Golf Babe

GOLF GIRLS SCRAMBLE ft. Ex England Goal Keeper ⛳⚽ | Golf Girls Episode 16

Follow the girls:

Carly Telford –
Mia Baker –
Emily Ramage –
Jenny Drummond –


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is he aware that I’m going to hit this there he’s just not bothered just digging away he trust you like we trust you oh no they’re moving now they’re seen your swing mate they went there to clear clear the area two swings and that guy went there that’s not even not even safe in this Digger hey guys and welcome back to another golf Girls video with me Mia Baker me Jenny Drummond me Emily ramit and me kie tford so Carly thank you so much for joining us today do you want to gu give us a little oneliner who you are where you’re from think you’ve ever given a um I uh Chelsea and liner School keeper former retired and now I work for Chelsea as a commercial manager wo and play golf sometimes so we’re out at Windam Golf Club thank you so much for having us today this is the first T box it’s a par for we’re playing off the 10th and you are going to be going onto our leader board today so you kind of need to play a while goodness this is going to be fun it’s a great day for it as well guys what score four it’s also our bottom score no it was two over only score oh you know what it was it was our last golf girls without a person video there we go so we got to beat our scorer they even beat our score two over okay do I get handicap or scramble your golf all right let’s go so worse it can happen all right the 10th hole is 380 yards down to the pin it’s a nice open faway a little bit cloudy today for some reason every time we do golf girls the weather isn’t great but it’s real but we bring the Vibes and we bring the Vibes oh great start lovely right down the middle nice okay follow that yeah I like that oh man that is a be that’s monstrous okay it’s a good start you don’t play you don’t play professionally I didn’t even see that go down that was so far I don’t know I remember I just got back from South Africa so what playing golf on LPG I just come back from yeah I’ll go then Jenny you look like enj your cof I’ll Follow That cheers me I’m s poop you’re a player by my driver stays in my bag so you don’t anything do you but this is a game where you just have to go for it cuz we’re scrambling but you do you we’re here to support you you do you good luck Good Start that’s when noral it’s okay I’ll get it cut that cut that W yes J look that that a nice roller get down the hill yeah we love it that’ll be the first and only straight one of the day and that good good start from you all I’m just going to get my ball from down there Jesus 120 yards 120 how you feeling about that fine that’s a hybrid nice maybe I’ll try a n iron oh that was very left far it’s good pickup are you all right you all right there okay all right pin High slightly left right come on Emily okay glide through the glass grass the glass oh you been smoking yes niceass wrong direction that was angry it’s still that was angry um what’s it called course management I don’t realize the slightly above your feet so it goes left a bit Yeah Marcus wether taught me that yeah to aim right that’s actually we love a roller on this channel we do love a roller oh I’m getting really annoyed now I just want to hit one good one oh yes Jen we like a roller roll Jenny we love a roller on the channel cuz you so nice like making me feel okay cuz I was like that’s really really nice to is what are we thinking here girls got a you got to hit like very left right that sign I’d see very left right like left to down left to right is itow lovely that’s a great I tell you what oi that was the line on that was lovely ni curled quite a lot of the end that as well yeah and it just stopped right at the end look it had a good roll and then it just held up oh nice that’s actually really good oh that one didn’t turn it didn’t turn maybe because it was pacy not as someone having a barbecue that was good a it smoking smoking Delan oh that’s way too high not as uh that was on those yeah inside maybe towards Emily’s Ball but that tweet between M and Emily’s no that’s I great sorry that’s actually not that bad no it’s not yeah is it actually probably the closest one after we’ve all like yeah going between the others mine was actually decent piece I just got them complet the Jenny boot is actually perfect for today haven’t bited it that much in a whale I don’t think used to B every time she got have no piece it just used to Ping off everywhere all right come on guys we’ve got four chances here yes oh oh that is filthy to be fair that is that was filthy were you aiming straight at our left Edge yeah left yes no oh sorry that was a horrible noise oh my God what did you mean I like m going a grunt oh yes such anive Point yeah that a PA on the first love to see it that’s what we like and thank you so much for taking the pressure off me you’re a real team player currently ni team workor at it’s finest okay right that this isn’t working anymore it needs a new battery so I’ll have to go for my watch we’ll see how good this is 112 yards to the middle is he aware that I’m going to hit this there he’s just not bothered just digging away he trusts you like we trust you oh no they’re moving now they’re seen your swing mate they went down I to clear