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#BvBBrigade @BostonVsTheBook for Wed May 8th 2024. Thunder roll Mavs. 2 Ots gms in NHL

Matt and Dave are back with another edition of BvB! The Mavs got crushed at OKC last night. 2 OT games in the NHL and Cam Stewart is on the show today!

[Music] the Bostonian is Matt peralt this is our city the book is Dave sherian pay him pay that man his money together they are the Bostonian versus the book you covered you covered 12 covered follow the show on Twitter at Boston versus the book how do you like their map bringing you the best Insight on sports betting news Matt and Dave’s Daily picks and an entertaining and unfiltered dive into the sports betting industry here’s Dave Sheran and Matt baralt and here we [Music] go what’s up Brigade how are you welcome into a Wednesday edition of the Bostonian versus the book he is Dave sheren I am M peral we are live on our YouTube channel Boston versus the book X Twitter as well replayed on SiriusXM channel 159 and sports grid TV each and every night 10 p.m. Pacific time we have a show for you guys today at the top Buckle the seat belts get the helmet on it’s going to be a ride for all of us here in the next couple of moments but Dodger gear Dave today I thought for sure you’d go hockey with the Rangers how are you on this Wednesday we’re always looking forward right yeah the theme of the show is always forward never straight we’re looking forward you know we got big games tonight yeah all right between the NBA Playoffs just one big game New York Knicks fans very excited Indiana Pacer fans as well but the hockey the hockey has been so good the playoff hockey and it just there it is the graphics Department that’s Matt has done a great job right there with NHL playoffs continue to deliver over NBA and right at the top of the show I mean you know there’s four lines on a hockey team everybody got to take a shift everybody gotta come in you come in do your job get off the ice keep it moving and and jump over the boards um the Bruins are playing the Panthers tonight well we had to go get a guy I didn’t I didn’t have to wear the Bruins gear today like the beautiful thing about this is I didn’t have to wear I could wear my Celtics stuff today yeah be because we we have it we have it covered we have it covered we have it covered yes the brew and stuff is I is covered to play to pay off the bet he is the one and only cam Stewart joining us back on BVB is that cam NE it is Cam NE it is C holy crap there you go number eight there it is there it is I’m a man of my word all it takes is a steak dinner and some beers but honestly this jersey fits better than any Leaf Jersey I better put on what’s the be stand for beats or bad beats or whatever the hell of it Dave even last night can you believe Carolina dominates I’m on Carolina and the over we lose in overtime I’m like oh Dallas I got Dallas had the first period three nothing oh Colorado scores four and answer goals like I don’t know for the Leafs Jersey just yeah you know what Maple Leaves mush Boston these guys win and all they do and I’m gonna tell you Florida you guys better shut up like I told you the kach Chucks are real that’s the whole thing the least were not cocky or whatever Boston beats him in game seven and this guy’s worried about the least oh we knew the Bruins were going to win the least are a bunch of chokers yeah worry about your self worry about Jeremy swming you num null I’ll tell you something hey the Le never lost five to one to these guys they took them to game seven overtime Florida’s walking in like they’ve won the Stanley Cup hey Panthers you guys better wake up Boston’s goalie is the real deal he’s the best goalie him and shes sturken the reason these teams could could go all the way their go tending is superior to everybody but broki looked horrible last game so and the Panthers haven’t beaten the Bruins yet this year they’re 0 and five against the Bruins so like why are are we talking about like I don’t get why Florida’s cocky at all I like it be cocky be over cocky it’s perfect for the Bruins that’s exactly what I want I just can’t believe when I’m watching these go like we were talking about ainger AER is not in cherin’s League no Swan is so hot like and let’s give you know what I’m not even GNA be mad at the leaves and and bump them down they had a lot of like bad luck like wall going out and you know what I mean and all this stuff and they played these guys tough they lost in overtime of game seven it’s not a classic choke job like before it was it was you know what I’m not even that mad I’m just I’m disappointed because it’s classic that they never win a game like that but I think Boston is one of those teams now very dangerous like I don’t think Florida’s giving them the respect that they deserve and we know hockey’s like soccer did anybody watch that Dortmund uh P PSG game I had Dortmund plus 500 PSG hit six bars they 13 in two games like they had no business winning that game but they do welcome to sports gambling daveid we talked about both overs in the hockey yep doesn’t matter about these goalies you see the opportunities that these teams are getting they’re Point Blank chances and uh hey I got to give Boston full marks I’m n of those guys I honor my bets the Lea the leaf s and give Dortmund credit this is huge today too guys for soccer if Bayern Munich wins we got an all German final with M Bayern Munich against Dortmund I think the last time they played was 2013 but anyway uh Matt congratulations por of the show in there thank you Cam I appreciate that that was excellent well that game’s coming up it’s at 3: we’re here to gamble chat says we’re here to gamble we’re here to gamble so they watching that for sure um so tonight the total is five and a half the under is Juiced in the Boston Florida game and can’t wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we can’t just skip ahead we have at least recap what happened I where Cam was when pasta scored the goal to go and win this oh open I watched it alone it doesn’t matter what I’ve done Matt I tried it all I I went I was lying in bed like I literally had I I I I had a beer in bed I was sucking back at Guinness I go yep there’s the leaves click turned off TV turned off phone social media I’m horrible on it anyway I’d rather do real media I’ll meet you at the bar and honor my bets that’s what they Dave knows me I’m like basically a younger like 49 going on 70 I don’t meet people on social media I meet you at the bar right you want a drink I’ll meet you at the local bar I’ll go drive up the street to the strip bar and meet you for a bit I’ll I’ll honor the jersey for 140 for one and 40 seconds did you believe when it was one nothing did you believe it’s actually when they scored that goal I jumped out of bed and was going to run the shower I came back by the time the water got warm it was one1 turned it off and went and jumped back into bed not a word of a lie I was literally gonna go you know what I’m gonna go and like maybe go out tonight and uh you know crack a couple beers or some guys some happy beers instead of sad beers Dave it’s like the it’s like the old wck League team that I that I played for that was the modotto basically the Leafs modotto win or lose hit the booze that’s how I feel watching this team play hockey win or lose hit the boo how’s your dad like like I mean like this he he he knows now he’s older than me like this guy’s all like I told him he goes so like older Leafs fans kind of just accept it like you can just turn the page and go okay that’s it I go Dad what do you think he goes uh well you know Freddy Anderson’s playing for Carolina I guess we can look you I wonder how they’re gonna do like you know what I mean it’s just like okay like I get like he’s at a point right now like he wants them to win too but we’ve seen it all before I told you the highlight of this team’s like me memories are 1993 boresi goal like and now the sad thing is Matt like I hate to say it like it must be nice being like a Boston fan the Jays suck like they’re gonna have to blow this thing up they’re they’re a train wreck like they’re they’re not getting better it’s like all the teams the Raptors are in a rebuild games was like don’t worry cam tfc’s back they’re winning me money in MLS I’m like yeah you know what maybe I’ll start betting on TFC and go to their games because they’re the only damn team in the city that wins even the Argo quarterback suspended for nine games who knows what the hell he’s doing Jim Kelly’s nephew he’s he might not even play oh Chad Kelly Chad Kelly’s a disaster like Chad Kell’s in trouble again oh you hear a lot about it big trouble he suspended nine games minimum he might be out for the year so we got a great question from the chat uh a big part of the show is all these guys that watch and girls that watch from all over the country and all over Canada as well Jimmy Jack wants to know do Leaf’s fans stop watching hockey now or do they do they root for other Canadian teams cam no I’m not a proponent of that and it’s actually kind of bothered me that like all the people in Toronto are kind of like oh now I’m going to cheer for the Oilers like why when you what was your affiliation with the Oilers like Canuck still exist like I don’t lose automatically and say yeah you know I’m gonna cheer for the Ottawa Senators because they’re could no I cheer for my bets and I cheer for money and I cheer for if I have a very good friend who’s a me like like Mory I I want the Canucks to do well for him we do a show on a nightly basis I want I want him to be happy because I know what it’s like being sad but I will say this I don’t think this Edmonton series is going to be the Cakewalk like I did I did show with guys who think they’re sweeping this team I’m like sweeping like Vancouver is not like some kind of joke like I think it can go six or seven I had Edmonton and seven but right you know like I just I just don’t understand the disrespect of the line I’m not saying Edmonton should be favored but Dave you’re in the book but that’s the thing they know they could post a minus 160 and get all like you know what I mean people would hammer Edmonton people are still taking them and parlays at minus 275 280 like it’s unbelievable come on Matt like you got to admit that’s out that’s just out of whack that is so disrespectful the Canucks right the Canucks are four and0 against the Oilers it’s the same thing with the Bruins you can do the same exact thing if you want with the Florida Panthers God they’ll get there Florida’s the best team in hockey they’re gonna wipe the ice with them forget it okay Oiler same problem they’re four and0 they beat him all four times they played why are we just assuming Edmonton’s going to boat race them I don’t get it at all third string goaler not I’m still cool with with what’s going on with the Canucks I agree with you and and this six round pick this kid’s not afraid he cracks jokes they had him out in his like Leisure leisure suit and stuff the guy’s laughing his ass off like sometimes and I tell people this about golf when you’re young you don’t have any Scar Tissue it all happens when you’re older like look at the leaves you remember we lost this was a heartbreaking oh these kids don’t think about that they come in like I see guys on the PGA tour they’re not afraid of anything like Tiger Woods they’re like ah you know I watch this guy playing everything’s cool they don’t have the damage it’s like a brand new car instead of one the Leaf’s car is literally at moo it’s got 37 dents in it no Muffler the transmission’s going to be shot like that’s the thing these kids are ready to roll they’re driving Ferraris out there they just understand they’re different breeds it’s kind of like guys when we grew up the quarterback always learn behind the veteran I guess Green Bay is the only team that did it with love right but other teams it’s like get in there get in there you know what I mean so it’s just a different world we’re living in and I think the Vancouver Canucks are kind of like whatever and I cracked the joke it’s probably a horrible joke but the minus 270 me and Gabe are like we got it on every chalkboard with Rick toet right like and then I say so pson goes up to talking so coach what is minus 270 he goes well Elias let’s talk it takes 27,000 Euros to win €10,000 EUR if you like Edmonton what coach that seems crazy you’re telling me they’re three better than us I say no they’re not three EUR better than you in something we can understand you know what I mean so like I guess if I was talking I’d put the I’d put the money line up but we gamble though right right what about Boston and Florida let’s look at at at the game tonight you said it best I I think Boston’s that team that just won’t go away even when they’re down they’re not going away they keep coming and God forbid we get this knock loose and going and Mar Shan’s and everybody’s face and and their physical and then after all of that you get down right around their crease and swayan is sliding around over here sliding around over here cam he looks so confident this is all you could ask for your goalie in this spot Florida has to win this game tonight right they do but I watched Carolina pepper sha stking and he made every big save why can’t SW and do the same thing hockey’s different it is the most different sport like Dave that’s the whole thing in a football game usually the better team will win Matt knows he boxes in a boxing fight underdogs rarely have a chance hockey the only sport where you can get dominated and I mean dominated and win a game two to one one nothing that’s the thing it’s very luck based bounces all sorts of crazy stuff hell I played the game you know I told you the story we o shot a team 72 to 16 and they beat us the goalie like 71 saves wow and it was like a huge playoff game I’m like you just bow down to the guy afterwards and say good on you like