting the ball the park somehow having a short F distance just doing something to let them know that you’re not going to be completely overwhelmed and you start to get a foothold and Celtic should have had the ball in the net two or three times I finish him was terrible but what we’re getting away with Jack botland pulled off a a cracking save at one point world class save really we had Silva Fabio Silva who was awful in many ways but our best player in many ways as well that first half going to sum up the Rangers plate he had cut in from the left hand side has a shot across the face of the Go pass past the the far post I think that’s a [ __ ] shot but at least you’re getting there having a shot and then there’s that incident where another ball he seemed to the plan seem to be sit on them at the back know Lawrence just sits on McGregor and we’re going to hassle them as they try to pass the ball not going to let them settle down at the back and we were doing that quite well at times we’re trying to hit the back post we do get the ball long Balls to the back post the Rangers of clont has obviously looked at Celtic in depth and whated it away we could get to them but there was a great risk involved to try and compensate for the fact that squad’s weak as anything and that was were freeing up a lot of space in the Midfield was just letting Celtic have the ball outside our box and pick and choose when they’re going to play into the box and kind of suicidal but got to about the 25 minute Mark and suddenly it went a bit quiet for Celtic and I’m not saying we dominated the game at that point we didn’t take control of the game but it was it went a bit quiet from their point of view we starting to get a bit more of the ball and you’re thinking this could be okay and then we yeah people I’m kind of judging people today on social media and in various chats and that I’ve been in if they’re blaming James tavanir for his part and the second goal we lost to Celtic day that’s fine but he’s getting blamed for the first part he’s getting blamed for when you’re blaming him for the first goal as well that’s you just no that’s that’s just know that’s that’s trying to simplify what is obviously a very complex thing what’s what’s at the heart of rers been just not good enough you know it’s James Tav I want it to be that the guy who scores more goals than anybody else for he’s the problem you know it’s not that and he wasn’t to and I’ve seen a few folks saying this for the the first goal we lost today he did lose the ball and I know in modern football if you lose the ball deep in the opposition half that can still be you culpable for the goal that then against you then results from that but that wasn’t the case today he it’s a bad ball and you know cutting the ball across the Midfield and and not making the pass as poor but he’s kind of on the halfway line and Cel then play the ball backwards and it’s like a minute later they score the goal but that point tav’s comfortably back where he should be defending and Celtic have wed the ball through about 14 different mingers players down the left hand side Tom lawren supposed to be sitting on McGregor he turned McGregor into Jimmy Johnston at that point just let some you know work his magic down the wing you know B has thrown a flailing leg in there there’s no art to it at all with no intent um and then the ball gets cut back for O’Reilly who has nobody anywhere near he could have a whole stadium to himself The Way We Were you know try to Mark him on that left time side today so he gets to pick his spot and he puts in the B corner for the edge of the box and that’s that’s crap Fleer comes on at the park plays kind of held up but he it basically score straight away from kick off again and they we put the ball in the back of the net and Tav blame for not picking up MAA or not getting tight enough for him he just jockies him T does he he’s so busy concentrated on going forward that he can defend at times and he’s he just kind of jockies but even then the ball that MAA pulls back if a Celtic players first on that terrible and I think that’s what L’s trying to avoid but he gets first on to it and just Strokes the ball in the bottom corner the bottom far away Corner uh just Unown goal of own goals and it’s disaster two nothing down we hav touched the ball between the two goals I don’t think Al except John lom’s touched it this is an absolute disaster it’s a Calamity third time this season we’ll be two nothing down to Celtic and we score a goal two minutes later Des who you know never does end in Old F games I think this might be the only touch you got the whole game it’s certainly the only shot we had on target for the entire game but scores you know djn stering does fantastic at the back post and nods it across winds ah header nods it right across and D’s man on the spot like a striker he never going to score he’s never going to score against Celtic he doesn’t need he’s not that going to play well he did he scored against Celtics a shot that’s let’s let’s have that anyway he didn’t touch the ball any other point in the game I don’t think he’s far too slow I think his physicality you know it kind draws in the Celtics in half it keeps them okay Pi it gives them something they’ve got to look for you know it’s it’s not good enough it’s not enough certainly with the squad being as weak as it is but you got his goal and you’re thinking this is right