clear the area two swings and that guy went n not even not even safe in this Digger he’s actually got out the Digger yeah oh he’s he’s completely abandoned I’m really going to kill him with that wasn’t I I think you stressed yourself out you overthought that you definitely stressed yourself that was hideous there we go get down look at that that’s on the pin oh fin we go turn up now time oh you see my back leg skid out then stop stop stop okay lovely she ched took out half the ground thank God for Carly yeah there we go there we go helping the team All Right Carly this is a birdie opportunity oh I love a birdie don’t you yeah do lovely Bird Okay lovely lovely right what we saying just straight down so if you get this in it’ll be entirely your whole yeah I believe in you no pressure go oh no way [Laughter] yes on well you said you wanted to move quick wow this girl can play anyone’s ever done that before really got a ever oh nice I’m knocking out now there we go wow this is the Carly show golf girls the 12th hole is a PA five it’s a dog leg right and we’ve got 400 yards to the pin okay yeah so you can just either depends how far you hit it hit to the corner there or I might go a bit going Rory straight over the tree line nice come back so nice didn’t go there but nice it’s a safe enough shot lovely all right get the bad boy out there she goes oh I’ve gone the other way that’ll be all right up there that was great I don’t know why you haven’t got that out earlier get up the hill just on the top of the hill yeah it’s good it’s all right yes shot Emily that’s a great drive that’s a great drive straight got some really good drives there should I try and go a little bit Tiger but I might not make it this be three others yeah go for it I reckon yeah I have to hit this proper hard this is a scramble isn’t it tell you what me that is beautiful get over the bunkers I can’t see it land oh it went to the tree at the back I should have gone more right when did it Tre the back goodness think it’s in the rough did you I find did she I mean I lost it over the bunker was I you hit it so far I don’t see it come down it’s 180 up there going to get my wood out think yeah we can try unleash this Beast that can be terrible or great in oh that did not go well God nervous that was tricky relying relying on me there to help us all out go Carly oh unbelievable yes yeah we like that actually we love it sit sit sit or could be in the bunker that be really no you’re not I don’t think you’re in the bun that’s a great shot that’s so good how it’s so high God I gave myself such an awful lie you did why did you drop fall I I just got stressed with people behind like I just morph into another human when there’s people behind what we seeing top of that Hill cuz it’s like a hill and then it’s going to go down to the right is it yeah yeah just past that hill Oh Carly keep your head down right next right next stop little bit hot not bad you hear that really nice though oh tell you what a little bit more than that though like it really nice part five by the way girls just FYI my here for two I’m my here for two you got it oh that worked slow down that was a terrible shot could May worked they were that hit the flag M perfect I think that right that right speckle here that right speckle right speckle yeah along yeah you see that right M out the way no no no keep going forward going take our line off that one thing you no forward left you see I’m just going to wing it I think about here okay lovely tell you what that is a Lov that was a bit hard that was it was so close it’s quite fast yes your what it is fast isn’t it that’s two of them really quick faster than surprisingly quick oh nice oh she’s not she’s not me daylight robbery come on then this is you that’s svage you’re pretty good at not C celebrating prematurely unlike me been a way oh oh trickling trick tell you what yeah me that was a really good part actually that was so good right guarantees see the episode with Erin me to like the edge and then somebody did and she went like this on the ground cuz it was so hard and it rolled in it was frozen so I went like that we took it all right that is a path for the golf girls still one under 13th hole PA for 350 yards it’s still a little bit foggy in the air the weather’s not the best in England is it but it’s all right it’s not quite as cold as our last golf girls episode what’s the I mean obviously I’m not go near 350 yards if you’re aiming for the pin easy man easy Emily wrong direction there uh no I think it’s open there you’re all right yeah you’re actually on Fairway perfect oh nice oh come back get away from spit right that came back on it h i can see I think oh no get over the path will work ah okay bang in the middle lovely I killed about 10 moles fing M yeah little mes little mes far the ground accent little Ms so I was going to take a driver but there is some water down there and I’d had to carry it like 230 240 so it have had to been a really good hit however we don’t have any high enough on the thir so I’m going to take my food and hopefully just get us in front of the water so we can have a nice shot in oh oh what was a chance what are the CH that’s was that a bonus point you get for like absolutely rattling that sign that was lovely as well I don’t I don’t think you’re getting that