you you were the best like say breakaways everything and that’s how I feel with San like I still think Florida can win this in seven day but if bosski plays like he did in game one they’re dead is Gonna Roll them I don’t think he does I think Bob is much better today I like the under I’m with Santana in the chat Florida Florida the bottom line is they shouldn’t be minus 170 I would agree it’s it’s that zigzag theory that we’re coming back with again Boston hasn’t lost yet this year to Florida and they hate the Panthers it’s their you know that now the new enemy of Boston is Florida and kachuck for that matter but I just feel like Bob’s going to be better and for swayman it’s one or two right so it’s how many goals will will Bob give up and that’s why I like the under five and a half because I feel at best it’s a three2 final what do you feel about the total at five and a half I agree with you I like the under in this game I think the oiler Canuck game if we can get a six I know it’s six right now I’d probably over over that game yep me too uh I think it just these teams they really know each other look at the at the scores they play they know it’s different you can’t compare totally regular season to the playoffs but they had a lot of wild games and uh the thing about Vancouver though you don’t want to open it up against Edmonton you still have to play your defense but let’s remember uh Vancouver also like you know what I mean Stu Skinner played great but it was against the LA Kings who were anep like in my opinion dub is one of the worst players in hockey for the amount of money you’re paying the guy like it’s just it’s embarrassing actually like how much money that guy makes to go for basically a cardio workout what I do when I walk up at the hill behind the school like guy’s not even in the game like why he’s just floating out there like a [ __ ] it’s just like what are you doing like are you doing anything like are you trying it’s just so frustrating but uh yeah I think that series is going I think it’s going over tonight Dave I I hit both totals last night I had both overs but I hit both lo I lost both games in overtime can’t lie that’s the truth and I thought I was going to win every single bet I made yesterday that’s life like you know it’s uh that’s tough I really like this jersey though I’m I’m being honest with you even as a Lea fan like it fits me perfectly looks that’s the best thing about people from Boston too the redheaded Irish Scottish guys who get drunk all the hell am I doing what am I doing living here I should have been Boston so I don’t hate it I’d be rich think about all the money I’d have not donating to the Leafs and the bills and the Seahawks and all stupid things that I do oh no oh my God move will be getting you in Celtics gear last one for me I know you got to go yeah you looking at the golf this week are you getting crazy with the golf because I know that’s one of your Specialties and you love it and you watch it and you look at these things anything you want to leave the people before you go with the golf the golf tournament Wells Fargo is a really good tournament we got the major coming up next week too right guys so um I Gotta Give My Boy Carver and I do that hit on Sports grid around like 412 today so we’ll give full disclosure he hit the live winner in Brooks kka and he had he had Jake afternoon nap at 80 but he hedged out on pendrith that’s funny the Prime Minister not even betting on a Canadian I got a swed and Doran who finished third in that tournament what else is new daylight dollar short Dave always sniffing the money never getting it you know that trick where the guy like puts the money on the string like behind a bush and you pick it up on the sidew walk and he pulls it back I’m the guy who goes for the money and they they’re all look at this idiot he thinks it’s real anyway uh yeah I like Windam Clark this week 20 to one uh this is a long golf course I think this guy’s dangerous and uh he’s not being valued the way he should I know a lot of guys like tagala he’ll play well on a long track like this I’m going to give a shot with zalot Torres I got him at 40 I think on some books they have a bet boost to 4550 and one more that I’m looking at if you’re looking for a real big Underdog there’s a kid out of Australia he played his golf in the states out Oklahoma State Austin eek wrote he’s murders the ball off the tea kind of like Rory maroy but taller and this course is like basically it’s a it’s 7,400 yards it’s a killer you need guys who are going to drive the B golf ball hence Rory doing really well at this event so I looked at ecro at 90 to one uh Windham Clark at 20 zalot torus and who else do I have I have one other guy I think here Dave I got to do Carver’s got like more picks than me because he’s got more money than me he like Maxs home at 22 I had to I had to lower my card this week Dave due to the Leafs and other things that didn’t go well things have to get adjusted say you gotta move stuff around my boy my my name say cam young 30 too I like cam young he’s been very close knocking on the door sniffing so Clark young zalatoris bomb play e root 90 more picks with Carver and your guys show tonight Dave I’ll probably see you at in-game live and I’ll see uh Brady Canon and everybody if you like golf tonight Wednesday night uh the Wednesday night freak Show with Morenci tonight we’ll have a lot of picks picks picks picks and more picks you guys know that cam you’re a good sport my friend thank you for coming on appreciate I was gonna sell this jersey I just might keep it maybe it’ll change my luck keep it I’m going to Dave all right I I know the Le my my leaf stuff’s gonna be what are those guys ever done for me other than made me pay double mortgages right anything just more bills more bills more problems later guys he is Kim Stewart good stuff my friend from Sports grid joining us here in the Boston verus the book good sport out of him for coming on paying off it always looks good it’s a Bruins Jersey of course it looks good it’s a Bruins Jersey it did look good it’s a good Jersey uh by the way thank you to cbw the Argos in the CFL today I guess yesterday late said the Toronto Argonaut were informed of the outcome of the League’s investigation of quarterback Chad Kelly for violations of the cfl’s gender-based violence policy the club will respectively abide by the League’s decision the Toronto Argonauts and the MLS share the cfl’s commitment to providing healthy and positive work environments so whatever he said to whomever got Chad Kelly a nine game suspension don’t know what he said said something bad said something really really really bad deal with it deal with it here we go yes here we go this is the this Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston to to next Tuesday you have a Boston team playing in the playoffs next Tuesday it’s Wednesday Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston it never ends it never ends and you all right though we could be very well on a collision course between the New York Rangers and the Boston Bruins and the New York Knicks and the Boston Celtics all East confence you see that clip I posted when moose said hey Matt Boston sucks it just couldn’t stop great it was awesome this is going to be we’re gonna have to call he agreed he agreed when I said we’ll have a pray before you and he goes yep he goes you’re right we’re gonna have a parade before you we’re gonna have a parade before you put that on a t-shirt we’ll spell that thing in New York and Boston right we could actually go to Philly and sell some there I mean the Boston Boston xacta I don’t think anybody really believes that’s happening like that would be ridiculous I don’t believe that’s happening one of the that night we went to eat me you Jess and the kids we had Maddie and and Kendall at uh okay at chicky and Pete okay yeah remember that experimental ticket that I I did you did Bost you did a Boston Boston for five bucks right well $10 what was it what was it was it was like 75 to one wins a couple dimes okay even better couple hundred1 yeah it’s I mean yes it’s always Boston against the world this is true Boston versus the world this is true this is this is true I would be very surprised look I will be ecstatic I will be over the moon you will be annoying as hell oh my God be at Peak I I will be Patriots second Dynasty annoying Peak oh I’ll be Monday after the Patriots came back down 28 to3 against the Falcons annoying that’s how annoying I will be that’s how far up I will be I will be decked I will need to get a split hat a split Championship hat it says 20124 both championships for all be out they’ll probably do that 2024 and put the there’s no debating that do t-shirts they’ll just say we own everything like let’s slow down that’s that’s we’re we’re a long got a lot of basketball and hockey to be played before that happens yes we do but nobody want to see that in the chat we are coming to Chicago we are eight days away from being live in Chicago if you are in the sports betting space and you guys are going to be in Chicago you guys can come and say hi we’ll put you on the show We’ll Be Live at the over under bar come on by say hello if you live in Chicago a lot of you guys do live in Chicago or in the Chicago land area yep come on on by we know you all watch the show so just come on by easy you can get on the show and watch the show and tell the world that yes I watch the show we like the show we know you like the show it’s okay it’s completely fine you can hate me and still like the show it’s totally okay it’s not a big deal it’s the problem it’s no worries so come on by over under bar 3 to five central time Thursday May the 16th circus Sports Illinois and us together at over under barar having a blast hope to see all of you we keep getting no and messages for people who are coming it’s Canada uh Wisconsin Indiana and Iowa so far those that’s the roll call out of out outside of Illinois correct everybody in in Illinois it’s ridiculous but outside people coming in they given to have Illinois Chicago yeah we might have to go area codes within the state of Illinois and see how many different area codes show up like like the Bruins did with that tweet that was a really original idea maybe we could use that get the area code roll call uh for the for the Illinois people that would be good someone would get a passport I got a great Deuces I mean I’m not saying no I mean that’s might be a oneway trip it’s a problem right now there’s a lot of things going on was just saying bushy knows it’s not like we could just pick up and go down south hang out has any NBA NHL xacta happened in sports history I know baseball and football did in 1979 I mean the Patriots Patriots Red Sox did it yeah did but has it basketball and hockey because the Celtics noakers no I don’t think so we because the problem is the Lakers and the Celtics dominate alternated so much in the 60s 70s 80s so it would be hard I think that actually is pretty Detroit did it did Detroit do it the Red Wings and the No No is baseball oh sorry the Pistons yeah Pistons Red Wings the Pistons and Red Wings ell that maybe yeah that’s possible Lakers we don’t count that Nick Daniel that’s garbage now you’ve done we don’t count Aster championships these are garbage championships they do not exist in my world the Lakers and the Dodgers won ridiculous what a 60 game baseball season we’re calling that a championship come on on in the bubble they didn’t travel didn’t go anywhere no Road no Road teams eight 17 Rings my ass it’s a complete joke no I’m not counting that they won that World Series in Texas by the way in Texas right in a bubble in with a 60 Game season congrat ionically they weren’t even playing Texas since 1947 Nikki Nikki sharelo associate producer Nikki thank you very much 1947 that’s interesting okay holy crap so who was it I mean you you put the year who was it Bruins right we’ve had baseball and we’ve had football but we haven’t had basketball and hockey I I can’t remember an exact day with basketball and hockey it’s the two winter sports both winning a championship in the same year I don’t know basketball and hockey look we got a research Department cbw get on that I don’t know how that’s I I I I would say Myers if you’re listening find it listen Sarah Melo good job you got the year oh it never happened NBA began in 1947 1947 Johnny parlay’s got to get on the payroll we have to find a way to get JR 33312 on the payroll the guy watches the show every day I was there he’s kidding he’s joking around with you who said that I don’t know K’s talking about you said then I’m look back in the chat I was not there Chris so cbw set cities with multiple championships in the same year but we got to go hockey and basketball hockey and basketball the Kings and the Galaxy give me a break what are we doing Galaxy talk about the big four here uh oh uh soccer is a worldwide sports sir yeah not in this country um Red Sox Patriots the only two 8 04 in 2018 the Patriots and the Red Sox both won the championship the Bruins and the Celtics have never won it in the same year the Rangers and the Giants not football but baseball won it in the same year Rangers and the Yankees won it in the same year uh what year was that 1994 uh Rangers rangers 90 19 1933 for the Giants and the Rangers and 1928 for the Rangers and the Yankees okay La 1979 was the Pirates and the Steelers was the greatest year of my life I thought we were winning world series in Super Bowls every year it was a city of Champions back then Pittsburgh was the center of the sports Universe it’s never happened we’ve never had the Exacta we’ve never had hockey Basketball Championships in the same year damn I thought Denver and Colorado might have had a good shot this year Avalanche and Nuggets bye-bye I don’t think the Nuggets uh nope it’s not going to work I don’t think so wow see how the show kind of morphs into I mean we’ve