okay we’ll shut them up they they been very quiet very quiet for about two seconds until John lrom decided he’d had enough of been told he doesn’t get involved in Old firm games he doesn’t he put himself a about enough um and as was a ball just sitting there was I think it’s Alistar Johnson was it the Canadian fell it plays for Celtic and it’s one of those ones if he hadn’t he gone for it it’d be allstrom just not crapping out again so he did go for it and it was terrible and it was a straight red all day of the week for some reason while he call him had to go to V but it was an ankle breaker and didn’t actually and he couldn’t even break the guy’s ankle so was just no use at all he’s straight red card just in a stroke of halftime totally sold the Jersy we commit the second half and it’s got even worse in the space of the halftime break because we’re a center half down it’s the fit Center half he’s gone off injured H John Su is off Connor goldson’s history and leard balan’s history so we’ got Ben Davis who’s played 45 minutes of now played 90 but the 45 he just played in the first half he’s 90 minutes of football for the first team in six months he’s the only working Center half we’ve gotten there doj Sterling because and joins him it does great it does great but for the first quarter of an hour of that second half I’m thinking just keep it do five or six you know let’s not let Celtic beat the 7-1 records against us it looked like they could score it well and they the go red out for offside then they got a penalty soft as anything I’m not sure about that one at all uh but they get the penalty in a it’s a terrible penalty but Jack botland has got a save he’s got a save against Celtic in the old firm under his belt maybe that’s enough for him he piss off in the summer and tell all his Pals um at Newcastle or whatever it is he ends up that yeah he’s done he’s done the old for him thing I would hope not and hope it’s just the start of him becoming the next Peak Alan McGregor or Peak Andy Goram but he’s got a save and then in a bit this is this is where it becomes this is where the memes and the stuff I’m reacting to online I have to confess I’m I’m I was talking today about hot takes oh here we come hot takes incoming was a line I used on social media today against other Ranger supporters and that’s just a line of you know that’s not original I’m not the person that invented the phrase hot t incoming or the term hot takes I’ve totally copied that so A boy got in touch with me today and said that line about and I apologize to him I can’t remember his name and it’s just been it’s been a you know a Jamal this kind of day and he said the whole thing about you’ve seen we’ve seen this movie before seen this movie so many times before so I’m not having a go at him because I’m done exactly the same thing just repeating a line that F forther supporters but that’s it’s a line you hear a lot we seen the same movie before and we’ve seen this exact same movie before of being two nothing down to Celtic at parkhead and then we got man sent off and then it’s 2-1 and then Celtic look like they can score it well and then they look like they can you know shoot at all on Target and then maybe like 20 minutes to go they L they can’t get out the own half and then with 10 minutes to go it looks like they can’t get the wrong box and then 5 minutes to go it looks like they cany pass to each other and as it gets into injury time it looks like they’ve never seen a football before in their life and you think if this game just lasted 30 more seconds we could equalize with 10 men it’ be really embarrassing and you know that would expose Rogers for the kind of smoo and fraud that he actually is but it didn’t and they got it over the line and that’s what it’s all about getting over the line Celtic did and we didn’t um but you’ve seen that exact same movie before the last time Philip clont took us to parkhead his first two old firm games at parkhead have gone exactly the same you have seen that movie before he the movie before when Steven Gerard first came to Rangers his first season as Rangers manager first two League games at parkhead for him we lost them by a single goal you’ve seen that exact same movie before the first one was one now we beat SC time we’ve been to Asia basically against UA our eighth European game of the season already was August and we we drew one each we nine men we went down in nine men in other side of the world this was Thursday night and parkhead practically Sunday morning we lose one nil and he was a shight back his tactics were terrible he’ copped out not Steven Gerard who’s who’s known for his cowardness and known for not liking a battle he’d sold the jerseys didn’t this is Rangers fans this was the reaction on Rangers Twitter at that point and I’m saying it’s a four-g goal swing though the last time we’d been to par just a few months previously we’d get tanked five nothing and they’d Pi five passes at I Brook think the game before that it’s I think you know it’s a massive Improvement no not good enough we don’t want to see Improvement don’t want to see grades we don’t want to see you know stagnated improve we we don’t want to see stages we don’t see it working we just want to see the final some which is Rangers are at the top and they’re winning all the time and we’re the best don’t want to you know get there just want to be there Bel lose other game at Parker