back I don’t think you’re getting that back instruction right whose bloody ball are we using then Fair my little Duffer do you guys want to play through we might be using yours okay we’ve got 235 yards we barely touched this hole right you need to carry it 125 yards to get over the water I I’ll go first and then you guys can go off that cuz if it’s terrible we can just put it up there oh caught it through the trees Oh Oh I thought you were going to get a tree B you’ve missed every tree though that’s pretty [Music] impressive yes mate get over get up get up yeah perfect Mia absolutely just what we wanted is that where that little ditch is is that water yeah yeah so you need to just carry it there coffee and then so this should give us a 70 80 yard shot in that should which is nice that is really nice actually I say is it that’s great news there’s no you got some highflying gra I’m going this I’m going to put this CB away I feel like you’re getting really underneath it like really I don’t know even like your t-shots are like really high you with your irons you could have got your irons on what should I hit with you could hit with a six it’s a bit of a free it’s a bit of a free shot M cuz we’ll probably go off me it’s all good so just go for whatever you think like back yourself a w or HD I normally like my yeah cuz you can actually get closer no one’s behind us free shot mate chill chill out basically a that was so close you know what it is I think you were set up nice and then you almost like seen them walking and then adjusted your stance more to hit that way yeah I know cuz I thought I was doing really you like shuffled your feet round I know 17 5 yard it’s a little bit further than I wanted okay I don’t know if it’s going to go far enough but we’ll see 75 yeah this might not go cuz I don’t know what’s how to hit 75 yards oh shoot distance ah just not in the right direction oh my God that was stinky stinky dinky like a dink oh look at us okay oh Jenny absolute numpty the little song you did before yeah [Laughter] you I heard you gig I was like I definitely heard her make a noise like I’m yes me nice okay the connection of that yeah let’s go for car the one but Queen here we go what kind of tree is that is it a will tree huh is it a willu levels Birds oh what tree is that you can really compilation of Jenny’s like outakes she’s trying to relax hard I just thought they’re very pretty what do we think like just straight got slightly going to turn bit see that little speckle on the left before I’d aim that speckle in the speckle yeah slightly [Music] uphill oh nice that’s nice that is really nice that was a perfect line Carly good line do you want to go tap it in oh wow that a really great line that was so close I love you see tap it in it’s still actually quite far you got it [Music] okay oh that’s slow isn’t it it does turn though at the end just tap it in me yeah just that one you can tap in mine was like a nervous turtle one I hate sometimes nice M okay we’ve got a bogey right Emily okay I Believe In You Reach oh no it’s it was a good line though it was you got right come on Jen come on I was cautious come on guns this is like the most exit the get it to the hall oh no that is shocking you always go right today absolutely shocking all right that is a bogey we’re level par now through four all right this hole is a par three it’s 130 yards to the middle of the green got a back pin over there so it’s probably well I lose my little watch here okay it’s probably playing about 140 Maybe maybe put it a bit more in the middle of your stance rather than so far forward yeah because your Club head’s basically coming down hitting the ground before the ball so if you’re going to put it back a bit it will help that was wrong direction that was better it was just the direction that was so close oh you hit that so well Mia oh my god get right get right get right yes M lovely great shot all right nice oh I’ve hit that very right that was a really nice strike I like it all right probably should have went another nine as well cuz I think I would have cleaned that yeah I actually really love those little W’s on the tea boxes you yeah I’m not going to use a tea is that okay yeah whatever’s feel comfortable yeah whatever makes you happy what whatever brings you Joy you Joy Jenny oh you really like that J you the double use I really love them absolutely just murdered one of them you don’t like the double use J I’m actually dead what everything was so serious then you looked at us and went and did a smile and then I was like oh it’s going to be bad now it was like it’s actually all bent as well she’s like fully bent the W this W is this skinny like it’s oh it got a little cut shees probably like that there’s like a dark patch of grass see yeah yeah no fluff no fluff like a little bit fluff oh shoot that was dramatic that was so good turn turn turn turn turn turn turn didn’t turn that that was a nice Pace I loved that pace go go go look at us that was a nice well at least it wasn’t like five yards right didn’t hit it turn 10 wow okay I mean I mean we’re surrounded the hole I didn’t hit that one I got the fear oh I hate that right who wants to pop this in I think Jenny’s Jenn is CL I need a confidence boost team I need a confidence boost come on J Jenny got this should I smack it no