Nike Zoom Maxfly 2 Unboxing **NEW 2024 NIKE SPIKES**


The Nike Zoom Maxfly 2 makes a comeback in 2024, it will keep improving its cutting-edge design for better efficiency and performance in sprint competitions. The Nike Maxfly 2 appears to be the best sprint spike for any athlete trying to set personal records in the 100-400-meter mark as well as hurdle events because of its enhanced stability, greater traction, and decreased weight.

#trackandfield #studentathlete #athlete #big12 #funny #trackmeet #houston #d1 #nikezoommaxfly2 #unboxing

[Music] just [Music] today I decided to get my hands on the new Nike airo Max Fly 2os this the second version or second edition of the max flyes and you know I’m really excited because I’m a track athlete Big 12 Conference is this week it’s right around the corner I’m a 4 hurdler so you know to get my hands on these shoes the bubble the carbon fiber plate all that all that stuff really matters for 4 hurdlers sprinters hurdlers 110 hurdlers all that this box if you’re looking for a website to buy some spikes or athlete appal go shop at heartbreak run so right now we’re going to use these trusty scissors that I ran with so we’re going to nicely cut the the Box because you know this is legendary this is revolutionary this video this experience is once in a lifetime grow up never get old stay young yo I’m going to just show you guys the in scenes ASMR real quick okay we just we’re just playing around so I con currently I have both sides of the Box unboxed now it’s time to get the middle of the part of the Box unboxed nicely swiftly smoothly beautifully so we’re going to take the scissors we’re going to one step at a time ASMR so the box is almost unboxed he before I open this box we’re going to do a honorable mention a little memor Memory Lane so back when I was in Middle School I wrote a rap about some spikes that my dad had got me before my race and these were like the spikes I always wanted I I love track I’m a track spike head you know you got sneaker heads I will get the spikes on the first drop no M I never missed a spike drop never but only Spike drops I did miss were the pink ones and the green Foams the the pink ones and green Foams the blue I wasn’t buying every colorway of Nike Max lights I’m not like that I will buy the original I’ll buy the yeah I’ll buy like two pairs do two different colorways depending cuz all the colorways don’t match the uniform you got we’re recycling back to the WAP that I had this was another a rap this a poem yeah hey Nik Zoom Super Fly Elite smell like burnt rubber on my feet sound like lightning is flashing the water I give straight to my father and when it’s time to race the oh let me start and when it’s time to race the shoes they start to start they talking about I’m not a rapper bro I was a rapper at 8th grade bro poem I was in poem class with a whole unit eth grade we had a whole unit unit one essays unit two reading unit three my Angelo bro this shoe okay whoa okay y’ wait wait what does it say a shoe wait wait let me get it in my let me get it in my voice what’s the voice called you know that voice that the Marvel characters have like when the story line is happening they’ be like this watch a shoe must be three things it must be lights it must be comfortable and it’s got to Go the Distance Bill Bowerman let me know if I did a good job with that yeah but back to this I did not open this box yet um this bag this bag bro you can’t tell me this is not like a designer bag bro you can’t tell me this is not a design designer bag bro coming at the track me lightly pull up V in the nikys yall already know okay so you got the bag right here bro already winning okay this this wrapping is kind of hard I’m not going to lie this is like a designer like I feel like a designer brand what oh [Music] when my kids grow up and they see me with my hand like this let me stop they going want to know why my hands always do talking about some want to know what my hand talking about [Music] so cuz I keep lifting up that shoe like okay bro okay we’re getting into the shoe okay we’re opening the next one bro what y’all can’t tell me this Sho not fight bro same okay so we’re going to get into it what it has on it it has the same specs as the last one if yall interested in the specs and all that go on my other video on my YouTube channel where I made like 2 years ago for the Nike Air like the max flies the first one y’all could go check out the specs for that it’s kind of similar this one only difference is like it has like this extra heel part out that’s poking out of it can y’all see it’s like has this heel part poking out at the back this little indent right here what does it say Pete Pro I don’t know what CFN mean bro 4 10 41 2024 you know I was destined to have this shoe cuz my birthday is in April anyway so I already know other shoe does have the same stuff on it yeah it also does have the same stuff on it okay all right so we’re going to get into the soul the shoe cuz I saw on the Nike website well let’s show the first the inside of the box the spikes are like these are the same spikes that are in the um can youall see focus focus these are the same spikes that were in the Super flies um on the blue ones if y remember the blue super flies that they had the all blue super flies with a black monochrome bottom I think these were on it too uh inside of the Box regular a big Nike sign going through it so that’s hard not going to lie all right so I just took the inner part out the shoe I took it out of it and I saw this on the inside it says sample so that’s kind of hard I like that um on the other side of this one it doesn’t really say anything it’s just a Nike sign but yeah I like this shoe a lot um I know I’m these are brand new Nike shoes so the brand new Nike Spikes are always good to have good to use I also like how the so is like a little off-white if you can’t see can you see y’all can see the different can you see the different colors let me move back a little bit it’s like a little off whsh also do not have seven spikes these come with six I heard that they did it because it’s going to make the shoe a little lighter I want to know what the color are going to look like I know not the um Olympians got a different color but I still like this one but I like this a lot you could wear this with any color uniform honestly you have the little concept of like it’s like a sample mod sample shoe like you you’re the only one that got this shoe or whatever what’s really taking me is this bag this is a whole designer bag bro oh don’t get me started on the part look Nike track and field so it’s like a brown bronzes brown bronish bag it’s like metallic lowkey I don’t know you know how it was normally seethrough or like the Nike black you if you’re you’re not a true track runner if you did not go through the black Nike spe Spike back bro if you just if you if your first Nik track spike was a Max Fly bro you’re not you’re not true to the track and field culture you did not struggle you did not have the zip up Nike Spikes where you take the zipper and you strap it all the way across you didn’t go through that so you can’t speak on this video so Nike track bag has came a long way the same to uh oh wait oh this different so y’all remember the first Max Fly they it went like the stitching went straight through this one it’s like open but then inside the bag it’s like two Chambers the same two slots for your spikes so it’s not like it’s fully separated all the way I like that a lot look the stitching on the bag is it goes up half halfway so it’s not like you have two SE for it I like it like that you could also put like when you running you put your spikes in or your shoes in anyo you can put any shoe in here and you can put your clothes your warm-ups on the top of it you can still close it so you could still use it as a like drawstring bag and a spike bag at the same time without with separation you know if you have dirty shoes you can put it right here your clothes won’t get contacted with it I like that a lot um honestly I like this but I like this Spike but they want they bro they four plus4 this um this this drop but that’s it for the video y’all like comment subscribe tune in for next video and that’s it [Music] [Music] [Music]


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