Most golfers have a fairly decent grasp of the more important rules of golf but there are still some that many golfers forget… and it can cause unwanted confusion and delay within your group! So see what qualified rules expert Fergus Bisset outlines in this video alongside Golf Monthly editor Neil Tappin as the six rules many golfers forget.

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0:20 Teeing off early or late
2:35 Provisional ball
4:11 Ground under repair
5:32 Immovable obstruction
7:07 Red staked penalty areas
8:34 Taking a club length drop

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► Video filmed on location at The London Club. For more information visit the website:

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hello and welcome to the London Club in this video which we’re going to take a look at the six rules every golfer forgets now I’m going to be joined by Fergus Bisset who is golf monthly’s qualified ruls expert and we’re going to cover everything from uh red penalty areas right the way through to abnormal ground conditions right let’s get out there get started right so we are on the 18th te here at the London club and for this one you’re going to need to use your imagination a bit imagine that we’re on the first tea uh it’s 9:30 in the morning and we’re due to tea off in competition now the rules about when you can tee off and when you can’t tee off in relation to your slot are actually quite strict Fus aren’t they effectively what I’m saying here is you can’t be early and you can’t be late but there’s more to it than that um give us some more info okay well this is Rule 5.3a uh and it’s to do with starting your round and really if if our te ‘s at 9:30 we’re supposed to te off at 9:30 we’re not supposed to start teeing off at 9:31 we’re supposed to start teeing off at 9:30 and if we tee off at 9:31 first player in the group then technically it’s a two shot penalty uh a general penalty and if we start teeing off more than 5 minutes late technically it’s a disqualification really gosh that seems quite harsh any instances any exceptions that well of course if there were if there were golfers still playing we we’re unable to tea off then then there’s no penalty there if a green keeper is working we can’t tee off uh if the committee decides extend ating circumstances there’s been a pile up um on the road just outside the club then then then they’ll they’ll they’ll say okay we we’ll we’ll make exceptions here um but I think that the interesting one here is that there are similar penalties for teeing off early are they well if you if you go out 7 minutes before your tea time technically that’s a disqualification is it right and if you tea Off 2 minutes before your tea time that’s again the general penalty why why is that the case that seem to me to be a fairly minor crime I think that one the committee wants to make sure that the play is is ongoing uh and two they um they don’t want players taking advantage of of a of a weather slot perhaps right yeah say say players in the club poost look out and half an hour before the tea time well hang on here’s a nice little chance to go out that that is gaining an unfair Advantage so so that that that technical is not allow yeah I guess the best advice here is just to be prepared make sure you’re in and around the first te well before your tea time and that you tea off at the right time and then you won’t have any issues I think that’s a bit dicy over there I can probably need to hit another one thankfully I’ve got another ball just you wait a second you’re you’re reaching a critical point in your round here well you’re telling me I just hit one into trouble yes but what are you going to do next I’m going to hit one I’m going to hit get a provisional aha there you go key thing to say is that you are hitting a provisional ball it’s not enough just to say I’m hitting another one this is Rule 18.3 B right so if I had just carried on there hit this one thinking in my mind it was provisional I’ve broken the rules at this point you haven’t you haven’t exactly broken the rules but you were going to have to go with that ball because you have effectively said that this is the ball I am now playing you have not declared it to be a provisional ball right okay so you would then with this second ball that would be the one that would now be in play the penalty of stroke and distance so the best thing to do is to say right I’ve got a Titus before and this is a provisional board absolutely the best thing to do however that there it’s a slightly gray area you you can say other things that would make it people aware that you were hitting another one because it was a provisional ball so you could say I’m hitting another one just in case right that you would get away with that it won’t be ideal better to say that you were hitting a provision yeah I think in the interest of clarity probably saying this is a provisional ball is the best way to go if you do that then you can search for the first one if you find it you can play it if not the second ball does then become the one in play indeed right so we’re on the 10th hole here at the London Club I’ve hooked a terrible second shot Fergus I’m in this area of ground under repair but my ball is sitting up like a coconut now I would have normally assumed that I would have to take relief here nearest point of relief which is over there and looks decidedly iffy but you your coming to my rescue here I think Ferguson you’re telling me that I actually can play this you can play it you’re quite right under rule 16.1 you’re more than en titled to relief from from an abnormal grind condition grind under repair being one of those that’s your nearest point of relief but there’s nothing to stop you just having a go at it if you think it’s sitting well enough you can have a go there would be an exception 16.1 F if the committee had declared this a no play zone um if they had if there was a sign here that that said either said no play zone or said um players must drop from this area then then you would have to take relief as peral there is no such sign my bossut I’m going to have a crack at this you can have a crack at it um I i’ I’ve SE myself up for for here I think but we’ll give it to go anyway well come out nicely yeah well there we go it was worth not