done 2 minutes at a show and completely off the rundown we haven’t even started with what’s listed and we came up with a great subject and topic thanks to the chat again all of you thank you for being here hit the like button hit the Subscribe button keep listening to the show on the podcast apps leave a review tell someone about it um come and see us in Chicago that’s really crazy the two biggest the the the two big the two sports that Boston fans now are dying over Bruins and the Celtics Patriots in the Red Sox W in back toback in the same year in ‘ 04 and 2018 I’m not sure if you had told me in 2003 if you had said Matt in 2003 the Patriots and the Red Sox are gonna win double championships in the same year I would be like shut up I could never happening it’s never happening it’s despite the fact that it is Boston it’s still the coolest thing ever because you get the whole baseball season yeah into October and they win it and then the football season all the way to February and then spring training starts and you’re like I went that’s what I I went to the 2005 spring training for the Red Sox I was there so I saw the World Series championship and then I saw the Patriots win the world win the Super Bowl had to be your height oh it was the everybody was the greatest thing was I went to a Yankees and Red Sox spring training game and everyone signed said hey Jeter how was the golf it was tremendous it was tremendous I mean the trash talking was like at Peak Boston we won the World Series we had won the the third Super Bowl in four years like it was just like being around my brethren in Florida at for in Fort Meers Florida was one of the best decisions I ever made I was like I went to go I saw Bach I I went and stayed with Dan Bach for a night down there in Florida where he was at the time he’s in Nashville now but he was in Florida so I flew down stayed with him for a night s in hotel for a night went to like three spring training games with the Red Sox all three with the Yankees that was when like buying spring training games for the Red Sox was like five times face value right it was super expensive to get in but I had a media credential so I wouldn’t covered it it was tremendous oh it was so fun you were living fever pitch that’s a good point Cy yeah in a lot of ways yeah I mean that’s yeah I I wasn’t there because I wasn’t there in ‘ 04 for the championship I was in Alabama for the championship so like I was like fine I’m getting on a plane and flying to Fort Meers because it’s a quick flight from hille for M you had to go get your Boston fixed like in your arm I had to go get that let me go hear this taste this before the tattoo I had to go with my people yeah just to absorb it to be around it because I had missed it in October so I was like I’m going in spring training and going to watch the Yankees because I mean we just had done that to the I mean remember the Red Sox had just come back from the greatest comeback in sports history down 03 to the Yankees don’t let us win one and I was back I went the next time the Red Sox saw the Yankees was spring training and I was there for that so I wasn’t there for the great comeback but I was there for at least the rubbing it in and making making sure everybody in New York knew that was going on your favorite part oh was my by far my favorite part by far my favorite part winning is awesome slamming it down New York’s throat is even better like that’s just absolutely taking it and just it’s so good who’s saying what context so good taking it and raming you want to take in every context you want to take that it works in every single context okay what whatever inuendo you want to make that’s great okay that is perfect whatever visualization you need for that that’s what that means 100% with what the Red Sox and Boston did to New York 100% what they did all right what happened last night uh speaking of New York Rangers W game two double overtime 43 I mean eigor was stupid in overtime I don’t know how the hell Carolina didn’t score but is this series over or just beginning oh I think I don’t think it I think it’s far from over okay oh I think it’s far from over that building tomorrow four o’clock Pacific is GNA be I I don’t know I I mean this is this is why you watch playoff hockey for what that game was last night that was so good that wasn’t a penalty that the power play at overtime was not a penalty in the double overtime yeah you can’t call that you cannot call that I mean they it was a makeup lost his balance I mean he he he pushed a little makeup call they gave Carolina a power play so they gave New York one just a makeup call that was just like you can see it when you know it’s going to happen like right when you’re on that side you got that gift and you didn’t score in a power play okay don’t do nothing because they’re going to do something they’re going to call it and the Rangers capitalized on it because their PE their power play is so much better than than Hurricane’s power play Hurricane’s power play is ice it’s not they’re not scoring they’re they’re getting shots on Goen moving a puck around and stuff but they’re not they’re not doing anything it has to be impactful I don’t know best power play in the game the Rangers have the best power play in the game I would you go in the Box you’re going to lose you cannot take power plays cannot take penalties and give them power plays they’re just especially in that building yeah good luck oh man the building was electric I I I I was I was on last night with Wetzel all the guys in the back you know the producers they all had the rangers they were screaming every time they scored they were I mean like people that aren’t hockey fans are now in they’re in they’re caught up and you know I heard Messi between periods talking about 94 and I remember that like it was yesterday and um I think it’s just starting and it is people to think the series are going to be sweeps there’s a beted on FanDuel that wetel brought up yesterday will there be zero sweeps One Sweep two sweeps three sweeps or four sweeps at the NH rest of the way you could you could have bet it yesterday I don’t know what it is today but somebody in the chat find it I haven’t looked yet um I was ready to wire money minus 185 on no sweeps ain’t going to be no sweeps Boston ain’t sweeping Florida you can bet it here you don’t the wire of money they don’t have it you’re sure boy doesn’t looked oh I almost made I almost made a trip to the Joint yesterday to Arizon last night to go make a play because there ain’t going to be no sweeps it was minus 185 what’s wrong with laying 185 and all the other team one if it gets to three nothing you can you know get out of it if you need to but do you think there’s going to be a sweep in any of these series the rest of the way um the BET was will any NHL series how many NHL series will there be a sweep and it was a price for everyone you know like all four being a sweep was ridiculous oh you know where they got it ah buty you’re in the same boat as us people take your work I know where they got that’s I love this guy that’s great I love this guy um I don’t think there will be but I have a little bit of a pause based upon who could win like if Vancouver beats Edmonton could Vancouver get swept by Colorado or Dallas no no no no no no in the second round oh this round I thought you meant the rest of the playoffs the BET was the second second round of oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Kylie what are you doing wait Kylie hold on what come on it ain’t happening Kai what’s happened to you east coast East Coast bias you got East Coast bias now and your daughter’s got East Coast B VI what happened to you look out drinking the ranger Kool-Aid that New York media lost you know so she just going over the Rangers sent me a text specific don’t ever wear the a stuff again you believe this my daughter she said you can’t wear the a I’m an a fan and stop wearing the a stuff I mean she wants her team to win she’s she’s aggravated she thinks you’re you’re a mush a lot of people do I love it I wear the stuff it wins they don’t say nothing I wear the stuff and it loses everybody comes at you don’t wear that stuff really it’s nonsense oh okay here we Carolina at home is a much different team okay like they’re gonna win a game they’re gonna win game three I think yeah I think so I mean did you see the line for that minus one 7 I’m on plus 120 already for the Carolina Hurricanes to come back and win the series and I’m literally contemplating adding betting more on Carolina to win the series I don’t think they’re out of it I they go they win game three they win game four it’s that old adage Barkley said it the series don’t start till the road team wins a game I mean we’re we’re in we’re in the midst of it the Rangers won both games at home somehow they were dogs both games at home okay um they’re not dogs now I mean they’re big dogs now yeah you know on the road yeah Dallas P that was a Crusher I mean you’re up three 0 and you lose the game 4-3 in overtime like what’s up with them in home ICE what’s Dallas’s problem they can’t win at home oh you saw in the second period as you saw that ice start to shift you started to see the power plays come to live for Colorado and Ma is just a different type of dude on the blue line dear Lord he just good he it’s like where are you he’s a UMass kid so I love him so I always watch kale marar because I he took my my my school did that to one the only hockey national championship UMass has ever won kale Mar was on the team that did it and mostly because of him because he’s like he’s different you’ve talked about like watching different skaters you’re watching skate oh kale Marc on the blue line is a different type of dude like he just looks so different than every other defenseman he has a I mean I don’t know what you a hozer a rocket launcher for a shot but he’s so big he’s so physical and he’s so fast that it’s like damn that guy’s good him and McKinnon my McKinnon scored that goal to make it um it was three to2 he made it 3-2 and it was like he had no reaction it was his 47th playoff goal and like guys who score in the playoffs are like yes mckinon was like okay whatever it didn’t it’s so interesting to see guys who were just goal scorers that playoff goals are just goals he knew the job wasn’t done right like he’s so they’re different guys like him are different I mean him and and Crosby from the same place you know up in Prince Edward Island he’s been that way since he came up and now he’s that leader he’s like yeah I scored we’re going to score again go let’s go we got to do it again you know we’re down they didn’t panic down three nothing and they got the next goal those three nothing leads we used to say it in the book They’re the dreaded three-goal lead I think two score the next one right well the two- goal leads disappear quickly but a three-goal lead feels pretty comfortable the odds jump way up a lot of people think he’s a cyborg a he knows no emotion he scores he was just like okay like rollback let’s go again like it was wild like 47 goals he made it three to two all that momentum everything’s going right now for Colorado and he’s just like whatever yeah right whatever like let’s let’s let’s keep going guys whatever I love it it was he’s a fun guy to watch they’re a hard team to dislike I I really like Colorado a lot I love ma georgiev’s the the problem right I mean he’s he’s their problem Geor he was their solution because once they gave up three he St play pretty well yeah but he still gave up three he gave up enough he gave up three put him in that hole but then he was able to come and rally and do a good job to to win the game four to three in overtime but man that’s a that’s a deflating loss for Dallas to be up three nothing at home thinking you’re going up 10 and then you lose home ice like ouch that’s that’s tough uh we mentioned it in the open about how much better the NHL playoffs have been in the NBA Playoffs the Thunder just kicked the Mavericks up and down the court last night 11795 was the final Luca looks I don’t know would you keep playing him 19 points on six of 19 shooting with the spray knee he can’t move like I feel bad for him would you keep playing him I how much do you want to shoot him up and just like I don’t know is somebody else out there that could give you better a better defensive effort to help you with the incredible Wing scores I mean SGA went for 299 and N last night like I it’s just these they’re younger they’re this looks like the only one game okay but after the first game I was like well that looks like Minnesota against Denver doesn’t it quicker more athletic younger hungrier like Dallas is out there playing T Dallas is playing a February game these guys are playing for blood OKC is playing for their life it’s unbelievable to watch and they and they have they have the same belief in themselves in each other that Minnesota has that was fun I I mean and again I was only watching it between periods I kept checking the score I was waiting for it to get close the greatest thing so far that has entered my life in the last two years from a sports perspective is YouTube TV’s dual screen the ability to watch audio with that yeah go back and forth okay I just toggle back and forth when one team’s in when you know first period’s over you go to go to basketball basketball’s in halftime go back to hockey so last night you have four you have four games you have two and two it was unbelievable I watched all four games like it’s it’s the best thing and you have a big screen TV you had two really big screens it’s it’s tremendous I mean absolutely yeah I mean it’s it’s awesome I agree with you TP I mean it really is one of those like really cool things that I don’t have to toggle back and forth and it’s it just you just watch it back and forth and I I’m in love with it for the playoffs because I just leave it on and like I don’t have