that seon by a single goal sending off you know Ryan Kent has that Superman style punch um it wasn’t really didn’t really connect it just diving by Scott Brown but iconic moment in between times we beat Celtic at iBook under Gerard we beat Cel iook for the first time in years in the league and we do it again that season at I Brooks The Following Season we beat at parad for the first time in years the season after that we win the league is clont going to take three seasons to win the league maybe because we’re already threw one of them I’d be okay with that um we have seen this movie before we’ve seen this exact same movie before W A Smith his first two games against Celtic parad in his first full season of his second coming we they were played very close together those two games at parad and again it’s another season where Rangers have got much further in Europe than Celtic um and Celtic benefiting a domestic F let them you a but we lost both of them by a single goal and Celtic win the league at the death as they’re going to do this time and but we win the league Cup and the Scottish cup as we can still do this season and The Following Season we win the first of three successive League titles as clont going to win three legue titles in the tro well I hope so because we’ve seen this movie before you know what we haven’t seen But what I think people are including in that phrase when they say that is us being three nothing down at halftime twice as Gio was against as POA C Celtic that’s no h that’s not that movie not that movie at all you know also in that run of not winning at Park cage you’ve got the draw under G par where fashion salala equalizes and you know should really have put his two1 up and we could have won that game quite easily to go and win the league probably from that point I’ll certainly take it to the last day it didn’t go didn’t go much shorter than that anyway but we got to a European final and that of thing but this isn’t the same thing you not seen that movie today you know you’re not seeing you know Al Morales equalizing an empty Park head during the co season because we already won the league and we just we just looked like we’ll just try to get through this can we just get this done in orway because we want to get the rest of The League season done unbeaten just we could have beaten them easily that day we didn’t you know but we’d already won the title and it was the only time they didn’t he lose to us in five games that season H so you not seen this movie as many times as we’re trying to make out and I think we end up today we’re we’re doing that thing where we’re we’re pressuring them and we’re definitely controlling the game and Celtic are falling into pieces and it’s more frustrating because you see how bad actually are and our decimated Squad is actually fitter than theirs their full Squad in many ways when it comes what Celtic do in the early stages of these games it’s and us no being at the the races in the early stag of these games it’s what’s costing us there’s definitely little patterns there that we’re going to hopefully improve on when the manager gets a summer to himself his own transfers and his own preseason and I know my my good friend colleague on J Brian AR put a tweet out there today which I I couldn’t but agree with what you say we in the same situation as we were last year we’re hoping the manager’s going to do he’s he’s going to get his own transfer budget it’s going to be much better next season we were saying that under bu last year I think clont is a much better manager than than be um he’s already won a trophy for a start and but it’s it’s a point that’s absolutely bang on you can’t argue with Brian because we’re in that situation and that is that is worrying but I do feel we’re going to be okay under clont but there’s no guarantee that Celtic now get straight into the champions league on the back of our graft obviously and but they get straight into the Champions League benefiting for the coefficient um they’ll get that money hopefully we can get in we need to get in there after them through the qualifying if we possibly can it’s going to be really vital but that’s going to Tire us again at the beginning of the season and blood blah but things don’t really go on the same way forever um look I usually try and get rid of the Celtic fans don’t to buy I’ve been try to get rid r fans at the beginning of this pod know by being positive about Rangers that’s you know straight away there’s boys out there don’t want to hear it don’t want to hear it there guys and girls out there who do not want to hear as fellow Rangers Fan being positive in any way about Rangers just now I understand that like I say I get people need to get out the system it’s something that really affects his deeply in life the football so that that that’s fair do I might as well lay my cards on the table so you don’t have to waste your time with that early doors but normally what I do and it’s becoming a thing this is you know what we doing the postmatch reaction pod for two years now two and a half Seasons or something certainly regular for the last two seasons and I’ve yet to do one after a meaningful victory over Celtic you know so I’ve get used to this thing we try and ramble and Rave more than usual at the beginning of the pod that’s why it’s so painfully long um to get rid of the the visitors that we don’t usually get and what I would do nor I