you did say should I smack it I didn’t SM it you did that was a smack where was it here like Here Yeah Yeah by that spec by the by the flu by the flu early retirement for me I think lovely all right girls should I smack it North black think I had that’s the all right hole 15 is a path don’t know what that is what is that on my why is it floating okay whole 15 is 350 okay whole 15 326 yards Par Four who wants to go first you no I’ll go fast yeah I I’m going to go second okay third or fourth oh yes oh right again it was a good connection yeah nice I didn’t see that come down yeah where those red steaks are just behind a good chart you know what this course is a bit wonky isn’t it it’s there’s a lot of tones Nice Shot that’ll do it’s up there I tried to go quickly to not over thing didn’t work all speed 180 think I’m going to try and go up towards that bunker at the back over the tree yeah yeah that’s wherewe I was aing too or in for the yeah between the two trees like the clubhous what about when you do that slingy one yeah I’ll try and do a drawing one but what’s it called a like a bit of a drawer or a hook yeah she’s going to feel like how do you even like try to do that like can’t even hit it yes mate come back around W that’s just gone pure straight yeah that was too straight I think you’re all right though again haven’t seen it I lost it I think it’s just in the roof by the left of the buker going for the PIN 20 yards to the middle it’s actually a middle pin as well oh sugar why do I keep going left right you okay picked that up really nicely was that a bunk there I don’t know got a left shot on me today oh no Carly so there that’s rolled pretty much nearly on to the green that’s a pretty good roll damn it oh that’s unfortunate that has not come back down what where is it it didn’t come back down is in the tree hello how did it go what it’s stuck in there I didn’t I didn’t hear it drop I’ll see it drop either I going have look that was a good effort too oh near on the green as well I did exactly the same as you lovely sit oh that is such a great shot that was good I don’t know how we’re going to bit that to be honest lovely right you all have to chip in now got it come on you got to hold it you can hold it it’s been happening before it’s been happened oh I caught the ground it’s all right it’s really muddy there to be fair it’s quite bogust you place it nicely okay you literally heard it slapping to the ground you may St on it oh I was hoping for a Jenny speci get my ball as well oh oh that was nice that is a lovely chip bit of spin love it six in hole is actually a pretty short part for it’s only 270 yards to the pin if you can hit it poker straight room for the wind and he’s up fast I’m going to aim left cuz I’ve done every single one right so far oh nice still G right though no you’re on The Fairway you’re right okay you’re literally on The Fairway lovely stuff people would die to be on The Fairway pump this Jenny yes J gosh that was gorgeous Jenny finally that was so casual as well it was like a nice smoo oh Carly I’ll pick that up in a bit guys we got pass it’s okay we’ve all been there Swang for the hilts there yeah you did go for a big ass swing you did that’s the problem when you try and hit it hard as possible yeah never yeah don’t do that guys it’s not clever it’s not big and it’s not clever I just know meia is going to hit this so well so I just thought I’m going to really go for it now I’m going to try really hard it’s going to be a rubbish Drive isn’t it it’s always the case no no you’ve got this smooth like butter smooth like butter smooth like butter oh sugar oh baby get that the wrong direction I lost it I lost it as well so close that a CH though the sound of that was great that’s actually just flicking my wrist that was pin high oh oh that was not ideal oh Carly that’s right that was a lucky little no all right chip that puppy and girl got good feels about this on J this could be the one the the one chip and run yeah little ploop it in I can’t chip anymore that was so was going to hit the flag pressure like a girl I hit that so thin that’s it oh it didn’t roll that didn’t roll goodness going to roll that oh yes oh my God that was gorgeous so close right guys we’ve got to get this in now it’s makeup break yeah oh what me saage your pting has been good today saage oh goodness you’ve been so close on two parts and then you’ve sunk the others that non happy happy smile oh you’ve done the same okay here make this down to me please where were you aiming for the love of golf I kind of aimed I Wasing the and he just like scooped out yeah my NE was at the hole at the hole can do if anything go probably go right side the hole but in the hole right I’ll try and get it in go go go go go yes I think it turns at the end it turns left that was perfect all right we’re currently even we that’s it I’m I don’t even know that’s a par we’re now even well we’re still even 17th hope an ultimate hole it’s a par five and it is nice and open down there so you can just give it a little whack flipping oh come back ground that was not a good shot might be all right some Venom that was you might be all right oh what a whack that is awesome me yeah I think that’s buried somewhere on the left that was oppenheim is that right noen hman I got that like you hman it’s a whole