to move it’s just the you know the games are double headers both channels have don’t move so watching both those games all four of those games last night was super fun and just really I like OKC a lot I like them a lot did you actually watch the the Boston game the the Celtic game yeah of course they scored 40 in the first quarter I told you they score from that the Cleveland sucks that’s that’s what I took away from that said that last week Cleveland sucks I got that clip teed up for tomorrow okay we can use Today’s show for that I mean go ahead I mean what what do you want like are you kidding me Jason Tatum can’t hit a three to save his life and they’re up by 25 like Derek White’s the best player on Boston he still can he still is I mean unless you stop Derek white and no coach is gonna say that publicly no coach will go to a Podium and say we have to stop Derek white it’s unbelievable I love it it’s absolutely it’s incredible hting threes over and over and over and over he’s wide open cover that guy now he’s cocky about it now it’s like dribble top of the key step back bang it’s like I’m like okay here we go and then Jaylen Brown played really well last night I he was in attack mode like they’re doing this porzingis hasn’t played yet wait till porzingis plays I didn’t even want to mention it but it wasn’t in the rundown the Celtics was not in the rundown because what am I gonna say what’s the point of saying this this is a this is a quick and easy Series this is just this is not going to be that difficult for Boston as I said they’ll lose probably two games they’re going to lose one game where they’re going to fall asleep and you’re gonna go what the hell was that and then one game Mitchell will go for a 100 points and they’ll lose that game but it’s 4-2 or 4-1 one or the other it’s not a sweep it could be but I don’t know again this Celtics team doesn’t have that dog in them they they don’t have that like we’re gonna take your throw out and beat you in four games what watch game two will be much different game two will be bad Boston will just L gag around they may win they may lose it’s what they do they play with their food they play with their food they’re just G to go 13 and a half I would probably bet Cleveland start I probably bet Cleveland unless Boston somehow has figured out that it’s the playoffs and you’re supposed to curb stomp these kids when their teeth are on the curb you break their face like that’s what you’re supposed to do so let’s see if they do it but I don’t know because if Tatum gets hot in game two it’s over like it’s done because he’s getting big criticism right now about he can’t hit a three save his life he hasn’t scored well Brown played great white played tremendous Pritchard played great last night I mean Pritchard was knocking down shots like crazy last night it they have so many weapons offensively Cleveland can’t keep up the series line I just looked is Boston minus 80 to one you got to put up $80 to win a dollar I didn’t even I I didn’t even know this the software could crap is that true Nikki Boston’s now minus 130 to win it all yeah they moved move to the minus money favorite yeah boy after one win after that win they went from even money to minus one30 think about the path it’s the path if the Pacers win tonight this is going six or seven okay I mean I think you still think it could go six or seven even if they lose Boston’s not even gonna I mean it’s not going to be much of a stress you just said it so you got to move the money to the favorite what would the price be with Boston against God Minnesota still even money at DK that’s a huge difference 30 cents it ain’t that big of a difference no no but I mean if we were in the room today 30 Cent differences would you would you make them a favorite the the minus money favorite I mean they’re already the favorite yeah I just leave them where they are I just just as the favorite just you know plus money though I mean people are going to bet him I meanus 105 minus 110 come and get it yeah I guess so it’s not horrible I I mean look I I think both OKC what I as a Celtics fan here’s what I want I want OKC in in Minnesota to kill each other for seven games just kill the hell out of each other because both of them are really really dangerous I mean both of them just eye testwise watching what OKC in Minnesota are going to bring to the finals whichever one gets there because they’ll one of the two are getting there in my mind right I don’t mean to totally disparaged Denver and the Mavericks but you just did I just did totally just be SMG both of them sorry they’re both losing and Bam I I can’t wait to see I mean I would lean towards Minnesota on that but OKC is gonna have a lot to say Boston matches up better with OKC than they do up against Minnesota the size of Minnesota makes porzingis an incredibly important part of Boston’s defense right uh oh that’s a big oh yeah so uh I have the same feeling about the Timberwolves that I had about Denver it’s what happens in the paint around the rim that worries me a tremendous amount and that’s why I think if it is Minnesota against Boston I think the t-wolves are the better betat OKC not so much I’m not so worried about OKC I think Boston will beat OKC don’t think they’ll beat Minnesota though so I mean cor how many limbs that guy Gonna Miss Jimmy Jack last night I mean cornette missed like a 100 layups last night ridiculous it fell 59 in the first half it should have been like 68 he missed so many layups I know I wanted to talk about that that’s why when you didn’t have it in the rundown I was like we’re not even going to mention that first half sweat the first quarter was 40 points I was I was it got there with three minutes to go it wasn’t that big of a sweat they just didn’t score in the last three minutes like if you bet some people laded it that was the problem they bet 58 59 60 62 and that didn’t get there so just it cleared the 56 a half easily within you know with three minutes to go they had already gone over and then they didn’t score again right one they one bucket it was 59 yeah the rest of the way they scored one bucket I mean you can’t even make it up right like the way it went you score 40 in the first quarter even if they scored 25 right like in the second quarter it’s supposed to be a smooth easy we get the late the high 50s and the low 60s we get the speed limit that’s a speed limit you get to get it to 65 yeah and it don’t get there for them back numbers and the fair cbw you’re right I think it will keep it down you’re right I bet we I bet there’ll be rinse and repeat it’ll be 56 and a half we’ll bu it up a little it’ll be 58 and a half that’s still too low should be 61 well so it should be it should be 61 that’s what was all year all year it was 60 and a half 61 and a half those were the numbers that it was like rinse and repeat the books once in a while they dropped down to 58 because Boston went like for a month where they kept on going under that number it was 61 60 and a half and it was like they LED 56 55 57 like they go under and then they adjusted to 58 and then Boston started going back over again so if you put up under 59 it’s an auto play it’s an automatic bet if it’s under 59 I think that’s uh I think 59 59 and a half is probably the number that’s well that would give me pause give me 59 and a half I’ll pause okay I’ll go okay okay that’s a pause number for me I all I want you to do is the guy in the book that’s all I want you to do pause you give me 56 and a half I’m not even like I’m not even blinking fire right 50 even 57 and a half fire get to 58 I go all right I take it but I’m a little concerned 59 and a half I go okay let’s think let’s look at this a little more and figure it out uh it’s 58 and a half there you go fireus 18 to the don’t go heavy but fire take the over but it’s probably going to be somewhere around that 58 59 60 number for Boston and you might need you know Pritchards three at the end of the first quarter that was pretty big end up being a pretty big shot for some people who bet it bet it late it was 57 and a half or 58 and you probably were sweating that three a little bit so minus 102 on FanDuel for with the same number 58 and a half oh okay that is that’s good work Nathan yeah I like that better let’s take a 20 second timeout real quick I just retweeted the show on um Twitter X whatever you want to call it so you know people jumped in and watching the show thank you guys for being here I just want to welcome capable bansel uh to the show hi he just said it in in response to me tweeting the show I never realized how profitable it can be I recently started trading with Rebecca trade FX and I made up to $250 per week with an initial investment of why are you reading why are you reading the Bots I can’t help it it’s such good content I can now take care of my financial needs you know this is on Twitter read the Bots the Bots are gonna be on more we’re on X right now so wait so the Bots come more when I read the the Bots stuff yes like your phone you can’t talk about the Bots it’s like Fight Club we don’t talk about Fight Club we’re talking about the Bots really you don’t want to do that no yes don’t damn it careful complete and total bot without a doubt oh my God yeah let’s see do I have a bot uh yes I do a bot there you go I I won as well no payment needed just join for free it’s free for confidence two fix correct scores score three three and two double correct scores plus 205 odds DM me or click my bio for soccer I guess something I don’t know what it is they come on the show we we have NEOS Anna who’s that who’s eth NEOS ACTA I I don’t know I mean if if you’re going to read it you should pronounce their name correctly I don’t never heard of it before I don’t know what sport that is what sport is that I don’t even know I don’t I don’t even know yeah we I had a segment on cash considerations it called it bought or not and I used to read um oh some of these questionable follows interesting yeah different world out there in Twitter Amen to that Murray not suspended $100,000 fine for throwing the water the hot water bottle and towel at a referee correct JY came on with us yesterday on Sports git and said he disagreed with it he should have been suspended and he said if the Nuggets were up two games to none he would have been suspended he’s right I would agree yes the series result dictates the action yep because they don’t want their thumb on the scale that’s the NBA for you I agree with you I think’s ABS yep I think he’s absolutely right yep it’s imp it’s far more damaging to the defending champs down 02 on the road at Minnesota to play without Jamal Murray to actively suspend him to say you’re out choose to put him on the sidelines for an act he did in game two oh if it’s 20 yep NBA does it without a question of a doubt yep they do it because then it makes the two W now you got a series now you don’t need you know the extender you’re not looking at referees to help you this sounds absurd when you’re talking about this out loud okay might be absur somebody in the office said we just give them a suspension they’re already down two nothing somebody said what do you do $100,000 fine it’s not a lot that’s not a cheap fine it’s $100,000 right they hit him with a heavy fine it shows you that they wanted to suspend him but they couldn’t wow 100 dimes in the pocket it’s not exactly a light slap on the wrist I don’t know that’s heavy it is for anyone in the NBA yeah normally five to 25,000 this is four times what you normally see as far as comparable suspensions yes but like it’s I gotta guess I got to do something because I can’t have people throwing stuff on the court I would agree so you got to do something but she’s on a R today his translator his translator will Lo it to him we’re never getting off late night buty keep it’s alone it’s alone that’s tremendous all right uh you may want listening glasses on for this this next segment because this this is something I mean this is you want to talk about like weird conversations commissioner Rob Manfred said Major League Baseball was quote dragged into legalized sports betting he then praises the Integrity of legalization but claiming that they had no choice the Major League Baseball had absolutely no choice that they had to go with legalized Sports wagering what is going on I I I don’t even know what position that you would put the league in to say you have to go do we what if we don’t you can’t you’re part of this suit you’re part of this not suit like you fought it you fought it and you fought it just say we don’t want it yeah just say we we filed counter suit after counters suit to stop this from happening so we’re not going we’re not going to do it no they can’t his full quote was we were kind of dragged into legalized sport spending as a litigant in a case that ended up going to the Supreme Court having said that I recognize probably better today than we were involved in that litigation that one of the advantages of legalization is it’s a heck of a lot easier to monitor what’s going on than it is in a legal operation what what are you talking about what what exactly does that mean I I I need a followup question dragged into it can we please see how many how many teams in Major League Baseball how many of the 30 MLB teams have official sports betting Partners now all of them all of them all of them what do you mean you were dragged into this you went in head first all of you the league has official Partners the team has official Partners you have literally every broadcast has sports betting content pre in-game and postgame absolutely like I I mean I don’t know how you drag someone into that and and on the way say well let’s be official partners and let’s I don’t that doesn’t feel like dragged that feels like okay I mean if you had to do it you were forced to do it you were dragged into it they did a pretty good deal about getting the money because they took the