mean I’ve got got such an opportunity just now because there’s one thing the one thing I would talk about all most as willingly as talking about Rangers as my holidays you know and somebody talking about the holidays is the most boring thing in the world and I was and I’ve mentioned it to you before I know I was in Tennessee last month I was over there for 10 11 days absolutely phenomenal and the last day that holiday I’m sitting and was was sitting in a an old style porch you know and there’s a rocking chair beside me and it’s there’s nobody in it and it’s rocking away but I’m sitting in the B and the two of us are the grand old oper is just like 20 minute walk away we’re in that area of n the grand op is out of town so we had the car we driven all over Tennessee with North Carolina then we just timed it so the last day we were going to go before we handed the car back in at the airport cuz the flight was at like 9:00 at night we’re going to just go to the Grand opery that day so we take the car we use that we had had the car and we got you know a motel in this Opry Ville this area the grand operate where everybody goes and stays or the bus parties and stuff the bus the bus tours and that it’s all Motel all americ neon there was a bit of wet in the ground been a bit of rain so the neon’s reflecting on the a strip mall right next to his the class you see Jack beer go stay there while he’s you know thinking about who he’s going to off next totally desolate there’s a honky tonk in the corner you know there’s a motel along one side shops the other side there’s a honky tonk right in the corner it’s the neon coming the music’s coming music’s everywhere but the music we hear is a music in this PO coach you know and we’ just been I just been to Jes of Hazard Museum we’d been to the the Willie Nelson Museum just next to it and behind me there’s the LTI windows with the Gangam curtains and inside it’s the gam um tablecloth where we just been sitting we just been sitting at that table and it’s got the oil lamp on it Paladin and cl Mel cavalcade the old sty oil lamp and we just had beef with biscuits and gravy you know no biscuits you get biscuits here the biscuits and gravy you you hear about you’re watching you know you’re watching all these things these movies and All American programs when you’re a kid and you think one day I going to have biscuits and gravy we did and it was Grandma’s old style lemonade real lemonade homemade stuff fantastic we just did that and the power of that mu we sitting outside basking in it and this music comes on and it’s a song country Miss is vicious viciously sentimental just gets you there straight away it’s the last night of holidays feeling a bit emotional anyway bang on comes a song never heard it before in my life you know you know I’m a terrible singer but and it’s um you think I’m talking crazy like in a different language you might not understand oh but that’s all right that’s just the kind of life that made me who I am I’m messing the musicality of it um I’m taking my mind on a visit back in time cuz I miss it to know and love it like I loved it you need to lived it and man I lived it and then comes the Slate guitar oh it’s amazing song’s just so and her tears are rolling down my cheeks it’s just heart God and we get back to her Motel St the motel with the ambition you know the ambition of a lifetime drove to a motel in the stat ding up the I24 that day just been fantastic we drove up for Chattanooga that day Chattanooga up to Nashville completely whop in Tennessee and in the hotel let’s get there in the motel room let’s get that know look up on YouTube cast I want to tell want to hear that song again and listen to lyrics a bit closer this time my wife say that’s he’s Blake Shelton he’s M to Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani feed no doubt I go his third wife oh third wife know what that means one of the guys out there all night pring around dedicated and he looks kind of look up he’s like seven years younger than me but this song he sings about how hard his life was like so hard that you won’t understand it you’ll think he’s talking crazy it’s like a different language one of the lyrics he just goes I ain’t made making this up I Ain making what you know making up makes I’m listening harder and he’s talking about his dad used to drive he drove an old Ford pickup into the ground we didn’t have a car I didn’t have a car myom and dad didn’t have a car we were grown up know that’s my dad he wats fan but he’d get sacked if he get caught dve me my sister to school in it which he did every now and then um but that was he we didn’t have a car grown up and then he’s talking about his uncle used to rub Tobacco on his arms on his on wasps thing things I used to got a cold key put in my back of nose bled that was a thing us getet that old wife’s ta but it’s used to happen get the cold key in your backs on your nose bed and you’re a kid the shock would kind of ciz I think that was the idea I’ve never whated used to drink used to drink at the hose you know um but somehow we survived know take that health and safety he’s saying cuz health and safety is woke and PC and he’s country you know the hard life and what thinking we should drink the burn I just go the burn and drink drink the burn that piss down Upstream you know and then you had a hard day you know on a a bit a stick on a bit of rope no swinging back and forth