different it’s a whole different kind of [Laughter] show nice nice em I tried to rip it yeah that was that’s not bad that’s or furthest of the day that is R yeah W that massive J it’s going a bit right I can just see it that was huge yeah love it love it lovely lovely lovely 180 to the pin do we go for it I was going to get obviously any way to go right we’re going to go for a [Music] fivewood oh sugar see that it’s on the right hit that Tre that was well slippy it’s just by the tree there sorry did you see that land yeah it’s actually very slippy here so be careful is it yeah oh no it’s just hard out of that that stuff oh a good one and that’s really good mate persistent woo stop stop stop I don’t know what that is there no yeah it stopped I didn’t know if there was like a little Ridge or something not you J she’s trying to get me a high five I’m coming I was like man that was so nice oh that’s all right okay skipping along oh oh sploosh no I think it’s just a puddle maybe puddle sploosh I think that’s a river all right Nice Shot 60 yards to the pin oh a little 60 harder haven’t really managed the 70s yet can’t be going right on this one Mia oh god oh boun oh I thought I was going to get up oh no I hope we haven’t lost it I hope we haven’t lost it no water in I didn’t there is there is maybe not up there nice sit yeah yeah sit oh well done Carly oh you held nicely It’s s on oh Jenny that is just nonsense that was that was a lovely chip though niip it’s actually really water running through there it’s a really fast stream running down there balls are gone then the balls might be nice shot [Applause] me it was I looked over and it would hit there and I looked over and you were still like holding it so good the trophy I was just watching your balls go like getting carried down cuz I think they’re on I just stopped oh here they go I’m too sure I’m too sure my arm don’t reach okay next one that’s lucky you’re both together all right I got you got me thank you I was just manager there you for moral support I like my arm doesn’t reach forgot about these dudes that are behind us right this is it we can get this in get a birdie for the team yeah birdie opportunity I think it’s going to turn slightly left yeah so I’d aim right SL a cup to the right maybe get get in smashed it so good that is a Wonder two bires in one day guys we’re now one under going into the last all right guys this is the last hul the final hul thank you so much for getting all the way through to the end of the video don’t forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you never miss a video right this is actually another part five so we have another opportunity for a what Carly a birdie a birdie baby all right it’s uh 450 yards Oh my days that is so good she saved it for the end nice that is perfect we just all walk yeah none of us are going to driver this driver is real good em you’re just getting warmed up mate that’s a lovely shot you’re in the zone now right then right on the confidence the last oh whoops I just went wanted to hit it hard yeah you’re just on the other F over there it went long and far I just careful do me I’d honestly check over my own feet so accident PR nice out bounce H there skipping along there you take that though we need to practice the driver don’t we that is fizzer that’s all right yeah that’s going to work though sit sit there we go why was that so deep no but okay oh another low fiz I love it it’s coming back oh that’s going to be perfect wow hey oh you the same thing nice I think it’s the LIE actually that’s making us do that you’re next to me we got like 60 50 60 yards 60 yards literally the same as what we had on the previous his key oh sugar oh you that’s lovely you picked that up really nicely too well they C that slightly thin going your practice week just one of many Jenny’s out TS today unbelievable just doing my ju thank you yeah that was nice J that was good lovely distance that was really good contact really nice thanks team nice following me lovely two on the no pressure no pressure come on T I like that one yeah with your arms no that would have been great for 40 yards yeah oh be great is that chunk G as well all righty we taking my ball yes come alive in this back what a lovely lovely little tree you are alive alive okay it’s going to slope slightly to the left turn turn turn turn turn no no turn no turn but on Fall birdie really good paste okay shun EG is this for Eagle no for bir that would be nice wouldn’t it it’s too hard muscles mus nice roll that’s nice you oh oh oh that was a lovely part how many yeah you do have done that many turn turn a great part that was a really good part you can tap it in tap it in darling take it Glory that is a par on the final hul any out oh what do we finish on so we finished on one under that is a golf girl’s PB ever you’re on the leaderboard and you’re right at the top guys thank you so much for watching thank you wi for having us and we will catch up with you very very soon bye bye guys and thanks kie for joining us thanks for having me guys


  1. i’m a scholar at windlesham, you should try the front 9! the 2nd holes never fun 😅

  2. i was playing at windlesham on the same day as you, but was too shy to say hello! I saw you guys on the 12th green 😅

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