money I mean you know you’re at the game there’s either you know DraftKings FanDuel bet 365 B MGM Caesars ads in the ballpark I mean in the ballpark I was just in Oakland there were more ads than people in the stance for what sports books books or prize picks that too all of it there are books in California there’s advertising for the A’s for books I swear I saw DraftKings at B MGM stuff oh for DFS for DFS yes because DFS is legal in in California yeah I I swear so technically it’s a sports book but it’s a sports book like crossover they’re they’re branding but it’s for their DFS product okay it’s on Outfield walls I mean they put the stuff on the DraftKings on the green monster oh yeah well that makes sense it’s legal in Boston it’s legal in in Massachusetts yeah I mean look Vegas books advertise in California all the time I understand that that that’s fine but like that’s in in the ballpark in California is interesting because that’s the big state that everybody’s trying to lay the groundwork for when they go legal everybody knows yeah who’s legal and who you can use well I mean it it’s advertising you know circuit does it in San Diego because people from San Diego come to Vegas and they can come here but it’s brand recognition that’s the catch in all of this there’s another article too that you know we’ll discuss more tomorrow I sent you the link to about these deals that all these these leagues made they’re they’re so in debt I mean Caesar is till 2040 buried bued 600 million till 204 L money they wasted in in being you know putting in the answer to that is yes DFS is legal in California but not Sports Benning that’s correct correct and I don’t know if it ever will be ever somebody’s got to really push the the needle and deliver um basically the GDP of a small country to the right people to get this thing in California to go I just think it’s so does it feel hollow and disingenuous for him to even say that oh it’s it’s bad I mean that the idea that he ends it so we find ourselves in a world in this world and you can make an argument from an Integrity perspective we’re in a better position wh what what you just had the whole Aon anything guy you just you just had a you have a federal investigation going on are you claiming that legalization what caused you to catch otani’s interpreter betting offshore with an illegal or local bookie huh what are you talking about like this is bizarre like what do you mean you’re in a better position like for what financially of course you are you took the money like can we just be honest can we just be honest like there are broadcasting rights disputes going on all over Major League Baseball there are companies who are broadcasting games right now who will not be broadcasting games in two years right there’s problems there’s Major League Baseball media wise is in trouble now it’ll all work out but where do we go with the games and so an influx of money from the sports bending world was exactly what baseball needed or thought they needed no they needed the money what it looks like long term but they needed the money they needed to get that money coming in to help fund all sorts of different things teams are taking back their broadcasts in house saying hey we’ll do it now we’ll have the distribution we’ll have it over rabbit ears we’ll do different things they need the money to do that Sports betting’s giving them the chance to do that so has it though yeah I I I think that I mean in the grand scheme of things not nearly as much money as they thought maybe but the money is still there it’s still big money it’s still big dollars what did they think was going to happen when they did all this oh that’s that’s a better interest the better question is you took the money you started all of this you didn’t get dragged you jumped in head first well they they were able to keep it at a distance until the Supreme Court pushed it through right but they didn’t have to say yes okay now what do we do but they could have said it’s illegal they lost you’re a private you’re correct but you’re a private entity you could say hey guess what guys you can’t have a an official sports book you can’t have that they’re gonna take bets on your games and you’re gonna have no connection to it whatsoever just like you used to never have any connection to it right but you didn’t want that you wanted a piece of it money you wanted the sport radar deal you wanted all the different information deals you wanted the the streaming dollars you wanted all the money the money so don’t tell me you wa Kicking and Screaming you could have kept baseball away from betting even in states where betting is legal you just chose to get involved I don’t blame you I would too a lot of money there yeah but the idea that you were like man it was really tough we sat around like do we want to do this I don’t know like you were screwed McDuck in the vault spitting gold coins out of your mouth and it was and it was one of those things where those of us that have been in it a long long time were saying and you know well gez this is great what could go wrong well this this this and this but you didn’t want to listen and now you’re tting you’re in a better position you know with the Integrity unit and all this other stuff I don’t know what unit they’re talking about that’s pretty interesting I’d love to apply for that unit I I I I’d love to be on there because I could tell you what could happen What might happen what has probably already happened and if you don’t prepare yourself for it now you have a problem reactive is not be proactive in life right we always try to be proactive as dads as brothers Sons you know as moms wives sisters whatever role you’re in you try to be proactive you can’t see everything but to say that you didn’t see this and you were Dragged In that’s it’s I I saw it and I went yep we got to talk about this show because it’s not good again what are we doing they going to end Partnerships now no no oh okay not even not even no they’re gonna sign more of them they’re not gonna end Partnerships you’re gonna sign more Partnerships gonna sign as many as they possibly can take the money while it’s here because it may not be here for much longer so better take as much money off the table as you possibly can if you’re Major League Baseball time for Otani watching [Music] all right for Otani watch Marlins stay in town Otani does not hit a home run so he does not go four straight games with a home run 0 for two with two walks and a run scored and an 8-2 win over the Miami Marlins Dodgers have now won six in a row and 13 of 15 here for La looking at the Dodgers and looking at Otani going forward like how long how many I mean this like a streak their schedule looks like they may go for a we 13 and 15 is impressive but they may do that 20 and two run that I talked about yeah no question they’re on Pace for like it’s almost like you put the Dodgers in your like everything just put it in going forward I don’t think trying to pick when it’s not going to work is probably not a good idea right I think you either have to do Dodgers or do nothing like right because one nothing LA right now by the way middle second uh bottom second ton Kaden his first step B solo shot for Hernandez uh no we’re already opening up a lead in the division yep it’s it’s already happening oh let’s see hold on let me see what they play after today oh it’s yeah they just start to play their schedule gets very advantageous let’s see so we got Marlins now oh they got weekend series at the Padres that’s not easy they kind of own them and then they go to the Giants kind of own games you know kind of own them so they got division gam four five six game Road Trip in the division they should go four and two or five and one four- two on that trip yeah it could go three and three could but doubt it then they come over with the Reds then the Dbacks then the Reds on the road then the Mets then they go in the month of June I mean yeah I mean well June gets a little tough beginning of June’s Easy Colorado and the Pirates and then you play the Yankees on the road Texas comes in Royals coming the Pirates just lose to the angels what the oh today they just yeah 54 final day game yeah sweet move from the 412 was there Ray 512 damn it yeah so they have I mean they want three in a row so they you know they lost five one three lost two dear Lord they have a three- game series at Pittsburgh on June 4th Fifth and 6th and then they have a three-game series at the Yankees yep on 789 what is their record gonna be before then PIR pirates of the Cubs pirates of the or the Dodgers the Dodgers the Dodgers so the rest of the month of June yeah is or the rest of the month of May six on the road Padre’s Giants four home against Reds three home against Diamondbacks then at Reds then at Mets and then they go and then they go home against Colorado gez what is the record right now they could have 10 11 more wins oh my God the 25 and 13 right now like this is the team we thought they were going to be hello show sh’s batting 365 with 11 home runs and 27 rbi’s M’s got 27 RBI here they go like look out their numbers what’s the highest moneyline price you’ve ever seen for a major league baseball team minus 550 yeah that it’ll get beat at some point this year you think yeah yeah when they’re playing the Rockies at home it was during the bubble okay um perum wrote a story about it he called me um Verlander was at home against the Tigers it was minus 550 and he lost one nothing 2020 the summer nobody at the park remember like it was yesterday but says win the next five yep I think he’s right do you bet Otani to hit a home run every day that one’s tough yeah it’s you know he was 0 for against Cabrera that’s why it was plus 310 yesterday and he went 0 for two yeah so that’s why that number was where that number was but it’s a yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be interesting time for the Brigade proxy service story of the day and I’m telling you I’m telling you ahead of time just to warn you [Music] what so just to warn you I don’t want to blow your speakers so like when we tell Will we might swear we say sorry will heads up here comes a stinger look out Stinger 7257 8255 put that into your phone that’s the Brigade proxy service text number if you want to tell us you’re coming to town you want to hire the Brigade proxy service to be your proxy for this upcoming football season I know it’s only may but there’s football around the corner circum million circus Survivor it’s getting close they’ll tell you soon real soon when they will open up for uh registration for both the million and the Survivor here for 2024 Y come to Vegas text us 7257 8255 or go to the BVB go there and fill out the form and tell us hey guys coming into town make the appointment to be part of the Brigade proxy service this coming year good call Nikki you predicted that story this Nikki is Nikki contributing to the rundown now good job nck he’s not but he knew he he predicted what it was going to be the report is that the NFL SCH SCH will be released on April the 15th that is literally one day from when you or I you and I will be in Chicago for our live show we’re gonna we’re gonna literally W our entire show done for us it’s literally going to be done for us when we get to Chicago just be season breakdown that’s easy have their season breakdown yeah we’re in Chicago we have all Bears fans we’re going to be on the TVs and with all Chicago people what are you GNA do break down the lion schedule they’re already doing that there though yeah but why are we gonna come in in a road game we can make about their stuff because now we have we can make numbers on all the all the division teams we can make numbers on what they’re going to be they’re already up no we can make our number though they’re all gonna move once you get the schedule yeah get the schedule they’ll move half half half this half of that they’ll move around based on the schedule people will bet them yeah I I did say that yesterday on sports grp that the the day that the schedule’s released some people will take shots and make bets and there’s a little bit of action um it’s way less than people think though this is my point though Jr I want to do that I want to do that break down the Packer schedule in Chicago you’ll end up in the lake we will not end up in the lake but I want to do that it’ be fun I can swim I’ll be fine I think it’ll be fun to break down the Packer schedule in ch Chicago I think we should break down the Lions schedule that too whole division let’s do the whole division we’ll bre we’ll go through every division schedule we’ll put it on the screen we’ll have a whole rund down be awesome Minnesota we’re gonna have to do Minnesota of course be awesome we’re not doing Minnesota we’re not why not Minnesota’s living it up right now the twins are rolling okay and the te- wolves are on fire we’ll be talking about the te- Wolves being in the Western Conference Finals by then maybe okay but will be in Chicago talk about the Vikings no would I mean they don’t care about them there but it would be it it’ll be fun I’m I’m I’m completely excited to go and check out what that’s going to look like how it’s going to go really okay what happened I hate that I I don’t remember certain things that I schedule for for cars to be delivered and and a guy just sent me the email said see you tomorrow and he’s bringing me a car that I did not know I I was supposed to be getting brought oh that was interesting I have two cars this week I I have three cars this week is kind of advantageous I one that’s you can borrow one yeah you want one you want the Nissan you can have the Nissan yeah perfect you can have the Nissan you need it all right good I I I I I do need to I will borrow a card that’s good um there a bunch of Packers fans in Chicago Dave’s Daily pick said um yes that’s true a sorry two days in a row the Vikings catching Strays you’re