the IND a tree of the cliff Edge almost um kids probably still doing that day in Scotland but yeah thirst going drink at the bun just the idea that this guy would had a hard life was just completely no he’s catastrophizing and he’s romanticizing it so he can make out that he’s you know he’s real He’s Country and I think that’s what’s happening just know we a lot of support this this we got a terrible record at Parkade we never went I knew we going to win there because we always we always get beat there a total we Haven beat Celtic what two years it’s terrible we haven’t beat them in a meaningful game in two years that is terrible um Welsh or Brian Walsh or whatever he’s called the the center half scores own goal for the the bass cross at hand in the Scottish cup sem Final Extra time in 2022 we hav to beat them in the the league in a meaningful game in the league since helander that was what the big header helander scores against beat an Posta C Celtic his first all from game one nothing H what was that that’s that’s kind of September August September 2021 so that’s like three what two and a half years ago two and a half years I I um and then you get they hav’t beat them at Park head since you know Conor goon scored the two goals against them what was that that was 2020 when that was up October of twtter twe that’s three and a half years ago so that’s I mean that’s that’s terrible you know we haven’t been we win the league Cup in 13 years we won that this season we wouldn’t beat a Spanish team in Spain in European competition ever 70 years almost of being in Europe we rectified that this season under this manager the uh the IDE we not supposed to go that allance the time with beat Celtic well it’s not supposed to be Center half that score the winers in all the games you know it’s supposed to be Strikers you know but it’s just doesn’t it work out smoothly the only smooth season there’s ever been only smooth time the 18 in in British Top Flight football which when R’s won the 1898 99 league title you know winning every single game 100% record I think there’s only 18 League games I me lost to Scottish Cup Final to a Celtic team that we’ humped twice home and away in that League campaign so everybody was probably raging about that back then as well the same as well ra and wincent M St Johnson put us at the two cups during 55 season you know everybody’s got to go sack a lot of them even though they’re putting in one of the greatest seasons in Rangers entire history but that’s this idea this is a disaster it’s we’ve got to the point where we don’t know what to do anymore it’s it’s it’s it’s frustrating it’s annoying it’s just not good enough but the [ __ ] reasons are there as far as I’m concerned the reasons are really apparent nobody wants to talk about nobody three trophies in 13 years that’s what it’s been that’s not good enough for reers maybe it’ll be four trophies let’s be positive four trophies in in 13 seasons and you’re what you comparing that to well let’s say is the previous 13 Seasons where we won 20 trophies know from 2011 backwards 1998 we won think 20 trophies in that period 20 major trophies so that’s absolutely you’re done right that’s a so let’s just where does it start going wrong around about 2011 2012 what can have happened there what could possibly have happened at that time that made everything go oh we don’t want to talk about that we don’t want to talk about that CU that’s excuses you know that’s that’s fine so let’s talk about what’s happening in the immediate term the injuries why why did we lose at Ross County because it was one injury too many DM Andy couldn’t have play that game the whole form fell off a cliff brilliant in February and that was us carrying the SEMA injury sema’s absence for various reasons at that point in time but then by time we get to March we lost Cortez as well then were losing y m yeah I think the game against motherwell at I Brooks that was we were concentrating maybe too much on the Benfica game that was coming up did get to cocky that game that’s a that’s a that’s a mockup um for one of a better expression right there um and being two goals Celtic I Brook is kind of inexcusable as well in that game but even then you start to carry the injuries and we lose SEMA we lose Cortez and know you’re losing Yas and then M um matondo he’s coming in the team you matondo and SEMA scored two or three goals against Celtic we played them at I even in that draw that we only happy with two are totally unavailable today that’s why you’re having to play D on Sterling in the right hand set the injuries are unbe we go to Ross County and it’s just one injury too many and suddenly the guys the same old faces the people that are here all the time that making like 50 OD appearances of been making now like the des’s Taver lrom goon at that point in time they just they kind carry it anymore and we have a terrible performance you lose three goals we go to den Park matondo still is not available and you know we know we find out the week later you know bagan’s back in the team we play so much better against hars at hamen in the the Scottish cup semi-final we get seimo in for 50 minutes that just sets the tone just enough for us to kind of carry that game quite confidently but we find out that the manager wanted to put Bagan in against D Den part but it couldn’t it because Bagan was sick so goon H to get played so the emphasis has to be just