taking a drop yeah and so sometimes the rules can work to your advantage right okay so Fergus I I found myself in a spot that I’m very keen to try and get some free relief from if possible um I’ve got 100 yards or so to go to the green I’ve got this green box here um the Cub that I need to hit this shot with is my 54° wedge now if I um replicate my swing my wedge isn’t hitting it but very helpful I brought my whole bag over here and uh if I replicate my swim with a driver bang I’m definitely hitting driver into here um please give me some good news I’m I’m allowed to get relief from here aren’t I I’m afraid I can’t give you good news this is clearly an immovable obstruction uh from which you would be entitled to relief if it impeded your swing stance or lie uh now it does clearly impede your swing if you use your driver but one of the caveats in the rule rule 16 this is is that there’s no relief if it’s clearly unreasonable I believe that it is clearly unreasonable that you are going to attempt to hit a driver 100 yards to the green oh you got me there you’re right I’m afraid there’s no relief right okay fer so you left me with no choice but to try and hit this one um yeah good luck everyone done very well that’s all right if you are liking this video please do remember to hit the like button for more rules advice uh hit that subscribe button as well hopefully if you find yourself in a situation like this you’ll know how to proceed probably more importantly how not to proceed okay so I’m not playing very well today I’ve just hooked my t-shot on 18 it’s rolled around this bank and it’s gone into this penalty area on my left hand side thankfully uh it is a red penalty area and that Fergus gives me an extra option versus if it was yellow uh explain to me what that extra option is and how it might help me okay well if it a yellow yellow penalty area you would have just had two options red you’ve got three now the two that you have for both of the penalty areas are go back to the te take stroken dist distance relief and play again don’t fancy that I’ve just hooked it in here take back on the line relief now the pins up there back on the line relief is quite a long way away on the other side of that water don’t fancy fatting it back in there okay so because it’s a red penalty area you’ve got the third uh possible relief and that is a two Club length drop from the point where the ball entered yeah it’s come off the side so it hasn’t been in the hazard and then it’s in the hazard so where it entered the hazard two Club LS yeah so we’re confident it went in just here are and we’ve marked out two club links as you can see I’ve got two T’s in the ground there so I’m going to take a drop somewhere up here there we go that I think is my ball in play and I’m ready to go much better option then either going back to hit another one or dropping back on a line indeed okay so we’re going to talk about nearest point of relief and some of the things that people forget when they’re in a scenario like this so my golf ball has come to rest on this uh sprinkler head and I do get free relief which is a a relief in itself Fergus um but you need to now tell me what’s the procedure for me to run through to get this spot on okay well class is an immovable obstruction so yes you do get free relief um of one Club length from the nearest point of relief now first of all you mark your nearest point of relief which is about there yeah just yeah indeed uh now you’re going to have one Club length to to determine your relief area now important to note here um Club length in the definitions is the the longest Club in your bag not your Putter and the reason for that is uh some people still use the broom handle Putter and that would be a bit of an unfair Advantage so for most people it’s going to be driver it’s going to be driver quick questions uh can I include my head cover in that and where does my little Aros sensor on the butt end of my club fit into all this well you might not like this head cover has to come off for a start no okay uh and the definition of Club Link in in in the rules is is the toe of the club to the but of the grip not including any extensions so I’m afraid you got to measure it like that and uh not including the AR the extra half inch is not going to come and save me so I’ll just mention that being careful to do it at the bottom of the close no close to the hall okay and now I can take and it should stay within the relief area and that’s that’s in play there you go and we are good to go and I think the the main thing that people would forget in a scenario like this is that it’s one Club length the area that you get to measure not two Club lengths as we’ve already talked about from the red penalty area so knowing that difference will really help you in a position like this


  1. you live in a different world if you think your 9.30 tee time will be the actual time you get to tee of 🙂

  2. Also in my world often abnormal ground conditions are not marked, although it is clear that you are in tractor or green keeper/maintenance damage- can you clear up what the rules say about this- can you still claim GUR even if it is not marked as such? ( I guess your playing partners would have to agree?

  3. On provisional balls, an incident happened yesterday in an Open I was playing. My playing partner hit off line to the right and decided to play a provisional, which he hit close to where the first ball had gone. It so happened that we found both balls but, by accident, he picked up his first ball and played his provisional ball. Should he have replaced the first ball or was the provisional ball now the 'ball in play'? If he had replaced the original ball, what penalty should have been applied?

  4. I'm still just glad they changed how you have to drop the ball, but hey, golf is fun. Thanks for the pointers and reminders.

  5. Love these golf rules videos. So informative, and great for new and experienced golfers to re-cap. Keep them coming guys 👍

  6. of course, you don't HAVE to drop at the maximum relief distance, if the nearest point of complete relief is nice.

  7. Can you go thru the scenario where you have red or yellow but ball flies directly into the water without hitting land and what the options are?

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