right I didn’t mean I mean it’s true it’s too early to talk about the Vikings can we say one thing about your team though for a second what do you know you’re the Falcons North now are you ready for this I mean Arthur Smith has signed four players they played in the Falcons last year you’re the Falcons North not AR Arthur Smith is the offensive coordinator correct four guys that played on the Falcons last year yes you know you don’t know this four the side four guys that played on his offense last year really uh-huh are now Steelers you’re the Falcons North I didn’t I mean I didn’t eat breakfast yet but that didn’t give me no warm fuzzy feeling although Cordell Patterson is a nice pickup for you guys I will say oh for sure that’s that’s a nice pickup yeah he only because he was a patriot at one point true very true yeah that’s why like that very true yes this this steal Falcons it’s not funny Mikey that’s not funny what are you laugh everyone just told me he’s the only the OC yeah he’s only the OC but he’s just signing four players I mean they’re just giving him whatever he wants yeah he’s not signing them but he’s telling them to sign them so we’ll see how this goes I mean you get that position you want to get your guys or at least guys you think can do the job ah this is with r that was a prolific offense one you would want to copy what rock why are you laughing this is the please I love this Pirates sou the penguins are [ __ ] sorry will and now I got to be in your misery like with the Steelers is my only hope steel Falcon does sound like a cool superhero though Mike it it does steel Falcon does sound like a cool superhero I like that yeah that’s another comic book character the steel Falcon please it’s great it’s tremendous Wilson is the starting quarterback at a Pittsburgh Steelers and your backup quarterback’s your punt returner is it isn’t it enough boo cook said haven’t they suffered enough the season hasn’t even started this is not funny it’s gonna be such a fun year Steelers it really is it’s gonna be a riot it’s not it’s really not I mean it might be good content but might drama I told you when they got Russ drama drama drama drama makes no sense the most non-drama liking team although they have Antonio Brown and other guys who there was a lot of drama before in them rooms and then they won they still won so if they find a way to win at least you know be competitive maybe make the playoffs they’re still the the lowest season win team in a division and they’re still the longest odds to win a division he can’t snap that under 500 streak though he can’t he can’t blow that this year he’s fired if he does brought in all to Steel Falcons I mean this is you know we’re we’re good if Tomlin does go over 500 I would agree but he’s never gone under 500 yeah I mean it’s if he does it this year see you later like he’s out so they’re not adding a game we T we had a pretty good conversation yesterday about adding a g they’re not adding no games this year right oh they no no no this is this is the for the new TV contract 2026 is when they’re talking about doing you know what’s Wild they fire Tomlin you know who your coach is going to be hold on let me get the dark listenting glasses for this I’m not ready no I don’t who bich no you don’t want bill it’s not gonna happen oh it’s I think is gonna happen if they fire if they fire him if they fire Tomlin bellich is the guy no way okay it’s what Bill wants ultimate irony I I I don’t even know what to say right now from that that would be wow he wants to coach four teams belich does you can only coach one at a time what do you talk but there are four jobs he wants he wants historic Giants he wants the Cowboys he wants the Steelers and I I think I I think he would have taken a job on the west coast if it was offered to him but I don’t think he he rather not he wants to stay in the Northeast region if possible but Pittsburgh Steelers strong ownership he knows him well Cowboys historic brand knows the owner get out of the way Jerry uh Giants obviously I mean his ties to the Giants are historic so those are the jobs he wants he’s not I mean the the Falcon thing was always weird in Philly too thank you I knew there was a fourth one I was forgetting Philly Bute the Cowboys absolutely yes 100% he coached they talked he there were conversations that went on about it I mean they asked bill you know and and they asked Jerry would you hire Bill he said yes I would 100% be able to work with belich wow that’s crazy those are the four jobs those are all historic jobs with great owners with Legacy he knows history belich is a student of the game those are the jobs he wants so you need one of those you need one of those four teams to fire ready for all that yet not even ready for all that I can hear you imagine the parades in Pittsburgh you guys to be jumping up and down popping bottles if you got Bel to be your coach I don’t think so what I don’t think so I don’t think so the greatest coach of all time you don’t want him in Pittsburgh guys mark this showdown please because I think the end I think at the end when bellich coaches the Steelers Dave’s gonna a whole different tune you’re gonna have a whole different tune if I have all the cut off sweatshirts you’ll be jumping up no debate in my mind you will be all in if bellich is the coach of the Steelers you will be 100% in on it I don’t know no debate in my mind you’ll be all in on it bellich greatest coach of all time thank you yes Mark it down oh noted thank you I don’t know Pittsburgh what do you mean what does it matter if I know Pittsburgh or not I know winning I don’t you want to win I mean lenus just came in and said bill will be 73 uhhuh in week 1 2025 so what do that matter I don’t think so I think bill has got a lot left in the tank I’m not worried about it he’s going on the speaking circuit yes he’s doing his entire image for that reason so people stop thinking about him as a grump and a grandpa Santana just said old head fine a lot of old heads in the NFL can win still not now let I mean all the new guys got jobs everybody was you know young revamping man I don’t think might be a lawsuit coming one down the down the road Vince Lombardi going to coach the Bears no Ste was a Patriots you guys hate us we don’t hate you Pittsburgh wasn’t relevant everybody hates you yeah but Pittsburgh was never really relevant to us like it was just like whatever like goes again with the not relevant [ __ ] just telling you Steelers we’re not relevant to the pat Patriots we’re not a rival like it just wasn’t like Patriots owned the Steelers Brady owned you should have gone and bought stock in the Steelers because he owned the Steelers when he played him owned the defense you guys played the same damn zone defense every time and Brady picked you apart every time so like it’s there wasn’t any real like Ste we knew Pittsburgh as like oh yeah he used to be good like that’s how that’s how Patriot fans dealt with the Steelers so like there wasn’t that know Steelers won Super Bowls in the same era as your Patriot Super Bowls too right like they were good long before the Patriots Yeah they were but we never lost we never lost to you like we didn’t lose to the Steelers when we played big games we beat you so like whenever we saw them we owned the Steelers so there wasn’t any like there wasn’t a worry about we lost we lost to the Cults okay we lost to pton Manning we lost to the Broncos we lost to teams that we were like ah gosh that’s a team we got to worry about we never really worried about the Steelers was like when we played the Steelers we beat the Steelers it was just happened you want truth brother Dan just came in the chat New England owned the Steelers so no need to worry about them they saw the Steelers in the playoffs and knew they had a buy basically don’t laugh at his jokes P he’s not that funny he’s right I mean look at we were worried about the we didn’t take the Ravens seriously and Ray Rice went for 80 yards in the first game and knocked him out like there were certain teams that like the Patriots overlooked and got beat by we didn’t have that problem with Pittsburgh we we didn’t have a problem overlooking them we just did give the boys and girls a poll we haven’t had a poll yet today okay do you think the Steelers will hire Bill bellich yes or no well hold on you gotta fire Tomlin first you can’t say that well that Tom if Tomlin wins 10 games or nine games you’re not firing him he has to have like a six- win season okay so assume that happens will the Steelers hire Bill bich yes or no overwhelming way too hypothetical it’s way too pathetical we gota wait long already made it six minutes on the show I said if if Mike tomin gets fired why I don’t know but if he gets fired I think Bill bich is your coach because I don’t think the Dallas Cowboys or they could though Dallas could have an opening after this year that’s possible and then Philly I don’t think so I mean Philly’s defense is going to be unbelievable Cooper de deine going to Philadelphia like we’re not talking nearly enough about that what a damn draft pick by Philly holy crap that kid’s gonna be a stud out of Iowa going to going to that secondary with what they’ve got right now my goodness so I don’t think Philly’s gonna have an opening there’s a good poll from from uh Johnny parlay will bill bich ever coach again in the NFL oh fine I’ll put that up that’s 100 100% yes see I think it’s a no oh 100% yes yeah I think it’s done so um I think he’s 100% next year I think he’s coaching next year that’s why he’s doing all his Media stuff really yeah he’s doing all the media stuff right now for that very reason did just hang around no he doing a rehab tour went to Brady’s roast and laughed it up like he’s not an old he’s going on Pat show he’s doing draft coverage like he’s he wants to be relevant he wants to change the narrative around him that he’s an old guy he’s a crusty old mean dude that nobody wants him to be there anymore Foxboro High maybe that was the joke that was the that was pretty good that was a good joke on that all right tonight Nicks laying five to the Pacers total is 218 and a half again though yeah I think so I I I I agree plus five I like it too I like the over better but right is that what it is now let me yeah I bet over 222 and a half I have the worst number on the planet wow yeah 18 and a half everyone betting the under everyone’s betting the under huh wow I don’t get it either I don’t understand like it was 222 and a half last night when I bet it I liked it over then and now it’s just it went from 221 at open to 222 and a half when I bet it and now it’s all the way down to 218 and a half also the books did what they needed to do they needed to go find a top okay and they got it so now it’s going down my number with the right bet right you bet it at the top yeah not good clv for you nope but I have won this bet more often than not when all the steam comes in on this way right because look the Pacers until further notice this is going to be an over Series in Indiana or in New York I just think pace is gonna dictate I think Indiana’s gonna Force Tempo and I think New York even though they want to slow it down I I just don’t think they’re going to be able to right is Halbert 100% no he only scored six points in game but who is 100% right now at the playoffs they’re all banged up they need him to do something they do more than six points yep to win the game not to go over but to win the game and they gotta fight I mean again I would let anybody else except Jaylen Brunson beat me like just I just I wouldn’t do it guy’s been just on a mission what is his points prop it over Cas money cash register I’m G say it’s 30 31 for that I think let’s see higher higher than 31 won 32 and a half maybe uh Player points brunson’s player points tonight 37 and a half holy crap that’s the fu number 37 and a half F you number go bet that something else go somewhere else that’s that’s get go away want bet over you want to bet over Brunson you’ve been beating us every night with this bet over 37 and a half that’s a big number man woo yep 37 and a half for a point prop wow that’s high probably I mean it’s a single it’s a standalone game tonight right yep there’s no other NBA game yeah so that props gonna there’s gonna be a lot of handle on that stuff tonight for the basketball heads how about that uh game one Edmonton laying 140 at Vancouver again Oilers are 0 and4 against the Canucks this season what is this number um I think this is a lot of one uncertainty of Vancouver’s situation especially in go goal yeah was silos okay I mean but he he shut out in game six one- nothing shut out last time he played was Nashville okay but it’s still a one nothing I Nashville coming at me but Nashville’s not Edmonton all right okay okay very limited offensively um hence the total in this game tells you that over I don’t know I mean over I don’t have a strong opinion about the side I’m leaning Vancouver as of right now okay me too they get this one and then lose game two okay it’s the way it kind of maps out um but I know why this number is the way it is it’s coming down somebody just played it at uh at Circa here so it’s minus 120 29 137 at FanDuel six and a half though you can get six and a halfs now oh I’m on over six but you can get six and a half what’s the juice on the six and a half under minus 128 over plus 104 okay -8 plus 104 makes me want to get back into business with those spreads just put up the numbers and you don’t have to do anything just take BS I don’t know I I I I don’t know over six not six and a half all right take take the shot you have good 4-2 push potential I be watching this one Edmonton’s giv up eight goals in a game this year to Vancouver throw all that stuff out I’m not I don’t sorry I’m not in cbes on either I’m not throwing it out I’m not throwing it out they all type it in the chat we got a PLL they all like in the CES CES CES yeah I I like