clear the lines whatever way you can let’s no worry about what happens up front and hopefully we’ll get a goal something and we didn’t he cuz it’s just we’re you could see we’re frantic that night we’re we’re scared to play it was we’re almost a carrying Corner goon in many ways to try and recover from the the shock of losing three goals the previous Sunday we don’t have Dand to give us a bit more composure he comes in that Scottish cup semal as well and the difference is night and day but we’re losing semi again we losing matono there too many injuries then we go a man do the day as well but end up playing better which is totally weird but to me it’s really apparent what’s been happening um with the squad this season but I was getting angry because the whole week in the build up this game I was reading how Rangers were crap and Celtic were brilliant and we were doing to me we were matching the past three weekends we have matched or bettered Celtics margin of score any margin of Victory you know you know they beat Hearts do nothing at home they’re brilliant we beat Kik 41 at home the next day we’re crap they a man sent after we got the guy sent off through our forward play um we have know the weekend before that we win 21 at St M they win 21 at d d That’s you know there’s nothing between the teams M are better the weekend before that this whole thing with the Scottish cup semi-final where we’ve there no handily against Hearts but we beat them quite comfortably in the end up um quite an easy day a straightforward day Celtic the previous day the penalties hearts are beting Celtic Home and Away more than we can but they’re a decent team it was the previous day we you we’re watching Celtic going to penalties against abine in the Scottish cup semi-final but somehow they’re better against an abine side that can he go to the botom six 15 different management teams this season they kind of get rid of him and the only reason to end up win the goalkeeper misses a penalty kick he’s getting so cocky and the only reason to end up winning that penalty kick is because shoot out because the abine ceper gets injured on his goal line and has to get treatment in the goals preventing his colleague taking a quick penalty has he’s duty to take a penalty next and he’s getting more and more nous and this but that was Rangers fans are tell me we knew Celtic we going to get it over the line and that we’d struggle we didn’t struggle compared to I’ve been reading all this crap all week and hearing it and BBC and everybody Sky it’s just and it’s just no patently no true actually doing better with far less resources so H I do trust the manager going forward it’s going to be an interesting couple of days tomorrow night h halfast 9 or tonight by the time you’re you’re watching this probably halfast 9 live on the YouTube channel it’s going to be Craig H Grant and David they good luck to them H hopefully can do it a bit more concisely and I’ve been doing it this has become my sign off in these podcasts it’s been a long hard season folks and it’s been a terrible day um but I think success has made a failure of our home that’s a more that’s a more honest song when it comes to reflecting what the problems been angels I you know if we could share an evening now and then European football makes us feel Zen but we’re not list we don’t want to know but Europe we don’t want to know where Captain made excuses about the pressure being offers in Europe that’s it’s a terrible thing to say I don’t care what how they do it get it done but we’re getting to a point we’re actually discounting successes we’re discounting any improvements because we just want to all we want it now I’ve been through all this before through those nine years when I first started the nine years then win the league between 78 and and soon as coming in 87 and then suddenly we 20 30,000 more kind of regulars and I started heing things but I know interested more than n a row you know is what you know I if not doing anything in Europe and then we want to do something in Europe as well as domestically then abandon Europe just concentrate and beating Celtic and that’s not how it works you’ve got to have the whole and then let’s do it all but do it in the cheap and why did want to do the ebts thing you’ve got it you’ve got to get a grip you know Celtic won one league title between 1938 and 196 28 years um I know we I’m counting I’m counting Second World War I the league count the League titles in that era didn’t count quite rightly during the war but they didn’t win any of the ons either um they won the the double in 54 and their man their Captain was Jock Ste and he was the manager when the next win the league in 66 and then they won n her own in the European Cup straight after that so let’s take Celtic is were inspiration H today of all days and know that if you just hang in there just get to a point where you bear it rather than lash not to the team because I think I definitely think there’s been times in our history where we’ve been so harsh for stuff that doesn’t deserve harshness you know bar 6 various things that it’s it’s ended up coming back to B Us in the ass and we’ve set ourselves back I don’t think this is the time to do that but then I never do I’m a happy Clapper I’m part of the problem you know we’re all part of the problem today you always are when we lose to Celtic uh um no words of consolation folks just have at it