Vancouver you guys just put vanan or E DN this is this this was the same thing that people said about the Bruins and and and their series I me everyone say like oh when did they play when did they play okay like all right you make every excuse but I’m just tell McDavid play three times in October did McDavid play McDavid played last time I saw they I mean those three games probably helped contribute to them fire and the coach it did 100% but I mean just Santana said nucks I have a 2 I have a 27 to1 ticket on Vancouver to win it all okay so I’m I’m 100% biased on Vancouver but I like Vancouver I’ve liked it for a long time so do you have any other Western Conference uh I had Winnipeg Vancouver I Winnipeg Vancouver that’s all I have okay Winnipeg’s dead Vancouver’s live but that’s it and I’m and I don’t know I’m gonna do anything I me just sit there and I’m looking to get a plus price on Edmonton if I could figure out Vancouver to be leading in the series they’ll get a plus price in Edmonton hopefully correct so then just hedge off of it and you know bet a unit and just make sure I don’t lose any money lenus and aelia Ontario City leans Oilers there’s a story about a big gambling ring in aelia Ontario that I want to discuss tomorrow I sent you that text too discuss that tomorrow kids kids in aelia Ontario game two Florida Boston five and a halfs in the total oh boy it all comes down to one person to me San no B brosi yep always comes down to the goalie because Swan it’s one it’s zero one or two that’s what Florida’s getting tonight zero one or two so how many goals will Florida give up uh Boston scores three they win 3-2 Boston scores one they lose 2-1 I think Florida gets two tonight under yep that’s the bet that’s what I made yeah it’s gonna take uh some funky stuff to happen JPC you’re gonna go broke betting that so be real careful be real careful betting on Swan to have a have a bad game he hasn’t had a bad game in two months yeah I don’t know I I I think again yeah I agree this is I agree with this total I think two1 exact score bet 2-1 32 I would bet overtime I I think bet the draw how good was that last night two two for two last night both games go to overtime given the Bruins and giving the Bruins what they’ve done this year 2-2 after three is very very possible Right two final yeah I expect a much better version of moski tonight Florida go to not play tight you think they play tight interesting they can’t play tight they can’t because this is what happens when the goalie on the other team gets in your head okay you grip your stick tighter yeah you don’t take those shots you remember that game we went to back in the day with B Fred guys and we were sitting there watching it and I kept turning to you and you kept turning to me and going why are the knights not shooting the puck yeah do you remember that oh yeah 100% that’s what happens because if you don’t have what you think is a perfect shot or opportunity you don’t take it if they play tight the game’s definitely going under but they get down and then it’s done like you’re completely in your own head on your home ICE going can’t get a puck by this guy you know that’s when you zing one you know Buzz the tower you shoot it high and if you catch him in a in a helmet maybe Shake him loose a little you have to do something swayan looks like they’re winning the Stanley Cup time out what happened I have to talk about this what happened grip your stick tighter what happened no there there was a t I just saw this clip just scrolling Twitter there’s a clip going around of a certain talk show host in talk show in Boston Sports suck Joo and Boston that is trying to argue that if the Celtics win the championship this year should it count the question is should a Celtics Championship even count this year didn’t we get enough boss stuff on the beginning of this show no I’m just saying this is how dumb the media is in Boston that they are just gonna Crown the Celtics to win a championship but because of all the losses in the Western Conference that the path was too easy won the championship it was too easy what I mean people don’t even like it when you win this is the I mean I’m serious the Boston media is the stupid Sports media is the stupidest group of people that think they’re very smart it’s really interesting it’s a really dumb group of people who think they’re very intelligent to actually find things to talk about because they’re running out of topics Boston’s winning four games in a row by 20 plus points they don’t know what to say so they have to find NE it in something think about how awful you have to be as a person to get up in the morning and you have to find something negative about the Boston Celtics who won a game by 20 plus points last night it’s too easy oh it’s too easy can’t it shouldn’t count it’s too easy Championship shouldn’t count it makes me so glad to be out of that Crucible right me too me too like the negativity we try to be positive on this show we give each other crap and get all these people to come and listen to the show the line was there has to be you’re supposed to have to fight for a championship there’s supposed to be value in the fight it’s too that Boston winning a championship would be too easy so thus they couldn’t count it I I’m done I just I just this is just like do we need to change the name of the show I don’t know it’s just I just need like what do we do it’s such a funny thing because I did my whole career for 20 years this is the type of stuff I would do and now for the last five being in sports gambling and seeing the games in such a different lens like it’s such a different way of looking at games when you’re betting them and you’re talking about you’re taking the emotion away from it and you’re trying you’re not after the clicks you’re not after the the comment section you’re not after the phone lines ringing you’re not after any of that right just talking about the game itself what may happen thank God does anybody in the boss think sorry will give a [ __ ] about the path to a championship Fair do you think anybody on the Boston Celtics like I would love to hear Brad Stevens’s opinion hey Brad if you won a championship this year do you think it shouldn’t count because it was too easy too easy too easy what are we talking about he’d be like what to what um those are the best basketball players on the planet lining up to take our head off every single night yeah we we just have a good coach a good team good philosophy and we have good players what are you talking about yeah oh my gosh that’s such an embarrassment for my city God that’s bad oh that’s so bad yesterday was the anniversary of Iverson’s rant talking about practice talking about practice we’re talking about it being too easy too easy I mean it’s so bad it’s so bad are you talking about it’s yes they give people reason to hate Boston you’re absolutely right Kevin I don’t understand really like I just don’t it’s a good point if they lose then what right because that’s what they do Allan they build up they they build up they build up they build up and then when they lose they can go take their Hatchet and take their pound of Flesh off the team oh and go oh you should have won look it was all set up you choke artists you went ahead you had a chance to win it we we all knew you were gonna win it you were the best team and you still choked that’s what that is to get built up just to take you down that’s Boston media in a nutshell sounds glorious yuck just a we change the name of the show to that’d be terrible we got all these hats people buying hats they like the they like the logo I love the logo logo’s great no just I just I I I see that ultimate irony would be if you take this complete life Journey heel turn where you’re the Bost no I love Boston I always love my city I hate the media I hate one I hate one station in particular but it’s the number one station in town but it’s because they’re successful they’re they’re Uber successful I hate what I hate about my home city is that they enable content like that to be successful that’s what pisses me off okay people the myopic Puritan self-loathing nature of New England who is a huge problem that that that has always been a monster it’s what enables a guy from Milwaukee to go to Boston and [ __ ] on the teams constantly and be the number one talk show host in the country that’s what because Boston likes to hate itself said it for years it’s bizarre said it for years couldn’t saw it weird you know in little old Pittsburg when we were just hanging out there going what’s wrong with you people over back East between Boston Philly wait back East so you’re Pittsburghs wait are you meting Pittsburghs in the midwest are you meting pittsbur Atlantic Mid-Atlantic here we go you said back east no that’s a 40an slip you said back East not me you said back East 100% the East Coast you just slipped it sorry Pittburgh is not East Coast it’s Mid-Atlantic okay you just not Midwest okay I’m [ __ ] that W gotta go to Ohio be I’m [ __ ] the W we’re back tomorrow if you’re watching on Sports skirt or listening on Serius XX time thank you for being here rest of you guys don’t move bonus [Applause] time he did say back East 100% he did he did say I’m man East Coast that pocket from Philly up they hate every so angry all the time they are they are so angry uh here’s a little baseball update for you guys the Jays are up 52 on the Phillies who have been red hot that’s surprising see Phil see Bal see Toronto leading over bottom nine two on one out oh two second and third now with one out 53 little ninth inning rally coming from the Phillies against ROM Romano the closure for the Blue Jays 3-2 Royals against the Brewers dang The Royals are good uh three nothing Padre’s over the Cubs interesting 1-1 Marlins tied it up top five at the Dodgers Wednesday baseball so wonky I didn’t bet a thing on it today A’s are up 2-1 on the on the Rangers now win and and Kylie will come at me and say like see they won because you weren’t wearing the stuff is there a double header today in what Rangers A’s yeah there is double header today interesting uh that game is happening day Game Day game day Game Day game wow back to back a true double how bad are them how bad are the A’s they have to have a them sorry they have to they have to have a same game same ticket double header they can’t do split double headers because they know nobody will show up so it’s one ticket you get two games those are the best anyway those went away in the like the 60s those have been gone forever went to those as a little kid those were fun we were at the Ballpark all day those are fun I would they just don’t do it anymore because they want double everything they double tickets double concessions double parking they want it all so the concessions of people come and stay true but they want you know I agree games are shorter now one day double hitters are awesome I agree with you they’re phenomenal but yeah day nighter are I mean it’s who goes to both when you do a day nighter who goes to both that was always the one the watching field Field of Dreams when shess Joe asks Ray canella they play day night double headers now like playing in the night time you lose the ball it’s hard to see like it was really interesting to like they users for sure they used to do that so I love day night double headers are fine whatever but I love the same one ticket two games afternoon special was great baseball should bring that back the A’s brought it back because they have to unfortunately for them time for better to book it [Music] all right I got the worst number on the planet Nick saving that other story for tomorrow that other one on the rundown we’ll save that for tomorrow that big parl we’ll save it oh I didn’t put it on the rundown you did it’s on her no I I didn’t I didn’t put it on the on this rundown my on the on the streamyard rundown I missed it okay I skipped over it that’s fine we’ll do tomorrow do it tomorrow sorry that was my fault I didn’t I skipped over that story put on we definitely have to cuz I have I have I I I did remember I did this I mean I I did a slide for it okay how a thunder Championship could turn a $100 parl and 1.7 million if the better keeps his ticket stay tuned we’ll address that tomorrow tomorrow we’ll do it tomorrow I’ll put that you know the top of top of the show we’ll do that tomor work that HED uh Nicks Pacers over 222 and a half what was that for n do that one ever that was great The Voice from bonus time well we we’ll book this one again we we total yesterday go 28 over thund much better price much better yeah yeah we’ll say We’ll book it we’ll we’ll follow the money here whatever the book needs under that’s fine I don’t know but I don’t like it you get a much better much better number right now way better you’re gonna get a better number first five minutes of the game oh if you want I think it’ll go down slow start it did last time yeah second half almost the same thing yeah ing game prob probably a good bet to bet at over in game yeah Bruins Panthers under five and a half yeah like that uh and then 41 31 both ways you could bet that or 3-2 both ways oress Canucks over six yes bet it yeah I like that too I don’t know I can’t wait to watch that game it’s both games both hockey games are pH both hockey games are going to be phenomenal um I’ll be on sports grp with Wetzel he’s a hockey guy too I have so much work to do so I had to figure out how I I have a million things to do this afternoon I got to be home to watch this I I may not be able to watch the Bruins game tonight I’m so pissed off I got so much work to do but I gotta but I’ll definitely watch the Canucks at least it’s seven o’clock our time it’s a normal normal start time what more work do you got to do outside of the house I have to get 18 grades done I got listen and take the notes and give kids then I have to go do their grades after I listen to the podcast I got to go