  1. Always interested listening to the your immediate post match analysis Alec ah we’ll need to do better Next season massive clear out needed in the Summer need to get this right for 2425 season , Philip ( London) 🔴⚪️🔵#NoSurrender🟧🟦🟪

  2. Celtic and Rangers will always be there pal, making millions from guys like us. Look after yourself. I mean that genuinely. Keep your head up.

  3. Yet again we’ll said Sir! We must stay loyal to our team regardless. In the words of one of our great managers “Never fear, inevitably we will have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome.” 🔴⚪️🔵😎

  4. The big man with the soothing tones of calm and reason ….
    Needed more than ever at the moment .. Not gonna lie , it bloody
    hurts … More so because it was in our hands at a late stage in season . Then we seen the core of the team fall once again .
    All we can hope for is getting some players back for the final , as much of a long shot that is .. We need Sima and Cortez back asap , actual wingers that bring some pace .. But that’s for another day ..
    Today just hurts ☹️

  5. Injuries Eck. For some reason we cannot and it perhaps should not be used as an excuse but we/Clement has been crippled by injuries. Sima, Danilo, Matondo, Jack, Goldson all first teamers not available against our full strength opponents. Why is this disregarded.

  6. Alec a never miss your post match pods always look foward to them and as a fan for 30 odd years am angry that Clement seems to not learn from the same tactics not working but i do feel we need to try and stand as one in good times and bad and stop only picking the good times to be a true fan

  7. Hi Alec ,yes your'e right we do let anger and disappointment at losing these games cloud our judgement .
    Yesterday , if we're being honest it was with hope more than expectation we arrived in a hostile environment looking for a positive result . Out of this our only two players who could honestly claim to have a good game was super Jack and Dujon (i can play in any position ) Stirling.
    Lundstrum"s tackle was a red , ironically the only time in the game when wasnt jogging about like a lost soul . The own goall was unfortunate,as was Tavaniers goal for them at Ibrox. For all the domination they had today they only scored one goal by their own efforts,
    Despite having 70% + possession of the ball.
    I agree Clement is the nan who will get this team right ..but only with another massive clearout ..then its the same old story a finite amount of time to get this new team working as a unit ..they , i dont believe ,will spend crazy amounts on 5 new players ..but theyre hardly Real Madrid themselves .. These times are the hardest to believe we will get it right soon but we will and those of us who never stop believing in this club will have this success that at the moment comes tantalisingly close but is then snatched away.

  8. Eck. Sir. Sorry. I need a few halfs. To cheer me up. Then I know When I watch this Pod. I will be in the Mood to laugh. As Your Patter is Fantasmaglorious.
    So Couple of hrs M8. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧👍👍👍

  9. 5:55 Love the banter. Not from your side pal but ya put a good spin on the games. Some ya win etc etc. Always seem to be fair. Hh

  10. down yesterday!! usual story .. valiant defeatists !! but always Alex raises the spirit .. and we move on to Tues .. and beyond! well done Sir and to rub it in.. Celebration .. album cover in background

  11. It’s not life or death for Gods sake I am in my mid 60s ( Celtic Supporter ) it’s swings and roundabouts with football.

  12. The manager won’t last long if he can’t see what all us can see,Lawrence,Lundstram and diamande didn’t work in the 3-3 draw at Ibrox so why would you go with that exact same 3 at the giro dome when you know they’ll come out all guns blazing??Theres No legs in that midfield,As for Lawrence,I’ve saw a lot of our fans big him up,Great technical player,Shoots from distance,Good passer,What am I not seeing here,He’s done absolutely eff all in the time he’s been here,Yesterday was no different,Utterly honking,if we could get any sort of money for him I’ll happily drive him to his new club,

  13. Cheers Alec, few chuckles mate has eased my drink adled sponge of a brain.
    I think this is the end of an era when we shall say goodbye to several players who have been mainstays for so long, we shouldn't expect instant success next Season but we must get our transfer business right.

  14. I watch a lot of clubs' channels, I'm a Celtic fan but one old enough to have seen the perennial to and fro of dominance – it's cyclical. Your day will come once more. My main point though is to say that Alec, is very funny and very balanced and I love the wee side rambles about society and Scotland at large, especially here, about the prison sentences and the drugs. Brilliant. I see you have an early Simple Minds album, 'Celebrate' is it? Was it Bill Shankly who when told : 'It:s only a game, not a matter of life and death' replied 'No, it's much more important than that.'. Good worl Alec, keep it going.

  15. It’s strange that if football supporters(and the rest of uk population) were as analytical and passionate about politics and politicians escapades-britain would indeed be the envy of the world.

  16. Outwith the extremelt crass comment about lundy failing to break Johnsons leg, a pretty balanced view of how things work with football in Scotland

  17. I had a choice last night of watching the old firm game or go to see the Skids live in Perth , West Australia. Both starting at 7.30pm over here. Glad I decided to go to the Skids 👍
    Looking forward to the summer rebuild.
    Good post Alec.

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