calculate all the grades oh God although I can do that Sunday the the the the pretty thing is that I have all day Sunday to do to to hang out and do it oh we got a 72 hour stay yes okay Saturday night if you want you guys we’re gonna say you guys want to do dinner on Saturday night or Saturday afternoon okay that’s when we’re around um okay she’s on a red eyee back to Boston uh mid at 11 o’clock or 8 o’clock 10 o Saturday night yep on Saturday night okay so around for Saturday favorite thing about today is what um I I had a uh call this morning about the contest and about uh some different things that are happening for the contest and it just reminded me between the Brigade proxy service and the football schedule release next week right that it’s coming right it’s it’s it it’ll be here before anybody knows it and people are coming toink Vegas to you know make appointments sign up for the contest we got all the details you know on the website and you know we’ll help you sign up we’ll help put the picks in through the Brigade proxy service but it was just also a reminder of how great the games were last night in hockey and to soak it in while you can like you don’t get nights like last night backto back overtime games with electric home atmospheres Great Road team efforts all of the above I just was had that moment of reflection this morning thinking about oh here comes football season Here Comes football season yeah and just remember we always say like you know focus on that windshield in front of you not the rearview mirror behind you mhm we know what’s coming but while you’re here in park take a little bit of it in and and you know I’m getting text from Kylie who’s now all of a sudden become a [ __ ] Rangers fan and I don’t know why you know in New York you know why I know I know but New York gets in your blood unfortunately just what it is I guess but seriously it was I mean you know I was texting uh couple guys last night about the games I was actually on the air talking about the games texting and then God bless my wife and daughters finish on Sports grid and they’re like we’re going out to dinner I said the hockey game’s in overtime can we go somewhere well I don’t know if they have TVs there and I said well then I’m not going oh so I did not go to dinner with Jess and the girls last night so I could stay and watch the hockey I didn’t even see anybody today today because I was sleeping when they left so I haven’t talked to one person so I still think they’re mad cuz that didn’t go to dinner probably not but I got to soak in the hockey and that that the my favorite thing about today is the NHL playoffs if you’re not a hockey guy or girl watch the game for the sport of it because it’s highly competitive it’s highly entertaining and it’ll it’ll pull some emotional strings you you’ll start to you know like teams hate teams I mean you got cam Stewart wearing a Bruins Jersey today on the show it’s phenomenal it’s tremendous um two things first I think it’s hysterically funny that now we’re going back and forth with sauna sessions with Emerson me and talking about going in the sauna it’s just tremendous because I do believe in it really I mean that there’s a lot of things where 20 minutes in the son can actually extend your can lower your risk of heart disease by 50% so I actually think there’s a lot of really cool benefits for it but it’s just funny all three of us going around talking about son I loved that yesterday I I was dying laughing I was I told mateline about that it was really funny she like why are you three you guys talking about sauna sessions like I don’t know it’s just what we do on textas mine you cannot explain what we do as men to women or nine-year-olds so yes especially I mean actually you got a better shot of explaining it to the nine or the 10 yearold like I Kendall about stuff and she gets it fair So speaking of meline um amazing moment in my kid’s life last night yesterday so and it’s a I think it’s a chance for all of us to kind of realize that sometimes we don’t remember what it was like to be nine or 10 or we when our kids so Maddie wanted desperately to be in student council she ran for student council she ran for PR we shot a video she had campaign posters like she very much wanted to be a part of this they ran the election it came back she wound up one vote short oh so I go to pick her up yesterday I can see her from across like literally like 50 yards away the tear start before she even gets to me the tear start and she takes two steps and like buries her head into my chest and like just starts like losing it to the point where she had to like get herself because she realized kids were around like for a second she didn’t realize the world was around it just me and her dad and she was heartbroken and then she realized oh my gosh kids are around I gotta snap out of it and get back into the car so she gets back into the car and she’s just beside herself she’s mad she goes from sad to Mad in like four different ways and like crying to angry to like this is not fair this is not right I want to recount how do how do they know it’s you know fourth and fifth grade who voted how in the world do they know it’s only one vote and I I what do I do daddy like what you know she’s trying to like create every sort of like different way and like that moment of being so mad and not being able to change an outcome I was like mateline this is just this is what we talk about this is adversity like this is you’re hitting adversity for the first time you really wanted something and you didn’t get it this isn’t a need though this is a want and for so I took her to ice cream yesterday and we sat there and just had a long conversation about just life and things aren going to go your way the time you’re going to get it to go and sometimes it sucks sometimes it’s a little tiny [ __ ] she like well can we go talk to the principal and get a recount I’m like no I’m like we can’t do that Maddie like we can’t it’s anger you’re Furious but like she’s like I want to see the ballots I’m like matteline we this is not like a political election like this is a school council student council this is not that big of a deal it is a big deal to you but it’s not that we’re not going to go and create a whole War out of this but like watching her brain put it all together and then at the end of the ice cream sunday her laughing and getting back into being a kid again was was was nice but it was it was a big moment yesterday when she got handed something that she did not like and I was like this is great I was internally I was like this is awesome like I love this moment right I was like this is a moment where we get to teach and I get to explain because all the things about you know adversity and like I always say to her why do we fall down to pick ourselves back up Maddie you fell down okay all we can do is control what we can control you can’t control what somebody votes and so she’s in the back of the car she’s like there’s too many boys in my in my class that’s why the boy won because all the boys Vite for the boys it’s ridiculous it’s not fair I was the only girl in the ballot that’s why they didn’t vote for me there’s like all these different like things where like you mentally try to twist it right like you try to justify what happened versus just they didn’t pick you like I was like M you can’t go ask every kid why they didn’t vote for you that’s it’s democracy people vote for stupid things all the time and then she was like on the ballot it had a option for none of the above do you think that’s right you think it should have had a none of the above shouldn’t they have been forced to vote for somebody yeah like all the justifications that she’s going through I’m like manine I’m like this is all after the fact like you can’t argue it’s like trying to change a rule in a sporting event Maddie it’s like the rule is the rule if you don’t like it change it going forward but you can’t change it in the reverse it happened you lost this is growth for you why because a couple years years ago you would have you would have probably succumbed a little more to this and said oh her mother already did no it’s more about her mom more than me well that’s her mother wants to go to the principal her mother wants to sort of complete War oh bomb the school she wants her mom wants to go and like her mother wants to go and rip everyone’s head off and she wants a full recount and everything else and I’m trying to do the opposite yeah I’m trying to be like hey hey hey let’s let’s just understand that we take losses the same way we take wins okay this is I go like this is what mean I was like Maline this is what humility is okay you got humbled it’s okay to be humbled how do we deal with this moment now what we do with it matters it’s like we want I great talk about character like this is when you show character like you just kind of take it in and realize you wanted something y you lost you’ve been humbled now you come back next time and figure out why and she was going through the whole kid the kid who won like his dad’s a police officer her mother’s her mother’s always school you know she’s like she’s always there and like it’s it’s that I was just like you know it is what it is you lose it’s it’s it’s one of the greatest lessons through sports that I’ve used you know the same metaphor l so you could do everything right and lose yep it’s it’s that’s what happens and having that’s the dad rule it’s a lot of times it’s the dad rule you have to be the calm one because like in my ocean of estrogen you know what happens somebody gets the kid Mama Bear comes out hold on yeah can’t you can’t you know listen can’t take them out because then you’re gonna get me in a fight and then I’m gonna go to jail I don’t want to go to jail I don’t want to get arrested I don’t want to any of that everybody relax Tom Brady came out with an awesome video that he did with the owner of the of the um he’s the guy who owns the horse who owns who owned the the fierceness horse but the body armor guy okay video today but he talked about Tom said it before but he’s like losing allows you to win you have to understand losing before you can win yeah and I’m like MD You Gotta Lose you haven’t lost something like this you don’t play sports like MD doesn’t play team sports so like you haven’t had that feeling of I want this to win I’m gonna try my best and it wasn’t good enough yeah like that it was it was an awesome awesome moment it’s an awesome lesson in life I I I ran for senior class president my senior year of high school right had this speech prepared did all this stuff I had all my friends we’re going to win we’re going to win we’re going to win this kid came in and said uh if I get elected School president first he came in to We Are the Champions oh my booming on the sound system okay and he said if I get elected we’ll cancel school on Fridays we want to school on Fridays everybody believed him he won and I’m sitting up there talking about what I’m gonna actually do and it was such a a lesson in life like and I went home and my parents were like did you win no I lost and they were like okay they didn’t make it a big deal so I didn’t make it a big deal I was pissed right I wanted to do it you not making it a big deal and actually using it as a teaching lesson is all they need yeah they’re as resilient as could be yeah I I was I I just comforted her I was like I I knew across the way I was like ah she lost because like it’s like the tears I said the tears before she even got to me the tears were rolling I was like like [ __ ] she lost I like [ __ ] okay it’s like let’s go I like it’s rally and then like she just you know I was like all right where are we going she’s like what do you mean like ice cream pick your spot where we going she’s like C she’s like CJ great let’s go so I went right to ice cream and just sat down and I let her just vent and and just you know conspiracy theory theorist left and right on it about what was this and what was that and I was like and then she got pissed and she got mad at me at one point she said stop talking to me she really mad at me she she’s like stop talking to me I’m like okay I was like just so you know I was like this is all about you know this is grieving Maddie like you’re going to go through this emotion of like being very sad and being very mad and very big swings gotta worry about how you deal with both of those emotions they’re big emotions anger and sadness gotta figure out how you deal with those like can’t yell at me I’m not you’re mad don’t yell at me because I didn’t do this I’m just trying to teach you about what could happen and you’re not going to go into school you’re not going to march in the principal’s office at nine years old and say show me the ballots you’re not doing that so nope you know learning how to deal with those emotions with the ocean of estrogen I had hair before all this it’s gone it’s gone now is yeah so you know so my favorite thing about today was just that moment that one day in know five years whatever Maline and I will talk about that moment about our eyes locking when she was across the street and I knew I knew she was in trouble I was like she didn’t want said it on one of our almost 600 shows um you don’t don’t lose you learn yep Conor Conor going on a t-shirt too you don’t lose Lear I told you care gambling careful Conor’s gonna sue us if we do that it’s Conor’s quote but is it yeah McGregor he he trademarked it he did you either win or you L you learn yeah that’s his that’s Connor’s line okay you lose you learn that’s ours how about that or it’s close enough yes Conor Ain’t Worried About Us NOP we’ll see Connor coming up in the month of June here ineg going be a lot of fun UFC 303 we are back tomorrow for Thursday he is Dave I am Matt hope to see all you guys here back same place same time for BVB go pan

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